The best remedies for arachnids. How to get rid of spiders in the house with affordable means? How to protect yourself from spiders

The appearance of spiders in the home is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Neighborhood with arthropods causes not only psychological discomfort. Dirt and various microorganisms are transferred on their paws, therefore, the sanitary condition of the premises deteriorates. Some species are even poisonous. To avoid these problems, you need to know how to get rid of spiders in your home.

Spiders in the house live in a wide variety of places, even in bathrooms.


The chemical industry produces a wide range of insect repellents for residential use. The most popular products are special sprays and aerosols, the active ingredient of which is boric acid or chlorpyrifos. This is a real poison for most " uninvited guests". But they are toxic to humans, so when using them, you must definitely take precautions.

For example, these tools include:

  1. Jiker Bun is a home spray. Odorless.
  2. Raptor is an aerosol with a pleasant mint aroma. An effective remedy for spiders, which, according to the instructions, does not harm pets.
  3. Raid insecticides that kill any insects well.

To use a spider remedy to give a result, you need to apply it correctly. To begin with, you should read the attached instructions and follow the described recommendations. But there is also a "standard" for working with chemicals against arthropods:

  1. Before starting to use a spray or aerosol, it is necessary to exclude the access of fresh air, which will reduce the concentration active substances: close windows and doors.
  2. Observe safety precautions.
  3. Treat with the product as much as possible more area: spray the aerosol on all nooks and crannies where spiders can hide: the gap between the baseboard and the floor, grates ventilation system at home, space behind furniture, etc.
  4. After finishing work, you need to leave the room for several hours. If possible, it is recommended to spend the night elsewhere.
  5. After returning home, all rooms should be well ventilated and made wet cleaning... This is to prevent toxins from entering the skin and the respiratory system.
  6. Treatment alone is usually not enough because the chemicals only kill adults, while spider eggs remain intact. Therefore, re-spraying the spray is necessary after 14 days.

Knowing how to get rid of spiders in an apartment or a private house using chemicals, you can quickly solve the problem.

Tip: An alternative to spray insecticides are special tablets that contain both an arthropod-attractive substance and poison. Having tasted such a "treat", the individual dies

If there is a real invasion of spiders in the house, then you can turn to a pest control for help. He will professionally handle the room special composition, including the most inaccessible places.


Before using any chemical insecticide, you need to carefully read the instructions, not only how to get spiders out of the apartment, but also how not to harm yourself, the health of households and pets. Parents of young children who like to play on the floor should be especially careful. Neglect of safety measures can lead to poisoning with toxic substances.

Some rules should be followed:
  1. Some products are prohibited for use in the kitchen. This should be considered when choosing an insecticide.
  2. When working with aerosols and sprays, it is recommended to use protective equipment: gloves and respirator, which should be discarded after spraying.
  3. After processing the premises, everyone needs to leave the house for at least 4-5 hours, and then wipe off all areas that have been applied with the insecticide.
  4. Sprays and aerosols are not recommended for use in rooms where people suffering from bronchial asthma and allergies live: this can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for the drug. It is forbidden to increase the dosage and the permissible frequency of use. It is unlikely to bring an additional effect, and an increase in concentration toxic substances can negatively affect work.

If, after treatment, family members have severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting, then you need to take an absorbent (for example, activated carbon), go to fresh air and seek help from a medical facility.


On sale you can see insect repellents that act on spiders. Their mechanism of work is to create ultrasonic waves. They are harmless to humans, but arthropods do not like them very much.

Important! Therefore, such a device allows not only to expel spiders from the house, but also to prevent the arrival of new "guests".

Ultrasonic scarers are produced in the form of a small box. Their advantage is that they affect other insects, including mosquitoes, and even small rodents. But they are not recommended for use in a home with cats, small dogs and other small animals, because they are also susceptible to the ultrasonic waves emitted by the device, although to a lesser extent than spiders.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for spiders are sometimes more effective than chemicals. In addition, such "grandmother's recipes" imply the use of natural substances, and not toxic compounds like insecticides. therefore undoubted advantages folk remedies Is their environmental friendliness and safety for humans.

