The life of the soul outside the body. Soul between lives

The time interval between lives varies significantly from one person to another and depends on specific circumstances.

Usually younger souls reincarnate faster,
and the older ones become more selective in their needs and tend to spend more time preparing their incarnations.

Old souls strive to avoid repeating what has already been accomplished and are looking for specific circumstances required for karmic reckoning, the connection of monads (that is, the relationship between two entities that completely affects both sides and created for the acquisition of a specific experience) and other acts of spiritual growth.

Older souls feel more and more comfortable in the astral gap,
and young people are usually frightened by it, and they often cannot wait to return to the structure of the physical plane.

The state between incarnations is similar to the state of the actor between playing roles.

Just as an actor can play many different roles, your essence manifests itself through many different personalities. No matter how different they are, the nature of your being shines through them, just as you are usually able to recognize an actor playing his different roles.

Before incarnation, we plan our upcoming life.

What makes the soul enter into circumstances so difficult that it cannot cope with them? Basically - inexperience, says Mikhail. Until souls acquire sufficient practical experience of the physical plane, they will "bite off more than they can swallow."

There are also souls who immediately upon death rush into the next available body without adequate investigation of the circumstances where they fall.
However, those who listen to the advice of their mentors make fewer of these mistakes.

In addition, events do not always develop as expected, and in the middle of their life souls may find themselves in completely unforeseen circumstances that they cannot cope with. This is also part of the lessons of the physical plane. There is nothing wrong; it can be said to help maintain readiness in all states.

If you find yourself in a situation that you cannot cope with, in other words, that you cannot understand, think about, and which you cannot effectively respond to, sometimes you can simply leave the situation.

In other similar situations, you stay to the end. This applies to a relatively small part of human experience. Most people find themselves in circumstances that roughly match their skill level, even if the circumstances are not easy.

Circumstances that we cannot cope with are sometimes lived through to pay off our karmas.

Let's say that you cannot say that you are well prepared for physical or mental torture, and this is clearly not the experience that your soul would want for its growth, although in the end such ordeals lead to great growth.

However, if you tortured someone in past life, your soul may wish to find itself in circumstances in which such a debt can be fulfilled.

Of course, not everyone who goes through torture erases their karmic debt - sometimes people, unfortunately, become victims of karmic situations; they go "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

While karmic retribution can teach you a lot, it falls under the category of "growing through pain." An enlightened soul seeks growth through joy, but each has gone through their own experience of growth through pain. To some extent, you continue to do this until you learn to do without it.

The soul is not omniscient. Otherwise, she would not have embarked on this journey. There is no omniscient source anywhere. We are all participating in the writing of a book whose final chapters will never be written. We are looking forward to what happens next.

Between incarnations and after the completion of the cycle of the physical plane, the soul has access to a variety of informal "courses" and study groups. In addition, there are many opportunities for reflection, relaxation and healing.

Some souls work closely with the physical plane as spirit guides or "Lightworkers" dealing with large energy structures planets that bring growth and healing.
There are those who provide assistance to non-physical souls tied to Earth in any way, and those who help souls to more skillfully plan their next life, etc.
In addition, souls are free to simply “pass the time” if they so desire.

Whenever we are astral, be it between incarnations, or after the end of the cycle of the physical plane, during sleep or when leaving the body, we are able to visit the astral aspects of any place in the universe, although we tend to stay closer to home.

For example, we can visit Venus to work on lessons in love or to rest and relax;
The sun is for renewing energy reserves;
or Mars with Mercury for stimulation.

Some people feel that they are not from Earth and feel uncomfortable here. Perhaps scraps of memories of recent travels to other places that occurred between incarnations come to them. Likewise, there may be problems with adapting to old life from a New Yorker who spent six months in Tahiti.

When between incarnations we visit other parts of the Universe, we almost always remain astral, and not physically incarnate on another planet.

We do not want to create karmas (which will require our physical presence) or get deeply involved in any other way; it is similar to the state of an exchange student. Having karmas on more than one planet at a time would be rather difficult.

Despite our lack of involvement, we may learn or experience something that will help our growth.

The age of the soul increases only when we are on the physical plane, because this age has to do with our perspective on the physical plane, but our other research and training, including those carried out on astral plane other planets can support our progress and enrich us in general.

Michael argues that humans invariably incarnate in human form: "As long as the species is tied to the planet, as you are tied, the experience of individual souls will be limited to the species into which all members of the collective being are poured out at once."

Some people claim that aliens are now incarnating on Earth, others claim that they themselves are aliens, "aliens from another world." According to Michael, this is almost impossible.

When we incarnate on Earth, this is our home. In a sense, none of us comes from this planet. Ultimately, we all came from Tao (God) and most of us went through previous cycles on other planets. One way or another, even if we started our real cycle somewhere else, we are here and now.

