Why see twins in a dream? Why do twins dream - interpretations of famous dream books.

The birth of twins does not happen very often, therefore, until today, such an event is of increased interest. Physicians and psychologists deal with the problems of twins a lot, and in ancient times, attitudes towards them varied from deification (Egypt) to recognition by the forces of evil (American Indians who killed such children and a woman in childbirth).

A feature of twins is their external and psychological similarity to each other (however, this is true only for identical twins), as a result of which the appearance of twins in a dream is most often interpreted as a doubling of something (good luck or misfortune). Often, such a dream is also a symbol of duality and calls to look at the problem or situation from the other side.

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Dream interpretation of the XXI century. What did the twins dream about?

The dream of twins can be very controversial. Depending on the specific situation it can mean uncertainty, hesitation, slowness in acceptance important decision, and the confidence that the choice is made correctly. For families, a dream about twins is a harbinger of family harmony, for single people - an upcoming marriage based on love and harmony. Siamese twins - to harmony and happiness, sick - to the upcoming problems.

Esoteric dream book. How to interpret the twins seen in a dream?

The birth of twins in a dream suggests that soon you will learn something completely stunning. Looking at the twins is to satisfy your curiosity. If your own twin appears in a dream, you urgently need to take care of yourself.

Dream interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter. The meaning of the dream "Gemini"

Gemini is a symbol of abundance. A pleasant dream about beautiful twins is an increase in income, unattractive twins are a multiplication of troubles.

Modern dream book. What does the dream about twins portend?

Gemini usually dream of good business and family peace. Feeding the twins is a huge success. Siamese twins - for an addition to the family or an imminent wedding. If in a dream you have a really non-existent twin, your dreams are impracticable.

Dream book by Gustav Hindman Miller. Dream symbolism "Gemini"

Dreamed twins are a symbol of business confidence and good luck, a harbinger of family peace and well-being.


The interpretation of the dream about twins depends on whether the dreamer himself is a twin, and also on whether his own double or a pair of other twins appeared in the dream. If a real brother or sister appears in a dream, then its meaning corresponds to the symbolism of these images.

If the dreamer is not a twin, then his double in a dream is a "second self", the appearance and behavior of which can indicate hidden problems and the possibility of solving them. A pair of "unfamiliar" twins symbolizes the duality of the situation - the need to look at the problem from the other side, to make a decisive choice.

In most cases, the twins, who are an ancient symbol of fertility, belong to the fortunate harbingers, "doubling" all good things. However, if in reality the dreamer has problems, then such a dream portends their "doubling", although much depends on the details of what he saw. Siamese twins are the happiest sign in a dream.


Not only women, but also men sometimes dream about the birth of twins, some decipher this as an ordinary dream about small children, and babies most often (both their own and others') dream of troubles. But actually it is not.

So, twins are almost always a doubling of something important, especially if you had a dream on one of the prophetic days of the moon. And prophetic days are 14 and 5.6, as well as 24 and 28 days of the lunar cycle. The appearance of such a dream means the importance of the upcoming event, but twins mean doubling. That is, if the dreamer awaits in reality some important news, event, he will receive it with interest: in a double volume.

Some dream books the question of why one dreams of giving birth to twins is most often associated with the financial side of human activity. Such a dream is especially favorable for men employed in the financial sector. Well, except for those who actually expect an early addition to the family in the form of twins: most likely, such a dream was simply inspired by the emotional experiences of the day. For the strong half of humanity, the birth of twins dreams of unexpected profits, a significant but unplanned increase in earnings or career advancement. Another interpretation is not entirely favorable: a man who sees the birth of twins in a dream may suffer from loneliness, insoluble contradictions in his soul. In addition, greed may begin to dominate in his character.

For creative personalities seeing twins in a dream, her birth is a very good sign. Such a dream portends not only an imminent visit to the Muse, but also the favorable influence of the stars for promotion. creative projects and ideas.

For women, the interpretation of sleep is almost always very favorable, as well as for girls. Although, in the interpretation of the question of why the birth of twins is dreaming, the gender of the newborn plays an important role. So, if the kids are male, this is definitely a dream that promises good events. But, if the girls dreamed, it means that the dreamer or the dreamer, along with good news, will face small, tedious chores.

Vanga interpreted such dreams as the completion of an important life stage or some big business, fraught with significant difficulties. If you dreamed that the birth was difficult and painful, but everything ended well, it means that in reality the matter will be completed successfully. If the dreamer dreamed that the birth took place quickly, painlessly, and the dream itself left a feeling of relief in the soul, it is most likely that someone will remove the burden of problems from the person, taking the brunt of decisions on themselves.

Twins or twins who dreamed in a dream, according to old dream books, can have a double interpretation. If the kids are clean, healthy and happy, this is a good sign, but if the children are ragged, sick, dirty or unhappy, this indicates imminent unpleasant news or changes in the dreamer's life. Perhaps bad news awaits a person in double the volume.

The dream of the birth of twins has the same meaning as the birth of twins. But, in addition to good news, well-being in the family and harmony between spouses, a dream can warn of the need to save. Especially if the birth was difficult.

Dreamed Siamese twins speak of a very close spiritual attachment to a person and most often dream of parting with him, which will be very painful. In some cases, such a dream speaks of the versatility of the dreamer's personality or that the choice that lies ahead in reality is actually not a choice. Since no matter what a person chooses for himself, he will come to one result, simply, two roads lead to him.

To see a doubled person or adult twins in a dream is a bad sign, both for the strong and for the beautiful half of humanity. The dream of a woman or girl about an adult man who has a twin says that a man with not very good moral principles... Most likely, the dream speaks of a new admirer: he may simply turn out to be a hypocrite and a deceiver, and the connection with him will not bring any joyful feelings. Or, which is also quite likely, he is looking for easy adventures and he already has one partner.

For men, such a dream has two interpretations. The first is similar to the interpretation for women: in reality, the dreamer is likely to meet a girl or woman who is not entirely clean or who hides some impartial side of her life. The second interpretation says that in the soul of a man there is an intense struggle between feelings for two women / girls that he likes equally. A difficult choice in reality is projected into a dream, therefore, in a dream, a man sees twins or twins, and cannot make a choice in any way. Such a dream does not speak of anything, except for internal emotional stress.

Sleep is always just a dream, to believe in it or not is the choice of each individual person. But, if the dream is repeated at least a couple of times, it cannot be ignored. It is possible that fate gives a person a chance to change his life.


