Chinese wisteria pruning. How to grow and care for wisteria outdoors

Chinese wisteria, plant description

Wisteria or wisteria (Wisteria) is a tree plant belonging to the legume family. This is a subtropical liana with large clusters of fragrant flowers of lilac, white, scarlet shades.

The word "wisteria" has Greek origin, and translates to "sweet". The second name of the vine - wisteria - comes from the surname of the scientist Kaspar Wistar, who described this plant in detail.

The genus wisteria contains 9 species of lianas, which are widespread in countries with a humid subtropical climate (China, USA, Crimea, southern Russia). Meet and frost-resistant varieties wisterias, which are successfully grown in regions with different climates, but they do not tolerate wintering well and often freeze out in harsh winters. Wisteria is also widely used for growing small indoor trees bonsai.

Chinese wisteria (Wisteria chinensi) is native to China, where it grows wild in forests. The plant has dense foliage. big size and complex shape: each wisteria leaf can grow up to 30 cm in length, has an unpaired structure and consists of 8-12 small leaves. Its shoots often grow up to 20 cm in height and densely cover trees, walls and other tall structures.

Wisteria blooms from May to July, covered with rich clusters of inflorescences of all shades of purple, less often - white... With the right soil and enough sun, wisteria will bloom again in September. Its fragrant flowers are gathered in graceful 40-centimeter bunches that bloom at the same time. The plant blooms for 3-10 years after planting, depending on varietal characteristics.

Chinese wisteria, common varieties

The Chinese variety of wisteria has several varieties. Most of them are purple and lilac in color, but there are also plants with white double inflorescences.

The most common varieties of Chinese wisteria are:

  • Blue Sapphire is a charming vine with purple-blue flowers. This variety begins to bloom in May, less often flowering begins in mid-summer. Delicate racemose inflorescences of Chinese blue sapphire wisteria grow up to 25 cm and drain a very intense, even sugary sweet scent. The foliage of wisteria has a gray-green tint, and with the arrival of autumn it turns yellow. The liana grows up to 6 m in height, twisting clockwise on the support. Annual growth of 2 m.

  • Amethyst is an early flowering wisteria species. Long inflorescences are colored in dark shades purple in the first days of May and delight the eye until the end of summer. The aroma of this variety is the most intense in comparison with other types. This Chinese wisteria does not differ in winter hardiness, therefore, it requires careful shelter for the winter.

  • Prolific is a flowering plant with bluish-purple flowers with a white base. Wisteria blooms very quickly (already for 3 years) and gives an increase of up to 2 m if it is planted on a solid support, for example, a wall or a fence. Roots well and grows in moderately fertile and not very moist soil.

  • Southern Belle is a delicate liana with white-purple buds and a moderate aroma. The peak of flowering falls in mid-May, and begins to subside by mid-summer. The plant prefers sunny areas and moist soil. Looks great with verandas, gazebos, pergolas.

  • Texas White is a dwarf wisteria that grows up to 2.5 m in height. Wisteria blooms in the second year of life, densely covered with long creamy white inflorescences. White wisteria prefers warm, covering places with loose soil. Perfectly covers trellises, fences, small gazebos and trees.

Chinese wisteria, planting

If the climatic conditions permit, every gardener can grow a tall, densely flowering wisteria. Subject to the planting rules, the plant easily adapts to urban conditions, and with careful care it easily tolerates wintering.

Seat selection

Wisteria - thermophilic unpretentious plant, which grows well in sunny areas or in partial shade. The plant is very light-requiring, therefore, light should fall on the area with wisteria for at least 5-6 hours a day. In this case, it is necessary to protect the wisteria from the cold and strong winds, therefore, the best solution would be to land near the southern walls of the house.

Since wisteria is used for vertical gardening, you need to provide a stable or durable support for it, which can withstand many-meter shoots and protect the plant from breaking.

When choosing a place, it is worth considering that wisteria is a perennial. It is very difficult to transplant it, because root system grows a couple of meters deep into the ground. Therefore, before planting, think twice about where you will plant it.

Soil preparation

There are no special requirements for the soil, but it is better to plant wisteria in a moderately fertile, light and moist substrate. The soil should be easy to breathe and not retain moisture.

Wisteria does not take root well and is often sick in calcareous soil. At the same time, the plant begins to develop chlorosis, which can be recognized by the strongly lightened leaves that have lost their decorative effect. Also, wisteria does not like nitrogenous soil. If you overdo it with fertilization, the plant will stop blooming.