Why is it almost impossible for aliens to incarnate on Earth?

Because that would create a lot of problems.

Firstly, the process of getting used to new planet, which partly explains the long duration of the infant soul cycle.

Someone from a planet very different from Earth can be disoriented and make many mistakes. If he here forms karma with someone, he can thus oblige himself to incarnate again to work it off, and this will not end very soon.

He will have to wander between the planets, juggling his obligations on both of them. It's hard enough to deal with one kind of intelligent entity! (The situation is easier if the alien has already completed its cycle on another planet.)

Thus, while anything is possible in the universe, such situations are rare. In certain circles of earthlings it is very prestigious to be considered an alien or a substitute (that is, a person who surrendered his body to another, more experienced entity), but "aliens among us" are not necessarily wiser or more developed than ordinary earthlings.

We are all eternal sparks of Tao.

Some people, carried away by the idea of ​​their unearthly origin, deny their humanity; it is difficult for them to accept the imperfection of life and human physiology, perhaps due to trauma in childhood or in past lives.

Walking on spiritual path Developments often feel that the world is "out of step with them."

But, since this world is now not in harmony with the Universe, maybe the point is precisely that such people "keep pace with the Universe."

But denying our humanity, even if it is temporarily a useful survival mechanism, is costly; it limits our ability to effectively live where we are and still enjoy life.

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The time interval between lives varies significantly from one person to another and depends on specific circumstances. Typically, younger souls reincarnate faster, while older ones become more selective in their needs and tend to spend more time preparing their incarnations.

They strive to avoid a repetition of what is already perfect and are looking for specific circumstances required for karmic reckoning, the connection of monads (that is, relations between two entities that completely affect both sides and are created to acquire a specific experience between incarnations) and other acts of spiritual growth.

Older souls feel more and more comfortable in the astral gap,
-and young people are usually afraid of it, and they often cannot wait to return to the structure of the physical plane.

State is similar to the state of an actor between roles.

Just as an actor can play many different roles, your essence manifests itself through many different personalities. No matter how different they are, the nature of your being shines through them, just as you are usually able to recognize an actor playing his different roles.

Before incarnation, we plan our upcoming life.

What makes the soul enter into circumstances so difficult that it cannot cope with them? Mostly inexperience, says Mikhail. Until souls acquire sufficient practical experience of the physical plane, they will "bite off more than they can swallow."

There are also souls who immediately upon death rush into the next available body without adequate investigation of the circumstances where they fall. However, those who listen to the advice of their mentors make fewer of these mistakes.

In addition, events do not always develop as expected, and in the middle of their life souls may find themselves in completely unforeseen circumstances that they cannot cope with. This is also part of the lessons of the physical plane. There is nothing wrong; it can be said to help maintain readiness in all states.

If you find yourself in a situation that you cannot cope with, in other words, that you cannot understand, think about, and which you cannot effectively respond to, sometimes you can simply leave the situation.

In other similar situations, you stay to the end. This applies to a relatively small part of human experience. Most people find themselves in circumstances that roughly match their skill level, even if the circumstances are not easy.

Circumstances that we cannot cope with are sometimes lived through to pay off our karmas.

Let's say that you cannot say that you are well prepared for physical or mental torture, and this is clearly not the experience that your soul would want for its growth, although in the end such ordeals lead to great growth.

However, if you have tortured someone in a past life, your soul may wish to find yourself in circumstances in which such a duty can be fulfilled. Of course, not everyone who goes through torture erases their karmic debt - sometimes people, unfortunately, become victims of karmic situations; they go "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

While karmic retribution can teach you a lot, it falls under the category of "growing through pain." An enlightened soul seeks growth through joy, but each has gone through their own experience of growth through pain. To some extent, you continue to do this until you learn to do without it.

The soul is not omniscient. Otherwise, she would not have embarked on this journey. There is no omniscient source anywhere. We are all participating in the writing of a book whose final chapters will never be written. We are looking forward to what happens next.

Between incarnations and after the completion of the cycle of the physical plane, the soul has access to a variety of informal "courses" and study groups. In addition, there are many opportunities for reflection, relaxation and healing.

Some souls work closely with the physical plane as spirit guides or "lightworkers" dealing with the larger energy structures of the planet that bring growth and healing.

There are those who provide assistance to non-physical souls tied to Earth in any way, and those who help souls to more skillfully plan their next life, etc.

In addition, souls are free to simply “pass the time” if they so desire.

Whenever we are astral, be it between incarnations, or after the end of the cycle of the physical plane, during sleep or when leaving the body, we are able to visit the astral aspects of any place in the universe, although we tend to stay closer to home.

