How to grow peppers at home. How to grow indoor peppers at home - all about caring for the "fire"

Not many garden crops can be grown on a windowsill with such high degree decorative, like a small-fruited pepper. It is not only original as a decoration, but also useful in the household. Since pepper belongs to perennial crops, having planted it once, you can enjoy it for several years in a row. It is not difficult to grow pepper on the windowsill, the main thing is to choose the right one planting material, competently prepare the substrate and regularly care for the plantings.

Bitter pepper on the windowsill

Small-fruited bitter peppers are especially loved by housewives. He is compact bush with fruits of the highest decorativeness. Even the favorite greens on the windowsill are inferior to this vegetable crop. For planting, seeds of hybrids are chosen that are self-pollinated. You should stock up on nutrient soil based on biohumus and a special lamp for lighting in the autumn-winter period. Everything else will depend only on proper care.

how to grow hot peppers on a windowsill in an apartment. Photo


Before sowing hot pepper seeds, they must be soaked in a solution. potassium permanganate 2 hours. This procedure is not carried out if the seeds have been treated by the manufacturer. Among the processed seeds, you need to choose those that have sunk to the bottom of the container during this time. The rest have dubious germination, so it is not worth spending time on them.

pepper on the windowsill growing from seeds. Photo

  • 1 part coconut substrate
  • 1 piece of land;
  • handfuls of vermiculite;
  • 1 part vermicompost

The more nutritious and lighter the soil in the pot, the better the bush will grow, bloom and bear fruit and will grow old later. All the ingredients of the substrate are poured into a basin, mixed thoroughly and filled into small containers with the mixture. These can be special seedling trays or regular yogurt cups. The earth is poured into them, not reaching the top by 2 cm.

Substrate good spill warm water and put 2-3 grains of pepper on top. Sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1 cm. From above, the cups are covered with glass or polyethylene with holes made in them for air exchange. Containers with seeds are placed in a dark, warm place, for example, near a radiator and occasionally watered.

growing hot pepper on the windowsill. Step by step photos

Seedlings will appear in about 10-14 days. They are immediately put on windowsill to prevent unnecessary stretching without lack of light. If seedlings have appeared late autumn or in the midst of winter, they must be additionally highlighted with the help of special lamps. It is enough to highlight for 2 hours in the morning and in the evening. To avoid the appearance of a black leg, the seedlings are watered as needed, avoiding waterlogging.

How to grow hot peppers on a windowsill. Photo

How to grow hot peppers on a windowsill and wait for abundant fruits? To do this, from the total number of seedlings, the strongest are selected and transplanted into permanent pots with a capacity of 2-3 liters. The earth is not poured to the top, it will be poured as the bush grows.

Pepper care

Any greenery on the windowsill requires care, which boils down to regular watering and feeding. The water for watering the pepper needs to be defended, and the dived seedlings should be fed in 2-3 weeks. For this, special feeding is used, for example, Agrolife... The bitter pepper bushes are tossed daily so that they grow even and do not lean too much towards the sun. Small-fruited bitter peppers are not stepchildren. If the bush seems sparse, you can pinch the top.

When the pepper blooms on the windowsill, several times a day a bush will need shake for pollination. Fruits appear 2.5 - 3 months after planting. If there are too many of them, the plant will throw off the extra ones on its own; a person does not need to do this, only if sick and underdeveloped ones are found. Fruits can crumble even with a lack of moisture on hot days. Then the bush is sprayed 2-3 times a day with water at room temperature.

After about 1.5-2 years, the bush begins to age, loses its decorative effect, sheds foliage, ceases to bloom and bear fruit. It is thrown away or cut. How to grow hot peppers on a windowsill from a cuttings? To do this, the most juicy side branches are cut off from the bush and placed in the water. Cuttings give roots in 21-28 days. They are planted in a permanent container and after 1.5 months they get an adult flowering bush... Usually 50% of cuttings give roots. Caring for them is similar to bushes obtained from seeds.

