How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: remedies and industrial dischargers. How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, windowsill and roof

If you have an inexorable balcony, do not be surprised if birds are wounded. In the conditions of the city with unexpected "neighbors" most often become pigeons. They slowly walk on the parapet, welcome and even crowned the nests, while soaring with all their views. However, such a neighborhood has a number of consequences. So that they do not find you surprise, find out in advance how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony.

So, your balcony was chosen by pigeons. What is bad here and what will you come across?

  • Noise. First, this is a promotion. It will dying exactly until you start to wake up for it before planned time. Secondly, the unpleasant sounds of the scratching roof and the slopes of the bird claws.
  • Damage to the mounting foam and insulation. If, after repairing on the open balcony, these materials remained in the accessibility zone of birds, they will turn them off. But the mounting foam fixes something, insulates, right?
  • Mud. You will constantly find feathers, vital products of feathered and all that they will have time to go on beaks. In addition, the excrement of pigeons can damage some surfaces due to the ridic acid eases included in their composition.
  • Diseases. Pigeons - carriers are far from the most harmless diseases for human diseases, such as histoplasmosis, ornithosis.
  • The inability to take on the balcony of seedlings or room plants. Pernaya can break them, flood, taking for street vegetation.

Spain Birds Balcony Balcony does not adorn the facade of the house

If the feathers chose your balcony, note that the neighbors are also unlikely to enjoy the above reasons. If you do not take action on time, you will not only significantly suffer from birds, but also spoil relationships with living people.

How to drive pigeons from the balcony

When choosing an option to scare away pigeons from a loggia or balcony, followed by common sense and principle of humanity. Do not feed birds, at the same time trying to drive them. However, to strive them so that they died, and then became poisoned prey for homeless cats should also not. There are a lot of other problems solutions.

The biggest mistake - feeding and taming for fun

Scaring with pigeons noise and stuffed

Pigeons are afraid of noise, predatory representatives of feathered, as well as glare surfaces. This is guided by this.

Create noise will help:

  • Loud music. Option questionable. Requires good relationships with neighbors, control over pigeons. If they are not, why once again wind your nerves around?
  • Cans. Suspended along the length of the parapet and filled with something rattling - pebbles, peas, beads. The lack of solution is the same as with music. The noise is relevant only if there are birds. During the rest of the time, listening to the rumble.
  • Plastic bags. Experienced fighters with pigeons advise to chop their "noodle" and raise on the loggia. They scare fleet not only with noise, but also serve as a visible obstacle to them.

As for the glare surfaces, the classic solution - suspended around the perimeter of the CD-disc balcony. Almost certainly you or friends will have unnecessary specimens.

You can also find a reflective adhesive tape. It has a metallized surface and rustles in the wind, if you suspend it.

Sliced \u200b\u200bfoil strips for baking rustling and gloss will scare frann

By analogy with the garden, you can use the scarecrow. Ideally, it should be a predatory bird, sometimes use ordinary soft toys of medium sizes. To enhance the effect, replace their eyes on shiny buttons. Having enjoyed the "angry eye of a predator", pigeons can change the flight path and go around your home.

Such a cute toy may well become a thunderstorm of local pigeons.

Diskforgettable conditions for birds on the balcony

If the balcony has products, available places for landing, nesting are comfortable conditions for pigeons. It means that they should be driven, it is necessary to act from the opposite - to make an open space uncomfortable for life. For this you can:

  • Cover furniture objects and floor tight film. Such usual use dackets to create mini-greenhouses.
  • Remove all the products from the loggia, water so that the birds have nothing to get started.
  • Close or remove all lockers, shelves, boxes, other secluded places where pigeons can arrange a nest.
  • Make parapet unsuitable for landing. Pigeons hold on it with their chain legs. But if you lubricate potential places of planting with vegetable oil, a vaseline or other fatty, they will slide and will not be able to resist there.
  • Put along the parapet and in other felling pernate places of the board with pinpoint tops up with nails.
  • Scatter bread with spices as bait. Suitable pepper, mustard powder. They can also be scattered over Parapet. A sharp smell and specific taste will make their job, birds will not want to return to such a treat.

