High entropy of the biological system. Entropy and human being

The generally accepted formulation of the second law of thermodynamics in physics states that in closed systems energy tends to be distributed evenly, i.e. the system tends to a state of maximum entropy.

A distinctive feature of living bodies, ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole is the ability to create and maintain a high degree of internal order, i.e. states with low entropy. Concept entropy characterizes that part of the total energy of the system that cannot be used to produce work. Unlike free energy, it is degraded, wasted energy. If we denote free energy by F and entropy through S, then the total energy of the system E will be equal to:

E = F + ST;

where T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

According to the physicist E. Schrödinger: “life is an ordered and regular behavior of matter, based not only on one tendency to move from order to disorder, but also partly on the existence of order, which is maintained all the time ... - ... a means, with the help of which the organism maintains itself constantly at a sufficiently high level of orderliness (equally at a sufficiently low level of entropy), in reality consists in the continuous extraction of orderliness from the environment. "

In higher animals, we are well aware of the kind of order that they feed on, namely: the extremely ordered state of matter in more or less complex organic compounds serves them as food. After use, animals return these substances in a very degraded form, however, not completely degraded, since plants can still assimilate them.

For plants, a powerful source of "negative entropy" is negentropy - is the sunlight.

The property of living systems to extract order from the environment has led some scientists to conclude that for these systems the second law of thermodynamics is not fulfilled. However, the second principle also has another, more general formulation, which is valid for open systems, including living ones. She says that the efficiency of spontaneous energy conversion is always less 100%. In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, the maintenance of life on Earth without an influx of solar energy is impossible.

Let us turn again to E. Schrödinger: “Everything that happens in nature means an increase in entropy in that part of the Universe where it takes place. Likewise, a living organism continuously increases its entropy, or produces positive entropy and, thus, approaches a dangerous state - maximum entropy, which is death. He can avoid this state, i.e. stay alive only by constantly extracting negative entropy from the environment. "

Energy transfer in ecosystems and its losses

As you know, the transfer of food energy from its source - plants - through a number of organisms, which occurs by eating some organisms by others, passes through the food chain. With each next transfer, most (80-90%) of the potential energy is lost, turning into heat. The transition to each next link reduces the available energy by about 10 times. The ecological energy pyramid always narrows upward, as energy is lost at each successive level (Fig. 1).

The efficiency of natural systems is much lower than the efficiency of electric motors and other motors. In living systems, a lot of "fuel" is spent on "repair", which is not taken into account when calculating the efficiency of engines. Any increase in the efficiency of a biological system results in an increase in the costs of maintaining them in a stable state. An ecological system can be compared to a machine from which you cannot "squeeze" more than it is capable of giving. There is always a limit, after which the gains from increased efficiency are canceled out by increased costs and the risk of system destruction. Direct removal by humans or animals of more than 30-50% of annual vegetation growth can reduce the ecosystem's ability to resist stress.

One of the limits of the biosphere is the gross production of photosynthesis, and a person will have to adjust his needs under it until he can prove that the assimilation of energy through photosynthesis can be greatly increased without endangering the balance of other, more important resources of the life cycle. Now only about half of all radiant energy is absorbed (mainly in the visible part of the spectrum) and, at most, about 5% - it turns into a product of photosynthesis under the most favorable conditions.

Rice. 1. The pyramid of energies. E is the energy released with metabolites; D = natural deaths; W - feces; R - breath

In artificial ecosystems, in order to obtain a larger harvest, a person is forced to spend additional energy. It is necessary for industrialized agriculture, as required by crops specially created for it. “Industrialized (using energy from fossil fuels) agriculture (such as practiced in Japan) can yield 4 times higher yields per hectare than agriculture in which people and domestic animals do all the work (as in India), but it requires 10 times more resources and energy of all kinds. "

The closeness of production cycles in terms of the energetically entropic parameter is theoretically impossible, since the flow of energy processes (in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics) is accompanied by energy degradation and an increase in the entropy of the natural environment. The action of the second law of thermodynamics is expressed in the fact that the transformations of energy go in one direction, in contrast to the cyclical movement of substances.

Currently, we are witnessing that an increase in the level of organization and diversity of a cultural system decreases its entropy, but increases the entropy of the natural environment, causing its degradation. To what extent can these consequences of the second law of thermodynamics be eliminated? There are two ways.

First way is to reduce the loss of energy used by a person during its various transformations. This path is effective to the extent that it does not lead to a decrease in the stability of the system through which the energy flow passes (as is known, in ecological systems, an increase in the number of trophic levels contributes to an increase in their stability, but at the same time contributes to an increase in energy losses passing through the system ).

Second way consists in the transition from an increase in the orderliness of the cultural system to an increase in the orderliness of the entire biosphere. Society in this case increases the organization of the natural environment by lowering the organization of the part of the nature that is outside the biosphere of the Earth.

Transformation of substances and energy in the biosphere as an open system

The theory and methods of open systems, which are one of the most important achievements of the 20th century, are of fundamental importance for understanding the dynamics of biospheric processes and constructive solutions to specific environmental problems.

According to the classical theory of thermodynamics, physical and other systems of inanimate nature evolve in the direction of increasing their disorder, destruction and disorganization. At the same time, the energy measure of disorganization, expressed by entropy, tends to continuously increase. The question arises: how, from inanimate nature, whose systems have a tendency to disorganization, could there emerge living nature, whose systems in their evolution strive to improve and complicate their organization? In addition, progress is evident in society as a whole. Consequently, the original concept of classical physics - the concept of a closed or isolated system does not reflect reality and is in clear contradiction with the results of research in biology and social sciences (for example, gloomy forecasts of the "heat death" of the Universe). And it is quite natural that in the 1960s a new (nonlinear) thermodynamics appeared, based on the concept of irreversible processes. The place of a closed, isolated system in it is occupied by a fundamentally different fundamental concept of an open system that is capable of exchanging matter, energy and information with the environment. The means by which an organism maintains itself at a sufficiently high level of orderliness (equally at a sufficiently low level of entropy) actually consists in the continuous extraction of orderliness from the environment.

Open system Thus, it borrows from the outside either a new substance or fresh energy and simultaneously brings the used substance and waste energy into the external environment, i.e. she cannot remain closed. In the process of evolution, the system constantly exchanges energy with the environment and produces entropy. In this case, the entropy, which characterizes the degree of disorder in the system, in contrast to closed systems, is not accumulated, but transported into the environment. The logical conclusion is that an open system cannot be in equilibrium, since it requires a continuous supply of energy or a substance rich in it from the external environment. According to E. Schrödinger, due to this interaction the system draws order from the environment and thus brings disorder to it.

Interaction between ecosystems

If there is a connection between two systems, entropy can be transferred from one system to another, the vector of which is determined by the values ​​of thermodynamic potentials. This is where the qualitative difference between isolated and open systems comes in. In an isolated system, the situation remains non-equilibrium. The processes go on until the entropy reaches its maximum.

In open systems, the outflow of entropy outward can balance its growth in the system itself. Conditions of this kind contribute to the emergence and maintenance of a stationary state (such as dynamic equilibrium), called the current equilibrium. In a stationary state, the entropy of an open system remains constant, although it is not maximum. Consistency is maintained due to the fact that the system continuously extracts free energy from the environment.

The dynamics of entropy in an open system is described by the equation of I.R. Prigogine (Belgian physicist, 1977 Nobel laureate):

ds / dt = ds 1 / dt + ds e / dt,

where ds 1 / dt- characteristic of the entropy of irreversible processes within the system itself; ds e / dt- characteristic of the exchange of entropy between the biological system and the environment.

Self-regulation of fluctuating ecosystems

The total decrease in entropy as a result of exchange with the external environment, under certain conditions, can exceed its internal production. The instability of the previous disordered state appears. Large-scale fluctuations arise and grow to the macroscopic level. In this case, it is possible self-regulation, i.e. the emergence of certain structures from chaotic formations. Such structures can successively pass into an increasingly more ordered state (dissipative structures). The entropy in them decreases.

Dissipative structures are formed as a result of the development of their own internal instabilities in the system (as a result of self-organization), which distinguishes them from the organization of ordered structures that are formed under the influence of external causes.