Frequently asked questions about growing hot pepper

In the process of growing small-fruited bitter pepper on the windowsill, novice amateurs may have questions, the answers to which can be obtained here.

When is the best time to sow peppers for growing on a windowsill? Experts recommend doing this from April to July, then the seedlings will not have to be illuminated. Although it is possible to grow peppers in any season of the year.

Can ripe peppers be left on the bush? Not desirable. If the pepper stays on the plant for a long time, it does not get an incentive to continue to bloom and bear fruit.

How to care for a pepper in winter in conditions central heating? If the battery is located under the windowsill, it must be covered with a towel to avoid overdrying the roots of the bush. Additionally, they carry out daily baths under a cool shower.

Is it possible to eat the fruits of peppers grown on the windowsill? It can be either fresh or dried. It is even ground on a coffee grinder to make paprika.

Will it harm an adult bush of pepper to repeat transfer? It is undesirable to disturb the adult bushes of pepper grown on the windowsill. This will affect the abundance of flowering and fruiting. Stress in the form of discarded leaves is also possible.

What to do if flowers fall off a lot? It is necessary to increase the amount of daily lighting for the bush, water it well and shake it 2-3 times a day. Flowers can fall off due to lack of pollination and the inability to form a fruit.

Sweet peppers on the windowsill in winter and summer

In the conditions of an apartment, you can grow and Bell pepper, which will produce crunchy vitamin fruits all year round. There are no particular difficulties in growing it, but some recommendations will help not only grow strong greens on the windowsill, but also taste healthy fruits.

Growing sweet pepper seedlings

The first stage of work is considered selection of seeds... Dwarf compact plants are suitable for growing at home, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm, and the weight of the fruits varies from 30 to 80 grams. The smaller the hybrid, the more compact and decorative it looks on the windowsill. The seeds of self-pollinated hybrids are suitable for this.

Second stage - preparation substrate and seed treatment. For pepper on the windowsill, you can buy ready-made mixtures, or you can compose them yourself from an equal amount of vermicompost, coconut fiber and earth. Perlite or vermiculite can be added to increase soil aeration. All components are mixed in a bowl.

A 2% solution is prepared for seed treatment potassium permanganate, in which the seeds are kept for 2 hours, then washed in cold water... There are producers who carry out the processing themselves and sell seeds that are ready for planting. In this case, there is no need to carry out such a procedure at home.

how to grow bell peppers on a windowsill. Photo

The third stage is sowing seeds... The substrate is filled into small containers from plastic cups to greenhouses with peat tablets... Substrates or tablets are well spilled with water and seeds are placed in them, 2-3 pieces each. You can sow seeds directly into large, permanent containers without adding the substrate to the edge of the pot. This procedure will be carried out later as the bush grows. After sowing, the containers are closed with polyethylene, in which small holes are made for air exchange. The containers are placed in a dark, warm place, periodically watering and looking through them.

We plant sweet peppers. Photo

Fourth stage - seedling care or how to grow sweet peppers on a windowsill from seedlings. The first emerge in 10-14 days. As soon as the seeds hatch and sprouts appear, they are exposed to the light and, if necessary, illuminated for several hours a day if it is the autumn-winter period. If necessary, after 2 weeks, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens. It is important not to overmoisten the seedlings so that they do not become vulnerable to the black leg, which can destroy all seedlings.

The fifth stage - pick... It is produced 4 weeks after germination. To carry out the picking, the containers with the seedlings are well watered, a large 3-liter pot is prepared and filled with a nutritious substrate. Turn the glass of seedlings over and carefully pull out the clod of earth along with the pepper. They put the ego in a partially filled pot and sprinkle the earth on top up to the cotyledon (first) leaves. Watering, lightly compacting the ground near the bush. Put the pepper on the windowsill, preferably on the south side.

