Methodical development on the topic: Training “Cohesion of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

Training goal: To unite the newly formed pedagogical staff of the kindergarten.


1. To form a trusting relationship in the group;

2. Unification, team building;

3. Development of the ability to work in a team

4. Creation of working capacity of the group.

Forms and methods of work:

The set of exercises is designed for teachers. The duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  • Educators get to know each other better.
  • The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  • The efficiency of the group will increase.
  • The teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  • The psychological climate in the team will improve
  • Cohesion will increase teaching staff



Petrova Yu.M.

Educator - psychologist

MBDOU "TsRR-d / s" Luchik "

Training "Uniting the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution"

Training goal: To unite the newly formed pedagogical staff of the kindergarten.


  1. Build trust in the group;
  2. Unification, team building;
  3. Developing the ability to work in a team
  4. Creation of group health.

Forms and methods of work:

The set of exercises is designed for teachers. The duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  1. Educators get to know each other better.
  2. The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  3. The efficiency of the group will increase.
  4. The teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  5. The psychological climate in the team will improve.
  6. The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Introductory part

Exercise "Cheerful little train".


  • Team building;
  • Cheer up;
  • Stress relief

Time: 10 minutes

Exercise: In front of the music hall, the participants are divided into 2 "trains". The highest is the first, the lowest is at the end. Then all participants, except for the first in the ranks, close their eyes with scarves and, under the command, begin to move in music hall raising their legs in turn, the task of the "locomotives" is to seat their "wagons" on the chairs, without colliding with each other.


Exercise "Recognize by drawing"


  • help the participants get to know each other more deeply;
  • create motivation to work together.

Time: 20 minutes.

Attributes: flipchart; markers; sheets of paper;

Exercise: The psychologist asks the participants a question: "How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?"

After the answers of the participants, it is given following instruction: “Draw, please, in 5 (10) minutes your portrait in this team, as you see yourself in it, in order to say:“ This is me ”. Drawings are not signed. "

After completing the work, the psychologist collects the drawings in a common pack. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to a flipchart (you can first put the drawing in a circle so that everyone can look at it more closely) and discusses it with the group on the following issues:

  • What is this person?
  • Who could it be?

After the group found out who the author of the drawing was, the psychologist asks him to tell something additional about himself (at the request of the participant).


Main part

The exercise. "Compliment"

The purpose of the exercise : creating a positive emotional mood for the interlocutor

Time 10 minutes

Exercise: come up with a compliment that matches personal qualities interlocutor.

Instruction: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

“Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-flown words should not be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love ...!

Today we will compliment each other. Choose your partner for the assignment. Compliments will be exchanged in the form of a dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also be sure to return it.

For example:

Natasha, you are such a sympathetic person!

Yes it is! And also, I'm kind!

And you have Olya, such beautiful eyes!

The compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also ... (added positive quality) and the compliment returns to the speaker.


Empire State Building Exercise

Purpose: To develop the ability to act in harmony.

Time: 20 minutes.

To play you will need markers or felt-tip pens, A3 sheets, cards with tasks, namely:

Draw a 10 storey building.

The outline of the building should be purple.

There should be 2 windows for each floor.

A blue flag should fly on the building

There should be as many cards as there are participants. If there are too many participants, then they can be divided into groups, then fewer cards are needed. Each participant is given a card. His task is to silently draw what he got. The participants do not speak to each other either. All group members draw at the same time. For the convenience of the game, it is better that a sheet of paper is attached to the wall, and the number of participants does not exceed 5 people. For excitement, you can arrange a competition for a while, then you need a stopwatch.


The exercise. "Plate with water"

The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of the emergence of mutual assistance

Time 15 minutes.

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water in a circle.

As a result, during the transfer, methods of communication develop, the search for the partner's hands until the moment the plate is handed over, the warning about the transfer by touch.


The exercise. "Who quickly?".

Purpose: team building, coordination of actions, distribution of roles

Time: 10 min

Assignment: groups must build different participants from geometric figures(square, triangle, circle, etc.), and do it in complete silence.


