Gingerbread man hurries to the Christmas tree script. "Gingerbread man hurries to the Christmas tree" Scenario of a New Year's party for children of the first junior group

Scene 1 grandfather and woman (scenery of a village hut: oven, bench, table, TV, samovar)
Once upon a time, lived,
Grandfather and a woman without sorrow
And in the village across the river
We lived in peace and quiet.
They lived modestly - without income.
We ate radish, drank kvass.
Here is such a simple dinner
every day: from time to time.
Then one Sunday
The grandfather said with great laziness,
Scratching behind the left ear:
GRANDFATHER: (sitting with the old woman on a bench, conducting a conversation)
Would you bake, old woman,
Today, for dinner, cakes -
There is not a crumb of bread in the house!
You say the same - bake!
Where can I get flour?
It's a day off at the store
You should be silent, dear!
Oh, you will wait, old woman!
I say: now, fly,
You will scratch the barns -
You will collect on cakes!
A squabble broke out.
My grandfather called my grandmother "Toadstool".
That in response to his "Morel",
"Fly agaric" and "Knot".

Trailed, scolding grandfather
Found there, and found here
Lo and behold, there was plenty of flour!
Silently kneaded the dough
warmed up the place in the stove.
And rolling that dough into a ball, right into its heat and heat,
I held it on the grip and closed the stove with a shutter.
Here are the things.
But again, bad luck.
Grandfather, touching, almost crying,
In a moment he pulled back his finger:
"Ouch! How hot he is!
The old man looked, and fell off his chair,
Seeing a ruddy round miracle.
The old man was glad to the gingerbread man
substituting both nostrils and inhaling the aroma.
Admired, admired
So far, I have refused.
We will eat it later
With sour cream, with milk.
New Year because on the nose,
I'll put it down to cool!
Ouch! What a ruddy side!
A real gingerbread man!
The grandmother leaves, the grandfather sits down and reads the newspaper.
Grandfather sat down to read the newspaper
And the mind is gone.
I remembered - the new year is coming soon,
Who will bring them a Christmas tree?

Shivers from the news
Do not hear such news,
Than to read nonsense here,
I'd better bring the tree.
Grandfather leaves for the forest, and grandmother goes to the kitchen. The gingerbread man wakes up.
Gingerbread man:
Wow! Hello guys everyone!
I was born!
Of expired flour
Grandma and grandpa baked!
Climbs off the window and looks around.
Gingerbread man:
The house seems to be nothing
Nice place
Grandpa has an antenna
Table, sofa, two armchairs.
Here is grandpa, here is a dude!
I bought myself a laptop
And put it under the bed.
And the mobile phone
Disconnected and hid in the table.
Here is the village grandma with grandfather
I'd better go to the city!
Gingerbread man: That granny, that sucks!
That blinded me, my God!
If only I looked at the pictures
Getting down to business!
Kolobok song: (soundtrack of the song "Leningrad" WWW Leningrad)
When it was baked I don't remember
But now I know I'm cool
My address is not a house or a street
My address today is
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
I don't know where I will run
There is no registration,
But I answer calmly
My address today is
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
(puts on dark glasses, ties a dark scarf on the back, chain around his neck, looks in the mirror)
<>Kolobok puts on a fashionable jacket and goes to the forest.
The scene of the meeting with the hare
The mutant fell out - our gingerbread man from the window
And he rolled, not knowing where.
Fate to help Kolobok.
I didn't have time to put my foot
Bypassing the road bush
As there was a crunch from the side.
Gingerbread man:
Hey hello! Who are you?
Where are you going, scythe?
Hare: Who are you yourself?
Gingerbread man:
“Gingerbread man - me. Does not look like it?
After all, it is written on the face,
I'm not a villain
Do not find me kind.
I am WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
The hare's fears are gone
Appetites have changed
If it's not a predator bun,
And some damn pie
Didn't know, darling little brother!
You're too fat!
And even though I'm small at all
I'll eat you anyway.
Gingerbread man:
After all, you can poison me,
You will be treated for a century.
A medicine for diarrhea
I don't have a first aid kit.
What a strange joke
You better drink Pepsi Cola

