The technique of implementing the intention of the "artifact" from Vadim Zelanda is my experience. Simple solutions of complex problems

You can go to your goals in different ways, including acting across, monotonically performing abnormal actions. It is not excluded, you will achieve the result, but for what the victims. In the transurfing of reality there are exercises and techniques that will allow you to achieve your goals, embody the cherished desires in life with the lowest costs of nerves, energy and time. Let's look at:

Guardian angel

Many people believe that her guardian angel helps his soul. Well, if you do not believe in it, there is no bad thing in this too. If you are so comfortable, then everything is in order. In the end, what do you believe, then you get. Although I would believe in your place. And what if he still exists regardless of faith in him, loves you, cares how can you, and you forgot him and threw it. He lacks your love, which means he is weak, lacking energy and cannot help his ward. At the same time, you distribute our energy to the right and left destructive pendulum. They can also help you, but only within our interests. Someone's personal well-being for them does not mean anything. And your guardian angel cares only about you.

Imagine it in any forms: in the form of a baby with wings, in the form of a cloud, birds or anything. This is absolutely no important. By itself, he looks in any way. This you give it a form in your imagination. The main thing is to never be offended at him and all the more not angry. It is better for him to know what to protect you and where to send, because in comparison with him you are a blind kitten. Not to blame him. You do not have the concepts, from what trouble he tries to save you as much as possible.

If you are pleased with your own successes, then you praise yourself, proud of yourself. It's good. It is better to intercept yourself than to scold. It is only a bad thing that it is created at least a small but excessive potential. So the equilibrium forces will spoil your holiday soul. You praise yourself, and after this make a mistake or get an annoying trouble. What happens, now we must be afraid to rejoice at your success even in secret?

There is one way that allows you to enjoy joy and pride, without creating excessive potential. Divide your joy and pride with the guardian angel. After all, he cared for you, helped. He is also worthy of praise and gratitude. When you enjoy your successes and proud of yourself, remember the angel and rejoice together. Talk to him. Give him your praise and gratitude. It is better to praise him than himself. No need to pretend, give your right to the reward sincere. At the same time you have nothing to lose, you have already received your own, and now praise and thank the angel. Think that your success is his merit. What happens? Your excessive pride potential is absorbed. And at the same time, you are without fears, leave a place for the holiday of the soul. Rejoice on health. Joy leave yourself, and give pride to the angel. After all, it is clear that no one takes your merit. Do not forget only about your angel. Constantly remind him that you are grateful and love him. He will become stronger and repay you with a storm.

Energy flows
Cleaning and expanding central energy channels and protective shell

The energy of the cosmos passes through the human body in two directions. The first stream, which goes upwards, is 2.5 cm in front of the spine. The second stream comes from top to bottom and is located almost close to the spine. The magnitude of the free energy of a person depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels, the higher the energy.

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine. Feel the entire surface of your body, as it happens when you are immersed in a hot bath. I do not say "try". Just do it. When you do not try, but do it, it turns out right away, and the workout is not needed. Energy extends as a slow wave from the center of your body, goes to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a bowl around yourself. This is your energy shell. It does not matter that it is really not palpable. Already alone with the imagination you make the first step towards the management of the shell. Over time, the real feeling will come.

Healthy energy can be developed and maintained, regularly performing special gymnastics. It is very simple and takes a little time. Stand right as you are comfortable, not straining. Do inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum area, moves along the spine (approximately on the above distance), comes out of the head and goes into the sky. Now do an exhale and imagine that the energy flow is high, it goes to mind, moves along the spine and goes to the ground. You do not have to physically feel these streams. It is enough just to imagine it. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to feel them.

