Crossed index and middle fingers gesture. Mouth covered by hand

Somehow a journalistic investigation led me to one of the pre-trial detention centers. They promised to give me the opportunity to meet with the person involved in a high-profile criminal case. While waiting for a date, I sat in the corridor and witnessed a very strange scene. One of the prisoners walking along the corridor made a sign to the other with his hand - as if he had shaken dust off his shoulder. I would not attach any importance to this - maybe the person got dirty somewhere? - but the investigator sitting next to me commented: the number of fingers means how many employees of the correctional institution are in the corridor, and the left and right shoulders - from which side (Fig. 4, 5, 6). Being aware of everything and telling about it to prison comrades is the first rule in places of deprivation of liberty.
A little later, walking through the exercise yard, I noticed how the convict crossed his fingers in a conversation with the teacher (Fig. 2. Section "Gestures").
The investigator accompanying me explained that by doing so the prisoner was giving a signal to his “brothers” that what was said had a hidden meaning or deception. I thought: after all, a familiar gesture, children usually use it when they lie to their parents.
Later, my interlocutor showed several more common gestures in the criminal environment, which are widely used, for example, pickpockets, and also “bullish” language is used by counterfeiters, scammers and cheaters. Folding is also used by bulls who steal from in public places, trains, train stations, airports, metro. In fact, every self-respecting authority should be fluent in sign language. And here it is pertinent to note that some gestures familiar from childhood have their own criminal meaning and thus are fraught with danger.
For example, with the help of everyone's favorite cookie (Fig. 18), the offender “tells” the accomplice that the person needs to be “soaked”, or, more simply, killed. Or “okay” (Fig. 15), meaning that everything, they say, is “great” in our country, “Americans, in prison - a signal that a person should be“ put down ”(it makes no sense to explain what this is).
And the thumb raised up (Fig. 13) is not at all a sign of approval in the zone, but the order of the godfather to the “bulls” to check the newcomer, to make the so-called “breaking”. Even an ordinary fist has its own criminal meaning: if you suddenly see that a passer-by shows a fist for no good reason (Fig. 2), then somewhere nearby his partner is going to “put on his ears” another victim, that is, he is ready to commit the crime. And finally, the famous “fan fingers”, when the index finger and little finger are protruding, and the thumb lies along the palm. So this is nothing more than an insult, meaning “goat” (Fig. 5), that is, as if softer? - accusing the opponent of non-traditional sexual orientation. But if the thumb is protruding and this figuration is applied to the neck (Fig. 8), then the offender thereby informs his “colleagues” of the danger.
However, back to the subjects engaged in theft. They have an open palm facing forward - this is the order to “stand on the watch” (Fig. 10). Bent big and ring fingers - “fill the tanks”, that is, to divert attention (Fig. 3). The bent little finger and thumb indicate that the thief was “burned” and was detained by law enforcement agencies (Fig. 17). Downward pointing and middle fingers - “on the side two”, inform that the police are “on the tail” (fig. 21). But if one finger is lowered and, moreover, the index finger is a signal that you need to drag from the back pocket of your trousers (Fig. 22). By the way, counterfeiters and tweezers have signs to denote the cash itself.
"Crunch" (money) - the thumb is raised up, the ring finger is bent (Fig. 11).
A large amount is indicated by a raised thumb and a bent little finger and a ring finger (Fig. 12).

It is useful for law-abiding citizens to know “bullish speech” at the top, at least in order not to become a victim of criminals. What we wish everyone!

1. "Spin the dynamo" - carry nonsense during the investigation. 2. "Put on the ears" - to rob. 3. "To fill up the tanks" - to divert attention.
4. "Fofan" is a naive, stranger, he can be deceived. 5. "Goat" - passive homosexual; stranger. 6. "Spin" - play cards
7. "Wasser" - be careful. 8. "Nightmare" - a hindrance in the commission of a crime. 9. "Finah" is a Finnish knife.
10. “Stay on the watch” - observe. 11. "Crunch" - money. 12. "Kush" - large sum of money.
13. "Breaking" - checking a beginner. 14. "Get a gun" - get a gun.
15. "Omit" - to commit an act of sodomy.
16. "Shout" - to rape.
17. "Slept" - detained by the police. 18. "Soak" - remove, kill.
19. "Butter" - cartridges for weapons.
20. "Snitch" - informer, informant. 21. "Two on the side" - policemen are watching us.
22. "Hit the asshole" - steal from the back pocket of your trousers.
1. Signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 2. The signal that the subject did not add anything new to what was in the criminal case.
3. Suggestion to brew “chifir”.
4, 5, 6 - warning signs that a police officer is nearby.
7. Warning about the need to be silent. 8. Signal not to talk about important things. 9. Sign that what has been said has an encrypted meaning
10. Sign of uncertainty about something. 11. Signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 12. Offer to smoke (send) marijuana.
13. Signal of great danger. 14. A seal of approval for something.
15. Sign of inconsistency with what was said.
16. Signal for intravenous injection of drugs. 17. Offer to go on business together. 18. The requirement to write a note.
19. Signals of doubt. In this case, the hand moves from side to side with the palm down. The thumb may be pointed towards the intended source of danger. 20. Signal “firmly on the hook”.
21. Sign of candor.
22. "Enclosed" with evidence.
23. Signal of a hopeless situation.

