How to sew a mattress from cotton. How to make a comfortable and inexpensive mattress with your own hands

Sooner or later, many of our things begin to deteriorate. It's about not only about the visual component, but also about technical specifications, in connection with which, you will have to seriously think about repairing them or even buying new ones. Among these things is the mattress. If you ignore its shortcomings that have arisen, then about any healthy sleep and you don't have to speak. Some people may doubt the advisability of repairing a mattress, however, as practice shows, it is enough to use necessary materials and add a little creativity to get a practically new and comfortable mattress. This, in turn, will affect the family budget, which is important in the current realities. So, let's talk about how to make a mattress 130x200.

As you know, there are two types of mattresses: stationary and removable. Each of these varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages, so before you start updating your mattress, carefully study the type you choose. If your choice fell on removable mattresses, then you will need the following components: soft stuffing (synthetic winterizer or foam rubber), teak, threads (preferably strong) and a sewing machine.

Next, we move on to the creation itself. Take the stuffing and markup. The next step will be cutting it into several parts, which, in the future, will have a positive effect on the assembly and operation process. If you are going to use the mattress all the time, then it is not necessary to divide the stuffing into parts. After that, you need to do the formation of a cover for the mattress. At this stage, it is very important to pay attention to the thickness of the packing, and after that to make the most accurate measurement of the material used.

When all preparatory work are completed, you can start sewing the cover on sewing machine. Next, fill the case with the selected stuffing. Additionally, it is necessary to flash the mattress with threads, which will avoid the formation of possible lumps in the material. As a result, you will get a soft and comfortable mattress that will help you enjoy vivid dreams for a long time. One of the main features of such homemade mattresses is that you yourself will be able to choose the material for the filler and cover, as well as its colors, so the product of your efforts will fit perfectly into the interior of your bedroom.

Self-repair and hauling of the mattress:

You will need

  • - foam rubber;
  • - synthetic winterizer, batting or other stuffing;
  • - fabric for the cover;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - threads;
  • - spring blocks;
  • - wooden slats;
  • - cord;
  • - nails;
  • - hammer;
  • - stapler.


Before you start doing mattress, determine what will be inside. If you need a removable mattress, which can be folded and removed after use, choose a foam or padding base, and for a fixed bed, you can also make a spring mattress.

To make foam mattress, buy a piece of foam rubber and mark out the shape. There may be several options here. If you need folding mattress, make it from several parts, placing them across the bed. For a stationary bed, cut out a large mattress from one or two longitudinal parts. Cut the foam together with an assistant, one of you should stretch the halves, and the other with a sharp knife, cut exactly along the intended line.

Mark the pattern on the fabric, adding a thickness allowance on each side. mattress and a few centimeters for the seams. To make the cover washable, make it like a pillowcase - with an overlap. To do this, add another 20 cm along the length.

Sew a cover for mattress but, first all the transverse sections, then along the length, laying the corners across the side seams along such a width as the width of the foam rubber. Finish all seams with an overlock or zigzag. Slide the foam into the case.

To do mattress from batting, synthetic winterizer or other soft stuffing, start with a cover. Measure the size of the bed, when creating a pattern, consider the thickness mattress a. Then sew the fabric cover required size, with an overlap or zipper. Gently fill it with stuffing, given that it will quickly nail down and become twice as thin. To prevent the stuffing from bunching up, sew in several places mattress through, attaching small pieces of fabric on both sides.

If you want to make a spring mattress, you need to buy spring blocks, their number depends on the size of the bed. Put them in order, strictly vertically, make sure that the upper ends are at the same level. Fasten the lower parts of the springs wooden slats 2 cm thick and 6-7 cm wide.

Wire the springs. To do this, drive in large nails (50-60 mm) along the ends of the bed opposite each row and bend them away from the springs. Take a strong cord 2-5 mm thick and tie all the springs of each row, first across the bed, then along and lastly along two diagonals. Lay burlap or other dense fabric over the springs, then a layer of batting or synthetic winterizer, tighten mattress upholstery fabric, fixing it with a furniture stapler.

