What phase is Mercury in? What to Do When Mercury Retrograde

The period of Mercury retrograde greatly affects our lives, so it is worth knowing what actions will benefit you and which will not!

Read right now:

1. What is Mercury Retrograde?
2. How many times a year do you experience Mercury Retrograde?
3. What activities will benefit you during Mercury retrograde?
4. How do the signs of the zodiac affect the period of retrograde Mercury?

What is Mercury retrograde?

If you do not know what Mercury retrograde is, then this paragraph will be very useful to you. If you are well aware of this, go straight to the actions and read below ...

Mercury Retrograde- in astrology, this is the influence of Mercury when it moves backward. The effect of retrograde movement¹ arises from the different speeds of movement of Mercury and the Earth relative to the Sun.

But why is it so important?

Everyone knows that other planets constantly influence the Earth and human life in particular. Mercury is the second planet from us, and its influence is very interesting. When the movement is direct, everything goes as usual, and when it is retrograde, life on Earth seems to be distorted.

This applies even to communications!

It was noticed that during the period of retrograde Mercury, communication is constantly interrupted, and sometimes it is simply impossible to get through to another subscriber. Or someone is constantly wedged into the conversation, faxes are not transmitted, emails get lost ...

The period of retrograde Mercury also affects our lives not in the best way.

A person at this time perceives information inaccurately, as if through a veil, and then often everything turns out to be completely different from what it looked like at first. This applies to work, relationships, and other aspects of life. That is why it is not recommended to start new business during the period of retrograde Mercury.

How many times a year do you experience Mercury retrograde?

The direction of motion of Mercury changes 3-4 times a year. The retrograde lasts approximately 20 days. Therefore, in order not to regret later on the actions taken, it is worth marking such periods in your calendar in advance.

What activities during Mercury retrograde will benefit you?

But is it all that bad?

Not at all! During Mercury retrograde, you can and should:

  • solve past unfinished business,
  • clear karma and move on to radically new level life,
  • see and evaluate all possible prospects!

The fact is that during the retrograde period of Mercury, a window opens up for new opportunities.

If you are careful and analyze the situations that are happening, then during Mercury retrograde you can win a lot!

Mercury influences communication, work, sales and everything related to transportation. In a retrograde, all these areas can skyrocket in price. You can sign lucrative contracts, get tangible benefits from training, invest in stocks and make a fortune ...

Yes, at this time, risks increase many times over, but in risky cases there is always someone who wins!

If you want your business to go as smoothly as possible during Mercury retrograde, remember this rule:

Don't start new, but go back to the past!

  • Do you want to apply for new job? Remind yourself of a job that you enjoyed.
  • Do you want to build a relationship or find love? Think back to a time when you were happy.
  • Is there an opportunity to rest? Visit places dear to your heart that you have already been to.
  • Scared to start new business? Take on your old projects.
  • Everything that will concern the revision and improvement of the past will benefit!

Also, the negative impact of Mercury retrograde will help mitigate

How do zodiac signs affect Mercury retrograde?

In order to correctly assess the influence of retrograde Mercury and act for your own good, you should know:

  1. If the period of retrograde Mercury falls on the earth signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), you should show maximum practicality and not spend more money than required.
  2. When Mercury retrograde passes through the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) it is time to use far-sighted strategies and the most innovative solutions.
  3. If retrograde Mercury is in the air signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) it is worth discussing each decision aloud.
  4. When the period of retrograde Mercury falls on water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), you should listen to your intuition as much as possible! By the way, at that time they had a very good chance of winning a big jackpot in the lottery, and

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Retrograde movement - movement in the opposite direction of the direct movement. This term can refer to the direction of rotation of one body around another in an orbit, or to the rotation of a body around its own axis, as well as other orbital parameters (

March 05 at 18:13 Mercury will turn retrograde at 29° 36" Pisces. It will be retrograde until March 28, and at 13:55 at 16°06" Pisces turns to direct movement. GMT.

I wrote more about the features of the current complex loop of Mercury in I recommend that those who have not read, but read the forecast, refresh information on this .

Below is the schedule for retro Mercury in 2019-2018. But first, my article on Mercury retro periods and recommendations for this time.

* * *
The retrograde movement of Mercury or the movement back is the path of the planet visible from the Earth. occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun. The duration of the Mercury-Sun cycle is on average 116 days. During the cycle, Mercury makes two conjunctions with the Sun: an “upper” conjunction when Mercury is direct and a “lower” conjunction when Mercury is retrograde with the Sun.Between the lower and upper connections passesapproximately 6-7 weeks.
In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business.Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year.The duration of the retrograde phase is 20 days.

Mercuryrepresents communication, telephone calls, correspondence, mail transfers, our daily mobility and short trips; all kinds of communication, means of communication, exchange of information, goods and contacts with our immediate environment. It symbolizes our type and style of thinking, as well as the ability and opportunities to raise our level of awareness both on current issues and in the field of our education. His transit plays important role in negotiations and business agreements.