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1. Essays on the criminal subculture - Please

When preparing to go on a trip, we try to learn as much as possible about the country we are going to. We look at the weather forecast, take a phrasebook with us, check the political situation in the region, but we often forget about the elementary things - sometimes ignorance of some details about the people living in our country of rest can put us in an awkward position, or even cause us trouble ... In order not to get into a mess, you need to familiarize yourself with sign language, which can be interpreted differently in each country.

For example, there are countries (Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, North American countries) where everything you say will be understood literally by the interlocutor. France, Japan, Spain, Greece, Italy, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea - on the contrary, much greater importance, have subtext, nuance, accompanying gesture. Here, the meaning of a phrase does not always depend on the spoken word. For clarity, compare the gestures of the American actor Clint Eastwood, who slightly wiggles his finger in order to draw out his Smith-Wesson, and the “theater of facial expressions and gesture” of the Frenchman Louis de Funes. In other words, where the literal meaning of what is said is in the first place, the gesture is of little use. They will look at you attentively and with pity, expecting specific words. Where people are used to paying attention to nuances, you can express your thought with interjections and expressive gestures.

1. Gestures with the head and touching the head, ears

2. Gesture "everything is ok"

3. Thumb protruding upward

  • For hitchhikers all over the world, it serves to stop passing vehicles.
  • Raising your hand in front of you will mean "It's okay", pulling your hand up and showing your thumb over your shoulder means "Fuck you." So it is mainly used in Europe.
  • In the Middle East, in this way, they send to where the legs grow. In Iran, this is considered an offensive gesture, the equivalent of which is the extended middle finger. In Saudi Arabia, when you rotate your thumb up, you say "get out of here."
  • In Greece, this gesture means “shut up”.
  • A raised thumb, with the rest of the fingers clenched into a fist, in China means the number 5, in Indonesia - 6.

4. Tongue, lips, chin

5. Gesture V ("victoria", victory)

Two fingers raised in the form of a V in England and Australia in only one form are perceived as a peace-loving sign, if the palm is turned away from itself. Otherwise, this gesture is an insult, equal in strength to a raised middle finger.

Churchill himself sinned with such a "wrong" gesture.

6. Palms

7. Show the "goat"

8. Cross your fingers for luck

  • Indeed, the crossed index and middle fingers in Europe are a symbol of the wish for good luck.
  • And in Vietnam, this gesture is indecent and means female genitals.

9. "Kukish" or "fig"

10. Eyes and eyebrows

11. Legs

12. Beck with your index finger

13. "Offensive finger"

This is the literal translation of the ancient Roman phrase “digitus impudicus”, which called the combination of the middle finger extended forward (with the index and ring fingers clenched). This gesture is almost the most ancient gesture known to scientists. Few people know that the first person in history who used this gesture as a sign of dissatisfaction with the speech of his opponent was the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes. He showed a gesture that is considered obscene today to the orator Demosthenes. It happened around the 4th century BC. Thus, we can safely say that the age of the "gesture f" is more than 2400 years. According to the American expert in the field of gestures Desmond Morris, the middle finger in this context is a phallic symbol, hence its "offensive" meaning. It is believed that the indecent gesture was "brought" to the United States by Italian emigrants in the 19th century. For the first time in America, it was recorded in 1886, when players of one baseball team showed it to their rivals as a sign of hatred.

14. Gifts

You should also be very careful when choosing gifts.

