How to start a home appliance repair business. Repair of household appliances as a business

The proposed home appliance, video, audio and office equipment repair business plan is an example finished business plan and can be used by you in the future to develop own business workshop plan for the repair of equipment.

Business plan for a workshop for the repair of household, video, audio and office equipment

The purpose of the business plan is to justify the financial and economic feasibility of creating a repair shop household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment.

The study showed the presence of a potential market for services, in particular, repair of household appliances, TV, video, audio and office equipment. It should be noted that the provision of repair services, as a rule, is carried out by organizations that represent a single manufacturer and are not interested in expanding the range of services provided.

This business plan for a workshop for the repair of household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment provides for the creation of an additional market for services by expanding the range of serviced products and providing after-sales service technical means at home at the request of the client. At the initial stage, one workshop was opened, later it is planned to open a network of workshops in Moscow.

The project is low-budget and therefore mobile enough to avoid many risks. At the same time, a workshop for the repair of household, video, audio and office equipment quickly pays off and brings a fairly high profit. Income received from the repair of technical facilities is stable, because it does not depend on the season and other natural factors. This is one of the reasons for choosing the business area.

Services are designed for residents of areas adjacent to the location of the repair shop. The call of the master can be made in any district of the city. The main consumers are individuals (about 90%), and the rest (10%) are legal entities.

The size authorized capital 10 000 rub.

The organizational and legal form is a limited liability company.
Form of ownership - private.

In the process of developing a business plan, an analysis of possible risks was also carried out and efforts were made to reduce them.

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Business plan for a workshop for the repair of household, video, audio and office equipment
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Today, getting a loan to buy new household appliances is not difficult. And all because special organizations offer favorable conditions for receiving money. However, not every person is ready to take new loans and worsen his life with some debts to government organizations. It follows from this that household appliances are handed over for repair in order to give them another life.

Therefore, the business idea: repairing household appliances at home will become great solution for every person who decides to open their own business without any serious financial investment. It should be noted that such a business can bring good income in any season. And all because not only individuals, but also legal entities need such services. At the same time, the masters can be called to any district of the city and even beyond its borders. Naturally, such services will have a very high cost.

Repair of household appliances at home as a business: Advertising campaign

To realize the idea of ​​repairing household appliances at home as a business, you need to take care of a competent advertising campaign. In this case, the most important thing is to inform the residents of the city that a new company with high-quality and at the same time fast service has appeared on the service market. In addition, it is necessary to mention the cost of such services. Here it should be remembered that only favorable prices can lure customers. Therefore, the price must be reasonable. To attract the first customers, you can hold a special promotion that will allow the first customers to receive a professional range of services at a good discount. For competent activity in such a service sector, it is recommended to come up with a simple service phone number that will be easy for every potential client to remember.

Home Appliance Repair Business Idea: Business Concept

If you want to know , then you need to know some of the nuances of such a case. So, today, modern organizations for the repair of household appliances are divided into two types.
The first type includes firms that are subsidiaries offshoots from some manufacturer. Such firms are also called monobrand. Similar organizations are engaged in the maintenance and repair of household appliances that were created by this manufacturer.

Monobrand firms can be: affiliated or relatively independent.
Affiliated Repair Organizations household appliances work closely with major manufacturing companies. In general, such organizations are completely dependent on the manufacturer of household appliances.
Relatively independent companies work on the basis of equal cooperation. I must say that such organizations are ready to take on the repair of absolutely any equipment. Multi-brand companies also deal with repairs cell phones and professional computers.

Multi-brand companies now have many advantages.

  • So, this is a high ROI business. In this case, there will be no need to pay for the big “name” of the parent company.
  • Extended list of repair services. This advantage will help to increase the customer base to the maximum limit.

Description of services provided
It has already been said above that today there can be two types of companies. Therefore, every entrepreneur has a choice in favor of a particular company. However, each company will have to provide repair services:

  • any household appliances;
  • video and audio equipment;
  • office equipment.

You can also repair the heating systems of a private house and apartment.

How to carry out repair work

  1. So, first you need to get equipment from the client that needs repair.
  2. Then it is important to identify the cause of the equipment malfunction;
  3. After that, it is recommended to start searching and selecting the necessary spare parts for repairs;
  4. Well, of course, you need to fix any damage and eliminate any defect.

