Fun games for children in kindergarten. Folk games and fun

Fun games

as a form of cultural, leisure and creative activity of preschoolers

One of the types of entertainment are fun, which includes jokes, magic tricks, riddles, surprise moments, attractions.

Small, short-term entertaining moments are good for helping the educator to gather the attention of children, switch them from one activity to another, give them the opportunity to relax, create a cheerful mood, and develop a sense of humor.

Magic tricks always arouse keen interest among the guys. They are familiar to them from early childhood and have a special attractive power, because something mysterious, amazing the imagination is connected with them. Children love to watch magic tricks. Tricks are usually divided into two groups: based on illusion and based on manipulation. Illusionists use special, rather sophisticated instruments and mechanisms. The art of the manipulator, however, consists in special dexterity of the hands, flexibility of the fingers. Tricks that are shown to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, cannot be attributed to either category. These are rather amusing and instructive experiences, funny Games and jokes that do not require complex equipment or special skills. The simplest household items: paper, scissors, a decanter, a brush, a string, etc. The success of tricks largely depends on the ability to interestingly explain and present them to children.

Jokes - this is what they say or do not seriously, but for the sake of entertainment, fun. The guys are always happy for a joke. They can be used in between games, inserted into holiday parties and entertainment.

But one thing must be remembered: in no case should you give jokes one after another. In a group, it is useful to learn jokes with erased children so that they can tell them to the younger ones. This will teach children younger age understand a joke and joke yourself, it is better to see more diverse the world and understand it.

Charades this is guessing words in parts (usually, but syllables).

Before guessing charades, you need to show the children, using the example of one of the charades, the technique of guessing them. For example, the word "beans" is encrypted: the first syllable is a note (fa), the second is also a note (salt), and the whole looks like a pea (beans).

Guess and guess riddles all children love. Having found the correct answer, they are glad that they were able to show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Simultaneously great educational value riddles. They broaden the horizons of children, acquaint them with the world around them, natural phenomena, develop inquisitiveness, train attention and memory, and enrich speech.

Riddles are characterized by clarity, brevity, concreteness of presentation, expressiveness and accuracy of definitions. Most often, riddles contain a list of signs by which you need to guess what objects or phenomena are being discussed.

The simplicity or complexity of the riddle depends on how many of these signs, how they describe in detail what is given. It is necessary to try to explain this to children in an accessible form, to disassemble with them in detail this or that riddle, then the process of guessing will be more meaningful.

Having asked a riddle, you do not need to rush the children with an answer. If no one can guess the riddle, you should explain it, ask a few leading questions, suggest the right way looking for a solution.

The teacher should have a significant number of riddles in stock. They can be the topic of independent activities for children, as well as used during a break between activities, during rest, walking.

It is necessary to select riddles by topic. You can devote a whole series of riddles about plants and natural phenomena to a walk in the forest. The special content of this type of fun lies in the life of the city, town, village, etc.

Walking, children see transport, the work of various machines. It is advisable to corroborate these observations by choosing the appropriate riddles.

When planning to use riddles in entertainment, you need to think about their organization. It should be remembered that they have two goals: one is entertaining, and the other, more complex, is related to learning objectives. And therefore, riddles can be aimed at consolidating and generalizing the knowledge and ideas of children about a particular subject, to make the child pay attention to this or that feature, characteristic feature go to a number of properties.

The selection of riddles will depend on the goal, on what the teacher wants to focus on, and also on the age of the children. This type of entertainment can be carried out both with all children of the group, and with each age subgroup. But, as a rule, all children like to take part in such events. Therefore, the riddles must be matched to each age, i.e. simple and complex. Then you should have a good idea of ​​the sequence of their guessing. Here you have to follow the principle from simple to complex. When the main points are thought out, it is necessary to come up with a form for presenting them to children. So, for example, a guest may come to the group after a nap - the Riddle Grandmother. Her arrival will create a situation of surprise, unexpectedness, which always attracts a small child. You can also organize a competition: "Who will guess the most riddles?" To do this, it is necessary to form equal teams so that they include children of all ages. Since this is a competition and there will be winners, you need to think about the reward as well. These can be toys, postcards, or candy.

Sometimes in practice this form is also used when children make riddles to each other themselves. It should be noted that this is very good, since children master not only the skills of guessing, but also the ability to make riddles and thereby gain experience in asking questions, be able to think logically, and develop memory.