Then imagine how both streams are simultaneously moving towards each other without crossing, each in its row. At first, do it on the breath and exhale, but over time try to abandon the binding of streams to breathing. You can strengthen the streams (intent) strengths, give them power. Now imagine that the ascending flow comes out and pours over the head of the fountain. Similarly, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under the legs. You have two fountains from above and below. Mentally connect the splashes of both so to be inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the skin surface, and then stretch this feeling into the sphere, just as the balloon expands when it is inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the area of \u200b\u200bclosed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without tension. No need to try to feel like everyone else. Camping streams on each other into the sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. Stretching the surface energy of the body into the ball, you fasten this shell in a stable condition. The benefit of such gymnastics is difficult to overestimate. First, the shell protects you from the defeat. Secondly, training its energy, you can read thin channels. Corks that prevent energy movement are flying out, and holes in the shell through which it is spent is delayed. All this happens not immediately, gradually. But it is not necessary to constantly seek help from reflexotherapists and psychics. You yourself restore normal energy circulation.

Do not worry that you physically do not feel central streams. You are so accustomed to them that they stopped feeling, like any other healthy internal organ. Regularly from time to time concentrating on flows, you will soon feel the physical sensation.

It will be enough time from time to time during the day to include energy flow fountains and try to reinforce them mentally, but without diligence, not straining. If at the same time you feel some gravity in my head, it means that the upward stream exceeds downward. In this case, you should focus on the downstream stream and to strengthen it slightly. Threads should be equilibrium, so that the central point is somewhere in the middle of the body. From this point mentally, send radiation to the entire energy sphere, while the sensation of the fine body is clearly enhanced. Thus, you must obtain a comprehensive sense of ascending and downward flows, connected with the feeling of its energy body. If you concentrate on the downstream stream, the energy center will move down. And on the contrary, if focused on an upward stream, the energy will accumulate at the top of the body. In addition, the physical center of gravity will move as well as the energy.

It should be noted that the energy shell cannot protect against vampires and pendulums. When the pendulum is trying to hook the victim, she deviates from equilibrium. At this point, to fail the pendulum, you need to wake up and reset importance. The muscles relax, the energy will come to balance, and the pendulum fall into the void. After all, if you yourself do not swear, he will not be able to pick up energy. Awareness is necessary in order to constantly control those moments when you involuntarily deviate from equilibrium.

Energy intent

Energy increases the training of central flows and the purification of the body. But in transfing there is another wonderful method that will help expand the channels - the process visualization.

In order to increase the energy of intention, the intention is required. You can give yourself such a setup: my channels are expanding, and the energy of intent is increasing. By studying gymnastics, perform the visualization of this process. As you remember, the essence of the process visualization is to state the fact: today it is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. Running energy fountains, repeat the assertion in thoughts that your energy of intention is increasing every day. So the intention itself will support itself and increase the energy in increasing.

Do not forget that the intention to increase the biofield should be purified from the potentials of desire and importance. The effort and diligence in the desire to strengthen the energy flow will give the opposite effect of blockage. Any effort and diligence creates excess potential, because you give excessively important to achieving the goal. The intention is not a diligence, but concentration. It matters only concentration on the process. If you perform exercises with the tension of all your might, but the mind dreams of an outsider, then waste strength and time. Loosen the grip of zeal and just focus on action.


For transfing classes, it is necessary to enter a relaxation state in any environment and in the shortest possible time. No verbal self-sufficiency is required, because the muscles are not managed by words, but the intention. Most body muscles can be relaxed consciously, only turning attention to them. We usually do not pay attention to the muscles until you feel pain or discomfort. Therefore, a fairly mental gaze to walk throughout the body and reset the clamps. However, there are muscle groups that answered to obey their intention. This is due to the modern low-tech lifestyle. For example, the muscles of the back are difficult to manage consciously, so the back is starting to hurt with age. Nor trite, regular gymnastics, especially for the muscles of the back, is absolutely necessary.