Ordered (dissipative) structures that spontaneously arise from disorder and chaos as a result of the process of self-organization are also realized in ecological systems. An example is the spatially ordered arrangement of bacteria in nutrient media, observed under certain conditions, as well as temporal structures in the "predator-prey" system, characterized by a stable mode of fluctuations with a certain periodicity in the number of animal populations.

Self-organization processes are based on the exchange of energy and mass with the environment. This makes it possible to maintain the artificially created state of the current equilibrium, when dissipation losses are compensated from the outside. With the arrival of new energy or matter in the system, nonequilibrium increases. Ultimately, the previous relationships between the elements of the system, which determine its structure, are destroyed. New connections are established between the elements of the system, leading to cooperative processes, i.e. to the collective behavior of its elements. This is the general scheme of self-organization processes in open systems, called science synergetics.

The concept of self-organization, illuminating in a new way the relationship between inanimate and living nature, makes it possible to better understand that the entire world around us and the Universe are a set of self-organizing processes that underlie any evolutionary development.

It is advisable to pay attention to the following circumstance. Based on the random nature of the fluctuations, it follows that the emergence of something new in the world is always due to the action of random factors.

The emergence of self-organization is based on the principle of positive feedback, according to which changes in the system are not eliminated, but accumulated. As a result, this is precisely what leads to the emergence of a new order and a new structure.

The bifurcation point is an impulse for the development of the biosphere along a new path

Open systems of the physical Universe (to which our biosphere belongs) constantly fluctuate and at a certain stage can reach bifurcation points... The essence of bifurcation is most clearly illustrated by a fairytale knight standing at a crossroads. At some point on the path, there is a fork where it is necessary to make a decision. When the bifurcation point is reached, it is fundamentally impossible to predict in which direction the system will develop further: whether it will go into a chaotic state or acquire a new, higher level of organization.

For a bifurcation point - an impulse for its development along a new, unknown path. It is difficult to predict what place human society will occupy in it, but the biosphere is most likely to continue its development.

by discipline Concept of modern natural science

Entropy and its role in the construction of a modern picture of the world

1 What is entropy

2 Thermodynamic entropy

3 Entropy of the Universe

4 Entropy and information

5 Negentropy

6 Entropy and life. Biological ordering

List of sources used

1 What is entropy

Among all physical quantities that entered science in the 19th century, entropy occupies a special place due to its extraordinary fate. From the very beginning, entropy was established in the theory of heat engines. However, very soon the framework of this theory turned out to be close to her, and she penetrated into other areas of physics, primarily into the theory of radiation. The expansion of entropy was not limited to this. Unlike, for example, other thermodynamic quantities, entropy quickly crossed the boundaries of physics. She invaded related fields: cosmology, biology and, finally, information theory.

The concept of entropy is multivalued; it is impossible to give it a single precise definition. The most common is the following:

Entropy is a measure of uncertainty, a measure of chaos.

Depending on the field of knowledge, there are many types of entropy: thermodynamic entropy, informational (Shannon's entropy), cultural, Gibbs entropy, Clausius entropy and many others.

Boltzmann entropy is a measure of disorder, chaos, homogeneity of molecular systems.

The physical meaning of entropy is clarified when considering the microstates of matter. L. Boltzmann was the first to establish the relationship between entropy and the probability of a state. In the formulation of M. Planck, the statement expressing this connection and called the Boltzmann principle is represented by a simple formula

Boltzmann himself never wrote this formula. Planck did it. He also introduced the Boltzmann constant k B. The term "Boltzmann's principle" was introduced by A. Einstein. The thermodynamic probability of a state W or the statistical weight of this state is the number of ways (the number of microstates) by which this macrostate can be realized. Clausius' entropy is proportional to the amount of bound energy in the system, which cannot be turned into work. Shannon's entropy quantifies the reliability of the transmitted signal and is used to calculate the amount of information.

Let us consider in more detail the thermodynamic entropy, Shannon's entropy (informational), the relationship between entropy and biological ordering.

2 . Thermodynamic entropy

Entropy as a physical quantity was first introduced into thermodynamics by R. Clausius in 1865. He defined the change in the entropy of a thermodynamic system in a reversible process as the ratio of the change in the total amount of heat ΔQ to the value of the absolute temperature T:

Entropy in thermodynamics is a measure of irreversible dissipation of energy; it is a function of the state of a thermodynamic system.

The existence of entropy is determined by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Since any real system that undergoes a cycle of operations and returns to its initial state functions only by increasing the entropy of the external environment with which this system is in contact. This also means that at no stage of the cycle the sum of changes in the entropy of the system and the external environment cannot be negative. Thus, the second law of thermodynamics admits the following formulation:

The sum of changes in the entropy of the system and the external environment cannot decrease.

Accordingly, the Universe as a whole cannot return to its initial state.

Rudolf Clausius summarized the first and second principles of thermodynamics as follows:

The energy of the universe is constant.

The entropy of the Universe tends to its maximum.

Due to irreversible processes, the entropy of an isolated system continues to increase until it reaches the maximum possible value. The state achieved in this case is a state of equilibrium. From this formulation of the Second Law it follows that at the end of the evolutionary process the Universe should come to a state of thermodynamic equilibrium (to a state of thermal death), which corresponds to a complete disorganization of the system. The concept of the thermal death of the Universe, which follows from the formulation of the second principle proposed by Clausius, is an example of the illegal transfer of the laws of thermodynamics to a region where it no longer works. The laws of thermodynamics are applicable, as you know, only to thermodynamic systems, the Universe is not.

3 . Entropy of the Universe

As already mentioned, the laws of thermodynamics cannot be applied to the Universe as a whole, since it is not a thermodynamic system, however, subsystems can be distinguished in the Universe to which the thermodynamic description is applicable. Such subsystems are, for example, all compact objects (stars, planets, etc.) or relic radiation (thermal radiation with a temperature of 2.73 K). The relic radiation arose at the time of the Big Bang, which led to the formation of the Universe, and had a temperature of about 4000 K. In our time, that is, 10–20 billion years after the Big Bang, this is the primary (relic) radiation that has lived all these years in the expanding Universe , cooled down to the specified temperature. Calculations show that the total entropy of all observed compact objects is negligible compared to the entropy of the CMB. The reason for this, first of all, is that the number of relict photons is very large: for every atom in the Universe there are approximately 10 9 photons. An entropy consideration of the components of the Universe allows one more conclusion to be drawn. According to modern estimates, the total entropy of that part of the Universe that is accessible to observation is more than 10 30 times less than the entropy of matter in the same part of the Universe, condensed into a black hole. This shows how far the surrounding part of the Universe is from the most disordered state.

4 Entropy and information

The already mentioned Rudolf Clausius also owns another formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics: "A process is impossible, the only result of which would be the transfer of heat from a colder body to a hotter one."

Let's carry out a thought experiment proposed by James Maxwell in 1867: suppose a vessel with gas is divided by an impenetrable partition into two parts: right and left. In the septum, there is a hole with a device (the so-called Maxwell's demon) that allows fast (hot) gas molecules to fly only from the left side of the vessel to the right, and slow (cold) molecules only from the right side of the vessel to the left. Then, after a long period of time, hot molecules will be in the right vessel, and cold ones - in the left one.

Thus, the gas on the left side of the tank will heat up, and on the right side it will cool down. Thus, in an isolated system, heat will transfer from a cold body to a hot one with a decrease in the entropy of the system, in contradiction with the second law of thermodynamics. L. Szilard, having considered one of the simplified versions of Maxwell's paradox, drew attention to the need to obtain information about molecules and discovered the connection between information and thermodynamic characteristics. Later, a solution to Maxwell's paradox was proposed by many authors. The point of all decisions is this: information cannot be obtained free of charge. You have to pay for it with energy, as a result of which the entropy of the system increases by an amount at least equal to its decrease due to the information received. In information theory, entropy is a measure of the internal disorder of an information system. Entropy increases with a chaotic distribution of information resources and decreases with their ordering. Let us consider the main provisions of information theory in the form given to it by K. Shannon. The information that the event (object, state) y contains about the event (object, state) x is (we will use the base 2 logarithm):

I (x, y) = log (p (x / y) / p (x)),

where p (x) is the probability of event x before the occurrence of event y (unconditional probability); p (x / y) is the probability of event x under the condition of occurrence of event y (conditional probability).