The fact of the birth of twins in a dream is an auspicious omen associated with good luck, happiness, joy and strong relationships with friends and family members. But every dream also has the opposite meaning - a dream portends not only double joys, but also double worries and troubles. Next, consider why dream of giving birth to twins different dream books.

Birth of twins promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all areas of activity... In some cases, such a dream is prophetic for pregnant women.

The birth of a boy and a girl in a dream indicates harmony in the dreamer's life, on the balance between different spheres activities. In addition, this dream portends profit, prosperity in the professional field, getting rid of worries and doubts.

To give birth in a dream to two large, already adult children indicates unresolved problems and difficult choices between two equal options. It is possible that the dreamer will have to revise his life guidelines under the influence of circumstances.

The birth of sick twins speaks of imminent disappointment and illness. Problems in family and marital relations are not excluded. Seeing babies that grow together indicates a happy, strong marriage that will withstand any adversity.

Such a dream for women indicates an addition to the family, early pregnancy... For women who already have children, the vision suggests that soon their own child will pleasantly surprise its parent. For unmarried girls, a dream indicates the imminent appearance of a betrothed and a successful marriage with a good man.

For men, a dream promises an unexpected and large profit. The dream also suggests that a hopeless business will be resolved in the most unexpected way without the slightest effort on the part of the dreamer.

Birth of twins portends a profit, doubling your income... For pregnant women, sleep warns of the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby.

Another interpretation of a dream is a repetition of a situation already passed in the past, a revival of the past. romantic relationship, the return to the dreamer's life of old friends and relationships.

The birth of two beautiful children symbolizes mutual understanding and wealth in the family... If in a dream a woman breastfeeds her children, this indicates a doubling of income, receiving an unexpected amount of money, success in business. For a young girl, such a dream suggests that all the difficulties and worries that take up a lot of her time will soon end and the situation will improve again.

The birth of ugly, sick twins speaks of the addition of troubles, problems in the life of the sleeping person. If the twins are capricious and do not want to eat, they shout loudly, this indicates the need to make a decision immediately, because it is no longer possible to delay the choice.

If newborn twins behave strangely, atypical for babies, it portends unforeseen difficulties, even hardships, which will be very difficult for the dreamer to cope with.

If the dreamer sees himself in the role of one of the newborn twins, and in real life he has neither a brother nor a sister, this indicates wounds that have not healed since childhood, unforgotten grievances that prevent a person from moving on, succeeding in life. The dream also speaks of the sleeping dreaming of fantastic, unrealizable plans that are not destined to come true.

To give birth to twins in a dream indicates a peaceful coexistence with other people, a calm atmosphere in the family, good luck in love and deeds. Feeding twins in a dream predicts deafening success in your field of activity. The birth of Siamese twins speaks of finding soul mate, O happy love and a strong marriage.

If a young woman dreamed that in a dream she gave birth to twins, then this indicates pleasant chores before an important event that she has been waiting for. Single people a dream speaks of the need to create your own family, the birth of children.

The birth of sick, frail twins portends a loss loved one, his death or moving.

The dream of the birth of twins indicates the appearance of unexpected obstacles, loss of support and support... The dreamer will be left alone to deal with his problems, which will hit with double force. But, in contrast to this, the activity on which the dreamer worked hard will turn into a double benefit and profit for him.

If a man dreams that he is giving birth to twins, then this suggests that he has taken on too many responsibilities and that he cannot cope with everything. It also indicates the desire to get everything at once, to bite off the most big piece pie, but this strategy will not be successful.

Twins born in a dream portends double success and luck in all areas of life... The dreamer can count on the support of his loved ones, hope for good luck and that all his efforts will be rewarded. For creative people a dream portends great inspiration, and for lovers - the blessing of their union.

The birth of a boy and a girl prophesies outdoor recreation surrounded by friends and family... It is possible that such a pastime will be accompanied by active games. The birth of two boys indicates the achievement of a comfortable life, wealth and well-being.

The birth of two girls of twins promises great joy and getting at least two good news... Seeing how a boy and a girl were born portends an increase in the social status of the family, an addition to the family.

The birth of twin children in a dream symbolizes a stable, calm life in which the dreamer can comfortably exist and not worry about your future. Such a dream tells a woman that she can give birth to several more children without fear for their well-being and well-being.

For lonely people, this indicates the need to find a life partner. Perhaps you do not need to go far for this, but simply take a closer look at the people around you.

Having given birth in a dream, when twins are born, means that in reality a person experiences confusion, doubt the decision... For men to see a wife giving birth to twins in a dream portends failure in business and total bad luck. Such a dream tells a man that he is torn by feelings for his wife and for his mistress, and he cannot understand which woman is more dear to him.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends an easy, successful childbirth, the birth of a healthy baby. To unmarried girls, a dream indicates that the dreamer's romantic feelings are mutual.

The birth of twin boys predicts unprecedented luck and fulfillment cherished desires ... But in order for everything to be fulfilled as intended, the dreamer must make certain efforts to this. If newborn boys scream a lot, cry, this suggests that the dreamer devotes too little time and care to his loved ones.

Birth two twin girls portends a dream come true into life, literally a fabulous miracle in this gray world. The dream says that the joy of life can be overshadowed by minor troubles - a kind of bittersweet happiness.

Also, the birth of girls heralds the receipt of news - if the children in a dream are clean and not capricious, then the news will certainly be pleasant, if they are stained with blood and screaming, then we should expect sad news.

The birth of heterosexual twins speaks of the unstable position of a person, that his life is in limbo and that he cannot finally make a choice. If the birth of these twins was accompanied by joy and stormy delights, then this indicates the discovery of new talents, resources and abilities in oneself.

If twins are born with hair, then their color also affects the interpretation of a dream: white hair portends great surprise, an unexpected turn of events, black hair speaks of achieving a goal, red hair speaks of the dreamer's cunning and resourcefulness, multi-colored hair predicts luck and participation in an interesting enterprise ... Bald heads of newborns indicate that you should not give up and give in to difficulties.

The birth of triplets is a considerable test for the psyche, even in a dream. Such a vision foreshadows the implementation of long-cherished plans in life, a large amount of work that will have to be done to achieve your goal.

Birth of triplet girls is a harbinger of pleasant, joyful events good news and funny surprises. It is possible that the dreamer will be invited to a noisy party, where he will notably "come off".