Adult plant care

Adult seedlings are not stalked or corrected by pruning. The bush is given free rein in the growth and formation of flowers. You need a pot every day turn to form an even bush. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up. In hot weather, it can be additionally sprayed with warm water; in winter, watering is reduced to the required minimum.

How to grow bell peppers on a windowsill with abundant ovary? When flowers appear on the bush, they begin to intensively feed it with suitable fertilizers, for example, Agrolife... Blooming bush several times a day shake for self-pollination. The first fruits appear about 3 months after sowing the seeds. To extend the life of the plant and get a significant harvest, 5-6 fruits are left from the ovary and removed during ripening. If you leave more ovary, and do not remove the fruits for a long time, the bush becomes very depleted, grows old and dies.

If the ripening fruits are large enough, and the bush has grown well, it needs prop... She will not allow the bush to tilt and break. Pepper - perennial vegetable crop, but on the windowsill, with a lack of heat, light and care, it can quickly age. In order to admire the plant again in 1.5-2 months and eat its fruits, you can cut off cuttings from it and try to root them.

Usually half of the cuttings take root. They are planted in permanent containers and looked after like an adult plant. This way of growing peppers is less troublesome and faster.

Sweet peppers on the windowsill. Video

With the onset of autumn, you can increasingly enjoy bright days outdoors. In the morning the ground is covered with a thick fog, the sky is covered with clouds. And the gray trees have almost no foliage. With the onset of winter, all this is covered with a layer of snow. However, you shouldn't be upset. After all, we can continue to enjoy the spring notes, and the exuberant flowering of plants can be provided on the windowsill.

It is noteworthy that you don't have to spend a lot of money here, as many might think at first glance. Today we will talk about how grow on the balcony little miracle of nature - hot peppers... Interestingly, red pepper will not always appear. A green or yellow fruit may also grow. We can safely say that hot peppers, which are grown on the windowsill, belong to decorative types... In shape, the pepper resembles a flattened ball, cylinder or small pyramid. Maximum height pepper in a flower bed is no more than half a meter. At the same time, about 50 fruits can ripen on such a bush. Note that the decorative hot pepper is a plant that dates the fruit for many years, namely five or six. It is worth noting the excellent bactericidal properties that hot peppers have. As a result, you protect your premises from harmful bacteria that can be in the air.

Aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies and other pests of domestic plants do not like hot peppers. So, you can make a solution in water with pepper in a ratio of 1:10. The infusion must be kept for a day. If you spray such a mixture on plants, then they will be protected from pests. The need to buy specialized processing products in the store immediately disappears.

"Christmas pepper"

Ornamental peppers can be grown in winter traditional ways... In this case, the plant begins to bear its first fruits by Christmas. This is why the plant is called "Christmas pepper" in some Western countries. It is noteworthy that pepper is not just pleasing to the eye, standing on the windowsill. The fruits can be used in cooking, folk medicine, as well as when decorating the interior. Using one pepper, you can change the taste canned cucumbers or tomatoes. The hot peppers that we can grow on the windowsill are very fond of light. Therefore, you need to plant peppers in last days February. You can even do this job in March. In the daytime, the temperature should average 23 degrees indoors, at night - up to 19 degrees. As soon as it becomes known temperature regime, it immediately becomes clear why the plant is great to grow at home.

Hot peppers on the windowsill

First you need to choose which variety of hot peppers you want to grow on the windowsill. "Ogonyok", "Indian Summer", "Pupsik", "Flint" and many others - all these are excellent varieties that take root in pots on the windowsill. It is noteworthy that all these varieties were bred by domestic breeders. According to their characteristics, the obtained varieties are not inferior to imported ones.

Preparing the soil for planting

In order to prepare the soil for planting peppers, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can make the foundation yourself. It is necessary to use a non-acidic top layer of peat, humus, and river sand. You can use turf soil mixed with river sand. Of course, the easiest way to prepare the ground is to go out and buy the mix from the store. Suitable soil for growing tomatoes or eggplants.


