Nod in the middle group on the theme of autumn. Synopsis of the GCD "Journey to the autumn fairy tale"

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic "Autumn"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of acquaintance with the outside world for the middle group (4-5 years) "Autumn in the native land."

Target : the formation of knowledge about the signs of autumn


Learn to distinguish vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, birds.

develop speech, cognitive activity

Develop love for the environment

Demo Material: Pictures depicting autumn, models of vegetables and fruits, a basket, a vase, pictures of mushrooms, animals, birds.

Handout: Tetro bags, scissors.

Methodological techniques: looking at illustrations and talking about them, talking - dialogue, game situation, productive activity, physical minute "Leaflets", analysis of work.

Lesson progress

Welcome circle

good morning sunshine

good morning sky

good morning earth

Good morning to all of us.

Main part

Now you will hear a story - a riddle. Try to guess what time of the year it will be. (The story is read to the music of P.P. Tchaikovsky from the collection “The Seasons”).

“The leaves rustled in the forest, and it seemed as if someone was walking under the maples and birches, and where he passed, the leaves turned red and golden.

Now you don’t recognize your native forest, your native meadow, your native lake. The flowers withered and withered, the grass turned yellow.

Everyone was busy, everyone was preparing for the coming of winter. Birds took off from their places and flew in flocks to the warm blue seas.

(Excerpt from the story of O. Ivanenko “Good night”)

Look carefully at the pictures and tell me what season we are talking about?

That's right about autumn.

What time of year does autumn come after?

Tell me about the signs of autumn.

(The day has become shorter, it has become cool outside, the trees have thrown off their leaves, the birds fly away to warmer climes)

Name the autumn months.

What happens in autumn in nature, in the life of animals and birds?

What do people do in gardens and orchards?


Game "Vegetables and fruits"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of vegetables and fruits.

(You need to collect vegetables in a basket, and fruits in a vase.)

Well done with this task.

Fizminutka "Leaves"

(Children emit the flight of autumn leaves)

Talk about the names of the months.

The first month of autumn - September is popularly called "chrysalis, leaf fall, frowning".

For what do you think?

Check out the weather forecast for September.

Why frown? Explain.

What makes us happy in September? Fruits in the garden, vegetable garden, field, forest.

They say: “September hurries the birds on the road” Explain this proverb.

What birds fly away from us? (Swallows, starlings, rooks, cranes are insectivorous).

The second month of autumn - October, is popularly called "wettail, wind blower, mud worm, leaf breaker".

Why do you think?

Check out the calendar of observations for the weather in October. Do you agree with this definition?

The last month of autumn is November, which is popularly called “semi-winter road, ice smith”.

Why? Explain.

In November, puddles and small ponds freeze. If you find yourself on the shore of a reservoir in November, when the first ice appeared on the water, in no case step on it! This is very dangerous, the ice is not yet very strong and can break through.

At this time, waterfowl fly away. Which? (Ducks, geese, swans).

Why are they flying away?

But the birds also come to us. Name them. (Bullfinches, crossbills).

They also harvest in the forest, but what about the harvest?

(correct mushrooms)

I am laying out pictures of mushrooms.

(Call edible and inedible mushrooms)

Well done and you know it.

Guys, how do wild animals winter in the forest?

(Bear, hedgehog hibernate; hare and squirrel change coat)

Now take a toy and tell us how the animals prepare for winter.

Winter will come soon, harsh, snowy. He will come and ask: “Are you all ready to meet me?” He will ask a bear, a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, a squirrel, a wolf.

What do birds eat in winter?

(tree seeds, larvae under tree bark)

And people feed the birds. To do this, he makes feeders.

Let's make some feeders.

(together with the children, make a feeder from tetra packs)

See what interesting feeders we got. Let's attach them to the trees.