Attractions - these are good outdoor games. They enable children to compete in dexterity, courage, ingenuity. The organization of attractions can be very diverse.

The first thing a teacher should think about is that the forces of the competitors are equal. They can be attended by children organized in two or three teams.

There are two ways to create teams: by age, i.e. all participants are five years old or six, seven, or subgroups include children different ages.

And the rides themselves can be designed for the participation of children of younger and older ages. So, for example, the attraction "Gather the leaves": the kids are offered a simpler task - who is more likely to scatter the leaves around the hall, and for older children - who will make a bouquet faster and more beautifully. The educator needs to remember that when the game is over, the winners need to be rewarded. Encouragement can be moral and material. Moral encouragement - when the teacher gives a positive assessment and the children clap the winning child. Material - when a "medal" or a flag is given for the ability to win.

Surprises - these are unexpected, funny, funny moments, which in their content are emotional, interesting, attractive.

Children are active when a surprise situation arises. As a result of the play technique, the child reacts to this and intellectual and emotional forces are actively involved in his activity.

In addition, the surprise moments create the situation of novelty that the child needs. The need for new impressions grows into cognitive, continues to play its role in the development, formation of the child. Surprise moments can be included in an activity, a walk, holidays and, in general, at any time Everyday life child in kindergarten.

When organizing entertainment, it is necessary to choose the right methods and techniques that will help the teacher solve the assigned tasks.They can be play, labor and educational. In order for the cultural and leisure activities of children during the preparation of entertainment to be of a fascinating nature, educational methods should be closely related to play and work. So, in preparation for entertainment - showing the fairy tale of the flat theater "Kolobok", you can organize a role-playing game "Theater", in the process of which children in a playful way will get an idea of ​​how the decorations are created by the artists, the characters, how the actors learn the roles, what people professions are employed in the theater.

In the process of preparing the scenery and drawing characters - the heroes of the fairy tale - children consolidate their skills in depicting figures of people, animals, trees, etc. etc. Learning the roles, they learn to convey the images of the heroes, acquire the skill of showing a fairy tale in a flat theater, and as a result, children develop creativity. Children of different ages can take part in this game, since every child can find an interesting thing for himself.

So, older children can draw the heroes of a fairy tale, and children of the fifth year can paint and cut out, paste ready-made figures. Consideration should be given to age-related opportunities when learning roles. So, the role of a bunny, a bear, a wolf can be assigned to young children. More difficult - for older children.

When the whole performance is ready and the roles are learned, the result of the work of all children is visible in the overall product. When organizing entertainment, it is very important not to overload the children, as well as the teacher. The work should be evenly distributed between the educator and the music worker, the teacher, the child and the parents. Obviously, a teacher can prepare and conduct many forms of entertainment on his own, only initiative and a creative attitude to this section of work are needed.

The music director should plan the entertainment together. Thoughtful planning will help to deepen and diversify the work of the teacher and music director in the upbringing and education of children, as well as to interconnect with other types of children's activities.

In order for the planned plan to be feasible, it is necessary to take into account the total workload of the educator, the music director during the month, their participation in general garden and group events. In the case when the teacher is busy, you can plan entertainment that does not require lengthy preparation:
watching TV programs, listening to gramophone records, audiocassettes; showing filmstrips, cartoons or include entertainment in the work plan, where the main burden falls on the music director.

It is advisable to draw up an entertainment plan for a month or quarter. Prospective scheduling allows the music director and educator to manage this section of work rationally, with the least expenditure of effort and time.

Therefore, when planning, you need to pay attention to this issue Special attention... Turn on correctly musical arrangement in the scenario of entertainment or leisure organized in groups, a music director should help the teacher, who selects musical works and advises what is best to use.

The game is fun in younger group


Children sit on chairs in a circle at a short distance from each other.

Together with the teacher, they sing a song.

Stretching out both hands in front of them, palms up, children alternately bend and unbend their fingers, starting with the thumb (fingers are spread out).

On the words of the chorus, gradually raise both hands up, rotating the brushes.

This is how the fingers walk

And the little finger and the big one

Index and middle,

Nameless - that's what!

Chorus: These are our pens -

They are dancing dashingly with the guys!