Seeds are initially germinated. The material is placed in a damp gauze or napkin at room temperature(about 25 degrees). As soon as the first shoots hatch from the seeds, you need to plant them in the ground. Planting depth is no more than one centimeter. Prepare peat pots in advance. The day before the pepper is planted, the soil must be watered abundantly. When the seeds are planted, cover the containers with glass or foil. Next, they put the seedlings in a warm place, wait until the first sunrise appears.

Transplanting Seedlings and Pepper Care

After the first green shoots appear above the ground, you need to wait until 4 leaves grow on them. Seedlings are placed in decorative clay pots. Their volume is 1-1.5 liters. It is imperative to select pots that have holes at the bottom to drain excess moisture. Drainage is required. It is laid out on the bottom of the pot. It is best to place the seedlings on the south side, where there will be plenty of sun. If there is not enough light or it is constantly cloudy outside, you need to take care of artificial lighting.

In order for hot peppers to grow well, they need high-quality and constant watering. It is necessary to water the plant with water at room temperature. As the plant dries up, water is poured into the pan. Twice a year (in spring and summer), hot peppers need feeding. Complex mineral fertilizers, which are usually fertilized with indoor flowers. Recharge is applied after watering the plant. Fertilizers are applied directly to the soil.

Helpful Tips:

When the peppers are blooming, shake the pots gently. In this case, the plant will be better pollinated. In winter, so that the plant does not overheat, does not dry out, you need to put cloth on the battery, which is located under the windowsill. The plant that turned more than a year, needs to be transplanted into a large pot. Peppers don't need drafts. Therefore, as soon as spring comes and you start opening windows, it is best to set the plant aside.

It is noteworthy that using the same rules, bell peppers can also be grown on the windowsill. Care and cultivation of sweet peppers are no different from cultivation of hot peppers. However, it is forbidden to grow sweet and bitter peppers at the same time on the same windowsill. Otherwise, both plants will lose their taste.

Video: How to grow hot peppers at home in winter:

Pepper - herbaceous plant, which belongs to the nightshade family. The homeland of this culture is the tropical regions of Central America. There are four main types of pepper: Colombian, Peruvian, Mexican, and pubescent. By the content of the bitter substance, sweet (vegetable), spicy (spicy) and semi-sharp varieties are classified. All three species are cultivated at home.

Variety selection

Low-growing, compact varieties (they are the most persistent and unpretentious) are ideal for growing peppers on a windowsill. The height of such plants reaches no more than 50 cm. They will perfectly fit into the dimensions of your window. The most popular are:

  • Watercolor.
  • Martin.
  • Treasure Island.
  • Dwarf.
  • The firstborn of Siberia.
  • Gift from Moldova.

These varieties are distinguished by high yields, so they will delight you with their fruits all year round.

Of the hot types of pepper, Astrakhan A-60 and 147, Elephant trunk, Flame are suitable. Suitable for growing on a windowsill and chili. Due to the varied shape and bright color of the pods, it is widely used as ornamental plant... It turns out that the benefits of it are twofold - it is an excellent seasoning and decoration of the windowsill.

Seed preparation and choice of container for planting

To protect future plants from infections, the planting material must be disinfected. To do this, place it in a 2% manganese solution for 20 minutes. Then rinse the seeds under cool running water.

To improve their germination, soak the seeds in nutrient solutions of Zircon or Epin (growth biostimulants). In the first case, dilute 1 drop of the drug in 300 ml of water, and in the second - 2 drops per 100 ml of water. Soak the seed in the nutrient fluid overnight at room temperature. Then wrap in damp gauze and store in a dark, warm place (at a temperature of +20 ° to +25 ° C) for three days. Dampen the fabric with water from time to time to keep it from drying out. When the seeds hatch, transfer them to the windowsill.

For successful cultivation pepper on the windowsill, you need to prepare a suitable container in advance. These can be containers, pots, or wooden boxes... Each plant needs a separate sufficiently wide and deep container (so that the rhizome is spacious and comfortable).

