How to germinate a walnut for planting at home. How to grow a walnut from a walnut or by grafting Method To grow a walnut from a walnut at home

Tell me, is it possible to grow walnut from a nut from the market? Tried - it doesn’t work.

Your regular reader I.A. Mokeev, Nizhny Novgorod region

The question is answered by the candidate of agricultural sciences Evgeny Anatolyevich Vasin.

In this way, walnuts can be grown if the purchased nut is not fried and fresh, that is, from this year's crop. There are several ways to germinate nuts. The simplest is autumn sowing of freshly picked (bought in the fall) nuts of a new crop. Last year’s nuts will have very low germination (if any). And if they were stored for several years, then your efforts to germinate are equal to zero - verified by bitter personal experience.

For autumn planting, it is necessary to choose a place on the site where the soil is not acidic, since walnut grows better on soils from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Dig a place on the bayonet of a shovel, make a trench 8-10 cm deep and put your nuts (it is better to plant a few pieces for a better guarantee) on the rib, cover them with soil. Watering during the autumn planting is not necessary, since during the winter moisture will accumulate naturally. In places where winters are not snowy, walnut beds need to be mulched with fallen leaves, dry grass, etc. with a layer of 10-20 cm. In spring, this mulch will help maintain moisture under it. If the spring is dry and early, watering of nut beds is necessary. As the soil warms up, the nuts begin to germinate, but not evenly, but within 5-10 days and up to 1 month. Sometimes the nuts sprout after a year, so take your time to discard unbranched nuts until next spring.

In addition to retaining moisture in the spring, mulch can protect young seedlings from sunburn. To do this, you need to select light mulching materials (sawdust, grass). If in the fall the mulching layer was large, then it must be reduced to 5 cm, but it is not worth completely removing it for the above reasons.

If you bought nuts in the late fall and did not have time to plant them in the ground in the winter, then there are other ways of presowing preparation. This is stratification and soaking before spring planting. Each of them has its own subtleties and nuances. The main thing: nuts must go through a period of cold dormancy from 30 to 90 (120) days. It depends on the genetic characteristics of the seed material (i.e. nuts) and the timing when you had the nuts.

Nuts with a thick shell (1.5 mm or more) must be laid for cold stratification, and with a shell thickness of up to 1.5 mm and especially less than 1.0 mm, it is better to soak and germinate in heat.

Stratification.  Before laying on the stratification, nuts must be soaked in water at room temperature for 2-3 days with a daily change of water. The substrate for stratification of nuts can be moist, steamed chilled sawdust or moist calcined sand, preferably river. As a container, wooden shallow drawers or holey pans are suitable. First, pour a layer of wet sawdust or sand into the container, spread the nuts on the rib and fill them with a substrate (sawdust or sand) from above. Then put the container with nuts in a room with a temperature of +3 .. + 7C. Once a month, check the nuts and, if necessary, moisten the substrate. Attention! The substrate should not be moist, but only moist, especially closer to spring. Otherwise, the nut will not germinate, but will grow moldy. The moisture content of sawdust is defined as follows: when they are compressed in a fist, the water should ooze, and not flow. Wet sand crumbles a little. Closer to spring, nuts should be checked 1-2 times a week with mixing of the substrate. With early sprouting of roots, it is necessary to lower the storage temperature to +1 .. + 2C, and before planting, gradually increase the temperature for several days.

Nuts are planted in the ground after spring frosts have passed. Top soil is mulched with sawdust to preserve seedlings from sunburn. You can build a semblance of a greenhouse, but this is not necessary.

Another way is spring soaking. Before this, nuts must undergo a “dry” cold storage at a temperature below + 10C, it is better if it is within +1 .. + 5C, not less than 30 days. Soaking nuts begins about a month before their intended landing in the ground. It is convenient to do this in a wide shallow dish. Water should cover the nut half its height or a little deeper. Some nuts float and some drown. It is undesirable for them to stay at the bottom for a long time - they may suffocate. If the nuts float too high, they can be rejected. They can be empty or overdried. In the latter case, they need more time to set moisture. At room temperature, the nuts are soaked for 2-5 (7) days until the wings open. When the temperature rises to +30 .. + 35С, the soaking process is reduced. I had a case when a nut hatched in one day of soaking at a water temperature of +35 .. + 40C, that is, it not only swelled up after absorbing a sufficient amount of moisture, but its root hatched. It was a very thin nut with a shell thickness of 0.6 mm. After the leaflets have opened, they are ready for germination.

