Accurate horoscope Capricorn for the year of women.

In the coming year, Capricorns should think about how to move a few steps up the career ladder. The rooster will help them in every possible way. And even close people will involuntarily push you to conquer new career heights. It is necessary to correctly use the information coming from acquaintances, the media - a lot of information will turn out to be important and useful.

In January, Capricorns will begin to build unusual plans for themselves. February will make them sad, and March will give a huge amount of energy and positive emotions. In April, astrologers advise the representatives of the sign to take care of themselves and get a little distracted from work. If you work seven days a week, you can get sick or make the wrong decision.

May 2017 - best time in order to do away with old things, forget about problems. In July, you must definitely go on vacation. If possible, go out of town, for example, to the country house or the sea coast.

August-September is a difficult period in terms of work. The load will increase several times, but there is no need to be afraid and worry. In the coming year, Capricorns will be strong and resilient. All their efforts will be rewarded.

October-November - period creative ideas. The main thing is that there will be enough energy for their implementation. From the very beginning of December, the sign will embrace the mood of the holiday, so he will feel happy until the very end of 2017.

Capricorn career in 2017

From the first days of the coming year, Capricorns will be very active and enterprising. They will be engaged in the implementation of projects that they have been thinking about for a long time. Painstaking work will bring a stable income and please you with something new.

Representatives of the sign will have many considerations regarding how to become successful and take a leading position among colleagues. It should be noted that all ideas will be effective and competent, so we can expect positive changes in the professional field. In business, Capricorn will be lucky. Their authority will become more significant in the eyes of management.

In the spring, some problems are not ruled out. They will be the envy of colleagues and partners. They will suddenly notice how successful and valuable an employee Capricorn has become, they will begin to make more serious demands on him. Leadership will do the same. But you should not panic - everything will be successfully resolved. The sign knows how to act even in difficult and unfamiliar situations for him, so he will cope with all problems.

In the summer months, Capricorn will have to work hard. But he will carry out labor assignments at will - no one will force him to do this. With effort, the representative of the sign will again succeed. But, feeling himself omnipotent, he may begin to be biased towards subordinates and colleagues. Of course, this will not lead to good, because not everyone can work at the same pace as Capricorn. Do not put pressure on workers - everything can end in a small war. You need to treat them with respect and understanding.

From September to November, the pace of Capricorn's life will accelerate even more. He will have a lot of things to do everywhere - both at home and at work. And all of them will need to be addressed urgently. But this will not strain - the sign knows how not to panic and work efficiently even at a frantic pace. At the end of the year, another career leap is possible. In one fell swoop, Capricorn will “jump over” several high steps. This promises a big increase in wages.

Capricorn love horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Capricorns are waiting for changes in their personal lives. It should be noted that they began a long time ago, they just remained veiled until now. Some representatives of the zodiac sign will have to face serious family problems. If relations with a partner have not been stable before, even a divorce is not excluded.

In June 2017, problems with children will begin, which will last for quite some time. What is most offensive, they will not only take a lot of energy from the sign, but also make him spend a large amount of money.

The first six months, according to astrologers, are not the best period for family Capricorns. The second half of the year is a time of storms in the personal lives of lonely hearts. We must hope that everything ends well. It is important to be sincere and respectful of your beloved (beloved), to reckon with his opinion. In a situation of conflict, it is categorically contraindicated to listen to the advice of others - they will force you to act incorrectly. In the year of the Rooster, personal life will be more connected with work than with family.

Lonely representatives of the sign can look at their old acquaintances in a new way. Perhaps one of them will seem to them suitable for creating strong family. Relationships will begin with a light connection, which will not oblige to anything, but will develop rapidly and become sincere and passionate - the kind that Capricorn needs.

According to astrological data, the second half can be found on the 4th or 22nd of any month. Ideally, the name of the new partner should begin with the letter "M" or "D".

