Why should you take folic acid? folic acid to get pregnant

(vitamin B9) is a vital vitamin. It is involved in metabolic processes, including DNA synthesis, is responsible for the formation of blood cells, is necessary for the formation of immunity, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The vitamin is especially important for pregnant women., because it is involved in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, preventing malformations of its development. In addition, folic acid plays an important role in the formation of the placenta.

Folic acid deficiency does not always show visible symptoms. But at the same time, studies have shown that vitamin B9 deficiency is observed in 20-100% of the population, depending on the region. This is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies.. At the same time, even in the absence of any clinical manifestations, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases, immunity decreases.

First of all, with a deficiency of folic acid, anemia occurs. With this type of anemia, not only the number of red blood cells decreases, but their function is also impaired, since most of them leave the bone marrow immature. If this deficit is not corrected, symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, fatigue occur, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and hair loss. Skin changes, painful sores in the mouth and throat may appear.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy primarily affects the nervous system of the fetus, increases the risk of developing hydrocephalus, anencephaly (absence of the brain), cerebral hernia, delayed mental and physical development of the unborn child. There is a high risk of defects in the spinal column, for example, its non-closure ("open back"). In addition, a deficiency of this vitamin can cause premature termination of pregnancy, placental insufficiency.

The need for a vitamin in an adult is 200 mcg per day, in pregnant women - 400 mcg per day.

What foods contain folic acid:

The main source of the vitamin is wholemeal flour. This vitamin is also abundant in spinach, parsley, lettuce, green peas, beans. Relatively large amounts of folic acid are present in citrus fruits and their juices, in asparagus and avocados. Of animal products, it is the richest liver. In a much smaller amount, it is present in fish, meat, cheeses.

Vegetarians are not usually deficient in folic acid, as they eat a lot of plant foods, including greens. But if you do not use them constantly in large quantities, then you need to additionally take folic acid in the form of tablets and as part of vitamins, since in this case it is enough it is difficult to meet the body's need for folic acid only through food especially during the cold season.

With a normal composition of the intestinal microflora, a small amount of folic acid can be synthesized by the body on its own.

Accelerates the excretion of the drug from the body strong tea. In addition, some drugs increase the need for folic acid: oral contraceptives, antacids (400 mcg, in Pregnawit- 750 mcg. That is, in all preparations there is a sufficient prophylactic dose, so the dose of folic acid should be selected taking into account its preparation in a multivitamin complex. If you are not deficient in folic acid, you do not need to take additional folic acid if you are taking any prenatal vitamins.

When should the drug be taken?

The drug is most important during pregnancy. The need for pregnancy is 400 mcg (according to some sources, 800 mcg) per day, but if there is a vitamin deficiency in the body, a large dose is required to compensate for this deficiency. The neural tube begins to form on the 16-28th day after conception. These days, a woman may not be aware of her pregnancy, and may not start taking folic acid on time. So the drug is prescribed at the stage of pregnancy planning. The most important thing is to take the drug in the first 12 weeks pregnancy.

Some women are afraid of an overdose of the drug. An overdose of the drug is extremely rare., only if you take the drug in doses hundreds of times higher than the body's need (20-30 tablets per day). In other cases, the excess of the drug is simply excreted from the body (during pregnancy, the excretion of the drug from the body is accelerated), without adversely affecting it. However, as with all medicines, allergic reactions can occur.

The drug should be taken when breastfeeding at a dose of 300 mcg per day (can be in the composition of multivitamins). This prevents the development of deficiency in both mother and baby. If you take the drug in O In larger doses (for example, one tablet of folic acid, that is, 1000 mcg), then the excess will simply be excreted from the mother's body, without adversely affecting either her or the child.

The drug must be taken at a dose exceeding the prophylactic dose, firstly if there are symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin (in this case, the dose is selected individually, additional consultation with the therapist is required), and secondly, if there are factors that increase the intake of folic acid or accelerate its excretion. This is taking oral contraceptives before pregnancy, taking almagel or phosphalugel, anticonvulsants at the planning stage and during pregnancy, a protein diet before pregnancy, a lack of plant foods in the diet, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting in pregnant women. If you have any of the above factors, then when planning pregnancy and in the first 12 weeks, the drug should be taken 2-3 tablets per day. Moreover, increase the dose of folic acid if there is a high risk of developing neural tube defects. This risk is increased in women with epilepsy, with diabetes, and if there are any malformations in relatives.

