Why do women take Triovit? Vitamins krka triovit - “triovit - antioxidant protection of the cell! increases immunity, is used in the complex treatment of mastopathy! useful for people working on a computer, as well as people with nicotine addiction !!! "

Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about one drug that I have known for a very long time.

Every year I drink a course Triovit.

Pharmacological group:

Multivitamins + Minerals

Triovit is a multivitamin complex with selenium.

Selenium is a very important trace element in a woman's body. They even call him a trace element of longevity.

The antioxidant effect of selenium is manifested by the neutralization of free radicals that disrupt recovery processes. Selenium is capable of oxidizing free radicals, supporting healthy skin and normal collagen production for firmness.

The powerful antioxidant selenium allows you to maintain the elasticity of the skin for a longer time, this effect is especially well manifested in conjunction with the intake of vitamin E, which helps the longevity microelement to be absorbed faster. The mineral selenium is essential for the body to maintain healthy hair by accelerating its natural growth. In the presence of dandruff, the microelement included in the composition will effectively neutralize this problem.

The benefits of selenium for the body of women are invaluable in the process of losing weight. Its property to accelerate metabolism has a positive effect on the rate of breakdown of stored fats, as a result of which a full diet, combined with exercise, will give a faster result. -

Triovit is a fairly popular remedy; it can be easily found in any pharmacy.

Pharmacy price- 234 rubles. per packing.

The drug is produced in Slovenia.


Standard packing is a cardboard box. A box of cheerful orange color with a picture of a shield.

The shield on the packaging is not depicted by chance.

After all, Triovit is the protection of our body from vitamin deficiency, increased mental and physical exertion, nicotine addiction, increased activity of solar radiation.

Expiry date Triovit- 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Indications for use:

  • deficiency of vitamins and selenium;
  • malnutrition or insufficient intake of vitamins;
  • work in harmful conditions;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • vitamins for mastopathy;
  • constant stress on the body;
  • constant or long-term work at a computer or other devices that expose a person to radiation.

Composition of Triovit (1st capsule):

  • ascorbic acid, coated with ethylcellulose, type EC - 100 mg;
  • betatab 20% - 50 mg, this is equivalent to 10 mg of beta-carotene, which includes beta-carotene DL-alpha-tocopherol, sodium ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate, sucrose, corn starch, gelatin;
  • yeast complex with selenium 2000 - 25 mg, this in combination with yeast is equivalent to 0.05 mg of selenium;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate 50% (alpha-tocopherol acetate, gelatin carbohydrate) - 80 mg, this is equivalent to 40 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate;
  • excipients: colloidal anhydrous silicon oxide, magnesium stearate, talc;
  • shell composition: gelatin, titanium dioxide (E171), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), red dye 4R (E124), quinoline yellow dye (E104), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216), azorubin dye (E122).

Triovit is produced in capsules.

The package contains 30 capsules.

The capsules are hard, red, oblong in shape. The box contains 3 blisters of 10 capsules.

I would not say that the capsules are very large, I have taken medication and much larger. So I had no problems swallowing the Triovit capsule.

Method of administration and dosage:

Vitamins are taken orally after a meal, while drinking a little water.

The dose is 1-2 capsules per day.

It is not recommended to take the drug for children under 15 years of age. If necessary, it is possible to use capsules for children from 10 years of age under the supervision of a doctor.

Duration of treatment is up to 2 months.


Side effects:

Rare case - allergic reaction ... With prolonged use, yellowing of the skin and discoloration of urine may occur. The drug is recommended to be taken after meals, otherwise there is heaviness in the stomach. Cases of occurrence are known hives.

Triovit is approved for use even during pregnancy.

My experience with Triovit.

My first acquaintance with the drug Triovit happened after its appointment as an endocrinologist.

As a preventive measure for iodine deficiency, I was prescribed an appointment:

  • iodomarina
  • Triovita - 1 capsule once a day

But my main application of Triovit is complex treatment of mastopathy.

