How beautiful to take pictures on the bench. Posses for successful photos

The camera does its job, keeping the picture in front of the lens, the light is highlighting the desired frame sections for the art effect. The photographer sets the shooting parameters, clicks the shutter. What does the model do at this time? If she was simply stood, then the problems of the frame was not. Yes, and the work of the photo model would not be valued so good. The role of the model is to work with its body, in the rack, in the posture, in the facial expressions and position of the hands. Professionals on both sides of the lens know how to stand and turn around to hide the flaws of the figure and advantageously emphasize the merits.

Correct body bends at photo shoot

There are poses for any type of shooting - standard options suitable for any type of shape: beautifully to become or sit down, lean on the table or wall, add objects into a frame. The photo should have an idea and history reflected in the details, outfits and model pose.

  • Correctly stand or sit to get a beautiful figure and feminine bends in the photo, just enough. Rules 3, performing them, in any position the camera will capture a photogenic picture.

Rule first

I pull the neck, the body is pulled out, the shoulders are lowered, and the housing is automatically aligned. Lines become smooth, feminine, elegant. The main thing is not to overdo it, too strongly elongated unnatural neck, beauty will not add. Cut the blades as much as possible, and the back will straighten, and the neck will lengthen, and it will look natural.

Rule second

Deflection in the lower back will make the advantages of the figure. Usually mention the rule "s", denoting the correct position of the body for the photo shoot. Photographing standing requires beautiful outlines and bends: Maximize in the lower back, placing your shoulders and stretching the neck, and move the weight of one leg. A similar situation will be when shooting at the wall, if you lean off the whole body, you will get a straight back without bends, and the blades will not be reduced. Divide slightly forward, having rushing the lumbar department, sway slightly. In this form, the body in shape resembles the English letter S that it looks beautiful and feminine in the photo.

Rule third

Do not relax, especially when shooting in sedental poses. Raise the lower back, donate forward, holding the neck elongated, and the blades are reduced. It will give the opportunity to draw the tummy, emphasize the chest line and back, beautifully show the legs. Shoulders try to keep lower chin levels maximized back. The simple rule will allow and enlarge the chest, and emphasize the neckline, and make your back softer, more beautiful, pull up the tummy, and the ass make a round.

Pose for shooting sitting

  • The main characteristic of the shooting sitting is to show the femininity and elegance of the model, the scarce of the shortcomings. For example, extra centimeters in the waist area or not long legs.

You can sit on the floor or horizontal surface, the body is located on the same line, you can learn on the wall or interior items. The neck must be elongated, the shoulders are stripped, and the back is flashed in the lower back so that the body looks in a feminine and proportionately. It is not necessary to strain the muscles very much and make a pose unnatural, try not to show efforts, the face should look relaxed. Try one leg bent and put in front of you, or pull out, go on your knees. The main thing is to ensure that the folds are not visible and the tummy will not "fall out", and the hips did not seem flattened.

There is a high chair, a sofa or any surface that allows you to lower your feet to the floor, it appears to show their beauty and visually lengthen. To do this, the photographer must be located 30-40 cm below the face level of the model. And the legs need to be pulled out, but they should not overlap each other and look natural.

In the case of shooting, sitting is permissible to achieve the effect of fragility and defenselessness to round the back, rely on the knees or hug their hands. But the neck still should be held in tension, like the abdominal muscles.

Poses for photo shoot standing

The most popular type of shooting with many variations of the position and framework has an unlimited fantasy space. The photo in full growth has several important features if an artistic idea is not provided for another option. The main thing is that you need to know the photographer - to obtain a proportional silhouette, it should be removed, lowering the camera to the level of chin or chest, the legs are visually stretched, and the body will seem slimmer, above and thinner. Using this technique, you can visually add growth to the girl. If the situation requires a reverse solution, then raise the camera for a couple of centimeters above the head of the model, the body is visually shortened.

As for the shooting standing in the photo studio, special backgrounds and cyclorama are used, both lighting devices and soft boxes that allow you to set the desired light for certain positions. Main rules:

  • If the photographer is not intended to be different, then the back should be straightened, and in the lower back it will become as much as possible. Direct rack without bends looks ridiculous and does not add beauty models. The standard serves the English letter "S", showing all body lines. Weight need to be transferred to one leg, pull the belly and reduce the blades, head and chin should be drawn up, pulling the neck.
  • There are many variations of the position of the hands when shooting standing: lift up, rest in the sides, shove into pockets or play with hair. They should look natural, slightly relaxed, but without the effect of "hanging missions". It is better to straighten your fingers, not to compress in the fists and not to separate them by fan.
  • The model should be relaxed and collected at the same time, any clips of the camera enhances and emphasizes. Overly rotten belly, pursed hands, a tense face - are a consequence of overvoltage and ugly look at the snapshot.
    Do not be afraid to move, some successful frames are obtained in motion when the body has a natural position and there is no feeling of art. Again, each idea of \u200b\u200bthe photographer may look original and interesting, even if all the well-known positions of the positiveness are violated.

