What awaits Aries in August. Horoscope of work and finances

In August, Aries has a very high probability of becoming a participant in some exciting adventure. The people around them can reveal unexpectedly positive sides. Aries women are characterized by some fanaticism in studying people. They often try to find out details of the past and present of the person of interest. Knowledge breeds sorrow. This statement is very relevant for these ladies, since such digging often leads to bitter disappointments in the surrounding reality. Try not to attack from the shoulder - maybe the person has already changed. There is no need to become the Muskrat from the fairy tale about Moomintroll, who constantly read the book “On the futility of all things.”

In the month of August, you should forget about pressing matters for a while and take a good rest. In 2018, Cupid will offer a large selection of suitors who can make significant changes in a girl’s life. Astrologers advise taking a closer look at the representatives of the stronger sex around you and going on dates so as not to miss your one and only. You shouldn’t live according to the “home-work-home” scheme. You should periodically go out with friends to a club or karaoke, attend noisy events and have more fun - this helps relieve nervous tension.

As for work, Aries will feel quite comfortable - for the most part, you will need to solve issues that you understand. Most likely, in August, people whose fate is marked by this constellation will feel an incredible upsurge of strength, will want to implement their original projects and actively participate in the work of the company. They are often complete workaholics who have to be kicked out of the office. However, you should not forget about rest, because constant tension in the nervous system is fraught with consequences in the form of prolonged depression, nervous breakdowns and other nervous disorders. Remember that people do not become drug addicts and alcoholics because of a good life. Normalize your schedule and try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Love Horoscope

Cupid is ready to show more favor than Larisa Guzeeva. Like a good manager, he applies an individual approach to each zodiac sign. Problems arise only when the client does not know what he wants. Just like an Aries woman who just can’t decide on the type she wants. Sometimes it seems that she is not choosing a man, but clearing the field. If there are problems on the love front in August, then you should postpone it a little. In this area, even if nothing is done, things will not get worse. Maybe it's better to try to start a new relationship in the fall? The chosen one will invite you to restaurants and cinema more often, and there will be an extra reason to visit each other. And then step by step: first overnight stays, then your things will appear in his closet, then SUDDENLY you are already living with him permanently, and then the registry office.

Aries are known to be extremely reckless and jealous. In 2018, it may seem to your loved one that you are behaving too cheekily, which may alienate him, and he will choose someone else, less crazy than himself. You shouldn’t look at other men, much less flirt. Believe me: your betrothed will not think anything good about you. On this basis, the Aries woman may face a bitter separation from her lover. You should not rush from one embrace to another, since you may never return to the previous ones. Men are possessive and analytical. And they believe that even if the woman returned, she was not alone and did not suffer from the separation.

Married Aries often pay attention to people of the opposite sex. These ladies are surrounded by so many handsome men that they cannot resist having an affair. However, a loving husband can find out about this. Prepare for the fact that your rash actions may lead to a divorce. It is best to have an affair only if you can turn your lover into a husband. Otherwise, the game is not worth the candle. You will only destroy an existing family, and in return you will get a donut hole. You should not make an appointment with your lover on August 11, 2018 - it will end in a quarrel. In order to reschedule a date, a universal female excuse is suitable - a headache.

Finance horoscope

August 2018 is overly favorable for Aries women. Astrologers recommend making a business trip. If management does not send you, then you should organize a business trip yourself. In addition to the possible positive results, a business trip will give you the opportunity to clear your head, get out of your comfort zone and shake things up a little. If this continues, the years will fly by and you will have nothing to remember. It's better to change something now than to regret missed opportunities later.

This month a person may be too absent-minded, constantly forgetting the place where he put this or that thing, forgetting purchases in the store. This is not the best professional quality, as it interferes with completing things. Before making important decisions, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Let's say you have the opportunity to work in a different profile or in a different location. Think about how much joy and money your new position will bring you, and what unpleasant factors there may be. If you have to spend more time at work, drowning in business, and at the same time receive less than now, then it is better to refuse the new employer. August favors Aries creative professionals.

Wealthy suitors will pay attention to you - it is better to prepare for such a turn of events in advance. You may be pleased that you are now in the public eye and will not want to give up your publicity. You really like the well-deserved compliments of others in response to successful social behavior.

By showing yourself to be not only a beautiful, but also an educated girl, you will definitely acquire the necessary connections in high society. If a person refuses to participate in some dubious enterprises, he will be able to improve his life somewhat. In August, you can try to achieve goals that have already become covered with dust in a long drawer. In this case, you should postpone your vacation and immerse yourself in work. It is worth taking the initiative and nominating yourself for an ambitious project or proposing such a project yourself. And after work, Aries can relax a little with friends at the club.