  • For example, we can visit Venus to work on lessons in love or to rest and relax;
  • The sun is for renewing energy reserves;
  • or Mars with Mercury for stimulation.

Some people feel that they are not from Earth and feel uncomfortable here. Perhaps scraps of memories of recent travels to other places that occurred between incarnations come to them. Likewise, a New Yorker who has spent six months in Tahiti may have problems adjusting to the old life.

When between incarnations we visit other parts of the universe, we almost always remain astral, and not physically incarnate on another planet.

We do not want to create karmas (which will require our physical presence) or get deeply involved in any other way; it is similar to the state of an exchange student. Having karmas on more than one planet at a time would be rather difficult. Despite our lack of involvement, we may learn or experience something that will help our growth.

The age of the soul increases only when we are on the physical plane, because this age has to do with our perspective on the physical plane, but our other research and training, including those carried out on the astral plane of other planets, can support our progress and enrich us in general. ...

People invariably incarnate in human form: "As long as the species is tied to the planet, as you are tied, the experience of individual souls will be limited to the species into which all members of the collective being are poured out at once."

Some people claim that aliens are now incarnating on Earth, others claim that they themselves are aliens, "aliens from another world." According to Michael, this is almost impossible.

When we incarnate on Earth, this is our house. In a sense, none of us comes from this planet. Ultimately, we all came from Tao and most of us went through previous cycles on other planets. One way or another, even if we started our real cycle somewhere else, we are here and now.

Why is it almost impossible for aliens to incarnate on Earth?

Because that would create a lot of problems. Firstly, the process of getting used to a new planet can take a lot of time, which partly explains the long length of the infant soul cycle.

Someone from a planet very different from Earth can be disoriented and make many mistakes. If he here forms karma with someone, he can thus oblige himself to incarnate again, and this will very soon come to an end. He will have to wander between the planets, juggling his obligations on both of them. It's hard enough to deal with one kind of intelligent entity! (The situation is easier if the alien has already completed its cycle on another planet.)

Thus, while anything is possible in the universe, such situations are rare. In certain circles of earthlings it is very prestigious to be considered an alien or a substitute (that is, a person who surrendered his body to another, more experienced entity), but "aliens among us" are not necessarily wiser or more developed than ordinary earthlings.

We are all eternal sparks of Tao

Some people, carried away by the idea of ​​their unearthly origin, deny their humanity; it is difficult for them to accept the imperfection of life and human physiology, perhaps due to trauma in childhood or in past lives.

Those on the spiritual path of development often feel that the world is "out of step with them." But, since this world HE is now in harmony with the universe, maybe the point is precisely that such people "keep pace with the universe."

But denying our humanity, even if it is temporarily a useful survival mechanism, is costly; it limits our ability to effectively live where we are and still enjoy life.

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Questions and Answers from Dolores Cannon

Have you thought about the existence of our energy between incarnations? What does she do? What she feels and feels without having physical body? How does it feel to be a spirit?

Answers to these and similar questions can be found in the book Dolores Cannon "Memory of Five Lives". Chapter 11 "Life as Spirit"

Each time Johnny brought Anita back through her different lives, she faced several incidents, when she was a spirit in the so-called "dead" state.

In this "between lives" state, she often said that there were times when you will be called to do something... That a voice tells you to go and you can't refuse to do it. Naturally, we were curious as to what exactly she would have to do. So from time to time she would tell us what the tasks were. I thought it would be better to read if they are collected together in one chapter, and not scattered throughout the story.

We heard about guardian angels in our lives... I personally always had the idea that each of us had one, which was assigned to us. Perhaps this is true, but it is also clear from our research that any spirit that is not currently engaged can be called by a “voice” to duty ... Of course, the tasks that Anita said she was called upon to perform are very similar to those commonly associated with guardian angels. However, I think it is very reassuring to know that these entities are around.

The following is an example of what it is like to be a spirit, according to Anita. Personally, I feel it is much more satisfying to do something like this after you die than to float on the clouds playing the harp for eternity.

