How to sew a cotton mattress. The secret of creating a mattress with your own hands

No matter how long I searched, I never found a master class on the Internet that would tell in detail and step by step about making an orthopedic mattress with my own hands. Therefore, my husband and I decided to do everything at our discretion, after consulting with several acquaintances who sell either furniture or furniture fittings. It ended up being very comfortable mattress. And, besides, much cheaper than in the store.

What you need to make a mattress measuring 190x80 cm:

— Bonnel springs (size 182x76cm, height 11cm);

- foam rubber 30mm thick, density 28;
- pressed dense felt;
- batting;
- fabric for the mattress;
- roulette;
- marker;
- two-meter flat rail;
- segment knife;
- tailor's scissors;
- glue for foam rubber;
- 6 m of braid;
- zipper 1.3m long.

Visit a store that sells furniture accessories (fabrics, sliding mechanisms etc.). Purchase a mattress spring (bonnel) right size, foam rubber, pressed felt, batting, mattress fabric, tape and foam glue.

Note: Foam rubber is most likely sold in pre-made sheets of a certain size, so see which size is best for you. Felt, batting and mattress fabric are cutting materials with a certain standard width. Calculate also required amount, considering not only the width and length of the mattress, but also its height.

We make an orthopedic mattress with our own hands

Step 1. Preparing the Parts

Arm yourself with tailor's scissors, a meter or tape measure, a two-meter-long flat bar, a marker and a segment knife. Measure the desired lengths, outline the contours of the parts with a marker and ...

Cut the foam rubber with a segment knife using a long rail. Do not forget to place old magazines or plywood under the foam rubber at the cut points so as not to scratch the floor or other “working” surface.

Cut fabric, batting and felt with tailor's scissors.

For a mattress measuring 190x80cm you will need cuts the following materials with these dimensions.

Foam rubber 30 mm thick:
- two pieces 80x190cm;
- two pieces 12x80cm;
- two pieces 12x182cm.
Pressed felt:
- two pieces 76x182cm.
- two pieces 195x85cm.
Mattress fabric:
- two pieces 195x85cm;
- two pieces 85x20cm;
-two pieces 195x20cm.

Step 2. Assembling and gluing the mattress parts

Inside the mattress should look like the photo below.

So, put a piece of foam rubber (190x80cm) on the floor. Put a piece of pressed felt (182x76cm) on it. Center. Put the springs on the pressed felt.

Glue the short sides of the foam rubber (12x80cm). In this case, glue for foam rubber was used. It is not recommended to glue foam rubber liquid nails or PVA, because after they dry, a hard crust forms, unpleasant to the touch. In addition, PVA dries for a very long time!

A small load can be placed on the part to be glued (several books on a long rail).

After the short sides have dried, cover the spring block with the last piece of pressed felt.

Put foam rubber (190x80cm) on top. Glue the top edges of the short side pieces (12x80cm) to the top foam. Press down with a weight to dry.

Now you can glue the long side pieces. To do this, insert them into place, between the upper and lower piece of foam rubber (190x80cm).

Pushing the foam rubber in the right places, apply glue to the side parts and the surfaces to be glued to them. Press the weight on top of the mattress, and also put something on the short sides of the mattress to press the side edges of the pieces (182x12cm) to the pieces (80x12cm).

Note: If you purchase a special adhesive for foam rubber, you can make it easier to glue long sections (like these) as follows. Take a non-bending piece of wire with a diameter of about 5 mm. Dip one end of it into a jar of glue and, sticking it, stretch it between the ajar surfaces to be glued.

After the glue has completely dried, the mattress is ready for use. It remains to sew a cover for him.

Step 3. Sewing the mattress cover

First, sew the batting to the large parts of the cover.

Attach the batting to one piece (195x85cm) of the cover from the wrong side. Align the edges. Sweep in the center.

Sew in the center of the part along the marked line.

Sew on the long edges of the pieces (195x85cm) with an overlock stitch. Batting should not extend beyond the seam. If it comes out, cut off the excess with scissors. Later you will find it easier to sew on the side pieces and place the seam edges in the tape.

