Application in the preparatory group "Magic Forest in Autumn

Oksana Mravyan

Goals:creation " autumn forest from colored paper.


To acquaint children with the type of productive activity - applique;

Develop orientation on a sheet of paper;

Learn to use a brush, glue, napkin;

To consolidate the skills of carefully spreading leaves with glue and gluing them to paper;

Develop a sense of color and composition, imagination;

Develop fine motor skills of hands;

Cultivate love for nature.


Colored cardboard;

colored paper;

Glue, brushes;


felt-tip pens;

Lesson progress:


Guys what season is it?

Children's answers.

Day of the week?

Children's answers.

Times of Day?

Children's answers.

That's right, but look who came to us?



Hello guys. I came to you from the forest not with an empty basket, but with magic leaves. Do you love riddles?

Children's answers:


Here is your first riddle;

Leaves fall off the branches,

Birds fly south.

"What time of year?"- ask.

We will be answered: "This."

Children's answers:


Very good, here's the second one mystery:

Leaves are spinning in the air

Quietly lie down on the grass.

Sheds the leaves of the garden -

It's simple.

Children's answers:


Wow. , but you will definitely not guess this riddle.

Pity the cold poor thing:

To all winds and breezes

He's the last shirt

Ripped to shreds.

Children's answers:


That's right guys, you did a very good job, and now we'll play.

Fiz minute:

Suddenly clouds covered the sky

It started to rain prickly.

For a long time the rain will cry

It spreads mud everywhere.

Mud and puddles on the road

Raise your legs up.


So we rested, guys, and what a forest autumn?

Children's answers:


That's right, it's multi-colored, and even a little bit magic. Do you want to create your magical autumn forest?

Children's answers:


Then sit down at the tables, I brought you everything so that you can transfer your forest to a sheet of cardboard. Only you must tell me how to use scissors.

Children's answers:


Well done, you remember the rules. Now listen to me carefully. in front of you colored paper with tree patterns. You must cut them out. Lay out on a sheet of cardboard so that it looks like a forest. After that, you stick your trees on and draw the branches and trunk with a felt-tip pen. And I forgot you can stick your time of day. I have to go, I ran to my foxes, your teacher is with you, he will help you. Goodbye.

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Summary of GCD for applications for the preparatory group "Late Autumn"

Summary of the GCD on the application for the preparatory group on the topic« Late fall» .

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 30" prepared and conducted by the teacher Vekshin Yu. G. Pervouralsk, pos. Novoutkinsk

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about late autumn;


reinforce children's ideas about characteristics late autumn;

learn to find them in nature;

Refine your understanding of changes autumn in plant life;

Cultivate cognitive interest, respect for nature, sensitivity to perception autumn landscape;

Strengthen the ability to use scissors, observing safety precautions, beautifully arrange the elements applications on the sheet, carefully stick them;

Develop Creative skills and imagination of children;

preliminary work

Excursions around autumn forest. Reading fiction on this topic. autumn signs, sayings. Looking at pictures and illustrations. Solving riddles. Examination of various decorative compositions, drawn or made in the technique paper applications.

Material: Illustrations depicting late autumn, tinted paper size A 4 (for applications, colored paper for applications, semolina, scissors, glue stick, napkin.

Course progress.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher reads a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Already the sky breathe in autumn...»

Already the sky autumn breathed,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

She stripped naked with a sad noise.

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Pulled south: was approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

Vos - l: Guys, please tell me what season the poem refers to? (autumn)

Vos - l: And what autumn months you know? (September October November)

Vos - l: And what happens autumn? (early, late, golden)

Vos - l: And in a poem about what autumn says the author? (late)

Vos - l: And let's remember what signs are late autumn. Birds fly to warmer climes. It often rains, sometimes it snows, it is cloudy and cold outside. People wear warm clothes when they go outside. (boots, jackets, hats). All the leaves fell from the trees. Ice bound the waters of the rivers

And what are the verses about autumn do you remember? (children read poetry)

Vos - l: You are all well done guys, you know a lot of poems about autumn. Now let's loosen up a little.