Portrait shooting, features

The close-up implies the perfect clarity, the absence of visible flaws and focus on the eyes and face of the model. At the same time, do not forget about the position of the back and neck at this moment. If the back is not straightened, and the neck does not pull out, the effect of completeness and the second chin may appear, even where it was not at all. You can shoot, straight looking into the chamber, the insertion, looking over the shoulder and so on. In any of these options, you need to emphasize the chin line, and this can only be done by pulling it out and pulling the neck as much as possible.

Poses for filming in a long dress

Putting long beautiful evening dress, every woman turns into a princess. In a photography of shooting in a photo studio, a long dress can be interesting to beat the scenery and interior items. Popular furniture in such a situation are sofas and wedges, stairs, high chairs, chairs and beds. How to become so that in the photo beautifully looked not only the dress, but the model itself.
The main accent when shooting in the dress should become a silhouette, so the pose and position of the body is the most important thing. A long loop or beautiful hem of dresses can be more effective if you lower the camera below the breast level of the model and move away - it turns out a long fabulous character.

In general, the posture must be as simple as possible and majestic. The back is just straight, the blades are maximally reduced, and the chin stretched out. If the dress is with a corset, he will duck with your waist emphasize. Breast line, and without toting will have to keep the stomach in tension the whole photo session.

It will be beautiful to learn on the subject of furniture, sit down on the sofa or stand on the background of the window here the main thing is to maintain the image of the princess and not allow yourself to slightly fall or relax.

For a feminine and soft way, put your feet with each other and move the weight of one of them, then the pose will be more elegant. Regardless of the type of dresses, wear high heels under the dress, they will allow focusing on the desired bends and make the silhouette more proportional and harmonious.

  • Shot in the dress allows you to turn to the photographer back or stand in the trip, including turning the head into the profile.

Popular Last Type Type Type Cloud Create a fabulous image that allows you to make a photo session, practically not accepting complex poses. Corsets help keep posture, and chic volumetric hem and loop hide their legs and shoes, it remains only to straighten your shoulders, pick up the chin and putting hands beautifully. Another shooting option in such a dress is lying on the plume, as in the clouds. Hands raised above your head or one lies on the chest, the other in the hair.

As for the hands, they can be put on the hips, lift one to her hair or face, bend in the elbows in front of them and many other points. Fingers should be a bit stripped, not tense, it is undesirable to hide their hands behind the back.

Photographing for lush girls

Often, girls are shy for extra kilograms, even there is their minimal amount. And therefore, they do not suit a photo shoot for themselves, fear of becoming in the photos even more complete. The camera adds volumes - this is true, but only a unlucky or inexperienced photographer causes reluctance to work. There are many beautiful poses for photo sees, they are even suitable for girls who consider themselves fat.

  • The work of the photographer lies in the correct formulation of the frame and model, in the selection of light and poses, and only then there is a post-processing.

For full girls or having lush forms, the following poses are recommended for photography.

  • Shooting lying on the back with his legs raised - such a posture will perfectly hide extra centimeters in the waist area and visually lengthen the legs by making them more even and thin. An excellent addition to the frame will be a fabric or pillows, they can focus on attractive places and will perfectly hide what the model does not want to show.
  • When shooting, sitting will have to pull the abdomen as much as possible and get back, full models do not need to choose shooting on a chair or clamping on tables and a wall - it will create an extra volume in the buttocks and makes legs more. Also, it is not necessary to rely on something sideways, hand or elbow, it will focus on bend Tahily, and may be unprofitable to emphasize the tummy.
  • It is better to sit on the floor or on the sofa, the main thing is that the legs are at the same level with the booty. Then they can be thrown on each other or put nearby, socks need to be pulled as much as possible - it will create a beautiful hip line and distract attention from extra centimeters in the waist area. It is welcome to use objects, pillows, accessories, as well as putting hands so that they also attract a look toward the legs.
  • Shooting standing will require effort, since you need to straighten your shoulders as much as possible, stretch your neck, get into the lower back area and slightly deploy the case. These actions will help to allocate feminine lines, draw attention to the chest and make the figure slightly slightly.