To provide wisteria with nutrients, it is better to prepare the soil yourself and fill the planting hole with it. To do this, you need to mix part of the peat, part of the humus, part of the sand and three parts of the sod land. This will be enough for rooting and active growth of wisteria.

Landing rules

Before planting, wisteria sprouts must be soaked in water for half an hour. For a small plant, you need to prepare a planting hole 50x50x40 cm. At the bottom, you need to lay the prepared substrate with a ball of 8-10 cm. The plant should be buried 10 cm deeper than it grew before transplanting. On top of the earth, bark is poured around the wisteria.

Wisteria is planted at a distance of 30 cm from the support and other plants.

Chinese wisteria seedlings may not show signs of growth for a long time, so do not worry if the plant does not grow for the first two or three weeks. At the first time after planting, wisteria gives all its strength to rooting and only after a little time, it starts up thin shoots.

Chinese wisteria, garden care

Wisteria can hardly be called an overly demanding plant. The care and reproduction of vines does not require a lot of time and only provides for the implementation of simple rules of agricultural technology.

Watering and feeding wisteria

The plant needs a moderate watering regime. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moderately moist, does not dry out. During the budding period, you need to additionally moisten the soil if the season is without rains. This will prevent the buds from falling off. In the hot season better plant spray, since increased watering can lead to stagnation of water near the roots. Beginning in September, watering is reduced to prepare the wisteria for wintering.

Fertilization is required to ensure abundant and regular flowering. The best option is the alternation of liquid mineral and organic fertilizers (mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:20 to water). Begin to apply fertilizers during the active phase of the growing season.

For the necessary reactions to take place in the soil, you need to water wisteria with chalk water twice a season (100 g per bucket).

The main condition for the annual flowering of Chinese wisteria is the cultivation of creepers, taking into account all the requirements of the plant's agricultural technology. It blooms upon reaching the age of three in May-April, and blooms for a long time, capturing June.

Pruning wisteria

Withered inflorescences need to be removed, and dried branches should be cut off. Young shoots can be tied up, giving them the right direction for growth.

Wisteria pruning is carried out to form the crown and also to stimulate abundant flowering. It consists in removing young shoots that interfere with flowering bunches. Flowers appear only on last year's or even older shoots, so spring pruning will not diminish the splendor of the flowering. It is imperative to carry out pruning, otherwise you can not wait for flowering next year.

Formative pruning is carried out in summer: young shoots are cut by 30-40 cm, young growth is shortened by 4-6 buds (no more than 20 cm) at the end of August.

If you are growing a frost-resistant wisteria variety in a region with cold winters, new vines should be tied up regularly. This is done in order to prevent twisting of the branches around the support, which greatly complicates the preparation of the plant for wintering.

Chinese wisteria is distinguished by moderate frost resistance, and easily tolerates air temperature drops down to -20⁰С.

Wisteria can be grown both outdoors and in pots and tubs. Caring for it is no different, but a plant grown in flowerpots must be transferred for the winter to rooms with a humidity level of at least 70%.

Watering should be carried out as the top ball of the soil dries out. In the spring the young are pruned side shoots in order to form a beautiful crown. With the arrival of summer heat, wisteria is again carried out into the street.

Wintering wisteria

Shelter wisteria for the winter is carried out in the same way as for climbing roses... Until the onset of cold weather, the root area is spud, the liana is separated from the support, placed on the near-trunk shield, covered with a ball of dry foliage, and then covered with spunbond. If the winter is snowless, wisteria is additionally covered with spruce branches or agrofibre.

Such measures are aimed at protecting the root system and old shoots. Freezing of new shoots does not pose a threat to the plant, since in the spring they are all pruned.

Reproduction of Chinese wisteria

Propagate wisteria different ways, but most often they use the seed and vegetative method.

Seed method

Chinese wisteria seeds propagate extremely reluctantly, therefore this method is used only by experienced gardeners.

To germinate seeds of Chinese wisteria, a mixture of sand, leaf, and turf soil is used as soil. The containers with the sown seeds are covered with a transparent material, creating a greenhouse effect. In this case, regular spraying of the soil is carried out using a spray bottle. The sown seeds are kept in a dark place at a temperature of 25 ° C for a month. After this time, the first shoots appear and the plant is brought into the light.

When the first two leaves appear, the wisteria seedlings dive into separate containers without separating the earthen coma. Disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate is mandatory. For hardening, the seedlings gradually adapt to outdoor conditions: daily taken out in cool place for a few minutes.