How to get rid of spiders with folk remedies? The most popular ways to fight:

  1. Duct tape spread over spider habitats. This method is effective only if there are not many unpleasant neighbors in the house, and the trap tape will not save you from the appearance of new arthropods.
  2. The fruit of a horse chestnut, cut into several pieces, is placed in the corners of the house, where spiders are more often seen, as well as at doors and vents. The specific smell will help drive away uninvited inhabitants.
  3. Treatment of the floor and wall surfaces with a vinegar solution. It is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. This product produces an additional antibacterial effect.
  4. Fresh walnuts, having a green color, excellently repel spiders.
  5. Essential oils: peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus. Arthropods do not tolerate the smell of these plants, which can be used in the fight against them. If you add a few drops essential oil into the water and thoroughly treat the room with the resulting solution with a spray bottle, then the spiders will soon run away from the house. It is necessary to spray all cracks, door and window openings.

The use of folk remedies in the fight against spiders is effective with regularity. Horse chestnuts or walnuts need to be replaced periodically, as their smell will fade over time. Treating with a vinegar or essential oil solution should be done every week.


The best remedy for spiders in a private house or apartment is putting things in order in the house and maintaining it constantly. You need to throw out all unnecessary things, wipe the dust well even in the most inaccessible places. It is necessary to remove all cobwebs, because spiders lay their eggs in them.

If the spiders attacked private house, then you should clean up the area around it, throwing out all unnecessary trash, removing fallen leaves, mowed grass. IN dark time It is recommended not to use the lighting of the site for days, because it attracts flying insects - the favorite food for the spider.

The maximum effect will be achieved if you combine different methods of struggle with each other. The main thing is to clean up the home. Then you can treat the premises with potent insecticides, and then maintain the result with the help of mild folk remedies.

Spiders often appear in apartments and houses. Many people are terrified of their "neighbors" and shudder from the appearance of eight-legged arthropods. Sometimes spiders literally fall from the ceiling onto their heads or calmly rise on a thin thread in the middle of the room.

Why do spiders get in the house? Is this good or bad? How to get unpleasant tenants out of the bathroom, room, corridor? There are many solutions and ways. Which spider control method should you choose? The owner of the house must decide. It is important to know what folk signs say about spiders.

Reasons for the appearance

Arachnids live in nature. If they move to a house or apartment in large numbers, it means that they are satisfied with the conditions and a sufficient amount of food.

How do spiders get into a home? There are several ways:

  • through cracks in doors, floors, windows;
  • from the attic of an old house;
  • on clothes;
  • from open windows, especially if there are trees, bushes, garbage dump, dilapidated buildings near the building.

Is the spider on the ceiling or in the bathroom dangerous?

Most owners of the private sector and apartments have come across such a phenomenon as spiders in the house. Is it good or bad for the owners? Good news or trouble awaiting household members? Can spiders be killed in the house?

Answer in to a greater extent depends on how strong the belief in omens is. If the owners are superstitious, listen to the opinion of "all-knowing" friends, sorcerers and fortune-tellers, the attitude towards spiders will be more than reverent.

Many fortune-telling and omens endow spiders positive qualities... Meeting with eight-legged arthropods promises good luck, unexpected income, communication with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. There are also bad signs: illness, failure, a long journey, an unplanned move, adultery.

Learn about the operation and rules of using an ultrasonic device to repel rodents and insects.

How to deal with a wireworm on potatoes in the fall? Effective methods pest control described page.

Folk signs

Surely not everyone knows when a meeting with a spider promises good luck, and in what cases it is better to think about the planned things or to reconsider the attitude towards life. Popular omens can be treated in different ways, but you should not completely ignore it: it is no coincidence that wise people paid attention to the subtleties and "little things" of everyday life.

Common signs associated with spiders:

  • meet in the morning - to good day, to see during the day - to great love;
  • a spider hovered over the table while eating - someone is plotting, you need to be on your guard;
  • an unexpected fall on your head is a big income that no one knows about;
  • a spider appeared on a thread right in front of your eyes - there will be a person with whom you have not seen for a long time;
  • an eight-legged arthropod appeared on the bathroom wall - a hint of the need for a change in life;
  • a spider going up - great news, promotion and success in business;
  • a trapping net arose over the bed - illness, adultery are possible. You should not take this sign seriously, it is better to put things in order in the bedroom, clean the corners, the ceiling from the cobwebs, let the arachnid out into the street, and the mood will immediately improve.