So, the whole procedure is as follows. Not rushing, but quickly pass the inner eye on the body and reset the clamps. Please note immediately on the entire surface of your body as one. Imagine that your skin is a shell that suddenly heats up from the inside. Focus on body surface. Imagine anything: the skin heats up, or goosebumps, or energy discharges run. The main thing is that you feel that you have skin. And now feel as if energy is overflowing over the entire surface of the body, like rainbow divorces on soap bubble. At this point, you are part of the Universe and are with her in equilibrium. You do not need to try to achieve some special sensations. Everyone feels in his own way. No need to try at all. Make it as if by the way, but decisively. The integral feeling of the surface of your body with irrigation of energy is a state of relaxation, equilibrium and unity with the surrounding world. After several attempts, it will start to get acquainted instantly, and soon enter the relaxation state will also be as easy how to cross hands on the chest.

Stress is a consequence of importance. You can get rid of stress instantly - just reset importance.

Conclusion: change your attitude, get rid of importance!

Fighting complexes - replacement of negative slides positive

First you need to carry out an inventory and reveal your negative slides. Check out the question: What do you do not like what you want to hide what to get rid of? Slides man creates unconsciously. Now wake up and consciously look at your negative slides. In the conscious state you will easily find them. It is necessary to throw out such trash from the head. How to do it? Just so you do not get rid of them, it's not a beard to shave. If you are fighting with them, they will manifest much brighter.

Attention must be switched from negative to positive. Get your hand on everything that crushed, and stop fighting with you. Throw away from your drawbacks and switch attention to the advantages that you have and which you want to purchase.

Is it important to hide your drawbacks for you? This is the basis for a negative slide. Are you important to produce a good impression? It will be the basis for a positive slide. Everything remained in their places, only the direction of your attention has changed, your importance. Draw yourself as you want to see.

The slide should not necessarily contain a static picture. It may be an idea of \u200b\u200bhow graceful and confidently you move, as elegantly dressed, what are your aristocratic manners, as you shine wit, emit charm, have people to themselves, easily cope with problems. Now insert this slide into the head - and go ahead. Positive slide as well as negative will have a direct impact on your actions and behavior. You will unwittingly and even unconsciously adapt to the slide. But the main work will perform the external intention in accordance with the picture of Slide.

Play the created picture in thoughts until the slide is dissolved. What does it mean? Over time, the slide will actually turn into part of your personality, and then it will cease to be a slide. When you achieve the desired, it will cease to have a value for you. The importance will disappear, and the slide will dissolve, but he will perform his mission. This will mean that the soul came to consent to the mind. And this will definitely happen, because you want it to both soul, and mind. So far, the mind is trying to turn the slide in reality, in the depths of the soul you still realize that this is just a game in the mask. But if you will consistently and systematically fix the picture of the slide, the soul will get used and agree to accept the slide as its integral entity. Do not forget that the external intention cannot instantly realize this slide, but acts gradually.

Positive slides can be created not only in relation to their identity, but also in relation to the world around. Such slides will skip all the positive and discard negative. The main property of slides is that the external intention is slow, but correctly embodies them in reality.

You need to see yourself in life as you want to be and what you want to have but as if you already have this and you have it.

Please note, you need to say "everything works", and not "everything will turn out." If you formulate the situation in the future, the future will not be real, but will turn into an oasis somewhere in front. You need to configure the parameters of your radiation as if you already have what you order.

Freame - window in space options

This is the illusion of the monologue stop. Stopping the internal monologue occurs when the mind turns off its control or at least weakens its vigilance. The actual stop of the inner monologue occurs only in a dream or in a state of deep meditation.

But is it possible to use the internal monologue stop in conscious state? Here there is one loophole, which is narrow windowwhich opens in a spontaneous way at the moments when the control of the mind gives the slack and the intuitive feelings of the soul break through to consciousness.