Such nuts are placed in a germination tank (see above). The temperature in the room where the germination takes place should be +25 .. + 28C. About moisture sawdust has already been said. Nuts germinate within 5-10 days, sometimes a little earlier. When the roots reach a length of 0.5-1.0 cm, the nuts are transferred to a cold store with a temperature of +3 .. + 5C and kept there until they land in the ground. When planting nuts in the spring after stratification with roots or without roots, they are buried by 5-7 cm. Before planting, trenches or holes are watered and nuts are laid on moist soil. Sprinkle them on top with soil and mulch sawdust.

Listed above are the key points for germinating Juglans nuts. Of course, there are other ways of pre-sowing preparation of walnut seeds, but these are the subtleties that are important for specialists.

With the emergence of seedlings, the main care is reduced to weeding the weeds, loosening the soil, watering. In the middle lane, the best fertilizer is ash. Since the second half of summer it has been given for better ripening of wood and preparation for winter. For winter, an annual plant is better to mulch.

In a previous article about walnuts, it was said that they were mighty sprawling trees with a powerful crown. This statement is partly true, since walnut trees, like people, are giants under 20 m, and there are dwarfs two meters tall. It all depends on the genotype. But this is a separate conversation.

Please note that in photo 2 - not a seedling, but a grafted walnut seedling, which can be found on sale.

  E.A. Vasin, Cand. Agricultural Sciences, Tula

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Walnut tree belongs to the walnut family. In another way, this species is called Greek or royal. Walnut in the wild has found its permanent home in western Transcaucasia, Northern India, the Tien Shan, northern China, Greece, northern India, Asia Minor and even Norway. Although the most chic natural hazel can be found in southern Kyrgyzstan.

general information

The original origin of the walnut and iran is considered his homeland. But opinions differ on this score. He is also credited with the Indian, Chinese and even Japanese beginnings.

Historical sources indicate that this culture from Greece came to Rome, and then spread to Germany, Bulgaria, Switzerland and France. And even to Ukraine this tree came from Romania and Moldova, but already under the name “Voloshsky”.

Walnut is a large tree reaching 25 m in height. Its powerful trunk can reach a girth of up to 7 meters. Complex unpaired leaves up to 7 cm, evenly spaced on the branches, form an extensive crown. On one tree, both female and male flowers can be revealed, which in May are pollinated by the wind.

The spherical bone fruit of the walnut is located inside the leathery pericarp at the time of ripening. The walnut inner component is divided by incomplete partitions, to which the edible kernel is adjacent. The weight of one fetus can reach 17 g.

thermophilic and lives up to 400 years. Its wood is a valuable species and is often used for the production of designer furniture. From its leaves make dye for textiles. Today, the main producing countries of this valuable tree are Turkey, China, Ukraine, Iran and the USA.

Landing and soil requirements

Walnut seedlings are usually planted in the spring, although in the southern regions also in the fall. This tree is not particularly picky about the soil, but clay soil should be enriched with compost or peat. Walnut is very photophilous, therefore, for its planting, you need to choose sunny places, otherwise the seedling may die. And also the nut does not like places with a high level of humidity. The optimum soil pH is pH from 5.5 to 5.8.

Before planting a walnut, it is necessary to carefully examine the seedlings. Sick, dried and rotten roots and shoots must be removed, and then lower the roots into the clay mixture with the following contents:

  • Water.
  • ¼ decayed manure.
  • ¾ clay.
  • You can add growth stimulants to this consistency - Epin or Humate.

None of the nuts are rich in nutrients like walnuts. In addition to a number of vitamins and minerals, in its nuclei there are many fatty unsaturated acids and protein necessary for the human body. The ability of nuclei to positively affect immunity, improve intestinal function, and normalize blood sugar levels has long been known. This is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Even a small handful of its fruits improves the general condition of the human body, increases efficiency and contributes to an increase in brain activity.

It is not surprising that many owners of summer cottages and household plots dream of growing this tree at home in order to always have supplies of tasty and healthy fruits.

The culture comes from Central Asia. The tree was quite common in China, India and Greece. It was the Greek merchants who brought it to us, so the fruits are called walnuts. This is a rather thermophilic culture, and for a long time it was believed that it can be grown only in the southern regions.

However, today, thanks to some climatic changes and breeding work, the plant is successfully grown in the Central region and in the Southern Urals.

This article will discuss how to grow a nut on your site.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and possibly on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area in their area, no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - water lawn AquaGrazz.

