What the Wanga predicted about Syria. Wanga's prediction about Syria and World War III

"Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. People ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! ”
- In 18 years there will be the end of the world (the interview, recall, was recorded in 1994, which means that the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy is 2012), the Earth will turn away from the Sun.
Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out.
People will fight for energy, but they have enough souls to stop.
And then time will go back.
- Russia will lose weight and take its place again, good will be inside, and experience will be outside.
Europe will not be able to get younger.

Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.

Until now, no one knew anything about this interview with Vanga.
The clairvoyant made these prophecies on the eve of her death.
And she ordered them to be made public only in the new century.

Ukrainian businessman and traveler Anatoly Lubchenko often brought the AEN correspondent to interesting topics.
This time on my desk was an ordinary cassette tape. "Did you also listen to President Kuchma?" I asked.
"No. This is Vanga's last, dying interview."
It was hard to believe that an unpublished interview with the famous Bulgarian fortune teller existed.
The clairvoyant died in 1996 at the age of 84; unlike Nostradamus, she was engaged in predicting the fate of specific people and rarely gave interviews.

In the summer of 1923, 11-year-old Vanga fell into a tornado and became blind, after which she showed the gift of foresight and the ability to come into contact with the "souls of the dead."
I knew that since about the mid-1980s, hundreds of famous artists, scientists and politicians have visited the clairvoyant's village house, interested in her predictions for the future.
I also knew that Vanga did not leave behind almost any memoirs, and only occasionally, without any external reason, the soothsayer began to speak something quickly and indistinctly, and those around him rushed to write down. Moreover, we have known Anatoly for three years, and for all the time this healthy cynic has never mentioned Vanga's name.

I was with her in the summer of 1994-94, when I was first elected to the Rada, - said Mr. Lubchenko.
- I was just vacationing in Bulgaria, and for some reason I felt like going to see her house. I heard that she was ill, and did not even hope to see her, but when I arrived in Petrichi, a man came out of the crowd in front of the house and invited me inside. They looked at me as if I were a leper, and I myself got scared - who could wait for me? ..

She was lying on a large bed, all as dry as a blade of grass, it was very quiet, flies were circling under the whitewashed ceiling. I saw that she didn’t have much time left, a queue was languishing outside, and everyone wants to ask about the sore point, and here I’m from a bunch of flounders, and I still don’t know what to ask.
And then she turned:
"Where is your father?"
I replied that in Germany.
She was silent for a long time, and I realized that she knew about his cancer.
"Soon," he says, "they will defeat this ailment, put it in iron. But this will not help your father."
Then she paused and added:
"And everything will be fine with you, Kiev is a good city, I see ...".

And then I remembered that I had a tape recorder with me, on which I had English lessons.
“Can I, - I ask, - record a conversation with you?”.
The man on the bench looked at me as if I were an enemy, and she laughed very young and said:
"You can. Just don't give it to anyone until the new century."

INTERVIEW with Ukrainian businessman and traveler Anatoly Lubchenko
The interview turned out to be quite small - less than half of the 90-minute cassette.

Anatoly himself helped in part to translate the answers from Bulgarian.
Some autobiographical questions could not have been asked, but since the amateur asked, the AEN correspondent decided to leave them.
“… How did you become clairvoyant?
- I often saw people who died long ago, and they told me what would happen to whom. And then a big stranger appeared. He said that the war would start tomorrow and I had to tell people who would stay alive and who would die and how to avoid death.
- Was it a living person?
- No, dead like the others.
- What did he look like?
- Large shadow, swaying like a reflection. They all look like that, and sometimes just a voice.
- How do you talk to them?
- I can feel when they appear. First in the tongue, then in the brain, and then I fail and hear everything. A voice from afar, like on the radio, now clear, sometimes bad ...
- How do you feel when ordinary people come to you?
- I still see them from afar, everyone, and have known them all their life, as if I watched a film. They are kind, evil, all kinds ... Everyone wants a miracle, and then they cry. But when it’s really bad, I’m silent, I don’t say anything. I can only give advice.
- Which?
- So that they do not live in evil, do not take revenge on anyone, do not hold grudges, do good deeds. To listen to your heart. Always only the heart, the head is more often mistaken. The heart is associated with space. But not everyone can distinguish the voice of the heart from the voice of the head.
- These dead people tell you only about the future or about the past too? - About everything.
- And if we are talking about distant people and events in other countries?
- Distance and languages ​​do not matter, everything goes through space.
- And you can tell what awaits us?
- Russia is in for good, Bulgaria and Macedonia are not very good.
Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times.
Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in space and find out where it came from on Earth.
A large city will be excavated in the ground.
New people will fly from the sky, and there will be great miracles.
But you have to wait, you can't rush things, it won't be soon ...
- What will happen soon?
- In 9-9 years there will be the end of the world, the Earth will turn away from the Sun, where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they have enough souls to stop. And then time will go back.
- They say that the end of the world is a worldwide flood ...
- There will be a flood, too, in 33 to thirty or 40 to forty years. A large body will fly to Earth and hit the water. The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will go out for three years.
- But people will survive?
- The good will survive, and the evil, who consider themselves smart, will perish. A lot will die. And then there will be a very good life, and immortality will come.
- A golden age will come on Earth?
- It is already coming, but not everyone can see it.
In 7-7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 to twenty-one years, no one will be driving on the earth. Trains will fly on wires from the sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest.
In 40 to forty years, there will be no current diseases, but new ones will appear. They will be connected to the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then water will be found in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will get rid of bodies.
- What does "get rid of bodies" mean?
- You can live without a body, only a personality, only energy, like the dead. But it will not be soon.
- Can you predict anything in politics for the next five years?
- Russia will lose weight and will take its place again, good will be inside, and experience will be outside.
Europe will not be able to get younger.
America will accept a bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love.
Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.
Aliens will not want to share knowledge with the strong.
Women's countries will retreat before men's, but will retain their designs.
The little man will rule you all your life ...
- Does God exist in the world?
- God cannot exist in the world, God is the light. There is no God in man, but man is in God.
- Is there heaven and hell?
- Heaven and hell are different sides of life without a body. If the deceased is needed alive, this is paradise.
- Will you help the living after death?
Baba Vanga did not answer this question. After a short pause, there was a click on the tape, as if someone had turned off the recorder, although Anatoly Lubchenko swears that he did not. According to him, the tired Wanga just fell asleep.