These are our pens -

Have fun and play naughty!

Continuing to rotate with their hands, children slowly lower their arms along

The chorus melody is played again to the words "La-la-la ...".

In the middle group


The teacher tells the children that the bear (soft toy) has a birthday today: “Get up quickly in the circle and sing him a song. And we will put him in the middle on a chair. Let him listen! "

Children stand up, hold hands and walk in a circle.

Mishutka's, Mishutka's birthday.

We prepared a treat for Mishutka:

Marmalade and chocolate, waffles, cake and lemonade,

And nuts and sweets.

Be healthy for many years!

With the melody ending, everyone stops, hands sever I am, stretching them out in front of them with their palms up, bow to the bear, say in a chant: "Be healthy for many years!"

The teacher addresses the children: "Now let's dance with our Mishenka!" - and starts to sing.

Mishutka and I, Mishutka and I

Let's dance a polka

And the guys Mishutka and me

They will clap, sing along.

The teacher takes the bear with both hands and, raising and lowering it, walks, dancing, in the middle of the circle.

Children standing in a circle clap their hands (can sing along).

Chorus: A lot of fun today

To celebrate a birthday,

A lot of fun today

Mishutka and I will dance!

Raising Mishutka up, the teacher spins in place. Children continue to sing and clap their hands.

Then the children are invited one by one (if they wish): they take the bear and dance the polka with it.

In the older group


Children sit on high chairs.

Not far from them (2-3 meters) there is a table on which there is a flat house with large window, behind the house there are three ordinary small toys - a cat and two dogs (preferably of different colors).

The teacher, sitting at the table facing the children, takes the cat out from behind the house, moving it slowly, giving the kids the opportunity to look at it well. Moves gradually closer to the window.

The teacher says: “What a beautiful cat! Her name is Murka. She goes to visit the dogs Bobik and Tuzik. "

The faces of two dogs suddenly appear in the window. The musical director sings, the teacher moves toys outside the window.

Two dogs bark loudly

The cat is not allowed into the house.

Woof! Woof! Leave!

Woof! Woof! Don't come near!

The cat is still standing in front of the house. The dogs barked and remained in the window.

The red cat does not know

Why don't they play with her. Meow! Meow! Meow! It's a shame to me!

Meow! Meow! Meow! I'm going to my room!

The cat moves away from the house, stands with its back to the window.

Two dogs got bored.

I felt ashamed. The cat is crying!

Woof! Woof! Do not be angry!

Woof! Woof! Well, make up!

Dogs look out of the window. The cat slowly returns and stops in front of the window with its muzzle to the children.

Woof! Woof! It's a shame to be angry.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Let's be friends!

The dogs leave the house, stop at the sides of the cat.

Let's all play together.

The tails will wag!

Woof! Meow! Woof! Meow!

The tails will wag!

Having learned the order of the show, the children can then lead it themselves.

In the preparatory group


(show for young children)

Music: the melody of the Russian folk song "Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden".

Two adults, humming a song, stand sideways to the children sitting on chairs, each holding a large ball.

1. We throw the ball to each other.

Well, catch him soon!

Let's amuse our kids

To make it more fun!

Having beaten the balls, they throw them to each other.

2. A green ball flies up.

Well, catch him soon!

Let's amuse our kids

To make it more fun!

They turn to the children, everyone throws and catches their own ball.

3. And now I'll clap my palm.

Well, jump quickly!

Let's amuse our kids

To make it more fun!

Clap right hand on the ball, knocking it on the floor to the beat of the melody.

To the exclamation "Op!" throw and catch balls high.

Next time, you can use other balls, making sure to draw the children's attention to their color.

Have you ever calmed down a crying toddler of this age? It is useless for him to say anything. Let's try to sing a song softly. In 9 out of 10 cases, the child will become silent and listen.

Young children love rhythmic speech. She calms them down, just bewitches them. I can say from experience: this is actually the case. You can sing whatever you want. One friend sings to her two-year-old granddaughter words from an outdoor game:

"Here is a shaggy dog.

He buried his nose in his paws.

Quietly he lies

Either asleep, or asleep ... "

Favorite song of the baby! It is sung at the request of "Babak" to the tune of a lullaby.