When to sow pepper

You can start planting seeds in the last days of February - early March. When choosing a day for this event, be guided by the weather forecast. If it is warm and sunny a week after sowing, the peppers can slow down their growth. In this case, it is better to keep the planting on the north window for a while. Also, during winter planting, it is required to ensure that the duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours daily. Therefore, purchase special lighting(LED and fluorescent lamps, phytolamps, fluorescent lamps). Fluorescent lamps choose with normal white spectrum.

Solanaceous crops also germinate well when sown in the last decade of July or in early September. Again, keep a close eye on the weather forecast (so that the pepper planting does not fall on too warm days).

Soil preparation and sowing seeds

For this culture, it is better to use a ready-made soil mixture. It does not contain harmful microorganisms and is enriched with essential trace elements. If you decide to apply the usual garden soil, ignite it first with a saturated manganese solution, and then pour abundantly with warm water. You can also prepare a potting mix of two parts sod land, one part sifted river sand and the same amount of humus. Sod land is best taken from the place where meadow clover grows.

Be sure to add ash to any substrate (for every 10 kg of earth, 2 glasses of ash). Since peppers are extremely sensitive to acidity and salt content in the soil, add lime either dolomite flour(for 1 kg of soil 16 g of substance).

It is also effective to use special hydrogels that are created for home gardening. Mixing with the soil mixture, this polymer absorbs excess liquid and swells. As a result, it makes the soil looser and more breathable, while preserving its nutrients.

We start sowing seeds. Fill the peat pots or other container of your choice fertile soil... Do not forget about the drainage layer (expanded clay, fine gravel or broken pieces of red brick will do). Make small holes and dip two seeds into them. Cover with earth, pour and cover with transparent cling film. This is necessary to create a greenhouse effect. Place containers in a warm place ( optimum temperature germination of seeds - + 25 ° С). If you have grown peppers before, you can dig in peat cups under mature, fruiting plants.

To wait for the first shoots, you need to be patient. The peppers germinate in about 1 to 2 weeks (depending on the variety). If seedlings do not appear on the surface of the soil, increase the length of daylight hours (extend the artificial light from 7 am to 9 pm).

After the sprouts appear, pierce the plastic with a knitting needle in several places. When the seedlings begin to grow actively and acquire two or three leaves, remove the covering material.

Seedling picking

As soon as the seedlings get stronger, start picking (transplanting) young sprouts into a large pot. At the same time, remove weaker plants, and shorten the roots of the remaining ones. So they will grow and branch faster, become stronger, better braid with an earthen ball. The dive process is carried out as follows:

  • water the soil in the container where you will transplant the seedlings with plenty of water a day;
  • make a small indentation in the new pot (in the center of the container);
  • an hour or two before the upcoming pick, thoroughly moisten the soil around the sprout;
  • carefully remove it without disturbing the earthen lump;
  • shorten the spine by 1/3;
  • place it in the prepared hole so that the central root does not bend, and the leaves rise 2 cm above the ground level;
  • compact the soil around the seedling with your fingers;
  • water the transplanted plant with warm water (settled tap water or collected rainwater).

In order for the pepper to grow prolific and large, it must be dived and grown in large ceramic bowls or capacious buckets.

Before diving, accustom young seedlings to more severe conditions (take them out to Fresh air, gradually increasing the "hardening" time). However, make sure that the plants do not get caught in drafts. The influence of low temperatures (less than +13 ° С) is detrimental to them.

Watering. Moisten the soil as needed. For this purpose use warm water, the temperature of which is about +30 ° С. Give the pepper a daily extra spraying with a spray bottle. To prevent the plant from overheating during the winter heating period, cover the battery with a damp cloth. Remember to loosen the soil constantly.

Lighting. In addition to artificial lighting, periodically turn the pepper in different directions to the window. Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Temperature. Provide plants with optimal temperature conditions. During the day, the indicators should be +25 ° - + 27 ° С, and at night +10 ° - +15 ° С. In winter, move containers to south-facing windows, and in summer, keep them on the balcony. Beware of sudden changes in temperature.