Description of work: I offer you a summary of the integrated lesson "Hello, Golden Autumn" for children of middle preschool age. This summary will be of interest to educators, music directors working with the age category of 4-5 years

Target: Expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of autumn; Clarify and expand the children's active vocabulary on the topic "Autumn".
Educational tasks:
1. To form an idea of ​​the signs of Autumn;
2. To form the ability to compose a story about Autumn.
Development tasks:
1. The development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech in preschoolers.
2. Development of children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.
Educational tasks:
1. Cultivate a desire to know nature.
2. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.
Equipment: Autumn painting, letter, animal pictures, ball
Active heroes: Old Man-Lesovichok
Location: group room

Synopsis of the GCD "Hello, Golden Autumn" for middle preschool age

Lesson progress:
If in the trees
the leaves turned yellow
If in a distant land
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
Guys, what time of year is it?
Children: Autumn
(Knock on the door. A sad Old Man appears - Lesovichok.)
Educator: Oh, guys, look, who came to visit us so upset!
Lesovichok: Hello kids, girls and boys! And where did I get (confused)?
Children: To a kindergarten.
Lesovichok: Here, I need you! I am the Old Man - Lesovichok, I am the keeper of the forest! Oh - oh - oh, guys, something incomprehensible is happening in our forest! It was supposed to snow, but it's raining in our forest; trees in foliage, but should be covered with snow; the bear must be in hibernation, and he digs a lair; everything is so bright, colorful, beautiful! Guys, can you tell me what time of year we have now? And then I became quite old and I don’t remember anything!
Children: We'll tell you, it's Autumn now!
Lesovichok: That's right, Autumn - I remembered! Where is the snow? Where is the ice? Icicles?
Children: No, Lesovichok, you mixed up, snow, ice and icicles come in Winter, and now it's Autumn!