Capricorn health in 2017

At the very beginning of the year of the Rooster, the health of Capricorns can only be envied. They have never been so hardy and strong as in the first months of the year. It is necessary not to miss the moment and have time to enjoy impeccable well-being.

In the spring the situation will change a little. In order to avoid health problems, the sign will need to make some adjustments to the usual daily routine and work schedule. Lack of rest will lead to colds and increased weather sensitivity.

Those Capricorns who were attentive to their health in the spring months will feel their best. They will always be in a good mood. This will push you to go in for sports and conquer new career heights. August is not suitable for extreme recreation, as the risk of injury will persist throughout the month.

By the end of the year, fatigue - both moral and physical - will still make itself felt. No need to get upset and depressed. At the first signs of overwork, astrologers recommend that Capricorns “lay low” and do their favorite things. By the winter holidays, health will improve significantly.

The planets will affect you generously and in different ways. Jupiter will make you overcome obstacles, and you can only succeed in this if you find the strength and desire to work on stubbornness and your own ego. You will have to go through this science from the very beginning of the year until about mid-September, after which you will receive full compensation for all the vicissitudes and difficulties. Jupiter will turn its positive side towards you, giving you good luck and excellent prospects. And Uranus in 2017 will test your determination and willpower, making it impossible to control what is happening in your life the way you would like it to be.

Saturn in Sagittarius will force you to ask questions of a global order that go beyond the material and everyday. It is very important to look for answers to them, because this planet will move into your sign at the end of December and you (already in 2018) will be able to acquire a wonderful and extremely useful property for yourself - a sense of purpose that can provide you with a very strong position.

And you can be sure that you will live 2017 richly and with benefit for yourself.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Attention to your personal life will either increase or decrease in you. This will be due to the fact that worries, troubles and successes in other areas of your life will to some extent push the relationship with your loved one (or the search for a loved one) into the background. All this will be especially relevant in the first half of 2017. Starting from mid-summer, priorities will begin to change little by little, and in recent months, personal life will become important, take its rightful place, being a source of great positive and pleasant changes.

The results of the year as a whole will turn out to be like this ... Capricorn men can count on the fact that significant events will occur in their lives. Although it is not a fact that each of you is aware of this immediately. Many Capricorn women will meet love under circumstances that are completely unusual for this. Those who have already had this exciting moment will come to the end of the year with relations much more harmonized than they are now.

Career and Finance: Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

A career is exactly that side of your life in which you will be able to achieve an unprecedented amount in 2017. During the year, of course, not everything will always go perfectly. Uranus will make you doubt yourself and may cause fear of responsibility. Jupiter will place you in situations from time to time that will test your professional ethics and willingness to interact with people. A Mercury retrograde in the first week of the year, as well as in April and in the second half of August, it will make you nervous for no apparent reason and make you look in what is happening not so much for advantages and prospects as for problems and obstacles. But in the second half of the year, you will face less and less difficulties and more and more observe the results of your labors. Moreover, the more conscientiously and fully you begin to fulfill the recommendations of your horoscope, the more tangible and positive they will turn out to be.

When it comes to financial matters, you need to remember that best source income for Capricorns in 2017 will be a personal or family business. Trying to do business with outside companions is significantly less effective. To work in full subordination (in employment) for someone is completely futile.

It is advisable for you to invest all the financial "surpluses" into something. It could be a project overhaul in your house (or apartment), etc. Putting money "under the mattress" is not worth it, because hoarding during this period will not give anything. Hidden money can be corny stolen. Or something else not very pleasant can happen.

Health: Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Health will be one of your concerns. Old illnesses may become active in you, immunity may decrease, and some ailments will “take shape” into well-defined diagnoses. But there are ways to deal with this - and even better to prevent this - there are. For Capricorn women, in 2017 they will be fasting, yoga, cleansing procedures. If treatment is required, then first of all you should turn to traditional medicine recipes.

Capricorn men can afford quite traditional medications and treatments. Avoid only potent drugs, especially those with a narcotic effect.