Unfortunately, in this way it is difficult to get full germination of Chinese wisteria seeds, gardeners' reviews say only 25% germination. At the same time, many note that with this method of reproduction, wisteria reluctantly blooms, and may never at all please with fragrant clusters of inflorescences.

It is better to buy Chinese wisteria with a well-developed and closed root system. This way you will be sure that all varietal characteristics will be preserved, and the plant will not run wild. Small shoots are not worth buying, they grow slowly, bloom very late and not so luxuriantly.

Vegetative way

If you are already growing wisteria in your garden, you can easily propagate it by layering.

In the spring, after the normalization of the temperature regime, an oblique incision is made in the middle of a strong one-year shoot. Further, the shoot bends over, and the place of the cut is placed in a container with soddy-clay soil. In this position, the shoot must be secured, leaving the top in a free position. For rooting, you can use a weak solution of indoleacetic acid. By mid-August, a root system will appear at the site of the incision, but the sprout is separated only the next year.

Pests and diseases of wisteria

Wisteria rarely gets sick. Sometimes young buds develop blast disease, and if the soil becomes too alkaline, chlorosis appears on the foliage.

The plant can be attacked by various pests. More often the plant is damaged by leafhoppers and aphids, less often - by caterpillars and ticks. Get rid of ticks, help acaricidal agents, and fight other pests with the help of insecticides.

Chinese wisteria in landscape design

Wisteria is very popular in ornamental plantings. This vine is capable of wrapping around any frame base in one season or forming in the form standard tree... This "garden climber" is often used to decorate gazebos, outdoor terraces and balconies.

Thanks to its vertical growth, wisteria takes up a minimum of garden space, while creating a stunning decorative effect.

Chinese wisteria grows well along various buildings, so it is used to disguise not very attractive structures or as a hedge to protect from the sun.

Chinese wisteria, photo

Wisteria or wisteria (Wisteria) is a flower widely used in landscape design. A tall, tree-like climbing subtropical plant Summer Cascade belongs to the Legumes family and forms large, fragrant racemose inflorescences.

Wisteria or wisteria is a flower widely used in landscape design

Ornamental tree, which is whole line rather large deciduous lianas. The perennial is well developed, up to 150-180 cm high, has drooping lianas branches with pinnate leaves, the length of which reaches 28-30 cm.Flowering is observed in spring.The plant blooms at the end of March, and the flowers are purple in color and are collected in racemose inflorescences of the overhanging type.

Varieties of wisteria (video)

Types and varieties of wisteria

In accordance with the information specified in the Тhe Рlаnt List database, only nine species and a huge number of varieties belong to this genus.

Wisteria chinese

W.sinensis is a plant up to two tens of meters high, with stems twisted counterclockwise and pubescent young twigs. The foliage is of the next arrangement, not paired-pinnately-divided, with narrow-ovate pubescent leaves. Inflorescences are racemose, large in size, multiflorous, fragrant, with a bell-shaped calyx and a curved pistil. The most popular variety of this variety is Sapphire.

The deciduous liana W. frutesens up to 10-12 m high, has drooping branches. Frost-resistant and highly decorative plant is distinguished by a large number of flowers and inflorescences, up to half a meter long. Garden forms are white, pale pink or terry purple flowers as well as attractive variegated foliage. Varieties of this type are highly valued for long and white flowering, as well as very attractive fruits. One of the most popular varieties in the Rostov region.

Japanese wisteria

The relatively compact variety W.jaronis is a more compact tree-like plant, with a height of the above-ground part of no more than ten meters. It is characterized by rather small lilac flowers with a bluish tint. Also meet garden forms forming flowers of pink, bright purple or white.

The variety W. floribunda is distinguished by the height of the aerial part up to ten meters, with rather large foliage and a large number of inflorescences. Flowers are not too big, delicate violet-bluish coloration. The tree culture is rolled counterclockwise onto the support table and is characterized by excellent frost resistance. The most popular garden forms are Alba with white flowers, rosea with pale pinkish petals, violaceo-plena with purple double flowers, as well as large-flowered ornamental varieties Masrobotrys and variegated variegata.

The variety W.macrostachys is characterized by insufficient frost resistance, therefore, in especially frosty winters, it can freeze slightly. Differs in longer inflorescences, in comparison with the shrub variety. The homeland of this species is represented by North America.

Beautiful wisteria

The peculiarity of the Japanese variety W. venusta is the height of the aboveground part up to 10 m and the formation of a sufficiently long foliage. The leaves of this species are complex, with strong pubescence, up to 100 mm long. Flowers of white coloration, collected in hanging racemose inflorescences, up to 18-20 cm long. The fruits are represented by beans covered with velvety pubescence. There are varieties that form purple double flowers.