One of the most terrible predictions was made by the blind woman Vanga in 1980.
She then said the following: "At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn for it" ...

“Fear, fear! The American brothers will fall, pecked at by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river ”(1989).
Come true. In September 2001, after a terrorist air attack on the United States, the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center collapsed.
The collapsed skyscrapers were called "twins" or "brothers". They were hit by planes - "iron birds" - terrorists. But what does the bush have to do with it? And despite the fact that in English he sounds like Bush. That is, the trouble dates back to the time of his presidency.

“The world will go through many cataclysms, strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Times are going to be tough. People will be divided on the basis of faith ... ”(date unknown).
Come true. Hard times have come after all. And with the consciousness of people something is happening.
There are more than enough cataclysms - tsunamis alone, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, which are worth it. And what about the numerous terrorist attacks of recent times? Or religious riots?

“We are witnessing fateful events. The two biggest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet ”(January 1988).
Begins to come true. At least with regard to the "Eighth". By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia, Vanga had already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov and not Lebed. "
The "eighth" has already arrived: after all, Russia has joined the "big seven". It recently became the G8. It is now a matter of world peace.

“Russia will again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit” (date unknown).
Not yet come true. We are still far from a great empire. And with the spirit - rather weak. But the search for a national idea is underway.
This was one of the last prophecies of Wanga. While doing it, my grandmother made a large circle with her hands.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world” (1979).
Not yet come true. Although ... Russia has survived. And mind you, this was said during the Soviet era, when very few people pronounced the word "Russia".
It is not known what kind of Vladimir they were talking about. But certainly not about Zhirinovsky. There are only three real contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir: Prince Vladimir, Lenin and our current president - he is the "Eighth".

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest ”(1960).
Begins to come true. By 2018, terrestrial scientists intend to organize the production of helium-3 on the Moon, such plans were announced just the other day.
Helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small sun. The reactor will give electricity "into the wires", and trains will fly.

"They will find life in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth."
Not yet come true. The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. It was not possible to find it even on Mars. But the search continues. Especially when it comes to catching intelligent signals from aliens.
The coming Year of the Dragon, the great Bulgarian seer Vanga, considered the borderline of global changes that would take place on Earth.
In her prophecies there is a kind of temporary beacon, which precisely made it possible to establish the date of their beginning and place - Syria.
As you know, there are now riots taking place there, threatening a change of government. On the eve of Orthodox Christmas in Damascus, an explosion thundered, claiming many lives. President Bashar al-Assad has pledged to respond to terror with repression. The situation is heating up, in Damascus the interests of all world powers have crossed. Wanga predicted that Syria will be at the center of events that will bring a world crisis and global changes to humanity.


Here are the prophecies of Vanga that will occur in the year of the fall of the ruler of Syria.

She made them shortly before her death:
“Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. People ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same! "
How could Vanga so many years ago have foreseen a series of Arab revolutions, turmoil in Syria, which threatens to split the world on Earth? This can only be explained by her mystical gift of seeing the future. And the fate of the European Union, which during the life of Vanga was not yet in sight, the blind prophetess predicted harshly: "Europe will not be able to rejuvenate."


Regarding the fate of the successor to US President Barack Obama, Wang said:
"America will accept a bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love."


But Vanga's predictions about Russia are benevolent:
“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Russia. She will again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit. Russia will soar over the earth like an eagle ”.