For treatment mastopathy I was assigned next course of treatment:

  • Triovit - 1 capsule once a day - 3 months
  • Mastodinon - 1 tablet 2 times a day - 3 months
  • Tea Mastofiton - drink 1 month
  • Ointment Mastofit or Traumeel - to smear the breast.

I usually take Triovit capsule in the morning after breakfast.

I have no side effects after using Triovit.

I like that I only need to take 1 capsule a day, at least 1 time a day I do not forget to take a capsule))) I had no problems swallowing a capsule. It is in a hard shell, not bitter and not huge.

Now I will mark "+" when using Triovit:

  • painful sensations in the chest area are reduced
  • you feel a surge of strength and energy
  • efficiency increases. I work at a computer and noticed that while taking Triovit I get tired much less. The feeling of fatigue comes later.
  • the body's immune defense increases. While taking Triovit, I either do not get sick at all, or I get very mild pain.
  • my skin condition does not change while taking Triovit, but my nails and hair become much stronger!
  • convenient use - only 1 capsule a day!

I did not notice any significant disadvantages when taking Triovit. Some may not like that Triovit capsule shell contains harmful E-dyes. But I was not allergic to Triovit, so I will not downgrade for this star.

I certainly recommend Triovit multivitamin complex with selenium!

Take as directed by your doctor !!!

Triovit will give you vigor and energy, make up for the lack of vitamins and increase immunity!

Triovit with mastopathy is prescribed to patients of different ages. It is a strong vitamin complex, which contributes to the rapid cure of the disease, elimination of symptoms of the disease, improvement of the woman's well-being and strengthening of the immune system. Reviews about this drug are only positive, since it has a number of advantages compared to other drugs. With its help, patients manage to cope with the symptoms of an unpleasant disease faster and more efficiently.

Characteristics of the disease

Mastopathy is a pathological proliferation of the connective tissue of the mammary glands. This leads to the formation of benign tumors. If you start the disease and do not start timely treatment, cysts can transform into malignant tumors.

To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a doctor in time, undergo a comprehensive examination, and adjust the daily diet.

Mastopathy is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. A woman is worried about painful sensations in the chest, a feeling of heaviness, green discharge appears, but these are only the first signs of the disease. Over time, cysts can become so large that they can be seen with the naked eye.

One of the reasons for the development of the disease is the lack of vitamins E, A, C in the body. As a result of the deficiency of nutrients, the hormonal balance fails, which provokes the appearance of neoplasms. For the treatment to be effective, one should begin by eliminating the provoking factors. In this case, you need to make up for the lack of vitamins. The drug Triovit is excellent for this.

Benefits of the drug

Triovit is an important adjuvant that is often prescribed for patients diagnosed with mastopathy. The vitamin complex should be part of drug therapy. Triovit is not prescribed individually for mastopathy. Analyzing reviews about this medicine, we can conclude that it helps to accelerate recovery.

The benefits of the drug include the following:

  • helps the body fight disease, strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances the effectiveness of drug therapy;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • helps to normalize hormonal balance;
  • has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system;
  • helps to fight stress;
  • there is no sugar in the composition, which allows even patients with diabetes mellitus to take the drug.

And Triovit also has a limited list of contraindications and, in rare cases, causes the development of side effects.

Composition and principle of action

Triovit is available in the form of hard gelatin capsules. Powder is contained inside.

The properties of the vitamin complex are due to its composition.

  • Vitamin A. Its presence is mandatory in case of mastopathy, since it regulates the content of estrogen in the body. The substance prevents further proliferation of connective tissue, reduces soreness of the mammary glands.
  • Vitamin C stimulates the elimination of toxic substances from cells, relieves edema, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has an anti-cancer effect, fights inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration, helps to normalize lipid metabolism and enhance the action of progesterones.
  • Selenium is a trace element that has a rejuvenating effect, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the mammary glands.

Triovit is prescribed not only for mastopathy. The drug is recommended to be taken by patients whose activities are associated with increased mental or physical stress. It is useful for vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, and helps to cope with nicotine addiction. Triovit acts differently for all patients, therefore customer reviews may differ. In the case of mastopathy, you cannot start taking the complex on your own, it must be prescribed by a doctor.