Note: To prevent the batting from stretching when sewing, you can substitute sheets of unnecessary newspapers under it (you will tear them off later).

Make one more longitudinal seam (in the middle between the long edge of the part and its central seam), securing the cover part and the batting more securely.

Overlock the side edges of the large cover piece.

Sew overlock the sides of the cover.

Sew the four sides of the cover together along the short edges. You should get a long ribbon sewn into a ring. Make sure that the parts to be sewn are applied right side to each other.

After these procedures, the following set should be obtained.

Sew to the piece of tape (85x20cm) that will be sewn to the short edge of the piece (195x85cm) to one side of the zipper. The lock should extend beyond this piece by 22.5 cm in each direction.

Today there are many different mattresses on sale, starting in rather expensive water or air mattresses, ending with more budget options, in which furniture foam rubber or cotton wool plays the role of a filler. An improperly selected mattress can cause many problems with the musculoskeletal system, therefore, when choosing this product, all the nuances must be taken into account.

Which mattress is better - foam rubber or cotton?

In terms of price, both foam rubber and cotton products are approximately on the same level, and belong to the lowest price category. Their orthopedic effect is not at all high level, but in any case, as a temporary option, such mattresses can also be considered.

cotton wool

If we talk about mattresses with cotton filling, then their main advantage is the use of synthetic material but cotton, which is harmless to the body. In addition, this material perfectly retains heat, so the bed will be more comfortable.

However, cotton wool, as a filler, has many disadvantages:

  • The life of a cotton mattress is unlikely to exceed 5-7 years, even with careful care and regular washing of the cover.
  • It happens that various insects start up in cotton, and it is very difficult to deal with them.

Foam rubber

Polyurethane or foam rubber can also be used to fill mattresses. In this case, the density of foam rubber plays a huge role. Due to the specifics of factory production (in liquid state foamed polyurethane is poured into special form), over time, the filler of such a mattress does not stray into lumps.

The main disadvantage of products made of foam rubber is that over time it tends to squeeze through, in addition, any foam rubber is very sensitive to moisture - it worsens its properties.

The service life is also small - the same 5-7 years, subject to regular maintenance. At the same time, the price differs upwards in comparison with a mattress filled with cotton wool, yet the cost of foam rubber is somewhat higher than cotton wool.

Important! If a special, so-called intelligent polyurethane is used to fill the mattress, then the cost will increase even more. This mattress filler is suitable for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. He knows how to “remember” a person’s favorite posture and adjusts to it.

Which foam is best for mattresses?

When answering the question of which type of foam rubber is best for making a mattress with your own hands, we should mention the classification of foam rubber. The main indicators used in the classification are its elasticity and porosity.

Mattress foam must meet two main criteria:

  • on the one hand, it must be sufficiently resilient and elastic;
  • on the other hand, to “be able” to recover their form after loads.

Consider different types to understand which one is preferable to buy:

  • Very soft HS brand foam rubber is used exclusively for noise insulation. It has a high porosity and should not be used as a filler for a mattress.
  • Usually, polyurethane grades EL and ST are used in the production of furniture in the middle price range, the material of these classes is also undesirable to use for mattresses.
  • Only material grades VE and HR, which is used for luxury furniture, can successfully act as a mattress. Sometimes such furniture polyurethane is called latex or highly elastic. Products using this material are much superior to cotton ones, since during sleep on it a person is in the correct position, which makes it possible to fully relax.

Important! Many, choosing a mattress, doubt whether foam rubber is harmful to health. In the process of combustion, of course, a sufficient amount is released into the atmosphere harmful substances. But at normal use this material is completely harmless and does not pose a danger even to allergy sufferers.

DIY mattress

Experts advise using only orthopedic mattresses in everyday life, because in addition to a full and comfortable rest, it is also the prevention of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, the cost of factory-made products is quite high and not everyone can afford it. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to make a mattress with your own hands from foam rubber step by step.

When making a mattress, you can go in two ways:

  • Simplify the task as much as possible and use a thick layer of highly elastic material as a filler. After cutting, you just have to process the edges of the material, then sheathe it with a cloth and put a cover on top.