Another prophecy reflects the changes that will occur in the souls of people when humanity enters a new era. It is this transition, according to Vanga, that will be the “end of the world”, which many prophets “appointed” for 2012:
“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will end, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes, whether we want it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed. "
On New Year's Eve 2012, astronomers reported that microorganisms were found that can live in space.
Wanga also predicted this discovery:
“Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in the Cosmos and find out where ...

One of the most famous clairvoyants is Wanga, who has been helping people in need all her life. She became blind in childhood, but received the gift of seeing things inaccessible to an ordinary person. Many of Vanga's predictions are striking in their accuracy, which is why prophecies for the future are so popular among people.

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the events of the future not only during the seances; a large number of her notes have survived, which she dictated to her assistant. Vanga's prophecies concerned people who, according to her, "left the righteous path."

Anger that has settled in souls will eventually lead to madness. Deception, disbelief in God, violence, all this will certainly come back to haunt humanity and then people will think that they are living wrongly. There are Vanga's predictions about the future, the implementation of which will still have to wait:

  1. At the beginning of the 21st century, doctors will be able to invent a drug that will fight cancer. She said that the disease would be chained in "iron chains." Some people assume that the clairvoyant meant that the drug will contain a lot of iron.
  2. A new energy source will be created and this will happen in 2028. The seer also said that they would begin to actively use the energy of the sun, but oil production would stop completely.
  3. In 2033, the sea level will rise as a result of ice melting. Vanga did not say anything about whether this would happen suddenly or simply the level of the World Ocean would increase in comparison with what it was during the life of the clairvoyant.
  4. Muslims will come to power in European countries, and this will happen in 2043. As a result, there will be positive changes in the economy.
  5. A breakthrough in medicine is expected, so in 2046 doctors will learn how to grow organs that can be transplanted to sick people.
  6. In 2088, a new tragedy awaits humanity - a disease that provokes rapid aging. After 11 years, doctors will find a cure for her.

The clairvoyant said that the reserves of black gold would begin to dry up and after a while it would completely end, but no matter how strange it may sound, the Russian economy would not seriously suffer from this, but they would find areas for the country's development. Vanga's predictions about Russia also relate to the fact that profitable agreements with China and India will be signed, which will be the impetus for concluding a peace treaty with America. Relations with Ukraine are normalizing and people will understand that they are a friendly people. Vanga's prophecies about Russia concerned the fact that this country would contribute to the unification of other states.

In the records of the seer, you can find a lot of information about different countries. Vanga's predictions about Ukraine concerned the political situation, and she said that the people would sooner or later get tired of the government's lies and a coup would happen. As a result, a representative of the middle class will come to power, thanks to which the country will receive a new round up. Implementing the experience of Western countries, Ukraine will begin to develop at a rapid pace. Wang also noted the rise in the cultural development of the country.

There are not many records that dealt with America, but they are still there. For example, Wanga predicted that a black man would win the election, which is what happened. The seer talked about the fact that the coastal states would be seriously affected by numerous tornadoes, tsunamis and floods. Wanga argued that America can "freeze", but what this means and what environment it concerns is not clear, so it can apply to both nature and the economy. She also said that after some time the United States and Russia would improve relations and then everything in the world would be stable.

Communicating with people, the seer repeatedly mentioned that Syria is a magical territory and great world events in the future will be associated with it. Vanga's predictions about the war emphasized that the fate of the whole world would be decided in this country. She said that superstrong states would clash in this territory. If a few decades ago these prophecies seemed strange, then judging by today's news, everything is not as vague as it seemed. Vanga described that the world will come out of the bloody massacre completely different and a new doctrine will unfold in Syria.

The Bulgarian seer in her notes indicated that China would rise among other world powers, and if you look at the pace of development of this state, then the prediction may be quite real. Every year the Republic of China occupies more and more niches in the world market for the production of various goods and services. Vanga's latest predictions indicated that the "mighty dragon" would conquer the world, people would use red money, and she also recalled the numbers 100, 5 and zeros. As you know, 100 yuan are red.

In the records of the Bulgarian seer there is information that the third world war will begin and this will happen in the East. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants confirm this information. Vanga predicted everything vaguely and did not specifically mention the war, but spoke about serious trials for the entire planet. Problems will manifest themselves after "Syria falls." The first thing that will happen after this is a new faith, the so-called "White Brotherhood", which will come from Russia. To summarize, we can conclude that cataclysms will begin due to religious contradictions.

Like many other seers, Wanga agreed that the end of humanity would still happen. The terrible apocalypse will have to do with water and, most likely, a worldwide flood will repeat. Many are interested in when Vanga predicted the end of the world, so the Bulgarian seer pointed to the year 2378. She also talked about the fact that the Sun will go out for three years, and without it all living things will perish. Vanga's worst predictions are associated with an asteroid, due to which the heavenly body will go out and a flood will occur.