Instructions for use

Vitamin therapy is simply necessary for mastopathy. It is not easy to get the right amount of vitamins and microelements with food, therefore mammologists prescribe special preparations and complexes. Triovit is one of the most popular. It is not only effective but also affordable.

How to take the drug, when and in what doses - the doctor who prescribed the complex should tell. The carton contains instructions for use, where you can find the necessary information. As a rule, the daily dose of the drug is 3 capsules. You need to take vitamins one capsule three times a day after meals. Triovit can be drunk for two months, then you need to take a break. You cannot take a course of admission more than three times a year.

An overdose of the drug is very rare, judging by patient reviews. This happens if you take about 15 capsules per day. The condition may be accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, aching, pulling pains appear in the abdomen. At the first sign of an overdose, you should immediately rinse the stomach, drink plenty of fluids, take an absorbent and consult a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite all the positive qualities of the Triovit vitamin complex, it can only be taken from the age of 15. Patients aged 10 to 15 years, if necessary, are prescribed one capsule per day. Taking the medicine should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The remedy is contraindicated in patients who have hypervitaminosis of the vitamins contained in the drug. Also, you can not use the medicine in case of hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components. That is why it is important to consult a doctor before use, to take into account his review of the vitamin complex.

Side effects from taking Triovit with mastopathy are extremely rare. This happens if the patient does not comply with the dosage or uses the drug despite contraindications.

The most common reactions include:

  • bloating, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, increased gas production, discomfort;
  • yellowish spots appear on the skin or the entire skin becomes uncharacteristic (occurs if you take the drug for a long period and do not observe a break between courses);
  • rashes and redness on the skin, allergies, rashes, which are accompanied by itching and burning.

Patients leave good reviews about the drug Triovit, as it is easily tolerated, fills the body with useful substances, contributes to the rapid and successful cure of mastopathy. There are also positive reviews about analogues of the vitamin complex. Instead of Triovit, drugs such as Supervit, SupradinEnergy can also be prescribed.

Triovit is an effective vitamin complex, which is prescribed as an aid in mastopathy. It improves immunity, active ingredients prevent the formation of cancer cells. The drug accelerates recovery, improves the patient's health and well-being.

One of the delicate features of the female body is menstruation. This phenomenon itself is already troublesome. It is worse if the mechanism of the female reproductive system malfunctions and presents unpleasant surprises when it is least expected. Why does this happen and how to restore your period? Let's figure it out.

Menstrual cycle rate

Having a stable period in a woman means that she is at a fertile age, which means she is able to have children. The first day of your period is the beginning of your menstrual cycle. Normally, its period is 21-35 days. This is a week earlier and a week later than the average duration, which is 28 days, and is the most common.

Women living in colder regions may have a higher than average menstrual cycle, while women from hot continents, on the contrary, may have a lower than average menstrual cycle. Whatever the duration, the most important indicator is its stability. Only infrequent deviations of 1-2 days are allowed.

The norm for the duration of menstruation is 3-6 days. The volume of bloody discharge for this period should not exceed 100 ml. In the absence of pathologies, the onset of menstruation and their course is not accompanied by severe pain, contractions, nausea and vomiting.

Types of deviations

Jumps in the duration of the menstrual cycle, abundance or scarcity of discharge, severe pain are signs of abnormalities. Each deviation, atypical for you, has its own term:

  • Algodismenorrhea- This is a general violation of the menstrual period, which is accompanied by pain, contractions, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • - This is a term characterizing the absence of menstruation for more than 6 months;
  • - scanty discharge. The volume of allocated blood for the entire period of menstruation is less than 50 ml;
  • Hypermenorrhea- strong discharge. The volume of discharged menstrual fluid can be more than 400 ml;
  • Metrorrhagia- pathological uterine bleeding that began after menstruation;
  • Oligomenorrhea- a deviation in which the period of the menstrual cycle rolls over 40 days, and the menstruation itself lasts 1-2 days;
  • Opsomenorrhea- this is a lengthening of the cycle, the duration of menstruation may vary slightly;
  • Proyomenorrhea- shortening of the menstrual cycle, which becomes less than 21 days;
  • Polymenorrhea- lengthening the duration of menstruation from 7 days or more.