Important! A foam mattress 10 cm thick, made in this way, will be quite comfortable and convenient.

  • But you can complicate the task and combine a layer of polyurethane and a spring base in a mattress. In this case, as a result, you will get an analogue of a factory-made orthopedic product.

Important! One of the most the best options a spring base with independent springs is considered. In this case, a person can be guaranteed to take a comfortable position for him.

Materials for work:

  • In the proposed design, the spring base will be placed in a box, which is glued together from pieces of foam rubber.
  • For the side faces, material with a thickness of approximately 30 mm can be used, but for the lower and upper parts - at least 50 mm.
  • You will also need braid, felt and fabric for sewing the cover and lining the mattress itself.

The main part of the mattress

The basis of the mattress is a design that consists of:

  • two layers of polyurethane;
  • two layers of felt;
  • spring base located between them.

Manufacturing principle:

  • After cutting the felt and foam rubber, first a foam layer is laid on any horizontal surface, then a layer of felt, a spring base, a felt layer again and this “pie” is covered with another foam layer.

Important! Felt is used here so that under load the springs do not damage the surface of the polyurethane.

  • The free space on the sides must be closed with inserts from the same foam rubber, as a result, a closed box should be obtained.
  • For bonding individual elements This box is better to use special glue. You can get by with “liquid nails” or ordinary PVA. But in this case, the drying time of the glue will increase, and a hard crust will appear at the place of gluing, which will simply crack when deformed.

Important! To create additional strength, you can put a board on the foam rubber during the gluing process, and place a load on it.

Cover tailoring

To sew a mattress with your own hands, you should also make a cover for it:

  • To do this, you will need fabric and batting.
  • In the process of cutting, you should simply take into account the dimensions of the foam "box". And, of course, leave a margin for processing the edges.
  • At the initial stage, the batting is sewn to the fabric. On a flat surface, the fabric and batting are aligned with each other and manually stitched along the long side of the rectangle several times.
  • After that, you can start processing the edges. First, the excess batting that protrudes beyond the fabric is cut off, and then it is stitched around the perimeter of the future cover with an overcast seam.
  • Next, you can sew the narrow parts of your cover into one piece.
  • Large parts must be sewn using decorative braid that hides the seam. First, the braid is sewn around the perimeter of a large part, then the edge of the narrow part is applied to the same braid, the braid is folded and stitched.

Important! By the same principle, a zipper is also sewn, so that in the future it will be possible to get a mattress for washing.

DIY air mattress

It turns out to do inflatable mattress with your own hands is also possible. For this:

  1. Take a dense material, which can be either plain or multi-colored - it depends on your desire.
  2. A shell for a future product is sewn from it.
  3. Next, we divide it into four equal compartments, the size of which is 170 by 80 cm.
  4. Side compartments are desirable to provide lacing. This is best done to ensure access to them.
  5. Next, take ordinary, previously not fully inflated, balls. Place an average of 5-7 balls in each of the compartments (the number will depend on the size of your product).
  6. Lace up the sides and start using the product for its intended purpose.

Have you bought a new orthopedic mattress, but instead of the expected comfort, you experience discomfort while relaxing and sleep poorly? Or is the old mattress worn out and causing discomfort?

Perhaps your sleeping place does not have the desired degree of rigidity. Can this be fixed somehow?

Increasing the firmness of the mattress - is it suitable for everyone?

In what cases should you increase the rigidity of the mattress and is it necessary to do this? Strengthening is recommended:

  • in the presence of excess weight, impressive complexion;
  • if you have a habit of sleeping on your back or stomach;
  • with health problems in the upper spine, stoop;
  • at adolescence, when the correct anatomical position of the spinal column and the exclusion of the possibility of its curvature are very important;
  • at the age of 25-45 years, even in the absence of health complaints.

How to change the firmness of a bed

It is impossible to make the mattress itself more rigid. But change the stiffness bed with the help of additional funds is quite realistic. To do this, you can buy a thin mattress with orthopedic properties, or an orthopedic mattress cover.