Being the nearest planet from the Sun, Mercury is the main filter of our consciousness in the stream of perception of the world.During the period of its retrograde, there is a slowdown in thought processes, a desire to analyze the accumulated information.Retrograde Mercury is not focused on new connections, new impressions, it immerses in the understanding of what we have already learned, it tends to put things in order in our thoughts and contacts.

Whenever Mercury moves retrograde, it journeys into the depths of our psyche to unearth old secrets, gather information that needs to be returned to to review it again and give us clues that will help us in the future. But for new beginnings, this time is unfavorable.

What can be observed during the retro-Mercury period
At this time, people are more immersed in themselves, they think and communicate a little differently, their mental attention is directed either to the past or to the metaphysical. One way or another, but their contact with the real plan at this time is reduced. There may be a need for privacy and reduced contact. Written communication may be used more frequently, and absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are common.Many of the things that have already been started can turn out to be “hung”, in many cases it becomes difficult to complete what has been started for reasons beyond our control. The conclusions made at this time will not be final and will require re-examination and revision in the future.

"Hermes", engraving by W. B. Richmond.
At this time, rules may change, contracts may be revised, deadlines may be postponed, the publication of manuscripts submitted for publication may be delayed, difficulties and delays in the preparation of documents increase. Texts submitted at this time in the publishing house , may sin with inaccuracies or shortcomings, proofreaders may not notice gross typos. The probability of errors in accounting documentation increases, important points of information may fall out of sight. Studying is harder new material, while traveling, misunderstandings, delays, flight delays are frequent. Business trips to new places and for new reasons are often not productive.

This period can lead to problems in the field of communication and information exchange (telephone, postal services, Email, communication on Internet forums), in agreements, decisions, marketing, data processing and storage.At this time, communications equipment, household appliances often fail and break down. technique and transport, more often than at other times, there are delays in flights at airports.Pets may need more attention.These trends may be stronger manifest on days near Mercury reversals to retro motion(R) or directive(D) , that is, near the start and end dates of retrograde on the calendar.
Read more about the essence of retrograde, retro-loops of the planets and the astrological interpretation of these periods in the article.
What Not to Do During Mercury Retrograde

This is an unfavorable time for starting important negotiations, for concluding agreements, signing contracts, going to court to file a lawsuit, for business trips, getting a job, starting a business, changing activities, starting new projects, buying communications equipment, office equipment and major purchases;for diagnostics and medical examination; to contact new specialists, to start new business relationships, new cooperation; fordangerous trips to new places and the beginning of learning something new; presentation of new ideas and projects.

At this time, it is useful to return to old cases and put them in order. This may be the completion of already started cases and projects, sorting the archive, cleaning the computer of unnecessary files. At this time you can do backups important data and documents, site backup. Useful more detailed work over topics that for some reason were postponed.Returning now to the old ideas, we can find something useful and important in them, this is the time for finalizing projects.To use the effect of retrograde, it is possible to outline repeated steps for this period in cases that did not get results from the first attempt.

Life does not stand still, waiting for the direction of Mercury, and, at times, it at that time we have to deal with paperwork, travel somewhere, etc. In this case, remember some rules. If it is impossible to reschedule the dates of the trip, the submission or receipt of documents, the conclusion of the current contract, negotiate and agree on all the pointsbe extremely careful with dates and numbers; double-check what you have written, read the fine print; check the documents upon receipt, for example, a visa, for the accuracy of the dates. When arranging a meeting or a trip, agree on all the nuances, make sure that you understand everything correctly and that you understand you correctly.

Accumulate energy.This is the time of analysis and preparation of the things that will need to be carried out after the retro period of Mercury.For people of creative professions, this time can be very fruitful. It brings new ideas for the embodiment of unfinished images and plots, now you can understand and work out in more detail what previously did not fit into a finished image or concept.You can meet up with old friends you haven't seen for a long time. it good time to restore lost connections,resumption of cooperation. People from the past may appear in our lives. At this time, old connections will be more useful than new acquaintances.

On the influence of the transit of Mercury retrograde on the owners of natal Mercury retrograde
For owners of natal Mercury retroperiods of transiting Mercury retro can be more fruitful than for direct Mercury retros, as retrospection is their natural environment. But astrological recommendations for the period of this transit are common to all, since we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mercury. Therefore, large purchases, signing new financial obligations, and obtaining loans are also not recommended for people with natal Mercury retro. New initiatives and the beginning of something important in business, for example, and in other areas of life, where a person depends on people and external circumstances, for the owner of natal Mercury retro will have the same consequences as for others. So everyone who has Mercury retrograde in natal should take into account general recommendations for this period. However, often in people with natal retro-Mercury important events in life they pass on the transit retro-Mercury, as a rule, these are those events that do not depend on their actual choice and are not planned by them.

Helpful Hints

Mercury is a fairly fast celestial body, the movement of which can be easily observed by novice astrologers, just like the Moon, predicting small and insignificant everyday events.

And if the Moon well shows events that hurt us emotionally, then Mercury indicates events thatmake us think and develop intellectually.