To grow a walnut tree, you need seeds. When selecting fruits for planting, attention should be paid not only to the quality of the seed, but also to the variety. In this process, there are several nuances that should be considered:

  • it is better to collect fruits from trees growing not far from your house - so you will be sure that the seedling will take root and will yield crops in time;
  • if you have to buy seeds for landing, be sure to take an interest in the description of the variety, paying particular attention to its resistance to low temperatures;
  • in the southern regions, the culture will feel comfortable, but for planting in colder regions (in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Western Siberia), such well-known frost-resistant varieties as Ideal and Osipov are suitable;
  • selecting fruits for planting, attention should be paid to the condition and shape of the shell: it should be of the correct shape and not have damage;
  • seed harvesting time begins when the upper green shell of nuts begins to become cracked;

  • having selected the largest fruits, dry them in a dry, ventilated room at room temperature. If you plan to plant seeds in the fall, then you can not do this;
  • experienced gardeners advise planting seeds in the spring. The optimal time is the beginning of April, when the soil has already warmed up to +10;
  • additional stratification is recommended to accelerate germination before planting. Varieties with a thicker shell are stratified for at least three months at a temperature of slightly more than 0 degrees (from 0 to 7). For fruits with a thinner shell, 45 days and temperatures up to +18 will be enough.

Landing is carried out in pre-prepared wells.

  1. To do this, dig a hole at the landing site with a diameter and depth of 50 cm.
  2. The bottom of the pit is filled with a mixture of soil and humus with the addition of ash (at the rate of 2 glasses of ash per bucket of humus). In the process of further plant growth, a partial replacement of the soil with this mixture is possible according to the diameter of the tree crown.
  3. Three bones are placed in the prepared wells at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
  4. Depth of landing depends on the size of the nut. So, larger bones are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm, and smaller ones - 7-9 cm.
  5. Spread nuts when planting should be sideways on the rib.
  6. Next, the ground should be pressed lightly and watered.

We grow seedlings

After some time, a tree will grow from the planted fruit, but will it be viable and will it be able to develop correctly? Suddenly, the planting material was not very high quality, and you have to repeat it all over again? So that your efforts and time are not wasted, experienced gardeners recommend starting to apply the method of growing seedlings. For this you will need:

  • more fruit for planting and equipped nursery;
  • choose a well-lit area protected from the wind;
  • dig in the selected area in the fall and make humus;
  • planting of nuts in the southern regions begins in early April, in the central zone and in the Urals, the planting time is shifted by two weeks;
  • nuts are sown in rows, the distance between which should be 50 cm. In the row between plants should be at least 15 cm. This is a prerequisite;
  • the seed planting depth, depending on size, ranges from 7 to 12 cm;
  • the soil between rows is regularly loosened and weeds are removed. In dry weather, crops need to be watered.

In 1-2 years you will have seedlings ready for planting in a permanent place.

Having equipped such a nursery, you will have a great opportunity to choose from the total number of plants the most viable and fast-growing.

If you collected planting material in the fall and want to get a plant ready for planting already next spring, try growing a seedling in a pot:

  1. To do this, the selected nuts are washed and dipped in a bowl of water.
  2. Soak them for a week.
  3. Germination of seeds is carried out in well-moistened sand.
  4. After the nuts sprout, they are planted in pots with soil.
  5. Plants grown at home must be tempered for a while before planting in the ground. To do this, the pots are taken out in the daytime to the street and left in a shaded, sheltered from the winds place.

When planting a seedling in a permanent place, try not to allow mechanical damage to the trunk and root system. It is very important to straighten and gently spread the roots. The process begins with the lowest roots, gradually sprinkling them with a layer of earth and laying out the following. The uppermost roots should be at a depth of 7-8 cm from the soil surface.

Choosing a place to land

Another important point when growing a nut is the choice of location. If you choose it correctly, then this will allow the plant to develop well and delight you with a large crop.

It should be remembered that walnut is a photophilous plant. A tree planted in a well-lit area will have a spreading crown, and the fruits will be tied on all branches.

Some more nuances should be observed:

  1. The distance to the nearest trees should be at least 5 meters. Consider the fact that the overgrown nut will block the free access of sunlight to lower plants that are close to it. They may need to be transplanted.
  2. Do not plant a tree next to a house or other buildings, as powerful roots can damage the foundation.
  3. The soil at the landing site should not be very dense and have close adjacent to the surface of the groundwater. If the soil composition does not quite meet the requirements, it is necessary to carry out a partial replacement.
  4. Those wishing to grow this culture in Siberia and the Urals are recommended to plant seedlings in sunny places protected from the wind.
  5. To increase the amount of active summer temperatures, you need to plant a tree near the house on the south or south-west side.