Gingerbread man:
We ran better together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
The gingerbread man goes on to meet the bear.
The scene of the meeting with the bear
Host: With friends, Kolobok drove deep into the forest,
And on the road, the bear ate honey.
Bear: What kind of ball is this?
Riding in my clearing?
Hey, rosy, who is it?
Gingerbread Man: I am WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
Bear. Even though I'm full now, I will not hide
But I'm sure I'll arrange
For people like you, dear,
I’m a corner in my stomach. ”
Gingerbread man: “Eat, you brute! I'm poisoned!
Densely flavored with arsenic.
Top to toe
There is poison in this body. "
Gingerbread man grabbed his nose
I tried to get into the mouth of the bear,
Rotating the bear's head,
Cleansing the muzzle with a paw,
I tried to throw off the enemy.
He stubbornly remained.
Bear: Get away from me!
I do not want to eat you!
I'd like a box of marmalade!
Or a bar of chocolate!
Kolobok: Well, let's go to reconciliation
You have a bear on you jam!
We ran better together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds, the whole company runs around the tree
The gingerbread man goes further, towards the fox. A fox in a fashionable fur coat, in a beautiful hairstyle, all made up.
Fox meeting scene
Host: But one moment passed,
And already a new phenomenon -
Intelligence, deceit and beauty -
The red fox came out.
Fox: Hello, the ball is fragrant.
Are you vanilla or mint?
From grain or bran?
Don't be weary, answer quickly.
If you, brother, with bran,
Thank you. Eat yourself.
I don't want allergies
I won't heal her.
Well, if from wheat,
Yes, on the spring water,
Yes with cloves or cinnamon,
Let me enjoy you! "
Gingerbread man: “Yes, you yourself are with bran.
You with such pretzels
Never met
I am alone and forever.
I am WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
Kolobok: Grandma and grandfather said
What was it about
What will not be repeated
Even if they want to.
Unique I bun
From special grain -
Mix of varieties, a bouquet of Europe
From the top of the head to the priests.
Fox: Yeah, you smell great (sniffs the bun)
And you look decent!
I don't want cellulite
He looks disgusting!
I'm actually on a diet!
these problems are not needed.
Gingerbread man:
We ran better together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Singing a song with a fox and dancing _ (_ Finnish polka) ___
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds, the whole company runs around the tree

The scene of the meeting with Baba Yaga
Lo and behold, a wretched hut
Smokes from the chimney
And the hunchbacked old lady
It's on the porch.
No teeth, only one eye
And a prosthetic leg
Krivoboka, ugly ...
In general - grandmother Yaga.
Baba Yaga: I have been living in the forest for a hundred years,
I cook hares for lunch
I invite guests to the house for a holiday,
Well, in general, everything is like people.
And it should be like this on New Year's Eve,
Came into the forest, are you a moron?
Smells like butter and flour
Who are you?
Gingerbread man:
I am WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
Baba Yaga: Sing well, dear!
My ruddy pie!
I will not light the oven
I have a microwave!
Gingerbread man: I'm not out of flour
Baked from lime!
And also, I confess honestly,
I've read a lot of fairy tales
And Yagu, which is interesting,
Respected more than others.
Baba Yaga: If I am an authority!
So you are my friend forever!
Nobody needs to praise me
I praise myself.
And who will not like me -
I’ll scatter everyone with a broom.
Kolobok: Run better together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Baba Yaga sings ditties. (Ditties of hedgehogs grandmothers)
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds, the whole company runs around the tree
The scene of the meeting with Santa Claus
Bells ringing, music, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear
Host: And with a group of friends
Gingerbread man runs faster
Santa Claus came out to meet
With her Snow Maiden.
Gingerbread man: Who else is this bro?
I saw him somewhere
Kind of like a familiar grandfather?
He won't eat us for lunch?