Furniture, including upholstered furniture, costs a lot these days. We buy a luxurious furniture set for the living room or, say, an expensive modern mattress for a bed in the bedroom (for example, orthopedic) and, of course, we want to admire the bright colors of the new upholstery for as long as possible.

But the fabric is a capricious person. And now soft upholstery shabby, in some places burned out in the sun, a stain appeared somewhere ... And the presence of small children and pets in the home does not contribute to the preservation of the situation.

What is the way out? And the solution has already been invented a long time ago. If you want to protect, for example, your new expensive mattress from trouble, you should simply cover it. That is, you will need a protective cover for the mattress.

Do you think it's redundant? In vain! Sooner or later, almost everyone comes to the conclusion about the need for this useful accessory, but sometimes the furniture by that time is already pretty damaged.

It should be recognized that the mattress cover is a functional and practical thing. In addition, it can play a decorative role in decorating the interior. Covers protect expensive products from dust and stains, reduce wear and tear and extend their life. This is especially important for those who have an expensive (for example, orthopedic) product. The cover is simply necessary for those who have small children or bed patients in the family.

Your own master

The mattress cover, made in an original and tasteful way, will surely decorate the room and cheer you up. At the same time, it is not difficult to sew a regular cover made of thin fabric.

Let's try to make a removable mattress cover with our own hands. Patterns of such covers can be from the simplest (in the form of a large pillowcase-bag) to complex, decorated with decorative elements.

A beginner dressmaker will find it easiest to make a model on an elastic drawstring that securely fixes the product in place. If you are not yet confident in your own abilities, you can try to sew a draft version from an old sheet, and at the same time decide on the exact dimensions.

What will we need?

For tailoring, you should arm yourself with tailor's scissors, a needle and thread, as well as an iron and, of course, a sewing machine. And of course, you will need a piece of fabric of the right size.

The choice of material depends on the purpose of the cover. So, for an orthopedic mattress in a crib, furniture fabric of bright colors is suitable. Modern inflatable mattress can be covered with non-staining tarpaulin. The choice of material for the mattress in the bedroom is almost unlimited - everything that you consider suitable is suitable.

What fabrics do you prefer?

To put on a mattress, they usually take materials such as coarse calico, linen, thick teak. There are also cotton and polyester options. are widely accepted in use in children's and medical institutions, kindergartens and health camps.

In general, you need to buy fabrics that are easy to care for, because the covers have to be washed from time to time. For the same reason, you should not choose too light shades, although, of course, they look very elegant.

To avoid shrinkage of the product in length after washing, when cutting, always place the long side of the product along the base.

If it is assumed that the mattress cover will be used alternately from the front and back sides, then when making it, you should choose a sewing seam. At the same time, the fabric also needs to be found one where the wrong side and the front side differ as little as possible from each other.

Getting Started

Before sewing a mattress cover, we very carefully measure the dimensions of the mattress itself, that is, the length, thickness and width of the future cover. Remember that the saying "Measure seven times ..." is still relevant.

Then we divide the pattern into five parts. This is the main part, the length and width of which correspond to the dimensions of the mattress, and four auxiliary ones - in the head, in the legs and on both sides on the sides. These details are cut based on its thickness. In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, it is worth drawing the layout of all the details on the sheet in a large cell (taking into account the scale).

How to transfer a pattern to fabric?

Having made the necessary measurements, mark the contours of the details on the prepared fabric, starting with the main part of the product. If the fabric has pile, when cutting, you need to take into account its direction. The pattern is circled on the fabric with tailor's or ordinary chalk.

If the dimensions of the existing cut allow, the side parts can be made one-piece in the form of folds.

When sewing the simplest bag-cover, you can simply take the fabric, fold it in half in length, and connect the edges with pins.

Mattress big size have to sew from individual parts. The same technique applies if the fabric is very dense. As an experiment, you can try inserting contrasting colors, but taking into account the general colors premises (to avoid variegation). In addition, it is desirable to combine fabrics of similar density and texture.

Measured seven times - it's time to cut

Armed with tailor's scissors (they must be sharp), carefully cut the fabric along the marked lines, not forgetting the wide seam allowances along the edges. Their size depends on the width of the elastic, which will be effortlessly stretched along the contour of the cover. The margin for the hem is folded in half and stitched along the edge.