Final part

Exercise "Tell a story"

The exercise shows how the participants are able to effectively transfer the initiative to each other, which is important in the training of effective communication or team building.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Description: A psychologist or group writes on a flipchart:

  • The name of any item that can be seen in the store.
  • The name of any item that can be given as a birthday present to mom.
  • Any kind of sport.
  • Any food.
  • The name of any celebrity.
  • Any crime.
  • Any profession.

The psychologist explains that now the group will need to come up with a story. In this case, the first participant will have to start with the words “Once I discovered completely unusual thing... ". The next in the group continues the story. Each should speak one sentence at a time and include the characters and the objects indicated on the flipchart in the story.

Outcome Behavior: For effective communication in a group, it is necessary to be able to convey the initiative and let everyone speak.

Offer. 2 minutes. Everyone speaks one word to make a sentence.

The exercise is repeated several times. This exercise is also diagnostic. If the game stalls on any participant several times in a row, it means that he is not sufficiently activated, or he is agitated by something. This is a signal to the psychologist to pay attention to him.


The exercise. "What have I learned?"

Time 10 minutes

Purpose: reflection

Assignment: add unfinished sentences

I learned….

I have learned that….

I was surprised that ... ..

I like it,………

I was disappointed that….

The most important thing for me was….

Completion. Round-robin discussion:

What did I learn today ...

What will I use in my work ...


Purpose: Create a positive emotional mood.

Time 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Group members express their wishes for each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time utter it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will make sure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Thank you all for your active participation !!!


  1. Fopel, K. Group Cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. - M .: Genesis, 2010 .-- 336 p. - (All about the psychological group).
  2. Vachkov, I. V. The basics of group training. - M .: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - SPb .: Rech, 2007 .-- 224 p: ill.
  4. Starshenbaum, G.V. Skills training practical psychologist... - SPb .: Rech, 2008 .-- 416 p.

Cohesion training

teaching staff

Team cohesion is a concept that reveals the peculiarities of interpersonal relations in a team, the unity of value orientations, the unity of goals and motives of activity within the framework of joint activities. Friendly contacts during and after work, cooperation and mutual assistance form a good socio-psychological climate.

The factor affecting the socio-psychological climate of the team is determined by the individual and psychological characteristics each of its members. Through the prism of a person's personality traits, all influences on him, both production and non-production, are refracted. Therefore, for the formation of a particular socio-psychological climate of the collective, it is not so much the psychological qualities of the members that matter, but the effect of their combination.

common goal: to achieve good interpersonal relations (the specifics of formal and informal organizational ties in the team and the relationship between them), a democratic level in the team, the optimal level of psychological compatibility of the team.

Training objectives:

the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;

awareness by each participant of their role, functions in the group;

development of the ability to work in a team;

rallying the group.

Course of the event: Warm-up game "House-hosts"

Target: move, defuse the situation in the group.

All participants stand in a circle, divided into "threes". The first and third hold hands so that the second is between them inside. The one who is inside is the "master", who is holding hands - the "house". When there are a lot of people (from 20 people and more), the leader remains constant (that is, the coach), he only commands, but does not participate in the game himself.

The presenter can use three commands: "hosts", "houses", "earthquake". With the command of the leader "hosts!" those who stand inside the "house" must quickly change their "house", i.e. jump out of "your" and jump into another. With the command "houses!" - the "owner" remains in place, and the "houses" abandon their "owners" (without letting go) and find new "owners". The main thing here is that the "owners" remain in place, and do not rush along with the "houses" (although they are worn anyway). The third command is "earthquake!" After this command, everything collapses: the "houses" let go of their hands and "triplets" should form new ones. Who was who in the "previous life" - it does not matter, the "owner" can become a part of the "house", the "house" can become a "master". And so on to the general madness ...

When there are few people, up to 20 people, the game can be built as follows. There should be "threes" plus one person - the leader (first this coach). The presenter will also participate in the game. The players are announced what commands of the leader can be and what to do in this case, and it is also said that the one who, after the command and the action, is left alone, becomes the leader. After his first command (for example, "hosts"), the presenter is also looking for a "house". Someone lacks a "house", he becomes a leader, and already pronounces his command.

The coolest thing is when people quickly realize that after the command "earthquake" it is more convenient to become a "house", as it is safer. And now, clouds of "houses" are scurrying around the hall, lacking "owners". And at some point, the "part of the house" throws the other half and drops into the "house" for someone, and his other half is left alone. As in life ... don't click your beak ...