  • In no case should a Chinese be given a watch. In China, watches are synonymous with death.
  • You also can't wrap a gift in white paper - this is also a deadly sign.
  • You should not give white flowers to the people of Bangladesh - in this case, you will be charged with the obligation to bury the recipient of your gift.
  • According to japanese custom, the gift is not unfolded in the presence of the giver. However, in our time, more and more Japanese are beginning to adhere to Western etiquette, especially when they communicate with foreigners. Any gift in Japan is wrapped in white paper and tied with a paper cord. In official cases, special paper is used. An inscription corresponding to the occasion must be made on the roll. The presenter writes his name at the bottom of the package in the middle, the name of the person to whom the gift is made is written at the top left.

15. How to count on fingers

16. Say hello and say goodbye

The only universal means of affecting a partner is a smile, it is used and correctly perceived in any country and any culture. Smiling is the most effective form of communication, and ultimately the best compliment we can give to our interlocutor will be a sincere expression of interest in him and his problems. Going on a visit to other countries do not forget your smiles.

Each of us wants luck to be his constant companion. It is believed that crossed fingers is one of the techniques for attracting her into your life.

Good luck symbol

The question of the nature of this gesture, its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two fingers crossed is a guarantee of achieving their goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and calmness from the ritual performed.

An apt remark is that in this way luck certainly will not slip out of hand. Still, a small barrier has been created for her. Fingers crossed will hold her. But it’s interesting, after all, where such a peculiar tradition came from, and what caused it.

Many rituals have long become a habit and are used unconsciously. It is curious that from childhood, many people begin to cross their fingers.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you involuntarily ask yourself the question "Why and why am I doing this?" There is enough information in this topic that can give a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is very ancient. Of course, there is a direct connection here with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the very one on which Jesus was crucified. Since ancient times it was used as a protective symbol, it was also believed that crossed fingers can be equated with a wooden or metal crucifix, with which they drove away demons, devils, all kinds of ailments and bad thoughts. First of all, it is a security symbol.


This was especially true when Christianity was still developing, and the wearing of special signs on the neck was not so widespread. Also, since the adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who persecuted them, the crossed middle, ring fingers were some kind of password and a sign that a like-minded person was nearby.

They did not forget about this technique during the Middle Ages, when they also believed that with its help it was possible to drive away demons and wicked spirits from oneself. In our time, when, in principle, many spheres of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among other things, no longer carries the background of faith. If any supernatural powers are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today it is believed that crossed fingers are a magnet for luck and an enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different states can vary greatly. The same goes for this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person's words.

Having visited Vietnam, you can find out that in this way the inhabitants of this country can make serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female reproductive system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. For Icelanders, this is a way of remembering something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear of something. There is a metaphor here that a promise is tied with a knot.

Of course, figuring out what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, you can most often come across the meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case, all plans should go well. Who knows, perhaps this is just a placebo effect that allows people to believe not so much in the magical power of a gesture, but in their own strengths, backed up by some guarantees of a higher order.

The right combination

What should be done so that luck does not definitely leave you, and dreams surely turn into reality? You also need to be able to cross your fingers for good luck. Attracting positive energies is not an easy task. Many, imbued with this issue, begin to wonder which of the fingers should lie on top, and other similar details, which are given a truly sacred meaning.

Again, if you go back to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who hails from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is The Last Supper, which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and the immediate environment.

His palm forms exactly the combination in question. Christ is above average. It is believed that just such an arrangement is correct.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here it comes about those situations when a person is lying. Thus, he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, which supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers means in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite far from human ideas. Much closer to people their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistic as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations... P. Haggard says that a person is subject to control of his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. For this purpose, the movement of pulses must be initiated.

T. Thunberg, who devoted quite a lot of time to studying somewhat different from those that we feel when struck or similar situations, also investigated this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been carried out, during which it was proved that with negative physical sensations, you can cross your fingers and significantly improve your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture is given a meaning much more serious than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a national lottery symbol in Great Britain, as well as in Ireland, Oregon, and Virginia (this sign is very common in other states of the United States).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are real and achievable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who often come into contact with children may have noticed that babies often use this symbol unconsciously. Immediately it becomes interesting why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if this is not a pathology, does it mean something bad. Child psychologists most often answer that this phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. For the child, rather, you need to rejoice, because from a young age he practices mudra at number 20, practically does yoga on his fingers. It can even be concluded that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are cut off, and a person's ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the above situation, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative background in it. Sometimes children have more natural wisdom than us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and light energy. It is worth following him on the path of contact with nature, at a time when he follows you, knowing all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to mudra number 20, you can get rid of a lot of harmful diseases. It is also useful as a preventive measure for colds. It is used at a time when there are complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, respiratory tract (in the upper part). Children cross their fingers quite often when they catch a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This one sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, the success so much desired by every person, good luck, throwing the necessary cards into the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors, unknown to us, also have a considerable influence on the course of things.