The birth of triplet boys portends grueling chores and worries, which, although it will be difficult to endure, the dreamer will be more than rewarded for this. Different-sex triplets dream of adventure, unusual events in life, travel and solving fascinating mysteries.

If a woman dreams of the birth of triplets, then it speaks of resolving all her problems, an easy way out of a difficult situation. Fate will give the dreamer another chance to fix everything and regain her happiness.

Men dream of the birth of triplets dream of the opportunity to show themselves with better side, increase your authority, attract the attention of superiors, bosses.

In order to understand why the twins are dreaming, you need to take into account the smallest details of the plot of the dream. This is a very capacious dream, which, if correctly deciphered, allows you to change some events and minimize their negative consequences.

Twins in a dream

Why dream of pregnancy with twins

For every woman, the question of why a pregnancy with twins is dreaming is always interesting. This is a very informative dream, therefore, for an accurate interpretation, you need to take into account all the details of the plot.

The dream is interpreted depending on who dreamed it:

    For a young unmarried girl, a dream foreshadows troubles in her personal life, and also focuses on the duplicity of the chosen one. For a woman carrying a child, sleep predicts easy childbirth and the birth of a strong baby. married woman sleep is a harbinger of material well-being and a strong family union.

Twins in a pregnant dream

Very often, the birth of twins is dreamed of by a pregnant woman who is carrying two children in reality. Such dreams, as a rule, are associated with the inner experiences of the expectant mother and the subconscious fear of childbirth.

Give birth to twins - the interpretation of sleep

Night dreams, in which they had to give birth to twins, are a positive omen. After such a dream in real life, you can expect profit or good news. Perhaps it is at this time that positive changes in the dreamer's life will begin. If you had to give birth to twins in a dream, then this symbolizes that in reality you will feel confident that everything is getting better in life.

Twin boys dreaming

Very often the question is, why do twins-boys dream. If in your nightly dreams you happened to give birth to two boys, then this portends the onset of a successful life period. You can safely count on the fact that you will be able to make your most cherished desires come true. Boys with dark hair dream before making a big decision. Blond twins, boys, babies appear in night dreams before any interesting events at work. Born bald twins portend a big win.

Babies, twins, boys who laugh, symbolizes the lightness of the dreamer's character. You know how to win over people, so you are always surrounded by nice people. Some plot lines of night dreams can be interpreted as follows:
    To give birth to twins boys in romper suits means to make a good deal in reality. born twins cry, then in real life there will be temporary difficulties, but they can be very easily overcome. If twin boys eat little, it portends profit. When newborn twin boys lie in a stroller, it predicts a business trip. When twin children, boys play , then this portends a fun party. Barefoot twins boys indicate that you need to think about additional earnings.Naked babies boys portend unexpected expenses.

Why do twins girls dream

Another question that interests many dreamers is what the girl's twins dream of. Gemini girls babies very often portend changes in the family life of a sleeping person. But sometimes such night dreams symbolize the inner doubts and experiences of the dreamer. Different storylines can be interpreted in the following way:
    A dream in which she had a chance to give birth to twins of girls portends a flirtation for a girl in real life. When the children of the girl's twins dreamed with dolls, this symbolizes the dreamer's doubts about the partner's fidelity. If you have to swaddle twin girls, then you should expect tedious household chores in reality. feeding little girls, which means in real life you will have to participate in a fun event.
The birth of twin girls is a very good sign. If childbirth in a dream was easy, then a very successful period begins in life, which will be filled with fabulous events. But if in night dreams it was not easy to give birth to twin girls, then some sad events will overshadow the dreamer's happiness. But they will be fleeting and will soon pass. If, after the birth of twins-girls according to the plot of the dream, you immediately take them in your arms, then this indicates that you will be able to find in life good decision very important problem for you. If, for some reason, little girls did not arouse sympathy, then this suggests that soon in reality difficulties may begin that will affect the material sphere.

Also, little twin girls are harbingers of news, while:
    If the crumbs were clean and attractive, then the news would be good; if the babies looked untidy and were stained with dirt, then the news would be bad.
When little girls sleep peacefully in a crib, it portends a quiet family pastime with household members. At such a moment, as a rule, all problems recede into the background and close people enjoy each other's company. Also, after such a dream, an awareness of the value of family relationships will come, but if the twin girls are capricious, this indicates that the relationship between family members may deteriorate. It is very important to make every effort to understand each other and restore harmony and goodwill in the family. When babies appear in a dream who hold tightly to the arms, it symbolizes the strength of family relationships. Crying matured girls in night dreams foreshadow a small family conflict.

Twins were born boy and girl

When twins, a boy and a girl, were born in night dreams, this suggests that you are very afraid in reality to accept not correct solution and make a mistake. If during the birth of children in night dreams, you have experienced a lot positive emotions, then this suggests that you will discover new natural opportunities in yourself that will help you become in life a successful person. If you see in a dream of twins a boy and a girl at an older age, then this symbolizes that you are very the strong man... Such a dream focuses on the fact that if you do not deviate from your principles, then everything in your life will work out. You will manage to become a successful person, even if you encounter a huge number of difficulties along the way. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of the dreamer's material well-being.

Siamese twins - dream book

Siamese twins in a dream are a good sign. This is a symbol of the fact that fortune is with you at the moment, so you can take up any business with courage. For lonely people, this dream portends the creation happy family, and for a married couple - the birth of a healthy child. A dream with Siamese twins characterizes the dreamer as a purposeful and persistent person. There are also other interpretations in dream books, they indicate that in reality the dreamer will expect such changes:
    A person will earn respect from the people around him and will be able to strengthen his material well-being. life will happen meeting with a person with whom a spiritual relationship will arise and a harmonious relationship will develop.

The question of why adult twins dream is also very relevant. This dream is always a harbinger important event in the dreamer's life. Moreover, if negative emotions do not arise in night dreams, then the event will be pleasant. Adult twins in a dream, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, always symbolize some duality of the dreamer. In such a state, it is very difficult for a person to make the right decisions. If the dreamer sees his twin, which in fact does not exist, then this portends possible difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal. Sleep can also be a harbinger of disappointment and grief that will soon enter the life of a sleeping person. Perhaps in reality the dreamer will face a difficult choice. The dream in which adult twins appeared is very favorable for the elderly. Such a dream increases mental comfort. This means that a person will be in a better mood and have the strength to live. And, as you know, positive attitude allows you to successfully resist various pathologies that are characteristic of older people.