On a slippery surface of the pigeons do not land

Pigeons are quite arrogant and unpretentious, so it is possible that you will have to pick up several ways to solve the problem and use them at the same time.

What can be found in the store to combat pigeons

In order not to spend your time on homemade discreteners, use ready-made solutions from shops. What to look for?

Anti-pin spikes

According to its principle, the anti-pin spikes are similar to boards with nails stamped and serve as a significant obstacle to birds. They diverge in different directions, forming the letter V. due to its flexibility of the spikes do not harm the puzzles, but do not allow to land on a protected surface.

Fix the anti-pin spikes can be almost everywhere. The main condition for this is a radius or width of the base of at least 10 cm. It is possible to cover them even curvilinear surfaces. For fixing, screws, self-tapping screws, glue. The base under spikes is flexible, durable polycarbonate.

Anti-pin spikes are not afraid of moisture exposure, UV rays, temperature drops, so they will serve not one season. At the same time, the price of them does not exceed the pairs of hundreds rubles.

Mounting spikes on an external air conditioner unit

Ultrasonic vibrants of birds

These devices are presented in a wide range and price range. The latter depends on the power of the product, the radius of its action, the presence of additional functions. The most simple domestic dischargers will cost 2-5 thousand rubles, representatives of the middle class - in 5-10 thousand rubles. More expensive models are inappropriate to acquire for use on the balcony or loggia.

The principle of operation of such devices is simple: they publish an ultrasound that do not hear people, cats, dogs. However, it is hears small and medium in the size of the birds, which he scares. Almost all models are equipped with a motion sensor with a predetermined range. As soon as the bird falls into it, the device begins to make an ultrasonic signal.

Ultrasonic poultry repeller

When the motion sensor is triggered, some repels affect the pigeons not only with ultrasound, but also a light signal. For this, they are equipped with LED lamps.

Compact models can be put on a flat solid surface, suspend the handle. You can choose repeatters running from the mains or from the batteries.

Bioacoustic discharges

Bioacoustic devices work similarly to ultrasound. However, instead of noise of a certain frequency, they publish sounds, imitating cries of birds of prey or disturbing cries of relatives. You should not worry about your own nervous system, most models provide volume adjustment, choosing a mode of operation. In one of the modes, the sounds are published continuously, and in the other - only when the approximation sensor is triggered.

Model of bioacoustic discharge

The price of a bioacuistic repeller depends on the radius of the action, the sensitivity of the motion sensor, the number of speakers that can be deployed in different directions. In this case, the efficiency of the device increases at times.

Working such a repeller can from battery or power grid. It should be exploited only under a canopy that protects against external influences. It is especially important to protect the device from moisture.

What to do if the pigeons of fibers nest on the balcony

What to do if you are a little late with all rejoicing means, and the pigeons managed to slow down the nest? Here you need to act resolutely. We saw the nest - immediately throw out. Be prepared for the fact that the birds will repeat the attempt repeatedly. Do not give up. Remove the nest using any available way to drive its inhabitants.

If eggs have already appeared in the nest, you can change them to pieces of chalk or white pebbles. It is not quite a humane, but an effective way to demonstrate the pigeons inexpediency of nesting with you. Instinct will work with them: it is impossible to bring offspring here, you need to look for a more suitable place for this.

Nest with pigeon eggs

To drive out the pigeons from the balcony, you will need a lot of time and patience. But the possibility without fears to carry flowers there, walk the clean floor, to store what the soul is worth it. And remember: if you are tired of fighting, you can always just glazaw balcony.