What are the spiders in the house

Dwelling eight-legged arthropods are a fairly small group of species. Most often, rather harmless, peaceful creatures from the arachnid class settle at home. Thin (long or short) legs, a small brown or yellow body - this is how spiders look in an apartment.

Terrible (up to 3-4 cm in size) black individuals from trees more often wind a dense cobweb from the street, on balconies and loggias, under the roof. Large spiders with a massive abdomen and voluminous limbs sometimes crawl into the dwelling, but do not stay long - they need larger food, midges and fleas are of little interest to them.

Note! Spiders do not bite, they only frighten the owners with their quick movements. Arachnids do not attack, they try to hide in a secluded place if a person approaches.

The main varieties of domestic spiders:

  • hay spider. Other names are centipede, window spider. The abdomen is small - up to 1 cm, the legs are long - up to 5 cm. Fishing nets are randomly scattered around the house. The eight-legged arthropod prefers dark corners, the area above the window. The long-leg monitors when midges or flies fall on the cobweb, injects poison, immediately absorbs the prey;
  • vagrant spiders enter the premises through open balconies and windows. They do not weave trapping nets: arachnids grab gape insects, inject a dose of poison, then move to a new site. Tramp spiders resemble centipedes: a long abdomen and limbs of about the same size;
  • home spider much smaller than other varieties: body length - up to 14 mm. The fishing net is like a pipe. The ambush is more often arranged by the female. Small spiders rarely cause panic and fear, they are easy to take out the window.

Do I need to fight arthropods

The corners, covered with cobwebs with dead insects entangled in a trapping net, accumulation of dust, arachnids scurrying along the floor, bathroom walls or under the ceiling create an unaesthetic picture in the dwelling. The abundance of spiders indicates insufficient order in the house or apartment, the lack of regular cleaning of hard-to-reach areas.

Dust, spider waste, dried flies and cockroaches among the cobwebs can hardly be called healthy and home decoration. For this reason, the answer to the question: "Do I need to get rid of spiders in the house?" - of course it will be in the affirmative.

The methods of struggle are another matter. Most often, you can find recommendations not to kill spiders, but simply put them on a stick or scoop, take them out into the street. This advice is good, but it is not always easy to implement due to the panic that many people have in front of arachnids.

The first reaction to a spider above the bed or in the bathroom is to kill, crush, hit with the sneaker with all his might. It is difficult to cope with emotions, especially if the spider has reached big size... Tiny arachnids do not cause such negative emotions, more often they stay alive, they safely “move” on a stick or a broom to the balcony.

How to get rid of: effective methods

How to get rid of spiders in the house forever? Eight-legged arthropods will leave their homes themselves if they are deprived of their comfortable habitat. The owners need to think about what factors attract arachnids, eliminate the reasons for visiting the house.

How to proceed:

  • close up all the cracks in doors, windows;
  • clean the attic, living quarters from trash. Arachnids settle in areas where there are many secluded places, there are enough zones for arranging a refuge;
  • hang grates with small cells on the straps;
  • regularly clean an apartment or a private house, do not be lazy to collect dust and cobwebs in the corners, from the ceiling;
  • look into hard-to-reach areas, wash the corners and areas under the sink, bathroom, side of the cabinet well;
  • clean the porch, the area above the threshold, often clean the balcony, especially if it is not glazed;
  • to deprive eight-legged arthropods of their favorite food: to destroy cockroaches, midges, mosquitoes, flies that live at home;
  • old furniture, rags, unnecessary appliances, boxes, baskets piled up in a pile in the back rooms - an ideal habitat for many-legged "aliens". Only cleanliness and space will reduce the risk of an unpleasant neighborhood with arachnids.

What do they look like on humans and how are they treated? Read useful information.

Go to the address and learn about how and how to treat ear mites in dogs.