Read also:Everything you wanted to know about Venus retrograde: what it will bring and how to survive ?

Mercury can hardly give significant and major events, its energy is not enough for this, but it can serveevent trigger that occur under the influence of slow planets.

When observing Mercury, it is easy to see that approximatelyonce every 3 monthsit slows down its movement, and then starts moving in the opposite direction relative to the observer from the Earth. In fact, the planet, of course, does not move backward, but certain features are noticed.

Mercury's transits through the zodiac and its aspects do not produce major events, however, when it goes retrograde, many things start to happen.not work as usual .

Mercury retrograde period: how often does it happen and how long does it last?

Mercury retrograde lasts an average of three weeks and occurs about once every three months, respectively. 3-4 times a year. For many who follow Mercury retrograde, it can be quite difficult to endure these three weeks, when many things have to be either postponed or redone.

However, we just need this time to go back and reconsider what necessary!

ATTENTION! When you see the beginning of a Mercury retrograde period on the calendar, you should become more attentive to events.in two to three weeks before that, as the speed of Mercury begins to slow down, which means that its action may well already take place!

This is also due to the fact that Mercury is included in the so-called "retrograde loop" and those things that you need to do in this loop can be repeated when Mercury returns to the same point. In the "loop" all points are passed three times - first in the direct position, then in the retrograde, then again in the direct position. Hence the simple conclusion: they started - returned - did it again.

Cycle of Mercury and the Sun

The Mercury-Sun cycle lasts approximately 12-14 weeks (3 months) and includes several important points:

1. Inferior conjunction with the Sun. This is the first conjunction with the Sun, which takes place approximately in the middle of Mercury's retrograde path (about 10 days after the reversal). This connection can be conditionally called New Moon, since this is the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

Things to know about bottom join:

- Until that day, you should complete the affairs that are related to Mercury (for example, finish writing, complete studies, complete paperwork, return from trips, and so on).

- After the moment of conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, it is good to start planning new things related to Mercury, but do not start them yet!

2. Superior conjunction with the Sun comes about after 9 weeks after the lower conjunction and is conditionally called the Full Moon, that is, it is the culmination of the Mercury-Sun cycle.

What you need to know about the top connection:

- Superior conjunction occurs approximately 1.5 months after Mercury exits retrograde.

- This is a period of activation of those areas for which Mercury is responsible - communication, languages, transport, documents, trade, communications, etc.

- It is on these days that many people can show all their intellectual abilities, brilliant ideas come, people become more perspicacious, they are drawn to communication and knowledge.

In both the bottom and top connections, you need to catch important information by being curious. These days, many may think that they know more than others and overestimate their intellectual capabilities, therefore, in order to avoid any misunderstandings and communication problems, one should exercise tact and control the ego.

Retro Mercury

What areas of life are affected by Mercury Retrograde?

When Mercury turns retrograde, you should pay great attention to the following areas and things, since it is here that various misunderstandings, returns, errors and inaccuracies can take place:

  • Any intellectual spheres
  • Documents, letters, parcels
  • Communication, negotiations
  • information as such
  • School study
  • Courses, seminars, webinars, conferences
  • Means of communication and information transfer
  • Printed publications
  • Movable property
  • Vehicles
  • Travel and roads
  • Trade

Although retrograde Mercury manifests itself most clearly in these areas, its influence is felt in any other areas, because the human consciousness begins to work. a little differently, a person perceives the surrounding reality fuzzy, unclear and gives errors.

The Psychological Impact of Mercury Retrograde

People noticeably reduced attention, since at this time there is a decrease in the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Many become more distracted and forgetful, as a result, they end up in all sorts of situations due to a misunderstanding.

- Difficulty concentrating on something, and the reaction to external events becomes more inhibited. As a result, it is easy to make mistakes and miss important information.

Many people become optional so it's easy to be disappointed from communication.

people harder to take in information, especially by ear, so the misunderstanding between people only increases during this period. Information may not be fully visible, some of it may simply pass by unnoticed.

Probable events for retro Mercury

When you see Mercury turning retrograde on the calendar, you should pay attention to the fact that the next three weeks may have place next events:

  • Problems with communication, junk transport, phones, gadgets, computers. This is especially noticeable on Mercury's static days.
  • It's hard to get the information you need or find the right person.
  • Letters, parcels, transferred money are lost.
  • People often change their minds, or agreements and meetings are broken for various reasons, including independent ones.
  • Offers do not arrive at the right time (for example, you have an important meeting when you are busy with other things, offer to buy something important when you have no money, etc.).
  • Return to hometowns (on a visit or for a long time) or to some places where you have already been.
  • News about people from the past, or meetings with some people with whom they have not communicated for a long time.
  • Mistakes in writing.
  • No quick feedback if needed.
  • Difficulties in work for those whose activities are connected with the spheres of Mercury (see who will be most affected by retro Mercury).
  • During this period, we often do not receive information in full, or receive it distortedly. All the details emerge after the exit of Mercury from the retrograde movement.