The next step is to process all the details according to the scheme below.

First, connect the side parts to the main ones and sew all the fillet seams on a typewriter. After that, process the resulting seams on an overlocker or manually.


Tuck the free edges of the canvas, outlining a clear and neat fold line, iron the seams properly. For greater reliability, all seams of the product should be duplicated, retreating from the edge of about 3 mm. Stitch along the edge of the fold line, leaving room for the elastic to pass through. Pass it through with a large pin, securely fix the edges. Ready!

Zip case

Another option is to make removable covers for mattresses with zippers, which are sewn along the contour between the main and auxiliary parts. As a rule, long enough zippers are not easy to find.

Practice shows that you can quite successfully get by with a pair of one-piece zippers with large teeth about 85 cm long, sewn symmetrically (for example, at the head of the cover or along one of its long sides; being completely unfastened, they allow you to pull the cover over the mattress and remove it without special effort).

Sheet cover

Mattress covers with zippers, whatever one may say, still require a lot of work. For those who do not want to bother with sewing in zippers or laborious stitching along the contour, a simpler option is suitable. These are mattress covers with an elastic band, like sheets, which are simply pulled over the top of the mattress and can be easily removed for washing. Such sheets are especially good for high (for example, orthopedic) mattresses.

Of course, you can buy ready-made sheets with an elastic band, but it’s not always possible to find right size, because mattresses are sometimes non-standard.

If you buy chintz or calico for sewing such a sheet, then standard width fabric (usually 2 m 20 cm) may not be enough, especially if the mattress is wide and will have to be extended from the sides.

Knitted sheets with elastic do not require ironing and always look neat, which is their great advantage. These sheets are sold ready-made. This is very practical option Plus, they look stylish and modern.

If you still decide to sew knitted covers yourself, then remember that knitwear requires careful processing of the edges, without which the loops can crawl.

How to sew it?

In total, for sewing a sheet-cover with a thickness of about 15 cm, about 3 meters of fabric will be required, and do not forget about allowances for elastic along the edges, about 15 cm wide on each side.

If the mattress has rounded corners, then the sheet should be sewn in the same shape. Rounding should be provided at the pattern stage. To avoid overlays with sizes, control measurements are carried out diagonally on both the mattress and the sheet - they must match.

The edges are processed or overlocked.

Rubber bands will need about 5 meters. The exact length depends on its density. The stronger and stiffer the gum, the longer it will last in conditions of repeated washes.

How to sew a baby mattress cover?

In the same way, you can build a bed sheet. Why is it needed? You may have noticed that the child wakes up in the morning on crumpled sheets. Or you have to get up at night to fix his bed.

It is possible to radically solve the problem quite the easy way. To do this, we take the most common elastic band, scissors, threads with a needle, crayon and the sheet itself. Of course, children's mattress covers can be purchased ready-made, but often they do not fit in size or color.

In addition, any mother knows what a pleasure it is to make something for a baby. with my own hands. And among other things, a young mother often does not have enough time to go shopping in search of the right accessories. And sewing can be done little by little while the child is sleeping. For sewing, you will need a regular or electric machine with a zigzag stitch.

We sew a sheet easily and simply

At the first stage, we spread and carefully straighten the sheet on the mattress. Then we put an elastic band on top of it and determine the required length. Cut off the required amount.

Stel the sheet with the wrong side up and draw a small outline for sewing on the elastic. We begin to attach it. We sew the first couple of centimeters with a regular seam, then we switch to a zigzag.

To sew everything correctly, we constantly stretch the elastic during the sewing process. It is most convenient to direct it towards yourself with your left hand, observing the desired degree of tension, and with your right hand to hold the sewing under the foot of the machine and lay the attached elastic along the intended contour. If you can’t do this right away, you can pin it to the fabric with pins at several control points.

Thus, we sew an elastic band on one side. Then we pull the sheet over the mattress and do the same with the other side. Ready! We made a mattress cover for the baby with our own hands! Now the sheet will not fidget, and the folds will no longer cause inconvenience to the baby.

If its area is large enough, it is best to attach an elastic band along the very edge - in this case, you get a real cover that will completely fit a children's mattress.