Lesovichok: Yes, that is right. And now I remember! Guys, can you help me remember about Autumn, what is it like?
Educator: Of course, Lesovichok, the guys will tell you everything about the beautiful Autumn! Guys, let's all get up now in a big, big round dance and play a wonderful game! To begin with, we will choose the driver with the help of a counter! (counting is carried out and the leader is selected). And now Polina (leading) throws a ball to each of you, and you answer the question "What Autumn?" For example: Autumn is golden! Getting started!
Children: Warm, cold, golden, rainy, gloomy, beautiful, sad, sad, bright, colorful, amazing, etc.
Lesovichok: What good fellows you are, you know so many adjectives about Autumn! (a letter falls out of Lesovichka's pocket)
Lesovichok: Oh, what do I have? Letter? (surprised) Exactly, I remembered the letter! The forest dwellers gave it to me for you! And to find out what kind of animals these are, guess riddles about them!
Gray coat, silver fur,
Very beautiful, fluffy tail,
If you're a little lucky
The nut will be taken from your hand.
And flies from you like an arrow,
Well of course it is...
Children: Squirrel
Lesovichok: Of course it's Belka!
Lesovichok: And now we will find out who wants to ask you another question!
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Snoring little by little
And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name...
Children: Bear
Lesovichok: Oh, who's the next question from?
Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk!
Children: Hedgehog
Lesovichok: That's right, hedgehog.
Lesovichok: Guys, do you want to know what questions the squirrel, bear and hedgehog asked you in this letter?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: In order to help our squirrel, bear and hedgehog, we need to divide into three subgroups. (Division into subgroups).
Since the squirrel is completely unprepared for winter, for the first subgroup of children, she asked the question of interest to her, “What stocks does she need to make for the winter?” On the table in front of you are pictures of cones, sausages, nuts, cheese, berries, mushrooms and milk. You choose only those pictures that show what the squirrel collects for the winter!
Our forgetful Bear, for the second subgroup, asks the following question: “What does he do in winter?” Before you are pictures depicting sleeping, walking, eating, bathing. Guys, do you need to choose a picture that shows what Mishka does in winter?
And for you guys, the hedgehog asked such an interesting and very important question for him, “What does he need to hide in his mink for the winter?” Here are pictures of mushrooms, bread, pies, fruits, meatballs and berries. You choose what the hedgehog needs!
The first subgroup of children: Squirrel puts cones, nuts, berries and mushrooms into a hollow.
The second subgroup of children: Bear sleeps in winter.
The third subgroup of children: Hedgehog hides mushrooms, fruits and berries in his mink.
Lesovichok: Guys, I also have questions for you!
Why do animals stock up for the winter?
Children: In order not to remain hungry, because in winter there will be neither mushrooms, nor berries, nor spikelets under the snow.
Lesovichok: Well, what color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children: The leaves are multi-colored: orange, yellow, red, brown;
The grass is yellow and brown.
Educator: Lesovichok, but they say you are a bit of a magician?
Lesovichok: Yes, guys, I love magic and conjure a little!
Educator: Can you do something magical for us now?
Lesovichok: Guys, I have become quite old, but I still remember magic spells. Now I will say the magic words and all the guys will turn into autumn leaves. Want to?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: Can you help me say the magic words?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: Repeat after me: One, Two, Three, we spun and turned into leaves!
We are autumn leaves. (We move our head left and right.)
We were sitting on branches. (Slowly raise your hands up, then slowly lower them down.)
The wind blew - we are a chain
They flew one after another. (Run on toes.)
Fly, fly
And they sat on the ground. (We squat down.)
The wind came up again (Stand on tiptoes, stretch up with hands.)
And lifted all the leaves
Turned them around, turned them around (We circle around ourselves in place.)
And dropped to the ground. (We squat down again.)
Lesovichok: Well done boys! And now: One, Two, Three, we started spinning and we turned into guys! Oh - yo - yo, guys, I had a problem, on my magic tree (the tree is shown on whatman paper) the leaves have lost their color. What should I do?
Educator: Lesovichok, do not worry, we will help you guys!
Guys, let's help Lesovichka and paint the leaves on his magic tree?
Children: Let's!
Educator: There are leaves in front of you, choose the one you like, take a brush in your hand and choose your paint: red, yellow or golden! Now we color our leaves (Paint with gouache leaves). And now, with the help of glue, we will glue our colorful, beautiful leaves on the magic Lesovichka tree! (Glue leaves)
Lesovichok: Guys, you are smart and clever! Now my magic tree has come to life with colorful leaves!
Lesovichok: I invite you to stand in a big, beautiful round dance and sing the song "Autumn has come." (Sing a song and perform appropriate movements)
Lesovichok: Well done boys! I really liked how you answer questions well, play with interest and fervently, sing merrily! Thank you for helping me and the forest dwellers remember what time of year it is! It's time for me to return to my forest, to my forest dwellers! Goodbye, see you again!
Children: Goodbye!
Educator: Guys, what you are already adults, smart, helped Lesovichka remember everything, answered all his questions! Did you enjoy helping Lesovichka?
Children: Yes
Educator: And what did you like the most?
Educator: What were we doing?
Children: we talked about Autumn, solved riddles, played, drew and glued leaves.

Educator: Doing good things is always nice!

Summary of the GCD on the theme "Autumn" in the middle group


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


To form in children ideas about autumn as the most beautiful time of the year;

To cultivate interest and respect for nature;

Continue to replenish children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest;

To teach children to see and feel the beauty of nature;

Stroke: Educator: - If on trees
the leaves turned yellow
If in a distant land
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
Guys, what time of year is it?
Children: - Autumn

Educator: - What are the autumn months?

    What autumn is early or late? Why?

    What happens in autumn in the life of birds?

    What happens in autumn in the life of animals?

    What is the weather like in autumn?

Guys let's play!I will ask questions and you answer!

Game yes or no

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear?

Educator: - Well done! You know everything, you know.

caregiver : - And what color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children: - The leaves are multi-colored: orange, yellow, red, brown. The grass is yellow and brown.caregiver : - Guys, why do animals stock up for the winter?
Children: - In order not to remain hungry, because in winter there will be no mushrooms, no berries, no spikelets under the snow.