Seedlings, especially in the first years after planting, need care:

  1. Near the tree, you need to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  2. Remembering that the upper roots are not far from the surface of the soil, you need to cultivate the soil no deeper than 5 cm.
  3. During the first three years, it is necessary to form a tree trunk. For this, side shoots are removed every year.
  4. The optimal height of the beginning of the formation of the crown is considered to be 1.5–2 m. If there is a need for pruning branches, spend it, like most fruit trees, in the spring.
  5. So that the plant does not lose a large amount of juice, the branches are removed in early June.
  6. Watering a young tree must be carried out at least 1-2 times a month. Plants above 4 m are watered less intensely.

Following such simple rules, you can easily grow this culture on your site, and in the future enjoy its tasty and healthy fruits.

Hello dear friends!

The climate has changed significantly and amateurs began to grow walnuts from seeds already in the suburbs, along with peaches and decorative yuccas. Powerful walnut roots penetrate deep into the ground and become inaccessible for winter frosts, which made the southern culture attractive for cultivation in the Central region.

How to grow a walnut from seeds

To obtain full, high-quality and healthy seedlings, only large, ripe nuts with intact shells are selected. Good planting material is difficult enough to find even in hypermarkets, so it is better to look for high-quality Kuban nuts in vegetable stalls.

Sowing is carried out in autumn and spring, having previously stood the seeds for three days in water, then in the Zircon growth stimulator or similar for the same amount of time. When soaking nuts, the fluid is changed daily, draining the old one, since an excess of essential and tannins from the shell in the container is formed, the concentration of which can harm the germination of the nuclei.

After a week-long water treatment, the nuts are planted in containers, placed on their sides, 6-8 cm deep in moistened soil, on top of which they make a sandy “pillow” the thickness of a finger and cover with polyethylene.

It is impossible to predict the approximate dates of seedling from the store, they can rise in ten days, a month or six months, because the time of their collection, storage periods and other components that affect the rate of germination are unknown. Without the use of stimulants, the seed that has fallen in the fall in a natural way has already sprouted in open space in May. Artificially planted nuts in March, delight seedlings in containers for 10 days.

Purchased seeds can be stored until mass plantings in spring by burying them in moist sand and storing them in a cool vestibule of the corridor, where potatoes are usually stored or in the basement. A month before the May plantings, the nuts are taken out into a bright, warm room, changed or transferred to another sand and spilled with a growth stimulant to accelerate the process of forming a new life.

At the request of the gardener, the sprouted seedlings are transferred to an open area or grown indoors until October plantings. When cultivating seedlings in closed ground conditions, it is necessary to transplant young growth twice a season in containers with two fingers larger in diameter than the previous ones in diameter.

A walnut obtained from a seed has a valuable property - seedlings often outperform the mother tree in all respects. The usefulness of vaccination is undeniable in terms of guaranteed obtaining fruit-bearing specimens during mass cultivation, at an amateur level it is practically not carried out. Due to the peculiarity of the tree structure and walnut bark, it is difficult for even an experienced gardener and is considered the highest skill. In Krasnodar private nurseries, where a valuable culture is grown in most areas, the grandfather method is used instead of vaccination - from the three-year-old seedlings, the strongest and correctly formed are selected, rejecting the weak and lethargic.

Spending walnut seed cultivation  with the observance of agricultural technology, with timely top dressing and careful care, the nut sprouted in April, planted in May on the planned site, already grows in September 15 cm finished seedling, managing to grow roots over 35 cm long.

In a good host, the fruiting of a walnut seed grown from a seed occurs 4–5 season after planting, three years ahead of generally accepted agricultural standards.

See you, friends!

There are two options for planting walnuts: seedlings and seeds (nuts). Consider each of the options in more detail:

  • Seedlings.

In order to plant a tree in your area, you need to get a seedling. It can be purchased at specialized points of sale or take a young shoot of a plant from friends. If you buy a seedling, then pay attention, firstly, to the bark - it should be without damage. Secondly, take a look at the root system - the main root should be intact. Only a strong two-three-year-old seedling, whose trunk thickness is not less than 1 cm, can quickly take root and avoid various diseases.

As for the landing time, there is no consensus. Some gardeners argue that planting should be done only in autumn, since at this time the tree slows down the sap flow, and therefore even a weak seedling with violations of the bark is easier to take root and avoid infection. Other gardeners believe that planting a walnut in the spring is the only right option, and planting should be done in early spring, before the buds swell. Since there is no consensus, it is worthwhile to navigate the climatic zone in which the site is located. So, residents of the southern regions, due to the warm climate even in winter, are better to plant seedlings in the fall, residents of the northern regions are better to do planting work in the early spring - a young tree planted for the winter may not suffer severe frosts and die. Everyone is better off in the middle lane, since they can plant seedlings both in early spring and late fall: in this case, the young tree has equal chances to take root and grow.