More informs of a successful problem solving

Homemade repellers:

Counterpart stripes:

Scarecrow crows:

Many people feed the birds in the warm and cold season. Birds are buried and start to attack the windows of apartments. How to get rid of the pigeons on the windowsill, wish to know the owners, which they deliver a lot of trouble.

1 Simple bird fighting methods

Sitting on the window sills and balconies, pigeons are packing them with their litter. At the same time, they can dismiss various infection. Therefore, it is better to eat birds in a special place in the courtyard. How to leave the pigeons from the windows, without causing it harm, it is necessary to figure out. Some simple, but at the same time effective ways. Ornithologists assure that these, at first glance, very arrogant animals are actually enough muggy. They are afraid of loud and sharp sounds, predators, as well as items with shiny color. For example, you can hang out the window of some bright or brilliant item, which will also be cooled. It can be Christmas garlands, a gun made of multicolored cellophane packages or something like that.

Get rid of pigeons on the balcony

Suggy pigeons can a common soft toy. However, she should sew large brilliant eyes or buttons instead of eyes. Pernaya can be frightened by large glowing eyes by taking a toy for a predator. To solve the problem, old CDs become useful. They are postponed outside the window (it is desirable that there are quite a lot of them), the shiny side must be turned to the pigeons. The windowsill, placed shiny foil, even if the bird's attention will attract the attention, then the desire to sit on it will not cause it. To enhance the effect of foil, you can make a fringe.

The question "How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony" worries not only moms who are worried about the fact that their kids have become infected with pennate infection. Discovers and irritation deliver birds and people with sensitive sleep, and allergies, and the owners of cats. Each of them is trying to find an optimal solution to the problem. Some, for example, stretch into several rows of threads to the entire width of the windowsill and fix them in this position. Such a device will deliver the inconvenience of pigeons, and they will stop landing on the windowsill.

To create different devices for scaring, you need to use your fantasy. The inconvenience of the pigeons will deliver and stretched grid, which has quite wide cells. Due to the fact that the landing will become a complex process, after a while they will move to another place. This method is though labor-intensive, but usually gives the desired result.

Funds for scaring pigeons from the balcony

So that the feathers are not bored, you need to know how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. To this end, the ornithologists recommend attaching some kind of predatory bird to the visor, for example, a hawker. You can also take advantage of acoustic speakers, whose loud sound scares the uninterested guests. However, it is worth remembering that not all the neighbors will like this method as it is rather noisy.

An excellent option to dare pigeons from the balcony is a special ultrasonic repeller. It can be purchased on the market or in the store. The effect of the discharge is in high-frequency radiation, intolerable birds. At the same time, ultrasound radiation does not affect human health. The strong noise published by suspended empty tin cans will be dismissing the feathers from the balcony for a long time.

For an uncomfortable landing of the pigeons, the windowsill or a visor on the balcony should be lubricated by any oil or vaseline. Since the birds do not bring sharp odors, you can pour out all sorts of spices on the windowsill. Periodically, they need to be replaced fresh in view of what the smells are weathered.

If you need to get rid of the invasion of the feathers, then it is categorically prohibited to feed them. If they find at least some food remnants, they will become frequent visitors to the windowsill. Prevent this will help close cooperation with neighbors. By combining the effort and making your balconies unattractive for birds, you can get rid of them once and for all. Special attention should be paid to the railings, because if it is uncomfortable to sit on them, then the pigeons will cease to fly to this place.

2 Radical measures

If you get rid of pigeons in more humane methods, it does not leave, but they continue to deliver a lot of trouble, then you can resort to radical measures.

Wire to scare off with pigeons From options, you can choose a trap for birds. Make it can anyone at home. To do this, from a dense thread, we build a loop, in the center we are smearing the branches and place on my own. When the pigeon landed in the center, it follows a sharp movement of the hand to tighten the thread. Release the caught pigeon is needed to another window so that his friends do not see how he returns to the will. Such traps can be purchased in pet stores. There is an assumption that this method is one of the most effective.