Johnny: It is now 1810. What are you doing?
Anita: I just float, doing what I can. I have been to various places in this country. I like it here the most.
J: Where are you now?
A .: Near New York and Boston. I like it here.
J: Are you saying you've been to other parts of this country?
A.A .: Yes, I go everywhere and see that different strange people live here.
J: What part of the country are these strange people in?
A .: I think that I was almost in the middle of this country when I became a spirit. I do not know. I walked far west. Pretty soon I crossed the river. I don't know if they call it the same country or not. If not, they will soon be called. And the people living there are completely different. They are mostly kind, but they are wild. There are many things they don't understand. I watched them for a while.
J: Did you observe where they lived?
A .: Yes.
J: What do they live in?
A .: These are strange houses. Pueblo seems to be called. Very strange people.
J: Were they made of wood?
A .: No. The supports are made of wood, but the houses are made of something like earth, and as strong as brick. Smoothed.
J: Are you saying these people are wild?
A .: Some of what they do is different from what the people who live there, on the other side of the river, do.
She obviously meant Mississippi. She spoke of it almost as a dividing line.
J: Tell me what exactly is different.
A .: They look different, they dress differently, they speak a different language.
J: How do they dress?
A .: They just barely wear anything.
J: They're not wearing any clothes?
A.A .: You know, they cover something, but they don't wear clothes as usual. Of course it's terribly hot there. They hunt and kill animals. It was strange to watch these people. I've never, never seen anything like it before. I was sent there, and when I watched them for a while, I was scared, I would not want to be born there.
J: Were you sent there because you have to be born there?
A .: No. I was sent there to help... I recognized this, but at first I was afraid. I would not want to be like those people. They are cruel sometimes. (Note the old fear of violence) But I had to help someone. This man - he hunted and was injured. He tried to kill the animal, and it ran right at him. I got him out of the way, and then I stopped that animal. It was wounded and was about to die. It just rushed at him, and I stopped him. He was surprised, and ... by the way, about these people - they believe in spirits.
J: He guessed what stopped the animal then?
A .: I think so. He told his people that the Great Spirit stopped the animal. Of course, I am not a great spirit, but he told them that the Great Spirit reached out and stopped him, and that is how I did it. I reached out my hand and sent him a thought- stop, and it stopped and fell dead before it was near me. I think I really made him think it was the Great Spirit. I made him jump back. He was injured and could not walk, and suddenly he jumped back. It scared him at first, but I helped him and told him what to do for his leg.
J: Did he understand you?
A.A .: When he came back, they thought it was the weird way he wrapped his leg and everything else was weird. But he said that the voice told him to do it. I think he heard me. He did as I said. He said that it was the Great Spirit who helped him, and now they think that he might be blessed. They think the spirit will speak to him.
J: Was it an old man?
A .: No, this is one of the reasons why I helped him. He is still too young; he still needs to do something. He cannot die right now.
J: And the voice told you to go help him?
A .: Yes, we do it. Sometimes situations get very difficult and people get into very big trouble. They need help. Sometimes no mortal can do anything to get them out of the situation they are in. We just have to intervene then.
J: When you help people and talk to them, do they always listen to you?
A .: No, not always. Even when they are trying to solve the problem, and so they are trying to come up with a way out. You try to talk to them, and they just can't believe it. And sometimes, just like with that Native American, I just had to get him to move away.
J: But they tell you to do it?
A .: We just know what to do.

J: It's 1933 now. What have you been doing recently, June?
A .: I took care of the boy, helped him.
J: Why was he sick?
A .: Because he ran away from home. I had to bring him home.
J: Where did he live in Chicago?
A .: No. It was in Tennessee. It was a small town on the hills. The little boy ran away and caught a cold from being on the street. I helped him.
J: He couldn't find his way back home?
A .: No, he was very scared. A very nice little boy. It was very cold, it could snow just about. He would get pneumonia.
J: He had some warm clothing to keep warm?
A .: No, he ran away that day when it was quite warm. He went to the woods to avoid being found, and was lost.
J: Did you get it back?
A .: Oh, yes.
J: Was your family happy to see him?
A .: Yes.
J: I'm sure he won't run away from home again.
A .: He will run away again when it gets warm, he is a very stubborn child.
J: What's the boy's name?
A .: Jimmy. I don't know his last name. When I got there, his mother cried for Jimmy, so I found out his name.