Folic acid is the only vitamin whose importance during pregnancy is not denied even by ardent opponents of artificial vitamins and drugs in general. Therefore, even if you do not want to take any "extra" drugs during pregnancy, do not refuse to take folic acid at least in preventive doses, and this will save you and your baby from many problems. Although sometimes it does not hurt to compare the dose that you will be prescribed with the body's needs for this vitamin.

Folic acid - vitamin B9 or folate. It is a water-soluble vitamin, necessary during the planning period,

Vitamin favorably affects the vital processes of the body and prevents the development of fetal abnormalities.

It synthesizes DNA responsible for heredity, participates in the formation of all blood elements, in the formation of uterine vessels, normalizes hemoglobin levels, and prevents miscarriage.

Folate contributes to the development of the fetus without abnormalities and pathologies.

How much does the body need

According to statistics, girls have a lack of this element, so literally everyone is advised by doctors to use it, especially if motherhood is planned.

A gynecologist will be able to tell a woman about the required individual amount during preparation for pregnancy, a urologist or a proctologist for a man.

Before pregnancy

Takes part in the development of the placenta and prevents premature birth.

During pregnancy

It is especially important in the early stages: it promotes the formation and growth of organs and tissues, blood cells.

After breastfeeding

Having stopped breastfeeding, you do not need to stop taking vitamin B, otherwise apathy, weakness will be acutely felt, a lack of the mother's vitamin will lead to its deficiency in the baby.

At this time, it is customary to increase the standard dosage in connection with the need of the body.

During lactation

Do not stop taking the vitamin during lactation. Folic acid with milk will be passed on to the baby, which will have an extremely positive effect on his health.

Need for conception

Vitamin is prescribed to girls to prevent the appearance of severe malformations in the fetus. It does not affect conception.


It is necessary to take vitamins long before the first attempts to get pregnant, preferably half a year. Acid is needed to prevent the development of the following anomalies:

  • spinal pathology;
  • cleft lip;
  • brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly.

These diseases are formed at the very beginning up to 30 days from the moment of conception.

At this time, many do not suspect an "interesting situation", so they do not take vitamins.

You need to take B9 if you have the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

You should also definitely drink a vitamin if there are even the most minor disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).


  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • there are malignant formations;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • cobalamin deficiency;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hemosiderosis.

In some cases, patients note such consequences as: bloating, intestinal upset. Rarely, respiratory disorders are possible. Taking vitamin complexes can often contain synthetically produced vitamins. An allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

Helps to get pregnant

For women who could not get pregnant for a long time, doctors prescribed folic acid. After the course, 70% of the girls managed to get pregnant and there were no problems with bearing. Folate is also closely related to male fertility. The number of abnormal sperm in men taking acid for three months or more was reduced by 30%.

As you know, the better the quality of sperm, the higher the chance of conception, the lower the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities. In the event that pregnancy is planned in the near future, folic acid should be taken by both a man and a woman. Vitamin B9 is essential to prevent the risk of malformations in the fetus and to keep the pregnancy going.

When is it prescribed to take an analysis: indications

In order to correctly determine the need for acid, a woman is prescribed a blood test. It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, while water intake is unlimited. The result allows you to perform the correct appointment and the required dosage.


Folic acid intake is mandatory at the planning stage and in the process of bearing the fetus.

Vitamin B9 helps to reduce the risk of pathology in the development of the child, and also helps to avoid oxygen starvation of the fetus, reduces the development of neural tube defects in the fetus, and prevents impaired absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from the intestines. Acid is prescribed for excessive physical exertion of the expectant mother, mental stress.

Also indications for the appointment of B9 are some diseases. You should definitely take a vitamin if you have the following deviations and ailments:

  • alcoholism;
  • hepatitis;
  • dementia;
  • reduced hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  • chronic dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • elevated homocysteine ​​levels.

Folic Acid Deficiency: Causes

The main causes of vitamin deficiency in the body:

  • reduced intake of foods containing B9;
  • taking drugs that impair the absorption of folates;
  • dysbiosis (decrease in the amount of beneficial intestinal flora);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • taking antibiotics.