More cruel methods include pulling on the width of the visor fishing line or acute wire that will hurt the paws of birds. They hurt and forever scare the pigeons from the window sill drove up the edges of the nails.

Wire for scaring birds

Pigeons are very clever birds, so if there is some kind of food or water on the balcony, they will become frequent guests of this room. Therefore, it is necessary to remove any means of food from an uncast balcony, then the feathers will stop flying, as it will not make sense.

It is also worth paying attention to that often the gorry are looking for balconies to arrange their nests. How to scare away pigeons from the balcony in this case? First, use the above recommendations. And secondly, remove all the furniture and objects where the nest could be equipped. However, it is not always possible to follow the laying of eggs, and the owners are no longer an empty nest, but with testicles. Here you can resort to a cruel, but very effective method: pigeon eggs pick up, and instead of them put similar objects. Such a substitution will not remain unnoticed, and the pigeons will leave the balcony.

3 a few words as a conclusion

There are known facts when pigeons, remembering the face of the offender, specially returned to their former habitat, so, as if trying to take revenge. It is extremely careful about their extermination in the case when there are children in the house. They do not at any time should see ill-treatment of animals, because it can negatively affect the incomparated psyche of the baby.

So, the methods of scaring the feathers from the windows of their apartment there is a lot. You can try various options and choose more suitable. To reflects and other cruel measures you need to resort only in extreme cases, when more humane do not help, and the harm delivered by birds is large enough.

The presence of pigeons on the balcony of an apartment city building can be a problem as for the owners of the apartment and for their neighbors. On how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, many residents of high-rise buildings are conceived. Below are some tips on this topic.

In order to effectively deal with the presence of "messengers of the world" on their balconies, it should be found out what is so attractive this place for feathery?

  • Balconies of urban apartments seem to be created for pigeons.
  • Wide window sills serve as an ideal pendant with which it is easy to take off, and which is comfortable to sit down.
  • The habit of storing on the balcony premises is various trash allow birds to easily find a place for the nesting.
  • What did not fit in the refrigerator will go birds in food.
  • Balconies, as a rule, are not bad protected from wind and precipitation.

In general, a better place in the city than a balcony of a residential building from a dove point of view, not to find. Another thing is that people living in it hold the opinions of the opposite and how to scare away the pigeons from the balcony cares for each tenant to a greater or lesser extent.

How to get rid of

In order to get rid of the neighborhood of feathers, if you don't care about the windowsill on the windowsill, recovery in the aptural clock, the troubles of wings and litter, accompanying the pigeons everywhere, you will not have to try to try. Did the feathers from the place you like not easy. Birds Mightway will defend him. And your right to the balcony territory will have to be proven in various ways.


You can easily meet brave dove, so scary is one of the most effective methods that make rid of the unwanted neighborhood of the feathers. To scare off really forced the pigeons to leave you alone, you need to know what birds are afraid.

Despite the ostentatious arrogance, pigeons with caution belong to harsh and loud sounds, brilliant, in motion of things, moisture, predators.

The finely chopped foil strips, or the CDs collected in the form of blinds, will probably scare the feathers. Several small mirrors located around the perimeter of the loggia and allowing solar glare will serve the same goal.

Get a predator on the balcony is unlikely to succeed, but the cracked, either a domestic cat makes the pigeons to think about whether it is worth sitting on your balcony. By the way, transistor speakers placed on windows through which music players can also serve as an excellent scarehead, but it's an amateur. Screking on any animals and ultrasound. For the radio amateler, nothing should collect the device that the birds scares and the neighbors will not cause interference. In general, any annoying factors rarely found in nature, scare birds and they will forget the road to your balcony.

Creating discomfort

A clean loggia without traces of food waste is unlikely to tempt the feathery, and if it is still periodically lubricated with oil or vaseline balcony railing, then the pigeons will soon stop moving towards you. It makes it difficult to plant the pigeons on the loggia, a stretched fishing line, wire or a grid.

