Fertilization of grapes by phases of development. What fertilizer is best to feed the grapes in the summer

Growing grapes is not an easy task, especially for the northern regions. Even in the middle lane, the berries do not always have time to ripen due to improper care or insufficient nutrition in the ground.

Famous vineyards are located in the southern regions, where the air quickly warms up to 15-18 degrees in early spring. This temperature is considered optimal for the start of intensive growth of shoots and fruit formation. For the grapes to ripen temperature should be 28 - 30 degrees.

If the air warms up more, the power processes are suspended. In order to get a good harvest, in June the temperature must be above 20 degrees - this is a prerequisite, because the vineyards are also kept for the production of wine. At the same time, the sugar level for dry wines must be at least 18%. For sweets - 22%.

Short-term frosts are considered the most dangerous phenomenon for grapes. In the spring, buds that have begun to grow at a temperature of minus 3 - 4 degrees die. A vineyard can lose up to 70% of its buds. In autumn, early frosts can damage vegetative buds, which will sprout and harvest next year. The plant does not have time to get used to the cold, so already at a temperature of minus 5 - 7 degrees they all freeze out.

Fertilizing grapes in spring and summer, as well as fertilizing the soil with nutrients in autumn, are of great importance. Depending on the type of soil, nutrition is applied most of the year - from spring to autumn. It helps to support the root system and vegetative organs of the plant. The root system, by the way, is very weak in grapes, located near the surface, so this species is sensitive to a lack of moisture in the soil and air.

It is impossible to feed the grapes during the fruiting period with mineral fertilizers alone. This depletes the soil and leads to lower yields. A good result is the alternation of mineral and organic substances, as well as the use of microfertilizers for feeding grapes. Trace elements protect the vegetative organs from fungal infection, enhancing immunity, especially under adverse weather conditions during flowering and berry pouring.

Organic and mineral fertilizers for grapes

Every spring, grapes grow a large amount of green mass, which requires nitrogen nutrition. Fertilizing grapes with mineral and organic substances increases the resistance of the plant to external conditions and makes it possible for the berries to ripen.

From minerals for fertilizing grapes use:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • potassium salt or potassium sulfate.

Ammonium nitrate and urea are mono-fertilizers, the active ingredient of which is nitrogen. It promotes the formation of young shoots and leaves, preparing the plant for fruiting. Nutrients are introduced into the groove dug around the root, in liquid or dry form. Dry granules after scattering should be watered abundantly - so the food will be absorbed faster, and it will be easier for soil bacteria to process substances.

Superphosphate is one of the most important fertilizers, what grapes are fed during the ripening of berries, in autumn or spring. Fertilizer supports the root system and affects metabolism. Introduced in liquid form: superphosphate granules are poured with hot water and stirred until completely dissolved, then poured under the root.

Video: Fertilizing grapes in the summer for an excellent harvest

Potassium is responsible for the quality and size of the berries. With its lack, the leaves dry, and the grapes do not gain sugar. Full maturation does not occur, especially in the northern regions, where weather conditions interfere. Potassium is introduced together with phosphorus, since these substances work more efficiently in pairs. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for grapes usually contain nitrogen, so they are applied in spring or summer. When feeding grapes in August, such mixtures are not used so as not to stimulate the growth of new shoots.

Proper feeding of grapes carried out in several stages:

  • two main integrated nutrition;
  • additional- throughout the growing season.

Of great importance is the foliar feeding of grapes, because in this way you can quickly compensate for the loss of nutrients. For example, nitrogen starvation is eliminated in 2-3 days by spraying with urea or mullein infusion, diluted 1/10. This saves the plant from the beginning spread of the fungus on the leaves and increases the defenses.

From organic fertilizers, than to feed the grapes during the pouring of berries or in August, the most effective substance is wood ash and cattle or horse manure.

Manure is used rotted or in the form of compost. In the spring, an aqueous solution of mullein is used to quickly deliver nutrition to the roots. The ash is also poured with hot water and insisted, then poured into the recesses near the roots. These fertilizers are completely enough for the entire fruiting season, as they decompose longer in the soil and release nutrients in the region of the grape root system.

The main condition for obtaining nutrition for a plant is soil moisture, since soil microorganisms are involved in the process of decomposition of organic matter. With dry soil, their activity weakens, which affects the appearance of the plant with a lack of substances.

Spring grape care

Spring grooming activities include:

  • sanitary pruning of the vine;

  • top dressing of grapes in the spring is carried out with a full complex mineral fertilizer or a mixture of organic matter and minerals;
  • garter vines on a support;
  • soil loosening and mulching.

In the spring, one main top dressing of grapes is carried out. You can choose at will or according to the presence of fertilizers:

  • Complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It can be: nitofoska, azofoska, azophos + potash fertilizer for grapes. It is not necessary to calculate dosages - they are in the instructions. If mono-fertilizers are used, then the amount of each substance can also be found in the description.
  • Mullein infusion and superphosphate. Fresh or rotted manure is poured with water in a ratio of ¼ and infused for a week, stirring occasionally to reduce the concentration of ammonia. Superphosphate is sprinkled with granules or an extract is made by pouring the powder with water. Both substances are mixed and poured into the recesses under the root, then sprinkled with earth.