  • Any new information that comes in at this time may be completely useless or even confusing, distract from the important, which may cause problems.
  • New job offers may not be very attractive, or something is not being told to you (the whole truth is revealed later, new responsibilities may appear for which you will not be ready). But you can get a one-time or very short-term job.
  • It is possible to get a new position in an existing job, although there may be some difficulty in mastering new duties, or you may not like them. Also at this time, you may be asked to engage in some duties that you have already performed in the past.
  • There is a great risk of meeting secretive and dishonest people, whose true face will appear later. Either there are acquaintances with people who quickly disappear (or leave, or simply evaporate).
  • Incoming proposals turn out to be empty or very quickly rejected by the proposer himself.

Mercury retrograde: what not to do and why?

  • Start new projects and important things if they are related to the spheres of Mercury (see above).

Why not? Everything will have to be redone, revised, changed, or the business will not be successful.

  • open new outlets, salons, register firms and enterprises (even small, individual ones);

Why not? Such enterprises, especially commercial ones, will not be successful, will constantly roll back, the business will develop poorly and face different problems, including paperwork, dishonest employees, document errors and more.

  • Prepare any documents, especially if they are something very important.

Why not? Big risk of making mistakes.

  • Submit documents to higher authorities.

Why not? It's hard to get the answer you're looking for, or you'll be waiting too long.

  • Sign any documents, conclude written and oral agreements.

Why not? The clauses of the treaties will subsequently be revised, the treaties will be terminated or will undergo major amendments. If the contract is oral, one of the parties may refuse the agreement, or somehow misinterpret it.

  • Start moving (to a new apartment, house, new office or new premises);

Why not? The new place may not be as comfortable, or you will have to go back again to redo and finish something, or you will quickly leave this place or look for a new one. Circumstances beyond your control may arise that force you to move out of your new location, or you will own will for some reason.

  • Make large and medium purchases, in some cases even small purchases can be unsuccessful. It is especially unfavorable to buy smartphones, computers, electronics and any gadgets, as well as set them up at this time. You can not buy also means of transportation - cars, bicycles, scooters, rollers, and so on.

Why not? Purchases may be unsuccessful, defective, or simply not suitable for you. It is especially not recommended to buy things on the Internet, they will have to be changed, and there may be problems or delays with the return of money. Gadgets may be fine, but soon they will break or break, or you will simply be disappointed in them and do not want to use them anymore. Vehicles can also be very short-lived or perform poorly.

  • Post advertisements for the sale or purchase of an apartment, start looking for a new apartment or directly sell / buy an apartment / house.

Why not? The search may be delayed, or you will receive not the most successful offers. New flat you may not like it, or there will be some problems with the purchase / sale agreement itself.

  • To issue loans, borrow or lend.

Why not? It will be difficult to pay off the debt or wait for its return.

  • Initiate new acquaintances, make new contacts and connections.

Why not? New acquaintances will not be long-term and can be quickly interrupted, and connections will not be as reliable as one might expect. There is also a big risk of encountering dishonest people. During the days of Mercury retrograde, many wear a mask and do not want to show their true face, hence the problems. Interestingly, the truth is revealed when Mercury, already in a direct position, returns approximately to the point at which the acquaintances took place during the retrograde period (see the loop of Mercury).

  • Start your studies, take important new courses.

Why not? Since consciousness is now very scattered, it will be difficult for you to perceive information and then you just have to listen, read and remember it again. Memory works distorted, so something can be remembered incorrectly. In addition, new information may simply never be useful to you, and now you are just wasting your time.

  • Pass exams, defend diplomas and term papers, make presentations, conduct seminars and webinars.

Why not? It is more difficult to express your thoughts, to answer questions correctly, to be focused. Big risks of not passing or passing not as well as you expect.

  • Start learning to drive.

Why not? The information will be harder to remember, you will learn the material more slowly, and then you can take the exam for a license for a very long time and repeatedly.

  • Start traveling to new places or buy tickets for trips in the future.

Why not? There may be problems, road delays, route changes, unwanted transfers and waiting, returning back (forgotten something or someone, etc.), problems with documents. The trip may take longer than you expected. The date of the trip may change and be postponed, or you may want to cancel it altogether.

  • Book hotels or transport.

Why not? You can change your mind, then change the date, or there may be some problems with this booking in the future.

  • Send important letters, parcels.

Why not? They may get lost somewhere along the way, or the recipient will not receive them as quickly as expected.

  • Clarify relationships, conduct any negotiations.

Why not? Many things can now be misunderstood, or you will misunderstand or say something that can ruin your relationship or undermine trust.

  • Make important decisions.

Why not? You may change your mind, change your mind, or circumstances will get in your way. For important decisions, especially the fateful ones, it is better to wait until Mercury exits the retrograde movement and especially the static position (+3-4 days after the reversal point).

  • Accept offers from other people.

Why not? If you answer yes to new proposals, it may well be that you will regret it, change your mind, or the intention will not be realized for some reason.

  • To make some things to order (for example, to sew clothes, shoes, etc.)

Why not? Even after careful fitting, the item may not suit you.