It is known that the trouble never comes alone. With such radiation parameters, we move to the worst lines of life, where the trouble, as they say, is not alone. Sometimes induced transition inflicts us into a wide black strip, from which for a long time Could not get out. Please note when this state of oppressed fatness happens, you immediately receive the implementation of your worst expectations. The external intention moves you to unsuccessful lines of life, where the situation is exacerbated right in front of her eyes.

So, our task is that intuitive premonitions to cause deliberately. It is necessary then to direct the sail of the soul in the desired side. How to do it? You must catch the moment when the mind was distracted. But now feelings should not be caught, but intention to induce, that is, insert an instant slide into the window. The slide must contain feelings that you experience inside the slide. By inserting the slide into the opened window, you do not receive the information of the soul, but, on the contrary, send it to the target sector of space. If you manage to do this, your mind will touch the external intention.

Slide scrolling in a dream does not contribute to the motion of material implementation. The soul sail in the dream allows you to fly in virtual space, but has nothing to do with the actual movement of material implementation. The only function of the slide in a conscious dream is expanding the comfort zone. However, this is a lot, so if you practice it, the slide in a dream will be an ideal tool To expand the comfort zone.

The window into the space of options that opens at the time of the short dive of the mind to sleep, leaves the focus of perception in the context of the current material implementation sector. The frigate sail in the window in contrast to the usual dream remains in the raised state. If at this moment insert a slide into the window, then the external intention of the wind will shift the implementation by a considerable distance. The efficiency of the window is that the unity of the soul and mind in this state is manifested in highest degree. A dormant mind releases his control and imparts an unreal in his pattern of perception, just as it happens in a dream. The sail acquires significant sizes, and the external intention acts with the greatest force.

This technique is quite complicated, but you can try. You should start with the fact that constantly pay attention to intuitive premonitions, observe yourself. Then you will realize that during the day the window opens quite often. Mind from time to time tired of his control and chatter and loses his watchful for a few moments. At this moment you can intentionally insert the feelings about the event you want to induce. It is feelings, and not verbal wording.

Freame definition. Imagine what would you feel when there would be conceived? Scroll into the head slide to achieve the goal several times, and then take one integral lock from the entire slide - FRAME. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfaction. Or successfully pass the exam, and the teacher will hinder your hand. Or come to the finish line first and tear the tape. This cast and will be the formula that you need to insert into the open window. Freame can be entitled with one word, for example: "Victory!", "There!", "It turned out!" Or how do you like more. This title will serve as a reference point of the Freim.

It is difficult to catch the window, because it makes your mind, although a dormant, and therefore he wakes up, and the window is immediately slammed. Skills will come with time. It is necessary to have a solid intention and patience. First, it is necessary to develop a frame of the feeling of the implementation of the event using the mind. Let him actively participate in this development. Then, not trying to catch the window, scroll through this frightener, to understand how to understand for yourself what is the final feeling. Create a hook, integral sensation. And then it will be possible at the time of the open window instantly insert it to frimes.

You should have it so that the dormant mind suddenly realizes his sleepy state and immediately lifts the frimes in the window, without having wake up. This is the work of external intention when stopping the inner monologue.

Multiple, although unsuccessful attempts gradually form a habit, and your mind will learn to throw the fright into the window mechanically. The meaning of Freim is just that the mind should have time to activate him automatically, not having time to awaken.

However, if the FRAME technique is given with great difficulty, do not be discouraged and leave it alone. This technique is provided here only as information. If it does not work immediately, it means that you do not need it. Work with ordinary slides and engage in the rendering of the process.

In any case, it will be very useful to acquire the habit of paying attention to the windows. If you learn how to catch the moment of the open window, intuitive insights will visit you more and more.


Audit of their desires - throw away everything with the prefix "not" and I do not want.


To form your wishes. For example: "My world gives me your favorite job, a house, apartment, car."

Take yourself for rent.

When you talk to anyone, I sleep very hard. Wheaves when descend to the auditorium and foolish your caretaker. Being in the auditorium, you will still continue to play your role, say the right words, perform necessary actions, obey the established rules. But now you will play consciously, and therefore - removed. You rent yourself off and soberly appreciate what is happening.