  • Ash extraction - 300 g per bucket of water. Nitrogen fertilizer is applied foliarly so as not to mix the ash with nitrogen, which neutralizes it.

Fertilizers are applied after pruning, and the sanitary cleaning itself and the formation of the bush are carried out 2 to 3 weeks before bud break. Cropped cuttings that have stocked up on nutrients since autumn can be successfully rooted by immersing them in a solution with organic matter or rooting stimulants. By autumn they will be ready to land.

Fertilizing grapes in summer

In the first half of summer, grapes are fed with complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen. But nitrogen is no longer required as much as in spring, so it’s worth buying another composition, where it is less in relation to potassium-phosphorus elements.

How to feed grapes in summer during maturation:

  • superphosphate- contains, in addition to phosphorus, calcium and 8% nitrogen, potassium sulfate can be added;
  • ash- potassium and phosphorus, trace elements- sulfur, magnesium, boron, zinc, calcium;
  • manure extract- foliar top dressing or under the root plus superphosphate in granules;
  • green manure- watering under the root.

Top dressing of grapes in June stimulates the formation of dense brushes with a large number of berries. The lack of potassium at this stage reduces the potential size of the berries and their number.

Foliar top dressing of grapes in July copper sulphate in a dilute concentration will help preserve the crop. At the time of berry ripening, grapes consume a large amount of nutrients from the soil and weaken, as a result of which fungal diseases can begin, which the grapes resist weakly.

In summer, you can feed young grapes for growth. The seedlings must form a powerful root system; for this, fertilizers are applied 20–30 cm deeper. If this is not done, the roots develop superficially and will die during a frosty winter.

Fertilizing grapes in August is a stimulation of late varieties that ripen at this time. Potassium-phosphorus mixtures without nitrogen are the best choice, as they give the plant energy to store sugar in the berries.

It is this nuance that stops summer residents of the northern regions from cultivating vineyards on their plots - a lack of light, heat and potassium, as well as night temperature drops, at which the root system becomes vulnerable and poorly supplies nutrition to plant tissues.

Autumn activities to prepare grapes for winter

Top dressing of grapes of late varieties falls on the autumn months - September and October. Accordingly, the timing of pruning is shifted, which is carried out 2 to 3 weeks after the foliage is dropped. The main working substances for the full ripening of berries are potassium and phosphorus, as well as trace elements.

In autumn, the plant gives all the nutrients to the hands, the vegetative organs weaken and begin to hurt. Feeding grapes in August-September reduces the risk of damage to the crop by downy mildew or other fungal infections.

In order to quickly deliver nutrition to grape brushes, fertilizers are applied in liquid form - ash solutions, superphosphate extract, potash top dressing.

Long-term fertilizers, such as phosphate rock and bone meal, are applied in the fall. For their decomposition, time and a slightly acidic environment in the soil are needed, since in their chemical composition they contain alkaline elements - phosphorus and calcium. If the soil is neutral, such fertilizers will not bring benefits.

Features of autumn pruning of the vine

It is necessary to start pruning in the fall when the sap flow through the tissues stops so that the plant does not lose minerals.

Among winegrowers there is a concept of "weeping vine". This phenomenon occurs when it is too early to cut the shoots. The procedure is harmful to the plant, since a focus of infection can form at the site of the cuts.

Important! The pruning procedure is carried out after dropping foliage after 2 weeks

Bushes are formed in different ways - by the standard method, leaving two strong shoots on the so-called "sleeves" or cut closer to the ground - for covering varieties.

Construction of shelter for the vineyard for the winter

After making the obligatory portion of fertilizer for grapes in August or September (even later in the southern regions) in the form of a complex mixture or organic matter, you can begin preparing covering varieties for wintering.

Before shelter, you need to water the soil under the grapes abundantly to moisten the soil to the depth of the roots. This about 200 l for each adult plant. This is necessary to warm the soil in winter - the water rises in the form of evaporation and thus warms the roots.

To do this, a small mound of earth is built near the root neck, on which boards, slate and special material are laid on top. You can use the material from which sugar bags are sewn - it breathes well and does not accumulate moisture.

The aerial part is also wrapped and the fabric is pressed to the ground with stones. When covering with a layer of soil, it is necessary to organize a layer of air between the shoots and the covering layer so that the plant does not stumble and lose growth buds. Before closing, some gardeners practice whitewashing the vines with lime to prevent mold from forming.

Scientists have found that grapes are unpretentious in the choice of soil, any one is suitable for it, except for salt marshes and swamps. For its own growth, it does not particularly need fertile land, it feels great both on rocky and sandy soil. But if we want to grow a vine that gives a high yield, we have to feed it for the entire growing season.

Menu for grapes

Grapes are a woody perennial vine of the grape family. Grape shoots - vines - can reach a length of several meters. They are excellent climbers: grabbing branches, partitions, ledges with their tenacious antennae, they easily climb tree crowns, roofs of arbors, arches and other buildings. Fruits - juicy berries with a pleasant sweet and sour taste - are collected in an appetizing bunch.