  • Operate or initiate aggressive treatments on organs that are ruled by Mercury (especially the respiratory organs, nervous system, arms, hands, fingers, intestines, connective tissues - ligaments, tendons).

Why not? Mercury as such is not directly related to surgery, but practice shows that the organs for which it is responsible may be more vulnerable. As a result, the operation may be unsuccessful, something will have to be redone.

  • Seek advice from experts.

Why not? The information received from them may turn out to be useless, false, or you will not use it. This applies to the consultation of doctors - if it is possible to wait a month until Mercury becomes direct and fast again, then it is better to wait.

  • Take tests, do tests, start complex examinations

Why not? The results may be erroneous, you will have to retake everything again. Analyzes may be lost or misread.

Mercury retrograde: what can you do?

Although there are more things not to do during Mercury retrograde, it still leaves us with some positive developments and will also help in solving some issues and cases.

The retro period of Mercury should be treated with patience and simply avoid prohibited topics, but the following cases will turn out to be quite successful. When Mercury retrograde, you can and should:

  • Continue any business that was previously started, including those related to the spheres of Mercury.
  • Solve those problems and issues that previously did not reach the hands or that were abandoned halfway through or forgotten: for example, to finish reading books, watch series, finish writing work, etc.
  • Do small work that needs to be completed quickly, that does not take much time and that you know very well.
  • Do your usual routine activities.
  • Get a job that you want or know you won't be working for long seasonal work, work in one project, replacement of one of the employees who went on maternity leave or vacation, etc.).
  • Clean up and tidy up your home or workplace. This will help you focus and reflect on what is not yet completed, and what still needs to be completed. Also at this time it is good to clean the computer from unnecessary programs, documents, files.
  • If during cleaning you find some old things that you haven’t used for a long time, feel free to throw them away or give them away. This is especially true of some stationery, books, magazines, notepads with old notes, various old papers.
  • If you have pantries and closets in your apartment or office, it’s good to disassemble them too, as it stagnates in such places negative energy. Which you need to get rid of.
  • Engage in editing old records, review, add and edit contracts and other documents that have already been written, drawn up.
  • Re-read books, re-take some courses to remember some information, refer to old records, re-learn something that for some reason was not used, but you needed it again.
  • Review archival documents, sort and put things in order in file cabinets, on bookshelves.
  • Change the contracts under which you are already working, amend or completely redo them, renew old agreements. In this case, the signing of documents will be successful.
  • Look for meetings and communicate with old acquaintances, neighbors whom we have not seen for a long time; make calls to people from the past.
  • Go to places you've already been.
  • Sell ​​old things or stale goods.
  • remake old clothes for themselves (embroider, sew, repair, etc.).
  • Work with psychological problems, visit a psychotherapist, reflect on your past, conduct psychoanalysis, unearth the true causes of actions, the behavior of other people and your own, etc.

Mercury retrograde

What to do if you still need to deal with Mercury issues?

It often happens that during the period of retrograde Mercury, we still cases need to be resolved related to it: we need to agree on something with someone, we need to move, we need to buy something or sign an important document, but there is no possibility to postpone or reschedule. Here are some tips on how to behave properly.

1) Set yourself up for the positive, remember the risks, but think positive, because any risk implies that there is a possibility that nothing will happen.

2) Be extremely attentive to everything you do, check what you write or buy 10 times, read and reread documents, including small print, several times. Ask other people to check something important to you, if possible: more likely that the error will be noticed and corrected in time.

3) Be prepared for something to go wrong, don't be discouraged that something will have to be redone, approach any failure consciously and remember that there are no hopeless situations.

4) Give yourself time to think, if you need to urgently make a decision, get rid of stress, slow down, set yourself up for the fact that this decision will be right for you at this moment.

5) If you agree on something with a person, do not hesitate to ask if everything is in order or do not be afraid to cancel the meeting if this is your circumstances.

6) Make sure you understand all the information and all the details correctly, feel free to ask again.

How to understand who is waiting for change?

If Mercury was retrograde at the time of your birth, then the periods of its transit retrograde movement will be for you very positive and fruitful even more than for others. These days you will feel comfortable, and all the "charms" of the retro movement of Mercury will be in your favor.

  • For example, the boss decided to find a person for a profitable position - he could not find the ideal candidate, as he expected, the position was offered to you;
  • A friend's trip was canceled, he gave you a ticket/accommodation for free;
  • An old friend showed up, you resumed a relationship that became longer and more serious than before;
  • They postponed the exam to the dates of retro Mercury, at first you were upset, then you began to prepare more, as a result, you showed yourself with better side and got the highest score!

There are many options, it all depends on what areas Mercury rules in your personal chart, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what transits are going on at this moment.

Some people who have retro Mercury in their charts still complain that things aren't going as well with Mercury as they think. But on by and large if they look at it the other way, they will find many more benefits.

Who else should pay attention to the retro period of Mercury?