Exercise "True or False"

Target: teach to defend your point of view.

Write three sentences that are personal to you. Of these three phrases, two must be true and one must not. We talk about ourselves in a circle

  • Main part
  • Riddle about the neighbor on the right

    Everyone on the right has it. The players in a circle ask clarifying questions to guess the riddle.

  • Draw a neighbor game
  • And now let's draw your neighbor on the right in the role of an animal, with which you associate him and you can give a name to this animal.

    Questions: why did you choose this particular animal?

    Did you have any difficulties in completing this assignment?

    "Group necklace"

    Group necklace "is a game that helps us figure out how much weight we have in a group, what place we occupy or want to occupy in it.

    Necessary materials: scissors by the number of participants, colored paper

    Each participant receives scissors and a sheet of colored paper (may have different colors different people). A large sheet of paper and several tubes of glue are laid on the floor in the center of the room.

    You have exactly one minute to cut a circle out of the sheet, write your name on it and glue it on a large White list in the center of the room. Let's start! (The work of the group is not commented by the trainer and additional explanations are not given).

    Discussion questions (in pairs or triplets):

    Please look at the sheet after you have learned the meaning of the assignment and think about the questions:

    Do I like the place that I occupy on the sheet?

    Would I like to move my circle to a different location? Why?

    Does the size of my "bead" reflect my real place / weight / influence in the group?

    What is your opinion about the "beads" (size and their location, correspondence to the real position and "weight" in the group ...) of your colleagues?

    Relaxation "Sage from the Temple»

    Sage of the Temple

    Imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Dense grass rises to your knees and flower petals touch your feet. Around the trees, a warm breeze rustles their foliage. The sun's rays create a whimsical mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the peep whistling of birds, chirping of grasshoppers, crackling of branches. The scent of herbs and flowers is pleasant to you. Curly lambs in the blue of the summer sky foreshadow excellent weather.

    You cross the clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. It is barely visible in the grass. Apparently, it is not often walked on. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly you see the roof of a building of unusual architecture through the treetops. You are heading towards this building. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of an amazing structure. This is a temple. He stands far from the bustle of cities and the hustle and bustle of the streets, from the pursuit of ghostly happiness. This temple is a place of peace and quiet, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. Several wide steps lead to a heavy oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilding of the patterns that adorn the door. You climb the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is semi-darkness and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are old paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere, on which there are many books, strange tomes, scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, at which an old man in snow-white clothes sits. His kind and wise eyes are fixed on you. A candle is burning in a candlestick in front of him.

    Come closer to the elder. This is a sage who knows all the innermost secrets of the world, events of the past and future. You can ask him what worries you - and, perhaps, you will receive the answer that you have been looking for for so long ... The sage points you to the candle. Peer into this living flame, into its magical core. Look at him ... Inside the flame appears at first a blurry, and now more and more clear image ... Move your gaze to the sage. He is holding a calendar. The date clearly stands out on the calendar sheet, remember it ...

    The time for visiting the temple ends. Thank the sage for meeting you ... You leave the temple and close the door behind you. It's still a sunny day here outside. You go down the steps and again enter the forest path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, take one last look at the landscape around ... and again you are transported here, into this room ...

    Exercise "Gift"

    Purpose: positive completion of the training, reflection.

    Time: 3-5 minutes.

    Description of the exercise: Facilitator: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction more effective and more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust. " Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with a round of applause!"

    The psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

    Discussion: “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new have you learned today? What was useful to you for yourself, for the group?

    Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and well-coordinated as a team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are power! Thank you all for your participation! "

    Ismailova Damira Zholiddinovna

    The training is aimed at uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, and a benevolent attitude towards each other. By performing the training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, mastering the mechanisms of communicative competence.

    Training objectives:

    Formation of a favorable psychological climate

    Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

    Developing the ability to work in a team

    Group cohesion

    Awareness by each participant of his role, function in the group

    Improve the communication skills of teachers

    Improve the mood for good luck, happiness, goodness and success.

    Necessary materials:

    Sheets of size A - 4 according to the number of participants, pencils, felt-tip pens

    Calm music for relaxation

    Plates, jug of water

    Checkered sheets ballpoint pens by the number of participants

    Training progress:


    Dear Colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

    The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of the workforce, which determine its basic mood.