Top dressing. Caring for peppers on the windowsill also includes regular feeding. Fertilize this crop once every two weeks (immediately after watering). Suitable for this nitrogen fertilizers for indoor flowers. You can make your own nutrient solution - mix 6 tablespoons of ash and 3 liters of water. Decoctions from clover, plantain, nettle have a good effect.

During the active growing season, pepper may suffer from mineral deficiencies. To prevent this, monitor the condition of its leaves and use fertilizers with a suitable composition in a timely manner:

  • If the deciduous crown becomes marbled, the plant lacks magnesium. Add magnesium in sulfate form to the soil.
  • If the leaves curl and a dry edge forms around the edges, the pepper lacks potassium. Add potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate to the top dressing.
  • If the lower part of the leaves acquires purple, they begin to cling to the trunk - there is little phosphorus. Use 16-18% phosphoric acid.
  • The dull color of the leaves with a grayish tinge indicates a nitrogen deficiency. In this case, ammonium nitrate will help, which contains about 35% nitrogen.

Most of the domestic crop varieties are self-pollinating. However, sweet species can be cross-pollinated with peninsular and pungent ones, as a result of which the harvest will be bitter. Therefore, try to keep these plants (for example, bell peppers and chili peppers) on the windowsill at a distance from each other.

When the first fruits are formed, do not overload the bush - leave no more than 4-5 pieces on it. Harvest ripe vegetables multiple times, once a week, carefully slicing them off with a knife. First, cut it in a circle around the stalk, and only then remove the seed-bearing. The fruits are harvested both in biological and technical ripeness. This significantly increases the yield (due to the reduction in the number of ovaries and the cost nutrients on their development).

Hot peppers are tasty, healthy, irreplaceable as a seasoning for a number of dishes. Love thrill? Then you just need to plant such a bush, especially since it can grow on the windowsill like an ordinary flower, pleasing the eye with multi-colored peppercorns against the background of green foliage.

Sorts of hot peppers for the windowsill

It is with the variety that you should decide before starting growing. Since hot chili peppers are less popular than, say, cucumbers or tomatoes, there are not very many varieties and it is difficult to get confused in them. Let's look at the main decorative bush options.

    The Queen of Spades

It is a miniature evergreen shrub with excellent flavoring properties. They can be added not only to various sauces and main courses, but also to marinades, as well as to a salt. During the ripening process, the peppers have different colors - from green and purple to yellow and red. So your bush will be constantly strewn with colorful pods. The variety is suitable for growing on a windowsill for all year round... The plant reaches a height of only 20-30 cm.


An early ripe variety with fruits resembling tiny barrels, slightly tapering towards the top. The color of the peppers is varied, often multi-colored. The pods taste very sharp, spicy. The variety does not need good lighting, it can grow well even in the shade. But it definitely requires timely watering and regular feeding.

    Indian summer

An interesting plant, the fruits of which look more like tiny tomatoes than traditional pods. It gives a lot of leaves, but there are a lot of fruits on it. The colors of the fruits are very diverse, from white and yellow to rich red and purple. It is an unpretentious variety that does not require a lot of light. Therefore, he feels great on the windowsill in winter. The peppercorns are very aromatic, moderately spicy, suitable for the preparation of medicinal alcoholic tinctures, as well as for use as a seasoning for dishes.


Ripens very early (only three months after sowing). The height of the plant does not exceed half a meter, which makes it possible to grow it on a windowsill or on a loggia. The fruits are small, with a spicy aroma and a pungent taste. It is used for pickling and preserving purposes, as well as in numerous spicy dishes.

    Small miracle

Begins to bear fruit early, bears fruit for a long time and abundantly. Small pods with thick walls change color during maturation, giving the bush valuable decorative properties. Can be sown with seeds directly in indoor pots, and you can transplant the finished plant on the windowsill in the fall.