Health horoscope

Aries hate being "out of line." You can’t lure them into a doctor’s office with a roll of bread. At first there will be long exhortations from those closest to you to just go and get examined, even without tests, but you will have a negative attitude even towards this. However, examination and tests do not mean illness. This is its prevention. After all, if you neglect your health, you can lie in bed for more than one week. You should not be afraid of doctors - for the most part they are wonderful people, and not Joseph Mengele at all (although he was an excellent doctor, despite his anti-human experiments).

August 2018 for Aries may become a period of awakening of all healed pathologies. The digestive system is especially at risk. It is worth thoroughly correcting your diet, eliminating harmful foods from it. Yes, despite your love for kebabs and other delicacies, you should eat less fried, fatty, spicy and sweet foods. There is no need to overeat before bed - any nutritionist will tell you about the dangers of late meals. It is better to eat a hearty meal before 18:00, and eat an apple or yogurt before going to bed. Don't forget about playing sports - they will tighten your figure, and without extra pounds it will be easier for your heart to pump blood. However, the diet should not be associated with a hunger strike. Humans need all nutrients, not just grass. Pork can be replaced with chicken, and fried - baked. Nobody's saying it shouldn't be delicious, just that it's delicious - it doesn't have to be a pork chop fried and oozing with fat.

On the Full Moon, it is better to refuse to make important decisions - you can make a mess.

Aries. Horoscope for August 2020 for Aries.

“This is an energetic dance!” - Kuravlev’s partner shouted while dancing in the film “Afonya”. This phrase is perfect to describe the events August For representatives of the sign Aries. Forget about lazy rest, you have no time for that. Take chances, do things as best you can. Life Aries will be clearly divided into two halves. You will behave prudently in the office. But in your personal life, boil with passion and jealousy.

Favorable days in August 2020 for Aries – 6, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24.
Unfavorable days of August 2020 for Aries– 1, 5, 13, 20, 26, 30

Career finance Aries in August 2020
In mid-August, in the professional sphere, Aries will be bursting with ideas and developing vigorous activity. Excellent opportunities will open up for you to improve your professional qualifications. Try not to miss them. Communicate with experienced specialists, read specialized literature. If you are on a wave of success, luck will go hand in hand with you. You will be able to implement any ideas, receive approval and support from your superiors, and make useful contacts. Career advancement and salary increases are possible.
The financial aspect of Aries is at its best in August. You have the necessary passion, a sense of competition and will undoubtedly raise the profile of the business you are involved in.

Personal life of Aries in August 2020
In August, passions run high in Aries's personal life.. It is not at all difficult for you to find a reason for a quarrel with your other half. You will come up with a lot of absurd reasons to try to explain your anger, and you will firmly believe in them, and your dissatisfaction is not necessarily related to your partner's behavior. A tense situation at work, a long line at the store, a car breakdown - in any case, those around you will have to take the rap. To be fair, it should be noted that after some time Aries he himself will understand that he got excited, will try to soften the situation and ask for forgiveness.
If the union was formed recently, then it is quite possible that in August you will be visited by a feeling of jealousy. In this regard, expect frank and not very comfortable questions from your partner. Try to give truthful answers, even if it hurts your pride. After all, right now, frankness will allow you to get closer to your loved one and begin to speak the same language with him.

Aries health in August 2020
In August, Aries' health does not cause any special problems or worries. During this period, you should stop experimenting with your appearance at home; try not to use cosmetics from brands that are new to you.
Negative thoughts can weaken your psychological resilience. Anxiety often leads to emotional stress and causes headaches. To cope with bad thoughts, shift your attention to another person or situation that is not related to what is happening.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Aries will be lucky. Some days are rich in joyful moments. But you won’t be able to avoid difficult periods of time. The most accurate horoscope for August for Aries promises that representatives of the sign will be more stubborn than ever. This will be an undoubted advantage in your work: you will never give up on your goals, you will always stick to your line and loudly declare yourself. But in relationships with loved ones, such uncompromisingness can lead to tension and disagreement.

Aries Woman

In the first half of the month, Aries girls show excessive perfectionism. You approach any matter with special pedantry and scrupulousness. You try not to make even the slightest mistakes, be attentive to details and overly careful. Such scrupulousness even irritates others a little. Especially considering that you are making these demands on them. Towards mid-August, Aries women will decide to take on things that they have been putting off for a long time. When you finally get this burden off your shoulders, you will immediately feel relief.