Consequences of lack

In case of folic acid deficiency, there is:

  • infertility;
  • depression;
  • during pregnancy - premature birth, fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • delayed physical and mental development in children born.

Excess vitamin: causes

Excess is extremely rare because the vitamin is water soluble and is excreted in the urine. An excess is observed in violations of the kidneys and liver. The occurrence of excess B9 in pregnant women is dangerous, as it increases the weight of the fetus, the likelihood of diabetes, asthma, and allergies.

In men, a glut of folic acid provokes insomnia, irascibility. Often, people who have an overabundance of the vitamin feel a metallic bitter taste in their mouths.

How to take: dosage

Such defects and pathologies as placental abruption, stillbirth, fetal growth retardation can be avoided. This can be prevented if you follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

When planning a pregnancy before conception

If there are no deviations in the development of reproductive function, 400 mcg of this element should be taken. In the case when there are violations or pathological abnormalities, the dosage is increased to 4000 mg.

During pregnancy

During breastfeeding

The average dosage is approximately 400 mcg per day.

Tablets or food?

The lack of B9 is easy to make up for by taking special complexes, dietary supplements and drugs. To purchase them, you do not need a referral from a specialist, but before you buy the drug, you should visit a doctor. He will perform an analysis and determine if there is a need for admission.

Products containing folic acid: list

To saturate the body with folic acid, it is not at all necessary to take dietary supplements and tablets. Vitamin B9 contains the following products:

  • green leafy vegetables;
  • dried beans, peas;
  • citrus fruits and juices;
  • bread;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • cherry, etc.

In order not to guess whether it is worth taking folic acid or not, it is advisable to take an analysis. Also, to avoid mistakes, the following tips may be useful:

How to use?

If vitamin B9 deficiency is detected, vitamin complexes and foods containing it should be taken.

It is not possible to determine the dosage on your own. Specialist consultation is required.

How to determine the dosage?

To correctly determine the dosage, you need to visit the attending gynecologist.

For the full formation of the nervous system and the fetal brain, a girl preparing to become a mother should take an increased dose of vitamin B9.

A man at the same time is half as much. Note that these indicators are effective only in the case of absolute health of both partners.

When to start drinking?

If you want to become parents, you should consume folic acid for at least six months before the cycle in which conception is planned.

What affects absorption?

To avoid various pathologies, in particular, the fetal nervous system, it is not enough to take folic acid, the main thing is that it is absorbed by the body.

In the case when a person has a negative habit of smoking, often drinks, takes antibiotics or hormonal drugs, this vitamin is consumed in the body several times more.

In contact with

Every mother wants her baby to grow strong and happy. Therefore, it is better to start laying the foundation for his health in advance. A frequent recommendation of doctors during preparation for pregnancy is to take folic acid. This vitamin prepares the female body for bearing and contributes to the proper formation of the fetus.

Read in this article

Why do you need folic acid when planning

It is believed that you need to start taking vitamin B9 three months before the intended conception. This will allow the body to get enough folic acid. It is important that both parents undergo such training at the same time, since their health is equally important for the proper formation of the fetus. A sufficient amount of folic acid in the body at this stage will provide:

  • proper formation of the egg;
  • high mobility and penetrating ability of spermatozoa;
  • reduction in the number of defective male seminal cells.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that folic acid is a participant in many processes in the human body. It affects:

  • metabolic exchange;
  • absorption of other vitamins and nutrients;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • the work of the digestive system;
  • the formation of red blood cells and affect the level of hemoglobin;
  • elasticity of blood vessels;
  • hormonal background;
  • cell division;
  • synthesis of DNA and RNA;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • decrease in toxicity.

All these phenomena are especially important at the stage of pregnancy planning. After all, a small organism will have to develop from the resources that the parent cells had at the time of the fusion of their nuclei. And if some kind of failure occurred during this period, it will certainly affect the health of the future crumbs.

There are studies that confirm that taking folic acid prophylactically before conception helps to reduce the risk of:

  • hypoxia;
  • violations of the formation of the neural tube in the fetus (from which the brain and the entire nervous system are then formed);
  • others.