Renting yourself for rent, act perfectly. Do not allow small mistakes for which you can blame for elementary negligence. Impeccability concerns your duties. It doesn't mean to act for rent at all mean, irresponsible. This means act extensively, without creating excessive potentials, but at the same time clearly perform what you are required. Some people on the subconscious level may feel that you rent yourself away, that is, do not apply special effortsBut at the same time act efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary in any situation where you lease yourself, to fulfill your duties clearly so that you cannot reproach. For impeccability should follow your inner observer - caretaker. Otherwise, plunge into the game with your head. The inner caretaker has nothing to do with a split personality. You simply note about yourself in the background, what and how you do.

Simple solutions of complex problems

If you encounter a problem or obstacle, catch yourself with attitude to this problem. The problem can cause confusion, fear, indignation, despondency, and so on, it is necessary to replace the usual attitude towards the problem on the opposite, and it is either eliminated itself, or will decide quickly and easily.

Failure pendulum

Imagine how a hefty kids wade into you with a sledgehammer, and it's struggling to hit. You do not have anything against, do not protect and do not attack. At this point, you just calmly retreat aside, and the children together with a sledgehammer flies into the emptiness. This means that the pendulum cannot catch and fall for you. This principle underlies the struggle of Aikido. There literally happens next. The attackers take under the hand, go along with him, as if accompanied, and then easily released and send to fly to the other side where his energy was sent. The whole secret is that the defending has nothing to attack. He agrees with the line of the striker, goes with him together for a while, and then let go. The energy of the striker falls into the emptiness, because if the defendant is "empty", then it is not for it to hook. The technique of such a soft care is that the first fallout of the pendulum you meet consent, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively send the movement to the direction you need.

If you are annoying something, then you fell into a hint of the grip, the pendulum hooked you, it hurts you for the living "Bye jumps" to get rid of it to get rid of indifference, but it is not always so easy to do. Try to switch attention from what annoys you on something else (music, film, reading, walk, sport, etc.) It does not matter what, but it is desirable that it gives you pleasure.

When the pendulum provokes, and you do not addate, the energy of the pendulum, which went to the provocation, moves to you, makes stronger. This is this additional force and will manifest as a pleasant feeling. Now you can imagine how the beetle of the pendulum, getting your energy. Do not give him such an opportunity. He will pester again and again, and you do not give in. Let him spend energy on you.

Pendulum quenching

There are cases when the ribbed pendulum fails. That is, nor ignore, neither to get away from it can help the pendulum clearing.

The first way is rough. If you hit the situation where you know standard scenario Event development, do something - no matter what - not stacked in this scenario. Those. The boldless non-familiar behavior for which does not fit into the framework of the ordinary average man. Either answer the rough force on the provocation, no matter the physical or power of the spirit, but this should be used carefully when the threat to health and life is minimal. The pendulum will be repaid. The fact is that while you act according to the script, you play the game of the pendulum and give your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you get into the dissonance with the pendulum, and thereby knock him down from the rhythm.

The second way is loyal. A sense of humor and imagination can help in the gass. Pay your irritation in the game. Of course, this may seem difficult when you want to break and throw it on the contrary. But if you put yourself a goal to have a habit of constantly remembering the inner caretaker, you eventually develop immunity on the provocations of pendulum.

Inversion of reality

The essence of the game was to turn the attitude towards the situation on the head, that is, to do a kind of inversion. If a person is bad, the pendulum's rule makes him suffer, worry, bent under the cargo of the problems, go into all the grave. And the rules of our game argued that it was necessary to do quite on the contrary. As we did it, judge ourselves.