The product may have different heights. (3-10cm) and possess varying degrees stiffness. To prevent slipping, it is attached to the main mattress with special elastic bands.

Coconut mattress pad (topper) - the best solution

One of the most effective ways to increase the rigidity of the bed is to purchase an orthopedic mattress pad (topper) with a layer of coconut coir - long fibers growing on the coconut shell, preventing the nut from splitting if it falls. Coconut coir is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Topper fillers are made in two versions:

Important! orthopedic mattress covers with a layer of coconut coir cannot be bent and twisted - this can lead to breakage of natural fibers.

Benefits of coconut coir toppers

Coconut mattress covers not only improve the orthopedic effect of the mattress, but also have whole line other benefits. They are well ventilated, waterproof, do not rot, have an antibacterial effect, and microorganisms do not multiply in them.

Have a high degree strength and durability, smooth out irregularities. At correct use are not deformed. Coconut topper extends the life of the main mattress, as it protects it from various pollution and dust, hides existing defects.

While sleeping on a mattress with a mattress topper made of coconut coir, the human body assumes a comfortable position in which uniform distribution load on the whole body, muscle relaxation, correct location spine.

Attention: orthopedic toppers made of coconut fibers must be stored strictly horizontally!

Making the right choice of topper

When choosing a topper, you should pay attention to the color of the coconut fibers. High-quality, ripened coir is dark brown, with elastic and strong fibers. Inexpensive mattress toppers are often made from unripe coir.

The thickness of the filler affects the orthopedic properties of the mattress topper. If the filler contains 100% coconut fibers, the topper should have a thickness of 3-8 cm. If the layer of coconut fibers is less than three cm, additional fillers should be included in the composition.

When choosing, it is also worth considering the weight of the person for whom the mattress pad is purchased. With weight not exceeding 90 kg, it is enough to have a topper 3 cm thick. If weight over 90 kg, then you need a mattress pad with a thickness 6-8 cm.

Advice: To increase the life of a coconut coir mattress topper, it is necessary to turn it over periodically.

However, not all people are shown the use of hard mattresses. Contraindication here - diseases of the lumbar spine, age over 50. In these cases, the opposite effect may occur - an increase in existing pain, a feeling of discomfort, bad dream. Therefore, choosing a mattress for people falling under these categories should be done with great care.

Increasing the rigidity of the mattress with the help of an orthopedic (topper) made of coconut coir will allow you to get a comfortable bed that can give a feeling of comfort, sound sleep, a healthy spine and eliminate the need to purchase a new, more expensive mattress.

Nowadays, making a mattress with your own hands can be more profitable than buying it in a store. No wonder: the cost of the materials required for its tailoring is much lower than the cost of the finished factory product. The only thing that is needed in large quantities is time.

foam filler

The most common filler for homemade mattresses is polyurethane foam (also known as foam rubber). There are many types of this synthetic material. All of them have different stiffness, density, elasticity and, depending on their properties and characteristics, are used in various areas of production.

Characteristics of quality foam rubber for mattresses:

  • The material should be soft and elastic;
  • Foam rubber quickly returns to its shape after the load.

The main indicator of the quality of polyurethane foam is the density. The density of foam rubber for a mattress ranges from 25 to 40 kg / m³.

Making products from pillows

The advantage of such a mattress is that it can be transformed into an armchair, and also serve as the basis for a children's "house". And even a novice seamstress can make a mattress out of pillows with their own hands, because for sewing it is necessary to lay only straight lines.

So, to work, you need:

  • Several pillows;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Ready-made pillowcases or just fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • It is advisable to use sewing machine, but not required.

To sew a mattress from pillows, you can use two methods:

After prolonged use, a soiled mattress cover can be removed and washed in a washing machine.

Children are very fond of such mattresses, because they are very comfortable during games, for daytime and nighttime rest. In addition, it is lightweight, and the child himself can move it to places for games or recreation.

Homemade orthopedic mattress

To make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you need the following materials:

  • Dense polyurethane foam (for laying along the edge);
  • main filler;
  • Cover fabric;
  • Glue (it is important that it is safe, does not emit toxins and a strong odor, it will be needed to glue the filler layers).