Effective control methods:

  • sticky tape traps for catching flies and mosquitoes. Spread the devices horizontally in places where spiders often move;
  • a vacuum cleaner plus a damp cloth is an ideal weapon against eggs and trapping nets;
  • decompose walnuts, horse chestnut fruits in the habitats of arachnids. The spiders do not tolerate the smell of natural products, they leave the room;
  • essential oils against arachnids. Prepare a solution of 500 ml of water and 20 drops of mint, eucalyptus or tea tree ether, spray the areas where the spiders accumulate from a spray bottle. This method is less harmful to eight-legged arthropods than spraying toxic aerosols.

Preventive measures

Most owners do not want to put up with spiders in the house. One multi-legged "alien" is most likely to good news, but a lot of arachnids scurrying around the apartment, suddenly appearing before your eyes, annoying and frightening.

The cleanliness of the apartment, the absence of rubbish, regular cleaning of all rooms and areas are the basic rules, under which the invasion of spiders will definitely not happen. Even when abnormally warm yearswhen there are too many arachnids, a spacious apartment, in which order reigns, will be free from "decorations" in the form of trapping nets.

Even if the owners are sensitive to spiders, they believe that “neighbors” weaving trapping nets should not be killed, it is not worth planting arachnids in corners and closets. The house and apartment are where people live, not eight-legged arthropods. Each owner chooses at his own discretion the methods of dealing with arachnids.

Find out more interesting details about spiders in the house from the following video:

Attention! Only today!

All insects, including spiders, have their place in the sun. People, of course, can be grateful to them for killing flies or mosquitoes, but this does not mean that they can arrange a home in your bedroom or settle in a closet. For some people, the sight of a many-legged creature crawling on a wall can cause, in others - an irresistible desire for "creatures" and calm down.

In both cases, you shouldn't resort to insecticides or pesticides right away - there are many other natural remedies for driving spiders out of your home. Keep in mind that a bottle with a chemical mixture can be much more harmful than a spider.

Most spiders, but there are some that sneak into the room in search of food and shelter. The easiest way not to meet these pests is to prevent them from entering the house, however, if insects nevertheless crawled inside, use folk or by industrial means to scare away or destroy spiders.

The following tips will help you take preventive measures from the appearance of spiders, both in an apartment and in a private house.

  1. Don't let spiders get inside. Fill up all the cracks in the house or apartment, fill large gaps with putty. Replace or repair torn mosquito nets on windows and doors.
  2. Switch off outdoor lighting: spiders are not attracted to light, but it does attract other insects that spiders feed on... Also use curtains to dim indoor lighting.
  3. Remove vegetation around the house, or move it to the other end of the site. In search of new food sources, spiders use bushes, flowers and other plants as hiding places and move through them into the building.
  4. Keep the area clean. IN clean house spiders will have no chance of hiding, which will not make them linger. Don't leave food debris around that will attract other insects. Sweep and vacuum floors regularly, and dust off furniture. Try to wash the dishes immediately after eating.
  5. Prefer plastic containers to store food over cardboard boxeswhere it is easier for spiders to get through.

Proven Ways to Get Rid of Spiders

  1. Remove spider webs, visible eggs and insects with a vacuum cleaner. This method is very effective if there are still few pests in the house. You can also use a broom or broom for this purpose, but the spider itself can easily escape, which is especially true for small individuals.
  2. Arrange glue traps in dark corners, behind furniture, in closets, and near windows and doors.
  3. Apply a long-lasting insecticidal spray to cracks and corners of the room. Follow the instructions on the product packaging to be safe and not harm others, including pets.
  4. If there are an excessive number of spiders in the home, call professional exterminators. Please be aware that professional pesticide products are very toxic, so you have to leave the premises for a few days.
Important! Airborne fumigators are generally ineffective against spiders.