Physical education "Leaves"
Autumn leaves swirl quietly
(circling in place, arms to the sides)
Leaves lie quietly under our feet(squat)
And rustle underfoot, rustle
(movement of hands to the right - to the left)
As if they want to spin again(circling in place, on toes).

caregiver : - Each season has its own signs. Now we will remember the signs of Autumn. (Children guess riddles and answer the teacher's questions)

What kind of invisible man Is this, Slamming the gate in the garden, Leafing through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with a rustle, Tore off her grandmother's scarf, Rocked Dimka in the stroller, Played with leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is...(wind)

The autumn rain walked around the city, The rain lost its mirror. The mirror lies on the pavement, The wind will blow - it will tremble.(puddle)

He goes, and we run, He will catch up anyway! We are in a hurry to hide in the house, It will knock on the window to us, And knock and knock on the roof! No, we won't let you in, dear friend!(rain)


Educator: - Guys, what you are already adults, smart and answered all the questions! Did you like it?
Children: - Yes
Educator: - What do you remember the most?
What were we doing?

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group. Educational area "Communication". Theme: “Autumn. Vegetables and fruits". Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Health".
Program content: to consolidate children's knowledge of the signs of autumn, to consolidate children's knowledge of vegetables, fruits, to learn to recognize fruits by touch; develop speech, attention, memory.
Equipment: models of fruits, cards, illustrations of vegetables, box, easel, illustration "Autumn".
GCD content.
The children are standing on the carpet. The teacher offers to listen to the poem.
The breeze raises the paths
And spinning golden foliage
What happened in nature guys?
Tell me I don't understand.
Yes, it's autumn. And today we will talk about autumn with you.
A conversation about the time of year.
- Guys, tell me by what signs you can determine that Autumn has come? What happens in nature in autumn?
Children's answers:
- It's raining outside.
-It became cold.
-Cold wind is blowing.
-Leaves turn yellow and fall off.
- Leaves are colorful in autumn.
The sun is shining but not warm.
- Birds fly to warmer climes.
The animals are getting ready for winter.
-People prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter.
- Well done guys, you have listed many signs of Autumn.
- Tell me, children, what autumn months do you know? Let's remember and name every month. (Answers of children, repeat all together: September, October, November).
We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew
And they sat quietly on the ground.
After the physical education session, the children sit on the chairs in a semicircle on the carpet.
Now take a close look at the easel. I want to tell you about autumn with pictures: “Autumn has come. The sun heats up less. The sky is covered with clouds. It's raining. People walk under umbrellas. The trees are bare. The leaves turned yellow and fell off. Migratory birds flew south. The harvest has ripened in the garden and orchards. (The teacher accompanies his story with illustrations)
Now tell me about autumn. (Children at the easel talk about autumn).
Finger gymnastics.
Autumn has come to visit us
And brought gifts
Fragrant apples, (alternately bend fingers)
golden turnip,
Pot-bellied zucchini
And sweet carrots.
- Guys, look what a beautiful box I have. What do you think is in it? (Children's statements).
The teacher invites several children to the table. Children take turns feeling what is in the box (apple, pear, lemon, tangerine, banana), if they can, they call it, but they don’t get it.
The teacher puts his hand into the box and says that he takes out round, ruddy, sweet, smooth.
- What is it? (An Apple)
- Long, yellow, soft, sweet, must be cleaned before eating. - What is it? (Banana)
- Round, orange, slightly sour, peeled before use, divided into slices.
- What is it? (Mandarin)
- Round, yellow, very sour, cleaned before use. What's this? (Lemon)
“Yellow, sweet, smooth, like a light bulb. - What is it? (Pear)
- How to call it in one word? (Fruit).
- Where do fruits grow? (On the trees in the garden).
Educator: Now I will give you riddles, and you try to guess them.
- Sitting in a dungeon
red maiden,
And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)
Before we ate it
Everyone had time to cry. (Onion)
- I grow in the garden,
And when I mature
They cook a tomato out of me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (A tomato)
- No windows, no doors,
Full of people. (Cucumber)
The teacher praises the children for the correct answers and puts up pictures with vegetables that the children called.
- What is shown in the pictures? Name it in one word. (Vegetables). What other vegetables do you know?
- Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden bed)
How can vegetables be used? (Cook soup, borsch, cabbage soup, fry, make salad, juice)
What should be done with vegetables and fruits before using them? (Wash)
Didactic game "Do not make a mistake." (Two baskets. Collect fruits in one basket, vegetables in the other).
Summary of the lesson:
- Guys, did you like the lesson?
The teacher summarizes the material studied in the lesson. Thank the children for a job well done.