Our wise people have come up with a lot of fun games, nursery rhymes (aunties) that can be sung and played around, having noticed that young children are highly emotional, impressionable, and suggestible.

Fun games are of particular importance in the development of this age. In addition to emotions, fun games develop communicative skills: the ability to communicate with peers and adults, perform simple movements, sing songs, accompany melodies and small poems with gestures and movements.

Any text can be turned into a fun game. Here are two examples:

  1. poem,
  2. small story.


Children's actions

We washed the ears with soap Children stroking their ears with their palms
We washed the legs with soap Children stroking their knees with their palms
These are the goodies Twirl with palms
Goodies, palms Clap their hands
Cooked porridge The fingers of one hand are bent to form a "bowl"
Spooned The index finger of the other hand "interferes" with the porridge
These are the goodies Twirl with palms
Goodies, palms Clap their hands
Took pity on the bird The palm of one hand is stroked back side another
Threatened the cat Threatening an imaginary cat with a finger
These are the goodies Twirl with palms
Goodies, palms Clap their hands
Built their palms Alternating palm to palm, as if building a turret from cubes
House for matryoshka
These are the goodies Twirl with palms
Goodies, palms Clap their hands
Clapping hands Clap their hands
Dancing feet Stomp their feet
These are the goodies Twirl with palms
Goodies, palms Clap their hands
The palms settled down Fold their palms to one another
Relax a little They put them under the cheek
These are the goodies Close their eyes, "fall asleep"
Goodies, palms

A fun game from a narrative text.

There is a ladder in the yard. The ladder has five steps (ladder - palm, steps - fingers). Let's count? (think)

The girl Katya sat down on the first step (showing her little finger). Sits, sings a song: "La-la-la ..." (an adult sings, children sing along).

To the second step (show ring finger) her brother Vanya sat down. Sits, chatting with his feet (stamping his feet), Katya sings along (an adult sings, children sing along).

On the third step (show middle finger) a cat climbed. Sits, purrs: "Moorer, meow" (children repeat after adults), washes (shows how the cat washes).

The fourth step remains empty (show the index finger).

And on the fifth step (showing the thumb) a rooster flew up. He flapped his wings (flapping his hands like wings), shouted: "Ku-ka-re-ku" (children repeat).

Suddenly the wind blew (repeat "Sh-sh-sh" ...). The trees swayed (raise their hands up and sway from side to side), creak (sway and say "Squeak-squeak" ...). A cloud came over the sky, thunder rumbled (growls), and rain fell: first slowly, and then faster (they knock on their feet with their fingers at the pace set by adults).

The rooster flew into the chicken coop (they flap their arms like wings). The cat hid under the porch. The children ran home (making the roof with their hands), stomping their feet (stamping their feet). Are they looking out the window when the rain will end? (At the end, you can play the game "The Sun and the Rain")

This is how not only toddlers play, but also children of the preparatory group.

Fun games include different types theatrical activities of children, for example,

  1. puppet show,
  2. theatrical entertainment.

Puppet theater is a fun game that does not lose its relevance at any stage childhood... V early age you can develop children's interest in theatrical puppets. An adult creates and shows children short performances based on folklore texts.

Since the attention of children 2-3 years old is quickly depleted, different types of theater should be used to stimulate interest. You can watch them in the video

Elena Anatolyevna
Card file: "Games-fun".


The game: "There was a goat on the bridge"---Card number 1


A goat walked along the bridge Adult shakes his knees

Up down.

And wagged her tail An adult turns a child out

Side to side.

I got caught on the railing. Shakes again.

I hit the river right, splash! Simulates falling into a hole.

The game: "On a horse"---Card number 2

Target: development of trust, partnerships.

Over bumps, over bumps, the Adult sharply raises and

On small bushes, knees down.

On a young horse

Up the hill trick, trick, trick! Adult pulls forward

And on the old nag his legs and rolls on them the child.

Down the hill - boo!

The game: "Carousel"---Card number 3

Target: teaching the coordination of movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

Barely, barely, barely Children, holding hands, walk along the merry-go-round. circle, gradually accelerating.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time, the pace is slowing down

Stop the carousel. gradually switching to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) Children stop and

The game is over! bow to each other!

The game: "Small bird"---Card number 4

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

Flew to us, to us!

To a little bird

I will give the seeds, I will give them, I will give them!