Causes of annoying failures

Both malfunctions of internal organs and external pathogens can affect the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy is a natural reason for delaying critical days. The menstrual period can be disturbed for the following reasons:

  • Side effects from taking medication;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Anorexia;
  • Abnormally fast weight gain;
  • Stress and overwork.

Visit doctor

A visit to the gynecology is an important step towards finding out the exact reason for the interruption in the cycle. And drop your fears. The goal of a qualified doctor is to help you determine the cause of your condition.

Only after carrying out certain manipulations will a specialist be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and understand how to normalize the menstrual cycle and bring the whole body back to normal.


First, the doctor needs to find out what could contribute to the failure in the menstrual cycle. He needs to know when your period is gone, whether you have had pregnancies, childbirth, abortions or miscarriages. Tell us how often you encounter stressful situations, whether you are on a diet, what medications you are taking, what kind of contraception you use. If, shortly before the appearance of problems with menstruation, you went somewhere from the region where you permanently live, then be sure to mention this.


The next required step is inspection. The doctor needs to assess the condition of the genitals. He probes the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, pays attention to. At this stage, it is already possible to make a preliminary diagnosis if gynecological diseases are still the cause of the failures.

Delivery of analyzes

During the examination, the doctor will take swabs for various infections. You also have to donate blood for hormones, a coagulation index and a TORCH complex. Be sure to take samples on an empty stomach. Ask your doctor at what point in the cycle you need to donate blood for hormones.

If some of the rules for taking tests are not followed, the picture may be inaccurate. In this case, there is a risk that you will be misdiagnosed.

Ultrasound and MRI

If, during the initial examination, the doctor discovers a cyst, fibroids or other pathological changes in the genital organs, then he will write you a referral for an ultrasound scan. The equipment will be able to give a complete picture and measure neoplasms. If you suspect a change in hormonal levels, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver will be required. MRI should be used to examine the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to exclude their tumors.

Preparations to restore the menstrual cycle

After a complete examination, the doctor determines the reason due to which the cycle could be disrupted. In some cases, if a woman does not plan to have children in the near future, he prescribes contraceptive drugs. Their goal is to restore the menstrual cycle, which has gone astray due to stress, climate change and other external factors. They are assigned individually for each patient.

During menopause in the female body. Menstruation may disappear and the state of health worsens. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will help to improve the menstrual cycle and alleviate the ongoing symptoms.

Foot baths

It is useful to do hot foot baths twice a day for up to 20 minutes to resume menstruation. Bath temperature - 42-45 0 С. It is good to add sea salt to bath water or 2-3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, 1-2 mustard powder.

Onion peel decoction

With weak or no menstruation, take 0.5 tbsp for 2 days in the morning on an empty stomach. onion broth. To do this, pour the husk of one medium onion with 2 tbsp. boiling water, cook it over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. The normalizing broth is ready.

Wormwood root infusion

To restore the cycle, make an infusion of wormwood root. Fresh or dried root should be cut into small pieces, pour 0.5 l of water, boil for 1 hour, drain. Drink 100-150 g of broth 3-4 times a day. The course should not exceed two weeks.

Special chamomile tea

Drink a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile flowers to regulate your cycle. Pre-fry the seeds until coffee-colored. 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water over each plant. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat in a closed saucepan for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Add lemon wedge, honey, or sugar to your tea.

Check with your doctor for the best way to normalize your period. Timely referral to a specialist will help to avoid unpleasant complications. Walk a lot, go jogging, take vitamins during periods of epidemics of colds. Don't let your immune system weaken. Take care of yourself and take care of your health!