J: It's 1930. What are you doing?
A .: I'm waiting for something to happen.
J: Do you know what's going to happen?
A .: It will happen in a few minutes. I have to be here. J: Do you need to do something?
A .: Yes, I have to help these children.
J: Where are you?
A .: I am standing near the river. It seems the Missouri River.
J: Are you in town?
A .: No, it's not in the city.
J: Are you near the city?
A .: Yes. It seems ... Achinson. So called.
J: What is going to happen there by the river?
A .: A little boy will fall into the water ... and another little boy will have to save him. I have to help him. The river is very deep here and the current is strong. This little boy not very strong. I'm going to help him save his friend.
J: What are the kids doing there by the river?
A .: They fish.
J: Both?
A .: Yes. They shouldn't be here. They should be at school. They were hungry, wanted something to eat, and thought they could catch a fish for dinner.
J: Are they brothers?
A .: Very good friends.
J: One boy will fall into the water.
A .: The coast is steep. He slips. The other boy is scared. I'm going to help him not get scared.
J: Can he swim?
A .: No. Therefore, I must help him.
J: How old are these boys?
A .: I think ten or twelve, very young children. See how well he swims. They will never know.
J: All he will know is that he just did it.
A.A .: It's very funny. I like this boy.
J: Do you know what he will do when he grows up?
A .: No. I think he'll just become a farmer when he grows up. I would like to do something for him. I think I'll let him always know how to swim. I won't make him forget how he did it... He will be able to swim. He'll love it.
J: I'm sure the other was definitely scared.
A .: He knew that he could not swim. They will laugh at it all their lives. How he could not swim, but simply jumped and swam. And they will say that after that he could always swim well. It is very difficult for their families - they are poor. They tried to help, so they went fishing. Their families were starving.
J: Let's see. Is Achinson the closest big city upriver?
A .: Yes, he is by the river.
J: And we're in ... what state is this - Missouri?
A .: No, we are in Kansas. Here are some plains.
J: Is there a lot of farmland around?
A .: Yes, a lot.
I looked on the map to see if Achinson, Kansas, was located on the river. She was right - it is on the Missouri River.

J: You are hardly ever called to help. bad people, or called?
A .: Yes.
J: Do you help anyone?
A.A .: Sometimes people go through different stages in their lives. Sometimes they go through a period when they are very bad, then they change. Sometimes they were very good, then they change and become bad. But if there is a need, we help them, if their time has not come yet.

Sometimes we help them through illness, we help them get things done. I once helped a man who was bad.
J: How did you help him?
A .: He was a very evil person, vile, but ... there should have been a lot of kindness in him. The horse carried, and could run into the little girl. He rushed to save her. And when he grabbed her and threw her back, the horse kicked him in the head with a hoof. People thought he was going to die, and many of them were happy. But I was sent to help him. Because he did something good, it would change his life.

And after that, his life was changed. He knew it looked like a miracle, he called his recovery a miracle. He changed and felt that there was a reason why he recovered. He had a wonderful recovery right after doing something good, so he began to change.

J: Are you saying he was a bad, evil person? What was he doing evil?
A .: He stole the money. He even killed several people and fled with the money. The police were unable to prove anything. He deceived many people. He cheated by playing cards. Once he took the land and all property from a person. And the man said that the game was not fair. He shot a man - just shot him.

But later, when he began to change, he was very sorry for what he had done. He moved, but before leaving, he gave his money to a priest in the city to build a church. The small town did not yet have a church. People thought that after being hit on the head, he went crazy. They found it very strange that a person with such a bad reputation, who had done so many bad things, would suddenly change. I spoke to him while he was sick. We sometimes do this when people are sick and we are trying to help. Sometimes they do not remember it, when they recover, sometimes they remember. But we tell them how to help themselves. Even when they don't remember talking to us, they later remember what we said to them. It is important.

J: You say they are sick and you tell them how to help themselves? How it was? You say that this man was hit in the head. How could he help himself with his wound?
A .: His head was injured, and I could just put my hands on him ...
J: Then you tidied up his head. I mean, you didn't tell him how to clean up his own head.
A .: No. He was out of his mind when I went there. People thought he was delirious and when they left the room, I spoke to him. And I put my hands on him ... took the pressure off my brain. The bone was slightly broken and a small blood clot was forming there. I removed it. I said that he needed to rest and sleep for almost 48 hours, and when he woke up, he was completely normal. And I talked to him about what he did. He listened.
J: Did you make him look back at what he was doing?
A .: Yes. I put him next to me and we looked back at what he had done. And he cried and was very sorry. Then I put his spirit back into his body and restored his mind... This changed him and he could move on. The doctor did nothing because he didn't know what to do. He couldn't even see the blood clot that had formed. Often these doctors don't even know he's there.
J: But do you see him, or was that told to you?
A .: When I looked at him, I was able to see what was the matter. I knew that if I put my hand on him, it would heal him. I've never done this before, but ...
J: Were you told that you can do this?
A .: Yes, I can. Almost every day I find out that I can do something else.
J: Yes, there is a lot to learn.
A .: There is a lot to learn, this is very correct. You'll see.
J: Are all spirits capable of doing this?
A .: When it is necessary for them ... I think they could. I think they can do anything. Everyone I spoke to can. I think it is the nature of spirits to do this. We are supposed to do this.