Many prophecies made with a clairvoyant eventually became real, and among the most significant are the following:

  1. Death of Stalin. The soothsayer spoke about the death of the leader six months before what happened, and she called the exact date. It is worth noting that for what she said, she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison.
  2. Death of Kennedy. Describing the predictions of Wanga, which came true, one cannot lose sight of the fact that she knew about the assassination attempt on the American president four months before the tragedy.
  3. The collapse of the USSR. In 1979, a Bulgarian clairvoyant talked about the changes that were coming and about the collapse of the great state.
  4. Disaster with the Kursk eyeliner. Many of Vanga's predictions seemed strange to people until they became reality, and the tragedy about which she spoke back in 1980 can be attributed to them. She said that the Kursk would be under water in August 1999 or 2000, and then everyone thought it was about the city, not the submarine.
  5. Peace between America and Russia. Vanga said that she sees two world leaders shaking hands, but she will sign the final peace of the "Eighth". It is believed that the seer spoke of Gorbachev and Reagan shaking hands, and the Eighth is Russia, which entered the G7.
  6. Terrorist attack in America. In 1989, the seer warned that a terrible tragedy would happen, and the American brothers would fall, pecked by iron birds. As a result, in September 2001, terrorists flew into the twin towers by airplanes, which collapsed, leading to the death of a huge number of people.
  7. My own death. Vanga talked about her death 6 years before it became a reality.

Not everything said by the clairvoyant became reality and the following prophecies can be attributed to them:

  1. Vanga's predictions for the future concerned the fact that in 1990 a tragedy was about to happen - the explosion of an airplane, on board of which American President Bush Sr. would be.
  2. The soothsayer also said that one of the Arab states would completely disappear.
  3. The good prediction of Vanga, according to which after 2000 there will be peace on earth and there will be no cataclysms and disasters, has not become real either.
  4. Wang prophesied in 2010 the beginning of the third world war, which will last four years.

Vanga is known for her truthful predictions about the fate of powerful powers and their leaders. The blind clairvoyant described each upcoming event in such detail that there was no reason not to believe her. Recently, the whole world was struck by what Wanga said about Syria. The clairvoyant predicted the fall of the great republic. However, more about everything in our article.

Before considering Vanga's predictions about Syria, we will briefly talk about interesting and most striking facts from the life of a famous clairvoyant.

The real name of the seer is Vangelia Gushterova Pandeva. Vanga was born in 1911, on October 3 in Yugoslavia (currently - Macedonia). It is known that the girl was born unhealthy - with undivided toes and hands. Vangelia was so weak that doctors doubted her recovery. Her parents also believed in the bad, who did not even want to give a name to their daughter, so as not to rely on unrealizable hopes.

Vanga's mother died. The girl was then only 3 years old. The father loved his daughter very much and was always worried about her future. From early childhood, Vangelia began to show an interest in medicine. She treated her imaginary patients all day long as a qualified doctor.

When the First World War began, Vanga's father went to the front, and after returning he married a kind and economic woman. Later, the father's land was taken away. The family had to leave the country and go to their father's native village for permanent residence.

At the age of 12, Vangelia, along with her comrades, went for a walk. Suddenly there was a wind that increased its power every second. Gradually, the bad weather turned into a huge funnel, which picked up the poor girl and began to twist her in her dark abode. As the seer herself later claimed, something touched her head, which gave her the strength to survive.

The girl woke up 2 km from the house. The eyes were covered with dust, the body was covered with leaves and branches, and the head ached terribly from the powerful fall. Later, the girl's eyes hurt badly. The family decided to see a doctor. The doctor advised to start the operation immediately. But, unfortunately, the father did not manage to raise funds. The girl became completely blind.

In 1925, her father decided to send Vangelia to a shelter for the blind in Serbia, in the city of Zemun, where the girl received basic knowledge and skills. Here the Vangelia learned love. Dimitar - that was the name of the girl's chosen one. Later, the young decided to get married, but fate decreed otherwise.

After the death of her stepmother, the father asked the girl to return home and help with the housework. So Vangelia said goodbye to her beloved forever.

One day my father lost one of the sheep. He was very worried, because they could drive him out, thereby depriving him of his main income. But Vangelia said that Anastas had the animal. Then the parent was surprised at the daughter's words, but later realized that the girl was right. When asked how she learned about this, Vangelia said that she saw everything in her dream.

In 1942, the news that a real seer lived in one of the villages struck the whole of Bulgaria. Many people came to her to find out about their fate and to be cured of terrible diseases.

It is also known that Wang was visited by politicians and famous people. The seer predicted the defeat in the war for Hitler, and the exact date of death for Stalin. For this she was even sent to prison, but later released when the prediction came true.

Wanga foresaw that, finally, there would be a cure for cancer, in 2018 there will be progress in energy, scientists will discover the secret of the origin of life and the Soviet Union will be restored. The seer also confidently asserted that the Russian state would acquire great power and support. America will have to accept this great event.

But at the moment, many are interested in the question of what Wanga said about Syria. There are many nuances here. We will talk about this further.