Santa Claus: I am Santa Claus and once a year
I give gifts to everyone
I will not eat anyone
and I'm friends with everyone!
Kolobok: (sings a song)
And I am WWW Kolobok
www dot ru
WWW Gingerbread Man
www dot ru
Gingerbread man: What age are you grandfather from?
You're not dressed in fashion!
Festive lunch is coming soon
Who goes out like that?
Father Frost:
I don't follow fashion
I carry gifts.
Gingerbread man: No, let's change your outfit!
Change your look!
Shave your beard urgently!
And wear a sheepskin coat!
Throw away your Panama
Ask the bikers for a bandana.
And take off your boots
Put on some cool boots!
Throw away this staff of yours!
Buy a cool machine!
On the reindeer, you wouldn't be cycling
I would buy an ATV!
Santa Claus: I can't live without an image,
Children do not recognize!
But I will use the advice
I'm on vacation this summer!
Gingerbread man: And dress the Snow Maiden!
Well, at least somehow more modern!
Snow Maiden: My outfit is the most fashionable of all
Has a classic success
I have worn it for many years
There is no such thing in the world anymore!
Ten seamstresses worked on him
We were not lazy to embroider
Did everything to order
It turned out just right!
So that we don't get bored
You have to sing and dance!
New Year is already knocking
Let's sing and have fun!
Gingerbread man:
We ran better together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds, the whole company runs around the tree
Scene: Return of the Kolobok
Host: The sun was approaching sunset.
At this hour, to the home
The bun knocked
At least I could enter without knocking.
Gingerbread man:
“Good evening, Mom and Dad.
It's me. Yes Yes. The same one.
Something you slept from your face.
Well, meet the fellow "
Here are my friends with me!
Here is Santa Claus
He brought you gifts!
(grandmother and grandfather hug the kolobok)
Final Scene
Santa Claus: He left Grandfather,
He left Grandma.
But we knew: our tale
It will end well.
Everything is ready: the table is set,
So the music sounds.
Have fun, honest people!
New Year is coming!
Let the white snow sparkle
There is a good laugh
New Year is a magical holiday
And fun for everyone!
Snow Maiden: We want to wish you
Never lose heart!
Be more attentive to each other
And help each other.
Santa Claus will come again
And he will bring gifts.
Who will write a letter to him,
He will find it under the tree.
Happy new January morning
A good dawn will break out.
All together: Believe me, this fairy tale
They showed you for a reason!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
let's get up in a round dance.
And may the coming New Year
will bring us happiness!
Final song (everyone sings)
Lyrics of Song "New Year's Song" - Verka Serduchka
La la la la la la la
1.You are tired of worries - everything will pass
You are a little unlucky - everything will pass

Why does the soul sing, the body asks to fly
New Year, New Year, New Year
2. Let the New Year melt the ice in souls
All sorrows will be swept away by the New Year
New Year, New Year, New Year
People have no time to get bored - we will celebrate soon
New Year, New Year, New Year
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
3. Soon the New Year will enter your door
New Year will bring good luck to everyone
New Year, New Year, New Year!
Let everyone get up now, in our merry round dance!
New Year, New Year, New Year
4. New Year's Eve rises on the doorstep
New Year is already knocking on the window
In the New Year, anything can happen
Let no one be alone
This New Year
La la la la la la la



Children with the Leader enter the hall.

Vedas :. Look guys, we are in a real fairy tale,

Grandfather: Oh, trouble, oh trouble,

There is no kolobok anywhere!


Our friend is lost

Fidget Gingerbread Man!

Vedas :. Don't be sad grandfather. Don't be sad, baba!

We will now go to the forest and find your fidget. Really guys! We'll sit on a sleigh and go to the forest to look for a kolobok.