Events x and y are usually understood as stimulus and response, input and output, the value of two different variables that characterize the state of the system, an event, and a message about it. The quantity I (x) is called the intrinsic information contained in the event x.

Consider an example: we were told (y) that the queen is on the chessboard in position x = a4. If before the message the probabilities of the queen's stay in all positions were the same and equal to p (x) = 1/64, then the information received is

I (x) = log (1 / (1/64)) = log (64) = 6 bits.

As a unit of information I take the amount of information in a reliable message about an event, the prior probability of which is 1/2. This unit is called "bit" (from the English binary digits).

Suppose now that the received message was not entirely accurate, for example, we were told that the queen is either in position a3, or in position a4. Then the conditional probability of its being in the position x = a4 is no longer equal to one, but p (x / y) = ½. The information received will be equal to

I (x, y) = log ((1/2) / (1/64)) = 5 bits,

that is, it will decrease by 1 bit compared to the previous case. Thus, the mutual information is the greater, the higher the accuracy of the message, and in the limit it approaches its own information. Entropy can be defined as a measure of uncertainty or as a measure of the variety of possible states of a system. If the system can be in one of m equiprobable states, then the entropy H is equal to

For example, the number of different possible positions of a queen on an empty chessboard is m = 64. Therefore, the entropy of possible states is

H = log64 = 8 bits.

If a part of the chessboard is occupied by pieces and is inaccessible to the queen, then the variety of its possible states and entropy decrease.

We can say that the entropy serves as a measure of the freedom of the system: the more degrees of freedom a system has, the fewer restrictions are imposed on it, the more, as a rule, the entropy of the system. In this case, complete information corresponds to zero entropy (the degree of ignorance is zero), and the maximum entropy corresponds to complete ignorance of microstates (the degree of ignorance is maximum).

5 Negentropy

The phenomenon of a decrease in entropy due to the receipt of information is reflected by the principle formulated in 1953 by the American physicist Leon Brullian, who studied the interconversion of types of energy. The formulation of the principle is as follows: "Information is a negative contribution to entropy." The principle is called the negentropic principle of information. The concept of negentropy (the same as negative entropy or synropy) is also applicable to living systems, it means the enropy that a living system exports to reduce the level of its own entropy.

6. Entropy and life. Biological ordering

The question of the relation of life to the second law of thermodynamics is the question of whether life is an island of resistance to the second law. Indeed, the evolution of life on Earth goes from simple to complex, and the second law of thermodynamics predicts the reverse path of evolution - from complex to simple. This contradiction is explained in terms of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. A living organism as an open thermodynamic system consumes less entropy than throws it into the environment. The value of entropy in food is less than in waste products. In other words, a living organism exists due to the fact that it has the ability to throw out the entropy generated in it as a result of irreversible processes into the environment.

So, a striking example is the orderliness of the biological organization of the human body. The decrease in entropy upon the emergence of such a biological organization is easily compensated for by trivial physical and chemical processes, in particular, for example, the evaporation of 170 g of water.

The scientific potential of entropy is far from being exhausted by existing applications. In the future, the penetration of entropy into a new field of science - synergetics, which studies the laws of formation and decay of space-time structures in systems of various nature: physical, chemical, biological, economic, social, and so on.

List of sources used

1 Blumenfeld L.A. Information, dynamics and design of biological systems. Access mode: http://www.pereplet.ru/obrazovanie/stsoros/136.html.

2 Glossary. Access mode: http://www.glossary.ru/cgi-bin/gl_sch2.cgi?RIt(uwsg.o9.

3 Golitsyn G.A.Information. Behavior, language, creativity), Moscow: LKI, 2007.

4 Maxwell's Demon - Wikipedia. Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_Maxwell.

5 Negentropy - Science. Access mode: http://ru.science.wikia.com/wiki/Negentropy.

6 Osipov A. I., Uvarov A. V. Entropy and its role in science. - Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, 2004.

7 Prigogine Modern thermodynamics, Moscow: Mir, 2002.

8 Thermodynamic entropy - Wikipedia. Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_entropy.

“A person cannot find the essence of the matter, what is done under the sun,
- no matter how hard a person tries to search, he will not find;
and even if the wise man says that he can, he will not find it. "
Solomon the Wise, king of the Jews, 10th century BC

This is the world, and why is it so,
Neither the clever nor the fool knows this.
D.I.Fonvizin (1745 - 1792).

A system can be called a set of interacting parts. An experimental fact is the fact that some properties of parts are dictated by the system itself, that the integrative, systemic properties of this set are not properties of the parts themselves. For a person with inductive thinking, this idea is seditious and one wants to anathematize it.

A cell in a living human body.

The human cell is part of the body. The internal geometric volume of the cell is limited from the external environment by a membrane, a shell. The interaction between the environment and the cell takes place across this border. We will consider the human cell with its shell as a thermodynamic system, even if the great thermodynamicists of our time consider the cell of their own organism as a vulgar and unworthy object of consideration for thermodynamics.

In relation to a human cell, the external environment is an intercellular fluid, an aqueous solution. Its composition is determined by the exchange of chemicals with blood vessels (capillaries) and exchange with many cells. From the intercellular fluid into the cell through the membrane comes "useful" substances and oxygen. From the cell through the same membrane, waste products are released into the intercellular fluid, these are substances necessary for the body, by-products, slags, unreacted components. Consequently, the human cell, as a thermodynamic system, interacts with the external environment. chemically... The potential of this interaction will be denoted traditionally by the letter μ, and the coordinate of the state of this kind of interaction will be denoted by m. Then the amount of this interaction between the external world and the cells of the body is equal to

where j is the number of the route of sequential and / or parallel chemical transformations, m j is the mass of the newly formed j-th substance. The index (e) at the top means that the value of the j-th transformation potential for the external environment should be taken, i.e. for intercellular fluid.

At the same time, thermal interaction with the potential T (absolute temperature) and the coordinate of the thermal kind s (entropy) is carried out through the cell membrane of the body. The amount of interaction is T (e) ds.

We neglect the deformation interaction (potential - pressure, coordinate of state - specific volume of the system) for liquids.

Then the first law of thermodynamics for a thermo-chemical system is written in the standard form:

du = μ j (e) dm j + T (e) ds,

where u is the internal energy of the system.

If the potentials in the cell of the organism μ j (i) and T (i) are close to the potentials outside, then equilibrium occurs. Equilibrium means that the amount of initial reagents and the amount of reaction products in reversible chemical transformations become unchanged (all chemical reactions are reversible).

The systemic property of the organism lies in the fact that the functional purpose of each human cell is the production of substances necessary for the body (proteins, fats, enzymes, energy carriers, etc.). The cage must give out these substances into the intercellular fluid and further into the circulatory system. Therefore, the state of the human cell should be nonequilibrium, and exchange processes - irreversible. This means that if

Δμ j = μ j (e) - μ j (i), then Δμ j / μ j (i) ≥ 10 0.

For the considered situation (irreversibility), the first law of thermodynamics takes the form:

du = T (e) ds + (Δμ j + μ j (i)) dm j = T (e) ds + μ j (i) dm j + Δμ j dm j.

The last term in this equation is due to the irreversibility of the chemical interaction process. And, according to the second law of thermodynamics, this irreversibility necessarily leads to an increase in entropy:

Δμ j dm j = T (i) ds (m) diss, where ds (m) diss> 0. (diss = dissipation).

Everything happens as if irreversibility in interaction any of the kind “turns on” in a thermodynamic system a heat source with activity T (i) ds (m) diss, the body cell heats up (not necessarily in the sense of temperature rise, as in the kitchen, but in a broader sense - heat supply). The growth of entropy in a human cell undoubtedly distorts the course of chemical reactions (more on this later). There is a generation of substances unnecessary for the body, garbage, toxins, and the solution is diluted. The body has to take entropy out of the cell, otherwise it will do this to him!

One of the ways to remove entropy is indicated by thermodynamics: it is necessary to reduce the thermal potential T (e), to make it less than T (i). And in order to realize heat removal, the temperature difference ΔТ = Т (i) - Т (e) must again be a finite value, therefore, the heat exchange process will also become irreversible, another heat source with activity T (i) ds (T) diss will appear. Finally, the first law of thermodynamics for a thermo-chemical system with irreversible exchange processes will take the form:

du = T (i) ds + μ j (i) dm j + T (i) ds (m) diss + Т (i) ds (T) diss.