1) People whose work and profession associated with Mercury: writers, translators, copywriters, journalists, merchants (including sellers, distributors, dealers, owners trading business, especially small goods: books, stationery and electronics, etc.), secretaries, clerks, compilers of documents and letters, school teachers, teachers, drivers and truckers, telephone operators, employees of companies providing various services, including the Internet, and so on.

2) People in whose charts Mercury, the signs of Gemini and Virgo are expressed, as well as solar Gemini and Virgo in general, because Mercury is the ruler of these signs of the Zodiac.

For these people, periods of Mercury retrograde will be more noticeable and will be remembered by different situations and events associated with it (see Probable Events for Mercury Retrograde). They especially should not engage in those things that are not recommended to do with retro Mercury.

Mercury retrograde transit according to the signs of the zodiac

♈ ARIES. Urgent cases are returning that need to be completed quickly and that require quick decisions. For example, once a question was not completed, but now there is a need to finish it as quickly as possible. Superficial receipt of information, quick forgetting. It is difficult to train memory and memorize something, information quickly disappears.

♉ TAURUS. In this sign of the Zodiac, Mercury retrograde is less hot and more attentive, makes more serious mistakes, fewer minor inaccuracies. People are not so mobile and do not look for quick information, although it is still difficult to perceive everything new at this time. People are easily offended over trifles, and misunderstood information can remain in their head for a long time, even if they find out that it is not true.

♊ GEMINI. In this sign, Mercury is in its home, but is ready to distort any information. Be careful when you see that Mercury has turned back in its sign, because it's time to hide and hide. All sorts of scammers and deceivers are activated, it is easy to get acquainted with charlatans, so we advise you not to seek advice during this period. And you should buy things only from trusted suppliers that you trust and quickly after the purchase you can return or exchange the goods. It's very hard to get things done!

♋ RAK. On the days when Mercury enters the sign of Cancer, the sensitivity to words and intonations only increases, and when retrograde, this only intensifies. These days you can remember old grievances, criticism, you begin to overwhelm with emotions about what has long been left in the past. Interest in some children's books may flare up again, or you can somehow return to childhood, remember some things from it. Any new information it is worth taking it carefully, filtering it, as there may be misunderstandings.

♌ LION In the sign of Leo, Mercury makes us stand out and attract attention through speech, vivid and emotional statements. Someone wants to discuss old important news. These days there is a great risk of overestimating the level of your knowledge. It's hard to admit you're wrong. Many will catch themselves thinking that they begin to impose their opinions on others. It's good these days to go back to some creative projects, which you abandoned or postponed for a while, but for completely new inspirations it may not be enough!

♍ VIRGO. Mercury, although it will follow its native zodiac sign, will not be too strong, so things that are associated with it can go awry and awry, the astrologer warns the site. Absent-mindedness and unwillingness to admit one's mistakes can at this time lead to even greater inaccuracies and problems, so it is better to postpone any important documents, negotiations or trade deals until the time when Mercury is in a direct position.

Mercury Retrograde symbolizes the processes of individualization, the growth of the independence of the intellect. The human mind becomes independent process detached from what is happening around. Mercury retrograde is one of the indicators of introversion. This does not mean that Mercury retrograde is "bad" or "malicious". He gives people a strong intuition, a deep mind; although children born with retrograde Mercury may experience learning difficulties, it seems that they already, without teachers, everyone already knows that they draw knowledge from some bottomless inner piggy bank that they brought into this life from a past incarnation. They are characterized by a mysterious irrational wisdom, and for this reason, such children find it difficult to communicate with their peers, "normal" children.

Retrograde Mercury can mean an interest in the collective unconscious (traditions, customs), it can form a predisposition to clairvoyance, perception of the thoughts of other people, the study of the occult sciences.

But more importantly, Mercury retrograde has a surprise in store for its charges. Sooner or later, cardinal changes take place in the life of the owners of such Mercury. The dam that separated them from those around them turns out to be broken through by the accumulated mass inner knowledge, and these people become over-contact, over-inquisitive, over-communicative. Since such a breakthrough often occurs at an age when a person chooses a profession for himself, former closed children often choose such work for themselves in order to be in the thick of things and people - they become journalists, writers, reporters, businessmen.

Mercury does not move further than 28 ° from the Sun, therefore it can be found in the horoscope in two positions - in front of the Sun (Prometheus, rising before the Sun) and behind it (Epimetheus, rising after the Sun). Paired with direct and retrograde movement, we get four states of Mercury, forming four types of thinking.

  1. Intuitive type of thinking. On the one hand, a person is inclined to actively seek answers to his questions, to acquire knowledge, and on the other hand, the most important direction in the search for knowledge in this case is through himself and inside himself. Here, the principle works most clearly: “Learning is remembering what we already know.” In order to understand the world around us, a person must first understand himself. The difficulty lies in the fact that a person with this type of thinking, receiving new information, is faced with unfinished old questions that he once did not answer and which are forced out into the unconscious. And he tries to answer these old questions with the help of new information, which has not yet acquired images and symbols, and therefore thinking is very intuitive. A person receives new information that does not fit into the framework of the images and stereotypes that he had. Therefore, he lives in colossal tension. Such Mercury very often fails mental and somatic connections. Moreover, the closer it is to the Sun, the more the violation of relationships is manifested. These people are enough high degree can get into situations of mental and physical strain or failure.