Botanical features of the frost-resistant Blue Moon wisteria

The Blue Moon variety is characterized by excellent frost resistance, therefore, such an ornamental crop is able to withstand a decrease in temperature to minus 39-40 ° C. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed 6-7 m. The flowering is very abundant and long lasting, during the period from early summer to about mid-September. The flowers are large in size, up to 2.3-2.5 cm in diameter, lavender-bluish. Flower raceme up to 28-30 cm long. The presence of quite numerous dormant buds and well-developed basal shoots allows the ornamental culture to recover from tangible spring frosts as soon as possible.

Gallery: varieties of wisteria (80 photos)

Features of growing and caring for wisteria in the Moscow region and the middle lane

To grow an ornamental perennial, it is necessary to choose a sunny location, which is represented by light and well-structured soils. To obtain large inflorescences, the culture must be provided with a sufficient amount of light, and the period of illumination must be twelve hours or more. When planting, it is advisable to lay a drainage layer that will prevent the accumulation of water in the root system of the plant.

Blue moon variety is characterized by excellent frost resistance

It is necessary to plant seedlings in specially prepared planting holes, the depth of which should be about a quarter of a meter. Fertilization of planting pits with humus and mineral fertilizers is mandatory. Irrigation activities are performed every day. A very good result is obtained by mulching the soil in the near-trunk circles.

In addition to watering, the main mandatory care measures include fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as pruning that forms a neat and attractive crown. Among other things, it is important to carry out preventive materials. To protect against clover mites, treatment with acaricidal compounds is carried out. Caterpillar control is carried out by spraying with biological agents, and aphids should be destroyed with insecticidal agents.

Features of care for wisteria (video)

Planting dates and rules for growing wisteria in the open field in Ukraine and Belarus

Soil and climatic conditions in Belarus and Ukraine are very favorable for growing flowering plant... After planting the seedlings of decorative liana, it is necessary to mulch the young wisteria with organic matter about 10 cm higher than the neck of the plant. For this purpose, peat chips or dry composted grass stand can be used. The mulch is laid out as evenly as possible and should not be removed throughout the year. V summer period, a properly executed mulch layer, allows you to protect the root system of the garden flowering tree from overheating, and in winter frosts, on the contrary, helps to avoid severe frostbite and freezing of the culture. Forming and sanitary pruning is carried out twice a year, as well as the processing of the crown with "Vitaros", "Fundazol" or "Previkur".

Most winter hardy varieties and varieties in winter do not need shelter, but experts recommend sheltering late-planted seedlings, as well as species that tolerate low-temperature exposure very poorly in winter. The main task after planting is the implementation of timely irrigation measures, as well as feeding and, if necessary, loosening the upper soil layers. With the onset of spring, fertilizing is carried out three times a month by alternating complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter in the form of mullein infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Once per season, the root system of the culture is watered with settled water with the addition of chalk in an amount of 100 g per bucket.

Growing wisteria in Siberia and the Urals

Despite the fact that wisterias are very simple in culture, they can grow on almost any type of soil, the issue of choosing a site for planting and observing the rules of care must be approached very carefully, due to the difficult soil and climatic conditions in Siberia and the Urals. Preference should be given to sufficiently fertile loams or chernozems with neutral or slightly alkaline pH values. The garden vine is very drought tolerant., especially mature plants, but regular and abundant irrigation activities have a positive effect on the quality of flowering.

The ornamental culture is distinguished by its responsiveness to the application of mineral fertilizers, and the introduction of 250-300 g of Kemira-Universal fertilizer into the planting hole allows the planted seedlings to grow four or five very well-developed shoots within one year. But, need to remember that any "fattening" plants need mandatory shelter for the winter in the first place. A powerful and tall liana is required to provide reliable support. It is best to place plantings near the southern wall of the home, as the wall is a very good heat accumulator and allows the garden tree to survive easily during the winter.

Immediately before the onset of a significant cold snap, in the area above the root system, it is required to lay insulation, which is most often used as moss or peat chips. It is especially important to use insulating materials in preparation for the winter period of young or recently planted ornamental plants... Also, the insulation of the aboveground part of the tree-like garden culture has good performance. In this case, it is advisable to use special non-woven covering materials.