If your Ascendant... (You can ): Aries: It will be much easier for you to overcome the gusts of the opposite "wind" of certain planetary energies that will be directed against you this year. You will definitely cope with your problems and achieve quite a lot. Taurus A: You will have a need for stability and security. However, you may not always be able to get them. And the problem here will lie not so much in the very fact of their insufficiency, but in the internal discrepancy between your needs and desires and the real tasks that will confront you. Gemini: It is fortunate in your case that you will be able to quickly and constructively respond to what is happening with you and around you. The problematic point is the unwillingness to concentrate on solving problems just enough to bring them to their logical conclusion. Cancer: The real stumbling block for you can be decisiveness. More precisely, its absence, because you will miss it sorely. But, at the same time, you will also perceive it overly emotionally. And, accordingly, aggravate the situation. You need to work on this. Leo: You will be able to enrich your life with a sense of your own importance. True, there is a risk that along with this you will also acquire a sense of arrogance and authoritarianism. Virgo: You will be able to make your existence more orderly and solid. True, in order to achieve all this, you will need a fair amount of pedantry, a lot of distrust of others and the information that will come to you, and in some situations even cynicism. But it's worth it... Libra: This year in your existence there will be a lot of superficial, illusory. You will want to achieve harmony at any cost. Yes, and dependence on the environment, too, will not be able to affect your attitude to life. Of course, one cannot but admit that in general this time will pass for you intensely, but still your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits place and meaning will turn out to be somewhat biased. Scorpio: Your ambition, perseverance, diligence will undoubtedly play in your favor. True, you are ready to radiate even cruelty and aggressiveness, if it is necessary to achieve your goals. And in the end, you won't go wrong. Sagittarius: Your approach to life during this period will be serious and meaningful. Although you also have sentimentality and vanity. But this, perhaps, will not spoil the overall “picture” for you, and the year will not be aimless for you. Capricorn: Your inherent qualities, and even doubled, will undoubtedly play in your favor. This year, you will need exactly what nature has given you - your sobriety, discipline, and endurance. Aquarius: You will be able to act quite effectively this year. Therefore, value in yourself independence, creativity, tolerance. This "set" will be a real lifeline for you in problem situations and when important decisions need to be made. Pisces: You are predisposed to solitude and subtle feeling. In some situations, this could be a problem for you, because it would force you to break away from real world and not understand it. However, this year such an approach to life can be considered ideal, as it will allow you to get the maximum benefit for yourself even in difficult circumstances.

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Autumn will be an active and eventful year for you. Perhaps you would be happy to rest and relax, but circumstances will not allow you to do this. Try to boast less and complain about life. In general, keep your personal life secret, ill-wishers will seize every opportunity to annoy you. However, as Capricorns rightly remarks, no one can seriously harm you, because in addition to enemies, there will be friends next to you.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

Your year can be conditionally divided into several long periods, each of which will differ in some feature. So, the beginning of the year should be devoted to thinning out your inner circle of friends and throwing hypocrites out of it. Not so long ago, you already tried to do this, but did not succeed too much, because a traitor still lurked next to you. If you do not deal with this issue in February, the horoscope for 2017 promises you negative consequences in the fall - a traitor will manifest himself at the most important moment for you and destroy all plans. Trust your intuition, look deep into a person and penetrate into his essence. You can do it.

Unfortunately, this will have to be done in emergency conditions of workload. You will be in the center of a huge information flow, from which you will have to filter out the unnecessary and highlight the important. After all, in the future, all your business connections and partners will play important role- keep in touch with helpful people. Write down the dates of births, holidays and anniversaries in the diary so that there is a reason to remind yourself. Your colleagues will look with bated breath at your efforts - make friends with especially diligent ones. They can be a good basic new team when you get promoted.