Persons: Robert Burns, Agatha Christie, Georges Simenon, Mikhail Bulgakov; here was Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, who tested the effect of medicines on himself.

  1. Reactive type of thinking. The owner of such Mercury likes to feel the power of his own intellect, he directs his thinking to the interesting phenomena of the outside world and obtains information that feeds his curiosity. In order to understand himself, it is important for this person to understand what is happening in the world around him. hallmark such people is the ease with which they project the results of their mental activity in images and symbols. Whatever they think, they can express. The closer Mercury is to the Sun, the higher the speed of information processing. Sometimes such a Mercury provokes a symptom of "strange questions." For example, in a lecture, a person asks questions that seem to be in no way related to the topic. In fact, the questioner has long understood the lecturer's thought, knows in advance the course of his reasoning and asks a question related to future material or to something that is not provided for in this course. If the orb of conjunction with the Sun is less than one degree, then such a person may experience a mental rebellion, a protest against the very idea of ​​the unknowability of the world. In the depths of their thought process lies approximately the following motive: if the world is arranged rationally, then the human mind is able to comprehend it.

Persons: Gogol, Gorky, Kant, Freud, Pushkin, Lomonosov, Newton, Kepler, Byron, Kulibin, Vernadsky.

  1. adaptive mindset. Owners of this type of Mercury build a mental model of the world from bricks mined by more specialized Prometheus. It is very important for them to find some structure in the universe, because they are like beings with an external skeleton: their own structure is due to the presence of an external structure and is its reflection. They notice the patterns of the outside world, and then adapt their lives to them. On every issue, such people have their own thoughtful opinion. Mental and somatic connections, for which Mercury is responsible, in this type of people are quite stable and stable. Most of these people strive to socially realize their mental capabilities. The knowledge of the world and the study of the providence of the Lord God sometimes occupies a central place in their lives. Burnt Mercury indicates high excitability and slow inhibition of all connections. Unconscious images that swarm in a person's head often put pressure on consciousness, giving rise to various kinds of neurotic reactions. The fact is that Mercury has just overtaken the Sun here, it is in its glory. But no one appreciates or understands this. Therefore, underestimation of his mental capabilities irritates and excites a person. The burning of Mercury can manifest itself in such a phenomenon as unconscious perception and total absorption of any information (reading everything indiscriminately), which goes into the unconscious in images, from where it then emerges again in the form of images and manifests itself in the form of meaningful symbols. Therefore, in almost 100% of cases, these people are convinced that they have strong intuition. With dominant Mercury, a person tends to perceive his fate as a fate, inevitability, predestination.

Persons: Lenin, Marx, Herzen, Descartes, Karamzin, Darwin, Kasparov, Tal, Alekhin, Zhukov and Daniil Andreev. Burnt Mercury in this phase had: E. Blavatskaya, N. Roerich, A. Men, M. Lermontov.

  1. Conservative mindset. For these people, structure is more important. inner world. They assimilate information obtained by other people in the outside world, but in order to apply it primarily to themselves. And if you manage to put things in order in yourself, what is happening outside also becomes meaningful. A striking example of this type is a follower of several directions at once. spiritual development or self-healing, taking a little bit from each specialized area to create its own concept. People with this phase of Mercury react slowly or weakly to new information. Images and symbols are not formed when faced with new experience, but emerge from the unconscious. In the mental activity of these people, deep human archetypes occupy a central place, and momentary conclusions and mental constructions are of no interest. Special troubles arise with children who have such a phase of Mercury. The fact is that they are usually quite deep in their knowledge and very unusual in their style of thinking. They initially pay attention not to information, but to the deep knowledge with which it can be associated. They are either interested in something or not. If they reach any results in their reflections, they do not consider it necessary to share this with others. Psychological connections in such people are cyclical, repetitive. If something hurt them, then they will repeatedly return to this episode, furnishing it with more and more new images and symbols. If a person is interested in some problem, then he does not let it out of his sight for a long time, which gives the impression of an obsession.

Persons: Paracelsus, Dostoevsky, Alexander Blok, Fet, P. Kapitsa.

In astrology, Mercury is associated with information, thinking and logic, learning, communication, commercial and entrepreneurial activity, as well as documents, travel, fraud and health issues.

The retrograde movement weakens the manifestation of the planet, changes and surprises occur in those areas for which Mercury is responsible.

Retrograde motion of Mercury, or retrograde motion is the apparent path of the planet relative to the earth.

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac that it has already passed in its direct motion, drawing loops. Thus, the planet can several times touch the same point in the horoscope of a person or a country, the world as a whole. Retrograde loops create whole series of events of one film that are interconnected. These series take place in 3 stages:

Stage 1: The beginning of an event, highlighting a problem, the emergence of an idea. At this time, we faced some specific problem or task. But at the same time, the promotion, solution or implementation of this task is complicated and slowed down due to the lack of tools for implementation. This may be the absence or lack of skills and knowledge, documents, connections, etc.