A small number of spices fastened to the windowsill do not like the Poland. Crashing in the lured birds can be knocked out several nails or place a spiny wire. Walking a couple of times the pigeons will look for a more hospitable refuge. In the market and in pet stores, you can purchase different devices that will not taste the birds. They look more aesthetically homemade. It is important to know that the feeding of feathered in winter will have to refuse.

Pigeons are unlikely to hurt the attention of a feeder with food residues. Effectively resist the invasion of birds only in the friendlyness with neighbors. If the nearby balconies are unattractive for birds, they will not be encroached on your territory. Pigeon interests not so much a balcony as his railing. Bypass such a convenient bird viewing area is unable. Having done with the help of stitching, sliding and adapting devices, the impossibility of take-off and landing on them, you will surely get rid of the visits of the feathers.

The proximity of the roof and the attic make visiting birds of the loggia of the inhabitants of the upper floors most frequent and obsessive. The described methods can help reduce their consequences to a minimum.

Deprivation of nesting sites

Observation of pigeons - a pleasant and soothing occupation, if it happens not in your own home. There is only the pigeons to reserve the nest on your balcony, it will be difficult to leave them. In these cases, it is necessary to either get rid of the nesting, or replace pigeon eggs with fakes, of which the chicks will never appear. You can count that not finding your poultry masonry will go to seek a safer place for your home.

Getting rid of unnecessary things, old furniture, cardboard boxes, you practically deprive the feathered material for the construction of nests. In the city of him and so not much. Things with which it is a pity to part, it is advisable to cover with a plastic film, the pigeons do not tolerate it.

Having found a pigeon masonry, you need to destroy it without regret, otherwise the neighborhood of birds and their litter will become the usual phenomenon on your balcony.

To be in moderately persistent and once over again, break the pigeons of nests, then from birds you can get rid of finally.

Reset to the purennik

For lovers to contain feathered in urban environments, you can advise to organize a small and comfortable pigeon in the courtyard. Here, "ornithologists" can feed birds, equip them nests and admire the pigeons without prejudice to the purity of their own balconies. Yes, and birds will be safe and comfort. To care for birds having their homes easier than wild, nesting where it fell.

Pigeons will surely prefer correctly and with love arranged room, the presence of permanent feed, protection against precipitation, wind and predators of the dubious neighborhood on the balcony with non-expectant tenants.

Video "How to dare pigeons from the balcony"

In this video, it is described about a simple and effective way to protect the balcony from pigeons.

Pigeons are used to living next to people, get food from them. Urban birds are absolutely not grated, often settle very close to man, up to the balcony, window sill or roof. How to get rid of pigeons and why do you need to do? The reason is not only in the "autographs" that birds leave behind themselves. We propose to learn about the dangers of pigeons and ways to scare them.

Why do you need to get rid of pigeons

Why get rid of pigeons on the windowsill? These cute birds live next to a person, calmly welcome, do not require much content. However, harmless creatures only seem so. The main harm for a person is pigeon litter.

If you like birds, feed them, try to carefully handle the faded surfaces in order not to push the infection. But even if birds do not interfere, be prepared to meet the perplexity of the neighbors. For breeding pigeons, country houses and cottages are more suitable, and not urban high-rise buildings. Pernaya, quite obvious, will be shifted on neighbor's balconies.

The fight against pigeons is based on scaping, creating adverse conditions. You should not worry about the birds that you will drive from a spaced place. Pigeons are coming out everywhere, they will easily find a new dwelling.

Ways to deal with pigeons on the balcony

If birds periodically fly to the balcony, just scare them enough. Pigeons are afraid of sharp sounds moving objects, sun glare. Get your pet (cat, dog): such a cohabitant is unlikely to love the pennate.