The first two terms in du on the right are responsible for reversible interaction processes, the last two for irreversible ones, and the last one is due to the penultimate one. Consequently, part of the internal energy of the system is irreversibly converted into heat, i.e. human cell generates entropy.

Let us dwell on this in the application of the thermodynamic method of analysis of a cell in a living organism. The stop is determined by the meaning of the epigraphs to this article: this research method also requires quantitative information, which we do not have. But what you got is worth a lot! It remains to make a comment and receive an investigation.

Why is entropy in a cell of an organism dangerous?

Let's try to understand why the growth of entropy ds (m) diss> 0 and ds (T) diss> 0 is dangerous for the organism. Or maybe this growth is favorable?

The organism "demands" from the cell its functioning, the performance of useful and necessary consumer services in the form of the production of some substances. Moreover, it requires the implementation of these services "quickly" in a sense. The rate of transformations is due to the finite potential differences, the use of catalysts and special transport molecules. But in any situation, it is necessary to arrange the reagent molecules tightly and side by side (in a geometric sense). Further, the reagent molecules, due to their energy E, must "excite" the electronic shells of some atoms, then an act of combination, synthesis, with the formation of new substances, can occur.

As a rule, molecules in a human cell have a complex three-dimensional structure. And therefore, such molecules have many degrees of freedom of movement of elements. This can be the rotational motion of fragments of a molecule, it can be the vibrational motion of the same fragments and individual atoms. Probably, the rotation of large fragments of a molecule in the liquid phase is difficult, very tight. Apparently, only small fragments rotate. But the high density of the liquid phase does not really interfere with the vibrations of small fragments and individual atoms of the molecule. In any case, the number of degrees of freedom of motion for such a molecule is enormous, therefore, the total number W of variants of the distribution of energy E over these degrees of freedom is even greater. If you follow Boltzmann and accept

then the growth of entropy in the cell of the organism leads to the removal of energy from the variants that can excite the electron shells with the subsequent formation of "necessary" substances. Moreover, with such an increase in entropy, by-products begin to be synthesized.

The body will have to put things in order in the human cell, remove entropy from the volume of the cell in order to concentrate the energy of molecules in the "useful" degrees of freedom. Poor organism, even at the cellular level it has no freebie: if you want to get something valuable, remove the entropy from the cell.

Methods for intensifying entropy removal.

From the theory of heat transfer, it follows that the amount of heat

dQ = kF (T (i) - T (e)) dτ = (T (i) ds (m) diss + T (i) ds (T) diss) ρV,

where k is the heat transfer coefficient, F is the heat exchange surface (cell membrane of the body), τ is the time, ρ is the density of the system. Let us divide both sides of this equation by the volume of the cell V. Then the factor F / V ∼ d -1 will appear on the left, where d is the characteristic size of the cell of the organism. Consequently, the smaller the cell, the more intensive the process of entropy removal takes place at the same thermal potential difference. Moreover, with a decrease in the size d, this difference can be reduced at the same dQ and, consequently, the measure of thermal irreversibility ds (T) diss.

In other words, entropy generation occurs in the cell volume V ∼ d 3, and entropy is removed from the human cell through the surface F ∼ d 2 (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Illustration for determining the critical size of a cell in an organism.

But the cell increases its mass and, consequently, its volume. And while d d 0 the surface removes less entropy than it is generated, and even at the pace of the external environment. When d> d 0, the cell will "warm up", it will begin to harm the body. What to do? On the one hand, a human cell needs to increase its mass, and, on the other hand, it cannot increase its size. The only way to "save" a cell and an organism is through cell division. From a "large" cell of size d 0 (assuming for the time being, for simplicity, a human cell is spherical), two "children" of size d p are formed:

πd 0 3/6 = 2πd 3 p / 6> d p = 2 -1/3 d 0 = 0.794d 0.

The size of the "children" will be 20% smaller than the size of the "mother". In fig. 2 shows the dynamics of the size of a human cell in the body.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of the cell size of the body. d 00 - cell size in a newborn.

Comment... An increase in the intensity of entropy removal from a human cell is possible not only by a decrease in the temperature T (e) of the intercellular fluid and, therefore, blood in the capillaries, but also by an increase in the temperature T (i) inside the body cell. But this method will change the entire chemistry in the cell, it will cease to perform its functions in the body, and even begin to produce any "garbage". Remember how bad you feel because of a high temperature with some kind of illness. It is better not to touch the temperature in the human cell; for performance from the position of the organism, the cell will have to divide regularly, and this circumstance reduces the increase in ds (T) diss> 0.

One more note... If we consider the specific surface area of ​​bodies of various geometric shapes, it is not difficult to see that the minimum specific surface area of ​​the ball is. Therefore, in the North and Siberia, residents build houses in the form of hemispheres, and they also try to make houses large in size (d> d 0) for 2-3 families. This allows you to significantly save your energy for harvesting firewood for the winter. But in hot countries, houses are built in the form of elongated bodies with a large number of outbuildings. To intensify the removal of entropy from a human cell, the latter must have a shape far from the ball.

Entropy rules everything.

Now let's try to imagine what it would be like if human nerve cells (neurons with their dendritic processes and synapses at their end) were also dividing. A neurophysiologist would immediately be horrified by such a prospect: it would simply mean the destruction of the entire system of innervation of the body and the work of the brain. As soon as a person has mastered some knowledge, acquired some skill, a technique, and suddenly everything disappeared, start again or disappear.

A simple analogue of the division of nerve cells are putsches, troubles, riots and revolutions, i.e. change of the team of the ruling elite in a certain country. And the peoples then writhe for a long time, adapting to the new rulers. No, purely functional human nerve cells cannot be allowed to divide!

How is this realized, because the entropy in the cells of the body is growing inexorably? First of all, let us pay attention to the branching of the human nerve cell, to the great development of its heat exchange surface (the surface of a thin long filament is much larger than the surface of a sphere of the same volume).

Further, it turns out that the body is carefully watching the temperature of the arterial blood entering the brain. This is manifested, in particular, in the fact that warm-blooded animals have an autonomous circulatory system (small circle). The only temperature sensor is located in the carotid artery, with the help of which the body controls the temperature of the arterial blood entering the brain. Concern about regulating this temperature has gone to the point that warm-blooded land animals have the additional ability to cool the blood entering the brain. It turns out that the carotid artery branches out so that part of the blood bypass passes through the auricles-heat exchangers. A special sensor controls the flow of this blood. If the temperature has increased beyond the nominal, then this flow rate increases, the blood cools in the ears in the breeze, then mixes with the main flow and is sent to the brain.

Think of the poor African elephant: in the heat you have to wave your ears all the time. Remember how big mammals have ears in hot countries, and how small in cold ones. In the Russian bath, in the steam room, it is the ears that should be closed in order to steam with pleasure for a longer time. On a ski trip in winter, you again need to cover your ears so as not to cool your brain. A student with a fail, dreaming of a shameful three, always has red ears on an exam or test, while an excellent student has ears of normal color. You can immediately determine the grade by the color of the ears!

Well, when the human head completely stopped thinking, i.e. has accumulated a lot of entropy in the nerve cells of the brain, then you have to go for a walk, change the type of activity, for example, chop wood. Finally, just sleep, relieve the load on the neurons in the brain, reduce the production of entropy and, within 8 hours of a night's sleep, remove it from the brain using venous blood. It turns out that the accumulation of entropy in the nerve cells of a person determines the whole mode of his life: in the morning we go to work, then we go home from work, a little rest and then sleep.

I wish I could come up with such a mechanism for removing entropy from nerve cells so that we could work 24 hours a day! How much joy it would be for creative people and for exploiters! The country's GDP would grow by more than 30% at once! No transport is needed to transport people, no dwellings are needed, only jobs. The organization of life would become the simplest: the child continuously studies at school, then at the institute or vocational school, then the person is placed at the workplace and at the end is taken to the crematorium. Scientists, grab the idea!

It is probably clear that the production of different target products for the body leads to different intensities of entropy generation in different human cells. Everything is determined by "complexity", i.e. spatial architecture of molecules of the target substance and the variety and number of radicals and atoms in its composition. The more this "complexity", the more the entropy decreases during synthesis from simple radicals, but also the greater the increase in dissipative entropy.