In the same way, it is possible to sew a waterproof mattress cover for a baby crib out of medical oilcloth, which allows you not to worry about frequent washing and drying of the mattress.

Do-it-yourself foam rubber mattress - who might be interested in this topic? First of all, to those who plan to become a professional furniture maker in the future and are already trying themselves in this business. Also for those who want to save on the purchase of a new orthopedic mattress. Making an item for sleeping with your own hands eliminates the need to pay for work - you only have to spend money on materials. And, finally, for those who simply love to craft, create, are not afraid to take on the unknown and want to understand “how the world works and everything in it”!

Making your own comfortable mattress

Having decided to create an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you need to take into account a number of points.

  • Qualities. Making a mattress with your own hands is quite realistic. It might even be exciting. However, if you intend to quality product, without accuracy, perseverance, patience and scrupulousness is indispensable.
  • Theory. If there is only a desire, but there are no special skills and even theoretical knowledge, it does not hurt to read a few articles about the varieties of modern fillers and their properties, the required degree of mattress rigidity and the materials used for sewing covers.
  • Materials. The search for the materials themselves - blocks or layers of filler, special glue and fabric for sheathing - is a crucial moment. The degree of difficulty in finding high-quality, durable and safe materials will depend on the region you live in. Big city - big opportunities, where the assortment is in abundance. Residents of small towns and villages will have to spend time searching for a decent manufacturer on the Internet and pay extra for delivery.
  • Tools. Next, you need to take care of the availability of the necessary tools for the job.
  • Case. If you do not know how to sew, you need to think about someone who will help with the calculation of the amount of fabric for the cover and be able to make it.

In the presence of quality materials and a careful approach to business, you can count on quite a good result!

Do-it-yourself foam mattress

Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) - a material ideal for beginners. A minimum of knowledge is required to create a monoblock foam mattress technological process and the minimum amount of materials to create it. In addition, PPU blocks are a relatively affordable product. It is possible to choose the size of the block, the desired height, density and rigidity.

Selection of foam rubber for a mattress (foam rubber density)

In modern production orthopedic mattresses foam rubber, or as it is also called, polyurethane foam (PPU) is the main filler that provides comfort and durability of sleep products. In spring models, it isolates the spring block, in springless models it performs load-bearing functions.

Thanks to scientific and technological progress and new technologies, the properties of foam rubber for last years managed to improve significantly. Now it is not the same at all: crumbling, yellowing, quickly losing elasticity, sticking together material, but improved - in some brands, literally beyond recognition.

Reference! Foam rubber - soft, elastic polyurethane foam (PPU). The name foam rubber is nothing but a transition of the name trademark(Norwegian company Porolon, supplying polyurethane foam in Soviet times in the USSR) as a common noun.

Brands of furniture foam rubber are conditionally divided into 6 categories. PPU marking reads as:

  • letters at the beginning - brand of foam rubber;
  • the first two digits are the density of the material (kg / m³);
  • the second two digits are stiffness (resistance to compression).

Standard (ST) made from a single polyol. The stiffness of the material is determined by the density. A density of 35 (ST 3542) is considered suitable for mattresses in the ST category.

Reference! Even with a density of 35 ST, it is not designed for people with a lot of weight (optimally - up to 80 kg).

Increased rigidity (EL)- reinforced, reinforced polyurethane foam, with the addition of rigidity to the standard polyol. Due to this, at the same density, a more rigid material is obtained. An excellent option for a quality mattress is the EL 3245 brand.

Extra hard (HL). For example, HL 4065 is a grade with high density and rigidity. Durable, reliable, expensive foam rubber for a mega-springless, designed to withstand extreme loads in the form of pressure from the weight of very fat people.

Highly elastic (HR) made from four polyols. The production process is quite labor-intensive, which, accordingly, affects the price. Durable, with more bearing capacity. HR 5535 is a brand that deserves attention - with a service life of up to 15 years.

Reference! Brand HR* 6030 LL - WATERLATTEX - highly elastic, with increased comfort. It feels like the difference between water latex and natural latex is almost impossible to notice.

Viscoelastic (VE)- MEMORY is the latest product in the production of polyurethane foams. Expensive, but fully justifies the price of the material. It is considered one of the best due to durability, reliability, quality, high anatomical effect. The EL 5020 brand has proven itself excellently.