How to evict birds from the balcony:

  1. The simplest tool is to install the mosquito net and do not open the windows without it. The trap will protect against insects and feathers. Unfortunately, the grid will not save from the iron window sill.
  2. Foil. Buy it in the store and cut the stripes. Collect them all over the perimeter of the balcony or window sill. The foil will rustle and put glare, it will help to leave the pigeons.
  3. Old CDs. Look at the pantry old CD and DVD or buy new, they are inexpensive. Place from the outer and inside of the balcony. You can build something similar to New Year's garland, the Internet presents master classes that will help to collect beautiful decorations from flexible discs. The glare will scare birds and decorate the balcony.
  4. Running feathered sound. If the birds settled on the balcony, bring a radio receiver to it and turn it on at full power. Pigeons will immediately fly away. Heavy music also acts as a repeller. But be prepared for claims from the neighbors.
  5. Remove the cat's balcony. If the animal is actively active, it will give to understand the pigeons who are in the house of the owner. But even without an attempt on the life of the birds will feel a potential predator and will leave the balcony. Important moment: If the apartment is high, there is a risk that the animal will play and accidentally fall out of the window. Put the grid that cannot be embarked from the inside, when buying, check that the fibers are durable, they were not afraid of claws.
  6. Arrange winged hotels. Water treatments: a pair of powerful jets from the hose will forever searcate the desire to settle on the balcony.
  7. Cheat the feathers, scattered on the windowsill millet with Cayenne (sharp) pepper or dry mustard. Pigeon expects great disappointment, and they no longer replete your balcony with its presence.
  8. What is logical, if you do not want to see the birds at Kona - do not place or remove feeders and water tanks. Give the birds to understand that there is not a dining room.
  9. Spices can sprinkle places where pigeons sit down.
  10. Remove the furniture and other items so as not to provoke birds to have nests on the balcony.
  11. Collect multiple tin cans and hang them along the balcony. From the wind of the container will hit each other and make unpleasant sounds. It is clear that such noise will not be aspored by the ear of homeowners and their neighbors.
  12. Scarecrow - an old good way to drive away birds not only from the balcony, but also from the fields where the crop grows. Make scarecrow with your own hands. Take a soft toy with glass eyes and secure it on the balcony. Eyes will glisten, imitating a predator look. Alternatively, buy artificial scarecrow crows. Pigeons are not friends with these birds and will not settle close. Stuffed birds of prey (haasting, owls) is also suitable. One condition: scarecrow should be more than 0.5 m in height, otherwise the pigeons will not perceive it as a threat.
  13. Install an automatic air freshener with a sharp odor, for example, citrus. Birds will forget the road to such a place.
  14. So that the birds do not settled on the roofs and did not penetrate the attic, install the fluger, which will be noise and glitter, thereby scaring them.

Tip! Cultural people can transfer feeders into the courtyard, hang them on the trees and continue to feed birds in a more suitable place. By the way, as a meal, let's give the pigeons of seeds, millet, barley, barley, boiled peas or lentils. Suitable cereal food for parrots.

What to do so that the pigeons do not fit on the windowsill

How to scare away from the windowsill pigeons? We offer a number of simple ways:

  1. Slide the windowsill with vaseline or vegetable oil. Poland will be inconvenient to land on a slippery surface.
  2. Color silver paint window. She will glisten in the sun and scare birds.
  3. Cover the window sill shiny foil for baking.
  4. For the next method, stock line. Tensioning a few pieces at an altitude of 5 cm from the windowsill level and lock. This is one of the most effective methods: Pernaya creatures will simply not be able to sit down.
  5. Naphthalene balls, placed on the windowsill, scare the birds with an unpleasant smell.