In the second half of the month, the usual course of things will be disrupted by a certain household problem. Get ready to repair broken plumbing, deal with a broken roof or some other trouble. But the last ten days of the month will please you. At this time, one long-standing dispute will be resolved. During the conversation, the opponent admits that he was wrong all along.

Aries man

Aries men will have a sharper conscience. You are kind to people and always try to do the right thing. Several times you will be able to help out your friends when they really need it. These kinds of actions give you satisfaction. These days, Aries men will become real optimists. It seems like nothing can stop your positive attitude. This sentiment will continue for several weeks.

Towards mid-August, one good friend will greatly annoy you, putting you in an uncomfortable position. At first you will be very angry. But consider yourself above being offended, and forgive your offender. Later, this person will make amends and your relationship will improve. You will be grateful to yourself for not responding to meanness with meanness.

At the beginning of August, Aries easily resolve problematic situations at work. The inner diplomat in you has awakened, so you are cunning and calculating. Aries easily find a common language with business partners. In addition, they always find themselves one step ahead of their opponents, guessing their weaknesses and hidden intentions. Such luck can result in the signing of successful contracts and the conclusion of major transactions.

It is possible that you will be awarded and will be able to advance sharply up the career ladder. At the end of the month, your workmate, whose support you were counting on, will let you down at the most crucial moment. Because of this, you will become distrustful and suspicious for some time. After some time, although not without effort, you will regain trust in people.

At the beginning of August, representatives of the sign are very prudent in everything related to money. The financial horoscope for August 2019 for Aries advises: in matters related to finance, trust your intuition. At this time you have a real instinct for money. It’s as if you know in advance what will bring income and what will only cause losses.

In the second half of the month you need to be careful with spending money. You are impulsive and prone to careless management of your finances. It’s better to save your money for later, otherwise you risk wasting it by purchasing something of poor quality or investing in an unprofitable adventure.

Towards the end of August, there will be a good chance to sell what you have long planned to get rid of. You can make good money on this unnecessary thing.


The astrological health forecast for August for Aries strongly recommends being less nervous. Some events literally drive you crazy. People around you give a lot of reasons for irritation. Following the lead of negative emotions, Aries deal a strong blow to their health. Irritability is fraught with exacerbation of old diseases or even the acquisition of new ones.

It is not the best factor that Aries work with excessive zeal and perseverance. Sometimes many urgent matters have to be put before rest. You sleep little, so you don’t regain your strength at all. The health horoscope warns: you should not sacrifice your health for the sake of your career. Your health will worsen, and in the long term you risk becoming seriously ill.

Aries tend to be stubborn. You are willful and independent, you neglect any advice. This will result in a lot of arguments with family members because this is when some of them will be inclined to force their opinions on you. You are defiantly declaring your independence.

No arguments can convince you. No matter what happens, Aries remains adamant. For some time this will complicate relationships with loved ones. However, the accurate family horoscope for August for Aries advises not to be upset: the stars promise that your family members will change their minds and respect your choice.

At the beginning of the month, Aries lovers will face a difficult choice. Their decision will seem wrong to you. You will try in every possible way to convince them, but nothing will work. The best thing you can do is support the choices of your loved ones. At this moment, they will need your support more than ever.

In the middle of the month, Aries will experience unreasonable jealousy. Although your loved one will not give any reason for suspicion, you will still experience this terrible feeling. At this time, Aries will become very suspicious, almost paranoid. You are blinded by anger and are unable to reason soberly. The love horoscope for August 2019 for Aries warns: under no circumstances do anything, otherwise you can completely ruin the relationship. All that is required of you is trust. Within a few days you will realize that all your suspicions are simply ridiculous and absurd.

Monthly horoscopes for zodiac signs

Horoscopes by month

In August 2018, Aries needs to take things “a little at a time.”

Aries horoscope for August 2018.

In August 2018, Aries needs to take things “a little at a time.” Because only you know how. After all, only Aries can slip, ride on their butts along the road, get up, shake themselves and say, as if nothing had happened - they almost fell. So in August 2018, behave the same way!

The fact is that, judging by the horoscope, you yourself will feel that not everything you do or plan succeeds. In fact, in August 2018 the situation will develop differently. Especially in my personal life. For some Aries, it will seem like: “I looked back to see if she looked back, to see if I looked back,” and perhaps you will look back at your past. This is especially true for Aries women. Therefore, do not bring yourself to the situation: “Oh, look, what a man!! I went to meet you! “Sit down, you drunken idiot, it’s your ex!”

This is especially true for Aries women. Therefore, do not bring yourself to the situation: “Oh, look, what a man!! I went to meet you! “Sit down, you drunken idiot, it’s your ex!”