We are tired, sitting up

We wanted to loosen up. (One hand up, the other down, jerkily change hands.)

They looked at the wall

They looked out the window.

Right, left turn,

And then vice versa. (Body turns.)

Let's start the squats

We bend the legs to the end.

Up and down, up and down

Don't rush to sit down! (Squats.)

And sat down for the last time

And now sit down. (Children sit down.)

Vos - l: Take a seat (children sit on chairs). Guys, as you know, there are a lot of trees in the forest. Do you know what they are called?

Name the trees game (by description)

Sun: Guys, do you like guessing riddles?

1. Under the pines under the trees lies a bag of needles. (hedgehog)

2. From branch to branch jumps accurately. (squirrel)

3. He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes, wakes up from sleep. (bear)

4. Guess what kind of hat, a whole armful of fur.

Does the hat run in the forest, does it gnaw at the bark near the trunks? (Hare)

5. Gray, terrible and toothy made a commotion.

All the animals ran away. Scared those animals (Wolf)

6. Red-haired cheat Hid under the tree.

The sly one is waiting for the hare. What is her name?. (Fox)

7. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest,

He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide. (Elk)

Vos - l: Well done boys! You know all the animals in the forest. And now we are with you with the help of applications depict the forest(late autumn where these animals live.

Vos - l: Let's remember where you need to start your work (come up with a plot, cut out elements applications, then put the plot on the background)

Vos - l: In order to cut Christmas trees, we will take green paper. What geometric figure does this one look like? "a piece" paper? (rectangle)

Vos - l: Right. We fold the rectangle along the long side along the floors, and again along the floors, then we circle a part of the Christmas tree according to the template so that the middle is at the fold line. We cut it out, it turned out two Christmas trees.

With the help of colored ropes, we will draw (glue) trunk and branches of deciduous trees

Decorate with leaves (pieces of torn paper, snowball (semolina) trees and meadow.

Vos - l: What good fellows you are today! Everyone did their best. Look carefully at our paintings, they are beautiful and not similar to each other. Do you like our paintings?

The program task of teaching appliqués to children in the preparatory group is to acquire the skills to more reliably convey the shapes, sizes and colors of real objects in the environment. Moreover, children must master different ways material processing, learn how to use symmetrical cutting of details in your work (butterfly body, flower petals, structures) with cutting individual elements(plant stems, animals), combine these techniques (cut vegetables and fruits, transport).

During the year, the application is used to assimilate and consolidate the acquired knowledge, reflecting the world child, - changes in nature, impressions from walks and interaction with the animal world. Before class, it is very important to discuss with the children its focus and content. Questions should prompt search creative solution assigned task. For example, before performing an application on the theme “Autumn”, it is advisable to ask children about what season it is now, by what changes in nature they determine that autumn time has come, what colors prevail at this time.

How does the application help in studying the world around?

As a sample for application, children are most often provided with a real object, such as a leaf, spikelet, various containers. It is very important to teach them to convey the real ratio of the size of things to each other, their real shape and color. Mushrooms are perfect for this purpose. Doing work, children memorize names, learn to distinguish between species, determine their belonging to poisonous and non-poisonous.

The skills of accurately conveying the design are developed using the image of various vehicles. Assembling an image from separate parts, children in the process of work gain knowledge about the features of the structure, the purpose of a particular type of transport.

Application themes related to fairy-tale images will help develop creative abilities and apply imagination to children. Tasks on the image of fictional animals, bright buildings activate the thinking and independent search of the child. In such works, preschoolers get freedom of action and the opportunity to creatively apply the knowledge and skills acquired earlier, change colors and shapes at their discretion, add or remove structural elements.

One of the most challenging tasks is the development by children - preschoolers of the skills of creating representatives of the animal world - birds, fish, domestic animals. This application implies small parts, compliance with the exact parameters of the silhouette and coloring. Having mastered this step, the children move on to the image of moving figures. Here, certain difficulties arise with the transfer of an animal by children in dynamics, acquiring an understanding of how its body changes in a jump, while running, etc.