Folk remedies

  1. Plants. Horse chestnut can act as a natural repeller. Spread several fruits in areas where insects are most common. It is believed that walnuts and the fruit of orange maclura (inedible orange) also have a deterrent effect. There is no scientific evidence of efficacy this methodhowever, according to popular practice, these plants give off an odor that is unpleasant for spiders.
  2. Essential oils. Pour a solution of water and 15-20 drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle. Treat all cracks and corners in your home. Spiders do not tolerate this smell and will definitely leave your territory. Mint oil can be used to moisten cotton balls and fill in the gaps through which insects enter. If you are intolerant to peppermint, use eucalyptus or tea tree oil, which have a similar effect.
  3. Vinegar. Pour the solution into the spray bottle white vinegar and water at a rate of one to one. Spray all spiders with this spray and spray every insect you see. Acetic acid is harmful to spiders, and they die as a result of contact with it. As a repeller, you can place containers with vinegar in dark places. If the vinegar smell is unpleasant to you, you can use lemon instead.

Spider chemicals

If unpleasant neighbors in the form of spiders have settled in your apartment, or on, then you can fight with them more radical means, which contain chemicals - poisons.

In a residential area, for this purpose, it is better to use household products (for example, sprays), but getting rid of spiders in the country, where there is more space, can also be done with the help of more potent chemicals.

It should be borne in mind that spiders appear where there is food for them: flies, cockroaches, ants, midges and other insects. Therefore, first of all, you need to get rid of them, and then take up spiders.

Raid from ants and cockroaches

Description of Raid

Destroys insects instantly upon contact with the agent. The action lasts up to 4 weeks on a residual basis. Leaves no lasting chemical odors. Suitable for fighting ants, cockroaches, spiders.


  • imiprotrin - 0.1%
  • cypermethrin - 0.1%
  • other components - 99.8%
  • contains petroleum products

Precautions: Use only in closed spaces... Remove people and animals from the room before processing. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use. In case of contact with clothing or skin, remove clothing immediately, rinse skin for 15-20 minutes.

Mode of application: Shake the container well before use. Holding the container in an upright position, spray on the required surface until completely moistened from a distance of 30 cm. After processing, immediately leave the room until the agent is completely dry. Repeat processing if necessary.

Reviews on Raid from ants and cockroaches

Andrey, Kemerovo, 35 years old - Very like!
“I love this spray! He kills all insects: cockroaches, spiders, ants! You just need to spray on the beetle and you're done. The only problem is that the description states that the product should prevent the emergence of new insects on a residual basis, but so far this does not help me, and I always keep a spare can in the house! "
Aslan, Krasnoyarsk, 26 years old - Works great.
“Really kills any pest that catches your eye. Even little gnats. Virtually odorless. Recommend."
Anna, Moscow, 45 years old - No spiders!
“Spiders appeared at our dacha - unpleasant creeping creatures! The first thing I came across was Raid from ants and cockroaches, because the description says that it also helps from spiders. Indeed, it helps. I spray directly on them - the effect is instant. I also sprayed it to dry, let's see how it will act in order to prevent it. "

Odorless spray from flying and crawling insects Joker Bun / Joker Bun

Description of Joker Boone

Purpose: an odorless insecticidal and pesticide aerosol for the rapid destruction of crawling and flying insects in everyday life. Suitable for flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, etc. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Not intended for use in establishments catering any type.

Manufacturer: Liderkozmetik, Turkey.

Mode of application: Spray while holding the balloon in an upright position, at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be treated. Stop spraying after wetting the surface.

To combat spiders, spray along baseboards, doors and windows, corners, along pipelines, storage rooms, attic and other areas where insects can enter the room. For instant killing, spray directly at the pest.

Precautions: Do not spray into the air, avoid over-application. Keep children and animals away from the treated surfaces until the product is completely dry.

Joker Bun reviews

Angelina , Tomsk, 35 years old - Saved us from the spiders!
“Our apartment is located on the ground floor and, apparently, spiders were constantly crawling through the cracks in the floor. I can't stand them. I decided to poison, but there was a problem - I had small child and I didn't want to splash smelly chemistry. On the Internet, I read about this Boone, that it is odorless, and decided to order. I did not expect much from the spray, especially since it was inexpensive. Received, sprinkled along the baseboards and into all the cracks in the floor. There was really no smell, which was very pleasing. If you spray on a spider, it dies immediately. So far, these bastards did not bother us anymore. Five points!"
Valentin, Biysk, 50 years old - Effective and does not smell.
“I recommend this tool to everyone. Previously used other drugs, but excessively bad smell made me start looking for a new one. This is how I found Joker Boone. I spray for prevention on glass on the balcony, in the country, in the basement - wherever insects appear. Acts from everyone. When spraying, I recommend putting a cloth mask on your face - after all, it is poison. I recommend it for fighting all unpleasant insects. "

Description: insecticidal aerosol with mint smell. The tool has a quick effect, destroying different kinds crawling insects. One cylinder is enough to process an area of \u200b\u200b50-60m 2. Provides protection against pests for months without harming people and pets.