The history of the emergence of grapes is rooted in the past for many millennia, and it doesn’t matter who and when was the first to discover this wonderful creation of nature, it is important that it has come down to us, multiplied many times with excellent varieties and pleases with the splendor of choice and taste.

Clusters of grapes, cherished by the sun and caring hands, delight with great taste

“There is no greater pleasure in the world than to feel the fragrance of a flowering vineyard…”

Pliny the Elder

Collection of quotes

Top dressing of grapes begins "from the cradle." The planting pit is filled with soil mixture, well-fertilized organic matter and minerals in such a way that the young bush has enough nutrition for the next year or two. Entered:

  • 1-2 buckets of humus or rotted manure;
  • 200 g of superphosphate and 150 g of potassium sulfate (or 1 liter of ash).

Then you can start root and foliar top dressing. For proper nutrition of grape bushes, inorganic and organic fertilizers are used.

Mineral fertilizers

Inorganic, or mineral, fertilizers are:

Some of the mineral fertilizers are especially important for grapes.


No matter how tasty we “feed” our grapes, if there is no potassium on the menu, the vine will demand it, because potassium:

Azofoska is a complex fertilizer that includes elements of primary importance in the proportions necessary for the plant, which are necessary for grapes to obtain a good harvest and life support for the bush:

Fertilizer is used in two ways:

  • direct application of dry matter into the soil;
  • pouring the solution to the roots through drainage pipes or trenches.

Urea (carbamide) is one of the main nitrogenous mineral fertilizers necessary for grapes, it contributes to:


The lack of boron has a negative effect on the formation of grape pollen, which impairs the fertilization of the ovaries. Even a simple foliar top dressing of grapes with boron before flowering can increase the yield by 20–25%. Boron and boron-containing substances:

  • help the synthesis of nitrogenous compounds;
  • increase the content of chlorophyll in the leaf;
  • improve metabolic processes.

Important! An excess of boron is even more harmful than a deficiency, which means that when preparing a solution, it is necessary to carefully calculate the doses according to the instructions.

The lack of boron leads to a deterioration in the formation of grape ovaries

organic fertilizers

During the entire growing season, in addition to inorganic fertilizers, it is possible and necessary to feed the grapes with organic matter. Inorganic and organic fertilizers have their fans and opponents, therefore, dear reader, it is up to you and only you to decide what to give preference to. Or maybe find a middle ground - use organics as "snacks" between the main feedings? Moreover, we have a wide choice.


This is a product of the vital activity of livestock, containing a lot of useful substances:

  • nitrogen,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • calcium.

Horse dung is considered the best, followed by cow dung or mullein.. Before using this organic fertilizer, you need to let it rot (it goes to fertilize the land around the bush) or prepare an infusion (for watering around the roots) in this way:

Grapes are fed with mullein infusion through drainage pipes or trenches once every two weeks, combined with watering.

Bird droppings are a waste product of birds, no less valuable organic fertilizer. It can be put into compost or used as an infusion. The procedure for preparing the infusion:

An infusion of bird droppings is poured through drainage pipes or into trenches between the main top dressings, combined with watering once every two weeks.

For fertilizing with infusions of manure and bird droppings, we choose one thing or alternate so as not to overfeed the plant.

wood ash

Wood ash is an ideal top dressing for grapes, it includes:

  • approximately 10% magnesium and phosphorus;
  • about 20% potassium;
  • up to 40% calcium;
  • sodium, magnesium, silicon.

In dry form, it significantly improves both the mechanical and chemical composition of the soil, alkalizing it. On heavy soils, ash is added for digging in autumn and spring, and on light sandy soils - only in spring. Application rate - 100–200 g per 1 sq. m.

It should be noted that ash is not used simultaneously with nitrogen fertilizers, since it contributes to the "volatilization" of nitrogen, so for grapes we will use foliar top dressing with ash infusion. It is done like this:

  1. Wood ash is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. Insist for several days, stirring regularly.
  3. Then it is filtered and 2 liters of water are added for each liter of mother infusion.

Ash infusion is sprayed with plants between the main dressings.

For grapes, foliar top dressing with ash infusion is used.


Eggshells also belong to organic fertilizers. It is almost entirely (94%) composed of calcium carbonate. Fertilizer is prepared from it as follows:

Crushed eggshells are used to deoxidize the soil around the grapes as needed at the rate of 0.5 kg of powder per 1 sq. m.

A wonderful organic fertilizer is herbal infusion. To prepare it, you need a large container. Make the infusion in this way:

The remains of the grass are laid in a compost heap, after rotting, grass compost will be obtained from it, and the infusion is used for root and foliar dressings at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. Root dressing is combined with watering, foliar dressing is carried out between the main spraying on the leaf.

Yeast infusion

Yeast infusion will be a good addition to the grape menu. This fertilizer is completely safe for humans and plants. Yeast contains:

  • saccharomyces fungus,
  • b vitamins,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • trace elements.

To prepare yeast infusion you need:

  1. Pour breadcrumbs into a bucket - about a quarter of the volume.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and 50 g of raw baker's yeast.
  3. Pour in water, leaving room for fermentation.
  4. Infuse in a warm place until bread kvass is obtained.