As the seer herself said: "This republic has always seemed to me a mysterious and magical territory." A few decades ago, the great clairvoyant of the 20th century mentioned Syria in her prophecies. Then this surprised many people, because at that time everything was calm in the country and there was no question of war.

Later, Wanga wrote a note about Syria: "The fate of the world will be decided in this state."

Before her death, the seer left a prophecy, which became the true key to unraveling the bloody events taking place in this country today. She also pointed out that the war will decide the fate of many powers and put everything in its place, secret conspiracies and the true thoughts of many political leaders will be revealed.

Back in the mid-90s, Wanga said about Syria that this country would be in the center of events that would bring the whole world a new war and a global crisis. The clairvoyant noted that it was this territory that would share interests and bring several super-powerful states face to face.

NATO members and the United States, by handing out money and weapons to the rebels, will try to oust President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China will try to preserve peace and tranquility in this state, doing their best to resist the uprisings and the chaos that has arisen.

And so it happens. Now arms are being delivered to the Syrian adversaries, terrorist forces from Islamic states are being transferred to the occupied territory. It's not hard to guess who is behind everything that happens.

Vanga said about Syria: “It will not be possible to bring this state to its knees as easily as in the case of Libya. This war will draw everyone into its abode, without exception. And the world will come out of this bloody carnage completely different. Soon a new teaching will come to Syria. "

The seer also said that many asked her the question of whether the republic will soon fall and whether it will fall at all? Vanga always spoke about the war in Syria in a mysterious way. “This will not happen soon, but she will be thrown over and fall at the feet of the wrong conqueror” - these words became the final words in the prophecy.

Why global changes await the world after this war, Wanga did not answer. The seer referred only to the Bible, noting that the Holy Scriptures say that Syria will become a place that changed the fate of all mankind, because the very first murder once happened here (Cain killed his brother Abel).

But Wanga spoke about Syria in a positive way. The seer argued that the outcome of the war would be the victory of good over evil. Wars will finally end, lies will be erased from the face of the Earth, theft and lies will exhaust themselves.

The Bulgarian healer and fortune-teller argued that Russia would lose its position, and then again regain strength for further victories and achievements. At the same time, an experienced and good-natured person will rule the country. Europe will remain an old, conservative territory, and will never be able to rejuvenate.
Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia was announced only in the new century. So the seer herself wanted, having told her successor about it before her death.

As for America, here the clairvoyant was firm. The United States will win the war, but this once powerful state will have many enemies who will be eager to avenge the invasion. America will not be able to completely eradicate Islamic fundamentalism. On this basis, the United States will recede into the background and will never intervene in the conflicts of other states.

Here in the first place is the Russian state, which will grow stronger every day and occupy a leading position in world politics and economy. "Finally, goodness and justice will reign," says Wanga of Syria and Russia.

Vanga's predictions about the war in Syria are slowly coming true. It is difficult to say why it was just before her death that this mysterious woman had visions regarding the upcoming war.

It should be noted that Wanga mentioned Syria and other countries too often. Perhaps the seer saw terrible events in her dreams, from which, above all, ordinary people suffered.

The clairvoyant also predicted her own death. It is worth saying that Wanga suffered from cancer, but refused to be treated by doctors. She spent the last days in a hospital ward. The day before her death, she asked for water and bread, and also to wash her body. After that, the seer said that she was ready to leave.

On the morning of August 11, 1996, Wang died. And so the path of the most famous soothsayer of the 20th century ended.

Oddly enough, Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia is coming true. We hope this war will be the last in the world.

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During her lifetime, the Bulgarian seer Vanga was famous for giving accurate predictions. She talked about the fate of countries, peoples, about significant changes that will occur in the future. Vanga's prediction about Syria and the Third World War is especially relevant, because all over the world hostilities are being waged.

Negative predictions about Syria

Vanga's prediction about Syria is already coming true. According to the clairvoyant, 2020 will be the beginning of imminent transformations. During her lifetime, the clairvoyant prophesied conflicts that the country could not avoid. She talked a lot about Russia, because for her it was a second home. Contemporaries interpret the predictions of the healer and associate them with the current situation. Now her words have a different meaning.

Vanga spoke about Syria and Russia with sadness. To repeat it verbatim, it became painful for her every time she looked into the future.

Predictions for the next year:

  • the future will be the result of past mistakes;
  • until Syria leaves the conflict, finds a way to resolve it, the entire world order will be under threat;
  • Syria, Russia, Ukraine will play a major role in the upcoming conflicts;
  • from 2020, a series of disrupted international negotiations begins; countries will begin to pursue dual policies and international relations will deteriorate.

Syria will be just the beginning of a problem that will soon affect everyone. To prevent the country from falling, the Syrians will have to fight not only for justice, but also for peace. In 2020, it is necessary to make significant decisions, solve problems within countries; events will occur that will not allow a quick resolution of the looming conflict.