Foam rubber will be the main filler. It is best to lay it in a whole piece. Will improve the user properties of the bed layer-by-layer application together with PPU (polyurethane foam) coconut fiber. This is one of the ways to make a mattress firmer, because moderate firmness of a mattress is very good for the spine. In this way, mattresses of different hardness can be made. To do this, it is necessary to lay coconut fiber on one side, and foam rubber on the other.

Another solution is to use struttofiber, a dense material with vertical fibers, together with polyurethane foam. It will also qualitatively support the spine. You can place a strut fiber on both sides, and fill the middle with polyurethane foam, or you can alternate it with coconut slabs.

The cover is traditionally sewn from dense natural fabrics. The best for these purposes are coarse calico and natural linen..

Manufacturing master class

Before the production process begins, it is necessary to die out the dimensions of the bed. To do this, you can use the roulette wheel. Then you can proceed to the assembly of the holding box (frame). The material for it will be dense polyurethane foam with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm.

It is desirable that the mattress is at least 14-15 cm thick. With a smaller thickness, it will be uncomfortable to sleep on it.

It is necessary to achieve accuracy in the dimensions of the bed and the components of the mattress. It depends on how strong and dense the product will be at the output. In addition, scrupulousness in size is needed so that it lies snugly on the bed and does not slip on the sides, and the sleeping bed is stable.

After that, the filler is laid. If you manage to get a big whole piece polyurethane foam of the desired thickness, you need to measure free place in the assembled frame and with the help of a clerical or shoe knife, evenly cut out the necessary fragment.

If the mattress for the bed will consist of several foam layers, then the sheets are glued together. Otherwise, the product will not be the required density. Under the person lying on the bed, the mattress will "walk".

How to sew a cover

After the stuffing is done and placed in the box holding it, you can start making a mattress topper. The pattern should consist of two pieces of fabric with a margin for seams and side parts (usually it is about 3 centimeters on all sides).

The cover must be very tight, so that it is put on with a certain effort, this will add strength and elasticity to the mattress. All seams must remain inside. To sew a durable and high-quality cover, you need to use only natural fabrics and thick threads. Do not save on your health and comfort. Often, someone's help is required to put on a cover, because it is quite difficult to stretch a dense fabric evenly by one.

After the cover is stretched, it can be sewn up. However, for convenience, it is permissible to sew a zipper on one side. This cover is considered permanent, not removable. But on it you need to sew a removable one, which will be equipped with two zippers. It is very convenient, because it can be removed and washed at any time.

If you don’t want to bother and sew a cover at home, you can buy a mattress pad right size. True, it may need to be adjusted (if you have a child or custom size product).

The made mattress will need to be ventilated for fresh air. This will get rid of unpleasant odors foam rubber or glue.

Attention, only TODAY!

The store has different kinds mattresses. Most often, people make a foam rubber mattress with their own hands using improvised means. This option is the most common and convenient. How to make a mattress with your own hands? You can get an economical option (spring, feather), but very acceptable for use.

Materials that will be needed for work

It is worth taking care to find not only free time to make a mattress, but also to prepare materials for its implementation, before making a mattress with your own hands, you will need certain materials.

The main ones are:

  • Sheathing. Cloth of a dense type, which can be used to wrap the frame and other details;
  • Threads. They must be very strong;
  • sewing machine;
  • Foam rubber.

You will definitely need hard foam rubber, a cover that can be used endlessly. The density of foam rubber for a mattress is a relative indicator. The tighter it is, the better. Otherwise, he will quickly wash out.

Such products have a certain classification. There are those that go only for upholstery. They are soft and porous. Those that are useful for the mattress are elastic, almost non-porous. Soft foam rubber is only suitable for soundproofing.

Often polyurethane is called foam rubber. It is right. If you can find a latex-type polyurethane that is used specifically for upholstery, then you can consider yourself lucky. It is this material that you will need in order to make a mattress yourself. A thing based on latex is classified as "orthopedic". So, without overpaying, you can get a beautiful, soft substrate. It is known that an orthopedic type model costs a lot. big money, especially branded.