The working solution is made at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 water. Top dressing is combined with watering.

Video: do-it-yourself organic fertilizer for grapes

Fertilizing grapes by timing

During the growing season, 7 grape dressings are carried out, of which two are foliar. Doses and timing of fertilizer application are shown in the table below.

Spring root dressing

As soon as the buds begin to swell on the vine, spring root dressing is carried out with a complex of mineral fertilizers, which includes:

  • ammonium nitrate or urea,
  • superphosphate,
  • potassium salt.

Fertilizer is necessary for grapes to replenish the supply of nutrients after a dormant period. All solutions of mineral fertilizers are made in accordance with the attached instructions. Feeding is carried out in this way:

Top dressing before flowering

The second time we feed the grapes in the third decade of May before flowering under the root, using the same composition as for the first top dressing, but with a lower dosage of fertilizers and leaf. This will improve pollination, will contribute to the enlargement of the bunch.

Top dressing to improve the ripening of berries

The third time we apply fertilizer under the root, consisting of superphosphate and potassium salt, before the ripening of the berries, which will increase their sugar content and accelerate ripening. We do not add nitrogen to this top dressing so that the vine has time to ripen well and become woody. For small berries, we carry out foliar spraying with a complex mineral fertilizer.

Superphosphate is used during the ripening of grapes

Fertilizer after harvest

After harvesting, the bushes must be fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate to replenish the supply of nutrients and increase the winter hardiness of the plant. In addition, once every 3 years in late autumn, humus or compost based on bird droppings, manure, plant residues is brought into the hole for digging (at the rate of 1–2 buckets per square meter). This improves the chemical and mechanical composition of the soil.

Once every 3 years in late autumn, 1-2 buckets of humus are brought into the hole for digging

Foliar top dressing

In addition to root top dressing, we carry out two foliar top dressings, one 2-3 days before flowering, the other - on small ovaries. Foliar top dressing is carried out in dry, calm weather at sunset so that the solution stays wet longer on the leaf. You can process the plants during the day if it is overcast.

Not all viticulturists consider foliar top dressings to be very effective, but they are in no hurry to refuse them, using them as an additional feed in tank mixtures when treating a vineyard from various diseases.

What does foliar feeding give? I believe that when spraying the plant, the nutrients are absorbed by the leaf in a few minutes, which means that the grapes will receive nutrition several times faster. This method is good in case of emergency assistance to a weakened bush.

Table: feeding scheme and approximate amount of fertilizer per 1 grape bush

top dressing When is it held Fertilizer Target Mode of application
1st root When kidneys swell
  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 20 g of superphosphate;
  • 20 g of potassium sulfate or 60 g of azofoska
Replenishment of nutrients
substances after a dormant period
2nd root One week before flowering
  • 15 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 15 g of superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium sulfate;
  • or 45 g of azophoska
Supports vigorous growth
shoots, reduces shedding
ovaries, nourishes the bush
Embedded in the ground around the bush or dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured through drainage pipes
1st foliar 2-3 days before flowering Usually combined with spraying
bushes with fungicides.
For 10 liters of water:
  • 10–20 g of boric acid;
    2-3 g of copper sulfate;
    23 g of iron sulfate
Improves pollination, reduces
shedding of the ovary, promotes
increase in brush
It is carried out by spraying
by leaf in the evening
2nd foliar After flowering by
small peas
  • 30–40 g of urea;
  • 10-15 g of iron sulfate;
  • 1 g of potassium permanganate;
  • 20 g citric acid
Prevents grape chlorosis
and ridge palsy
It is carried out by spraying
by leaf in the evening
3rd root 1-2 weeks before maturation
  • 20 g of superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of potassium magnesia
Prevents cracking
berries, improves their taste
quality, speeds up a bit
Dissolves in 10 liters of water and pours through drain pipes
4th root After harvest
  • 20–30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 30-40g superphosphate
Improves maturation of shoots Dissolves in 10 liters of water and
poured through drain pipes
autumn Once every 2-3 years 1-2 buckets of humus per 1 sq. m Nourishes the soil around the bush,
improves its chemical and
mechanical composition
Introduced for digging

Video: how and with what to fertilize grapes

Top dressing of grapes is an important element in the development of the bush and the key to good fruiting. Observe the terms of processing, apply fertilizers correctly, and the vine will surely thank you with a generous harvest.

Feeding grape seedlings is important for good fruiting. Having introduced the necessary top dressing during planting, in the coming 3-4 years you can do without top dressing. But adult bushes need fertilizer.

Fertilization of grapes plays an important role in its cultivation.

The value of top dressing for grape seedlings

Grape bushes thrive well in nutrient-rich soil. But every year the soil becomes poorer and, if you do not feed it, you will get exhaustion. Such conditions do not support the immunity of the plant, the grapes develop poorly, get sick from drought, frost.

There is a version that after feeding the grapes with fertilizers several times, it will come to life. But it is important to know what needs to be applied to the soil for good grape growth and in what period. The need of culture for vitamins, microelements varies, depending on the stage of development.

The importance of trace elements for the proper development of the grape bush is enormous. Without top dressing, the bush will be weak and may die, or its development and fruiting will be at the lowest level. Top dressing is important when planting young seedlings.