The next incident was unusual because, although she was never told to do so, Anita returned to the same event on three separate occasions. Each time she told, in essence, the same story, albeit in different words. I have combined them here into one.
J: It's 1810 now. What do you see?
What about the town. Some buildings.
J: What are you doing?
A .: I'm waiting for something.
J: Have you waited long?
I do not know. I cannot tell the time as before.
J: Where are you?
A .: I am here in New York. Something bad is about to happen. When this happens, I will help.
J: Is it 1810 now? What month and day is it now?
A .: March ... 18th.
J: And you don't know what's going to happen?
A .: It will snow soon, it will go harder and harder, the child will be very scared. Yes, I have to help the little girl, I think that's what I'm here for. I've been watching her for a while now. She is a very nice little girl, very kind.
J: What is she doing?
A .: She lives on a farm. It doesn't matter what she is doing now. She ... before she dies, will be important. What she will do will help many people in this city. This is all planned. She will be in danger. I have to save her life. She will be very scared. And I will help her get home.
J: How do you know this danger is approaching?
A.: We know when something is going to happen. Sometimes, when we first arrive at a place, we observe for a while. And I knew when I saw this little girl that she is the one I have to save. And when I looked at her, I saw everything that she would do in her life.
J: Do you know the name of this little girl?
A .: No, I don’t know. I suppose I could find out.
J: It's not very important, is it?
A .: No, it doesn't matter what the name is. She will help many people in this city. I think ... oh yeah ... that she will marry someone very rich. And she will help many poor people, and this is very important. And I think she will help some people who run away, some black people.
I suggested that she might have been talking about "underground railroad"To Canada, which helped fugitive slaves escape from their owners before and during civil war(1860s).
A .: She will help poor people here in this city. Thus, it is important that she lives. She was afraid to leave the house this morning. Children sometimes feel better than their parents.
J: Does she feel like something is about to happen?
A .: Yes. She is a little scared and her mother sends her to ... school? Yes, this is a school. She is going to school.
J: Is something going to happen to her on the road?
A .: Yes. It should be snowing around the time she is at school and it will be very heavy. They have had a few fine days, and everyone thinks that spring has come and there will be no more snow. But it will begin, and they will allow children who return far to leave early. She will be on the road during the snowfall. If I don't help her, she might freeze to death. She is very scared and lonely, so I'm going to help her.
J: Good! Are you going to bring her home?
A .: Yes. I'm going to take her hand, and she will feel a surge of strength, like a second wind, and it will become easier to walk. She needs to be given a little extra strength so that she can return home.
J: Does she have a long way to go?
A .: Yes, almost two miles. I don't want anything to happen to her now. Later, people will ask her how she did it at all. And she will say: "I don't know, I just walked." Before we get home, the snow will reach her waist. Sweeps very hard. There are places near the house where even horses would not pass.
J: Is she safe now?
A .: Yes. They were afraid to even go looking for her in this blizzard. They were so surprised at her arrival.
J: Did she find out how she did it?
A .: No, she will never know. Her mother feels like it was like an answer to prayer ... and she's right.
Since we had a date: March 18, 1810, I wrote to the New York State Weather Bureau to see if they had any account of a severe, out of season blizzard that occurred that day. I was stumped again. They replied that they could not help me because their weather reports did not go that far.