Third world war

World War III is the most negative prediction for 2020. Many magicians, astrologers, elders talk about this conflict. The events of previous years only hastened its approach. 2018 became a test, and not all countries passed it.

Vanga's predictions about the third world war are associated with a serious confrontation, the problem will start with little things. First, each country participating in the future conflict will cover itself with noble motives. Different nations will fight for a just cause. The true motives will be revealed later.

The prediction is intertwined with the prediction of the beginning of the division of the world.

The confrontation between Europe and the West with Russia and Asia will continue. The third world war, according to the seer, will begin imperceptibly - the countries will not even understand that they have already made fateful decisions. The prediction began to come true: a conflict arose in which there were no right or wrong. The clairvoyant said with regret that numerous deaths would be in vain.

Preconditions for the war

Vanga's predictions about the war are not fully understood for the reason that the clairvoyant saw a whole picture of the future. She knew where certain events would lead. The Smolensk tragedy and the death of the Polish president were the first step towards war. The clairvoyant talked about them often, but did not go into details. The next event that brought the war closer was the conflict in Donbass, in which Russia was exposed as the main culprit.

According to the seer, weapons are not required for a great power to fall. It foreshadowed attacks that would undermine the country's economy. The policy of the last months of 2018 confirms the words of the seer. Sanctions and bans also apply to war. The latest predictions of the healer related to the events of the beginning of 2020: without giving exact dates, she spoke about the wrong political decisions that will force countries to take drastic measures.

The beginning of the conflict

If we summarize all the predictions of the clairvoyant, it will be possible to understand that the Third World War has already begun. The fortuneteller says that the decisive conflict was between Russia and Georgia, and the situation with Syria hastened the outbreak of hostilities.

If the war starts later than the conflicting parties openly express their hostility, it will no longer be stopped. The exact date of the start of hostilities was not named. The seer was afraid that her words would be used against peaceful people. According to her, the conflict will begin by the end of 2020. The first country to fall is the country between Russia and the West. The clairvoyant did not go into details. According to her, the nuclear attack will happen a year later. She will indicate that the 3 world will not end soon.

The soothsayer foreshadowed Europe that at the beginning of 2020 she would have difficulties with resources. This will be one of the reasons why countries will start competing. The 2020 economic crisis will hardly hurt ordinary people.

Features of 2020

Vanga's prediction about Syria and the world situation, the future is overshadowed by three significant events. The first will be that European countries will be weakened even before the outbreak of world war. From the middle of 2020, the life of Europeans will change dramatically. The second reason for the outbreak of a military conflict is associated with the beginning of 2020. The seer said that Russia would enter into confrontation with Turkey and then with America. The winner of the conflict will take an ambiguous position, and from that moment on, the conclusion of secret agreements and thinking through plans will begin.

Predictions for 2020:

  • Russia will be touched by the economic crisis, due to which riots will occur;
  • the conflict on the territory of Ukraine will not end;
  • the winner in the war with Syria will add even more tension to international relations;
  • international organizations will try to influence the conflict, but they will not be able to do it;
  • countries that are accustomed to stability will be forced to start fighting for resources.

Inaccurate predictions

Wanga's predictions were not always accurate. The world war, according to the seer, is the result of decisions made. The clairvoyant spoke of the reconciliation of the howling peoples. Contemporaries associate this forecast with Russia and Ukraine.

Vanga is known for her truthful predictions about the fate of powerful powers and their leaders. The blind clairvoyant described each upcoming event in such detail that there was no reason not to believe her. Recently, the whole world was struck by what Wanga said about Syria. The clairvoyant predicted the fall of the great republic. However, more about everything in our article.

The birth of a seer

Before considering about Syria, let's briefly talk about interesting and most striking facts from the life of a famous clairvoyant.

The real name of the seer is Vangelia Gushterova Pandeva. Vanga was born in 1911, on October 3 in Yugoslavia (currently - Macedonia). It is known that the girl was born unhealthy - with undivided toes and hands. Vangelia was so weak that doctors doubted her recovery. Her parents also believed in the bad, who did not even want to give a name to their daughter, so as not to rely on unrealizable hopes.

Childhood, youth of Vanga

Vanga's mother died. The girl was then only 3 years old. The father loved his daughter very much and was always worried about her future. From early childhood, Vangelia began to show an interest in medicine. She treated her imaginary patients all day long as a qualified doctor.

Vanga's father went to the front, and after returning he married a kind and economic woman. Later, the father's land was taken away. The family had to leave the country and go to their father's native village for permanent residence.


At the age of 12, Vangelia, along with her comrades, went for a walk. Suddenly there was a wind that increased its power every second. Gradually, the bad weather turned into a huge funnel, which picked up the poor girl and began to twist her in her dark abode. As the seer herself later claimed, something touched her head, which gave her the strength to survive.