Proper fertilization of young seedlings guarantees a good yield

The influence of trace elements for the development of grapes

Who wants to have high yields, must understand the impact on the culture of various microelements, at what stage they are needed and how to properly apply them to the ground. From the soil, the plant consumes carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. But trace elements as a result of the dissolution of inorganic salts. By introducing microelements into the soil, under the influence of sunlight, complex chemical reactions occur, due to which organic substances are created, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

If there is a lack of some element, the grapes begin to absorb this substance or the like from the ground. But substances similar in properties can be harmful. So, with a lack of calcium, the plant will take cesium from the soil, with a deficiency of calcium, harmful strontium is absorbed.

Here is a list of essential nutrients:

  • Nitrogen promotes the growth of greenery (leaves, shoots). Consequently, most of the nitrogen fertilization is applied in the spring (March, April). Usually a month before bud formation. In summer, the need for nitrogen decreases. It is important that in August, the introduction of nitrogen harms the bush, as greenery will begin to grow rapidly. This will greatly hinder the maturation of the wood. A large amount of nitrogen is in urea and ammonium nitrate.
  • Phosphorus is very useful for grapes at the initial stage of flowering. Having introduced phosphate fertilizers (superphosphates), the inflorescences develop well, berries are tied and clusters ripen. More phosphorus dressings are applied during the ripening period of the bunches. At this stage, the culture's need for potassium increases, which can be deposited in the bark of the vine even after fruiting.
  • Potassium is introduced in the fall. Potassium chloride is most suitable for grapes, which is able to activate the ripening of the vine, improve the quality of the grapes. Potassium chloride perfectly prepares the culture for the winter period.
  • By using top dressing, the activity of light chestnut soil improves. Applying nitrogen and potassium in the spring at a dosage of 150 kg. per hectare, the number of bacteria and fungi increases significantly. This contributes to normal conditions for the life of microorganisms, which leads to an increase in yield.
  • Copper increases the resistance of shoots to frost and drought, activates their growth.
  • Boric acid applied to the soil increases the sugar content of fruits and accelerates their ripening. It is important to know that boron improves pollen germination.
  • Fertilizing grapes with zinc, fruitfulness is significantly improved.

Copper fertilizers stimulate growth and protect against frost

Top dressing when planting grape seedlings

A pit for planting grapes is usually made 25-30 cm deep. But if top dressing is applied during planting, a pit is dug 55 cm deep and deeper.

a pit is needed to create a fertile pillow.

They do it like this:

  1. mix the earth with top dressing and put it on the bottom of the pit;
  2. sprinkle with clean earth on top so that there is no burn of the roots;
  3. plant a cutting.

When digging a hole for grape seedlings, it is advisable to sort the soil: discard good fertile soil on one side, clay on the other. It is useful to loosen the bottom of the pit with a pitchfork. As a fertilizer, take 200 grams or a glass of superphosphate and 150 grams of potassium sulfate. The use of potassium chloride is recommended in autumn. Mineral top dressing replaces one liter of ash. After applying fertilizer to the bottom, a bucket of fertile soil is added and it all mixes well.

Compost or humus (1-2 buckets) can be used as fertilizer. But you should not apply unrotted manure, because it releases certain substances that can inhibit the growth of roots, sometimes this leads to death if there are severe root burns.

After the soil has been mixed with fertilizer, clean fertile soil is brought in from the heap, a seedling is inserted, and clay soil can also be covered from above.

After such a planting, you can not fertilize the seedlings for three years. But rarely does anyone follow this advice. Usually winegrowers have a desire to influence the growth of the crop in order to have an early and high harvest.

A properly fertilized grape sapling does not require top dressing for the next three years.

Foliar feeding of grapes

Top dressing of grape seedlings and an adult bush can be done through the leaves. In this way, useful substances are very well absorbed. This allows the grapes to develop more intensively and bear fruit to the maximum. Fortified grapes tolerate winter frosts much better.

Regardless of the fertilizer applied to the soil, spraying the leaves with a solution of trace elements is carried out as follows:

  1. The first time - before flowering, to prevent their shedding.
  2. The second time - after the flowering period for a better ovary.
  3. The third time is when the fruits ripen.

When processing for the second and third time, fertilizers with nitrogen are not used.

For these top dressings, organic fertilizers that are commercially available are used.

You can make top dressing yourself by mixing the ashes with an infusion of various herbs that has fermented.

Feeding is necessary on days when there is no wind, in the morning or in the evening. If in the daytime, only on cloudy days. When processing under the hot sun, the plant can get burned, because the solution settles on the leaves in droplets. It is useful to add three tablespoons of sugar to such a solution.

The first dressing is carried out before flowering vines

Fertilizer for young grapes

If, when planting seedlings, fertilizers were not applied, they are fed during the growing season. Doses are set, taking into account the grape variety and its characteristics, the type of soil.

The value of top dressing is the enrichment of the soil with useful substances.

With clay soil, potash fertilizers are applied to the location of the root system. Superphosphate can be used by mixing with organic top dressing. Having light sandy lands with low absorption capacity, superphosphate is added to a depth of 20-25 cm.