(Children build in pairs and run in a circle to the song "Sleigh". They meet a kolobok).

Gingerbread man:

Hello guys,

Boys and girls

What are you wandering in the woods?

You can meet a fox here !!!

Ved .: Kolobok, this is how we are looking for you. Grandfather and woman dressed up a Christmas tree, they are waiting for Santa Claus to visit, and you ran away !! Grandfather is crying, Baba is crying, and we decided to help them.

Gingerbread man: How brave you are!

But it's frosty outside

You can freeze your nose!

Ved .:

And we are not afraid of frost,

We frolic, have fun

If we are freezing, immediately dance,

Let's dance now!

(Dance in pairs "foot to foot")

Ved.: Here we are!

(music "The Hare Runs")

Gingerbread man: Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!

The bunny gallops here!

Ved .: Don't be afraid, bun, we'll hide you.

(Bunny comes out)

Ved .:

Hello bunny, hello white,

Tell us where did you run?


I ran to the house on the edge

I saw an old grandmother

How she chalked, scraped,

How baked the gingerbread man,

That bun ran away

On the path to our forest!

I need to find him!

Ved.: (To the children) We need to save him!

Bunny, let's play with us first, and then you will look for a kolobok!

(The game "Snowballs" is sorted by colors of blue and white).


It's fun to play with you

But it's time for me to run away! (The hare runs away)

Ved .: Come out, the bun, the Hare ran away.

Wolf: (I saw a kolobok - I was delighted)

Gingerbread man! Gingerbread man!

Oh, and you are a smart animal!

I've been looking for you everywhere

I'm very tired!

Ved .: We will not give you Kolobok! Try it, catch it!

(The game "Let's not let go"; children form in a circle, the wolf is inside, trying to get out of the circle and catch the bun, the bun runs around. At the end of the game, the Wolf loses the bun, which is hiding behind the Christmas tree)


Spun, spun,

Oh, you led me astray,

I only lost time

I didn't catch up with Kolobok! (Runs away)

Ved .:

Come out our gingerbread man,

The Gray Wolf ran away!

Ved .:

I hear noise, crunch and crackle,

Who walks through the forest?

Who growls. Who is roaring?

Children, who is coming here? (Bear)


What are you children. Are you singing here?

Don't let the bear sleep?

I'm going to growl now

I will seize you and swallow you!


What are you Bear! Do not be angry,

Don't grumble, but go to bed.

We won't bother you

We'll rock you in the cradle

We'll sing a little song

We will go along the path to the forest.

(The bear goes to sleep behind the tree, Children sing a beautiful song about winter: "How good it is that winter has come")

Fox appears (Adult)


Glad to meet the kids

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Is this Gingerbread Man with you?

A toasted barrel?

Oh, how fragrant you are

Delicate, soft and cuddly!

You probably know how to sing

You will warm my nose with warmth ...

Get on my toe

Sing the song loudly!

Ved .:

Wait, chanterelle, don't rush!

Kids are preparing a surprise!

(Song - popevka:

Snowflakes - Girls hurry up to us,

You will notice paths, paths in the forest,

So that a cunning, evil cheating fox,

I didn't find our footprints here under the snow!)

(Snowflake dance)

Fox: What a blizzard!

I'll run away from here !! (runs away).

Ved .:

The cold blizzard drove the fox away,

She brought us straight to the forest hut,

Grandfather and woman are waiting for guests here,

All together it will be more fun!

Look what a wonderful Christmas tree we have, only there are not enough lights on it ... Who will help us light it?

(D. Moroz's exit)


Happy New Year to you friends!

Happy holiday to the rich,

Desires happiness, joy

Santa Claus guys!

I am a Merry Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest,

Don't hide your nose from me!

I'm kind today !!!

Ved .: Hello, Grandfather Frost! We've been waiting for you! Please, please our guys. Light the lights on our Christmas tree!