    In one climate, the plant may blossom, in another it may wither. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others, the team functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

    Building a psychological climate, team cohesion is the most important thing not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

    The climate is called favorable if there is an atmosphere of benevolence, care for everyone, trust and exactingness in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve High Quality working without supervision and taking responsibility for the cause. If everyone in the team is protected, feels a part of everything that happens and actively enters into communication.

    Exercise 1. "Greetings"

    Purpose of the exercise: Determine the purpose of the smile as a means of conveying a message

    Assignment: Greet Communication Partner with a Smile

    Instruction: today instead of the word "hello" we will greet each other with a smile. You are given the right to choose different variants smiles: sincere, arrogant, ironic, insincere.

    Exercise analysis:

    1. By what signs did you guess that the smile is sincere, ironic, arrogant?

    2. What did you feel when you received a smile instead of a greeting?

    3. How often and in what situations do you usually use a smile to establish contact?

    Exercise 2. "My mood"

    Purpose of the exercise: Expressing the mood

    Assignment: draw your mood at the moment

    Instructions: On a sheet of A - 4 format, depict your mood.

    We will arrange an exhibition of our moods, give our neighbor only a good mood, accompanying the gift with the words: "I give you my good mood ...", and then let it be yours sweet word, an appeal that is usually addressed to your loved ones.

    Exercise analysis:

    1. What did you like about this exercise?

    2. What emotions did you experience when giving and receiving a "mood" in the form of a picture?

    Exercise 3. "Compliment"

    The purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional mood for the interlocutor, mastering the technique of compliment.

    Assignment: Come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

    Instruction: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

    “Let's exclaim, admire each other,

    High-flown words should not be feared.

    Let's compliment each other

    After all, these are all happy moments of love ...!

    Today we will compliment each other. Choose your partner for the assignment. Compliments will be exchanged in the form of a dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also be sure to return it.

    For example:

    Natasha, you are such a sympathetic person!

    Yes it is! And also, I'm kind!

    And you have Olya, such beautiful eyes!

    The compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also ... (a positive quality is added) and the compliment returns to the speaker.

    Exercise analysis:

    1.What difficulties did you encounter in this exercise?

    2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, what were they?

    Exercise 4. "Flower" (to music)

    Purpose of the game: to help the participants experience feelings of mutual support and trust, mutual understanding at a deep level.

    Participants are divided into pairs, one of them represents himself as a bud. He describes his color, shape, soil on which it grows.

    The second one presents himself as a hero supporting the bud.

    He approaches the seated, grouped, the bud from the back, gently wraps his arms around it, and begins to rock.

    The bud is gaining strength and “blooming”. Then the partners switch places.

    Exercise analysis:

    1. Tell us about your feelings after the exercise?

    2. What difficulties did you face?

    Exercise 5. "A plate of water"

    The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of the emergence of mutual assistance

    Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water in a circle.

    As a result, during the transfer, methods of communication develop, the search for the partner's hands until the moment the plate is handed over, the warning about the transfer by touch.

    Exercise analysis:

    1. What do you think failed?

    2. How can this be corrected, what needs to be done?

    3. What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

    Exercise 6. Fall of Confidence

    Purpose of the game: rapprochement of group members, establishment of trusting relationships between them.

    The psychological meaning of the exercise

    Development of communication skills, cohesion of group members, trust.

    This exercise provides a great opportunity to experience what trust is.

    Assignment: standing with your back to your partners, fall into their arms. Conducted in turn with each member of the group.

    Exercise analysis:

    1. What was easier to do, fall or catch?

    2. How did you feel about this?

    3. Is there real life situations where you have similar feelings?

    Participants tell what helped or, conversely, hindered the task. What felt those who fell, and what felt those who closed the circle.

    Exercise 7. What I've learned

    Purpose: reflection

    Assignment: add unfinished sentences

    I learned….

    I have learned that….

    I was surprised that ... ..

    I like it,………

    I was disappointed that….

    The most important thing for me was….

    Completion. Round-robin discussion:

    What did I learn today ...

    What will I use in my work ...

    Thank you all for your active participation !!!