The production of male sex hormones in warm-blooded land animals differs from the production of other substances necessary for the body. The essence of the matter is that this hormone must contain a huge amount of information that the body - the daddy wants to transfer to the female egg. He is preoccupied with the transfer of his properties and traits to his child, since they allowed the dad to survive in the macrocosm surrounding him.

Specialists in information theory argue that information does not exist without its material carriers. And such a carrier of information about the properties and traits of the pope is the hormone molecule, more precisely, its architecture, the set and arrangement of fragments, radicals and atoms of elements from the table of D.I. Mendeleev. And the greater the amount of information, the more detailed and detailed it is, the more complex the hormone molecule. A step to the right, a step to the left - a mutation is formed, a deviation from dad's dreams. Consequently, the synthesis of such a molecule means a significant decrease in entropy in the system, and at the same time the production of an even larger amount of dissipative entropy in a human cell.

A simple analogy is building a building. The construction of the Tsar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg with all its architectural excesses and luxury means a strong decrease in entropy in comparison with the construction of village huts of the same usable area, but the amount of garbage (entropy) after completion is incommensurable.

The production of male sex hormones in warm-blooded land animals generates dissipative entropy so intensively that the intercellular fluid with blood vessels cannot remove it from the cells as much. The poor male had to isolate these organs outside for blowing cold atmospheric air. If a young guy sits on a bench in the subway or on a bus, knees wide apart to the outrage of his old lady neighbors, then do not accuse him of rudeness, this is entropy. And boys under the age of 15, old men and women of all ages sit, modestly and culturally, moving their knees.

And in the female ovum, after its formation, chemical transformations take place, which maintain it in a "combat-ready" state. But entropy inexorably increases with time, there is essentially no heat removal, the body has to eject an egg, and then make a new one, creating a lot of trouble for our lovely ladies. If this is not done, then either there will be no conception, or all sorts of horror films will be born. Other mammals do not have these problems with entropy in the egg, they are ready for childbirth for a short period of time, and even strictly discretely: elephants - once every 5-6 years, great apes - once every 3 years, cows - once a year, cats - 3-4 times a year. But man is almost continuous. And why was nature so burdensome for him? Or, perhaps, made you happy? Secret!

Holders of the patent RU 2533846:

The invention relates to biology and medicine, namely to the study of the influence of the environment and the internal environment of the body on human or animal health. The method concerns the study of entropy in the body. To do this, determine the relative weight of the heart in relation to body weight in% (X), the number of heartbeats (A) and the oxygen content in the alveolar air of the lungs in% (Co 2). The calculation is carried out according to the formula: α = (0.25 / T) · Co 2, where α is the entropy in%, T is the time of the complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in sec, while T = [(0.44 75) / (X * A)] * 21.5. The method makes it possible to measure the main characteristic of an organism that unites living systems, which can be used to determine biological age, health status, to study the effect of various means of preventing health disorders and prolonging life. 1 tab.

The invention relates to biology and medicine, namely to methods of studying the influence of the environment and the internal environment of the body on human and animal health, and can be used to determine their biological age, the rate of aging, predict the longevity of individuals under various conditions of the body and control these vital signs ...

It is known that living systems are open thermodynamic systems and are characterized by a complex ordered structure. The levels of their organization are much higher than in inanimate nature. To maintain and increase their high orderliness, living systems to the extent of their inherent openness (including at the organismal level) continuously exchange energy, matter and information with the external environment and at the same time perform work to reduce entropy (energy dissipation into the environment), which inevitably increases due to losses due to heat exchange, Brownian motion and aging of molecules, etc. [Nicolis G., Prigozhiy I. Cognition of the complex. M., 1990. - P.293]. The process of this exchange is called metabolism. It is known that metabolism with a minimum level of entropy is preferable, since it is he who ensures the operation of the system with maximum savings in losses and stability in the external environment [I. Prigozhiy. From existing to emerging. - M., 1985 .-- 113 p .; Prigogine I. Introduction to the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Per. from English M., 1960; Frank G.M., Kuzin A.M. About the essence of life. - M., 1964. - 350 p.]. On this basis, we put forward the hypothesis that the higher the metabolic rate in a living system, that is, the more intensively it exchanges energy, matter and information with the external environment, the more this system is forced to do a great job of maintaining homeostasis to maintain a minimum level of entropy , to bear in this connection more significant losses, to become more open to the environment, and, consequently, vulnerable to its adverse effects. Following this hypothesis, the level of openness of a living system can be considered as an indicator of the quality of its physiological state, which is inversely related to the characteristics of this quality - health, efficiency, life expectancy. It should be noted that other authors [Frolov VA, Moiseeva T.Yu. Living organism as an information-thermodynamic system. - Bulletin of RUDN University, 1999, No. 1. - P.6-14] also consider the openness of a living system in connection with the duration of its life at the stage of evolution to a closed thermodynamic system. Thus, metabolism, entropy, openness of a living system to the surrounding air environment can not only characterize the quality of life support processes occurring in this system, but also be its root cause. The very concept of the openness of a living system to the environment can be defined as follows: the openness of a living system is its inherent development of the universal property of expediently life-supporting interaction with the environment.

In connection with the foregoing, we have set the task of developing a method for determining the entropy in the human or animal body in order to be able to control life support processes.

Entropy in the human or animal body can be characterized by the kinetics of O 2 at the stages of its movement from the atmosphere into the body, which depends on the O 2 content in the inhaled air and in the air contained in the alveoli of the lungs (alveolar), the time of complete saturation of the erythrocyte with oxygen in the lungs, time , provided to the erythrocyte for the release of O 2 received in the lungs to the cells of the body, and the strength of the connection of erythrocyte hemoglobin with O 2.

It is known that the content of O 2 in the inhaled air depends on its content in the breathing zone. The natural content of O 2 in the air of open spaces is higher than in closed spaces and is equal to an average of 20.9%. The content of O 2 in the alveolar air refers to the number of individual homeostatic constants and (all other things being equal: age, resistance to lack of oxygen, etc.) is in interaction with indicators of performance and general health of the body [Sirotinin NN, 1971; Evgenieva L.Ya., 1974; Karpman V.L., Lyubina B.G., 1982; Meerson FZ, 1981, etc.].

It is known that the duration of the stay of erythrocytes in the pulmonary capillaries depends on the speed of pulmonary blood flow and is 0.25-0.75 s. This time is enough for blood oxygenation, since normally the erythrocyte is completely saturated with O 2 in 0.25 s [Zaiko NN, Byts Yu.V., Ataman A.V. and other Pathological physiology (Textbook for students of medical universities). - K "Logos", 1996]. Thus, the time of complete saturation of the erythrocyte with oxygen in the lungs, equal to 0.25 s, characterizes the period or phase of effective (direct or open) contact of the erythrocyte with O 2 of the alveolar air. It is known that the time the erythrocytes receive oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body until the next passage of the erythrocyte through the lungs for oxygenation characterizes the period or phase of ineffective (indirect or closed) contact of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with O 2 of alveolar air. The duration of this period (phase) significantly exceeds the duration of direct contact of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with O 2 of the alveolar air and depends on the blood circulation rate or the time (T) of the complete circulation of circulating blood in the body, which (all other things being equal) is affected by the heart rate (HR ) [Babsky E.B., Zubkov A.A., Kositsky G.I., Khodorov B.I. Human physiology. - M .: Medicine, 1966. - P.117]. For example, in an adult, normal at a heart rate of 75 beats / min (state of muscle rest) T is equal to an average of 21.5 s. Taking into account the known age, sex and interspecific differences in the value of the ratio of heart mass to body mass [Zhedenov V.N. Lungs and heart of animals and humans. 2nd ed. M., 1961. - 478 S.] the value of T at different heart rates in animals and humans can be determined by the following mathematical expression:

T = [(0.44 ⋅ 75) / (X ⋅ A)] ⋅ 21.5; (1)

T is the time of a complete turnover of an erythrocyte with a current of circulating blood in the body (the time of a complete turnover of circulating blood in the animal and person under study, during which the circulating blood makes a full turnover in the sum of the small and large circulation), s;

0.44 - the average relative weight of the human heart (in relation to the total body weight), which is characterized by the time of complete blood circulation in 21.5 s at a heart rate of 75 beats / min,%;

75 - heart rate (HR), at which the time of a full turnover of circulating blood in a person takes an average of 21.5 s, beats / min;

21.5 - the time of a full turnover of circulating blood in a person at a heart rate of 75 beats / min, s;

X is the actual or (if it is impossible to measure) the average relative heart mass, characteristic of a person and the studied animal species,%; (according to [Zhedenov VN The lungs and heart of animals and humans. 2nd ed. M., 1961. - 478 p.] the weight of the heart of the total body weight is on average 1/215 in men and 1/250 in women );

A - actual heart rate, measured at the time of the study of the individual, beats / min.