Radical methods

Although pigeons cause some concern, in general, they are peaceful and calm creatures. In no case should not fall in extremes, that is, to catch and kill them. Cruel treatment with a living thing can not justify anything. If the annoying birds do not want to leave the balcony or the attic, these measures can be taken:

  1. Pigeon repeller is a special device similar to the radio. It makes unpleasant sounds for birds, and they are forced to leave the spaces havenes. Do not arrive at the balcony and other species of birds: Drozda, Sparrows, Skvorts, Crow. The discreteners are expensive, but effective method of struggle.
  2. Bioacuistic repeller imitates cries of prey birds.
  3. Watch where they love to sit pigeons, and put the boards with nails there. Alternative - studded ribbons that are sold in construction stores.
  4. If you launched the situation and discovered nests with eggs, replace them with similar objects. Slices of chalk, smooth bright pebbles. A few days later, deception will be found, and birds will fly away. You can just ruin the nest.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that pigeons are observant birds. They may notice some efforts on your part and learn how to avoid obstacles. Therefore, it is recommended to deal with pigeons at once in several methods so that they do not have a single chance. Discharge them access to the room, do not feed, install various repels. Be prepared that the birds will leave the balcony or the windowsill not immediately, have patience.


So that the pigeons did not return or never settled on the balcony at all, follow these tips:

  1. Do not clutch the balcony so that the birds do not see in it a potential place for the nest. Distribute old boxes in time, things, furniture.
  2. Do not leave food and domestic water on the balcony.
  3. Plants that spend the summer outdoors can lure birds. If you notice the increased interest of pigeons to seeds, eliminate the food source.
  4. Do not feed them even sometimes so that the habit did not work out. Pernaya is tied to places where food is.
  5. Glazing the balcony, install mosquito nets. To birds do not penetrate the attic, overcoat the ventilation windows with grilles.

Do not wait until the pigeons tie the nests on your balcony, start fighting them immediately. The sooner you take them to scare it, the easier and cheaper it will cost you. Enjoy the support of family members and neighbors. So that the birds definitely left the house, no one should regret them and fertilize.

Pigeons who chose attics, balconies and window sills, bring a lot of problems: from constant noise to the threat of diseases, since these birds are carriers of infectious diseases. Attracting pigeons with food and enjoying close contact with feathers, people add one more problem - the difficulty of getting rid of them. We will talk about effective ways to rae birds from home structures in the article.

Pigeons on the balcony: Effective ways to deliver

An independent feeding of birds can turn into a nuisance: the pigeons every day are becoming more and more, and the balcony is dirtier. You should never feed the pigeons from the terraces, loggias, feed in your own attic - do it in the park or in the forest.

In the fight against pigeons, the main thing is not to slow

Start fighting birds

After getting on the way to fight occupied balconies and attic birds, you must remember that you have two ways. The first is to apply primary means and folk methods. The second is to use special instruments and devices for scaring birds. We advise you to start with simple steps and if there is not enough, help you will have radical methods of struggle.

Before you start scareting pigeons from balconies, roofs, windowsills and attics, make sure that access to food and water is completely closed for them. Otherwise, any method used will not be effective. Birds are based where they are fed.

Trying to get rid of shockful birds, remember:

Bird repeatters do it yourself

There are many ways to scare away pigeons in simple ways. To begin with, it is necessary to explore the psychology of pigeons. They are afraid of all shiny and especially if the glitter is combined with rustling.

So that the birds are harder to stay with the paws for the iron window sill, apply glue or sticky tape throughout its surface - the birds will not be able to gain

Birds do not tolerate loud blows and noise, flaking doors, loud voices and whistles. Pigeons will definitely fly away from the permanent exposure to the laser pointer. Another method is the pouring of birds with water. All listed ways to scare away the pigeons from the home there is one solid flaw - it will have to do constantly. It is unlikely that you want to shout regularly loudly, scaring the neighbors, pour several times the day of the birds from children's aquatic pistols, as well as shine on them with a laser pointer. Therefore, we present the attention of the ways that regularly become birds without constant presence of a person:

In many cases, one listed method is enough to get rid of pigeons.

Special devices for scaring pigeons

If the funds described above did not help, and the birds are still frequent guests of your residential buildings, then more serious means will go into the course. Screlers are different - you can choose to your taste and wallet.