    1. Moreva N. A. Training of pedagogical communication. A practical guide. M. 2009.- 78 p.

    2. Stishenok IV Fairy tale in training: correction, development, personal growth. St. Petersburg 2006 .-- 176 p.

    3. Fopel K. Psychological groups: Working materials for the presenter: A practical guide. M., 2005 .-- 256 p.

    4. A manual for a beginner trainer, "I want to conduct a training." Novosibirsk, 2000 .-- 205 p.

    Valeria Morozova
    Training "Building the teaching staff"


    « Uniting the teaching staff»

    Compiled by educator-psychologist Yurasova V.M.

    Before the beginning training, I asked to answer teachers to the questionnaire:

    Please indicate which of the following statements you made the most agree:

    A) most of the members of our teaching staff- good nice people;

    B) in our the team has all kinds of people;

    C) most of the members of our collective - unpleasant people.

    Do you think it would be very nice if your colleagues lived close to each other?

    2 - more likely no than yes;

    4 - rather yes than no;

    5 - yes, of course.

    Do you think you could give a sufficiently complete characterization:

    A) the business qualities of the majority teachers ___;

    B) the personal qualities of the majority educators.

    2 - probably not;

    3 - I don’t know, didn’t think about it;

    4 - perhaps yes;

    Number "one" on the scale below characterizes collective, which you really do not like, but the number "nine" - collective which you really like. What number would you describe your teaching staff?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    If you have the opportunity to spend a vacation with members of your teaching staff then how would you approach this reacted:

    A) that would be fine for me;

    B) I don’t know, I didn’t think about it;

    C) it would not suit me at all.

    Could you determine with sufficient confidence with whom the majority of your members are willing to communicate on business issues? collective?

    A) no, I could not;

    B) I don’t know, I didn’t think about it;

    C) yes, I could.

    What atmosphere usually prevails in your collective? On the scale below, the number "one" corresponds to an unhealthy atmosphere, and the figure "nine"- on the contrary, an atmosphere of mutual assistance, mutual respect, understanding. What number would you describe your collective?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    What do you think, if for some reason you did not work for a long time (illness, maternity leave, pension, etc., you would strive to meet with members of your collective?

    2 - more likely no than yes;

    3 - I don’t know, didn’t think about it;

    4 - rather yes than no;

    5 - yes, of course.

    After analyzing the answers, I came to the conclusion that team cohesion is at an insufficient level, educators rarely turn to each other for help, in collective tense atmosphere. This is explained by collective new and, therefore, the emotional connections of its participants are not established at the proper level. Therefore, I decided to conduct training aimed at rallying the teaching staff, the development of communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, a benevolent attitude towards each other,. Exercise training, educators learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, mastering the mechanisms of communicative competence.

    Tasks training:

    Improve communication skills educators;

    To raise team cohesion;

    Relieve emotional and muscle tension;

    Develop emotional stability, self-confidence;

    To raise rallying the team of teachers;

    To acquaint with the method of restoring emotional balance;

    Increase mutual understanding between educators;

    Boost self-esteem educators;

    Improve the mood for good luck, happiness, goodness and success.

    Material: calm music for relaxation, newspaper, Whatman paper, pencils, glossy magazines, glue, felt-tip pens.

    Training progress:


    Dear colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the psychological climate collective, as well as the importance team cohesion.

    The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationship typical of the work collective that define his basic mood.

    In one climate, the plant may blossom, in another it may wither. The same can be said for psychological climate: in some conditions, people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave collective spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others - collective functions optimally and its members are given the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

    Building a psychological climate, team cohesion- this is the most important business not only for the administration, but also for each member collective.

    The climate is called favorable if in collective there is an atmosphere of benevolence, care for everyone, trust and exactingness. If members team are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and bearing responsibility for the cause. If in collective, everyone is protected, feels involvement in everything that happens and actively enters into communication.

    The game "Molecules"

    Target: relieve tension, create a friendly environment.

    Group members - "Atoms"- move freely around the room to the music. At the signal of the presenter (cotton) Atoms are combined into molecules by 2 people, then by 3, and so on. At the end of the exercise, the whole group is united.

    The exercise "Islets"

    Target: all participants will be posted on the newspaper (on the whole, on half of the newspaper, on a third).