The bird sat on the window,

Sit a little more

Wait, don't fly away

The game: "Geese are flying"---Card number 5

Target: auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese are flying.

Fly! - the children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying!

The flies are flying!

The sparrows are flying!

The pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer:

And raise their hands up.

The presenter slaps lightly on the hands and is talking:

Don't fly! Don't fly!

The game: "The deer has a big house"---Card number 6

Target: development of motor skills, attention, removal of physical and emotional stress

Have the deer cross his arms over his head and wiggle

spread fingers.

House Connect your fingertips above your head,

depicting the roof.

Big Spread your arms to the sides,

He sits, looks out the window. Turn your head in different sides,

One arm from the elbow horizontally under

chin, the other parallel to it above the head.

Bunny runs across the field, Simulate the movements of the arms and legs while running.

Knocks on his house:

“Knock knock, open the door! With the fist of one hand, pound on the palm of others.

There, in the forest, an evil hunter is pointing his thumb behind his back.

Bunny - bunny, run in, "Beckon" with both hands.

Give me your paw! Clap one palm against the other.

The game: "Bunny"---Card number 7

Target: development of spatial representations (up-down, left-right)

One, two, three, four, five, Toy up and down

The bunny came out to jump.

Looked around, turned, Left, right.

Looked up and down

I ran, got scared ...

Where are you, bunny, answer? Hide the toy behind your back.

The game: "Bouncer"---Card number 8

Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

There is a teremok in the field. While squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, b-bam! Jumps up, stretching his arms up.

The bouncer is there!

The game: "Sun bunnies"---Card number 9


Sun bunnies

Are playing on the wall

I'll beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it quickly.

Here it is, a light circle,

Here, here, here - left, left!

He ran away to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It is good to direct it higher so that the children jump, reach it.

The game: "Tsap"---Card number 10

Target: relieving emotional stress, improving mood.

There were hares on the mountain,

And shouted - hide your fingers: dac! "Dac" squeeze the baby's palm.

The game: "Cuckoo"---Card number 11

Target: develop imagination, enhance mood.

The cuckoo flew past the garden, waving hands

Pecked all the seedlings, pecked with their hands, on the other hand

And she screamed - ku-ku poppy! Finger beak

Clench one fist, repeat 2-3 times.

Fun games and fun toys for kids of all ages. They are specially designed to delight, amuse children, bring up a sense of humor. I present to you my experience of using fun games in my work.



« The use of games, toys - fun at a young age. "

Educator Petunskaya Varvara Valerievna

Fun games and fun toys for kids of all ages. They are specially designed to delight, amuse children, bring up a sense of humor. Games and fun toys help me organize group entertainment. This type includes surprise toys with a variety of movements, sound, light and other effects.

What makes it different from other games?

First of all, the element of surprise, surprise. Fun games should be accompanied by an element of fun surprise. A person's cheerful mood is the richest capital. Nobody appreciates a good joke as much as children do. Conducting a fun game, you can not only transfer good skills, interests, tastes, habits, but also bring up children without moralizing, notice a lot of interesting things in the behavior, temperament, character of the child.

Their design is based on different mechanical principles: movements with the help of various mechanisms - clockwork toys, centrifugal forces - tops, bears on planks; center of gravity and balance - tumblers; sound devices - sounded toys, etc.

Rich in content and ingenious in designs folk toys: gobies walking on an inclined plane, nesting dolls, rotating mills, clowns, horses in sleds.

The toys are simple, dynamic, with soft humor. They show the wisdom, ingenuity, ingenuity of folk craftsmen, their love for children, their desire to amuse them.

Among toys-amusements, musical and sound toys occupy a significant place - these are various organs, boxes, pipes, accordions.

In the younger group, I show toys myself to amuse and distract children from whims. For independent play I give dolls, organs, tops, sounded soft plush toys and toys.

To organize my work, I created a card index of fun games for children of the first junior group.

Games for the little ones:

"I'm going-going to the woman, to the grandfather,

on a horse in a red hat

on a flat path on one leg,

in an old paw, along potholes, over bumps.

Everything is straight and straight

And then suddenly into ... into the pit! Boo! "

"My little one"

Take a blanket or sheet and swaddle your baby in it. Cuddle him like a little one, pacify him, rock him, sing a lullaby.