It is known [Eckert R., Randall D., Augustine J. Physiology of animals. T.2. M., 1992] that the bond strength of erythrocyte hemoglobin with O 2 or the resistance of oxyhemoglobin to dissociation, all other things being equal, depends on the hydrogen index (pH) of the blood, which, for example, with an increase in the CO 2 voltage in it, decreases and thereby decreases the strength of the bond of hemoglobin with O 2 (the affinity of hemoglobin for O 2), which promotes the release of O 2 into the blood plasma and from there into the surrounding tissues. It is also known that there is a reciprocal (mutually inverse) relationship between changes in the concentrations of CO 2 and O 2 in the body. Therefore, if the content of CO 2 in any part of the body naturally affects the strength of the bond between hemoglobin and O 2, then the influence of this force on the further movement of O 2 into the structure of the body can be taken into account by the value of the concentration of alveolar O 2.

However, taken separately, these physiological parameters affecting the interaction of atmospheric O 2 with the structures of the body (phases of direct and indirect contacts of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with alveolar O 2 in the lungs and its concentration) cannot fully characterize its entropy, since in this the case does not take into account their combined effect on metabolic processes.

The objective of the invention is to determine the entropy in the human or animal body by the interaction of the phases of direct and indirect contacts of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with alveolar O 2 in the lungs and its concentration.

This problem is solved in the inventive method for determining the entropy in the human or animal body, which consists in taking into account the time of direct contact of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with alveolar O 2, equal to 0.25 s, determining the time of the complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in the body at the actual number of heart beats per minute by the value of the ratio of the product, expressed as a percentage, of the average relative mass of a person's heart, equal to 0.44, by the number 75 expressed in heart beats per minute to the product of the relative mass of the heart of the individual under study expressed as a percentage by the number of actual heart beats he has at the time of the study per minute, multiplied by the time, expressed in seconds, of a complete turnover of an erythrocyte with a circulating blood flow, equal to 21.5 at 75 heart contractions per minute, measured as a percentage of the content of O 2 in the alveolar air, and differing in that the entropy in the human body or animal def divided by the value obtained from the product of the ratio of the time of direct contact of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with alveolar O 2 to the time of complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in the body at the actual number of heart beats per minute by the percentage of O 2 in the alveolar air.

where α is the entropy in the human or animal body,%;

0.25 - the number corresponding to the time of complete saturation of the erythrocyte of the circulating blood in the body with oxygen, s;

T is the time of the complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in the body, s;

The proposed method for determining the entropy in the human or animal body is based on the fact that with an increase in the heart rate (HR), the total (over a certain time) duration of direct contacts of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with oxygen of the alveolar air increases, and indirect contacts decreases, which is accompanied by an increase metabolism in the body and an increase in the irreversible dissipation of free energy into the environment. So in a person (for example, in 10 minutes), the total duration of direct contacts of an erythrocyte with O 2 of alveolar air at a heart rate of 75 bpm (T = 21.5 s) is 7 s (that is, 600 s / 21.5 s = 27 , 9 turns of circulating blood; 27.9 0.25 s≈7 s), at a heart rate of 100 beats / min (T = 16.1 s) - 9.3 s, and at a heart rate of 180 beats / min (T = 8.96 s) - 16.7 s. At the same time, during the same time, the total duration of indirect contacts of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with oxygen of the alveolar air at a heart rate of 75 beats / min is 593 s [that is, 600 s / 21.5 s = 27.9 rpm of circulating blood; 27.9 · (21.5 s-0.25 s) = 593 s], at a heart rate of 100 beats / min - 591 s, and at a heart rate of 180 beats / min - 583 s. Thus, in the proposed method, the openness of the organism to the atmosphere, metabolism and entropy increase with an increase in heart rate due to an increase in the phase of direct contact of the erythrocyte with the atmosphere (alveolar air-atmosphere) per unit time and reduction of the opposite phase without gas exchange with the atmosphere.

The table shows examples of determining the entropy (α) in 12 different animal species, which was compared with the information available in the literature on the average life span (D average) of the species of these animals. Based on the data presented, the following power regression equation was obtained, which characterizes the relationship between α and the average statistical life expectancy (D is the average):

where 5.1845 is an empirical coefficient;

R 2 - the value of the reliability of the approximation between D average and α.

In order to simplify the mathematical expression 3, we have developed a formula 4 with a correlation coefficient r D average / A about average = 0.996; R<0,001:

where A about average - life expectancy;

5.262 - empirical coefficient;

R 2 - the value of the accuracy of the approximation between D about average and α.

The resulting dependence of the life span of an animal species on entropy in the body makes it possible to explain the paradoxical longevity of the "Naked mole rat" (Heterocephalus glaber) rodent exclusively by the habitation of this mammal in difficultly ventilated underground conditions (tunnels 2-4 cm in diameter, up to 2 m deep, up to 5 km long ) with an extremely low O 2 content in the inhaled air from 8 to 12% (on average 10%) and a lethal concentration of CO 2 for many other animals (10%). There is data on the content of high concentrations of carbon dioxide on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of these rodents [A. Shinder. Animal that does not feel pain // Weekly 2000. - 27.06-03.07.2008. No. 26 (420)], which are not observed in other animal species. The specified conditions for the existence of a naked mole rat lead to extremely low concentrations of O 2 in the alveoli of the lungs (3.5%) and, according to the data presented in the table, more than 8 times reduce the entropy in comparison with other rodents of equal mass, which, apparently, and leads to a significant (more than 15 times) increase in the life span of individuals of this species. In the literature available to us, the indicated phenomenon of longevity of Heterocephalus glaber is explained from the standpoint of genetics by the acquired special property of its organism, but this does not yet characterize the very root cause (external cause) of the formation and consolidation of this property in this rodent species. It follows from the results obtained that (all other things being equal), the life span of an organism is, most likely, a weighted average value determined by the duration of its states in the process of ontogenesis, characterized by the intensity of the interaction of circulating blood erythrocytes with atmospheric oxygen.

However, based on the analysis of the literature (Gavrilov L.A., Gavrilova N.S. Biology of life expectancy Moscow: Nauka. 1991. - 280 p.), It should be considered incorrect to transfer the laws of the animal world to understanding the problems of human longevity, determined, first of all, by socio-economic factors (level of medical support, occupational safety and efficiency of recreation, material security and spiritual comfort). Since the socio-economic conditions of life of Homo sapiens have changed significantly during its evolution, the measurement of the life expectancy of a modern person using the regularities identified and reflected in formula 4 needs to be supplemented, taking into account the effect of these conditions on longevity.

The average life span of a person in the Paleolithic (2.6 million years ago), when the conditions of his life differed little from animals, was 31 years [Buzhilova A.P. On the Semantics of Collective Burials in the Paleolithic Age. In the book: Human etiology and related disciplines. Modern research methods. Ed. Butovskoy, M .: Institute of etiology and anthropology, 2004. P.21-35], which corresponds to the result obtained for great apes, for example, for a male gorilla:

α (for gorilla) = (0.25 s / 21.5 s) 14.4% = 0.167%;

D about average = 5.262 · 0.167 -1 = 31.5 years.