    Participants are divided into groups of 4-6 people and perform tasks at speed.

    Creation of conditions for the embodiment and advancement of ideas about methods of action non-standard situation, group cohesion, physical workout. Participants exchange emotions and feelings and voice all their ideas.

    Psychotechnical exercise "Pressure".

    Target: awareness different models in communication and interaction with a partner, setting for equal communication. (10 min)

    Instructions: Stand opposite each other, raise your arms at chest level and lightly touch each other with your palms. Agree on who will be the presenter. The facilitator's task is to lightly press on the palms of his partner. Then, switch roles and repeat the pressure movement in the palm of your playmate's palm.

    Perhaps you did not experience pleasant minutes either in the first or in the second case (it was unpleasant for you to press on your partner, and very unpleasant when they pressed on you).

    Then, try not to press on each other, perform joint movements with the palms of your hands facing each other so that a mutual feeling of warmth arises between you (psychoenergetic contact).

    Did you feel how much more enjoyable it is to interact on an equal footing, and not to achieve superiority? Do not forget that while striving for psychological pressure on the communication partner (there will be a parent, colleague, child, we run the risk of causing him to react not to submission, but to indignation. And instead of helping, he will simply refuse to contact us.

    The exercise " Collage on the topic -"Our collective»

    Collage, like any visual technique, makes it possible to reveal the potential of a person, assumes greater degree freedom, is a painless method of working with a personality, based on positive emotional experiences associated with the process of creativity. In addition, when making collage there is no tension associated with the participants' lack of artistic ability, this technique allows everyone to get a successful result.

    A feature of this technique is that the creation collages takes place in a group form, which allows you to include participants in joint activities and trace the features of their social interaction.

    The purpose of the exercise: to develop the group's ability to come to a common opinion, to compromise, to be able to negotiate.

    The group sits around the table and is offered a drawing paper, pencils, glossy magazines, and glue. The group decides what they will draw, together they agree who will draw the selected drawing (it is desirable that together, the drawing should be voluminous)... Participants must distribute the colors and the space on the Whatman paper that they will fill in.

    Issues for discussion:

    1. Were there any difficulties in choosing a picture?

    2. Did any disagreements arise during the course of the work?


    Sit down in your seats. (includes relaxing music)

    Relaxation "The Sage of the Temple"

    Imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Dense grass rises to your knees and flower petals touch your feet. Around the trees, a warm breeze rustles their foliage. The sun's rays create a whimsical mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the peep whistling of birds, chirping of grasshoppers, crackling of branches. The scent of herbs and flowers is pleasant to you. Curly lambs in the blue of the summer sky foreshadow excellent weather. You cross the clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. It is barely visible in the grass. Apparently, it is not often walked on. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly you see the roof of a building of unusual architecture through the treetops. You are heading towards this building. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of an amazing structure. This is a temple. He stands far from the bustle of cities and the hustle and bustle of the streets, from the pursuit of ghostly happiness. This temple is a place of peace and quiet, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. Several wide steps lead to a heavy oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilding of the patterns that adorn the door. You climb the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is semi-darkness and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are old paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere, on which there are many books, strange tomes, scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, at which an old man in snow-white clothes sits. His kind and wise eyes are fixed on you. A candle is burning in a candlestick in front of him. Come closer to the elder. This is a sage who knows all the innermost secrets of the world, events of the past and future. You can ask him what you care about - and perhaps you will get the answer you have been looking for. The sage points you to the candle. Peer into this living flame, into its magical core. Look at him. Inside the flame, at first a blurred, and now an increasingly clear image appears. Move your gaze to the sage. He is holding a calendar. The date clearly stands out on the calendar sheet, remember it. The time for visiting the temple ends. Thank the sage for meeting you. You leave the temple and close the door behind you. It's still a sunny day here outside. You go down the steps and again enter the forest path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, take one last look at the landscape around you. and be transported back here, to this room.

    Reflection training:

    1. What did you like?

    2. What caused the difficulties?

    3. What was promoted by the training?

    E.A. Smirnova, teacher-psychologist MBDOU number 12 "Brusnichka"

    Target: team building and building effective team interaction.


    • formation and strengthening of a common team spirit, by rallying a group of people;
    • development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;
    • getting emotional and physical pleasure from the training results;
    • self-awareness as a team.