Wisteria is grown not only in the open field of the garden, but also actively cultivated in traditional flower pots, as well as in flowerpots or tubs

Secrets of growing wisteria at home

Wisteria is grown not only in the open ground of the garden, but also actively cultivated in traditional flower pots, as well as in flowerpots or tubs. The soil for indoor wisteria must be light and nutritious enough. When self-preparing a nutritious loose, moisture-permeable planting substrate based on four parts of leafy soil, one part of sod land and one part of medium-grained clean sand.

In the warm period, such a plant can be grown outdoors in the open air, but when the first noticeable cold weather comes, it is brought into the room. Very important o when cultivating an ornamental culture at home, maintain air humidity values ​​within 65-75%. For the winter period, the home culture is best placed in a room with a temperature rating of no higher than 10 ° C. A good option represented by a frost-free basement.

Irrigation measures in winter should be moderate enough. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carefully but carefully cut off all young shoots. Lateral branches are pruned in spring with a sharp and clean pruner to two or three well-developed buds. Such events allow you to form a very beautiful and highly decorative crown. With the onset of summer, the decorative liana-like culture in a pot or flowerpot is again taken out under the open sky and watered very well.

How to grow wisteria (video)

Important to remember, what is the best to plant decorative tree, which has a closed root system, since it is these seedlings that root the fastest and are easy to adapt.

Attention, only TODAY!

The greatest joy and affection are delivered to flower growers by blooming and beautiful plants... One of the most beautiful representatives is Chinese wisteria. Drop her off on personal plot- means getting a lot of worries. But the beauty of this flower will reward even gardeners who are intimidated by the difficult care and cultivation of this plant.

Photos in the instructions of florists show falling brushes, which are abundantly strewn with lush inflorescences, and their magical aroma will surely adorn any personal plot.

Description and types of wisteria

V various sources you can see the definition of wisteria as a flower or tree. But in reality it is a liana, with falling branches and a stiff trunk. Under the necessary conditions, namely, in carefully drained soil, under the hot sun, the stem of this plant can grow up to 20 meters.

In their natural environment, wisterias are found in the warm climates of Asian countries - Japan and China. This plant has been planted in America for a long time. A young shoot has a rather thin stem, an adult liana can have a tree-like trunk up to 25 cm in diameter. On the trunk of the plant there are branches with lush leaves collected from small leaves.

In the summer, wisteria forms brush-flowers. Inflorescences in different varieties this plant differs in color - pure white, purple, blue. The flower has enough complex form that resembles an orchid. The very pleasant smell of the inflorescence is the reason for the name of the vine. Wisteria translates to sweet.

Plant fruits - pods with fur bloom... Due to the structure of the liana fruit, it belongs to the legume family.


Today there is 10 varieties of Chinese wisteria that are in vivo. Florists grow only decorative vines. This is wisteria:

How to grow wisteria?

Wisterias - fast growing plants that immediately cling to any possible support. This quality made them popular with both landscape designers and novice florists who appreciate the romantic style.

A developing liana requires a frame made of thick reinforcement, steel or wood. The more mature the plant, the thicker the stem and the heavier the green foliage. Small wisterias look great in pots as indoor flowers. The pot must be wide and equipped with a sturdy steel rod. Moreover, the vine looks great in a pot on the loggia.

Planting creepers in a personal plot will require reliable support... A lot of effort must be made and pruning creepers. A heavily overgrown, massive plant will break under its own weight without proper pruning.

An ideal place for wisteria on a personal plot is a house facade, well-lit by the sun, a gazebo wall, or a special shed. Chinese wisteria needs constant warmth. Only under the sun will it bloom beautifully with a lot of inflorescences.

Experienced flower growers know that all varieties of this vine are quite capricious. Planting and grooming require great care. There are a number of rules to keep in mind:

  • liana, which is planted from seeds, will begin to bloom only after 8 years;
  • seedlings purchased in stores take root up to 4 years, before sprouting flower buds;
  • before flowering, weekly it is necessary to fertilize the soil near the roots;
  • it is not necessary to water the liana strongly, but constantly;
  • sometimes the plant does not bloom at all for several years. This vine needs to be "pushed" by adding potash groundbaits to the ground in the fall;
  • it is advisable to avoid nitrogen additions. In legumes, nitrogen creates strong development deciduous mass, but not the formation of inflorescences.


For a more beautiful flowering, the plant requires prune 2 times a year... Large branches form in the summer, after a couple of weeks, when the brushes dry and fade. In this case, you can correct the wireframe. Small vines are pruned in the fall.

V winter time you cannot perform these manipulations with wisteria. In winter, the vine forms buds of inflorescences, and you can accidentally cut off the most beautiful and large ones.