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To receive you need to good feedback and to earn an excellent reputation for providing quality repair services and offering the shortest turnaround times. If you fulfill all the requirements of customers, you can get not only good reviews from them, but also high-quality advertising.

Features of repair services

In order to consistently profit from such a business, you must:

  • provide warranty service for repaired equipment after it is issued to the client,
  • deliver the equipment from the client independently to your workshop and bring it back already in good condition,
  • provide a guarantee for the safety of equipment even if it is impossible to carry out repair work,
  • provide the service "departure of the master at home" in order to carry out repair work of any complexity.

When organizing such a business, you need to remember that such a service is designed for a society that has an average level of prosperity. Indeed, such people cannot afford to buy new technology if an old household appliance breaks down. It follows that the repair shop household items it is best to locate where a large number of middle-income people live. Further promotion of the company is recommended to be carried out with the help of competent advertising. In this case, it is allowed to distribute leaflets, advertise on local television or radio.

Where to begin

Some of the nuances and features of such a business have already been described above. Now it is important to understand how to start a home appliance repair business.

  1. So, if you decide to open in your city, then you need to immediately conclude a special agreement with the call center. This organization will support your business.
  2. Then you should definitely purchase special equipment with which you can carry out professional repair every household appliance. I must say that the purchase of equipment will have to spend about 100 thousand dollars.
  3. If you plan to open a serious company, then you need to find office space. The office of such a company will have a workshop for the repair of household appliances and an office where clients will be received.
  4. To organize a serious repair company, you need to take care of the selection of personnel. So, for such a business, you need to hire: a chief accountant, a chief foreman and two workers.
  5. The next step is to come up with an easy-to-remember number.

What to do if there is no decent start-up capital

It has already been said above that it will be necessary to spend considerable money on the purchase of professional equipment. cash. However, what about those people who do not have. Needless to say, there is no need to worry about this. After all, if there is a desire, then you can open a similar business with the most minimum investment. So, to work at home, you may need: a tester, a soldering iron and an oscilloscope.

As for the premises, with a small budget, you can open such a business at home. At the same time, all work can be performed independently without resorting to the help of additional people.

What can lead to business failure

Now you need to report those moments that can lead to the collapse of such a business. So, the home repair business idea cannot develop if abused:

  • Greed. Indeed, saving on quality parts and skilled workers can lead your repair firm to inevitable collapse.
  • Overpriced. The high cost of services, as a rule, scares off customers. Therefore, if you do not have professional equipment and there are no specialists in quality service, then seriously overpricing is the wrong decision.
  • Staff dishonesty. I must say that the specialists in the company must do their job efficiently. In addition, they need to be interested in cooperation. If these requirements are not met, then the poor-quality work of specialists can undermine the reputation of the company and deprive you of your client base.

Technology surrounds us very tightly in everyday life and simplifies manual labor, making it a comfortable and enjoyable experience. But even the most expensive and modern models household appliances can break. Buying new ones is not always profitable, but repairing old equipment so that it serves for another couple of years is reasonable. Therefore, the demand for repair services has always been and will be in demand in cities with any population. Below is a business plan for a home appliance repair shop. The example was calculated for the regional center.

Information about the company

Main activity: repair of large and small household appliances. The workshop is expected to perform Maintenance, adjustment and warranty service under an agreement with a local retail chain of household appliances.

Legal form: individual entrepreneurship.

The main consumers should be residents of the city and nearby settlements of another region, republic. This may be due to the fact that residents of neighboring areas have the easiest access to the city than to other large settlements. In addition, the city has regular bus services to neighboring regions of the republic.

Goal: in a year, the workshop must withstand the onslaught of competitors, gain consumer confidence, pay off debts accumulated during the foundation of the project: for rent, purchase of equipment, spare parts, furniture and many other costs.

Over the next 2-3 years, the workshop should become one of the best and most respectable workshops in the field consumer services and repair in the market for the repair of equipment. But in order to achieve the maximum goal, it is necessary to win the trust and respect of consumers. Service quality indicators should be such that customers are responsive and loyal to their contractor.

Accommodation: semi-basement in a large residential area of ​​the city. The area of ​​the workshop will be about 120 square meters. m. It includes a reception room, jobs for mechanics, a separate room for the director, a warehouse for repaired and accepted household appliances.