Gemini men

If male twins appear in a dream, then this means that in real world you always have difficulty making important decisions. It is very important to reconsider life values ​​after such a dream. This will help to believe in yourself and gain the necessary confidence that you will be able to make the right choice. If a man does not have a twin brother in the real world, but he appeared in a dream, then this may portend an unexpected surprise from relatives. If a deceased twin brother dreamed of, then this indicates that the dreamer will have a duty and a happy life. When, according to the plot of the dream, I had to talk with the deceased twin brother, then in real life the dreamer will have to carry out an unpleasant task. To do this, you will have to spend a lot of effort and energy, after which you will definitely need to rest.

Gemini women

Twins women in a dream are interpreted by dream books as a passing filter in reality. Also, such a dream can portend peace in the family and good luck that will accompany the dreamer in all areas of life. If a woman dreams of a twin sister, then this indicates that the dreamer will receive the long-awaited news from afar.

The fact of the birth of twins in a dream is an auspicious omen associated with good luck, happiness, joy and strong relationships with friends and family members. But every dream also has the opposite meaning - a dream portends not only double joys, but also double worries and troubles. Next, consider why you dream of giving birth to twins according to different dream books.

Birth of twins promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all areas of activity... In some cases, such a dream is prophetic for pregnant women.

The birth of a boy and a girl in a dream indicates harmony in the dreamer's life, on the balance between different fields of activity. In addition, this dream portends profit, prosperity in the professional field, getting rid of worries and doubts.

To give birth in a dream to two large, already adult children indicates unresolved problems and difficult choices between two equal options. It is possible that the dreamer will have to revise his life guidelines under the influence of circumstances.

The birth of sick twins speaks of imminent disappointment and illness. Problems in family and marital relations are not excluded. Seeing babies that grow together indicates a happy, strong marriage that will withstand any adversity.

Dream interpretation Longo

Such a dream for women indicates an addition to the family, early pregnancy... For women who already have children, the vision suggests that soon their own child will pleasantly surprise its parent. For unmarried girls, a dream indicates the imminent appearance of a betrothed and a successful marriage with a good man.

For men, a dream promises an unexpected and large profit. The dream also suggests that a hopeless business will be resolved in the most unexpected way without the slightest effort on the part of the dreamer.

Dream interpretation of the seasons

Birth of twins portends a profit, doubling your income... For pregnant women, sleep warns of the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby.

Another interpretation of the dream is the repetition of a situation already passed in the past, the revival of past romantic relationships, the return of old friends and relationships to the dreamer's life.

Women's dream book

The birth of two beautiful children symbolizes mutual understanding and wealth in the family... If in a dream a woman breastfeeds her children, this indicates a doubling of income, receiving an unexpected amount of money, success in business. For a young girl, such a dream suggests that all the difficulties and worries that take up a lot of her time will soon end and the situation will improve again.

The birth of ugly, sick twins speaks of the addition of troubles, problems in the life of the sleeping person. If the twins are capricious and do not want to eat, they shout loudly, this indicates the need to make a decision immediately, because it is no longer possible to delay the choice.

If newborn twins behave strangely, atypical for babies, it portends unforeseen difficulties, even hardships, which will be very difficult for the dreamer to cope with.

If the dreamer sees himself in the role of one of the newborn twins, and in real life he has neither a brother nor a sister, this indicates wounds that have not healed since childhood, unforgotten grievances that prevent a person from moving on, succeeding in life. The dream also speaks of the sleeping dreaming of fantastic, unrealizable plans that are not destined to come true.

Christian dream book

To give birth to twins in a dream indicates a peaceful coexistence with other people, a calm atmosphere in the family, good luck in love and deeds. Feeding twins in a dream predicts deafening success in your field of activity. The birth of Siamese twins speaks of finding a kindred spirit, happy love and a strong marriage.

Home dream book

If a young woman dreamed that in a dream she gave birth to twins, then this indicates pleasant chores before an important event, which she had been expecting for a long time. Single people a dream speaks of the need to create your own family, the birth of children.

The birth of sick, frail twins portends the loss of a loved one, his death or relocation.

Everyday dream book

The dream of the birth of twins indicates the appearance of unexpected obstacles, loss of support and support... The dreamer will be left alone to deal with his problems, which will hit with double force. But, in contrast to this, the activity on which the dreamer worked hard will turn into a double benefit and profit for him.

If a man dreams that he is giving birth to twins, then this suggests that he has taken on too many responsibilities and that he cannot cope with everything. It also indicates the desire to get everything at once, to bite off the biggest piece of the pie, but this strategy will not be crowned with success.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

Twins born in a dream portends double success and luck in all areas of life... The dreamer can count on the support of his loved ones, hope for good luck and that all his efforts will be rewarded. For creative people, a dream portends great inspiration, and for lovers - the blessing of their union.

The birth of a boy and a girl prophesies outdoor recreation surrounded by friends and family... It is possible that such a pastime will be accompanied by active games. The birth of two boys indicates the achievement of a comfortable life, wealth and well-being.

Muslim dream book

The birth of two twin girls promises great joy and at least two good news. Seeing how a boy and a girl were born portends an increase in the social status of the family, an addition to the family.

Modern dream book

The birth of twin children in a dream symbolizes a stable, calm life in which the dreamer can comfortably exist and not worry about your future. Such a dream tells a woman that she can give birth to several more children without fear for their well-being and well-being.

For lonely people, this indicates the need to find a life partner. Perhaps you do not need to go far for this, but simply take a closer look at the people around you.

Twins in a dream

Being born in a dream, when twins are born, means that in reality a person experiences confusion, doubt about the decision. For men to see a wife giving birth to twins in a dream portends failure in business and total bad luck. Such a dream tells a man that he is torn by feelings for his wife and for his mistress, and he cannot understand which woman is more dear to him.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends an easy, successful childbirth, the birth of a healthy baby. To unmarried girls, a dream indicates that the dreamer's romantic feelings are mutual.

The birth of twin boys predicts unprecedented luck and the fulfillment of cherished desires... But in order for everything to be fulfilled as intended, the dreamer must make certain efforts to this. If newborn boys scream a lot, cry, this suggests that the dreamer devotes too little time and care to his loved ones.