It is important to come at the right time to the right place, but first you need to have such a point exist at all. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation in your favor. In any case, even if he does not have real power to influence circumstances, the confidence that a person feels is worth a lot, I understand that he has already made some contribution to his own business, in a certain way he insured himself, putting an end to all empty doubts and uncertainties yourself. Moreover, it cannot be a coincidence that the sign was given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since antiquity.

Such similarities, as a rule, relate only to those things and facts that have a real and material background.

Self improvement

What do crossed fingers mean?

19 June 2016

Each of us wants luck to be his constant companion. It is believed that crossed fingers is one of the techniques for attracting her into your life.

Good luck symbol

The question of the nature of this gesture, its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two fingers crossed is a guarantee of achieving their goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and calmness from the ritual performed.

An apt remark is that in this way luck certainly will not slip out of hand. Still, a small barrier has been created for her. Fingers crossed will hold her. But it’s interesting, after all, where such a peculiar tradition came from, and what caused it.

Many rituals have long become a habit and are used unconsciously. It is curious that from childhood, many people begin to cross their fingers.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you involuntarily ask yourself the question "Why and why am I doing this?" There is enough information in this topic that can give a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is very ancient. Of course, there is a direct connection here with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the very one on which Jesus was crucified. Since the sign of the cross has been used since ancient times as a protective symbol, it was also believed that crossed fingers can be equated with a wooden or metal crucifix, with which they drove away demons, devils, all kinds of ailments and bad thoughts. First of all, it is a security symbol.

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This was especially true when Christianity was still developing, and the wearing of special signs on the neck was not so widespread. Also, since the adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who persecuted them, the crossed middle, ring fingers were some kind of password and a sign that a like-minded person was nearby.

They did not forget about this technique during the Middle Ages, when they also believed that with its help it was possible to drive away demons and wicked spirits from oneself. In our time, when, in principle, many spheres of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among other things, no longer carries the background of faith. If any supernatural powers are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today it is believed that crossed fingers are a magnet for luck and an enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different states can vary greatly. The same goes for this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person's words.

Having visited Vietnam, you can find out that in this way the inhabitants of this country can make serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female reproductive system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. For Icelanders, this is a way of remembering something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear of something. There is a metaphor here that a promise is tied with a knot.

Of course, figuring out what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, you can most often come across the meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case, all plans should go well. Who knows, perhaps this is just a placebo effect that allows people to believe not so much in the magical power of a gesture, but in their own strengths, backed up by some guarantees of a higher order.

The right combination

What should be done so that luck does not definitely leave you, and dreams surely turn into reality? You also need to be able to cross your fingers for good luck. Attracting positive energies is not an easy task. Many, imbued with this issue, begin to wonder which of the fingers should lie on top, and other similar details, which are given a truly sacred meaning.

Again, if you go back to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who hails from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is The Last Supper, which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and the immediate environment.

His palm forms exactly the combination in question. Christ has the index finger above the middle. It is believed that just such an arrangement is correct.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations when a person is lying. Thus, he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, which supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers means in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite far from human ideas. Much closer to people are their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistic as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in combating painful sensations. P. Haggard says that a person is subject to control of his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. For this purpose, the movement of pulses must be initiated.

T. Thunberg, who devoted quite a lot of time to the study of phantom pains, somewhat different from those that we feel upon impact or similar situations, also investigated this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been carried out, during which it has been proven that with negative physical sensations, you can cross your fingers and significantly improve your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture is given a meaning much more serious than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a national lottery symbol in Great Britain, as well as in Ireland, Oregon, and Virginia (this sign is very common in other states of the United States).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are real and achievable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who often come into contact with children may have noticed that babies often use this symbol unconsciously. Immediately it becomes interesting why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if this is not a pathology, does it mean something bad. Child psychologists most often answer that this phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. For the child, rather, you need to rejoice, because from a young age he practices mudra at number 20, practically does yoga on his fingers. It can even be concluded that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are cut off, and a person's ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the above situation, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative background in it. Sometimes children have more natural wisdom than us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and light energy. It is worth following him on the path of contact with nature, at a time when he follows you, knowing all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to mudra number 20, you can get rid of a lot of harmful diseases. It is also useful as a preventive measure for colds. It is used at a time when there are complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, respiratory tract (in the upper part). Children cross their fingers quite often when they catch a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This one sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, the success so much desired by every person, good luck, throwing the necessary cards into the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors, unknown to us, also have a significant impact on the course of things.