Taking into account the calculations of B.Ts. Urlanis [Urlanis B.TS. Increasing life expectancy in the USSR // Social research: Sat. - M .: Nauka, 1965. - S. 151, 153; Urlanis B.TS. Study about age // Week. - 1966. - No. 40], in which he statistically proves, using the example of the most advanced and prosperous countries, that the biological life expectancy (designated by the author as normal) should be 90 years, which is specific or characteristic for humans, corrected formula 4, transforming it into formula 5, taking into account the additional 58 years, which, in our opinion, should be lived by men and women in normal socio-economic conditions of work and life. So, for example, if we consider that in an adult, the concentration of O 2 in the alveolar air is normally 14.4% [Babsky EB, Zubkov AA, Kositsky GI, Khodorov BI. Human physiology. - M .: Medicine, 1966. - P.117, 143], then (with a typical for men in a state of muscular rest an average heart rate of 72 beats / min and a heart mass of 1/215 of the total body weight) the period of complete circulation of circulating blood in the body is equal to 21.4 s, α and To average are:

α = (0.25 s / 21.4 s) 14.4% = 0.168%;

Average = 5.262 · 0.168 -1 = 31.3 years.

As a result, the contribution of normal socio-economic conditions to life expectancy for men is: 90 years - 31.3 years = 58.7 years.

With an average heart rate of 78 beats / min typical for women in a state of muscular rest and a heart mass of 1/250 of the total body weight, the period of complete circulation of circulating blood in the body is 22.7 s, α and D o average are:

α = (0.25 s / 22.7 s) 14.4% = 0.158%;

Average = 5.262 · 0.158 -1 = 33.3 years.

As a result, the contribution of normal socio-economic conditions to life expectancy for women is: 90 years - 33.3 years = 56.7 years.

On the basis of these data obtained, we, as noted above, adopted the average contribution of normal socio-economic conditions to life expectancy for men and women, equal to 58 years.

It is known that, in contrast to normal socio-economic conditions that provide a person with a species (normal) life expectancy, related to the studied region and the time period of residence, real socio-economic conditions form the average life expectancy. For example, if the average life expectancy in Russia in 2011 (according to Rosstat) was 64.3 years for men and 76.1 years for women, then the contribution of the existing (in 2011) socio-economic conditions to the expected the life expectancy of a Russian was:

64.3 years-31.3 years = 33.0 years (for men);

76.1 years-33.3 years = 42.8 years (for women).

In the formulations, the normal and average life expectancy, the semantic content of the expressions "normal and average" takes into account, first of all, the socio-economic conditions of life (normal - characterize conditions close to ideal, most conducive to the achievement of species, biological life expectancy, average - reflect real conditions in the region at a given period of time of residence). In view of the above, the expected life expectancy of a person (D about) should be calculated using the following mathematical expression:

D about = 5.262 ⋅ α - 1 + A; (5)

where A is the expected number of years of living due to socio-economic conditions (under conditions close to ideal, designated as normal - 58 years; under other conditions - the number of years obtained by subtracting from the known statistical data on the average life expectancy in the region in this period of residence is 31.3 years for men and 33.3 years for women). The designation of the remaining symbols is given above.

Outstanding modern gerontologist academician D.F. Chebotarev points out that the species life span should serve as a real guideline for increasing the average life span. The difference between these values ​​represents a reserve that can well be utilized by improving conditions and lifestyle. He considers the tactical task of gerontology to combat premature aging and at least partial development of those reserves that a person undoubtedly has and which are determined by the unused period between the modern average and species life expectancy, the preservation of practical health throughout the entire period of the so-called third age (from 60 to 90 years old). He considers the extension of active longevity beyond the terms of the species duration of human life to be a strategic task [Chebotarev D.F. Physiological mechanisms of aging. L .: Nauka, 1982. - 228 p.]. The formula defining the ultimate goals of gerontology "To add not only years to life, but also life to years" embodies both the tactical and strategic objectives of this science, combines both medical and social problems of aging. Therefore, the development of tools that allow evaluating the development of such body reserves that work to achieve active longevity with overcoming normal life expectancy should be considered as one of the important primary steps towards solving the complex problem of aging. In this regard, we believe that the method developed by us for determining the openness of human and animal organisms to the atmosphere is an important means for successfully solving this problem, since it makes it possible, for example, to identify and a priori assess the development of the longevity reserve of the organism at the stages of ontogenesis and, under various functional states, to reveal the similarity and the difference in the formation of this reserve in humans and animals.

Here are examples of the use of the proposed method in humans and some animals in various functional states (muscle rest, physical activity, violation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, neonatal period and breast age of postnatal ontogenesis).

In a man, when performing work of moderate severity, the heart rate is 100 beats / min, the concentration of O 2 in the alveolar air, measured by the PGA-12 gas analyzer in the last portions of exhaled air, is maintained at 14.4%. Therefore, the entropy in the human body when performing work of moderate severity is:

α = (0.25 s / 15.4 s) 14.4% = 0.23%.

With such a value of entropy, the normal and average life expectancies in 2011 can be:

D about normal = (5.262 · 0.23 -1) +58 years = 80.9 years;

Average = (5.262 · 0.23 -1) +33.0 years = 55.9 years.

In a man with impaired cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the heart rate in a state of muscular rest is 95 beats / min, when performing moderate work - 130 beats / min, the concentration of O 2 in the alveolar air, measured by the PGA-12 gas analyzer in these states, equal to 16.1%. Therefore, the entropy in the body will be:

- (in a state of muscular rest) α 1 = 0.25 s / 16.2 s · 16.1% = 0.25%;

- (in a state of performing work of moderate severity) α 2 = 0.25 s / 11.9 s · 16.1% = 0.34%.

The normal and average life expectancy of a man with impaired cardiovascular and respiratory systems will be:

D o1 = (5.262 · 0.25 -1) +58 years = 79.0 years (normal in a state of muscular rest);

D o2 = (5.262 · 0.34 -1) +58 years = 73.5 years (normal in a state of performing work of moderate severity);

D o1 = (5.262 · 0.25 -1) +33.0 years = 54.0 years (average in a state of muscular rest);

D o2 = (5.262 · 0.34 -1) +33.0 years = 48.5 years (average in a state of performing work of moderate severity).

In a newborn boy, the heart rate is 150 beats / min, the heart weight in the total body weight is 0.89%, the concentration of O 2 in the alveolar air is 17.8%. After 1/2 year and after a year, the heart rate and O 2 content in the child's alveolar air decreased to 130 and 120 beats / min, 17.3 and 17.2%, respectively. Therefore, the entropy in the body is:

In a newborn, α = 0.25 s / 5.31 s 17.8% = 0.84%,

1/2 year after birth α = 0.25 s / 6.13 s 17.3% = 0.70%,

One year after birth, α = 0.25 s / 6.64 s 17.2% = 0.65%.

Normal life expectancy, measured under the indicated functional states of the body, will be equal to:

In a newborn D about = (5.262 · 0.84 -1) +58 years = 64.3 years

1/2 year after birth D o = (5.262 · 0.70 -1) +58 years = 65.5 years

A year after birth D o = (5.262 · 0.65 -1) +58 years = 66.1 years.

Average life expectancy will be equal to:

In a newborn D about = (5.262 · 0.84 -1) +33.0 years = 39.3 years

1/2 year after birth D o = (5.262 · 0.70 -1) +33.0 years = 40.5 years

One year after birth D o = (5.262 · 0.65 -1) +33.0 years = 41.1 years.

The revealed differences in the value of entropy in the body under the indicated conditions are consistent with the risk of health disorders, which to a greater extent are exposed to newborns, apparently due to insufficiently formed metabolic mechanisms. In particular, in terms of body weight, infants and young children drink more water, consume more food and breathe in more air than adults [Dyachenko V.G., Rzyankina M.F., Solokhina L.V. Guide to social pediatrics: a textbook / V.G. Dyachenko, M.F. Rzyankina, L.V. Solokhin / Ed. V.G. Dyachenko. - Khabarovsk: Far East Publishing House. state honey. un-that. - 2012. - 322 p.]. These results of approbation of the proposed method are consistent with the literature that the biological age of the body is not a constant value, it changes under various conditions due to age, physical activity, health, psychoemotional stress and other factors [Pozdnyakova N.M., Proshchaev K I.I., Ilnitskiy A.N., Pavlova T.V., Bashuk V.V. Modern views on the possibilities of assessing biological age in clinical practice // Fundamental research. - 2011. - No. 2 - P.17-22].