Advice! Before deciding to purchase the VE grade, test the properties of the material by lying on it. Although in most cases the reviews about the characteristics are enthusiastic, not all 100% of those who have tried it like the enveloping effect.

Preparation of materials and tools

You will need:

  1. Foam rubber of increased rigidity (HL) with a thickness of at least 5 cm - for the mattress frame (along the perimeter). In the case when a mattress for a fat person is made of HL brand foam rubber, additional frame do not need to be made. Ready-made mattresses in the full line are equipped with a euroframe.
  2. The main filler of one of the following grades: EL, HR, HR*, VE. budget stamp HS is generally not recommended for making mattresses. The ST brand is suitable for an item that will be rarely used, such as: a guest place, a country option.
  3. Layers of coconut coir - optional. As layers (to increase rigidity) or on top of one of the sides of the mattress (to create a double-sided rigidity product).
  4. Roulette.
  5. Marker or felt-tip pen - for marking.
  6. Long ruler or rake - for drawing straight lines.
  7. Sharp knife - for cutting foam rubber.
  8. A sheet of plywood - as a substrate for cutting.
  9. Special glue for gluing foam rubber (you can consult in a furniture store, or on a site selling polyurethane foam).
  10. The fabric for sewing the cover is preferably specialized. It can be jacquard, quilted version with a softening backing or insulation, bamboo fiber, terry cloth with a waterproof membrane base.
  11. Long zipper (or 2 shorter), threads.
  12. Scissors - for cutting the cover.

Mattress making

Below is step-by-step instruction manufacturing the simplest model mattress from the PPU block.

  • To begin with, accurate internal measurements of the bed box are made.
  • Then, strips-bars are cut out of extra-rigid polyurethane foam - for the mattress frame. The height of the strips is equal to the future height (thickness) of the mattress. The rectangle assembled from the strips along the outer perimeter must correspond to the internal dimensions of the bed box.

Reference! How is PPU cut? First, mark up with a felt-tip pen or marker. A sheet of plywood is placed under the cut so as not to damage the surface on which the cut is performed. You need a very sharp knife, preferably with a replaceable blade (otherwise you will have to constantly grind). The knife is held vertically, the movements must be precise and strong. If the thickness of the foam is greater than the length of the blade of the knife, the foam is cut to the thickness of the length of the blade, then pushed apart and moved deeper, again holding the knife vertically. The appearance of scuffs on the foam rubber is a signal that the blade needs to be changed or sharpened.

  • Strips-bars are glued, laying them on a flat surface.
  • Inside the frame, a precisely cut base is laid from a PPU block of less rigidity. The ends of the mattress are glued with internal parties foam box-frame.

Important! The base block must be solid.

One side of the mattress, if desired, can be equipped with a latex coir board by gluing it to the surface!

How to sew a mattress cover?

To sew a cover you will need:

  1. Take accurate measurements of the finished mattress: length, width, height (thickness).
  2. Calculate the amount of fabric based on the size of the mattress and the width of the sample of the fabric you like.
  3. Cut out two rectangles (upper + lower) with seam allowances for sewing the side strip along all four sections.
  4. Cut out a strip encircling the sides of the mattress. It is better that the cover is removable. To do this, the strip encircling the side parts of the mattress is cut along the middle. On the one hand (long or short) it is stitched tightly. The remaining three are connected with the help of a long zipper (or two) - according to the principle of a suitcase fastener. In the version with a zipper, it is important not to forget to give additional allowances for stitching the zipper.

Important! The cover must be very tight - so much so that it has to be worn with outside help, but not small.

How to sew a mattress cover?

Mattress cover. The principle of sewing a mattress cover is similar to the algorithm for sewing a mattress cover. With the difference that the mattress cover does not have to fit the mattress as tightly as the cover.

With corner straps. You can limit yourself to sewing a simplified dense mattress cover with corner elastic bands.

With elastic around the perimeter. Another simple model: a mattress pad with sidewalls, held by an elastic band drawn into the backstage (along the perimeter).

How to shrink a mattress at home?