Planting a seedling is carried out as follows: in the selected place, pits are prepared with a depth of about 50-60 cm, with a diameter of 1 m. Potassium and phosphoric fertilizers, humus, lime are laid in the pits, after which the future tree is placed in them so that its root neck is 3-5 cm above the ground. The pit is covered with earth, which must be densely tamped around the plant, after which abundant watering is carried out.

Growing nuts from seeds

Planting a walnut with seeds is more laborious, but interesting in terms of at least a summer cottage experiment. First you need to choose planting material. For planting, we select only high-quality nuts, the shell of which is neither too soft nor too hard. In addition, the shell should not be damaged, and the nuts themselves should be large enough.

It is curious that the opinions regarding the preparation of nuts for planting vary quite a lot - some believe that in order to ensure germination it is necessary to remove the outer shell, while others are sure that nuts should be planted only in their original form. Alas, they have not yet set a point in a long-standing dispute, therefore, if you are planting walnuts for the first time, you can use both methods. The only condition that is equally suitable for both methods is the choice of seeds. The easiest way to do this is by putting nuts in a bowl of water. Some of the seeds will go under water, some will remain on the surface. And despite the fact that both of them are suitable for planting, the chances of germination in drowned seeds are much higher, since they have a whole and large kernel. By the way, this method is perfect for selecting peeled seeds, but it is only necessary to apply it if the shell has no damage.

Then you can go along one of two ways: the first is to plant the selected material in pots or special containers and after a couple of years, with proper care, you will have an excellent seedling, ready for transplantation into open ground. The second option is to plant the prepared nuts immediately in the open ground.

When planting a nut in pots, the following must be done: 4 months before planting, it is necessary to place the nut in moist sand and make sure that the medium in which the planting material is placed does not dry out, but is not too wet.

A container with sand and nuts planted in it must be placed in a cool place. Ideally, if it is the lower shelf of the refrigerator, or you can use the basement or, in the end, a balcony.

Thus, nuts undergo stratification, which improves their germination, and later the fruiting of the tree. When it is time to plant a nut, it is necessary to get it out and place it in a pot with prepared fertile soil, deepening by 4-5 cm. The plant does not require specific care, within two years it is necessary to water, loosen the soil, remove weeds.

On the question of how to plant a walnut in open ground in the middle lane, all gardeners agree that if you place the seeds at a depth equal to their greater length, then they will not simply survive not only winter, but even spring frosts (if landing for some reason is made in the spring).

The nuts are deepened to a depth of 1/2 - 2/3 of the shovel bayonet, since this is the only way to protect it from the extreme effects of low temperature. And only in the southern regions the rule of choosing the depth of planting for a large seed length is relevant. But in the northern latitudes, planting in the autumn period is out of the question, and you will have to deal with germination at home.

When planting in open ground, the seeds are placed in three at a time, with a distance between them of 12-15 cm. In this way, the best germination is possible, well, if all three sprout, then after two years you will have to choose one, the strongest seedling, and the rest either put in other places, or delete completely.

Soil preparation

Of course, you can’t sow seeds anywhere, because good germination, steady growth and fruiting seriously depend on how correctly the place was chosen and how well it was prepared.

First of all, it should be remembered that the plant is thermophilic, and therefore it will be necessary to choose land from well-insulated places in the infield. In addition, walnuts cannot stand crowding, therefore there should not be tall trees and shrubs around the future tree (like pears, apple trees, overgrown cherries), but small shrubs (currants, raspberries, gooseberries) within a radius of at least three meters may already be present . The walnut planting interval is at least 10 meters.

Soil preparation is quite simple, but prolonged. It begins in late spring with a deepening of the fertile layer - the soil is removed to a depth of 0.7-1 m and a width of 0.5 m. A fertile soil layer taken in the same area is poured into the formed hole. Further, all the time until late, the place for planting is loosened to improve aeration and remove weeds.

In conclusion, it should be said that even with careful observance of all conditions and rules, the taste and abundance of the harvest on the new tree can seriously differ from the mother tree for the better and for the worse, and even seedlings grafted in nurseries are not a guarantee of tasty and large walnuts . However, even if the fruits disappoint you, the tree itself will become an excellent decoration of the site, in addition, from its seeds, you can try to achieve your goal again and again.