We have named the most popular hot pepper varieties suitable for growing on a windowsill. In fact, there are many more of them.

Hot peppers on the windowsill: growing

You will need: a container for sowing and growing plants (box, pot), hot pepper seeds for the windowsill (or seedlings from the garden), soil.

A mixture of coarse sand, peat and humus is best suited as a soil. You can also mix turf with sand in a ratio of about 1 to 1. There are also ready mix- choose the one that is suitable for planting eggplants, peppers, tomatoes.

Seeds of hot pepper are germinated before planting. To do this, wrap them in cheesecloth and put them in a saucer of water. The saucer is placed in a warm place near the battery (only you need to make sure that the gauze remains wet all the time, otherwise the half-germinated seeds will die).

As soon as you see the first sprouts that have hatched, you can start sowing the seeds. We fill the soil into the container, put drainage on the bottom of the container (with a layer of at least 3-5 cm). It should be some kind of base through which water and air pass freely (expanded clay, small stones, broken brick). The day before sowing, we water the soil with water.

We make shallow grooves in the ground and plant seeds. Sprinkle the grooves with earth on top. As a result, your seeds should be buried in the ground no more than 1 cm. To prevent the soil from drying out, cover the box or pot with a piece of glass, transparent plastic or ordinary film and wait for the shoots to appear.

Unlike ordinary greens, which are grown on a windowsill in winter, it will not work to grow hot peppers in a box. Despite its small size, this plant requires quite a lot of space, therefore the best option- transplant seedlings into pots. That is, you can sow them in a box, but, after waiting for 3-4 leaves, make a pick - transplant into a separate container, where the plant will continue to live. The volume of one pot should be at least one liter, preferably 1.5 - 2 liters.

Pepper loves the sun, but does not tolerate dry soil. Therefore, it is better to put the pots on the south side, but constantly monitor the degree of moisture in the earth. For a bountiful harvest, it is also necessary to carry out regular feeding and loosening.

    Hot ornamental peppers can be perennial (read the information on the seed package). In this case, once a year, in spring or autumn, it is recommended to transplant it into a new soil.

    In the spring, your window saplings can be planted in the vegetable garden, and in the fall, they can be transplanted back into the pots.

    Do not open the window if there is a pot of hot pepper on the windowsill - this plant does not like drafts.

Video how to grow chili peppers at home

The following varieties are suitable for growing in the house:

  • Treasure Island;
  • Martin;
  • Sweeties;
  • Firstborn;
  • Firstborn of Siberia;
  • Boss peppercorn.

All these varieties are small-leaved, and therefore they feel great when grown on a windowsill, where, unlike open air, there is little sunlight.

In addition, the listed varieties are self-pollinated, which means they can form fruits in the room.

Seed preparation

ATTENTION. For the purpose of disinfection, it is recommended to spill any soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to plant chili peppers from seeds at home

  1. Landing on is carried out in wide shallow containers at a distance of 5 cm in a row.
  2. Seeds are laid out on the surface, then sprinkled a small layer of soil(0.5-1cm).
  3. From above, the crops are moistened with a spray bottle.
  4. Seed boxes are covered with foil or glass to create greenhouse conditions. For seed germination need a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

IMPORTANT. During germination, make sure that no direct rays fall on the surface, otherwise a greenhouse effect will be created inside the box and the seeds will weld.

IMPORTANT. It should not be used for feeding a mixture with a high nitrogen content, the plants from this will increase the leaf mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Chili peppers fruiting

As soon as the pepper begins to form fruits. The bushes, covered with flowers and fruits at the same time, acquire a special decorative effect. When sowing in winter, the first peppers appear in May - June... Depending on the variety, they have red, yellow or green color.

IMPORTANT. Don't forget to select and dry a few of the most beautiful specimens to get seeds for planting next season.

Growing chili peppers in indoor conditions does not require any special efforts. Give him a little attention and he will delight you with sharp, aromatic fruits.