Pigeons are afraid of danger: if the cat is constantly sitting near the window or on the loggia, then they are afraid to fall closer

Ultrasound devices

Ultrasound instruments make signals that are silent by human ears, but completely unbearable by birds. As a bonus, devices help to scare small rodents, which is relevant in the country.

There will be different devices, publishing ultrasound. There are modern models that work when the bird is only pumped to the house. Devices of such a plan are about 2 thousand rubles.

Bioacoustic devices

The principle of operation of bioacoustic devices is similar to the action of ultrasonic devices, only these devices make the sound, similar to the cries of birds of prey - eagles, falcons, hawks. Pigeons will be saved to fall close to the source of such signals. Their cost is a little higher than ultrasound devices - from 3 thousand rubles.

There are devices that mimic the sound of the shot - the loudo. They do not apply any harm to birds, only scare away.

Bioacuistic repeller publishes sound similar to cries of falcons, eagles and hawks

Laser devices

The laser apparatus is able to produce a beam, which is directed to the approaching threat. The beam from the device slides in the room, no special settings should be done - the principle of operation is quite simple. The light effect helps to get rid of birds and is particularly effective when used on balconies and loggias.

Video: How to scare the pigeons from the balcony

How to etch the pigeons if other methods do not help

Mine pigeons - quite inhuman. But if these birds attacked you so that no above ways to get rid of them from them, then radical means are going to move.


Insecticide, affecting the intestines, is sold in plastic bottles and is absolutely safe for humans. Usually they are treated with the grain and spread in places that occupied the birds. Poison acts quickly: the remains of birds are recommended to burn immediately. The poison should be kept away from domestic animals and not allow them to escape the feathers.

Wood sawdust

Elementary method of baking pigeons without use of poison is the addition of wood sawdust in the feed. Such food is already in the goiter Bird swells without reaching the stomach. As a result, the birds are dying, relying with decay products.

Concentrated mortar manganese

The solution of two grams of manganese per kilogram of live weight pigeons can kill birds. For a person, a solution is not a poison. It is most effective when adding birds and water to birds.

Feed the pigeons only in specially reserved places: in the forests and in parks - and in no case at home!

Reviews: How to dare pigeons from the balcony in a city apartment

In Germany, you can buy an artificial crow. You plant such a bird on the railing of the balcony, and the pigeons are afraid to fly there. And it looks decorative. If you have Ob Type stores, you can ask there.

There are still special spikes from plastic: they are put on the horizontal surface or attached to the fence, and the birds do not have the opportunity there to sit down. And also, I heard the recommendation, pour black ground pepper on the problem zone.


And in our small balcony, they have already been a nest of the nest. All the same, it is impossible to use it, it is the width of centimeters thirty total. Pigeons used to settle us there, when we bought an apartment, they already lived there ... and I was uncomfortable to drive them out. They make chicks there, small and funny, and then the chicks grow up and learn to fly. So we are just an ornithological station, observation of the family life of pigeons. On the balcony, of course, you will not leave, the pork and the antisanitarian is solid, but I can not drive them out ...


The store suggested the following options: Spray, scare away pigeons, which forms a sticky foam. Pigeons in it are knocked out, and next time they do not climb. In order to launder this very foam, another spray is offered. Plastic spikes. At the same time, the seller happily demonstrated on himself as they entered the pigeon in the ass. A terrible thing. I, of course, is concerned about how to get rid of pigeons, but not to the same degree ...


Buy a snake in the dolrama, it should help, I constantly have any birds dismissed the pool, after I put a couple of snakes on the side, the birds do not even sit. It seems that innocent instinct works.\u003d52596.

None of the above methods will not be effective if the premises where pigeons penetrate is lit. Birds adore boxes and boxes, where they easily come with a socket. Approaching the fight competently and choosing the way that scares and does not kill from those described above, you will get rid of the problem of constant attacks of birds, spoiling your property.