In addition, it is in this combination that vitamins are able to slow down the aging process of the body, cleanse and rejuvenate it.

Taking Triovit has some anti-inflammatory effect, accumulates the forces of immunity to combat external influences, enhances the general defenses of the body and has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body.

Course reception Triovit is able to reduce the risk of neoplasms, including malignant ones, cataracts, cardiovascular problems.

Instructions for use

Indications for use

It is advisable to take Triovit according to the following indications:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet, included in the active substance Triovit, caused by improper diet, long diets and other factors;
  • regular mental and intense physical activity;
  • work in production in conditions harmful to health;
  • old age, due to which the absorption of trace elements slows down;
  • exposure to constant radiation of various nature (computer, electromagnetic, solar, etc.);
  • susceptibility to nicotine addiction - in order to prevent the negative consequences of the effects of nicotine on the body;
  • living or long-term stay in regions with high environmental pollution.

Groups of people who especially need to take Triovit:

  • smokers;
  • workers in hazardous industries;
  • mental workers;
  • athletes;
  • aged people;
  • workers of certain professions who constantly work at the computer and are in contact with office equipment (computer operator, programmer, office manager).


Triovit is not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

The capsule must not be chewed, but must be swallowed whole with a little water.

After the end of the course, it is better to consult a doctor and clarify the scheme for further use.

Release form

Available in capsule form. The color of the capsules is cherry red with a powder inside, which includes:

Substance Quantity
provitamin A 10 mg
vitamin E 40 mg
vitamin C 100 mg
selenium(yeast complex) 50 mcg


There is no evidence that taking Triovit interferes or limits the intake of any other medications.

However, the combination of several vitamin complexes at the same time can provoke oversaturation with specific vitamins, which adversely affect the body. Overloading with vitamins is also hazardous to health. as well as their lack.

Video: "Popular Antioxidants Vitamin E and Selenium"

Side effects

Side effects on the body are extremely rare.... The most common are skin reactions in the form of allergic rashes, which disappear when Triovit is discontinued.

A long course of Triovit can provoke the appearance of a yellow skin color, a sharp change in the color of urine. This side effect is not dangerous, does not involve a health risk, and therefore does not provide for the cancellation of the complex.

It will disappear immediately after the complete cessation of taking the multivitamin complex, therefore it is not an obstacle in order to calmly finish the course.

The simultaneous reception of large doses of Triovit can lead to an overdose.

Its main consequences can be nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea. In order to get rid of these symptoms, it is necessary to neutralize the excessive effect of the drug and be sure to consult a doctor.

Accordingly, you will have to temporarily stop taking Triovit. If the symptoms do not disappear on their own, it is advisable to do a gastric lavage.


  • hypersensitivity to any element of the complex
  • excess in the body of vitamins and;
  • child's age up to 10 years.

It is used with caution in pregnant women and women during lactation, and only under the supervision of a specialist.

There is no proven direct effect of the vitamin complex on the ability to drive a car, stay focused, so there are no restrictions in this area.


The drug is produced in capsule form. The vitamins include:

  • 50 mg betataba ;
  • 25 mg yeast complex with selenium ;
  • 100 mg;
  • 80 mg tocopherol acetate .

Used as auxiliary substances: talc , magnesium stearate and anhydrous colloidal silicon oxide.

The capsule shell consists of: gelatin ,titanium dioxide dyes, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate .

Release form

In the form of capsules, 10 pieces in one blister, 3 blisters in one pack.

pharmachologic effect

Instructions for use of Triovit (Way and dosage)

It is necessary to adhere to the following instructions for the use of Triovit: vitamins are taken orally after a meal, while drinking a little water. The dose is 1-2 capsules per day. It is not recommended to take the drug for children under 15 years of age. If necessary, it is possible to use capsules for children from 10 years of age under the supervision of a doctor. Duration of treatment is up to 2 months.


To date, no information has been received about overdoses.


In the case of use with other drugs, no negative reaction was found.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

At temperatures up to 25 ° C in a dry inaccessible place (for children).