Birth two twin girls portends a dream come true into life, literally a fabulous miracle in this gray world. The dream says that the joy of life can be overshadowed by minor troubles - a kind of bittersweet happiness.

Also, the birth of girls heralds the receipt of news - if the children in a dream are clean and not capricious, then the news will certainly be pleasant, if they are stained with blood and screaming, then we should expect sad news.

The birth of heterosexual twins speaks of the unstable position of a person, that his life is in limbo and that he cannot finally make a choice. If the birth of these twins was accompanied by joy and stormy delights, then this indicates the discovery of new talents, resources and abilities in oneself.

If twins are born with hair, then their color also affects the interpretation of a dream: white hair portends great surprise, an unexpected turn of events, black hair speaks of achieving a goal, red hair speaks of the dreamer's cunning and resourcefulness, multi-colored hair predicts luck and participation in an interesting enterprise ... Bald heads of newborns indicate that you should not give up and give in to difficulties.

Triplets: interpretation

The birth of triplets is a considerable test for the psyche, even in a dream. Such a vision foreshadows the implementation of long-cherished plans in life, a large amount of work that will have to be done to achieve your goal.

Birth of triplet girls is a harbinger of pleasant, joyful events good news and funny surprises. It is possible that the dreamer will be invited to a noisy party, where he will notably "come off".

The birth of triplet boys portends grueling chores and worries, which, although it will be difficult to endure, the dreamer will be more than rewarded for this. Different-sex triplets dream of adventure, unusual events in life, travel and solving fascinating mysteries.

If a woman dreams of the birth of triplets, then it speaks of resolving all her problems, an easy way out of a difficult situation. Fate will give the dreamer another chance to fix everything and regain her happiness.

Men dream of the birth of triplets of the opportunity to show themselves from their best side, to increase their authority, to attract the attention of higher people, bosses.


To find out what twins dream about, you need to remember the dream in detail.

In general, such dreams are considered harbingers of pleasant events. This is especially true in the love and financial spheres of life.

Gemini boys usually dream of business success. You can reach new heights thanks to the self-confidence that your loved ones will give you. But if you dream that boys are sick, then you have to work hard to achieve your plan.

A dream in which the twins laugh speaks of your light nature. You are loved and respected by people not only from your inner circle, but also by your work colleagues. They admire your ability to solve quickly. difficult questions and also skillfully conduct business negotiations.

  • Boys in romper for a bargain.
  • They cry - to temporary difficulties.
  • Children eat - to profit.
  • They are in a wheelchair - for a business trip.
  • The boys are playing - for a fun party.

According to the dream book, twins in the same clothes dream of more than doubling their personal capital. And if they are dressed differently, then expect a slight increase in salary.

Barefoot boys are a hint that you need to think about additional income. And naked babies dream of unforeseen expenses.

The dream, where the twins are red, warns that you can be deceived. Dark boys dream before making an important decision, light boys - before interesting event at work. And bald babies in a dream mean that a big win awaits you.

Little ladies

And what are the girls' twins dreaming of? Twin girls, more often than not, predict changes in family life. But sometimes such dreams are a reflection of the dreamer's inner doubts and experiences.

Sisters in beautiful dresses dream of prosperity and family happiness... And if the girls were with bows or beautiful headbands, such a dream predicts a cloudless, trusting relationship with a spouse.

Babies holding hands say that your family is very strong. And crying children dream before a small conflict.

  • A dream in which twins smile is a sign of flirting.
  • Girls with dolls - you doubt your partner's fidelity.
  • Having twins is a real addition to the family.
  • Swaddling them - to pleasant chores around the house.
  • Dreams that you are feeding children - for a holiday in your home.

As the dream book says, twins who sleep in a crib dream of a quiet family evening... Problems will recede into the background, and you can enjoy the company of your loved one. And if in a dream the twin girls are capricious or sick, then in reality you will have to get a little nervous because of the partner's mistrust.

Walking with girls on the street or in the yard means feeling your freedom. But this does not mean that you will part with your loved one.

We are talking about spiritual freedom, which arises with the full trust of two loved ones. It is quite possible that at this stage of your life you will be able to enter a new, more high level relationships.

When you have a dream about twins, be sure to look in your dream book. This will help you dive deeper into your inner world and prepare for upcoming events.

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Autumn dream book

What are the twins dreaming about in the fall?

Gemini - If you are dreaming of a twin brother or sister, and there are many other twins around you, then you may become pregnant and give birth to twins.

Summer dream book

What are the twins dreaming about in the summer?

What does it mean to see Gemini in a dream - To see twins in a dream for rural residents - to a rich harvest in the field and in the garden, as well as to a good offspring of animals.

Small Velesov dream book

Why do Gemini dream, interpretation of sleep:

Gemini - The birth of children, this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Family dream book

Why do Gemini dream:

To see twins in a dream - If you dream of twins, this means that anxiety will leave you and you will be confident in what you are doing. It is possible that your income will double. In addition, there will be peace and harmony in your family. BROTHER If you dreamed about your brother, wait for news from afar. If in real life you do not have a brother, but you dreamed of him in a dream, get ready for the surprise that your relatives will present to you. The dream in which you saw your deceased brother promises you longevity, good health and a successful career. Seeing a deceased brother in a dream and talking to him means that soon you will have to carry out an assignment that will tire you greatly, and you will need a long rest.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do Gemini dream, according to popular belief Little Russia:

Gemini - If you see twins, you will wait for children (and if you have children, then grandchildren); having twins is a great family celebration.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Gemini, what does it symbolize and why is it dreaming?

Gemini - The idea of ​​unification, the balancing of good and evil, corresponding to a binary mandala. Creation and destruction. Two-headed images are close, so the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why do Gemini dream in a dream?

Seeing Gemini in a dream - The dream in which you see twins is very controversial. It can be a symbol of confidence and success in business or a harbinger of your indecision, slowness, hesitation, painful need to make a choice. Therefore, you need to reconsider your life principles, attitude to business and accept the right decision... Gemini in a dream is a harbinger of strong friendship and harmony in the family, for single people - an early marriage for love. Sick twins can warn of upcoming complications, fused ones - of upcoming success and happiness.

Spring dream book

Gemini why dream in spring?

Gemini - Seeing twins in a dream - to a dual state of mind, it will be very difficult for you to make the right decision. If a person who is himself a twin sees twins in a dream, then this person will have a long and happy life.