If the grapes belong to a non-covering variety, it is advisable to carry out top dressing in the autumn-winter time. Covering grape varieties are best fertilized after the winter shelter process or in the spring before opening.

The introduction of nitrogen supplements often depends on their type, climate, soil. Urea fertilizers can be produced with different types of soil. Nitrate types of nitrogen supplements are used in the spring: March, April. But, if the plant develops poorly, you can feed it before flowering.

In the spring, it is useful to fertilize the grapes with phosphorus top dressing. If you make them in the fall, some substances will turn into a hard-to-reach consistency for the plant. Applying them together with organic fertilizers, you can feed non-covering varieties in the fall. And for covering vineyards, phosphate fertilizers should be applied only in early spring, after the opening of the bushes.

It is best to mix potash fertilizers with phosphate fertilizers. It is important that the period of their introduction is the same. With what interval and to make, depends on the capacity of nutrients in the ground.

It is better to use organic substances in autumn or winter, but at least once every 3-5 years. Organic top dressings (peat, manure, composts) are rich in minerals. It is important that they are able to increase the humus content in the soil and improve the water and physical quality of the soil.

The more actively the grapes grow, the more its need for mineral fertilizers increases. Therefore, competent feeding of grapes activates development and increases fruiting.

Grapes are a valuable gift of nature to us humans. Magnificent in taste and very useful berry brings us joy and health for many centuries. In order to receive a rich and high-quality grape harvest every year, it is necessary to provide decent care for the plant, one of the necessary conditions for which is periodic top dressing with both mineral fertilizers and organic matter. In this article we will talk about how you can feed the grapes in the spring.

Fertilizing grapes in the spring is the key to a good harvest in the fall, so this matter must be taken with all responsibility. The main goal of fertilizing grapes is to saturate the soil with substances and microelements necessary for the growth and fruiting of the plant. Let's take a closer look:

  • Phosphorus is most important during the flowering period to get more ovaries;
  • Zinc affects the yields of grape plants, the so-called crop stimulant;
  • Nitrogen is necessary for the formation of healthy shoots and leaves;
  • Boron is added to make the berry sweet;
  • Copper will protect the vine from drought and frost;
  • Potassium is added for accelerated fruit ripening.

We have decided on useful substances for grapes, now we will figure out what fertilizers contain all this, when and how they are applied to the soil.

Fertilizers for fertilizing grapes in spring

For beginner growers, the question often arises: “How to fertilize grapes?” For this, both mineral fertilizers and organic matter are used. Of the latter, the following are very effective:

  • Manure is an indispensable tool for grapes that can replace all fertilizers existing in the world taken together. It contains absolutely everything necessary for the growth and fruiting of the plant;
  • Chicken manure is a wonderful folk way of feeding, contributing to the development of the vine. It is similar in composition to manure, however, it must be diluted with water before being applied to the ground due to its high toxicity;
  • Compost is an excellent spring top dressing, which is easy to prepare, and the grapes really like it;
  • Mulch - improves soil composition, air and water balance, saturates with all nutrients;
  • Green manure - equivalent to manure, restore the structure of the soil and nourish with all the necessary elements;
  • Ash is a very valuable organic fertilizer that both nourishes and heals grapes at the same time.

But for more complete top dressing of the vine, in combination with organic substances, mineral fertilizers are used. With the use of chemistry, you need to be extremely careful - non-compliance with the ratio of components can adversely affect the vineyard or even lead to its death.

When to Fertilize in the Spring

The first dressing is done in April, when the grapes are still sheltered from the winter cold. The region where the vineyard grows should be taken into account - the further south the region, the earlier fertilizer is applied.

The second falls in May, about two weeks before the vines begin to bloom.

The third top dressing is when the grapes have reached the size of peas. At this time, grapes most of all need additional nutrients for fruit ripening.

The fourth dressing is carried out at the beginning of the ripening of berries.

Fertilizer is introduced into special holes - grooves, which are made around the bushes 1 m in diameter and 40 cm deep. The solution is distributed evenly into these holes.

Top dressing with organic matter

It is good to feed the grapes with slurry, which is prepared as follows: a bucket of manure is dissolved in 3 buckets of water and fermented for several days. Then the resulting solution is once again diluted with water (1:10) and the plant is watered.

If there is no manure, then compost can be used. It's easy to make in your garden. To do this, they allocate a place somewhere in the corner near the fence and put all the organic waste there (sawdust, grass, leaves, potato peelings, etc.) All this is sprinkled on top with a layer of earth, then another layer of vegetable and food waste, and so on until until you get a bunch of two meters high. Don't forget to water it. You can mix waste with lime.

An excellent fertilizer not only for the vine - chicken manure. Before use, it is diluted with water (1: 2) and insisted for a couple of weeks. The bushes are watered, diluted a second time with water, only in a ratio of 1: 5. One bush will take half a liter of the resulting fertilizer.

Wood ash or sunflower seed ash can be used. To do this, it is mixed with water 1: 2 and mixed from time to time, left for 2-3 days. After filter and add three more parts of water. Such a solution will not easily feed young grapes, and when sprayed, it will also protect it from fungal diseases.