"And we are sitting in the house"

Hide under the covers with your baby and turn on the flashlight. This privacy will bring you and your child closer together.


Tell your kid a poem:

Wall, wall,
(touch each of the child's cheeks in turn)
(touch your forehead or kiss your forehead)
Two windows
(point by eye)
And the bell
(touch your finger to the child's nose and say: "Ding!")


Tell your child a nursery rhyme and touch the named parts of the body:

Handles - pulls
and the palms are clappers.
Legs-legs - tramples,
Runners, jumpers.
WITH Good morning, pens,
Hands and feet
Flower cheeks -

(On the last line, kiss the baby)

"One, two, three, boom!"

Place the child on your lap facing you. Say, "One, two, three, boom!" and very gently bump your foreheads. Say again, "One, two, three, boom!" and press your noses together (next time with your ears, cheeks, chin, palms, elbows, knees, etc.).

"Oh you, hare"

Tell the kid on the couch in front of you a nursery rhyme:

Oh you, scythe hare - like that!
(hug the baby)
Don't follow me - like that!
(shake your finger)
You get into the garden - like this!
(throw up the kid)
You gnaw all the cabbage - like this,
(tickle the baby under the neck)
How I catch you - like this
As if by the ears I grab - like this,
(pat the baby's ears)
And I'll unscrew the tail - like that!
(tickle the baby's butt).

"We are sailing on a boat"

Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Place your baby on top, hug him or hold hands. Swing in different directions and hum:

We're sailing on a boat
We sing this song.
The wind walks on the sea
Our boat is shaking.

"Fly up!"

Turn the child towards you and take the armpits. Throw it low in the air, saying: "Fly up!", And catch it. The game can be accompanied by a nursery rhyme:

Here's a (oh) to grow,
Come to visit me
Here's a (oh) to grow,
We are happy.
Catch, Catch,
Grow up (baby's name) above,
Grow up (baby's name) above,
Up to the chorus, up to the roof.

"Jumping off"

Place the child on a platform opposite you. Check if it is stable and take a half step back. Say: "One, two, three, jump!" And catch the kid jumping on you, hug him tighter and praise him for his courage. On the next jump, hold the baby tightly to you and say: "This is how much I love you!"

"I will catch up and hug"

The kid runs away from you, you run after him, saying: "I will catch up, I will catch up." Then catch the baby, hug him, hug and say: "Hug, hug."

"Ladushki", "Thief Magpie", "Little Legs", and dr.

Low mobility games:

"White Bunny"

"Little white bunny is sitting,

he wiggles his ears,

like this, like this,

he wiggles his ears.

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm the paws.

Bunny is cold to stand

I need to jump the bunny,

Dap, Dap, Dap, Dap.

The bunny must jump.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped ... and ran away. "




“In an even circle, one after another,

Hey guys, don't yawn!

What will Anya show us

Let's do it together! "

Medium Mobility Games:


“Barely, barely, barely, barely,

The carousels spun

And then around, around -

All running, running, running.

Hush, hush, take your time

One and two, one and two -

So the game is over. "

"Two buffalo".

Analyzer development games:

"Deaf phone", "Guess who said", "Find out who it is?"

Emotion games

"My son"

"Oh, how the baby cries -

That the bear growls.

And the kid laughs -

That the brook murmurs.

And tears are flowing -

Like rain is pouring down.

Smiling baby -

Like the sun will rise.

That's what a kid -

My son!"

"Capricious, boy Mark,

There is no way to recognize him.

He will smile for a moment

The face of the sun will shine. "

"King Borovik was walking

Through the woods to the straight.

He shook his fist

And he knocked with his heel.

King Borovik was out of sorts,

The king was bitten by flies. "

Movement Development Games:

“The sea is worried once!”, “Flies, does not fly”, “Different steps”.

Games for the development of imagination, ingenuity:

“Yes and no, don't talk!”, “Fanta”, “I was born a gardener”.

Games - transformations:

"Needle and Thread", "Wooden and Rag Dolls".

Games "Poems with your hands":

"Sun bunny

I beckoned with my finger:

Get off the wall to the floor, Zaya,

I'll play with you.

I'll show you a funny book

About the elephant and about the monkey.

I'll let you touch all the toys

I'll pump it in a car!