    List of participants: 10 - 15 people.

    Relevance: it is impossible to do all the work alone from time to time you still have to resort to the help of another person. In a close-knit team, mutual assistance is the key to success; without support, only a small goal will be achieved, which everyone has set, but the goal of the team will remain at a zero level.

    Why cohesion is important: the opportunity to plunge ..., the opportunity to see ..., the opportunity to hear ..., the opportunity to feel ..., the opportunity to experience ..., the opportunity to become ..., to become one collective that feels, supports and inspires to new actions and deeds.

    Training structure:

    1. Org. moment - 4 minutes
    2. Introduction - 5 minutes
    3. The goal of the task is 3 minutes
    4. Warm up - 5 minutes
    5. Main part - 50 minutes
    6. Reflection - 10 minutes
    7. Org. end - 2 minutes

    Training progress:

    1. Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..." - 5 minutes
    2. Game "Atoms and Molecules" - 4 minutes
    3. Exercise "Build for growth!" - 5 minutes
    4. Exercise "Putanka" - 10 minutes
    5. Exercise "Friend to friend" 10 min.
    6. Train exercise - 10 minutes
    7. Exercise "Counting to ten" - 10 minutes
    8. Exercise "And I'm going ..." - 8 minutes
    9. Exercise "Magic Chair" - 15 minutes

    Structure: the teachers sit down in a circle, when everyone calms down and is ready to listen, the training begins.

    Greetings "Let's say hello".

    Target: relieving muscle tension from training participants, switching attention.

    Hello everyone who has a birthday this month.
    Hello, those who had a hearty breakfast in the morning.
    Hello, those who are happy with the salary increase.
    Hello those who yearn for the sea and sand.
    Hello those who are ready to work in our group.

    - My name is Elena, and today I will conduct a rallying training for you. The goal of our training is team building and building effective team interaction. Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single whole to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your colleague understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. The close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

    The parable of the runners

    Several years ago, at the Seattle Paralympic Games, nine runners (with mental and physical disabilities) lined up on the 100-meter start line. A signal shot rang out, and they rushed forward - you can't say that very quickly, but with obvious determination to run to the finish line and win. All except one guy, who stumbled and nearly fell. Staggering, he hobbled a couple of steps and began to cry. The other eight runners heard him cry. They slowed down, stopped, then turned around and walked back. Every single one! The girl with Down syndrome kissed the poor man and said, "This will cure you!" Then all nine joined hands and together reached the finish line.

    For ten minutes in a row, the entire stadium applauded them while standing.

    Game "Atoms and Molecules"

    A small initial adjustment is needed: Let's imagine that each person is a small atom, and atoms are known to be able to combine and form molecules that are fairly stable compounds. On my signal (the signal is being negotiated), you must unite into molecules, the number of atoms in which I will also name. - Ready. Begin. Participants begin to move freely in space and, having heard the signal from the leader, combine into molecules. If the last number of atoms in the molecule is two, then the exercise is in a good way dividing the group into pairs for subsequent work.

    Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..."

    Target: get to know each other (if they don't know each other) get to know each other, how they are alike, in order to find friends with the same interests.

    Exercise progress: Participants line up in two circles - internal and external, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. The participants in the outer circle say to their partners on the contrary a phrase that begins with the words: "You and I are similar in that ...". For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in one kindergarten etc. The members of the inner circle answer: "You and I are different in that ..." For example: what we have different colour eyes, different hair lengths, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants of the inner circle move (clockwise), changing partners. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle meets each member of the outer circle.


    • What have you learned about others?
    • What interesting things have you learned?

    Exercise "Build for growth!"

    Target: Overcome barriers in communication between participants, liberate them.

    Exercise progress: Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up in height with their eyes closed. When all the participants find their place in the ranks, you must give the command to open your eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether the task was difficult (how the participants felt) or not.


    • Did the group manage to do this?
    • What helped? Supported?
    • What emotions did you experience during the exercise?

    Exercise "Putanka"

    Target: Cohesion, improvement of mutual understanding of the participants.