D.M. Of course I will.

Will not keep us waiting long.

Our festive tree.

Where are my magic lanterns?

(Dance-song of boys with lanterns to the song: "Lanterns")

Ved.: Thank you, Santa Claus What a wonderful Christmas tree turned out. And we know poems about her.

(D.M. listens to poetry)

D.M. And what a holiday without a round dance!

(Song - dance "In the forest along the country road")

D.M. Thank you, my friends, for making the old man happy, I have a surprise for you too!


Goodbye, guys!!!

Kolobok: Happy New Year !!!

Ved.: (Addressing guests and parents) So our holiday is over! Happy New Year to all of you!

To the soundtrack of the song "New Year's Round Dance" children enter the hall with their parents. They walk in a circle and stop.

Leading: Guys, look how beautiful the New Year's hall is. And how good our Christmas tree is! Tall, slim, decorated christmas balls... Our holiday, friends, let's start

Sing a song to the Christmas tree!

Parents and children stand in two circles and sing together the song "Little Christmas tree". Perform movements as shown by the presenter.

*** Song of the music director's choice ***

Leading: It's time for us to welcome our guests. Let's sit down and find out who is in a hurry for the holiday.

To the song "Snowman" Snowman runs into the hall and dances.

I'm in a hurry to you guys.
I love winter very much!
Oh, how good the tree is!
And smart and slender!
Leading: Yes, our Christmas tree is good, only the lights do not burn on it.
Snowman: I will help you. I'm a New Year's Snowman. I have a magic snowball.
You roll, magic snow,
On the palms of the guys.
Collect smiles from everyone
Lights of cheerful eyes.
And from them the lights on the tree
Let them light up now!

To the music, the children quickly pass the snowball to each other. In the end, he is again in the hands of the Snowman. The snowman approaches the Christmas tree.

Snowman: Guys, let's say together “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, sparkle! Light the lights! "

Lights come on on the tree.

Snowman: Guys, look how our Christmas tree sparkled! We will sing a New Year's song for her.

*** Song about New Year at the choice of the musical director ***

I got very hot ...
Oh, I'm melting in the warmth!
Leading: Guys, take snowballs and throw them at the snowman!

*** Snowball game ***

Snowman: Thank you guys! I don't melt anymore. Now take snowballs, start dancing soon!

*** Snowball Dance ***

Snowman: Well done, guys! Have a seat. Guys, when I was walking through the forest, I found a book of fairy tales. I want to give it to you.
Leading: Thank you, Snowman, we love fairy tales.
I can't hesitate any longer,
Oh, I'm melting, friends!
Goodbye! (Runs away)
We open the New Year's book,
An interesting tale begin.
Adults and children know:
Lived and was in this world
V good fairy tale Gingerbread man,
Gingerbread man-ruddy side.
On the holiday of the New Year tree
The tale does not end
Near the Christmas tree today
The tale continues.
Gingerbread man:
I am a funny bun
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
I'm mixed with sour cream,
The window is chilly.
And today to the garden for the Christmas tree
I'm invited to the guys.
He rolled along the path -
I was in a hurry to the garden for the tree.
Suddenly at the old tree
Met a wolf.
Wolf: Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man:
I'm in a hurry to Kindergarten -
Today the guys have a Christmas tree.
I haven't eaten at all since the morning,
I'll eat you now.
Gingerbread man:
What are you, gray, do not rush!
Kids are waiting for us.
Come to the children today -
Together we will celebrate the New Year!
Well, thanks, very glad!
I will come to the tree in the garden.
Gingerbread man rolled,
And to meet Kolobok
Down the road again
Bear from the den.
Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?
Gingerbread man:
I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten -
Today the guys have a Christmas tree.
Maybe I'll eat you?
Gingerbread man:
No! Friends are waiting for me!
Come to the children today
Of course I'll come
And I'll bring Mishutka!
Gingerbread man rolled
Further without looking back.
Sees jumping in the forest
White hares.
Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?
Gingerbread man:
I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten -
Today the guys have a Christmas tree.
Come visit the children,
We will celebrate the New Year together.
We, bunnies, were not forgotten,
We were invited to the Christmas tree!
Hares, don't yawn!
Start dancing!