Summer is better to devote to the family - a joint vacation or even a weekend will strengthen your marriage and unite loved ones. You need to pay attention to your soulmate, giving as much warmth and love as you can. So you will save yourself from family strife and scandals. It is better to plan a vacation for the fall and we recommend spending it in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. It will not be possible to completely abandon work, but you will have a great time.

Horoscope Capricorn: for men

This year you need to clearly distinguish between love and work. In no case do not allow office romances, there will be no sense from this. Rather, on the contrary, you will get a negative experience and a stain on your reputation, and your passion will quickly move higher, since you will be made the culprit. Therefore, the horoscope for men advises to clearly define your priorities: what will you put in the first place - work or family?

Actually, this will be the main conflict of the year. You will not be able to find a compromise or try to achieve success in both areas. And if you begin to devote more time to your sweetheart, your business will begin to suffer. Get back to business, and your soul mate will get bored and leave you. The choice is difficult, but you have to make it, just be sure that you will not regret what you did later.

Accumulate experience and information that will come to you. Although no career advancement is expected this year, the knowledge gained in autumn period, will be useful to you to achieve other goals. Write down everything you think is important in a notebook and keep it close at hand.

Horoscope Capricorn: for women

Capricorn women this year will focus on solving relationship problems. Work, of course, will also occupy a considerable part of your life, but it will gradually fade into the background, as relatives will demand your attention and participation.

Be prepared for the fact that you will become the official mediator in the house: only you can settle any, even the most heated disputes between relatives. As the horoscope for women assures you, this role will be to your liking, the main thing is to at least sometimes get out of the image and become yourself.

Your spouse will become somewhat cold towards you and only you yourself can regain your former interest in yourself: change your appearance, cook a new dish, update your outfits. You have to fall in love with your husband again. If you behave self-confidently and ignore this advice, you risk being left with a nose - your husband will go to a rival.

But for free Capricorns, the stars predict a fateful meeting with a man who will become their life partner. A non-committal relationship will turn into something more in the summer, and by autumn you can safely expect a diamond ring. Therefore, do not relax, keep your ears sharp and always be on top.

Financial horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

According to the 2017 horoscope for the Capricorn zodiac sign, don't expect easy money this year. Therefore, immediately forget about all the "free" ways to make money. Refuse to participate in dubious financial events, do not invest money on the advice of others, and even focusing on your own premonition - it will let you down. If you have additional funds, invest them in yourself: advanced training will be most welcome, because your bosses will load you with new tasks, which you can only cope with using new solutions.

Also, do not get involved in gambling and lottery. You will not earn a penny, but you will spend an impressive amount of family budget. There is a high probability of getting into debt or loans - bypass banks and credit communities, it will be difficult to give money away.

Since there will be no easy money, the work will take up a lot of your time - you will have to take overtime and use days off to cope with everything on time. The authorities will appreciate your dedication, but in monetary terms, their encouragement will find its expression only in the fall. But even then, do not rush to spend additional funds on large purchases, your savings will still come in handy.

For those who want to start new project or open your own business, the horoscope predicts success, but it will not be the rapid growth that you dream of. At an early stage, your business will be tiny and queer, you will have to invest a lot of effort and money in its development, so you will not be able to collect the first cream until closer to December.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

For men, this is a career year. If you prioritize work in second place, life will quickly make adjustments, because it is in this area that you will be most successful. And since success is your kind of drug, it will be difficult to refuse it.

But you will literally be forced to spend almost all your free time at work, plus undergo additional training in management and time management. It will be difficult for you to fit all your affairs into twenty-four hours. Stress and constant pressure at work can lead to health problems in the spring, so wisely distribute work and alternate it with periods of rest and relaxation.

This year you will be able to take a full vacation only to new year holidays so try to get as much rest as possible on the weekends. Your enthusiasm and creativity will be appreciated and appreciated by both colleagues and management, so don't hesitate to accept praise. Just don't get arrogant.