Big dream book

Why do Gemini dream about the dream book:

Gemini - Siamese - a very good sign, marriage for love for unmarried, many children for married.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

Why do Gemini dream - the symbolism of sleep:

Gemini - This image shows that the problem has two sides. You have to make a choice in a difficult situation.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Gemini is dreaming, why?

Gemini - Seeing - you will wait for your own offspring; to have is a great family celebration.

Esoteric dream book

Why is Gemini dreaming, interpretation of sleep:

Gemini - Giving birth is overwhelming news. See - your curiosity will be satisfied. Having your twin is time to pay attention to yourself.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do Gemini dream - the dream book interprets as follows:

Gemini - See - wait for your own offspring - have - a big family celebration

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnov)

Gemini, doubles - See - confusion of events, deeds; a painful choice, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Women's dream book

Why does a Gemini woman dream, what is this dream about?

What does it mean to see Gemini in a dream, twins - Gemini in a dream portends confidence in business, peace and harmony in the family.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller

Why do Gemini dream about:

Gemini, twins - Seeing twins promises you confidence in business. In addition, it is an omen of peace and harmony in the family.


Why do twins dream and how does this dream affect a person's life? If a person does not have a twin brother or twin sister, then seeing his double in a dream may seem very strange and even frightening.

Easy birth of twins - to a strong family

There are many interpretations of such a dream, but most often, if you dreamed of twin children, but in real life you are one child in a family, this means that in the near future your income will double. Another common interpretation, according to different dream books, is that a person's life will become happier, there will be peace and harmony in it, which has not been observed before. If twins dream of a person who also has a brother or sister in life, this suggests that in the near future you need to expect good news from afar.

In the case when the dreamer has a twin brother, and he is dreaming of him, this suggests that it is time for them to talk heart to heart. It is known that twins are very sensitive to each other and if one dreams of another, this is a signal that they miss each other. Be to your to a loved one more attentive and don't forget how much connects you. After all, you will not find a person closer than a brother or twin sister.

Often people are interested in what the twins who died during childbirth dream about. This terrible dream actually means that your business, which you are in recent times gave their last strength, will not bring the desired result and your expectations will not be met.

On the contrary, if a person who sees a dream has twin boys in his family and dreams that one of them is dying, then this person will have a long and happy life.

If one of the brothers is dreaming of the other and speaks to him in a raised voice, he clarifies the relationship - to hard work. Perhaps the dreamer forgot to fulfill some important promise and will have to work hard to fix it.

A number of dream books interpret the appearance of twins as an imminent addition to the family.

According to Vanga's dream book for a girl, such a dream may even be prophetic and, perhaps, she will give birth to twins in the near future. And if you dreamed that you were giving birth to Siamese twins, this is for marriage.

If the birth was difficult, painful, then the marriage runs the risk of being unsuccessful. If in a state of nap you feel happy after childbirth, it means that married life will be full of joy and harmony.

For a farmer, twins in a dream - to the harvest

Women often have a dream in which they give birth to identical children in pain. Why dream of giving birth to twins? Sometimes this dream means that the torment of choice awaits you in the near future.

When the birth of identical babies is dreamed, the girl cannot decide on the choice of a life partner. Having twins is a sign that you need to decide as soon as possible, otherwise the woman may stay forever. old maid and lose several suitors at once.

It is known that seeing children in a dream is news. Therefore, in many dream books, in particular among esotericists and Freud, twin girls can be seen at night to incredible stunning news. If girls dream of smiling and joyful, the news will be good, if she is crying loudly, most of all, the person will be upset by the news.

Why dream of giving birth to twin boys? This means that the dreamer will soon receive answers to all his innermost questions that torment him. long time... The person's curiosity will be fully satisfied.

According to Miller's dream book, twin babies appear in a dream as a sign that in the near future everything in the dreamer's life will turn upside down.

Perhaps confusion will arise in business, or another partner will appear in personal relationships. In this option, the dreamer will again have to face a serious choice.

Twins-boys, according to the family dream book, often appear in a dream, as if foreshadowing that in real life a lot of troublesome things await a person, which is already time to start solving.

The folk dream book interprets the birth of twins as grace. If the dreamer is related to a farm or he is engaged in growing wheat, such a dream suggests that he will have a good profit, a rich harvest.

This dream is also good for entrepreneurs; after it, things will surely go up.

The main thing is to make the right choice.

If in a dream there are several identical children around the dreamer, and he gets confused among them, this is a signal that he urgently needs to sort out himself. It becomes clear that he has a lot of questions and problems. He will find answers and solutions in the depths of himself, if at least for a while he forgets about business, and thinks about his own happiness.

Feeding twins in a dream - to unexpected success, good news, wealth. Often such dreams are visited by insecure people. By modern dream book such night vision should push a person to take courageous actions and deeds that will definitely be successful.

If in a dream a person saw his own double, which does not exist in real life, this is a collapse of hopes. According to female dream book most likely, the dreamer had a secret dream and such a vision suggests that she was not destined to come true.

According to both the folk dream book and others, the appearance of twins or twins in a dream is very good.

There is a definite answer to the question of what twins dream of. Good luck. And also such a vision comes to a holiday, pregnancy, prosperity. This dream can also often be seen as a moral admonition to the dreamer.

A person after him should think about his life and finally start living with some purpose, choose the main thing for himself, and not be scattered over trifles. Such a dream suggests that it is time for an indecisive person to become confident, to believe in himself.

If a dream came to you in the morning, this means that its meaning will come true very soon.

Happiness, joy and strong relationships with friends and family members. But every dream also has the opposite meaning - a dream portends not only double joys, but also double worries and troubles. Next, consider why you dream of giving birth to twins according to different dream books.

Dream analysis

    Miller's dream book

    Birth of twins promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all areas of activity... In some cases, this is prophetic for pregnant women.

    The birth of a boy and a girl in a dream indicates harmony in the dreamer's life, on the balance between different fields of activity. In addition, this dream portends profit, prosperity in the professional field, getting rid of worries and doubts.

    To give birth in a dream to two large, already adult children indicates unresolved problems and difficult choices between two equal options. It is possible that the dreamer will have to revise his life guidelines under the influence of circumstances.

    The birth of sick twins speaks of imminent disappointment and illness. Problems in family and marital relations are not excluded. Seeing babies that grow together indicates a happy, strong marriage that will withstand any adversity.