"I experienced a very joyful disappointment! The fact is that the unusually happy trouble happened! " "There was something irreparable, from which my affairs immediately went uphill!" "A kind of pretty gentleman on my car charmingly poured me mud!" "All my attempts were in vain, and it was the key to success!" "She does not love me! No, it's too good to be true! Infection is skillfully pretending! " "He left me! I rusted like a Budyonnovskaya horse! " Well, so on, in the same style, with all sorts of sophistication. The only thing that prevented is hysterical laughter, accompanied all these transformation failures. At lectures, no one will allow you to gaguat, so the laughter siled turned into some kind of rumbling, grunting, snort, attacks of vomiting, bouffaging and other sounds that are able to publish hoofs and amphibian creatures. The energy accumulated in this way appeared in a completely idiotic howl, quite in the Castanedian spirit.

What happens from the point of view of transfing, you understand yourself. Firstly, every importance is immediately reset and redundant potentials. Secondly, the parameters of the radiation of the mental energy of delight, albeit idiot, in no way correspond to the sad lines of life, so the transition is carried out immediately. The mirror reacts quickly, because the soul and the mind finally sighed with relief. As a result, reality is straightened.

As you can see, the inversion of reality is very similar to the principle of coordination of intent. The only difference is that inversion is more radical and filled with humor.

Lose weight

Or maybe you have some kind of harsh girk, from which you have long thought to get rid of you, but do not decide in any way? Imagine what ease will appear if you lose it. Release yourself, give yourself more freedom. Make a list of restrictions that you depress and reset them from the shoulders. Then the reserves of energy intention will immediately be released, which will allow moving on.


Any negative situations to rhyme into funny positive. When something annoys you to invent funny poems With a favorable outcome.


Enjoy yourself so that you do not and do everything so that you can admire yourself.

Good morning and good night

It is necessary to control his thoughts, feelings and feeling right in front of the SNAM itself (when you already lie in bed) and in the morning in a state "there is no longer not yet", before getting out of bed. This is a feeling of a kind of comfort of the soul, when we savor the coming day in all his glory, how much he will bring new, good and exciting, expect a new day with the feeling of the holiday in the shower, remember how it was in childhood.

Auxiliary reception

The goal is ultimately determined by the mind. The mind, in the manner characteristic of him, is trying to look for a logical goal. This is mistake. The task of the mind is not to look for a goal, and in time to recognize it. The soul itself guessed her, and you will feel it. But for this you need to give it the opportunity to choose. It is necessary to expand your horizons: go to where I have not had not yet been, to see what I have not seen, let the new information, in general, break out of the circle of ordinary. And then - carefully listen to the voice of the heart. When, facing some information, you will feel that the soul caught fire, and the mind with pleasure and from all sides it ponders, then you can assume that they found that the most.

Write on a paper sheet any tolerance:

I am a very charming person.
From me there is an inner light of charm, love and sex.
I am a luminous creature.
I attract men to myself.
My man finds me.

Write what you want if you already have a couple, you can write: "I have a pleasant appearance, I look attractive, and every day everything is better and better." You will be very surprised how quickly reacts reality.

Thus, if the desire is associated with health, then write that you have excellent health, you can list that it is in the body healthy.

The particle "not" cannot be used. The thought form should be a life-affirming. And no abstract and verbal wishes. Everything should be specifically, concisely and directed to one goal.

Put a glass of water on this sheet. Purit the palms, move them by the harmonica, imagine between the palms dense clutch like balloon. This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass, without touching it. Let's say out loud or about ourselves, consciously and convinced, this thought, if possible, presenting its meaning in imagination. Then drink water. Take this procedure in the morning, after waking, and in the evening before bedtime. Your intention will be implemented.

To do this, use only key or melting water. Talua can be done like this:

Pour water into the container, put it in the freezer, freeze, then put it out to be thawed, and when the ice is under the upper crust at the bottom, then the upper ground to remove and throw it away, and the remaining water is just pouring into the glass and meditate on it (and then drinking it.