The bunny listens, blinks,

But it doesn’t get off the wall.

I quickly climbed onto a chair,

Slowly crept up

And covered him with his palm

So as not to jump out the window,

Raised his palm - oh!

Where is the golden bunny ?!

It is not in the picture.

Not behind my mother's portrait.

Maybe he hid behind books

And quietly looking through the crack?

Lo and behold, the bunny is a rogue! -

He sits on my hand. "

PURPOSE: To entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood in them, to amuse.

Description. The teacher invites the children to hide with him from the nanny, who at this time must turn away and not look where they are hiding. Children, together with the teacher, go behind the closet or squat on the carpet, and the teacher covers them with a transparent scarf. The teacher asks the nanny: "Where are our children? Aunt Katya, have you seen them?" The nanny starts looking for children, deliberately looking elsewhere. The kids jump out of their hiding with delight and run up to her with a cheerful laugh. The nanny hugs them and says affably: "Where are you hiding so that I could not find you?"
Instructions for carrying out. After the children have hid together with the teacher several times, they will be able to hide on their own, and the teacher will look for them. The teacher can also hide, then the children are looking for him. It gives them great pleasure. After repeated repetitions of the game, the child will also be able to look for children.

Description. The teacher invites the children to disperse around the room. He himself closes his eyes or ties them with a kerchief and pretends that he is trying to catch the children: he carefully moves around the room and catches the children where they are not. Children laugh. The teacher asks: "Where are our children?" Then he removes the bandage, turns towards the children and says: "This is where our children are!"
Instructions for carrying out. The teacher plays an active role in this game. He acts carefully so as not to frighten the children, but only to amuse them.
Instead of a bandage during play, you can use a bright paper cap (cone), which is worn deeply, covering the upper part of the face.

(Advanced version)
Description. One of the children is given a bell. The other two children are blind man's buffs. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the blind man's buffs catch up with him. If one of the children manages to catch the child with the bell, then they change.
Instructions for carrying out. For this game, you need to limit the space, since on large space Toddlers find it difficult to catch babies, especially with their eyes closed.

Description. Children sit on benches on the veranda or playground. One of them, the more prepared, is given a carrot in his hands, which he must give to a toy rabbit. The child stands at a distance of 3 m from the rabbit, he is blindfolded. The kid should go to the rabbit and give him a carrot (bring the carrot to the rabbit's face).
Instructions for carrying out. Usually, the child is not able to immediately accurately complete the task and his actions cause laughter in the rest of the children. Therefore, the driver in this and similar games is appointed at will.
Description. For the game, you need to prepare plastic tubes or straws (ripe rye or wheat) according to the number of children, dilute soapy water in a small saucer, bowl. All kids get straws and try to inflate soap bubble... If this succeeds, they enthusiastically blow bubbles, watch how they fly, run after them, watch whose bubble flew longer and did not burst.
Instructions for carrying out. First, you need to show the children how to make a soap bubble: put one end of the straw in soapy water, then, taking it out of the water, carefully blow from the other end.

Description. The conditions of the game are the same as in the game "Give the rabbit a carrot".
The child stands behind the line at a distance of 2-3 m from the toy Horse. The teacher gives him a bucket in his hands and blindfolds.
The kid should go up to the horse and give it to drink (bring the bucket to the horse's face).
Instructions for carrying out. It is advisable to take a horse for the game big size which children can sit on. This will make it easier for them to complete the task - it will be possible to water the horse without bending over.
The teacher calls the children only at their request. If none of them expresses a desire to start first, then the teacher himself can try to complete the task. You can offer to participate in the game to one of the children of the older or preparatory group for school. Let the younger children first watch, laugh at the loser, and then try to play themselves.

Description. The game is played in the hall or on the court. You need to hit the ball while blindfolded. The teacher puts a large ball on the floor (on the ground), draws a line at a distance of 2-3 m from it. The child, who agreed to complete the task, approaches the ball, stands with his back to it, then moves to the line and turns to face the ball. The teacher blindfolded him. The driver must go to the ball and kick it.
Instructions for carrying out. If the task is completed successfully, then another child is called. If the hit on the ball was unsuccessful, then you can invite the same child to repeat the task. If failure upsets the child, you need to cheer him up, say that next time he will definitely succeed.
The driver in this game is appointed at his will.

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