The girl woke up 2 km from the house. The eyes were covered with dust, the body was covered with leaves and branches, and the head ached terribly from the powerful fall. Later, the girl's eyes hurt badly. The family decided to see a doctor. The doctor advised to start the operation immediately. But, unfortunately, the father did not manage to raise funds. The girl became completely blind.

The further fate of the seer

In 1925, her father decided to send Vangelia to a shelter for the blind in Serbia, in the city of Zemun, where the girl received basic knowledge and skills. Here the Vangelia learned love. Dimitar - that was the name of the girl's chosen one. Later, the young decided to get married, but fate decreed otherwise.

After the death of her stepmother, the father asked the girl to return home and help with the housework. So Vangelia said goodbye to her beloved forever.

First predictions

One day my father lost one of the sheep. He was very worried, because they could drive him out, thereby depriving him of his main income. But Vangelia said that Anastas had the animal. Then the parent was surprised at the daughter's words, but later realized that the girl was right. When asked how she learned about this, Vangelia said that she saw everything in her dream.

In 1942, the news that a real seer lived in one of the villages struck the whole of Bulgaria. Many people came to her to find out about their fate and to be cured of terrible diseases.

It is also known that Wang was visited by politicians and famous people. The seer predicted the defeat in the war for Hitler, and the exact date of death for Stalin. For this she was even sent to prison, but later released when the prediction came true.

Wanga foresaw that, finally, there would be a cure for cancer, in 2018 there will be progress in energy, scientists will discover the secret of the origin of life and the Soviet Union will be restored. The seer also confidently asserted that the Russian state would acquire great power and support. America will have to accept this great event.

But at the moment, many are interested in the question of what Wanga said about Syria. There are many nuances here. We will talk about this further.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

As the seer herself said: "This republic has always seemed to me a mysterious and magical territory." A few decades ago, the great clairvoyant of the 20th century mentioned Syria in her prophecies. Then this surprised many people, because at that time everything was calm in the country and there was no question of war.

Later, Wanga wrote a note about Syria: "The fate of the world will be decided in this state."

Before her death, the seer left a prophecy, which became the true key to unraveling the bloody events taking place in this country today. She also pointed out that the war will decide the fate of many powers and put everything in its place, secret conspiracies and the true thoughts of many political leaders will be revealed.

Back in the mid-90s, Wanga said about Syria that this country would be in the center of events that would bring the whole world a new war and a global crisis. The clairvoyant noted that it was this territory that would share interests and bring several super-powerful states face to face.

NATO members and the United States, by handing out money and weapons to the rebels, will try to oust President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China will try to preserve peace and tranquility in this state, doing their best to resist the uprisings and the chaos that has arisen.

And so it happens. Now there are supplies of weapons to the Syrian opponents, terrorist forces are being transferred to the occupied territory from It is not difficult to guess who is behind everything that happens.

Vanga said about Syria: “It will not be possible to bring this state to its knees as easily as in the case of Libya. This war will draw everyone into its abode, without exception. And the world will come out of this bloody carnage completely different. Soon a new teaching will come to Syria. "

The seer also said that many asked her the question of whether the republic will soon fall and whether it will fall at all? Vanga always spoke about in a mysterious way. “This will not happen soon, but she will be thrown over and fall at the feet of the wrong conqueror” - these words became the final words in the prophecy.

Why global changes await the world after this war, Wanga did not answer. The seer referred only to the Bible, noting that the Holy Scriptures say that Syria will become a place that changed the fate of all mankind, because the very first murder once happened here (Cain killed his brother Abel).

But Wanga spoke about Syria in a positive way. The seer argued that the outcome of the war would be the victory of good over evil. Wars will finally end, lies will be erased from the face of the Earth, theft and lies will exhaust themselves.

Vanga about Syria and Russia

The Bulgarian healer and fortune-teller argued that Russia would lose its position, and then again regain strength for further victories and achievements. At the same time, an experienced and good-natured person will rule the country. Europe will remain an old, conservative territory, and will never be able to rejuvenate.
Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia was announced only in the new century. So the seer herself wanted, having told her successor about it before her death.

As for America, here the clairvoyant was firm. The United States will win the war, but this once powerful state will have many enemies who will be eager to avenge the invasion. America will not be able to completely eradicate Islamic fundamentalism. On this basis, the United States will recede into the background and will never intervene in the conflicts of other states.

Here in the first place is the Russian state, which will grow stronger every day and occupy a leading position in world politics and economy. "Finally, goodness and justice will reign," says Wanga of Syria and Russia.

Death of the seer

Vanga's predictions about the war in Syria are slowly coming true. It is difficult to say why it was just before her death that this mysterious woman had visions regarding the upcoming war.

It should be noted that Wanga mentioned Syria and other countries too often. Perhaps the seer saw terrible events in her dreams, from which, above all, ordinary people suffered.

The clairvoyant also predicted her own death. It is worth saying that Wanga suffered from cancer, but refused to be treated by doctors. She spent the last days in a hospital ward. The day before her death, she asked for water and bread, and also to wash her body. After that, the seer said that she was ready to leave.