Large expenses should be avoided. No matter how strong the desire to acquire new furniture, expensive TV or car - do not rush, pretty soon you will have the opportunity to make a good investment when you can double your savings. But beware of scammers, try to carefully choose business partners and projects for work.

Financial horoscope for women

Do not count on bonuses and bonuses at your main place of work, therefore, if you want more money find yourself a job. Or make your hobby another source of income: if people like your things, why not offer them to buy it.

Women bosses will be in an awkward position at the beginning of the year: deals agreed at the end of 2016 will suddenly be canceled, and new ones will appear only by spring. You will be able to hold out until this time only thanks to old and trusted partners. By autumn, the situation will completely level off, you will have new partners, customers and a tidy sum in your account. You will even be asked to borrow - feel free to lend. Firstly, you will come to the aid of an important person for you, and secondly, the money will be returned to you on time.

But beware of the debt hole yourself, any debt obligations taken this year will be very difficult to fulfill.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

In an attempt to sit on two chairs at once, you will be unusually active in love sphere. The main rule is in moderation. And then you get either thick or empty. Your soul mate is waiting for attention from you, but you should not schedule a trip to the cinema, a restaurant and shopping for one day - this will be more tiring than it will bring pleasure. As the horoscope for the zodiac sign Capricorn assures, your partner will provide you with all kinds of support and give you very helpful tips, using which you can achieve success in the professional field.

But at the same time, it is your employment that will cause disputes, scandals and, possibly, a break in relations. Treat this philosophically: if a person does not want to enter into your position and support, but is this person “your”? In any case, the Rooster will tell you what to do and add decisiveness.

Free Capricorns will be able to get a couple by the summer. The stars say that this will be a new acquaintance, so feel free to burn bridges when you meet this person - he will be with you for a very long time.

  • love horoscope for men very favorable, except for the aggravation of relations at the beginning of the year, when you are mired in work up to your ears. The most favorable time to plunge into the family bosom is autumn. You will not be so busy with work, and your soul mate will finally receive the long-awaited attention and affection from you. Try to listen to her advice, she will think very soberly and give you the necessary recommendations in work matters. But in matters of love, the initiative should come entirely from you. But the support and help that you receive in gratitude will be most welcome.

For free male Capricorns, the stars predict many pleasant meetings, one of which will change your life. This year you will meet the one who is able to get along with your difficult character. But only if you are really ready to build a serious relationship, otherwise her face will simply flash in a series of new acquaintances.

  • Love horoscope for women promises not an easy year. The family will take a lot of time, while you yourself will be ready to give them everything and even more, but only in exchange for peace and tranquility in the house. You will be a lightning rod in heated family discussions to cut down any emerging scandals in the bud. Do not get too used to this role, otherwise it will turn into your lifelong duty.

Spend more time with your spouse, otherwise he will look at other women. To get his attention, work on your appearance, captivate him again with your best features, forget about your differences for a while. But only if you want to save the marriage.

Children will take a special place in your life this year: all your maternal care and affection will be required from you in order to support your child in time. Avoid conflicts and moralizing, this will only alienate you from the child and set you up negatively. On the contrary, win his trust, become his friend.

Children's horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Your child will look for approval and encouragement in your eyes for any reason, try to notice any little things in their behavior and actions. They really need your attention.

Toddlers will suddenly show interest in home appliances. Leaving aside their toys and construction sets, they will actively explore inner world washing machine and a vacuum cleaner. Study these devices together, answer all questions and show how to use them correctly. If you don't, they will guess. From my own experience.

Schoolchildren will show special independence and autonomy, constantly violating the rules of the house and the daily routine. They will not walk lessons, but at home they will demonstrate their character in every possible way with enviable regularity. Try to act like a caring parent: explain to your child the importance of following the rules and the benefits of them. Punishment will only cause more resentment and protest.

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Many Capricorns by nature are real careerists. This means that they can easily find mutual language s, which is set to help everyone move up the career ladder and improve their financial situation. The horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn promises many bright events - both in work and in personal life.


Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

The first thing to do is to get rid of everything superfluous in life. Starting with the rubbish accumulated in the house and ending with relationships that destroy you day after day. Gossips will discuss you almost incessantly, but do not take it to heart - just step back from the “swamp” into which they are trying to drag you.

Family and relationships

Secrets of the Force

You often stay late at work - and although all your efforts are aimed at arranging the family nest, it will not be cozy without your presence. Capricorns should be more attentive to their soul mates, because hidden resentment can cause serious discord in relationships, and even betrayal.

Listen to your family members for help. It may take a lot of effort - but the gratitude for your support will be immense.

Toward the end of the year, even single Capricorns will be able to find their happiness. The love horoscope for 2017 advises the Capricorn man to listen to common sense and objectively evaluate potential partners. It is important to find a person with whom it will be comfortable to go through life and there are no fundamental contradictions in views.



But in matters of career for Capricorns, the “finest hour” has come. Your entrepreneurial spirit will allow you to easily open own business or get attractive leadership position. However, in order for this to become a reality, it is important to learn not to isolate yourself and not turn any idea into a trade secret. Discuss your thoughts and plans with other people - during such a “brainstorming” your ideas will become even more perfect.

It is equally important to learn how to calmly respond to criticism from management. The horoscope for 2017 advises Capricorns to look at it from a different point of view - if your every action is being watched, then you are seriously interested. And, therefore, you need to mobilize all your experience and knowledge in order to prove yourself with better side and defend your own point of view.



After a difficult 2016, Capricorns will be able to breathe easy. Already in early February, the situation will stabilize, and by the summer, revenues will increase significantly. However, be careful: the stars indicate a high risk of meeting scammers. Do not sign important contracts without a lawyer - only a professional eye can see all the tricks and loopholes in the documents.

It is not worth investing in a bank. It is better to spend savings on trendy home renovations or your own development. Moreover, new knowledge will allow you to create an effective source of passive income.


Astrology for everyone

At the beginning of the year, Capricorns can feel apathy and loss of energy. This is due to the fact that in the last months of 2016 you spent a huge amount of energy. Let your body recover and don't push yourself too hard for the rest of the winter. Additionally, you can start drinking vitamins and sign up for a pool or yoga where you can relax and restore energy balance. As soon as the winter cold gives way to a warm spring, health will improve dramatically.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn woman

Lovely Capricorns in terms of work can compete with any man. The main qualities that will help you achieve your desired goals in 2017 are perseverance and responsibility for your actions. The horoscope advises Capricorn women to be more decisive and not be afraid of radical changes in life.

Family and relationships

Women's online magazine

Your excessive suspicion and negative past experiences prevent you from building a truly happy relationship. It may seem to Capricorns that a loved one "walks to the left." However, before you arrange a debriefing, try to find out what's on his mind.

Perhaps the reason for a certain detachment and coolness in a relationship is not at all that all the affection goes to another woman. This behavior may be due to the fact that the partner is experiencing a creative crisis or does not feel well.

The love horoscope for 2017 for the lonely Capricorn also advises to look back less often. Otherwise, a worthy candidate for your heart may get tired of the “one-sided game” and leave. As a result, you will still realize your mistakes, but it may be too late.


Zodiac signs

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, you are able to get real pleasure from work. However, do not forget that you are working surrounded by other people - and, therefore, you need to establish good relations with them.

It is in your power to become the unspoken leader of the team. But, although your opinion is listened to, you should not turn into an authoritarian commander - working in a team will bring much more pleasure, and great results.



In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorn women can safely take loans and make deals - financial horoscope very favorable for 2017. In August-September, do not hesitate to ask your boss for a raise wages- seeing your diligence and professionalism, you will not be refused. Unexpected receipts of finance are also possible - such “gifts” the Rooster has in store for February, March and early October.