It is important to choose a case that is especially durable. The hardest thing to do spring mattresses. But it's worth the effort. Given that there will be a reliable case, and felt as protection from all sides, you can get beautiful model mattress without overpaying. After all, branded products are very expensive.

It is enough to pay only for the materials. For the rest, a person will not spend a penny, but only his efforts. However, you will need more details that will help make the mattress:

  • Springs;
  • Reiki made of wood;
  • Long, wide nails;
  • Hammer;
  • stapler.

Rivalry in strength

Cotton or foam? Maybe orthopedic? In terms of market value, the first 2 positions are in the same price level. But orthopedic - out of competition. For its manufacture you will need foam rubber, the density of which is quite high. Need a cover too. It is not difficult to choose this material in modern conditions.

Cotton has the advantage of being natural. Cotton wool is made from cotton. Although this material has a low density, it is safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. But synthetic filler is better to use if there are no people prone to allergies in the house.

Wadded is in priority and because of the excellent property of cotton to keep warm longer than its competitors. But wool has a number of disadvantages:

  • Short service life;
  • Environment for the "settlement" of various kinds of insects.

The required density and rigidity by combining several types of material is justified. It is permissible to simultaneously use synthetic holofiber, the density of which is high, or polyurethane.

How to make a mattress with your own hands, if you use foam rubber? You will need a good case, it is not necessary to buy ready-made. You can, without overpaying, make it yourself. At the same time, it is very convenient to provide the cover with a zipper to create an opportunity for washing.

Foam rubber is a material made from a liquid that is poured into a special form.
In the process of using things that contain foam rubber, it is important to avoid getting water on the surface. It spoils this material, no matter what its density. Foam rubber can become soft or even crawl. Such a filler should only be used in a dry room. If this product gets into a wet barn, you can say goodbye to it.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

How to make a mattress? You need to decide what parameters the thing will be. Next, measure and cut off the desired piece of foam rubber. The higher its density, the more difficult it is to use scissors. It is better to use a sharp knife for this purpose. If you managed to cut through the marks beautifully, then things will go easier.

Now the cover. It is important to use the dimensions of the finished piece of foam rubber. In this case, it is worth considering seam allowances.

If the cover is zippered, you should cut out an even larger piece of material in order to successfully stitch in the zipper.
It is necessary to sew the cover across, and then make longitudinal seams on the other sides. Then you need to process the edges under the zipper insert. It is advisable to choose a non-stretching material that will tightly fit the workpiece.

When you need to make a harder version, it is recommended to use felt. This material will protect the foam rubber from the rapid penetration of moisture. The felt is dense and natural. It is made from wool. Such a filler must be placed on the foam rubber on each side in one layer before placing the workpiece in the case.

Another option is to first prepare a cover to match the furniture according to the size of the bed, and then place the material in it. Filler - synthetic winterizer, pieces of holofiber, felt. You can use foam. To prevent the filler from falling off, it is advisable to flash the product with a dense thread.

Products using springs

Spring models are easy to make. Purchased springs are worth using. It is easy to choose them by asking the store for special materials for making furniture. If everything is done correctly, you will get an orthopedic mattress with your own hands. Sometimes it is enough to use springs from an old mattress or sofa, making a new upholstery. As it is recommended to use foam rubber. Orthopedic mattress it’s easier to create with your own hands if at hand:

  • Spring mechanisms;
  • Dense material;
  • Foam rubber.

To make your own mattress, you will need twine. They need to tightly tie the springs together. After setting up your design and placing the rails under the bottom. Pin. Spring structures give the product density. After you need to use the filler. Pull the cover over the top. Do-it-yourself orthopedic mattress is ready.

So, to make a mattress with your own hands, you do not need to make great efforts. But it is important to be able to cut the material by making correct measurements. It is necessary that the density of the foam rubber be high. Spring designs are also popular, but their manufacture will require more time, skill and material. An orthopedic option that is suitable for any person will become more convenient.