Consider the table of workshop premises:

Form of ownership of the premises: lease, confirmed by the rental agreement.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 19:00, including weekends. The schedule is chosen based on the standard working day of office workers, until 17:00. Most customers will be able to get into the workshop after their working day. On weekends, customers from suburban areas will be able to contact the workshop.


For registration, the IP form was chosen. But if you plan to work as an authorized service center for large manufacturers and retail chains, an LLC is formed. Trust in IP is less, and get a contract for service maintenance will be more difficult. There are no manufacturers of household appliances in the selected city. A contract was made with a local store to service their goods. Under the contract, the workshop performs repairs free of charge within the warranty period, in cases specified in the warranty contract (3 months). Further, customers are served at full cost.

To apply for an IP, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Photocopies of the passport and TIN, certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of a type of activity. When filling out, the main (mandatory) type of activity and two additional ones are indicated. Even if you do not have the desire to immediately expand your business, we recommend that you indicate additional activities. At the first consideration of the application, registration of additional activities is free, with further expansion you will have to pay extra. The application indicates OKVED: 95.21 " Repair work electronic household appliances”, 95.22 “Repair of household appliances and garden equipment”, 95.22.1 “Repair of household appliances”.
  • Receipt from any branch of the bank on payment of the state fee.

Competition and pricing

Competition plays a big role in the development of an enterprise, as each company tries in every possible way to attract as much as possible large quantity clients. There are many ways to attract, we have chosen the following: home service, providing discounts for regular customers, veterans of the Second World War, the Afghan war, Chechen war, the disabled, orphans and the elderly; delivery of repaired equipment, provision of warranty repair upon re-disabling.

In addition, competition improves the quality of repair, adjustment, customer service, reduces repair time and price.

Currently, the cost of repairs for a certain type of equipment fluctuates. This means that it is necessary to choose a price so that the company does not suffer losses.

In addition, the cost should correspond to the quality of the repair, and not vice versa.

Price list for workshop services:

Such rates are suitable for the normal development of the workshop, as they are 10% lower than those of competitors, but will not lead to bankruptcy.

Repair company equipment

To organize a small workshop, the following equipment and furniture is purchased:

Additionally, craftsmen will need consumables: solder, screws, nuts, glue, etc. It is planned to spend from 25,000 rubles per month on consumables.

Personnel formation

In the workshop, the director and accountant belong to the administrative and managerial staff. Working hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. The accountant, in addition to the financial part, takes on the role of administrator.

Company administration salary and bonus:

Craftsmen are hired as working personnel. The number of masters is at least 4 people, since the work will be carried out in shifts, according to the schedule: two days after two. Each worker is responsible for the repair of a particular instrument. Employees are interchangeable during holidays and with respectful absenteeism.

A cleaner is hired as support staff. Support staff work schedule - 2 hours from 10:00 to 12:00. Duties include wet cleaning and once a month general cleaning of the premises.

Salary and bonuses for working and support staff:

Summary sheet of the number of workers:

total, for wages personnel and deductions to funds will need a monthly amount of 201,700 rubles. It can be safely added to the initial capital, since the first few months you will have to pay wages out of your own pocket.

Implementation stages

It is possible to implement the project of a household appliances workshop in 2 months. The table below shows the schedule from September 1st to November 1st. Seasonality does not affect profitability, so you can open a workshop at any time of the year.

Workshop opening hours:

All stages are scheduled for specific periods of time. This will help to control processes and run the workshop on time with less loss of time.

Investments and income


The following initial investments will be needed to open a small household appliances workshop:

You can reduce costs by purchasing a used tool, but then the monthly costs for its depreciation and replacement will increase. And this will increase the overall cost. Therefore, it is worth buying quality tool with warranty service.

Monthly expenses

We plan income

The profitability of the workshop will not be affected by seasonality, so the main factors on which profit depends are traffic and the effect of advertising. There are no competitors near the workshop, so in 1 month the master will bring at least 120,000 rubles. Monthly revenue will be from 480,000 rubles.

Calculate net income by subtracting expenses per month from revenue:

480,000 - 276,700 \u003d 203,300 rubles.

In total, the company brings in net income per year: 203,300 x 12 = 2,439,600 rubles.

Calculate profitability:

(203,300 / 827,900) x 100% = 24.55%.