Let's summarize

The complexity of shooting in the studio is only in the emphasis on the model and its posture, so you need more attention to all parts of the body and silhouette, in general. For thin girls, there are practically no restrictions in the position of the body and hand: you can remove standing, lying, sitting, leaning on the piece of furniture or the wall.
But girls with a size above 44 are also not worth upset and abandon photo shoots. There are certain basic poses for filming any type of figure and any complex.

It is enough just to correctly arrange accents, distract attention from flaws, emphasize the merits. You can use accessories and interior items to fill the frame.

The main thing in the photo shoot is the professionalism of the photographer, it is he will tell you the right position of the body and hands, put in the best way in the frame and processes the snapshot after shooting. Properly delivered light will make it possible to make full girls slimmer, divert attention from flaws, veil and hide them, and need to emphasize.

Photo session - For most people, the process is frightening, causing nervousness and excessive voltage. Many are afraid of what will be difficult, stupid, uninteresting, ugly, uncomfortable, and another million of any "not." And completely in vain, this unknown is frightened, it is worth noting. In this article, I would like to give a few tips on how to pose on a photo shoot of a conventional person without a rich model past.

Thousands of times I heard from the girls the phrase "I don't know how to pose, will you tell me how you need?". Of course, I will help and prompt which posture for you is most beneficial to how it is better to emphasize the merits and hide the shortcomings, but I still ask not to neglect the information set out in this article, but to take it as basic bricks in the construction of our fruitful cooperation with you. Today will go about posing for girls.
To begin with, an important psychological moment. No shocking and grogging! Stop internally afraid and worry that you can do something not so that you will look funny and ridiculous. Feel free to your photographer. It is not less, and even sometimes more interested in a great result.

So, choose the main position in which you are comfortable, comfortable, you do not risk falling, losing the balance, and already continue all manipulations from it.
Start constantly smoothly (this is the key moment) to move. This does not mean that the whole body should move at once, not at all. Enough movement of the upper body, hands, head, neck.
When posing for a photo shoot, imagine that you are moving in a measured plastic dance, movements should be unhurried, light and sliding.
Your main task is not to stop for a second. As soon as you freeze, the thoughts are beginning to get into your consciousness about how you look, from what a sobe that you have, what the chin on the chin is there and other nonsense, which is capable of a sophisticated female brain.

It is necessary to keep your back (plus to grace), pull the stomach (plus to harmony) and reduce the blades (plus to the chest), well, in general, it's time to remember the classics from the editarian of the windows that "everything is in yourself!".

How to pose on a photo shoot?

You can play with hair, straighten them, throw from the side to the side, cheat, shook your head, sharply turn around.
It is for this reason that, by the way, I always recommend the girls not to make intricate hairstyles, do not pour the bottles of fixing means, and leave the hair with fasteners and natural, adding only curls for the liveliness.

Hands in the photos are incredibly great importance.
They should not hang. They should not be in a symmetrical position and must be all the time in motion.

You can stroke yourself when the hands smoothly slide on bending up and down, repeating the contours of the body.
Start from the chest area, continuing to the waist, hips, returning back, hug yourself, feel free to show what you love yourself and your body.

Do not think about what it looks stupid (because it's completely wrong), do not pushing, relax and enjoy the process.

Game with clothes - another point in the piggy bank of ideas. For this reason, for example, I advise you to shoot with you accessories - scarves, scarves, gloves, hats, capes.
Therefore, I adore when girls come on a photo shoot in light air dresses.
A photo session is not a routine day from life, so why not make this little holiday from this?

Why come in your everyday jeans when you can afford something interesting what you pay attention to shop windows, but the thought will keep you "And where will I wear it?"

Perfectly, if you grab a beautiful element of clothing, which can be slightly lifted on your shoulders, throw or remove at all.

If you are not on heels, then definitely get up on the socks.
This trick and legs will make longer and the ass visually pulls out and in general will give the way of lightness and grace.
Do not stand firmly and confidently on both feet, try to transfer body weight from one foot to another.

Always a win-win version - to reduce the legs in the knees, this simple action emphasizes the waist and the thigh line.

In sedentary poses, never sit down to the photographer frontal, otherwise you risk getting a "photo on a passport".
Try to always be to the camera in a half-one and do not forget to pull the feet of the sideline, putting them on the rib feet.

