Replacing glass in interior door. What to stick on the doors on glass? What to close the glass in interroom doors

Doors can not serve forever, with them any, for example, they often appear ugly cracks, chips on glass, blowers and other defects. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the store for a new purchase. Why do not first try to re-establish the door and thereby hide all the existing defects. For this purpose, you can take any wallpaper, even liquid, acrylic panels, mirrors and other materials. In this article we will talk about how and what can close the glass in the door canvase.

Classic wallpaper

Before proceeding with the work, you will need to prepare the surface of the door: remove the old paint from it, with the help of a putty, break all the irregularities and in the end it is good to polish. As soon as the surface is ready, you need to cut a suitable piece of wallpaper and apply special glue on it. Wait a minute of two or three and then carefully attach it to the door of the door, while carefully monitor the fact that even the slightest distortions and jams do not appear.

Next, we take a soft cloth and carefully smoothed, and a plastic spatula can also be applied for this purpose. If there is surplus, they can be removed by a blade or a stationery knife. You may want to give your creation more attractiveness, but do not know how to additionally decorate the door, in this case you can make a thin frame from a conventional foam plinth, such a solution will look very beautiful. Polyfoam also plant on glue. While everything will dry, at this time it is better to close the windows so that there are no drafts in the room.

Original door design

the cloth

Decorating the surface of the door with the tissue looks beautiful and somewhat unusual. In this case, it is necessary not only to prepare the surface, but also determine the degree of shrinkage of the selected tissue. First you need to cut a small piece from it, to measure its dimensions, well in water and wait until it dry out. After that, again begin to measure, comparing all the testimony and determining the shrinkage. If the value is large, then I wash the entire cut and hang it dry.

Preparation of fabric

Tip! To decorate the door, you can take both a solid cut of the material and the cutting fragments of various textures and any color solutions.

Door Caution Fabric Fragments

This technique today is very popular, it is called "Patchwork", it is often designers who are often resorted to the design of original interiors. For fastening the material to the door canvase, it is recommended to use casein glue or special mastic, such as "Gumilaks" and "Bustylate". You can save not only a large piece of fabric, but also by small fragments, however, it will be necessary to pay great attention to their tightness, otherwise such a decor will look very inaccier.

Decorated door

Liquid wallpaper

This material is universal. With it, it is possible to describe any surface, creating unique compositions and patterns on it. However, such a finish cannot be applied on the doors in the bathroom and other rooms, where high humidity prevails, it is better to leave the glass interior vendor glass in such premises and decorate it differently. But if you still decided to decorate the doors with your own hands in this way, then for this you need to cook spatulas, they must have different sizes, roller, kel, varnish and, of course, the wallpaper mixture is sold in a dry form. And also for work it will take a special pistol - Hopper.

Stages of work
  • Before proceeding with decoration, the door should be covered with a spheolder and alkyd primer. Apply them to one layer.
  • A dry mixture is wearing water and at the same time we are well stirred by its hands (this does not represent any danger). A week after ten and fifteen it needs to mix and add a keler again. The intensity of the color solution will depend on the amount of paint: how it is more, the brighter and more beautiful color. In order to create an interesting pattern on the doors, it will be necessary to knead the mixture in different capacles and, after each of them, add the keker of the right color.
  • Spatula We put the finished solution with small portions on the surface, smooth and at the same time stretching on the parties, creating a drawing.
  • We are waiting for a day two or three, until our creativity dry out, and cover it with colorless varnish.

Application of the mix


If you do not know how to decorate the interroom in the house so that it looks modern and beautiful, then why not try to close the glass of the door with a mirror? It must be said, this option not only can become the main highlight in the interior, but also visually makes room space wider and lighter. That's just cut the glass mirror is very difficult, even if it is for this purpose a special glass cutter (glass cutter). It is best to close the glass on the door with special acrylic panels. Thanks to the coating of the amalgam, they provide good reflective ability, so the mirror is almost not inferior.

Acrylic panels can have different colors, you can choose one or several minutes, it will help create an original mirror panel on the door surface. It should also be noted that such material is easy to process, has a small weight, it is convenient to fix it, and most importantly, unlike glass, acrylic panels are not fighting. To attach them to the door surface, it will be necessary to apply primer on the back side of the acrylic panel, the main thing is that it is deep penetration. As soon as it is completely dry, you can mount an acrylic mirror to the surface of the door with the help of bilateral scotch. For greater convenience, you can use the mounting suckers, they will greatly facilitate work on the attachment of the acrylic mirror to the surface.

Mirror panels for decoration

Vintage style

This decision will give the interior door special attractiveness and make it the main exclusive element in any interior. In style, vintage can be decorated even the ceiling and walls, which allows you to create the unity of design. So, we will need:

  • Sand paper large fraction.
  • Paint acrylic white color, it is important that it has a water base.
  • Glue mounted and pva.
  • Black baguette.
  • Varnish colorless.
  • Newspapers and pieces of sheets, it is desirable that they are escaping from a tank notebook.

Staining the door surface We are compatible with decoupage technique. Addition will serve decorative elements. Of course, you can offer your own version of the door surface, for example, supplement it with acrylic panels, mirrored inserts. Before starting work, you will need to remove the door with the loops and put it in a horizontal position. During dismantling, be careful and make sure not to make a crack in glass.

First stage. The surface of the door should be painted acrylic paint. To apply it, it is recommended to take a brush with a rigid bristle. Painting should be a thin layer in one direction.