Therefore, Aries in August 2018, any of your actions should be aimed at the future, and not at the past. Take the long-term view and throw away all the extra stuff. This will allow you to fall from heaven to Earth and make the right decisions.

The August 2018 Aries horoscope shows that next month your temperament will be more energetic than ever. And if usually Aries either has too little courage or too much pride, then in August 2018 you will have more courage than pride. Therefore, under the influence of momentary impulses or alcohol, you are likely to make some bright, and maybe even beautiful, mistakes. That’s why we started the horoscope with the phrase: “In August 2018, Aries needs to take things a little at a time.” It is a philosophical attitude towards life, and towards your own downfalls, that will help you in August 2018 to continue the fight for your happiness. So Aries, try to control your temperament in August 2018 so that they don’t talk about you later, he is so harsh that he even slams the elevator door.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aries favorable days are 2, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24 and 29.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aries unfavorable days - have you ever heard the phrase - thank you for offering me a free stay in the presidential suite in your hotel and a free dinner at your expensive restaurant, but tomorrow I have an unfavorable day?

Horoscope for August 2018 Aries career, work and business.

The planet Neptune will cause healthy turbulence in the professional sphere of Aries in August 2018.

This is especially true for Aries businessmen and managers. Some of you will want to give your business a new form, either within one company or by changing your entire sector. Uncertainty about prospects and forecasts will push many Aries to use hard currency in commercial agreements. To the point that you even become interested in gold prices.

The career horoscope advises the rest of Aries to invest... in work. Invest yourself in your work, even if the tasks assigned to you seem far below your abilities and capabilities.

Your healthy desire to work at the end of the summer will be greatly rewarded with a new job offer or greater responsibilities. If you really don’t prefer work, hot sand and alcohol.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aries Finance.

In the financial sphere, August 2018 for Aries should resemble the situation when little Vovochka is sitting and eating candy. They ask him: maybe you can still share? Him: noooo, I'm greedy!!! - And do you think it’s good to be greedy?! He (eating the last candy): well... not bad... This is exactly what August 2018 SHOULD be like for Aries. Because, judging by the horoscope, financial inflows will be quite contradictory. On the one hand, you will oscillate between irresistible desires to spend without restrictions and informed decisions about saving and saving. But, this will also be a period during which you may have to spend more on others than on yourself. Therefore, being a little greedy in August 2018 will be very useful for Aries.

Love horoscope for August 2018 Aries. Horoscope for August 2018 Aries Love.

The horoscope for August advises family Aries to do something big together. Big plans for a trip, a renovation, a purchase, or something else will bring you closer together. True, after August 7 you may experience a feeling of fatigue from family life. You may feel unloved, misunderstood, and this will make your relationship a little strained. This is why you will most likely be tempted and tempted to go on holiday separately. Be careful with these temptations, it can further alienate you from each other. Moreover, in the second half of August you will have trouble hearing your partner. Like the girl Masha, who sits on the sofa in the room and says: “I want to sleep!” And her husband: Get lost! Masha immediately screamed: What? Where? And, her husband calmly said to her: “Well, sleep here!”

For single Aries, August 2018 will be marked by pleasure. Most likely, in August 2018 you yourself will not want a serious relationship, and will prefer to fully enjoy your freedom. However, under the influence of the planet Venus, in August 2018 you may meet a man who will give you an insane desire to be together! And if it is true what they say, there are only two types of adhesive plasters: those that immediately fall off, and those that cannot be torn off later. Then in August 2018 you can meet those whom you can’t tear away later.

So Aries, even if in August 2018 you have a question: “One of us two has gone crazy. It remains to understand who: me or the whole world,” remember about the horoscope website, and how we started the horoscope for August - in August 2018. Aries needs to treat what is happening “a little bit at a time.” Because only you know how. After all, only Aries can slip, ride on their butts along the road, get up, shake themselves and say, as if nothing had happened - they almost fell. It is a philosophical attitude to life that will help you continue the fight for your happiness in August 2018!

August is an ambiguous period for many Aries, since they will be energetic and active, but in the first half of the month they will not be able to properly use their strengths and capabilities. The desire to follow in several directions at once can lead to unnecessary fuss and loss of touch with reality. In the period from August 4 to August 13, lack of thought in actions and decisions, as well as misconceptions of Aries, are fraught with serious troubles. They need not to lose sight of their ill-wishers, who can weave intrigues, create dangerous situations and traps for Aries. The second half of the month will be more favorable, and although their energy will weaken, their intuition will become more active, and they will be able to compensate for losses and get rid of some of their problems. This is also a more harmonious period for Aries’ personal life, for entertainment and spiritual practices. See the general information on our website.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Aries women

Aries women. The period may be remembered for bright love adventures, even unsafe ones. This month the vibrant nature of your relationship with your partner will appear; violent quarrels will be replaced by equally passionate reconciliations. Will your chosen one like it? This will become clear after August 15th. Talisman of the month: rose quartz, citrine.