If you are in some relatively static pose (sit, learn, stand), then do not try to change it every second completely.

Sufficiently small light movements from the basic poses. Change the pose in the same plane (for example, bent slightly to the right or left), change the body turn, put a different leg, carry the body weight from one foot to another.

To underscore the neckline zone, you need to lean a little to the upper part of the body forward, because it is known, everything that is located closer to the chamber - visually increases, and everything that continues visually decreases.
You can also lightly help yourself by pressing your chest elbows.

The main summary is away. Believe my experience, every person is plastic.
Especially when it comes to the representatives of the beautiful sex. But because of it is not clear where the fear of stealing and stiffness gets squeezed, boring and unattractive pictures. There is no man who would condemn you for excessive openness when posing for a photo shoot. People passing by, see you exactly 2 seconds of your life, after another 5 minutes they will never remember you about you, so is it worth scoring yourself what others think about you?

If you suddenly overtake a creative deadlock, new ideas ended or just looking for a small tip for photography of the girl, then the sketches can be used as a starter crib, because they are one of the most important stages of preparation for. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use such a technique when preparing and during a photo session. Pose of girls for photo shoot From this article should be used as initial recommendations, and it is best to view and discuss the proposed perspectives with your model, especially if she has little experience. Thus, you will be able to establish a psychological contact with the model. During the photo session, do not hesitate to ask the model of her opinions, what poses she more like. It helps and model, and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end - get worthy. It will be very helpful if the model thinks about the photo session that she wants to see in the pictures, what does it want to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Can something romantic? Or some special character traits? What options will be better to be able to succeed? The following poses are a prompt not only for the model, but also for the photographer, they can be printed or throw themselves onto the phone and carry with them like a crib, which will help you at a difficult moment.

In this article, a photo as an illustration was chosen to each post. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //, copyrights belong to their authors.

So, look: successful poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often when shooting portraits and model, and the photographer forget about the position of the hands. However, it may turn out something creative if you ask the model to play with your hands, trying different positions at the head and face. The main thing is to remember one rule - no flat, intense palms: the brushes should be soft, flexible and, it is desirable that they are not turned directly into the frame of the palm or the brush rear.

3. Probably you are familiar with such a composite rule as.

4. Very cute pose for a seated model - with switches switched together.

5. Another open and attractive posture - the model lies on the ground. Source and make a frame with almost the ground level.

6. And again the option for the position is lying: you can ask the model to play with your hands - folded them or calmly omitted to the ground. Beautiful angle for shooting on the street, among colors and herbs.

7. The most elementary pose, but it looks just stunning. It is necessary to remove from the bottom level, go around the model in a circle, making pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the hands, brushes, heads.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of legs and arms, focus on the eyes of the model.

9. Pretty and playful posture. Great for almost any interior: in bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a picture of the model from the bottom position with focusing in the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to demonstrate a beautiful figure of the model. Perfectly emphasizes silhouette on a bright background.

11. Another friendly posture for the seated model. Place the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest, and the other foot, also bent in the knee, lay on the ground. The glance is sent to the lens. Try using different shooting angles for a better result.

12. An excellent way to demonstrate all the beauty and plastic of the body of the model. You can use as a pose for silhouette on a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with a large number of possible options. Let the model experimenting with the position of the hips, hands, head.

14. Easy and at the same time elegant posture. The model is turned a little in the side, hands in the rear pockets.

15. A small tilt forward can unobtrusively emphasize the forms of the model. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. Sensual pose with raised hands favorably emphasizes smooth bends of the body. Well suited for slender and taut models.

17. Position options in full growth is simply infinite, this position can be taken at the starting point. Ask the model to easily rotate the body, change the position of the hands, head, direction of view, etc.

18. Such a pose looks pretty relaxed. Do not forget that you can rely on the wall not only with your back, but also shoulder, hand or thigh.

19. Frames in full growth are quite specific and better suitable for high, slender models. Here is a small secret: the body of the model should remind the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the hands are in a relaxed state.

20. One of the best poses for slender models with a huge number of possible options. To catch the most favorable position, ask the model to slowly change the position of the hands and continuously bending the body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and drapery. With their help you can get sensual pictures. It is not necessary to navigate the whole back: Often, even slightly naked shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. Successful posture for a photo shoot and an excellent angle, from which the model seems slimmer. The model is standing sideways, the chin is slightly lowered down, and the shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often ordinary postures are most successful. The model should move the weight of the body to one leg, and the body is bent into the S-form.