J: It's 1934 now. What are you doing?
A .: I looked.
J: What were you looking at?
A .: I want to consider everything. I love to be in the northeastern part of the country. I like it, it's very beautiful there. I would like to live here someday.
J: Near the water?
A .: Yes, I look at the water a lot.
J: Have you ever been there before?
A .: I think I should have been here a long time ago. I feel very close to this place.
She lived in the same area as Sarah. She also moved from Beeville in Texas to Maine in the 1970s. This may have fulfilled her desire to live someday in the Northeastern part of the country.
J: What part of the Northeast are you in?
A .: In the north. I love mountains, trees and water. It is very beautiful in here. I had to come to these places ... I'm not sure about the time. It is very difficult to tell the time. But I came here to help someone who fell, got lost.
J: Did they fall?
A .: Yes, in the snow. And I helped them get back to the people they were with. Then I thought I'd stay here as long as I could.
J: Will you stay there until they call you again?
A.A .: Yes, it is very beautiful here, and I like to observe people.
J: What are people doing?
A .: They come to this place, put something incomprehensible on their feet and roll down the hill. They laugh and are very happy.
J: They put something on their feet and roll down the hill?
A .: Yes. I like to watch this, perhaps I would like to do it, but nothing holds on to me. I've tried it.
J: Have you tried putting them on your feet?
A.A .: It was very funny. People were very scared when this happened.
J: What happened?
A .: I saw that the person took off these things, and I went up to them and put them on the floor. This surprised everyone - they thought they had fallen. It was very difficult for me to carry them through the door. I don't know how these people do it. I had to take them off, open the door and carry these things through the door. I tried not to be noticed, but it turned out everyone saw me, a terrible commotion began... When they saw the skis go through the door, all four were scared to death. When I got outside, the skis began to slide and roll terribly. Then it was very difficult for a person to find them.
J: (Laughing hard) He must have been looking for them all over the place?
A.A.: One was quite close, caught on a tree. He laughed for a long time after that, thought for a minute that it was a ghost, but the ghost would be able to keep them.
J: He doesn't know a lot, does he?
A .: I don't think he ever saw a ghost. He doesn't know it was very difficult, but it was fun. I wanted to try it again sometime, but people don't come to this place anymore.
J: They're not coming?
A .: It was a small house belonging to another person. They were given the key for the weekend. They were very scared.
J: Didn't they think skis could do it themselves?
A .: No. They didn't understand what was happening. I thought they were all busy. I would go right out with them and no one would notice. But they heard. Very funny, they laughed at it. Their girls were so scared that they left immediately after that. One of them wanted to stay there.
J: How did they get there; by car?
A .: They traveled by car and train. They came from ... from a big city. For a while after that I watched one of the girls. She was very scared because she shouldn't have been there, and she thought that was why it all happened. She ended up in a place inhabited by ghosts. She was a young, very pretty girl, about 18-19 years old.
J: Are you saying that she knew she shouldn't be there?
A .: No. She went with someone she shouldn't be there with. She thought it was punishment. I was going to tell her what happened, but I couldn't get her to hear me. I sometimes go back to that place and observe the people who come there. They still call it haunted.
This experience showed that even a spirit can have a sense of humor and can take a break to have a little fun. It didn’t sound like the scary ghosts that we’ve been used to hearing about all our lives.
J: Tell me, are there spirits of different animals?
A .: Not like me. They are not ghosts; they are a completely different kind of life. They sense things they have a mind that people do not understand at all at all.
J: They have no spirit?
A .: Not the same as that of people. People know very little about animals. They think that if the animal is smart, it will do what the person wants it to do. Sometimes animals are smarter. If they can sense danger, they don't do what people want them to do.

J: It's 1930. Where are you?
A .: I was told that this city is called Seattle.
J: Is this a big city?
A .: Quite large. Many beautiful flowers.
J: What are you doing here?
A .: Do you see that woman there? She will be hit by a car. I cannot stop the car. When she gets hit, I'll take care of her.
J: She won't die?
A .: Right.
J: But you can't stop the car from hitting her?
A .: No, I cannot do this. The young man driving that car is part of his life. He will knock this woman down, and he will believe for a while that she is dead.
J: Is this going to happen?
A .: It should be. He's going to get away from it. He will be scared to death that this woman is dead. But I'm going to help her get home, I'm going to put her to sleep, and she won't feel bad for long when she wakes up, she won't have any injuries at all. There will never be anything about this in the newspapers, but this boy will have to worry for a long time. It will make him think about how he lived.
J: How did he live?
A.: He doesn't care what he does or who he hurts.
J: The woman is knocked off ... but I hope she doesn't get knocked off too much, though, right?
A .: He will hit her very hard. It must be strong enough for him to believe that he killed her. He will return to this road after a while, when he sees nothing in the newspaper.... He will go back and forth on this road again and look for this woman. But she won't be here. She will go to visit her daughter and will leave for a long time, she will be fine visiting. This boy will be very worried. He will live his life in such a way as to make up for the murder of this poor woman.

It is amazing to realize what a wonderfully complex series of events constantly weaves behind us without our knowledge. Everything seems to have meaning, if not in our lives, then in someone else's. It also makes sure that the Higher Intelligence is watching all of this.

Visit Earth for relaxation and fun

(between incarnations)

Some souls between their incarnations visit the Earth invisible beings in order to again feel the atmosphere of their past life. The only problem may arise from the fact that they have to go back to chronological time on Earth, and THEY may be amazed at the changes that have occurred here since their last incarnation. In Chapter 3, Subject from Case 17 described his trip to Earth and how he encountered other disordered souls who were behaving somewhat erratically. This factor, plus the unwillingness to distort their old, original memories, can keep souls from returning to Earth between lives. To some souls, such nostalgic visits outside the physical body seem unhelpful and even disappointing. But this does not apply to those souls who return to comfort or help their loved ones on Earth, and who are not motivated by the desire to rest.

Based on the material I have collected, it is the change that most impresses the souls at rest. Many are reluctant to take walks to Earth between lives because of the daily renewal and modernization of the community in which they once lived. In spaces remote from the Earth, images of places and people who once lived here are fixed in a timeless vacuum that never gets lost or disappears. Structural systems of energy particles representing moments human history, can be restored at the will of souls that are outside of absolute physical time.

Nevertheless, there are souls who still want to make a planetary journey, despite the negative aspects. My next Subject is one of those souls who enjoys wandering around their old retreats on Earth. I have chosen this Case from many others for personal reasons. The place where I grew up is described here. Subject 49 and I have been involved in the same activities that even coincided in time during the last few years of his life, which ended in 1948. As I consider this Case, I wonder if I will be taking similar walks in the twenty-first century?