We feed with minerals

In the spring, single-component mineral substances (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and potassium chloride) and ready-made complex fertilizers (Kemira, Aquarin, Novofert, etc.) are used as fertilizers for the vine.

At the first top dressing, such a mixture is used - dry potash fertilizers 30 g, superphosphate 40 grams and nitrogen the same amount are brought into the pits where the grape bushes hibernated, sprinkled with earth. There are special preparations for feeding, for example, Mortar. It is diluted with water according to the instructions and brought into the wells, after pouring a bucket of water into it. After fertilizing, pour a bucket of water again.

For the second top dressing, such a composition is suitable - 30 g of potash fertilizer. 40 - nitrogen and 50 - superphosphate diluted with water. It is good to combine such a fertilizer with organic matter - a solution of cow manure or chicken manure, and if you use both together, then mineral fertilizers can be added 2 times less.

During the third feeding, complex fertilizers are used - 30 grams of fertilizer per bucket of water.

The fourth time the vine is "fed" exclusively with phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Potash "chemistry" can be replaced with ash.

The traditional nutrient solution is done as follows: for watering one plant, 5 grams of potassium salt, 10 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20 grams of superphosphate are taken.

You will get the best effect if you alternate organic with mineral fertilizers.

Additional top dressing of the vineyard

For additional feeding of grape bushes, a special trench is dug in the spring, half a meter deep, 0.8 meters wide. The trench is placed either in front of the grape rows or behind. 4 buckets of humus or manure are added to it, which is then mixed with the ground, and humus is thrown from above again and the dug ditch is leveled with the remaining earth. This supply is enough for several years.

Foliar top dressing

An addition to the root spring top dressing of grape bushes are foliar. Useful substances enter the plant not only through the root system, but also through the leaves. Such top dressing is carried out by spraying through a sprayer. For spraying, you can use a solution of urea (40 grams), citric acid (20 grams), boric acid (15 grams), ferrous sulfate (1 gram) in water (10 liters). Spray plants before flowering and after.

If you are reluctant to prepare such a solution for foliar top dressing yourself, you can use ready-made preparations such as "Kemira", etc. Each preparation is suitable for top dressing in different periods of the plant's vegetation. For spraying, a solution based on wood ash is perfect, as mentioned above.

Ferrous vitriol fertilization is very important for grape bushes in that it not only saturates the plants with the iron they need for growth, but also protects against diseases, and plant buds during frosts.

Foliar top dressing is desirable to carry out on a cloudy calm day.

Top dressing of grapes during planting

Before planting grapes in the spring, a mixture of fertilizers prepared in a separate container is necessarily added to the soil: 10 kg of rotted cow manure is mixed with 200 grams of superphosphate and 250 grams of wood ash. This proportion of components is calculated for 1 sq. m.

Or here is another version of the nutrient mixture during planting: a hole for a grape bush is filled with peat - 30 kg or 20 kg of compost and rotted manure, 200-300 grams of superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium chloride, 100-150 grams of potash fertilizer and a couple of kg of wood ash . In poor soil, the amount of manure applied is recommended to be increased to 3 buckets.

When digging a hole for planting, the fertile layer is removed from above and folded to the side, then the remaining soil is selected and placed separately from the top layer. All of the above components of the first or second option are put into the pit, having previously carefully mixed it with special nutrient soil prepared in advance, adding coarse sand and crushed gravel to the second part of the earth dug from the landing pit. After planting, the bush is sprinkled with the first part dug from the landing hole of the earth.

After planting, the ground around the plant can be sprinkled with wood chips, chopped straw and rotted manure. They will play the role of mulch.

Young bushes of the second year of life in May, along with organic matter, make phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Grapes are considered an unpretentious plant, however, for proper growth and a good harvest, it is necessary to feed grape seedlings in the early stages of its growth so that the berries are juicy and tasty in the future.

Types of fertilizers

In order for the grapes to be fed correctly, you need to know what elements the plant needs the most. Which fertilizers should be applied under the root, and which should be used to spray the leaves.

Nitrogen fertilizers for grapes

Nitrogen helps leaves and shoots grow quickly and without problems. Most fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied in the spring, when the vegetation process is just beginning. It should be noted that in August and autumn it is impossible to introduce substances containing nitrogen. This can interfere with the maturation of the wood of the plant.

The most popular nitrogen-based fertilizers are:

  • Urea. 46% pure nitrogen. Carbamide is used as both foliar and root dressing of grapes. Due to the large amount of nitrogen in the composition, it can only be applied a few years after planting. In order not to harm the plant, you need to dilute up to fifty grams of fertilizer per liter of water and apply it to the soil.
  • Ammonium nitrate. It is best to use the substance during flowering. Fertilizing grapes while pouring berries is not recommended. This may affect the quality of the berries. Ammonium nitrate is best sprinkled on slightly moist soil around the bush.

Potash fertilizers for grapes

Potassium is another important trace element that is necessary for the full development of the plant. It accelerates the growth and ripening of the berries of the plant. Nutrients made up of potassium are great as a top dressing for grapes in the fall, as such fertilizers prepare the plant well for the cold.