Stage 2: theme development, awareness and revision. This is the braking phase of plans for a reboot. This is the time of necessary changes both in consciousness and in dealings with the “re” particle. This time pen learning, pen deal, pen layouts. This time is good to use for pen reviewing or changing one's habitual beliefs, assimilation and adaptation of skills and knowledge acquired in the past but relatively new tasks and goals, rejection of idle ideas, plans, connections and tools. This time has been given to us in order to try again to solve those tasks from which we once found ourselves at a similar stage, not having the necessary set of tools to implement the tasks.

Stage 3: The period of implementation, results and outcome of what arose at the 1st stage and was postponed at the 2nd. This is the time to reap the rewards: either we will learn the missing skills and get ahead, or we will be disappointed and abandon this idea once and for all, considering it not capable of life.

The period of Mercury Retrograde is marked by slowdown in business, difficulties in implementing plans at the same pace, breakdowns and interruptions in technology, incl. the risk of accidents at this time increases, violations in plans, schedules, schedules, agreements.

There may be flight delays, the discovery of marriage, rush work at work and in business, confusion in agreements. There may be misunderstandings with others. A person tells you one thing, but you perceive it differently.

Delivery dates and promises are violated. There are many delays at this time. Even the technology at this time is slower. And everything needs a reboot: from the real software to mental.

At this time, people with whom you have not communicated for a long time may make themselves felt, or former partners may return (this means that you did not put an end to the relationship, or ended the relationship improperly. And now is the time to reconsider the relationship or end it correctly) . Concerning acquaintances, this is not a sign, but just a person remembered you))

During this period, health problems are possible. The nervous system is aggravated, there may be violations in the coordination of movement, which can lead to various injuries. At this time, you need to be very careful while driving and when using tools, simulators. There may be sleep and memory disturbances.

Mercury is also responsible for cheating and deceit, confusion, deceit. So don't trust strangers, carefully check the incoming information and terms of contracts, take care of personal belongings, money and keys.

  • Buy any equipment and something large(from phone to car), because then a marriage may appear or hidden defects;
  • Get a new job (especially in the area where you have no experience), because. after Mercury exits the retrograde movement, the terms of the transaction may change, you may be disappointed in the work, or there may be pitfalls in terms of working conditions, duties and remuneration;
  • Buy tickets, travel . There may be changes in the schedule, cost and conditions of purchase. There are also delays. In the simplest sense, you or someone else can change your mind about the trip, or change the route. If you still decide to go on a trip and submit documents during the Mercury Retro period, you need to be extremely careful in the documents, plan the entire route in advance, taking into account backup options, and carefully check all the data on the documents in order to avoid mistakes at the last moment.
  • Pass exams, submit documents to authorities . Because the exam will most likely not be passed, the documents may not be accepted, or new conditions will be revealed. Documents may be lost, or it takes a long time to do them;
  • Start new negotiations, open a business. The terms of the agreements may change, the business may not bring desired result or close soon.
  • Get pets. If you decide to have a pet, it's best to wait until Mercury is out of Retrograde. The animal may not settle down with you, or often get sick, or cause an allergic reaction in you or your family members;
  • start a relationship (You need to be more attentive to new contacts, acquaintances, partnerships). Romantic relationship may have an indefinite character, then flare up, then subside. Or they may have an unexpected turn of events.
  • No need to rush to take initiatives both in business and at work. Do not rush to fulfill the instructions of the authorities, double-check everything and, if possible, pause.
  • Rewrite, remake, revise (Whether thoughts, technique, tasks, work, or relationships);
  • Actively use opportunities for learning and retraining, transforming negative into constructive;
  • Search internal causes, the meaning and purpose of any phenomena for a deeper understanding of oneself, people and situations;
  • Completion of the plans outlined in the past. Return to old cases and questions;
  • Prepare the ground for change (thoughts, technique, goals, business, work, relationships, learning);
  • Put things in order in the head;
  • Clearing space from unnecessary things, it is good at this time to clean the computer from unnecessary files, prioritize your daily schedule;
  • Keep backup copies of important documents and, best of all, write everything down, because you should not count on memory at this time, and attentiveness suffers. Well, I already wrote about failures in technology)) It’s better to play it safe in everything and immediately think over and foresee several
  • It's good to meet up with old friends you haven't seen in a while. At this time, old connections can bring us a lot of useful things.
  • This is a good time to restore once lost connections, find people, lost things and restore documents;

For those who have natal chart Mercury retrograde

For such people, the passage of transiting Mercury in the retro movement makes life easier than for those who have it in the natal chart in the Direct (direct) or Stationary (staying period) movement. Such people, as a rule, have fewer failures in technology, documents and confusion in business. This is due to the fact that a person was born with such indicators and has already developed a system in such cases. Such a person writes down and double-checks everything, so there is nothing new for him such a Mercury th won't bring. But the rest of the recommendations for all remain the same.