*** Dance "New Year's Bunny" ***

Fox sneaks up.

Fox: I'll catch all of you now!
Oh, how many hares are here -
I can eat anyone!
(To the hare)
Here I am, oblique,
And I'll take it home.
Fox, let go of the hare,
We must all go to visit.
Forgive me, friends ...
Here it is, zayinka, take it.
Gingerbread man:
How, forgive her, friends?
You can't quarrel today!
Well, you can also forgive.
I will be friends with you.
Gingerbread man:
And now, friends, go ahead -
The Christmas tree is waiting for us all!
That's the end of the fairy tale,
And who listened - well done!
Guys, I see Santa Claus in this book. He walks, in a hurry, and the road is covered with a blizzard. We must call him more amicably.
Children: Father Frost! Father Frost!

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello guests!
Oh, how smart you are,
All ruddy, okay!
I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Your New Year's guest.
Don't hide your nose from me
I'm kind today.
Leading: Santa Claus, and we will sing you a song.

Children come up to Santa Claus and sing.

*** Song about Santa Claus at the choice of the musical director ***

Father Frost: Guys, I want to ride you on a horse with bells.

*** Dance "Horse" ***

Father Frost: Hide behind Santa Claus soon!

*** Game "Oh, what kind of people?" ***
At the end of the game, Santa Claus catches up with the children.

Leading: Santa Claus, have you forgotten anything?
Father Frost:
Santa Claus walked through the forest,
I brought gifts to you, friends.
There was a blizzard, the snow was circling,
I dropped the presents.
Well, well, just like that,
What should we do now?
New Year's little tower, show yourself!
Yes, gifts to all the guys, show up!

Teremok runs into the hall.

Father Frost: Here it is, my magic house with gifts.
You receive gifts
And don't forget Santa Claus!

Santa Claus gives gifts to children.
Father Frost:
My magic Teremok,
Hurry up and run away!

Teremok leaves the hall.

Father Frost:
We all played merrily
They sang songs and danced.
It's a lot of fun with you,
But the hour of farewell has come.
It's time for me to go back,
Goodbye kids!

Santa Claus leaves.

Well, friends, it's time for us too
Go home.
I wish everyone fun
Happiness, joyful chores!
Well, Santa Claus, believe me,
Will come back to us in a year!

Children leave the hall.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 5 "Pochemuchka" combined type
Suvorov, Tula region

Scenario of a New Year's party for children
junior and middle group

"Kolobok's New Year's Adventure"

Prepared by:
musical director of the 1st category
Matveeva M.S.


Children of ml run in to the cheerful music. groups, line up in front of the Christmas tree, then children cf. groups, and line up around the tree.

Here came the Christmas tree, guys,
To us for a holiday in the d / s.
How many lights, toys!
How beautiful her outfit is!
Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to you!
I wish you happiness, joy
All the guys and guests!

Child 1.
Hello, dear Christmas tree,
Again you are our guest
The lights are sparkling again
On your thick branches.

Child 2.
This is how the tree dressed up
And she came to us at the d / s.
And by the tree, look
How many little guys.

Child 3.
Voices are heard near the Christmas tree today.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
Hello, beautiful herringbone!

Child 4.
We have a lot of fun
At your holiday,
And a song about a Christmas tree
Now we will sing to you.

Song - round dance "Herringbone"muses. Kraseva
After the round dance, the children sit down

Adults and children know
Lived and was in this world
In a good fairy tale Kolobok,
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
On the holiday of the New Year tree
The tale does not end
Near the tree today
The tale continues

Gingerbread man enters to the music.