In the fall, it is necessary to remove all dead parts of the shrub that interfere with the germination of young branches. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to look at the vine from a distance of 7 steps. This way you can better see the difference in color on old branches and new shoots that grow from them.

Side branches need shorten to 20 cm... The old branches are also made smaller so that there are only 5 buds. This will help the vine to concentrate its vitality on creating inflorescences on short branches.

In the summertime, you can perform the same procedure with side branches, leaving a few leaves on each shoot. It is necessary to cut off large "clinging" branches in the form in which they decided to line the vine. Pruning won't do any harm. Elastic shoots They will grow rather quickly, and will fix where they were directed.

How do I prepare the seeds?

Large pods make appearance the plant in the spring is not very attractive. It is advisable to cut them without removing a significant part of the stem, as there may be buds of inflorescences.

You can plant this plant from seeds that are collected from the pods. Remember - the new plant will not be identical to the mother vine.

Ripened pods placed in a large cardboard bag and left to dry in a warm place. For example, you can leave a package on the torpedo of a car for several weeks. When the pods are open, the seeds are easily removed from the shell.

For cultivation, planting in a deep pot is required. The seeds are deepened into the ground by 3 cm and watered. It is advisable to use a mixture of soil with the addition of sand for growing. The seed pot must be placed in the shade. Many growers cover the pot with glass to prevent heat loss. During germination, it is necessary to add water so that the soil is constantly moistened.

When the shoots appear, the pot must be rearranged to a lighted area (not to direct sunlight). When the shoots form several leaves, they transplanted into different containers... Do not transplant small seedlings directly into the ground. Liana must grow at least 25 cm.

How to grow wisteria in the suburbs?

The natural habitat of this plant is the tropics. In the northern regions, the liana suffers from frost. Many varieties of lianas cannot even endure autumn in our climate. The minimum temperature for a plant should be at least 10C. Even when the roots survive in the soil and then create shoots, the frozen specimen long time will not throw out inflorescences.

This plant in the Moscow region develops well only with special protection in the winter. Florists do not place seedlings in the ground in the first spring, but they are planted in special barrels. For escapes a container with a volume of 45-55 liters is required... Liana needs strong support, as well as a garter.

In the fall, you need to keep an eye on the weather forecast. If the temperature drops below 15C at night, the plant must be moved into the house. It is desirable that it be basement or a cellar.

In winter, the vine is inactive. The plant does not need bright lighting; watering can be done every 7 days. In a highly heated and bright room in winter, the vine will die. Already from the beginning of spring, the barrel with the plant is moved to the bright part of the room, and watering is carried out every two days. When the temperature at night is over 10C, the vine can be placed on open ground.

An adult liana needs to be spud before winter. In this case, the plant is removed from the supports, fixed to the ground and covered with straw, leaves, unnecessary clothing. By this time, the bulk of the shoots must be cut off. With secure cover, wisteria can tolerate temperature about -22C.

Caring flower growers achieve the survival of the plant for many years, as well as double flowering of wisteria. Growing vines from mothers makes wisteria more resistant to frost.

The main disadvantages of wisteria

Certain natural specificity This plant can greatly perplex the grower who first grew wisteria:

Chinese wisteria creates a magnificent romantic atmosphere on the backyard. This vine can fit perfectly in any landscape design, masks the facades of old houses, as well as dead trees. The aroma of blossoming inflorescences is very pleasant to the sense of smell, and also clears the air space from pathogens. Caring for a vine is quite difficult, but the result obtained will reward you for all your efforts.

The more thermophilic a plant is, the more magnificent and unusual it is capable of blooming. It so happened that the most exotic and beautiful plants come from tropical latitudes. The wisteria tree, or as it is also called wisteria, belongs to the thermophilic species and does not tolerate a drop in ambient temperature below 20 degrees Celsius. It is very difficult to grow this southern miracle in the garden of the Moscow Region, but everything is possible if you try and believe in yourself.

This article discusses the main varieties of wisteria, the rules for planting and growing in various climatic conditions. You can see a photo of blooming wisteria and options for using wisteria for landscape design personal plot:

Flowers or liana wisteria - description and photo of the plant

Among florists, there are constant disputes over the definition of the species of this plant. Flowers or liana? Rather, a tree. Wisteria belongs to the legume family and naturally grows in the southern and tropical regions. Does not experience any problems with growth, development and abundant flowering in the climatic conditions of the Crimean peninsula, Kuban, North Caucasus, Mineralnye Vody. It is there that you can see unusual tunnels, entwined pergolas and decorated hedges using similar vines.