Large free library

Health problems will practically not bother Capricorns in 2017. However, the horoscope recommends that you carefully consider your vision - due to hard work at the computer, it can deteriorate dramatically. Teach yourself to do eye exercises every day and pick up stylish glasses that will protect you from harmful radiation.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn-Rooster

Of course, the owner of the year is not indifferent to his wards. Capricorn-Roosters in 2017 will be able to change jobs without any problems and get a well-paid position in a prestigious company. You will be gladly accepted even without recommendations and probationary period, most importantly - show yourself at the interview not only as a professional, but also as a real team player.

In personal life, everything will also turn out well. The only thing Capricorns should avoid is office romances. There is a risk that all your intimate secrets will become main theme gossip in the office.

Year of the Fire Rooster will bring Capricorn to life new impetus: you will be active, hardy and more than ever open to any undertakings. Beware of secret ill-wishers - not everyone will be able to appreciate your active life position. Listen carefully to conversations behind your back as there is a risk of backbiting and gossip.

Famous Capricorns

  • Edward Uspensky
  • Denzel Washington
  • Mikhail Boyarsky
  • Marlene Dietrich
  • Gerard Depardieu
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Jerome David Salinger
  • John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
  • Isaac Newton

Forecast for the zodiac sign Capricorn for 2017

From the very beginning of the year, take a closer look at everyone who is in your circle of acquaintances. Even among friends, you can find secret envious people and spiteful critics. Capricorn's ability to delve into the very essence of things will help you identify real friends and separate fake ones. In the spring, when you move away from people who are not your friends, you will feel a surge of positive energy. If you leave hypocrites in your environment, then get ready for betrayal in a very important autumn period for you.

Summer will be the time when Capricorn will be able to truly appreciate relatives and family - you will understand how much others love you. Do not forget about communication with friends, go to parties with them, go to the country or get together on Fridays in a cozy bar. It is very possible that you will get close to one or more work colleagues, and this will launch a new joint project that will bring good financial bonuses.

In 2017, Capricorns should beware of spiteful critics!

The year will be extremely busy with business activity, but in the fall you will be able to relax a little - things will continue to go by themselves, requiring little or no intervention. You will constantly do helpful information, which needs to be carefully analyzed, since this information will be useful in the future for fruitful work. Prepare a diary for 2017 in advance - you simply won’t be able to keep the flow of incoming information in your head.

In the autumn-winter period, you can expect new acquaintances - this will especially please Capricorns, who have not yet established a personal life. In the year of the Fire Rooster, you can create a couple for life, so keep a close eye on casual acquaintances. Also, Capricorns will be good at the role of a lightning rod - they will be able to extinguish any conflict at work or at home. You will not be burdened by the role of a peacemaker - on the contrary, Capricorns will be satisfied with the work done.

The Year of the Rooster will make you open to new experiences. Take advantage of this and plan a long trip to Europe or a tour of several countries in Asia - these regions will be especially comfortable for you. The good news is that in 2017 you yourself will become the arbiter of your own destiny and no evil rock can stop you. The main thing is to believe in yourself and outline a plan for the implementation of your plan. Do not be afraid to devote yourself to any business as much as possible - the results of selfless work will bring you dividends in the future.

  • Forecast for men. Stars recommend Capricorn men to pay attention to relationships with their beloved woman. In 2017, she will need your attention and support more than ever. Listen to the requests of your soul mate - and remember that words of love and gratitude will make your relationship even more harmonious, as well as reduce the risk of quarrels and conflict situations.
  • Forecast for women. The Year of the Fire Rooster will be the time when single Capricorn women find their love. Astrologers advise married representatives of this sign to diversify their personal lives. Try not to let your husband go alone to corporate parties and parties - he can be pulled to the side. Also, do not get hung up on household chores - think about a new hobby, change your hairstyle and sign up for a gym. You will become more attractive and desirable for your man. Do not forget about the joint rest and make it a rule every Saturday to take pleasant walks with your husband and children.