In one of the issues of the battle of psychics, which took part and eventually won the extrasens of Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafa from Iran, from his mouth a fairly simple rite for the fulfillment of desire. This ritual is so simple that it can be performed at home on their own without any additional preparation.

If you have a positive effect from this method, be sure to share it in the comments to this article. So, below give the full text of the conspiracy without any distortion:

In a quiet room, where nothing distorts you, sit in front of the mirror. The mirror in this ritual provides the connection of the desired with the material. Put a glass with water next to the mirror. Water is the drive of your energy. Light a candle. Candle - good neutralizer negative energyShe protects you from unwanted events. Take a glass with water in left And utter your desire within 10 minutes. Reflect on it as if it came true. Think of all the details, details of your desire. Drink water. This ritual must be repeated strictly once a week on the same day of the week and at the same time until the desire will come true. Mehdi advised as a desire to say the following: "I believe, I feel, I see that everything in my life will be fine"

Many people know that water has an amazing energy - it is able to transmit information, it can be "charged" to success and fulfill desires.

There is only one condition - water should be "purified", not boiled, but ideally distilled or melt water. To enhance the energy of water, you can add several drops of lemon juice to it.
With this technique, you can solve some important question for yourself, or apply it to fulfill the desire. And just perfect technique works to resolve issues of relationships.
There are two options for working with this technique:

According to the method of Vadim Zelanda

  1. Take a glass of clean raw water and clean sheet of paper. Write a handle on paper your desire (formulating in the present time).
  2. Put the leaf with a written desire for a glass with water. Apply your palms to each other, but do not touch them.
  3. Mentally create a powerful cycle of energy between the palms. Twister your "energy ball" seemed to be sealing it. If the first time you cannot feel your energy bunch - do not be discouraged, after repeated execution of the technique you will succeed.
  4. Mentally repeat your wish written on a sheet, or read it.
  5. Place your palms on the sides of a glass with water, but do not touch the walls of the glass. Transfer the energy of desire to water.
  6. Drink water.

According to José Silva

  1. Before bedtime, pour a glass of clean water. Take it in the hands at the level of solar plexus and keep 4 fingers - the glass must be held between big and index fingers Leva I. right hand, the remaining fingers are slightly crowded.
  2. Mentally formulate your question or desire. For example, if you need to find a solution to any complex working question, according to which no thoughts come, formulate something like this: "Now I am looking for a solution to the question, as I will settle the problem with the deliveries." If this desire is, then formulate this: "Now I am looking for a solution to the question, how can I get new car (such a brand and color). "
  3. Close your eyes and slowly spare the waters, pronouncing: "This is all that I need to do to solve this issue."
  4. In the morning, as you wake up, add the remaining half a cup of water and repeat the same thing.

The decision will come quickly and unexpected for you. For each desire or question, you need to do the technique separately.
You can try both ways - and according to the Silva method, and in Zealand - as you like more.

So, we take notebook out of 24 sheets, clearly formulate your desire (start from one), and within 21 days we write down the desire on each new leaves 21 times.

The desire should be formulated only in a positive context, in no case should be denial. It is also necessary to write in the present time: "I want a lot of money" - incorrect wording!

"I get 10,000 dollars to repair your apartment in the near future" - that's right.

If you dream about the apartment: "I enter my own two-room apartment With new repair and furniture "(add details at your own discretion).

Plus, add a visualization - we represent this apartment: went around the rooms, opened the window, touched the wallpaper, sat on the sofa. Also during the formation of desire, you must experience joy, climb, only strong positive emotions!

In order for the desire to come true as quickly as possible, add numerology.

We calculate your personal number, for this we take the day and month of birth and fold the numbers. For example, July 25 \u003d 2 + 5 + 7 \u003d 14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5

Then they calculate the day when it is necessary to start spending this ritual, for this, to your personal number, we add consistently numbers from the date.

Then we summarize these numbers.