When describing a plant, it should be immediately clarified that in cold, harsh and long winters, only the root system and young growth can be preserved. And flowering occurs only on vines that have reached the age of 6-8 years. Moreover, in the suburbs of Moscow in a cold and rainy summer, it is extremely difficult to force wisteria to bloom. She needs an abundance of sunlight and a constant ambient temperature without sudden changes in the night and day.

Under suitable growing conditions, the wisteria flower blooms 2 times per season. The first brushes bloom in early spring until the feathery leaves appear. The second wave of flowering occurs in early August. The Latin name for the culture is Wisteria.

It is a ligneous liana that does not grow rapidly. Usually, during the season, an increase in the vegetative mass of the shoots is achieved only by 20 - 30 cm. It can grow to the height of the wall 5-7 years after planting. A large deciduous mass perfectly decorates any surface, but of particular interest are racemose inflorescences, the length of which reaches 35 cm.

Look at the photo of wisteria at the time of its flowering - this is a magnificent sight, striking the imagination with its beauty and grace:

When growing frost-resistant wisteria from seeds, there is a chance in the Urals and in the Moscow region

If you carefully read the description of this botanical culture, then the first thing that attracts attention is the exactingness of wisteria to the temperature regimes of its growth. Most species are not resistant to even minimal changes temperature regimes and when the ambient temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, the vine dies. Although new shoots from the root system may appear next year, there will be very little sense from them. The frozen wisteria blooms again no earlier than 7 years later.

Growing wisteria in the Moscow region requires a special approach to plant storage in the winter season. As a rule, the best result is obtained when using a container crop cultivation. But it should be borne in mind that to accommodate an adult creeper, you will need a container with a volume of at least 40 liters. Garden barrels, plastic tubs and much more are used. In the autumn period, until the first snow falls, the container is brought into a warm room, where in winter minimum additional lighting and watering are provided once a week. In winter, no additional fertilizing is necessary. In early March, the plant is taken to a bright room and active watering begins 2-3 times a week. The foliage can be sprayed with solutions containing growth stimulants.

Wisteria is grown in a similar way in the Urals and in other regions of risky farming. This is quite laborious, but the result is worth it, especially since the inquisitive minds of amateur gardeners have already found alternative ways of cultivating this culture in areas with a harsh climate.

As practice shows, when growing wisteria from seeds, even in the Urals and in the Moscow region, there is a chance to get abundant double flowering in the summer and autumn seasons. This method is characterized by a long wait for the moment the tree grows up. Growing wisteria begins with choosing the right variety. Here you need to pay attention to the cold-resistant hybrids of the F1 series. They should be zoned as much as possible. Plants grown from seeds obtained under the conditions of future crop growth are distinguished by good resistance.

Look at the photo of frost-resistant wisteria grown in the Urals and the Moscow region:

Planting seedlings and wisteria seeds and subsequent plant care

In the presence of favorable climatic conditions, an effective way of breeding vines is a prepared pre-grown planting material... Wisteria seedlings are offered by many agricultural firms engaged in professional breeding rare plants... In this case, the procedure for planting wisteria is not difficult: a plot of land is prepared, holes are dug up to 20 cm deep, nutritious soil, humus and mineral fertilizers, direct rooting is performed.

Watering after planting is done daily, 2-2.5 liters for each plant. Effectively mulch the soil with fresh cut grass. This ensures that the optimum level of soil moisture is maintained even during dry periods of summer.

Reproduction in the future is possible by grafting and rooting of cuttings obtained during pruning from an adult tree. For this, shoots with an age of 1 year or more are selected and cut into cuttings up to 25 cm long. The cut is processed with crushed coal or wood ash and dries up. After that, digging is carried out to a depth of 5 cm into a mixture of turf, humus and sand. After 40 - 45 days, the cutting develops a powerful root system and it can be transplanted to a permanent "place of residence".

Planting wisteria seeds will require patience from the grower due to the extremely slow growth and development of the plant in the first 5 years. Sowing is carried out in the first half of February, for germination it is necessary high level humidity, high temperature (about 30 degrees Celsius) and complete darkness. Therefore, the container is closed with black polyethylene and placed in the warmest place of the house or apartment. The first shoots can be seen after 1 calendar month. In phase 4 of these leaves, picking is carried out in a container with a volume of at least 500 ml. During the period of growing wisteria seedlings, you should protect the sprouts from exposure to direct sunlight and monitor the constant moisture of the soil mixture. Top dressing is carried out once a week with complex mineral compositions dissolved in water.