It is important to come at the right time to the right place, but first you need to have such a point exist at all. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation in your favor. In any case, even if he does not have real power to influence circumstances, the confidence that a person feels is worth a lot, I understand that he has already made some contribution to his own business, in a certain way he insured himself, putting an end to all empty doubts and uncertainties yourself. Moreover, it cannot be a coincidence that the sign was given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since antiquity.

Such similarities, as a rule, relate only to those things and facts that have a real and material background.

Surprisingly, it’s true: superstitions and omens come true. Especially those in which a person believes or wants to believe.

So everyone wants to attract changeable luck into their lives and keep them around as long as possible. Luck is attracted by horseshoe, coin, clover and other amulets.

Crossed fingers can also help you get things done.

Crossed fingers are strong amulet... The history of this gesture dates back to early Christianity. Even then, he had protective properties.

Celtic, Greek, solar, inverted, Orthodox, Lithuanian, Andrew's, red ... You can list it for a long time, but do you immediately understand that these are all varieties of the cross? It is he who is symbolized by crossed fingers.

The cross has existed long before our era. His images have already been found during excavations of the Stone Age. And almost immediately it became a sacred sign. Already the ancient Egyptians used a mysterious and mystical sign in religion. Interesting: egyptian god the sun was often depicted with rays-arms, each of which had a cross.

There are many meanings of the sign. The cross as a symbol of a man with outstretched arms, as a symbol of the four cardinal points, the center of the universe. Today it is a symbol of Christianity and God's protection. The sign of the Cross sanctifies, protects from evil spirits.

Does luck slip out of hand every now and then? You can hold it by crossing your index and middle fingers. What do crossed fingers mean? - you ask.

Fingers crossed - a symbol of the cross?

Since ancient times, crossed fingers have symbolized the cross on which Christ was crucified. In the early development of Christianity, this gesture was used as a defense against evil. During the persecutions of the Romans, the cross made of fingers was a kind of password for Christians; co-religionists were recognized by it. In the Middle Ages, the gesture served as a talisman against evil spirits. Currently, the meaning of the gesture is not associated with religion. Crossed fingers are used when they want to attract good luck and protect themselves from the evil eye.

Different values

But not everywhere. IN different countries this gesture is interpreted in different ways. “I’m not lying” - said this sign in Russia quite recently. In Vietnam, showing your crossed fingers to another person is inevitable. Here, this gesture is offensive because it symbolizes the female genitals. In Turkey and Greece, if the interlocutor shows crossed fingers, he wants to end friendly communication with him. Icelanders use this gesture when they have forgotten something and want to remember. In Denmark - when they take an oath. By crossing their fingers, they seem to be tying a promise in a knot.

The most common meaning of this gesture in the West is to attract good luck. Cross your fingers and everything will work out.

How to attract good luck

How can you be sure not to let your luck out of your hands? After all, fingers can be crossed in different ways. The middle finger can be positioned both above and below the index. As mentioned above, the history of the gesture goes back to the origins of Christianity. So in the painting of the Spanish artist Francisco Ribalta "The Last Supper" (1606), Jesus Christ is depicted. He lifted his hand with crossed fingers up, his index finger above the middle. This is the position of the fingers that will attract luck.

Crossed fingers behind my back

Another variation of the gesture, which also came to us from the west, is the crossed fingers behind the back. It is used when they tell a lie. By deceiving someone, a person is protected by him from evil spirits. The cross will save you from punishment for lying.

Crossed fingers against pain

British scientists have proven that a gesture can protect not only from evil spirits, but also relieve severe pain. Research leader Patrick Haggard argues that pain can be controlled by moving one part in relation to the other. Thorsten Thunberg's work, which explores not real, but phantom pain, became the basis for research. Scientists have proven that crossing the fingers relieves acute pain.

Good luck symbol

Over time, the gesture of crossed fingers became not just a symbol of good luck, but a symbol of its attraction. So this gesture is used for the emblem of the National Lottery of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for the Oregon Lottery and the Virginia Lottery in the United States of America.

So fingers crossed for good luck will help you achieve what you want. After all, everything is in our hands.