If for some reason the finished mattress cannot be returned, but needs to be reduced in size (shortened, narrowed), you will need to perform 5 simple steps.

  1. Open the trim on the desired side.
  2. Using a marker and a long strip, mark up.
  3. Cut off the springless block (if necessary, detach part of the spring block).
  4. Shorten (narrow) the casing accordingly.
  5. Close the cover carefully.

How to make a mattress firmer or softer?

Topper - a thin mattress - a product that helps to adjust the rigidity. Models made of latex, soft polyurethane foam or holofiber will add softness to the sleeping surface. Latex coir is a hard filler.

Reference! Like a mattress, a topper can be made by yourself.

Summing up

As you can see, making a mattress with your own hands is quite a feasible task. What is needed for this?

  1. Desire to see things through to the end and a determined attitude.
  2. Determination of needs (size, height, desired degree of rigidity).
  3. Some theoretical knowledge (about the types of fillers, adhesives, fabrics for sheathing).
  4. Availability of quality materials.
  5. Accuracy in work, accuracy of movements, patience, perseverance.
  6. The cover and mattress cover can be sewn independently or to order.


Foam rubber is a filler that is made different ways, so manufacturers today have the opportunity to offer options for products from it for every taste. You can choose a foam mattress hard or soft, more or less elastic, regular or orthopedic.

How to choose a quality mattress

In order for the purchase to provide a good rest for many years, it is necessary to choose a mattress with high-quality filler. The foam rubber inside must be dense, it depends on what loads it can withstand. There is a special stiffness factor, but you can check it and in a simple way- see how quickly the foam rubber straightens after deformation, whether it cracks when pressed and stretched.

The density of the filler is of great importance so that the spine experiences the necessary support during sleep, and the body weight is distributed correctly.

When buying, preference should be given well-known manufacturers in good standing then foam mattress will serve long and effectively.

Advantages of a foam mattress

Mattresses made of foam rubber have a lot of positive characteristics:

The production of this filler is economical, so you should buy a cheap foam mattress if you need to buy a thing for little money that is not inferior in quality to more expensive models.

Making a foam mattress with your own hands

You should not rush to the furniture store in order to purchase such a leisure accessory. The manufacturing technology of this item is so simple that it will not be difficult to make a foam mattress with your own hands.

To do this, you will need: foam rubber, fabric for the cover, sewing machine, scissors, threads, needles.

First, the mattress is marked on a piece of foam rubber. Then, accordingly, a pattern is made on the fabric intended for the cover, while a few centimeters should be left for allowances and seams. This mattress cover is sewn on a sewing machine and put on the prepared foam rubber. For more convenient use, it is recommended to sew a zipper into it.

The main role of the cover is to protect the filler from external influence(dirty, rubbing, moisture ingress). But, in order to give the mattress a more respectable and aesthetic appearance, the coating fabric should not only wash well, but also have a pleasant texture and beautiful colors.

Which mattress is better - cotton or foam

Both cotton and foam products are in approximately the same price category. They also have many similarities. positive qualities- light, compact, easy to transport. A significant difference is the fact that there is a possibility of the appearance of all kinds of microorganisms and mites. It is unsafe for health, especially for people prone to allergies. Over time, the foam mattress can become deformed, and the cotton filler usually clumps.

In military units, medical and children's institutions, preference is given mainly to mattresses with foam filler, since it is the safest for health and easy to care for. Due to these properties, it is also recommended to use such accessories for baby strollers.

In order for the filler in the mattress to be distributed correctly, it should be turned over every 2 weeks for the first 3-4 months. Then you can do it once every 3 months.

The mattress should be ventilated monthly by leaving it in the air for at least 5 hours. Cleaning is easy with a regular vacuum cleaner. If there are any small stains, a sponge dipped in any upholstery cleaner or soapy water will help. If the contamination is serious enough, then dry cleaning will be required when special cleaning agents for such materials are used. If water gets on the mattress, wipe it with a dry cloth and dry thoroughly. Only after that you can cover with bed linen.

Foam rubber absorbs odors very well. This should be taken into account when carrying out repairs, disinfection and other activities involving the use of strong-smelling agents. In such cases, it is better to wrap the surface of the mattress with a coating that does not allow air to pass through.