On the morning of August 11, 1996, Wang died. And so the path of the most famous soothsayer of the 20th century ended.

Oddly enough, Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia is coming true. We hope this war will be the last in the world.

Wanga has a direct prediction about Syria, which she uttered in 1979.

“The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks.
Times are going to be tough.
The oldest WISEST TEACHING will also return to them.
Not soon!
Syria has not yet fallen. "

A prophet can only be understood by one who himself has the gift of prophecy. The narrative of the prophecy is not linear and has more volume than is read in the words in which it is enclosed.
The prophecy is not uttered by the person himself, but by the Spirit, who chose a certain person for His transmission.
The Spirit transmits the text of the Prophecy from the area of ​​timelessness, in which the events of the Past, Present and Future are connected. If the Prophecy is understood correctly by people, then many negative events become, as it were, "missed", not fulfilled. If a person neglects the Prophecy, does not seek to understand it, then the entire set of predicted events will come true.

How to understand Vanga's prophecy about Syria?

As you can see, the prediction about Syria goes in conjunction with the prediction about the return to the world of the Wise Teaching.
Vanga also has a clarification of where this Teaching will come into the world.

"The New Teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ANCIENT and the most TRUE teaching - will spread throughout the world ...".

This Teaching of Wisdom and Truth came into the world in 1999, with the fulfillment of another Prophecy left through Nostradamus - the Coming of Christ in Russia.

Add together the words of Vanga and Nostradamus, and the conclusion becomes obvious: Who else, no matter how Christ, should restore the Truth and Wisdom that was lost on Earth over many centuries? This is as clear as 2x2 = 4, even to a mind not burdened with great intellect.
But no, man resisted, and - first of all, those to whom the Living Christ "will cross" the path of His Truth. And He is unwanted, as always, is where He Comes. This time this place turned out to be Russia, from 1999 to the present day. And from this time of obvious opposition to God, troubles entered the world as God's punishment for betrayal.

In the light of this explanation, the lines of Vanga's Prophecies are lined up in a different order, with an introduction correcting "in time".

(When to people)
the oldest WISEST TEACHING will return
(and people will not accept Him)
times are going to be tough.
The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks.
The very consciousness of people will change.
People will be divided on the basis of faith.
They ask me when will it come?
(when Syria falls).

"Not soon! Syria has not yet fallen ”- these words of Vanga refer to 1979, and the prophecy about the return of the Doctrine - to 1999. The word "fallen" means "betrayed." Russia did not accept Christ, thus “fell” spiritually, and with the onset of the time of tragic events in the real country of Syria, the time has come for Russia to answer for its “fall”.

Therefore, Syria and Russia are "doubles" in writing (see fig.):
- the name of the country SYRIA repeats the name of the country RUSSIA
- the name of the capital DAMASK repeats the name of the country MOSCOW,
and today's (7/04/2017) deceptive air strike by the United States on KHOMSU is like the last shock blow to the MOHSU of Russia, after which it, the BRAIN, may start working. After all, one cannot act with Christs and Gods as at the dawn of the rudiments of evolution. If they come for Salvation, it means that from Above They know better that except for Them, no one will help people.

It is clear that the words about the Coming of Christ by the brain disconnected from understanding are perceived by this brain as delirium. But man is proud of his ability to comprehend and understand that he is different from the animal. So understand, the time has come.
If the Prophecy had been accepted in 1999, and Christ had been searched for during the day with a lantern, understanding what His coming means, then NOTHING from cataclysms, wars and incidents would HAPPENED! This must be understood. In 1999, Russia switched the World to an alternative negative course of History.

The system always warns in advance and does so in such a way that its warning is always in front of everyone's eyes. Prophecies about Damascus are still in the Bible, let alone the times of Nostradamus and Wanga. But since that time, a person has not changed his brain one iota, except that he changed a stick for a machine gun, and a sackcloth hoodie for a bulletproof vest and a mask.

Take a look at the picture. For this purpose, Syria and Russia were made twins, so that Syria would be a warning to Russia that Russia would be next in line for the attack of the insane world on Syria. And there is NOTHING to prevent this situation, Russia can no longer do, except for one thing - to correct his mistake and Accept Christ.

Russia is now fighting with God, and you cannot win against God, especially to those who betray Him.
Let this betrayal be attributed to the disbelief caused by the extraordinary claim - the Coming of the Gods to Earth to Russia. This disbelief can be corrected by understanding.
But even if, suddenly, the revealed betrayal does not turn out to be an obvious resistance to God, then the whole World will end - for Russia was his only hope for Salvation.
If a person's BRAIN is turned off, then he is considered dead, today MOSCOW disconnects itself from GOD - the end result is obvious. It's only a matter of time, how long it will last without a SUPPORT SYSTEM.

Grigoriev Yuri and Azhazha Anna
experts in the symbolic language of ancient texts