Gingerbread man.
I'm a funny gingerbread man
Gingerbread man - ruddy side,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window
And today to the garden for the Christmas tree
I'm invited to the guys.

Music sounds. The gingerbread man walks around the tree.

He rolled along the path,
I was in a hurry to the garden for the tree
Suddenly at the old tree
Met a wolf.
The Wolf comes out to meet the kolobok.

Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man.
I'm in a hurry to the d / s,
Today the guys have a Christmas tree.

I haven't eaten at all since the morning,
I'll eat you now!

Gingerbread man.
What are you, gray, do not rush!
Kids are waiting for us.
Come to the children today
We will celebrate the New Year together.

Well thank you very glad
I will come to the tree in the garden.

The wolf and the Kolobok leave behind the tree in different directions.

Hello, glorious gingerbread man.
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man.
I'm in a hurry to the d / s,
Today the guys have a Christmas tree.

I haven't eaten at all since the morning,
I'll eat you now!

Gingerbread man.
No, my friends are waiting for me!
Come to the children today

I will definitely come and bring Mishutka!

The bear waves his hand to Kolobok. They leave behind the tree in different directions.

Kolobok rolled further without looking back,
He sees white hares jumping in the forest.

2 bunnies come out.

1st hare.
Hello, glorious gingerbread man,
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man.
I'm in a hurry to the d / s,
Today the guys have a Christmas tree!
Come visit the children,
We will celebrate the New Year together!

2nd hare.
Hooray! We, bunnies, have not been forgotten!
We were invited to the Christmas tree!

Lisa comes out from behind the tree.

I'll catch you all now!
I’ll break your bones!
Oh, what hares are here,
Can I eat anyone?
Here you are - then I, oblique,
And I'll take it home!

From behind the tree comes Kolobok, Bear, Wolf. Hares rise from the floor and stand next to them. The fox continues to hold one hare by the ear.

Fox, let go of the hare,
We must go to visit him.

Forgive me, friends.
Here it is, Zainka, take it!

Well, you can also forgive
I will be friends with you.
Gingerbread man.
Now, friends, go ahead
The Christmas tree is waiting for us all!

The animals walk around the Christmas tree to the music and stop - they come to visit.

Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness, friends!

We accept congratulations,
We invite you to the round dance!

Round dance "Animals on the tree".

I'll guess a riddle for everyone
Who is this with us?
With a long white beard
He knows a lot of games and jokes
Does he play with children in the New Year?

Children. Father Frost!

I need to call my grandfather
Celebrate the New Year with us.
Well guys, get up
Sing the song together
Grandpa will hear us
And that hour will come.

Song "Santa Claus"ml. group.
Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka enter.

Father Frost.
Hey! I'm coming! I'm coming! And I'm not the only one in a hurry to visit you, I'm going with my granddaughter.

Hello Hello!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.
Happy New Year,
We wish you all good health!

Santa Claus.
Last year I was with you,
I have not forgotten anyone.
Here is Karina, Julia, Kolya,
Here is Kiryusha, Katya, Olya.
Did you recognize me?
I'm still the same gray-haired
With a long white beard.

Leading. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Hello Snow Maiden! How long have we been waiting for you and we are very glad to meet you. Grandfather Frost, guys wed. the groups have prepared a song for you. Listen.

The song "Hello, Santa Claus" Wed gr.

Father Frost. Thank you kids for the funny song. And your Christmas tree, how elegant! Why doesn't it burn? This is a mess.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, I'll show the guys how to light the lights on the Christmas tree.
Clap, clap, speak -
Come on, herringbone, burn!
(the tree lights up, then blows on the tree, the lights go out)

The game "Lights" is held (2 - 3 times)

Father Frost.
Everything around me is white and clean.
Oh, I love, friends, I am order,
But most of all I love my friends
I’m dancing by the tree.