Until the entrepreneur returns the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 5% - non-productive expenses (payment for trips to the client's house, unforeseen expenses).
  • 10% - the main fund.
  • 45% return on investment.
  • 40% - expansion.

Since only 45% will go to return on investment every month, which is 91,485 rubles, you can calculate the payback of the project:

827,900 / 91,485 = 9 months. Taking into account all the risks, the payback of the project is 1 year.


This business plan for a household appliance repair shop with calculations is easily adjusted for any region. You need to invest in the project at least 828,000 rubles. But the payback, in the presence of a constant flow of customers, will be only 9 months. At the same time, the calculations took into account accumulative funds for business expansion. In a year, you will be able to open another workshop and increase income, and thanks to the promotion of the first point, the second workshop will become profitable in 5-6 months.

In any home today there are many devices, about the device of which users usually have no idea, especially about what to do in the event of a breakdown. At the same time, in most cases, failed equipment is subject to restoration, and its repair will cost much less than buying a new one. In this regard, the need for the services of craftsmen among the population is constant.

A true professional, able to cope with any breakdown, will definitely find his client. Building an appliance repair business is relatively easy, but you need to have the appropriate knowledge for this. Not every master is universal, being able to work with absolutely any equipment of any manufacturer. But even in this case it is possible to construct successful business which will have many development prospects. Visiting the magazine Reconomica Maxim, who told how he began to earn extra money doing minor repairs and succeeded in this. He shares his experience with us.

Good day! My name is Maxim Kudryavtsev, I live in a small town in the Altai Territory - Aleysk. The population is about 30 thousand people.

Repair of equipment has always attracted

Repair various equipment attracted me from a very young age, and the fact of getting an education in the field of electronics only strengthened my confidence that part-time repair is for me.

Working in a repair shop full-time has never appealed to me, too routine, and not something I would like to spend at least 160 hours a month on. But in your free time, according to your mood - for a sweet soul.

I have been repairing and installing electronic small things for a little while since I was 15, and it turned out that when I decided to earn extra money with this, almost everything I needed was already there: Soldering Station, multimeter, laboratory block food,"toy" oscilloscope And, of course, consumables.

The most necessary for repair.

If all this were not there, it would be necessary to spend about $ 250 on the acquisition.

The first orders and mistakes that you will certainly encounter at the beginning

I started by taking “hopeless” equipment from friends and doing repairs without a guarantee, I didn’t take money - I gained experience. Then he began to take equipment for repairs with a guarantee.

Fear, of course, was, nevertheless, responsibility for someone else's property. But remember, in any case, you can give the equipment to any other, large workshop, although you will end up in the red in the end, but in a small one, and the repairs will be completed.

Often resorted to the help of the Internet and watched how other masters cope with this problem. Do not be shy, you can do it even in front of the customer, motivating that it is better to see than to make mistakes.

And this will not mean at all that you are a bad master. Everyone once studied and imitated others in their work, even the great ones.

As already mentioned, it all started with the repair small equipment. However, it developed quite rapidly, and after six months they began to call me to work with automotive electricians, despite the fact that I had never encountered it.

This is a very profitable area of ​​activity, but at the same time one of the most dangerous in terms of protecting personal capital from covering losses after an unsuccessful repair. I tried to make such repairs according to the principle: “I don’t promise anything, but I can try.” Even despite this wording, people still regularly asked for help, since it is much more profitable than going to the regional center to a car service or calling a master to the place.

Spending on this coven from 1 to 2.5 hours a day, the net profit was about $150-200 monthly. In a month I managed to complete about 20 small orders and a couple of big ones.

The price varies greatly from case to case, but there is a minimum rate: an hour of work is $ 5. Of course, part of the profit, somewhere around $ 50, goes to consumables, electricity. This amount has already been subtracted from the profit figure indicated above.

So, if you want to do something like this, remember the main points:

  1. Never refuse new and atypical orders for you, this is the only way to learn new things and gain invaluable experience. How many different repairs you can perform directly depends on your profit and the number of customers. It's always more profitable to be a "jack of all trades".
  2. Don't save on consumables, it is better to pay a little more once than to redo your work later due to poor quality materials. Find one long-term supplier that you can rely on and work with that will not carry the risk of not getting the goods, or getting them of poor quality.
  3. Fulfill all orders on time, reputation is above all! Better than a well-done and timely job, says nothing about you.
  4. Be polite! Despite the fact that this is just a part-time job for you, you should not forget that you need to be polite and friendly with the client. All the same rules apply as in “big business”.