    Dream interpretation Longo

    Such a dream for women indicates an addition to the family, an ambulance... For women who already have children, the vision suggests that soon their own child will pleasantly surprise its parent. For unmarried girls, a dream indicates the imminent appearance of a betrothed and a successful marriage with a good man.

    For men, a dream promises an unexpected and large profit. The dream also suggests that a hopeless business will be resolved in the most unexpected way without the slightest effort on the part of the dreamer.

    Dream interpretation of the seasons

    Birth of twins portends a profit, doubling your income... For pregnant women, sleep warns of the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby.

    Another interpretation of the dream is a repetition of a situation already passed in the past, the revival of past romantic relationships, the return of old friends and relationships to the dreamer.

    Women's dream book

    The birth of two beautiful children symbolizes mutual understanding and wealth in the family... If in a dream a woman breastfeeds her children, this indicates a doubling of income, receiving an unexpected amount of money, success in business. For a young girl, such a dream suggests that all the difficulties and worries that take up a lot of her time will soon end and the situation will improve again.

    The birth of ugly, sick twins speaks of the addition of troubles, problems in the life of the sleeping person. If the twins are capricious and do not want to eat, they shout loudly, this indicates the need to make a decision immediately, because it is no longer possible to delay the choice.

    If newborn twins behave strangely, atypical for babies, it portends unforeseen difficulties, even hardships, which will be very difficult for the dreamer to cope with.

    If the dreamer sees himself in the role of one of the newborn twins, and in real life he has neither a brother nor a sister, this indicates wounds that have not healed since childhood, unforgotten grievances that prevent a person from moving on, succeeding in life. The dream also speaks of the sleeping dreaming of fantastic, unrealizable plans that are not destined to come true.

    Christian dream book

    To give birth to twins in a dream indicates a peaceful coexistence with other people, a calm atmosphere in the family, good luck in love and deeds. To feed twins in a dream predicts deafening in its field of activity. The birth of Siamese twins speaks of finding a kindred spirit, happy love and a strong marriage.

    Home dream book

    If a young woman dreamed that in a dream she gave birth to twins, then this indicates pleasant chores before an important event, which she had been expecting for a long time. Single people a dream speaks of the need to create your own family, the birth of children.

    The birth of sick, frail twins portends the loss of a loved one, his death or relocation.

    Everyday dream book

    The dream of the birth of twins indicates the appearance of unexpected obstacles, loss of support and support... The dreamer will be left alone to deal with his problems, which will hit with double force. But, in contrast to this, the activity on which the dreamer worked hard will turn into a double benefit and profit for him.

    If a man dreams that he is giving birth to twins, then this suggests that he has taken on too many responsibilities and that he cannot cope with everything. It also indicates the desire to get everything at once, to bite off the biggest piece of the pie, but this strategy will not be crowned with success.

    Dream interpretation of Felomen

    Twins born in a dream portends double success and luck in all areas of life... The dreamer can count on the support of his loved ones, hope for good luck and that all his efforts will be rewarded. For creative people, a dream portends great inspiration, and for lovers - the blessing of their union.

    Birth and girls prophesies outdoor recreation surrounded by friends and family... It is possible that such a pastime will be accompanied by active games. The birth of two boys indicates the achievement of a comfortable life, wealth and well-being.

    Muslim dream book

    The birth of two twin girls promises great joy and at least two good news. Seeing how a boy and a girl were born portends an increase in the social status of the family, an addition to the family.

    Modern dream book

    The birth of twin children in a dream symbolizes a stable, calm life in which the dreamer can comfortably exist and not worry about your future. Such a dream tells a woman that she can give birth to several more children without fear for their well-being and well-being.

    For lonely people, this indicates the need to find a life partner. Perhaps you do not need to go far for this, but simply take a closer look at the people around you.

Twins in a dream

Being born in a dream, when twins are born, means that in reality a person experiences confusion, doubt about the decision. For men to see a wife giving birth to twins in a dream portends failure in business and total bad luck. Such a dream tells a man that he is torn by feelings for his wife and for his mistress, and he cannot understand which woman is more dear to him.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends an easy, successful childbirth, the birth of a healthy baby. To unmarried girls, a dream indicates that the dreamer's romantic feelings are mutual.

The birth of twin boys predicts unprecedented luck and the fulfillment of the cherished... But in order for everything to be fulfilled as intended, the dreamer must make certain efforts to this. If newborn boys scream a lot, cry, this suggests that the dreamer devotes too little time and care to his loved ones.

Birth two twin girls portends a dream come true into life, literally a fabulous miracle in this gray world. The dream says that the joy of life can be overshadowed by minor troubles - a kind of bittersweet happiness.

Also, the birth of girls heralds the receipt of news - if the children in a dream are clean and not capricious, then the news will certainly be pleasant, if they are stained with blood and screaming, then we should expect sad news.

The birth of heterosexual twins speaks of the unstable position of a person, that his life is in limbo and that he cannot finally make a choice. If the birth of these twins was accompanied by joy and stormy delights, then this indicates the discovery of new talents, resources and abilities in oneself.

If twins are born with hair, then their color also affects the interpretation of a dream: white hair portends great surprise, an unexpected turn of events, black hair speaks of achieving a goal, red hair speaks of the dreamer's cunning and resourcefulness, multi-colored hair predicts luck and participation in an interesting enterprise ... Bald heads of newborns indicate that you should not give up and give in to difficulties.

Triplets: interpretation

The birth of triplets is a considerable test for the psyche, even in a dream. Such a vision foreshadows the implementation of long-cherished plans in life, a large amount of work that will have to be done to achieve your goal.

Birth of triplet girls is a harbinger of pleasant, joyful events good news and funny surprises. It is possible that the dreamer will be invited to a noisy party, where he will notably "come off".

The birth of triplet boys portends grueling chores and worries, which, although it will be difficult to endure, the dreamer will be more than rewarded for this. Different-sex triplets dream of adventure, unusual events in life, travel and solving fascinating mysteries.

If a woman dreams of the birth of triplets, then it speaks of resolving all her problems, an easy way out of a difficult situation. Fate will give the dreamer another chance to fix everything and regain her happiness.

Men dream of the birth of triplets of the opportunity to show themselves from their best side, to increase their authority, to attract the attention of higher people, bosses.


Twins in a dream symbolize a special event in the dreamer's life. As a rule, if the dreamer does not feel negativity, the dream about twins is interpreted positively. Depending on who exactly is dreaming (boys or girls), various dream books interpret the dream in different ways.