    Exercise progress: Everyone joins hands in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got entangled, and one big "mess" turned out, one can imagine that the whole group turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. ("Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?" - Asks the presenter). When the animal has found its way to the right and where to the left, it must learn to move in all directions, including back. And then, the animal must run, and maybe even someone caught along the way, "eat"

    Discussion: What feelings and emotions did you experience while completing the task?

    Exercise "Friend to friend"

    I suggest you play a friend to friend activator game, during which all participants need to perform very, very fast movements. Stand in a circle, choose a partner and quickly shake his hand.

    And now I will tell you what parts of your body you will need to very quickly "greet" each other. And when I say: “Friend to friend! », You must change your partner.

    Right hand to right hand!
    - Nose to nose!
    - Back to back!
    - Friend to friend.
    - Sock to sock!
    - Belly to belly!
    - Forehead to forehead!
    - Friend to friend.
    - Side to side!
    - Knee to knee!
    - Little finger to little finger!
    - Friend to friend.
    - Thigh to thigh!
    - Ear to ear!
    - Heel to heel!
    - Friend to friend.
    - Back of the head to the back of the head!
    - Elbow to elbow!
    - Fist to fist!
    - Friend to friend.

    Shake hands. Well done. Thanks.

    Exercise "Train"

    Target: Cohesion, increasing mutual trust of participants, training behavior confidence, if necessary, to act in conditions of lack of information, relying on partners.

    Exercise progress: 6-8 participants represent a "train", standing in a column and putting their hands on the shoulders of those standing in front. All but the first close their eyes. This "train" needs to drive through obstacles, which are represented by other participants. With a small number of players, some of the obstacles can be depicted using chairs.

    The task of the "train" is to proceed from one wall of the room to another, on the way, be sure to go around 3-4 obstacles in a circle (the leader indicates which ones) and without colliding with the rest. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to go around in a circle were exactly one of them), when the train cars approach them at a dangerously close distance, they can emit warning sounds - for example, begin to hiss.

    The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to be both in the role of obstacles and in the "train".

    If there are a lot of participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the game more dynamic by running two "trains" at the same time.


    Who liked to be more like a “locomotive”, “carriages”, what is this connected with?
    What emotions did anyone have when moving as part of the "train"?
    What real life situations can this game be likened to?

    Exercise "Counting to ten"

    Target: feel each other, understand without words and facial expressions.

    Exercise progress:“Now, at the start signal, you close your eyes and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will be counting together. Someone will say "one", another person will say "two", a third will say "three" and so on. However, the game has one rule: only one person must pronounce a word. If two votes say “four,” the counting starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


    • What happened to you?
    • If not, why not?
    • What strategy have you chosen?

    Exercise "And I'm going ..."

    Target: relaxation of participants, relaxation.

    Exercise progress: Participants sit in a circle. There is one more chair in a circle. One of the participants in a clockwise direction sits on an empty chair and says: "I'm on my way." The next participant, in a chain, moves to an empty chair and says: "And I'm near." The next one, sits down on the vacant chair and says "And I am a hare." The next one transplants and says: "And I am with ..." (name of any participant). The named person is transplanted next to him. Thus, the circle is broken, and the whole chain begins anew. Each time, participants change seats in a clockwise direction faster and faster.

    Game "Magic Chair"

    I suggest you play the Magic Chair game

    With the help of a piece of cloth and a ribbon, you can quickly arrange the "Magic Chair", which will help increase self-esteem and improve relationships. In a certain place of the group, in the center, the "Magic Chair" is placed. Participants are invited. Participants move, holding hands around the chair, while pronouncing the words:

    Who is more beautiful than everyone today,
    Who is happier today than everyone
    Show up soon-
    sit on the Magic Chair.

    The participant who is in front of the chair seat sits on it. Everyone takes turns giving him positive compliments. Having accepted a compliment from everyone, the participant expresses a sign of gratitude, communicates his feelings.


    What psychological qualities did you show when participating in the training?
    How did you feel?
    What new have you learned about yourself, about the group?
    How will you use this knowledge?
    What have you learned?
    How will this come in handy in the future?
    What was important?
    What are you thinking about?
    What happened to you?
    What needs to be developed for the future?

    Thank you very much for coming to the training, I hope that it will not pass without leaving a trace in your life, I hope that something will come in handy and you have thought about something, and will work in this direction. I wish you success, creative and professional achievements. Goodbye.