  1. Favorable days: August 4, 11, 19, 22.
  2. Unfavorable days: August 2, 5, 14, 17, 20.

Priority of interests: love, romance, jealousy, adventure, travel.

Aries female horoscope for August 2018

The Aries house of love is activated by the planets, so there is no chance of boredom. The Sun, together with Mercury, makes the love atmosphere bright and lively. The sun gives you energy and emphasizes the importance of relationships, making you think that your loved one is the center of the universe. Mercury makes you agile and inventive, bringing the fulfillment of your desires closer. You tend to flirt very openly with everyone, whether married or not. The stars advise you to pay more attention to the feelings and needs of your better half, otherwise there may be misunderstandings or disputes about fidelity and the fate of the relationship. Despite all this, we can say that, starting from the second half of the month, Aries take their responsibilities in love and marital unions more seriously. The solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 occurs in the house of love of Aries, hinting at the possibility of a new romance or the return of a former love. The eclipse point conjunct Mercury retro invites you to think about what responsibilities you are willing to take on to make a relationship work, where you are overdoing it and where you are shying away. Mars retrograde until August 13 is in the sector of friendship and social relations, so you are inclined to have an active social life. But there is also a risk of confusing love with friendship or sending someone false signals that are not backed by real interest.

Love horoscope

There is a need to dot all the i's. You yourself understood this, but you just put everything off until later. The right moment has come, speak up boldly, you will be heard. This month, be prepared for difficult situations to arise in your partnerships. Act more confident, even if you are not convinced that you are right. Pay attention to your recent acquaintances; perhaps you will meet a new bright love. You will be drawn to adventure. The only thing that will hold you back is your moral obligations to your permanent partner.

Horoscope for a confident Aries woman for August 2018 from Tamara Globa

Fate has prepared a lot of pleasant surprises for active and purposeful Aries ladies. The most important thing is not to be afraid to move forward and be able to resolve problems that arise in a timely manner. In love and romantic affairs, positive changes are predicted for Aries. But this will only happen if Aries sincerely wants to change something in their lives. Aries will need to make enormous efforts in the area of ​​professionalism. The first task that the ladies will have to cope with is the envy of some colleagues. Fortunately, Aries women know how to resist the actions of their enemies and will be able to stand up for themselves with dignity. But Aries may have problems with their health. If you do not take active measures to prevent diseases in a timely manner, then simple “sores” risk turning into an unpleasant pathology.

Health horoscope

Postpone active physical work. Before going to bed, drink tea with hawthorn and rosehip. When you have a free minute, turn on your favorite music and dance to it. Replace sugar with honey. In the evening, take time to go for a walk with friends. Pleasant conversations with loved ones will be especially important to you. Acupressure or cosmetic facial massage is useful. For skin care, use light moisturizing emulsions, gels and aromatic oils.

Horoscope of work and finances

It's better to decide in advance what you should spend the money on. Otherwise they will end at the most inopportune moment. You should be careful in career intrigues; do not rely on tempting promises from colleagues to help you in your work. Be prepared for the fact that not all of your career plans will come to fruition. Business partners may turn out to be unreliable, so play it safe in advance and rely only on yourself. In August, take a closer look at those around you; you may be let down.

Horoscope for Aries Women for August 2018

Aries women will appear before other people this month in all their beauty, originality and uniqueness. All the talents of the representatives of the sign will sparkle with bright colors, like the facets of a diamond in the sun. However, they should be careful about their excessive sociability. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse inviting friends to dinner or meeting new people, but you need to be careful in your words and not provide information about yourself to people you don’t know well. During this period, the main thing for you is not to lose the goals that you have been working towards for a long time, not to lose your fortitude and positive attitude. No matter how hard people around and close to you try to dissuade them, right now it is important for Aries women to show their natural stubbornness and willpower in order to get what they have dreamed of for so long. In order not to miss a chain of important events, Aries women may now need to keep a notebook, because the events around them will rapidly develop and change. It is in order not to forget or miss something important that notes in a notebook are well suited. Moreover, now it will be important to plan all meetings, trips and conferences in advance, this is the only way you will be able to stay afloat in a series of changing life.