Composition: cypermethrin - 0.2%, tetramethrin - 0.2%, piperonyl butoxide - 0.5%, solvents, butane / propane, water. Does not contain substances that deplete the ozone layer.

Manufacturer: Russia

Mode of application: Shake the can before use. Keeping the spray in an upright position, spray on the areas where insects live, including their places of movement, at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. After 15 minutes after applying the aerosol, ventilate the room for half an hour.

Precautions:Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Toxic and flammable. Do not spray near open flames, do not store with food. If spider repellent comes into contact with skin, rinse thoroughly with water.

Spiders are beneficial rather than harmful because they kill flies, cockroaches, ants, moths and other small insects. If there are too many of them, it is much easier to get rid of spiders than from other uninvited inhabitants, because there are effective means to destroy them

How to use spider killers

Walk with a broom in all corners of the house, collect the accumulated cobwebs along with spiders and spider eggs and burn them. You can take them out into the street and shake them out there; in the warm season, they can find themselves a new refuge. After cleaning the corners, you need to carefully process the premises. special means from insects: aerosols, pastes, crayons, gels. Apply chalk or gel to all walls and baseboards in closed strips. Spray all walls with crawling insect spray.

Particular attention should be paid when treating with insect repellent hard-to-reach places in home. If this is not done, all corners will soon be occupied by new spiders.

To destroy spiders, you can use a special aerosol based on boric acid... Treat all walls and corners with the product, close the windows tightly and leave the room for three hours with the door tightly closed. After this time, you need to carry out dry and wet cleaning at home.

How to get rid of spiders

To get rid of spiders in the house forever, you need to do a general cleaning. Take carpets, pillows, mattresses outside, ventilate and knock them out. Vacuum the house thoroughly special attention giving corners, floor under furniture. Carry out damp cleaning of the room. Wash the chandelier: spiders or their eggs can also hide on it. Wash furniture, check the contents of tables and cabinets. Flush radiators and heating pipes. Clean the floor, including under sofas and cupboards. Disinfectants must be added to the wash water.

Cover the vents with gauze or fine mesh to prevent spiders from reappearing.

If the house has old, falling off wallpaper, it must be changed, since various insects or their eggs can hide under them, which will nullify all efforts. All gaps in skirting boards or windows must be repaired silicone sealant... The old bleached ceiling can be repainted, spiders do not like the smell of fresh whitewash or paint, and this will be an additional measure in the fight against them. Basement you need to clean up of debris, collect cobwebs and whitewash the walls with lime.

It will not be possible to get rid of spiders in the house for a long time if they also live in the attic, in the basement, in the apartments of neighbors. In this situation, you need to combine the efforts of all residents. Special insect control services can be brought in. After disinsection and further compliance sanitary regulations spiders or insects will not bother all residents of the house with their presence.

Most spiders prefer to live outside, but still, very often, you may encounter spiders that have entered the premises in search of food and shelter. The best way to get rid of them is to keep them out, but if they have already entered your home, there are many methods to scare them away or kill them. Here are some common pest control methods you can apply to spiders the next time they sneak into your home.


Part 1

don't let spiders into the house

    Seal the house. Patch up any cracks and holes leading outward to keep spiders out.

    • Use putty to fill in large slits in closed doors and windows. Also seal openings for wires, cables, faucets and electrical components as they all come out.
    • Replace or patch up torn window screens. Spiders can easily penetrate even the smallest holes.
    • Cover the vents and fireplace with a fine mosquito net.
  1. Turn off the lights outside. Outdoor lighting will not attract spiders, but will attract other pests that serve as food for the spiders.