Love horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Rooster will require increased attention to loved ones from the Capricorn zodiac. Your constant workload at work can cause resentment, quarrels and a noticeable cooling of relations with your loved one. Your partner in 2017 will be able to give you for real good advice and recommendations - just listen to his words and draw the right conclusions.

Spend more time with your loved ones so as not to destroy relationships

For Capricorn women, winter will be a period favorable for new acquaintances. Even longtime friends will notice how charming and sweet you are, so increased attention from the opposite sex is guaranteed. This can make a regular partner jealous, so don't be too flirtatious with other men.

Family women will be quite satisfied with the behavior and success of children. But don't be too arrogant educational processes- it still will not bear fruit, but relations with the offspring can become aggravated. Summer will be a good period to forget about household chores a little and devote time to yourself, as your life is fully adjusted and does not require constant monitoring and intervention.

For Capricorn men, autumn will be especially successful. She will be rich in amorous adventures for single men, and family Capricorns will be pleased with a new round in the development of relationships. Pleasantly surprise your soul mate, do not forget to pamper her with flowers, gifts and compliments - and you will be surprised how comfortable conditions she will provide you with gratitude. By the end of the year, meet with your parents more often - they will need your help and advice.

Health Horoscope for 2017

The year of the Fire Rooster will not bring any special health problems to Capricorn. Just keep your immune system up to par and prepare for the autumn-winter period of exacerbation of colds. It will be enough for you to drink a course of vitamins and include more fresh herbs in your diet.

In the new year, Capricorns need a shock dose of vitamins

Capricorn women need to think carefully before resorting to cosmetic procedures: there is a high risk that they will not bring the expected result. In 2017, it will be useful to visit the pool and sauna. If you start swimming regularly in winter, then in summer your toned figure and beautiful skin will become the envy of others.

Stars advise Capricorn men to adjust their usual diet in favor of cereals and almost completely eliminate pasta. In autumn, try to dress warmer and avoid drafts - the risk of a runny nose and the development of bronchitis is increased.

Money horoscope for 2017

In autumn, the Capricorn zodiac can expect financial dividends for the efforts made throughout the year. The main thing - do not squander immediately received money, no matter how much you want it. If you do not need to make expensive purchases, then it is better to save money for really important things. Moreover, all earnings will be associated exclusively with work. You should not rely on manna from heaven - the Rooster does not promise you easy money.

Be attentive to money and learn how to accumulate it

Stars advise Capricorn men to avoid financial adventures. Forget about the stock market if it's not for you. professional activity otherwise you risk losing more than gaining. Listen to your intuition and inner voice - they will warn you about scammers who will meet on your way in early spring. Your prudence will be properly rewarded, and already in the fall you can expect a really profitable investment offer.

Capricorn women in the year of the Fire Rooster will show the necessary frugality, but unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided. The stars warn that the risk of unexpected expenses for household chores increases in the summer, so from the winter, create a small nest egg to finance them. And do not be discouraged - purchases for the home will benefit and last for a long time. In the fall, you may be asked to borrow money. Do not be greedy - the loan will be returned on time. But do not borrow yourself in 2017, otherwise it will be difficult and long to repay it.

Career horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster will raise the relevance of a career in the highest degree. For the Capricorn sign, this area of ​​​​life will become a priority, pushing family and friends aside for a while. The first half of the year will be especially active, so get ready to devote time to work issues even on weekends. The management will set you tasks that only a true professional in their field will be able to do, so take the time to improve your skills.

Get Ready: Capricorn Awaits a large number of hard work

The management of the company will closely monitor the success of Capricorn men, so sitting in the shadow of other employees will not work. By the end of the year, a decision will be made on a possible promotion, so show your best side. Don't worry - you will be surprisingly efficient in 2017, and new projects will be completed quite successfully. It is better to plan a vacation for autumn or the beginning of winter, since it will not be possible to escape from the workplace earlier.