Folic acid does not directly affect fertility. Therefore, if a man or woman is diagnosed with infertility, it is unlikely that vitamins alone will be able to eliminate this problem. Folic acid will not act as a "catalyst" of conception. Despite all its usefulness, this substance will not stimulate the meeting of germ cells if this process has some physiological obstacle.

What is the dosage and regimen

The validity of the use of folic acid in the form of drugs should be determined by the doctor. Depending on whether the intake of vitamin B9 is prophylactic, or the body is experiencing an acute shortage of it, the dosage will be different. Most often, a lack of folic acid is observed when:

  • alcohol abuse, which increases the consumption of useful substances;
  • problems with the digestive system that prevent the intake of valuable components from;
  • long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives.

You can understand that the body is suffering from a lack of vitamin B9 by signs:

  • unreasonable irritability;
  • constant fatigue;
  • digestive disorders;
  • poor appetite;
  • memory impairment;
  • depression.

With prolonged deficiency, more severe symptoms associated with a violation of the formation of red blood cells, as well as other complications, will appear.

Traditionally, folic acid should be taken with or immediately after meals, once or twice a day. For a healthy man and woman who lead an active lifestyle and eat right, 1-2 mg of the substance in its pure form is enough. This is 1 - 2 tablets. If there are health problems or pregnancy has already begun, the volume can be increased to 4-8 mg per day.

An indication for increasing the dosage during the planning of the baby will also be the situation when the parents already have a child who was born with a pathology of the brain or spinal cord. In addition, there are defects in enzyme systems, in which there is a reduced absorption of the vitamin from food. These conditions are determined by the genetic passport of a woman.

The period of folic acid intake is determined by a specialist at an in-person consultation. Usually, men who do not experience signs of vitamin deficiency can complete the intake immediately, as soon as the wife's pregnancy test shows two strips.

For women, the situation is different. The fact is that vitamin B9 is very necessary during pregnancy, especially in the first three months for the full formation of the nervous tissue in the baby. Therefore, you should not follow the male example and immediately quit drinking after confirmation of conception. However, the dosage needs to be adjusted. Perhaps, for this purpose, the doctor will advise changing the drug, which includes the vitamin, or its form.

Watch the video about the importance of folic acid when planning a pregnancy:

Folic acid preparations for men and women

Today, vitamin B9 can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. It is often included in vitamin complexes, and is also available in its pure form. When planning a baby, the doctor may recommend one of the following medicines:

In addition, it is most popular for the convenience of calculating the required daily dosage.

  • In addition to vitamin B9, contains iodine. This combination has a beneficial effect on the female body, as it reduces the negative impact of environmental conditions. In fact, it is advisable to take such pills for expectant mothers who live in a metropolis or work full-time in an office at a computer, experiencing a lack of clean air.
  • Apo-Folic and Folacin. They contain the active substance in a very high concentration, therefore, they are prescribed only by a doctor to eliminate an acute shortage of folic acid. For preventive purposes, when planning a baby, it is more advisable to take other drugs.
  • Pregnacare, Pregnavit, Elevit pronatal and similar complexes. Folic acid is often included in vitamins for pregnant women and those who are just planning this important event. As a rule, one tablet contains a preventive daily allowance of the necessary substances. However, it may differ from the recommended one, therefore, at the discretion of the doctor, it can be supplemented with other drugs.

All groups of drugs can be drunk simultaneously by both a woman and a man. However, the composition of vitamin complexes is more suitable for the beautiful half. Due to differences in physiology, such a concentration of vitamins may not be enough for the stronger sex, an increase in dosage will be required.

What products contain the substance

Folic acid is not synthesized in the body on its own. Therefore, nature has provided that it can be obtained with food. During pregnancy and during its planning period, it is useful for expectant parents to include provisions rich in this substance in their diet. Their list is quite diverse:

  • asparagus, spinach and other leafy greens;
  • beef and cod liver;
  • walnut and hazelnut kernels;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • white mushrooms (with caution during gestation);
  • homemade cottage cheese and young cheese;
  • Brussels sprouts and other types of sprouts;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • pumpkin, pepper and eggplant;
  • beans;
  • citrus.

Like most vitamins, folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, the products in which it is included are best consumed fresh. This applies only to greens, vegetables and fruits. Offal, fish and cereals can be steamed or baked, avoiding long frying or stewing.