Snow Maiden.
You shine for us, Herringbone,
Hundreds of lights!
We dance around you and
Let's sing more friendly!

Round dance "Ay - yes Christmas tree"

Here we got a circle
Here and stay
Do not leave you, Frost,
How not to break free.
Guys, let's play with Santa Claus the game "We will not release"

Game with Santa Claus "We will not release".

Father Frost. Let it out, please!

Leading. You will dance, we will release.

Father Frost. Yes, I'm old, I can't dance. Snow Maiden, tell me what to do.

Snow Maiden. Here's a magic apple for you, grandpa. Only you will take it in your hands, your feet will dance by themselves.

Grandfather Frost dances with apples and leaves the circle.

Grandpa is tired, tired,
He tried for you, he danced with an apple.
Let the tree rest.
And who will read poetry to him?

Santa Claus listens to poems about winter.

Santa Claus.
We rested a little,
Crumple my legs
They ask to dance
I don’t know how to start.

Snow Maiden.
We invite everyone
In a friendly round dance!
Have fun with us
New Year!

Santa Claus. And now I will ask you riddles.

  1. Everyone is singing and having fun
    They lead a noisy round dance
    Because today is a holiday
    What a holiday? (
    New Year)
  2. We stood all summer
    Winters were waiting
    The pores have waited -
    We rushed from the mountain (
  3. What kind of stars are through
    On a coat and on a scarf,
    All through - cut,
    And take it - water in your hand. (

Father Frost.
Well done, you guys
Have guessed all the riddles
Now dance again
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Bunnies and snowflakes from ml. the groups want to dance with you.

"Winter Dance" ( ml gr.)

Snow Maiden.
Well, the stars are girlfriends,
Join the circle soon!
Spread out your dresses
And dance more fun.

Dance "Stars" Wed gr.

Father Frost. What are these toys here?

Parsley: We are funny parsley.

Snow Maiden. What did you bring the parsley?

Father Frost.
And for these - then Petrushek,
I have rattles.

Dance of "parsley"Wed gr.
(Santa Claus distributes rattles)

Father Frost.
The children played merrily
We sang and recited poetry
Now it's time to play
Show your dexterity.

Game "Who will take the chair faster"
Emelya runs in with a whistle.

Father Frost. Emelya, what are you whistling? Here is d / s, you probably got to the wrong place?

Emelya. Indeed, children! Hello guys. Oh, I'm very tired, I'm thirsty. And here is the well.

He goes to the well, scoops up water with a bucket and drinks.

Emelya. Oh, not drunk!
Scoops up a bucket and catches a pike.

Pike. Have mercy, Emelyushka, let me go.

Emelya. No, I'll cook an ear out of you.

Pike. Have pity on me, Emelya. I will make you a hero.

Emelya. No, I won't let go, I don't believe you.

Pike. Let go, I'll do whatever you want.

Emelya. Anything I want? How will it be?

Pike. You just say: "By the dictates of the pike, in my opinion, the will"

Emelya. Okay, swim to your home(lets go of the pike ). Now let's see if the pike said the truth ( scratches the back of his head). What do I want? Oh, porridge! By the pike's behest ... ..have porridge in front of me!
Porridge appears from the well. Emelya himself treats the children to her.

Emelya. What more should I ask for? By the pike's command ... ..., appear in front of me a belt!
The belt appears.

Santa Claus. How smart you are, Emelyushka! Well, now you will dance for us, of course.

Emelya. Of course, I will dance, I will make the kids happy.

Emelya dances, children clap.

Emelya. What else can I get from the well? Guys, what do you want?(Present). NS about the pike's command ...., there will be gifts.
(Gifts appear from the well)

Father Frost. Thank you, Emelyushka. And I thought that my reindeer with gifts were not there? And they were probably stuck in the snow. But you helped us with your pike. Thank you.

Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden and Emelya distribute gifts, say goodbye and leave.