Second phase. As soon as the acrylic paint on the surface of the door is completely dry, it will need to be stolen. To do this, use sandpaper, so we will create an antique effect.

Third stage. We carry out the decoration of the main (central) part of the door surface. The sheets of a notebook along with the cooked newspapers are tearing into small pieces. Next, the box or rectangle of the desired size or rectangle can be diagram on the surface of the door and lubricate the resulting PVA glue. Immediately begin to put a messy paper on glue and immediately straighten it. A few layers are applied on top of the paper.

Fourth stage. Around the perimeter of all sections that were plated with torn paper, krepaim baguette. To do this, use the cooked mounted glue.

Vintage decoration

That's all, now you have learned than you can close the glass in the door. There are still many other options that allow you to create real masterpieces of art, watch the video. Perhaps there you will find a better solution to the decoration of doors.

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Help, please, with a living room design in two-bed

3m room in width and 5.7m in length. One wall is 5.7 carrier, the second 3 m with a window located is not in the middle. On the one hand, 1m to the wall, with the second 0.5m (to carrier). Two remaining plasterboard walls. The doors are located on a long plasterboard wall at a distance of 1 m from the second plasterboard wall. Standard doors 800mm open in the room. In principle, planned to put an angular sofa with a lengthless side of the roller under 3m wall. There were wallpapers in the drawing (with a turn in the size of the sofa). TV 40 "planned to put under the window in the corner where 1m walls. Wardrobes did not plan here. Something I want, but it looks like without the councils of specialists not to do. All I come across, TV on the wall or on a bedside table on a long wall And it does not fit it. I would like the color range of furniture. Wallpapers are already baking bright beige. Under the size of the sofa the angle Pokerin wallpaper with a pattern, complete to the main. Doors oak light. Sofa Beige on tone Darmer Wallpaper. Thank you in advance for qualified tips .

How to close the glass door from the light from the corridor? And got the best answer

Answer from онаншан [guru]
blinds in glass size, can be multi-colored. In the evening you close them - isolation is provided! And when it is necessary - you can raise anything with the curtains. .
Blinds are most often hanging in the window size. I mean horizontal
Rolled are good only if the top edge of the glass at the door is smooth. Yes, and they are more expensive ...

Answer from Olga Goldobova (Klinovitskaya)[guru]
Self-adhesive film, a large calendar or a picture.

Answer from Kitty[newcomer]
just a towel or cover cover

Answer from Katya[guru]
Blinds is the optimal option, now a very large selection - we bought bamboo-very well look

Answer from User deleted[guru]
beautiful matter ... or double-sided paper ...

Answer from * [guru]
Blinds can be hanging on the door, but only - rolled: they are attached on the rails directly in size to the glass insert. Typically, such rolled blinds are made on balcony doors and windows, but in your case this sample will also be good. It will look quite aesthetic. Example - in the photo!
Good luck!

Answer from Yehka.[guru]
Locking stained film

Answer from Yosha Sh.[guru]
Always said that buying interroom doors, do not be fond of spectacular, but not practical "excesses": besides the sounds and sounds penetrated.
Now a few ways to solve this problem, depending on how much money can be allocated to it ...
For example, very cool (and expensive 🙂 - darkening with polymers deposited on glass and reduced light-cutting when the voltage is submitted
In addition to the shutter curtains (limited by form and additional fastening), you can advise the toning film for cars link link cheaply, will allow you to preserve all the "decorations" of the glass, it is easy to apply on any glass of any shape, darkes to 75% of the light stream. And if you choose a thick "booking", then improve and sound insulation

One who ever did complete repairs in the apartment, as they say, from and before, must agree that at the finish stage the most important issue will be glass in interior doors. On the one hand, it is beautiful and aesthetic. And it would seem, it is worth embelling the glass into the door leaf. But on the other hand, and, I think it is not necessary to explain it, there are cases when I would like to be alone, closing from other inhabitants of the apartment. And here the glass on interior doors play in minus than in plus.

How to be? And what to do? Of course, you can install doors with a look at aesthetics, that is, with glasses, if you live alone. And over time, when it is necessary, you can replace the door cloth. This, it would seem a great option, actually has a large number of shortcomings. First, it is unlikely that someone wants to breed the dirt in the apartment. And in order not to say installers about packaged newspapers and other things, the garbage will still be. And if you are not cheap outdoor coating, it is extremely not desirable. And, secondly, the doors can be made of natural wood: oak, ash, maple. This is not enough cheap pleasure. Therefore, to change, even once in the five-year plan such doors are not very profitable lesson. And here it does not matter how many people earn. The very fact of replacing high-quality and expensive doors is a little annoying.

Who prevents to make a curtain?

How to get out of this situation? And here you remember old, good fairy tales: I swung the handkerchief, and the glass appeared, waved in the other side - and there is no glasses, and the door is a single array. But, as we all know from childhood: a fairy tale lies ... But also I think that you have not forgotten that "there is a hint."

And it is this that I propose to use. Glass, of course, remove it. But why not make them opaque? After all, this is possible! And for this there are several ways.

First, you can use ordinary rolled black curtains. Need transparency - discovered. Not needed - closed.

Secondly, you can use something like a miniature stanter on interior doors. There may be different options. Either steel or black glass or stained glass window. The latter, in my opinion, is most preferable. That's just necessary to take into account where they will open. Will you have enough door leaf for this area.

I think it is not necessary to explain that all this should be mounted from the inside. By the way, take into account the width of the door canvase, in order not to dendress it through.

This uncomplicated way can be resolved by the issue of glazing interroom doors.

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