I hope I could be useful to someone. Good luck!

All kinds of devices designed to facilitate and improve life are very popular. The technology is becoming more advanced and widespread. But she tends to break. This means that a household appliance repair shop will always be in demand among the population. What do you need to know to create a successful business in this area?

Beginning of work

First of all, you should officially register your business. Illegal repair of household appliances is subject to fines and threatens with administrative liability. V government bodies registration it will be possible to choose the legal form of your enterprise.

You can register as individual entrepreneur, but if in the future you plan to cooperate with large firms or develop to the network level, register as entity. You do not need to obtain a special license for this type of business.

But it is necessary to register with the tax service. You can choose the most convenient taxation option for you - with a predetermined amount payable or with a certain percentage of profits. After obtaining all the necessary permits, you can start working.

Format selection

Before you open a home appliance repair shop, you should decide on a specific line of business. There are two main options.

You can open a branded service center for the repair of household appliances of a particular brand. In this case, you will need to contact a large manufacturing company, perhaps your company will be a subsidiary.

Many famous brands there is no wide repair network, so you can easily find a customer base and get a steady influx of visitors from the very first days of the business. The second option involves independent activity.

You will be able to work with any brands without any restrictions, but you will not have to wait for financial or any other support from manufacturing companies. In this case, you can also choose between a one-stop shop for the repair of any household appliances, from mobile phone to the TV, and an establishment specializing in a particular type of technology, for example, exclusively in refrigerators or computers.

Premises for rent

The question of the location of the institution must be addressed immediately. It is possible to open a workshop for the repair of household appliances in a large shopping mall, but the cost of renting such a site will be too high, which means that the enterprise can easily turn out to be unprofitable. The same applies to the location of the point on the central streets of the city.

For the first time, it will be more profitable to choose small room, where orders will be taken, and their execution can be carried out at home. The disadvantage of this option is the need to constantly transport equipment. Optimal solution- an institution of two rooms, in one of which there is a reception room, and in the other there is a direct repair of various devices.

Necessary equipment

Of course, a repair shop is impossible without tools. Both manual and electrical appliances. Their exact amount and the ratio is determined by the type of activity and the most frequent orders.

The standard set includes a variety of screwdrivers, a soldering iron, various measuring instruments. For comfortable work the master is no less important and a comfortable table, as well as a sufficient number of shelves and racks for storing spare parts.

You should not purchase exclusively expensive and new equipment, something can be purchased in a used condition. When the repair shop begins to generate a stable income, all tools can be gradually replaced with new and high-quality ones, but for the first time budget ones will suffice.

Interior design

If the business plan allows, it is better to repair household appliances in a room that does not have to be changed with an increase in the number of orders. For employees and visitors to feel comfortable, the reception area should have an area of ​​​​about twenty square meters.

Workplaces for craftsmen should occupy about ten meters each. The interior should be decorated in neutral, cozy colors. Signage is of great importance. It should attract the attention of passers-by, but not seem annoying.

The name is just as important. It should communicate the specific activity of the workshop so as not to confuse customers and also be easy to remember. Ideally, you can also invest in getting an easy-to-remember phone number. All this contributes to the fact that your service center for the repair of household appliances will quickly become famous and popular.


Among other things, before you open a home appliance repair shop, you also need to recruit staff. Important to find experienced craftsmen who have already worked in similar firms and have an idea about such activities. The success of your enterprise depends on the level of their professionalism. Masters must be able to work not only qualitatively, but also quickly enough.

Then the workshop will be able to accept and fulfill a greater flow of orders, which will positively affect profitability. Choose from multiple professionals different areas so that everyone works on a specific technique, because general craftsmen are usually not so professional. Not the least important is the selection of the acceptor of orders. A non-conflicting, pleasant administrator in communication will help attract more customers and avoid controversial situations.

Profitability of the enterprise

The idea of ​​opening a household appliance repair shop will have to be abandoned by those who rely on quick and big profits. The profitability of such an enterprise is quite low and amounts to about 6%. The thing is that new household appliances are sold at affordable prices, so many people prefer to buy them rather than fix the old ones.