The subsequent care of the wisteria plant includes providing favorable conditions for its growth. To receive you need to profuse flowering long daylight hours are required, the sun should be shining at least 12 hours. If this does not happen, the inflorescences become small and less expressive in color.

Light and well-structured soil with obligatory placement of drainage to remove excess moisture provides quick and stable growth lianas of wisteria.

During the period of bud formation, care for wisteria includes the introduction of mineral and organic dressings 1 time in 3 days. This is important to ensure the rich color of the inflorescences.

For 1 vegetative season, 2 planned pruning is carried out in order to form lush crown... The first pruning is required in the spring, when no more than 5 strong axillary buds are left on the shoots. The second pruning is carried out in the fall, before the vines leave for the winter.

By the way, with a sufficient level of insulation and shelter, the plant may well overwinter in the open ground, if the ambient temperature in the growing area does not drop below minus 20 degrees Celsius. In all other cases, it is advisable to grow the culture in containers, which are brought into a heated room for the winter.

Types and varieties of wisteria: "Chinese", "Blue Moon" and "Macrostachia" (with photo)

There are more than 100 varieties of plant species known to date. The most popular are "Chinese" and "Macrostachia" wisteria. All wisteria varieties known to modern growers have lush flowering and long-lasting budding. Due to the latter factor, flowering can continue almost continuously for 2-3 months.

Look at the photo of the variety of wisteria - among them you can choose the right collection for your garden, balcony and patio decoration:

Chinese wisteria has the Latin name Wisteria chinensis. This is the most common species, including subspecies with various colors of buds. Lilac and lilac flowers are often found, less often blue shades and white halftones can be seen. With properly organized care, the vine grows up to 20 meters. It has carpal inflorescences up to 40 cm. After their flowering, pod-shaped beans up to 12 cm long are formed. Seeds ripen in them.

No less interesting is the Floribunda glycine, which is distinguished by the multi-flowered shape of the buds. Their length can be up to half a meter, and the flowering period is 2 weeks longer. In addition, Floribunda perfectly tolerates short-term frosts down to minus 23 degrees Celsius.

Blue Moon wisteria has beautiful blue and white inflorescences that gradually change their color to a more intense one. This plant is perfect for balconies and terraces.

If one day you see how it blooms wisteria (lat.Wisteria)- this is an amazing sight, of course, will be remembered for many years. This deciduous, native to China and Japan, is also known as "Flower rain" or "Waterfall of flowers". And it justifies its name one hundred percent. Wisteria inflorescences are collected in large brushes (sometimes their length reaches one and a half meters), can be painted in white, purple, blue and pale lilac. They cover the plant itself very tightly, so much so that sometimes they completely hide the leaves and stems of the wisteria plant in their fragrant thickets.

Wisteria (another name for wisteria) is used for gardens. Its abundantly flowering shoots will easily hide and give a decorative look to a boring nondescript wall, disguise pillars and fences. Her lush tassels will wonderfully decorate or an open veranda. But it should be remembered that wisteria is a liana, and it definitely needs a strong support so that its shoots climb up.

What is necessary for wisteria to feel good in the garden and delight the owners with abundant flowering?

Growing conditions for wisteria (wisteria)

First, the landing site must be well protected from drafts and strong winds.

Secondly, the soil for a wisteria seedling must be loose and fertile. The wisteria plant does not tolerate very wet soil, where it becomes light and loses its decorative effect. Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, it is better to add humus, leafy earth and sand to the pit where it will be planted.

Thirdly, the beauty of wisteria is very capricious about lighting. Where to plant Wisteria? For abundant lush bloom it is necessary that the plant be at least half a day on open sun... This rule is especially true during the period of bud formation and flowering.

If this condition is ignored, then the flowering will be weak, the flowers will become pale-colored, or wisteria will drop the buds altogether. This can happen to her if the weather is too hot. Wisteria begins to bloom noticeably in the third or fifth year.

Wisteria in winter

As for the wintering of this exotic in middle lane, then the most suitable for this type of "wisteria abundantly flowering". It can withstand temperatures down to -25 ºC. Just remember that this only applies to adult plants. Young wisterias need shelter for the winter. This is done as follows: the shoots must be detached from the support and carefully, trying not to damage delicate plant, lay on the ground. Sprinkle with earth on top and then use spruce branches and covering material.

Wisteria flower in the garden

Pruning wisteria

Pruning plays an important role in the beautiful flowering of wisteria. Firstly, it is necessary to remove old and dead branches, and secondly, shortening young shoots stimulates more abundant flowering.

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