In a house sparrow, the heart rate in a state of muscular rest is 460 beats / min, and in flight - 950 beats / min (this type of animal has an average life span of 1.2 years and a relative heart mass of 1.5%; [Zhedenov V.N. . Lungs and heart of animals and humans. 2nd ed. M., 1961. - 478 p.]), The concentration of O 2 in the alveolar air is 14.4%. Consequently, the entropy in the body of the house sparrow under these conditions will be equal to:

- (in a state of muscular rest) α 1 = (0.25 s / 1.03 s) 14.4% = 3.49%;

- (during flight) α 2 = (0.25 s / 0.50 s) 14.4% = 7.20%.

The average life expectancy of this sparrow will be:

- (in a state of muscular rest) D about = (5.262 · 3.49 -1) = 1.5 years;

- (during flight) D o = (5.262 · 7.20 -1) = 0.73 years.

From examples of using the proposed method, it follows that with an increase in entropy in the human or animal body, the normal and average life expectancy of individuals is reduced and vice versa. The obtained results of the application of the proposed method are consistent with the known results of physiological studies [Marshak M.E. Physiological significance of carbon dioxide. - M .: Medicine, 1969. - 145 p .; Agadzhanyan N.A., Elfimov A.I. Body functions in conditions of hypoxia and hypercapnia. M .: Medicine, 1986. - 272 p .; Agadzhanyan N.A., Katkov A.Yu. The reserves of our body. M .: Knowledge, 1990. - 240 pp.], In which the effect of training the body to a lack of O 2 and an excess of CO 2 on improving health, increasing efficiency and increasing life expectancy is established. Since in the studies of these authors it has been reliably established that training for a lack of O 2 and an excess of CO 2 reduces the heart rate, the frequency and depth of pulmonary respiration, the O 2 content in the alveolar air, the indicated beneficial effect of such training on the body can be explained by the achieved decrease in its openness to the atmosphere and irreversible dissipation of free energy into the environment.

So, during systematic training with volitional delays of pulmonary respiration and inhalation of hypoxic-hypercapnic air mixtures with O 2 content 15-9% and CO 2 5-11%, alveolar air contains O 2 8.5; 7.5%. As a result (at heart rate, for example, 50 beats / min) T = 32.25 s; α = 0.0659%; 0.0581%. Then the normal life expectancy will be:

D about = (5.262 · 0.0659 -1) +58 years = 138 years;

D o1 = (5.262 · 0.0581 -1) +58 years = 149 years.

The average life expectancy for men will be equal to:

D about = (5.262 · 0.0659 -1) +33.0 years = 113 years;

D o1 = (5.262 · 0.0581 -1) +33.0 years = 124 years.

Thus, in the claimed method for determining entropy in the human or animal body, the problem of the invention is solved: entropy in the human or animal body is determined by the interaction of the phases of contact of the erythrocyte of circulating blood with alveolar O 2 in the lungs and its concentration.


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A method for determining entropy in a human or animal body, characterized in that the relative weight of the heart in% (X), the number of heartbeats (A) and the oxygen content in the alveolar air of the lungs in% (Co 2) are determined and the calculation is carried out according to the formula: α = (0.25 / Т) · Co 2, where α is the entropy in%, Т is the time of the complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in sec, while Т = [(0.44 · 75) / ( X · A)] · 21.5.

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The invention relates to the field of medicine and can be used by dentists of various fields. Before the start of dental measures, tests are used to reveal the degree of psychoemotional stress and psychophysiological state of the patient, as well as to determine the pulse level before the first test (P1), between two tests (P2) and after the second test (P3). In the presence of a mild degree of psychoemotional stress, a stable psychophysiological state in combination with the difference between P3 and P2 not more than 15 beats / min compared to the difference between P2 and P1, the psychoemotional state is assessed as stable and the patient's readiness for dental intervention is stated. In the presence of an average degree of psychoemotional stress, a borderline psychophysiological state in combination with a difference between P3 and P2 of no more than 15 beats / min compared to the optimal state with a difference between P2 and P1, the psychoemotional state is assessed as labile and the need for relaxation effects on the patient is stated before dental intervention. In the presence of a severe degree of psychoemotional stress, an unstable psychophysiological state in combination with a difference between P3 and P2 of more than 15 beats / min compared to the difference between P2 and P1, the psychoemotional state is assessed as unfavorable for dental intervention, requiring its delay. The method makes it possible to perform an express assessment of the patient's psychoemotional state before dental intervention. 3 ex.

The group of inventions relates to medicine. A blood pressure measurement system using an indirect method comprises a device for applying an external contact force to the measured artery, a sensor for arterial pronounced signs, and a measurement and recording device for determining the systolic and diastolic periods of the arterial cycle based on the values ​​recorded by the sensor. The measuring and recording device measures the diastolic pressure during the diastolic period before the artery is completely occluded, and measures the systolic pressure during the systolic period when the artery is occluded. The sensor records pronounced signs before, during and after receiving an external force. When measuring blood pressure by obliteration, an arterial cycle is obtained by distinguishing between systolic and diastolic periods without affecting the blood flow and arterial wall by external forces. An external force is applied to the artery and the arterial pronounced sign from each period is recorded. The external force is increased until it becomes equal to the arterial pressure in the period to be measured. A predetermined blood pressure is measured in a predetermined arterial cycle when an arterial pronounced sign disappears in any of the systolic or diastolic periods. When measuring diastolic blood pressure by release, an external force is applied to the artery until it is occluded. The external effort is weakened until it becomes equal to the blood pressure in the diastolic period. Diastolic pressure is measured when registering an arterial pronounced feature at the time when an arterial pronounced feature appears from the diastolic period of the arterial cycle. The use of a group of inventions will improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurement in an indirect way. 3 n. and 29 p.p. f-ly, 13 ill.

The invention relates to medical technology. The device for recording arterial blood pulsation contains a pulse generator, a light source, a photodetector, a current / voltage converter, an AC voltage amplifier, a synchronous demodulator, and a band-pass filter. Additionally, the device includes an accelerometer, an analog-to-digital converter, a microcontroller, an adaptive filter, and a subtraction unit. The output of the bandpass filter is connected to the first input of the analog-to-digital converter, the output of the accelerometer is connected to the second input of the analog-to-digital converter, the output of the analog-to-digital converter is connected to the input of the microcontroller, the first output of the microcontroller is connected to the first input of the subtractor, the second output of the microcontroller is connected to the first input adaptive filter, the output of the subtractor is connected to the second input of the adaptive filter, the output of the adaptive filter is connected to the second input of the subtractor. The use of the invention will increase the noise immunity of recording the signal of arterial pulsation of human blood in the presence of motor artifacts caused by random movements of the subject. 1 ill.

The invention relates to biology and medicine, namely to the study of the influence of the environment and the internal environment of the body on human or animal health. The method concerns the study of entropy in the body. To do this, determine the relative weight of the heart in relation to body weight, the number of heartbeats and the oxygen content in the alveolar air of the lungs. The calculation is carried out according to the formula: α · Co2, where α is the entropy in, T is the time of the complete turnover of the erythrocyte with the current of circulating blood in sec, while T · 21.5. The method makes it possible to measure the main characteristic of an organism that unites living systems, which can be used to determine biological age, health status, to study the effect of various means of preventing health disorders and prolonging life. 1 tab.

A measure of the uncertainty in the distribution of the states of a biological system, defined as

where II is the entropy, the probability of the system accepting a state from the region x, is the number of states of the system. E. s. can be determined relative to the distribution for any structural or functional indicators. E. s. used to calculate the biological systems of an organization. An important characteristic of a living system is conditional entropy, which characterizes the uncertainty in the distribution of the states of a biological system relative to a known distribution

where is the probability of the system accepting a state from the area x, provided that the reference system, relative to which the uncertainty is measured, takes a state from the area y, is the number of states of the reference system. The parameters of reference systems for a biosystem can be a variety of factors, primarily the system of environmental variables (material, energy, or organizational conditions). The measure of conditional entropy, like the measure of the organization of a biosystem, can be used to assess the evolution of a living system in time. In this case, the reference is the probability distribution of the system accepting its states at some previous points in time. And if the number of states of the system remains unchanged, then the conditional entropy of the current distribution relative to the reference distribution is defined as

E. f. s., like the entropy of thermodynamic processes, is closely related to the energy state of the elements. In the case of a biosystem, this relationship is multifaceted and difficult to determine. In general, changes in entropy accompany all vital processes and serve as one of the characteristics in the analysis of biological laws.

Yu. G. Antomopov, P. I. Belobrov.