24. The model touches both hands to the vertical surface, for example, a wall or wood. Pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model is endowed with beautiful long hair - definitely show them in motion. Ask it to quickly turn your head so that the hair develops. Experiment with exposure to get clear or on the contrary, lubricated and emphasizing the movement of the frames.

26. In the next pose, the model sits on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, then you can get a thematic snapshot (for example, a girl froze, and now resting and heated).

27. Excellent and convenient posture, which is suitable for a photo session in the house, studio on the couch and not only ...

28. Beautiful pose for model sitting on the sofa.

29. Excellent option for photographing a model sitting on Earth. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. In the sitting position, you can experiment, you should not limit ourselves only to certain plot poses.

31. It is believed that when crossing the legs and hands between people, a certain psychological barrier is created, and it is impregnative when photography. However, this is not always the case. Photographer should try to make a photo where the hands of the model are crossed on the chest. This is a great pose for a female photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy.

32. It is not always worth inventing a certain position of the hands. It is absolutely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing, remember that standing, the model should carry the body weight on one leg.

33. Another example of poses for a photo in full growth, which is ideal for a photo shoot. The hands of the girl, in whole or in part, are in pockets.

34. This is the possession of winning for the summer photo shoot. Ask the model to walk and slowly stroll.

35. The hands of the model behind the back, unusual, but very open and sincere pose. Also, the model can lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, it is very simple, and at the same time, spectacular position. The model stands a little sideways, and the face turned to the photographer, the head is slightly tilted.

37. The model will be very harmonious will look in the frame, if both hands put on the waist. Pose is suitable for the belt portrait and portrait in full growth.

38. If there is some high object of furniture nearby, which you can learn with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create formal, but at the same time free and posing posture.

39. Another successful posture is to sit on something. Well suits for shooting indoors and outdoor.

40. An example of feminine and winning posture for a picture of a model in full growth.

41. A rather complicated pose, due to the fact that the model movement needs to be transmitted. Nevertheless, if everything is done correctly, the award will serve as an excellent, elegant fashion shot.

42. Excellent Pose, True, Certain Camera Settings will be required: The girl relies on the fence or railing of the bridge. A large diaphragm will provide a small depth of field and blurry back.

43. Magnificent pose, if everything is done taking into account its features. The correct arrangement of hands and legs play a decisive role here. Perfect for any physique. Please note that the shooting should be made from a slightly elevated position.

44. Beautiful posture for intimate photography. It is well used in various conditions, on the bed, the beach, etc.

45. Another interesting posture. Racurs take from the bottom point. The upper part of the body of the model is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs bent in the knees up, the feet are crossed.

46. \u200b\u200bSuch a posture is not the easiest. Attention should be paid to a few things: the hand on which the model is based on, should be turned palm from the body, the abdominal muscles must be controlled, the legs must be elongated. Pose is ideal for sports type of physique.

47. The next complex pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For a successful end result, it should take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, hands, waist (there should be no folds on the skin!), Hips and legs.

1. Secrets of a successful photo session at the bar rack

Never pick up the legs under it: two plump suckers are twice as shorter than in reality. The second error is to clamp the neck or close it with your hands. The head is not growing right from the collar! Finally, keep your back: what are you sitting in the straight - the harder you look!

2. Growth portrait in the interior

How to photograph? She wished on one thigh - got the legs of the o-shaped form, as if born in the saddle. Effectively lower one thigh - the science that the photo models are mastering for months! So straighten and sliding the feet, you're beauty! The second lifehak is a hand on the waist. If this is your favorite posture, we need to turn around the rules of photographing to the camera: it will eat the stomach and make you a waist.

3. Poses for photography sitting in a chair

No matter how much you want to create the effect of relaxed poses, do not clamp on your back and do not learn back. It will make the legs thick, and the body will turn into an ugly rectangle. Remember your hands: in the frame there should be no "hardware". Do you have fingers? Well, show them!

4. Successful postures for photos for girls on the sofa

Arrangeing hands, you add 10 kilograms of weight, eat 10 centimeters of growth and give the whole figure an angular ridiculous look. Legging your feet into English manner, slightly moving the foot from the edge of the sofa and - yes, right! - Rafting back.

5. Portrait in the interior

Only very slender girls can sign their cheeks with their hands. If you have at least a hint of cheeks, forget about bringing hands to face. "Lunolic" is not the best compliment. And most likely, in general, Martushenka will remind someone. Not the most successful posture for a photo photo shoot.