Mastering application skills individual items, preschoolers move on to combining them into complete images, related plot pictures. Their works reflect such themes as "Vase of Fruit", " spring bouquet», « Migratory birds”,“ Hares in a forest clearing ”,“ My family is on a walk ”.

Collective application

This type of work occupies a special place in the preparatory group. In the process, children are given freedom in the choice of material, the interpretation of the task. When doing work, children should show more imagination, be more proactive, learn to solve tasks as a team. The topic set should give scope for creativity, make it possible to apply existing knowledge from the field of social life, natural phenomena, and works of art. For a collective application, topics such as “On construction site”, “Inhabitants of the deep sea”, “Summer colors”, “Autumn carpet”.

Video abstracts of classes with kids using the application will be an excellent help in a deeper study of this topic:

Elena Kechaikina
Summary of the application lesson in the preparatory group "Branch with autumn leaves"

Program content:

1. Strengthen the ability of children to cut symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half.

2. Learn to cut a certain number of leaves from a strip of paper folded like an accordion.

3. Learn compositionally, arrange them on a sheet, choosing colors beautifully.

4. Develop aesthetic perception.

5. Raise interest in applique, accuracy.

Material: scissors, glue, strips of colored paper: yellow, red, orange, green, burgundy, lemon flowers. Squares of colored paper (for a vase). Sheets of colored cardboard for the background. Glue brushes, brush stands, rags, oilcloths, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: observation and examination of autumn branches, paintings, still lifes.

Vocabulary work: vocabulary activation: symmetrical, composition, bouquet.

Course progress.

Today in the application lesson we will learn how to compose a composition on a sheet of paper.

"Autumn bouquet in a vase" (motive)

1. D / i. "Teremok"

Who will call me autumn colors in his own way place will pass. (yellow colors leaves, purple sky, grey colour clouds, burgundy maple leaves, orange aspens, golden leaves near the birch).

2. I see paintings here, in what genre are they made? (still life).

What are they made of? (vase, bouquet).

Notice the shape of the vase.

Say the vase is symmetrical object? How are they cut?

(Examination by a child of a vase with fingers and a story)

1. First the bottom of the vase, then it is round; then turn on the neck; cut straight; again a narrow neck; round.

2. Fold the sheet in half and cut straight from the fold; wrap in a circle, narrow neck; cut straight to the fold).

The vase is located at the bottom of the cardboard sheet.

The theme of our composition is “Autumn Bouquet”, from what to make an autumn bouquet? (from leaves, twigs).

You can draw branches with felt-tip pens, but what about the color of the leaves? Their number? How are they arranged on branches? (right and left). What shape are they? (oval, slightly pointed).

I will show you a way to cut several leaves of the same color at the same time (teacher's show).

On your table, stripes different color characteristic of autumn leaves. Each of you can cut several leaves of the same color, and then exchange, then you will have multi-color bouquets.

I offer you an algorithm for making an application to help you.

(children explain).

1. first cut out small details.

2. Then we put it on the background.

3. Spread with glue.

4. First we glue the large parts, then the small ones from the bottom up.

Fizminutka "Journey".

We walk one after the other (walking one another in circles)

Forest and autumn meadow

The variegated leaves flicker

As if butterflies fly (depict butterflies, flap their wings)

One two three four

They flew, spun and sank to the ground (smoothly raise their hands up, spin, squat).

We sit down at the tables, choose the background. Independent activity of children. (turn on music).

I like your autumn bouquets, how festive they made the group!

What mood do they evoke in you? (I liked creating an autumn bouquet; I'm in a good mood; I felt fun; and I'm happy).

Guys and who cut yellow leaves? They turned out so smooth, neat, very similar to the real ones.

Whose vase turned out the most even? How did you cut it?

How did we manage to cut out so many leaves at once? (We folded the paper "accordion").

What will we decorate with our works?

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