  2. Remove vegetation from the perimeter of your home. If you have serious problems with spiders, replant trees, shrubs, ivy, and other plants as far from your home as possible.

    • Vegetation attracts spiders, as it serves good place for shelter. If the spider needs warmth and food, it moves out of the vegetation through cracks into your home.
    • You should also remove mulch, rocks, leaves, and other debris near your home.
  3. Keep your home clean. In a clean spider house less space for cover, which means it is less likely that he will stay there, even if he makes his way in.

    • Do not leave food leftovers anywhere. The crumbs attract other pests, such as ants, which in turn will attract spiders.
    • Sweep and vacuum the floor regularly. Wipe down countertops and tables, and don't leave dirty dishes for more than a few hours.
    • Remove all potential hideouts. Old newspapers and piles dirty clothes ideal for a spider's hideout that loves the dark.
    • Use plastic containers for storage. IN sealed container it is difficult for spiders to penetrate, unlike cardboard boxes.

    Proven ways to control pests

    1. Vacuum cleaner and traps. The easiest way to get rid of spiders is to vacuum up adults, egg bags and spider webs, or place sticky strips.

      • This method is best if you are trying to get rid of multiple spiders at the same time. However, this is ineffective if your home has a large spider colony.
      • You can also brush off cobwebs and crush adults, but usually adults, especially smaller spider species, are able to escape through the bristles of the brush.
      • Instead of killing spiders, it is better to move them outside. Spiders are insects that are very useful to humans.
      • Construction spiders who spend most of their time under the ceiling building their webs will likely not fall into the traps you set up. But this is very effective method against ground spiders.
      • Place the trap horizontally to prevent it from curling up.
      • Throw away the trap as soon as you catch some spiders.
      • Remember that this method will not help you get rid of eggs and cobwebs, so it must be used in conjunction with other methods.
    2. Apply an insecticide. Spray all corners and cracks with a commercial pesticide containing pyrethroids.

      • Follow the directions on the label carefully to avoid accidental poisoning or harm to family members or pets.
      • Spiders keep their food at home. Since their main food is other insects, you can calculate how many of them, by the web of spiders and their number, if there are a lot of them, then this is a signal to general prevention disinfection, as if they were not there, the spiders simply would not come to your house.
      • Pyrethroids are chemicals made primarily from the pyrethrum plant. These are plants from the chrysanthemum family. Most household insecticides contain pyrethroids, and the most common pyrethroids include bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, and tetramethrin.
      • Generally aerosols for general use are not very effective against spiders.
      • Understand the power of insecticides. These poisons work only when directly hitting the spider. If the spider avoids spraying, then the insecticide will not affect it.
    3. Call a professional fighter. If you have a lot of spiders in your home and you are unable to control the problem, a professional may use stronger chemical pesticides.

      • Keep in mind that some products are so strong that you will have to clean the room for several days until their effect wears off.
      • In general, repellent or transportation is the best way getting rid of spiders than crushing them and the like. If you can endure it in your arms or cope with its transportation in the bank, then this will save you from meeting with its unhatched cubs.

    Part 3

    folk remedies
    1. Scare off spiders with chestnuts. Place chestnuts in corners, as well as in areas where you often see spiders.

      • It is assumed that chestnuts, hazelnuts and fruits orange tree Osage are equally effective.
      • Little is known about why this repels spiders, and there is no scientific evidence or explanation for this method.
      • Some suggest that in horse chestnut contains harmful chemical substance, which repels spiders with its scent. Therefore, it is necessary to pierce the chestnut or break it in half to release the smell.
    2. Spray peppermint oil around your home. Fill a spray bottle with water, add 15-20 drops of peppermint oil, and stir well. Spray on crevices and corners of your home.

      • The idea is that spiders cannot stand the smell of peppermint oil and will flee when found. It works effectively on potential home entrances.
      • For a stronger effect, you can dip a cotton swab in undiluted peppermint oil and lubricate cracks and other possible hiding places.
      • If you don't like peppermint oil, try eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. They are believed to have the same effect and should be used in the same way as peppermint oil.