Side effects and contraindications

As a rule, folic acid is well tolerated and does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, you can eat foods that contain it without fear. However, with a significant excess of vitamin B9 dosages in preparations, side effects may occur. They occur infrequently, but cause a lot of problems.

The following conditions can talk about an overdose of folic acid, if they appeared on the background of taking medications:

  • digestive disorders;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • excessive excitability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • convulsive syndrome.

In addition, with prolonged use of vitamin B9 in acceptable high doses, the following phenomena can be observed:

  • allergies - urticaria or respiratory disorders (even if the drug was well tolerated at the beginning);
  • vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • kidney problems.

If these symptoms appear, further use of folic acid should be discussed with a doctor. He will understand the reasons that caused unpleasant conditions, and will make adjustments to the reception scheme. In extreme cases, it is better to cancel the supplement altogether.

A strict ban on the use of vitamin B9 is considered:

  • individual intolerance;
  • problems with the absorption of cyanocolabomin (vitamin B12);
  • genetic disorders associated with iron metabolism.

It is also worth avoiding the simultaneous intake of folic acid and drugs of such groups:

  • analgesics;
  • hormones;
  • antibiotics;
  • antitumor;
  • anticonvulsants.

In other cases, the lack of this substance will bring more harm to the body of the child or their parents.

The onset of pregnancy while taking folic acid by both parents will prevent some of the potentially dangerous pathologies. A useful vitamin will protect the unborn baby from many problems that are associated with the incorrect formation of its structures. However, this substance should not be treated as a panacea. Its reception will not relieve infertility, as well as other diseases of the reproductive sphere, if future parents do not undergo specific therapy.

At the planning stage of pregnancy and immediately after conception, doctors recommend taking folic acid. This appointment has become widespread not so long ago, as a result of which women often doubt the expediency. They explain this with well-known excuses: “Our mothers and grandmothers gave birth without any additives, and everything was fine.” But they do not take into account that the same grandmothers grew up in different conditions, and in the modern world, for a number of reasons, the risk of all kinds of congenital diseases increases.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid, also called is essential for the development of the immune and circulatory system. The name "folic" comes from the Latin word "folium" (translated as "leaf"), since the vitamin is found in salads, spinach, beets, sunflower seeds, beans, and so on.

It first became widespread in 1931, when it was proved that women were prevented with its help. Only at that time they did not take pills, but yeast extract. Later, another important fact was clarified. The fact is that thanks to the vitamin, the risk of developing diseases of the neural tube of the fetus is reduced by 70%. Moreover, it completely reduced the cases of miscarriages, since it does not allow the development of dangerous conditions that are not compatible with the life of the embryos.

In most cases, doctors recommend taking folic acid at 0.4 mg per day. This dosage is suitable for those women who have not previously had missed pregnancies or cases of the birth of a child with neural tube defects. If a similar situation occurred, then the dosage increases, but a certain amount is set by the doctor, since excessive use of the vitamin does not benefit.

Is folic acid necessary for conception?

We note right away that this vitamin does not affect the efficiency of fertilization. Its purpose is to reduce the risk of developing several diseases.

As a rule, the composition of vitamin complexes for pregnancy planning already includes folic acid for conception. Reviews of such drugs are positive, as they contain all the necessary trace elements.

Many women believe that taking the remedy is only after conception. But everyone knows that vitamins accumulate in the body, and their action takes time. That is, if you want to get the maximum benefit from the drug, then you should start taking it about three months before the intended conception. By the end of the first trimester, you can stop taking the drug, as complex multivitamins are prescribed, in which this vitamin is present.

Should I take folic acid if a pregnant woman has already been prescribed a multivitamin complex?

The benefits of taking folic acid for pregnant women have been proven repeatedly. In most cases, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes, which already include folic acid. At the same time, the dosage of this vitamin is quite enough to prevent the development of neural tube defects. An additional intake of the drug is justified only under strict indications.

The content of folic acid in foods

Beans: 300 mcg per 100 g

Walnuts: 155 mcg per 100 g.

Brussels sprouts: 132 mcg per 100 g

Hazelnuts: 113 mcg per 100 g.

Broccoli: 110 mcg per 100 g

Melon: 100 mcg per 100 g.