6. As if for Vogue

And I go so all - and in a passive-aggressive pose I got up, as if on the cover! Nea. You look a curve, with a short neck, without a waist, and your legs seem curves. Pull the shoulders back, put one hand, put the legs on the width of a small step - and the effect will be completely different!

7. How to photograph to girls on the street

If no one is trying to drive you from the bench, do not stick in her hands. And even more so do not exacerbate the position of the head of the head forward. What are you grouping, how before jumping? You are countess for a walk! Relax your legs, reach them so that both feet are visible (or both beautiful shoes), a little inclination of the head of the Welcome - another thing!

8. Who from above

The general and unshakable rule of a successful photo shoot: the photographer is from below, you are top. Just compare the size of the head and the length of the legs on both pictures. Everything is understandable, right?

We thank the photographer

I happened to you - you look great, you are photographed, and in the photo ... what is the nightmare? Is it really me? This happens not only because of a bad photographer, much depends on you. You just need to remember a few secrets for a successful photo shoot. And remember that every little thing is important!

Maybe you just turned to the photographer not the side or photographed, turning right, or just wrinkled and dragged the neck into the shoulders?

  • The fact is that a person has one half of the face is always different from the other, and you need to turn to the camera with your better side.
  • Tip from professional photographers - Never take pictures as a passport, standing straight. This is the most losing option. Especially if your face is complete. No wonder the photographers phrase "photo on a passport" is associated with an unsuccessful portrait picture. So try to use the position of the insertion. And even better, if you first turn to the side, and as soon as the photographer fills - turn to it. The snapshot is likely to be simply elegant!

Pay attention to the face and neck are important details.

  • The muscles of the face must be relaxed, the forehead is smooth.
  • The neck should look beautiful and long, try to be sure to be visible in the photo. To do this, keep the chin slightly raised, but not too much, otherwise it will seem square.
  • If you think that your lips are too thin, then slightly open your mouth, but do not pull them out as a duck.
  • Do not look directly to the camera - select a point and look at it.
  • For the photo to be positive, forget to forget everything bad, try to be in a raised mood, for this remember the most pleasant moments for you. Either be opposite you, behind the back of the photographer, your favorite person or your child or a pet will rise. Your look inevitably warmer.

Makeup for photo shoot.

  • To perform makeup take the mirror increasing face. Since modern cameras will capture all the little things, and the shortcomings will be much more noticeable than in real life
  • And do not be lazy to make trial makeup and trial photos in front of the photo session.
  • Remember that makeup should be flawless and brighter than usual. But at the same time do not overdo it in order not to look vulgar.
  • Upper eyelashes can be more stronger, but the bottom is not worthwhile - there may be circles in the photo under the eyes.
  • Pearl shadows can also spoil the photo if the light is incorrect.
  • Thoroughly grow all the lines of makeup.
  • Tonal cream should not be too light, otherwise you will have a sick look. And from too dark you will seem older. Choose it exactly to the tone of your skin. And can make the contouring of the face, details here!
  • Be sure to take Pudrenitsa with me so that the face is not glittered. Probably you saw how to spoil the photograph of the luminance face.

If you do not know where to do your hands, then the most important thing is not to keep them as unnecessary leaves.

  • There should be an ideal manicure on your hands - after all, unhappy hands are able to spoil any successful photo.
  • Keep them freely, do not compress in fists. They can be simply free to put on themselves if it is impossible to remove the tension, then shake hands.
  • Take, for example, flower or kitten.
  • Mounted hands to the hair

How to be slimmer in the photo

  • Take pictures in the group - try to come side, and not in the center and get much more elegant.
  • Put one or both hands on the waist, so it will look thinner. Use this technique if you are removed sitting.
  • Want to look slimmer - choose a pose, where the shoulders will be a little served, and the back side will be a little away. Thus, the chest will seem more, and the hip is less.

How to dress on a photo session.

  • The most important rule - the clothes should like you - and you yourself in it!
  • It is better to choose one-picture clothing, without large patterns, inscriptions and logos. Color of clothing should not merge with background.
  • Easiness and airiness to your image will add a light upper part and a more dark bottom.
  • Choose noble colors, acid colors will distract attention from your image.

How to choose successful postures to take a picture

  • To pick up a winning pose, see how professional models are posing. Cut in front of a mirror to the music, taking various poses. Choose the most suitable for you.
  • Keep the royal posture.

Here are the advice from a professional photographer

And the rest depends on how professional is your photographer. Successful photos of photo shoots.

You can read other articles to do this.