Why do twins dream about a family dream book

A dream in which twins appeared in the dreamer's family portends some kind of joyful and very fast news. In some cases, you can get unexpected profits. It will turn out to be twice the amount that the person expected to receive. Such a dream predicts that peace and tranquility will reign in the dreamer's family.

Why do twins dream? If the emotions of sleep are negative (disgust, boredom) or the dreamer is indifferent, this sure sign the fact that he will have to lead a difficult, half-starved life, constantly work, but never get a decent reward. If the dreamer admires the twins, then his situation will soon improve.

Dreams of Siamese twins are a great omen. It means that single people will soon marry for love. The married ones are waiting for an addition to the family. There is only one fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey: it is possible that the newborn will grow up to be a failure.

Why do twins dream from Freud's dream book

According to the psychoanalyst's dream book, twins in a dream are a symbol of insincerity in a relationship with a partner. Moreover, it is the dreamer who deceives, under-speaks and suffers, and not the beloved or spouse. He tries to please his partner, adapt to his desires, sacrificing his interests and desires.

If a girl has a dream that she is giving birth to twins, then her rash behavior can cause condemnation, discontent and even anger of others.

Why are the twins of the girl in Freud's dream book dreaming? If a man had such a dream, then he wants to diversify his intimate life with bold experiments. Another interpretation of this dream is that a man is torn between two women. Sooner or later he will have to make a choice.

Why do twins dream from Miller's dream book

If the dreamer dreamed of newborn twins, then in business he will have great success, at work - positive and complete mutual understanding with colleagues, and in family life - love and harmony.

If a woman dreams that she gave birth to twins, then in the near future she will face dramatic changes related to work. Perhaps a promotion at a previous job or an offer to take a vacant position in another company. If a woman is engaged in business herself, then a dream about twin boys portends her business success.

Dreams about your own twins are of great importance. So, if a woman dreams of a twin sister, then soon she will become pregnant and give birth to a long-awaited child. An unmarried woman after such a dream has every chance of getting married, a free man - to meet a soul mate. Family man, who saw his own twin in a dream, can count on a strong prosperity, an elderly person (man or woman) - on a calm, joyful, prosperous life.

Why do the twins dream from Vanga's dream book

The famous clairvoyant considered dreams of twins auspicious. Why do twin boys dream? To good news, joyful chores, long-awaited positive changes in life and destiny.

If these are newborn babies, then the dream can be interpreted as a direct guide to action. The dreamer, who has some long-cherished plans, can finally begin to implement them. Everything will turn out more than good.

For a young woman, a dream about twins is very favorable. He predicts an early acquaintance with a worthy young man and the subsequent strong and happy marriage. If a woman is already married and dreams of a baby, then after sleeping about twins she can successfully get pregnant.

Why do men dream of twins? For promotion, increase in salary, achievement of new material heights. After such a dream, life can change radically. Happiness, fantastic luck, total luck - that's what the twins dream about.

Why do twins dream from Loff's dream book

A dream about twins is also favorable according to Loff's dream book. The dream predicts stability in professional and personal affairs, good relations in the family, mutual understanding with others.

If a dreamer-man dreamed that he had a twin brother, then this is a harbinger of a noisy family holiday or an unexpected, but cheerful and noisy visit from relatives.

There is another interpretation of sleep. Seeing your twin in a dream for a man means a choice that cannot be made in any way. After waking up, he should think about his situation again, work out the problem and get rid of duality. The longer you delay with the choice, the more difficult it will be to settle on one thing.

As for the female image of twins, the dream book interprets its symbol of light and darkness, truth and lies, joy and sorrow, life and death. Feminine is dual by nature, and therefore the dream of twin girls can carry both good and bad.

Why do twins dream about Hasse's dream book

The symbolism of the dream about twins in Hasse's dream book differs depending on the relationship in which the dreamer is with them. If these are other people's children, then regardless of gender, he will soon become a father or mother.

If the twin children in a dream already belong to the dreamer, that is, they are presented as his own children, then a big family holiday awaits him.

Why do twins dream from Tsvetkov's dream book

According to this dream book, seeing twin boys is a very good sign. The dream predicts the receipt of important and unexpected news, which will literally turn out to be stunning. The dreamer will receive as much as he did not expect (both in the material and in the spiritual sense).

Another interpretation of this dream affects the professional field. If the dreamer has some question about his fate, then after awakening there should be no doubts. Male twins are a harbinger of a secure future and stable, sincere respect from employees, partners, colleagues.

Why do twins dream of a combined dream book

Dreams about twins are always a kind of duality. It can manifest itself both in actions and in the feelings of the dreamer. Why do twin boys dream? Usually difficult, but the right choice... If the dreamer finds the strength to overcome indecision, doubt, and possibly fear, then everything in his life will come into harmony and order.

If the girl's twins are dreaming, then you can expect positive changes in your personal life. A dream can be directly related to fertility, a large harvest, the completion of a large-scale project. For unmarried and unmarried dream about female twins - a harbinger of great and sincere love. A pleasant acquaintance will quickly turn into something more and end in marriage.

If a girl dreams that she has a twin sister, then in reality she will soon find out that she is wearing a child under her heart.

Why do twins dream about a modern dream book

If a woman sees that she is breastfeeding twins, it is very good dream... It means that a new period of easy, successful, happy life... He will be constantly lucky, the black stripe will change to white, all problems will disappear as if by magic.

If you dreamed of Siamese twins, then this dream is for marriage or the birth of a child in the family.

Twin boys dream of luck, success, prosperity. If the dreamer worries about his future, then after awakening he can drop all worries. Everything will work out in his life. If you need a job, it will be offered, if you want a child, he will appear, if you need to make peace with someone, peace will come.

In addition, the dream is interpreted positively from a material point of view, promises a double income. A dream is especially good in which the dreamer sees newborn babies - beautiful, calm, well-fed, contented. After such a dream, you can count on many years of prosperity and prosperity.

Gemini men dream of difficulties and confusion associated with choosing the right decision. The fact is that a lot will be at stake, and the correctness of the decision will depend on further destiny dreamer. The feeling left by the dream will help to make the right decision. If this is indifference, then it is worth postponing all the questions: you are not yet ready for the final decision.

Why do twins girls dream? Much to my surprise. Perhaps the dreamer will have a unique chance, and they must be taken advantage of.

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