Activity: cognitive, communicative.

The form: problematic situation.

NGO "Knowledge"

  • Expand children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn, learn on their own, find them.
  • Clarify children's ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of plants.

NGO "Communication"

  • Develop the ability to write a descriptive story based on a diagram.

NGO "Socialization"

  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature through the resolution of problem situations.

Materials for GCD: autumn leaves of birch, poplar, mountain ash. Tree fruits: birch catkins, rowan berries, fir cones. Pictures depicting the forest in autumn. White toy.

Vocabulary work:

(On the window in the group, children notice an autumn leaf.)

I'm going to kindergarten today and I hear something rustling under my feet. Like this (rustling with a candy wrapper). She stopped, looked around - silence. She went on, again some rustling. And then I guessed: these are the leaves rustling under my feet! I go and listen to the song of autumn leaves. (Rustle with candy wrappers with the children, listen to the "song".) One leaf rustled the best. I picked it up from the ground and brought it to you. And the leaf came to life and spoke: “I lived on a mother tree along with my leaf brothers. We were all green. It began to get colder outside, we changed the leaves, our outfit, became multi-colored and began to fly away from the tree in different directions. Why did it happen? What happened in nature? Let's help the leaflet explain what autumn is?

  1. "Weather in Autumn"

Working with the weather calendar

Choose a picture that suits autumn. Why choose this one? (The sky is gloomy, it often rains and sometimes it snows.)

2. "Autumn tree". (Circles of different colors are laid out on the table - red, yellow, orange, green, the silhouette of a tree.)

Take those leaves-circles that come in autumn, decorate the tree.


Guys, let's turn into autumn leaves. (Give each child a piece of paper.)

We are leaves

We are leaves. (Children stand freely, hands up.)

We are autumn leaves.

We were sitting on branches , (Sway.)

The wind blew - they flew. (They run away.)

We flew, we flew

And then they got tired of flying. (Running, spinning.)

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat in a circle. (They sit down.)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away.

All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (They run away again, waving their hands.)

3. "Birds" (phonogram: "Screams of birds").

Who screams like that? (birds). (Illustration: "Flocks of birds fly away to warmer climes.")

Guys, why are the birds so excited, where are they going? (To warmer climes.)

What are the names of the birds that fly away? (Migratory.)

What are the names of the birds that stay over the winter? (Winterers.)

  1. "Animals"

The leaflet wants to invite us to take a walk in the autumn forest. To go there, you need to remember the rules of behavior in the forest. (See simulation: Rules of conduct in the forest.)

Listen to the riddle and find out who hid under the bush:

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a column

Under the pine.

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head? ( Hare.)

Who is it?

That's where the bunny hid. Let's watch him quietly so as not to scare him. The hare is preparing for winter. I wonder how he does it?

The hare molts in autumn.

What kind of hair does he grow? (White, warm.)

Why does a hare have white fur in winter? Warm?

The bunny was scared of someone, who is it?

Someone is sloppy

He walks through the forest.

And furry paw

He pulls the bark. Who is it? (Bear.)

How does a bear prepare for winter? What does he do in winter? (Sleeping, hibernating.)

How does he sleep all winter and eat nothing? He will die of hunger.

(That's right, fat accumulates under his skin. A bear eats well in the fall. That's how fat he is, look.)

Where does the bear sleep in winter? (In the den.)

Goodbye, bear, until spring!

Look at the picture we got. Tell the leaflet what autumn is? (The child alternately laying out the pictures makes up a story.)

Reflection: - Whom did we help today?

What did the leaf ask us to do?