Dr.N: What is your best favorite resting between lives?

S: I love coming to Earth.

Dr.N: What places do you usually visit?

S: I loved southern California beaches in my past life. So I come back to sit on the sand in the sun, wander along the beach among sea gulls and watch the surf.

My passion is waves, the feeling of their movement and flying foam.

Dr.N: How do you manage to fully experience all this on the beach without a physical body?

S: I just bring enough energy with me to feel it, but not so much to be visible.

Dr.N: I have been told that when going out on pleasure gigs, the soul can often take 100 percent of its energy with it. What are you doing?

S: We do not use this when traveling to Earth, because otherwise people can be scared. I take no more than 5 percent with me - usually a little less.

Dr.N: Can you ride the waves?

S: (laughing) Definitely! What do you think I am coming for? I also hover with birds and play with dolphins.

Dr.N: If you, as a spirit, sat on the beach enjoying the sun and I walked by you, what would I see?

Returning to your group

This stop of a newly arrived soul is filled with positive emotions... With the help of hypnosis, the patient gains the opportunity to meet with souls close to him, which always plays an important role in spiritual return. During the session, the patient may need to communicate with a particular soul. After the greeting, the souls gather in a group, the mentor is nearby at this time, however, many people report that they do not see him even in the last stages of the journey. However, souls do not feel uncomfortable and do not consider themselves abandoned in the absence of a mentor.

During these final stages, when your soul is heading to your friends, prepare for all kinds of messages. Some patients describe excellent wide fields and the hollows where friends await them. Others see temples, libraries, or educational buildings. Transitions to these places vary from life to life and depending on the soul itself. In the sixth chapter of The Soul's Journey, I describe memories in which the soul travels to huge centers of activity before retiring to a quiet, calm area where souls are collected in small transparent formations.

In the fifth chapter of the book "The Purpose of the Soul," I wrote that the centers of activity appear to patients as a huge hall where groups of souls are located, one of which is the patient's group. In the fifth chapter this hall is described in great detail; in particular, it is indicated that the secondary groups contain up to 1000 souls. The patient's primary group consists of 10-12 entities (Appendix, Fig. 1).

Why does it happen that some patients meet friends in the vast fields, while others see some kind of complex structures? Why do some souls see many groups in large common rooms and only a few close friends appear in front of others? Of course, here it is impossible to know anything for sure, but over the years I have come to certain conclusions. We can start with the fact that the time of the soul's departure from Earth immediately after the death of the body affects the point of re-entry into infinitely unfolding spiritual activity. I know the same souls after different lives experienced different entrances and saw different rooms.

The difference in visions of the spiritual dimension can be influenced by the attitude of the soul to the life that has just ended. It is necessary to be aware of the characteristics of the soul, as well as of the temporary personality belonging to the body. You may ask, "What does a soul need to fully reconnect with the spirit world?" The therapist must keep in mind the personality and life history of the patient. You also need to keep in mind the belief system that can affect visualization. In addition, the level of development of the soul also plays a role.

Investigating the symbolic meaning of certain scenes, I came to the conclusion that souls who have just made the transition relate their earthly experience to the environment of their native dimension, which seems to be the most familiar. I believe that metaphorical comparisons, where an idea or image convey a certain meaning, can be inspired by the mentors themselves. When consciousness tries to interpret images of the spirit world, the mentor can construct imaginative visions, making them more pleasing than physical reality. Regardless of what the soul sees upon arrival, always try to understand what the meaning of this scene is for the patient. Here are some examples.

A. Gardens are places of safety and peace where the mentor talks to the soul.

B. Temples (including large halls) Are spaces of spiritual union with other souls.

B. Schools and classrooms represent areas related to the teaching of group members.

D. Libraries are quiet places created for individual work and reflections.

E. The enclosed spaces where the primary soul groups are located are the places where the arriving soul feels at home with family.

Sooner or later, but usually immediately after the conversation with the mentor, it is time to refer the patient further to meet with the souls of his group. He can proceed there on his own, without any initiative on your part; if this does not happen, ask this question:

Perhaps it's time to see your friends?

Typically, you will hear a description of a spirit group that includes an image of the place where souls congregate. This small area (and not a huge hall with thousands of entities) is the spiritual refuge of the soul. In the case of young souls, the transparent sphere can be a real boundary separating the group from the rest of the communities.

At this stage of contact with group members, patients are able to answer questions about the vibrations of the soul. The individual and collective vibration frequency increases when the patient arrives at the group, where everyone experiences a mutual joy of meeting.