Strawberries: 62 mcg per 100 g

Grapes: 43 mcg per 100 g

Oranges: 30 mcg per 100 g.

What is folic acid for?

This substance is necessary for:

Assimilation and breakdown of proteins in the body;

cell division;

Ensuring normal hematopoiesis: the formation of platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes;

Assimilation of sugar and amino acids;

Participation in the formation of DNA and RNA, which are responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits;

Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;

Reducing the risk of food poisoning;

Improvement of appetite and work of the alimentary tract.

Folic acid before pregnancy

Each of us knows that pregnancy for a woman is not only a joyful expectation, but also the occurrence of a number of problems. The body spends all its energy on the development of a new life, as a result of which vitamins, useful microelements are spent on the child. The expectant mother is left only with what was not used for the baby. Unfortunately, there is not always something to stay. For this reason, folic acid is necessary for conception. To be more precise, it is also desirable to take it in order to prevent many troubles associated with a deficiency of nutrients. If we talk about folic acid, then its deficiency can provoke a number of problems:

  • the formation of congenital malformations in the defect of the neural tube, mental and physical retardation, anencephaly);
  • miscarriage in the early stages;
  • partial or absolute placental abruption;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Of course, this does not mean that without taking this vitamin, you will definitely encounter the above problems. You only increase the risk, and nothing more. A detailed picture can only be shown by a blood test, as well as an examination by a doctor.

It is worth noting the erroneous opinion that folic acid promotes conception. The vitamin does not affect these processes in any way.

How long should folic acid be taken

Not all couples get pregnant in the first months of planning. For this reason, many women wonder how long folic acid is taken before conception. The fact is that this vitamin does not have cumulative properties. This means that the body requires its constant intake. Of course, the dosage should be small, allowing you to maintain the acid content in the body at the proper level. If you do not want to take pills, then limit yourself to the frequent use of those foods that contain folic acid. Reviews about the drugs are different, but there are actually no negative ratings. Allergic and other undesirable reactions are not observed, and it is difficult to judge a positive effect. After all, we do not see whether the drug prevented the development of the disease in a particular case. But the main thing is that babies whose mothers took folic acid were born at term without the defects mentioned above.

Multiple pregnancy

As statistics have shown, folic acid is indeed used to conceive twins. Of course, this does not mean that you will definitely have twins, but the chances increase by 40%. Unfortunately, none of the doctors will tell you what dosage is needed for this. Each organism is individual, but even if you become pregnant with one, and not two children, then there will still be no harm from taking the vitamin.

Folic acid for men

Everyone constantly points to the fact that women need to take vitamins, including folic acid. At the same time, few people know that men should take care of their health. In addition, the lack of vitamin negatively affects the condition of spermatozoa, their mobility and quality. So it is desirable that folic acid for conception is taken not only by expectant mothers.

But the drug is prescribed, as a rule, only after identifying problems. Up to this point, it is extremely rare for men to take vitamins themselves. Despite the comprehensive development of medicine and wide access to information, many men mistakenly believe that the effectiveness of conception depends solely on the woman. Also, all responsibility for the health of the unborn baby is shifted to the mother.

Research has shown a different picture. Improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle, congenital diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract increase the risk of problems with conception. If fertilization has occurred, then pathologies and defects in the fetus may develop. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such problems if folic acid is taken on time. The price of such a drug varies and can be either 100 or 300 rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer, dosage, packaging and number of tablets, of course. In any case, the cost is quite acceptable, especially considering the positive qualities of this vitamin.

How is folic acid taken for conception?

A certain dosage is most often prescribed by a doctor. If you decide to start taking the drug yourself, then use the instructions. Depending on the concentration of the vitamin in one tablet, the dosage regimen also differs. In most cases, 0.4 mg per day is enough to plan pregnancy. After conception, the dosage is doubled. Excessive zeal in this case is not welcome, so it is undesirable to take more than 0.8 mg per day without a doctor's prescription. An excess of vitamins in the body often leads to serious problems, and this also applies to this substance.

Be that as it may, it is difficult to overdo it with the dosage of this drug, because even the daily rate is only partially absorbed. For this reason, you can safely take vitamins during pregnancy planning, as well as after conception.