Grapes are one of those crops that consume the largest amount of potassium from the soil, so you can feed the soil annually.

  • potassium sulfate. For good results, it is best to use this foliar product in the final growth stage. The average amount of the substance that is needed is 20 grams per 10 liters of water; superphosphate in the amount of 40 grams must be added to the bucket. It neutralizes acidity.
  • Potassium chloride. Contains 50% to 60% potassium. It is best to add lime to such a fertilizer to neutralize the acidity. Potassium chloride can be used in tandem with any trace elements and nutrient raw materials, except for urea.

Phosphate fertilizers for grapes

Phosphorus is one of the three most essential components for garden crops. It is an excellent solution for feeding young grapes in the initial stages of growth and flowering. Thanks to the phosphorus base, flowers and berries develop much faster and better.

  • Superphosphate. Contains up to 20% phosphorus in its composition and gypsum. Suitable for all types of soil, however, acidic soils must first be limed or lime must be added to the fertilizer solution. Superphosphate should be applied after the start of flowering. This will help the fruits develop better during the ripening period.
  • Double superphosphate. It consists of 50% phosphoric acid, but does not contain gypsum. It is used in the same way as simple superphosphate.

Complex and complex fertilizers

Complex nutrients are made up of two or more elements.

  • Azofoska. It is a compound of three main macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is found in two forms - dry and dissolved. The first must be brought under the bush. The amount of substance is up to sixty grams per plant. You can use it only in the warm season. The liquid form consists of two tablespoons of azophoska, diluted in one bucket of water, it is necessary to pour the solution under the root.
  • Bischofite. Compound fertilizer, which includes magnesium, boron, iodine and bromine. In total, more than ten components. Used for foliar feeding of grapes. For ten liters of water, it is necessary to dissolve in 150 milliliters of bishal, but in order not to damage the plant, the dosage can be almost halved. This remedy is used as a top dressing of grapes with boron. In terms of quantity, this element in the composition of bischofite ranks second, magnesium is in the first place.

Application of organic fertilizers

Top dressing of grapes ash- perfect solution. It is best to use only wood. The ash after burning coal is not used as fertilizer at all, it contains toxins that are harmful to plants.

The ash of the tree has a high amount of micronutrients beneficial to the plant. For example, magnesium, boron, potassium and phosphorus. Can be used as a soil acidity regulator.

Other organic fertilizer - bird droppings. It helps to almost double the fruitfulness and speed up the ripening process of berries for several weeks.

To understand how to feed the grapes with chicken manure, you need to remember an important rule: before you apply such a fertilizer, you need to prepare a special nutrient solution for the plant. Fresh manure can irritate the soil and shoots.

Approximately 1 kilogram of litter is needed for 20 liters of water; the solution must be infused for two weeks. Fertilizer should be applied at a short distance from the bush in small portions into holes, up to 35 centimeters deep. Two buckets are enough to fully fertilize the plant.

Folk remedies for fertilizing grapes

One of the most effective remedies is yeast nutrition. The recipe is quite simple:

  1. One gram of dry baker's yeast must be dissolved in one liter of slightly warmed water, add a teaspoon of sugar, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. The mixture should be infused for a couple of hours. Before fertilizing plants, dilute one liter of the prepared solution with five liters of clean water.
  2. Dilute fifty grams of live yeast in a liter of slightly warmed water, let it brew a little. Before watering, it is also necessary to dilute the fertilizer with five liters of water.


In addition to the three main elements in the composition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, for full growth and good yields, grapes also need other trace elements: boron, magnesium, zinc and others.

Microfertilizers are one of the most popular top dressings. There are a huge number of them. For example, potassium magnesia, which contains 28% potassium, 18% magnesium and about 16% sulfur.

Micronutrient fertilizers also include copper, which is used for foliar feeding.

One gram of the substance is enough to spray one bush. It must be applied no more than once every four years.

Scheme of root dressing of grapes

To properly fertilize, you need to know the dosage and timing. It is better to contribute less than to randomly fill in useless, and sometimes harmful substances.

Spring feeding of grapes is considered the most important stage. It helps the bushes recover from frost and stimulates fruitfulness.

Feeding methods

Separate root and foliar top dressing. They differ in the way they are introduced. In the first case, nutrients must be poured or placed under a bush for the best effect. The second can be considered an auxiliary stage. Foliar feeding helps the plant develop properly, stimulate the growth of shoots and ovaries, and increase productivity.

Foliar top dressing

If the grapes are planted in soil that is saturated with microelements, then for the first three years it is not necessary to fertilize it, since the plant will feed on substances from the soil. Foliar feeding contributes to the development and improvement of productivity. The first time the leaves should be processed before flowering, the second time after flowering, the third - during the maturation of brushes. Foliar feeding of grapes is carried out regardless of the amount and type of fertilizers that are applied to the root system of the plant.

To know exactly how to feed the grapes, you need to proceed from the type of soil and the age of the plant. The most important elements are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Almost all fertilizers contain them. Boron, magnesium, zinc and iodine are also needed for full growth. Thanks to the ability to properly and timely feed the grapes, you can get juicy and tasty fruits.