Total 5 + 6 \u003d 11 \u003d 1 + 1 \u003d 2

Calculate the date when the number according to the above calculation will be equal to 1.

It is impossible to start keeping records at 5.7 and 9 days. 1 is the beginning, 9 - end.

I hope you all understood and try to spend this ritual. Of course, the execution date depends on the value of desire, but this ritual you will run the mechanism of its implementation.

I wish the fulfillment of all your desires! The source of dreams come true!

Dreams come true, and this is proof

You know, dreams come true, and that's why ...

  • Do you want to get on the plane and fly away from home?
  • Dream of travel on different countries and continents?
  • Do you want to have a prestigious work that brings pleasure and a lot of money?
  • You want to get out successfully married, give birth to a child ...
  • Or is the main goal today - is it harmonious and beauty?

Surprisingly, I was convinced of my own life - dreams come true! Moreover, even if, at first glance, they seem completely fantastic and impossible.

If a person has dreams come true, then it enters his life plans.

© Juliana Wilson

This is my favorite quote!

She displays the truth at 100%. And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how to make your dream in your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know for sure, since a lot of my desires have already become a reality. All my blog is about it.

And this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your most cherished desires! I will tell you the most exciting stories and share the techniques for sales of the dream)

Mantra of desires. Very powerful mantra of desires

Reading the mantra, there is no need to think about the text or meaning of words. Prerequisite - Creating vibration. It is necessary to find the right rhythm of reading, which will configure these vibrations within you. Pouring into the overall energy stream, your messengers will soon return with a positive result. The number of readings is classic - 108 times. Mantras at a desire must be repeated from 20 days, up to month. It will be better if you first find an audio recording in good performance. First time, listen and read at the same time. When entering the right rhythm and penetrate him, you can read yourself. It is also necessary to take into account that in yoga there are female, neutral and men's mantras. All of them are suitable for reading, both women and men. It is very important that you can break away from the surrounding reality and plunge into the world of sounds. If reading you practice for a long time, you can read them in mind. Think what is a cherished dream. It may be the acquisition of financial well-being, strengthening the health of his or loved ones, the love and attention of a particular person. Usually, one is enough, the one that most likes, or it is easier for it to pronounce it. But, in the case of the fulfillment of desires, it is better to read 2 mantras. Since most of the intentions require finance, you can combine the reading of a mantra at a desire with a spell to attract wealth. For example, you want to go on a journey. For this you need financial well-being. Mantra at a desire, in this case, read 108 times. After that, read the monetary, any number of times, multiple 3. Tune in to the positive and read.

Map of desires. What it is

Map of desires with their own hands or a poster of desires is the personification of our thoughts and desires that are transferred to paper. Our universe hears all our requests and is able to embody them in life! It is possible to reach the heavenly office by the help of the card, since the recorded thoughts work and embodied much faster.

Rules of creation

Several of our tips will help create the right promise to you for your desires:

  1. The map of desires can consist only of pictures, and maybe from pictures and text. Here is the choice for you.
  2. All "Wishlist" must be recorded in the present time.

Wrong: I want new job. I want a new car.

Right: I have a favorite job. I possess the BMW brand machine.

  1. The more details, the better. For incarnation, try to describe your desire in the smallest detail. If you ask just a "red car", then you can drive the old and broken Zaporozhets in red. And you wanted BMW!

Wrong: I work on good work.

Right: I work as the editor of my own program on the first channel and get 300,000 rubles per month.

  1. You should not use particles "not" and "without." The universe does not perceive them and erases. When you say: "I do not want to be thick." The universe removes a particle "not" and interprets it like this: "I want to be thick."

Wrong: I do not want to cry because of the guys. I do not want a divorce. I do not want to be ill.

Right: I am happy and loved by my boyfriend / husband. I am healthy, my body is always in a tone, and the mood is in the highlight.

  1. It is best to use your photo. There should be no foreign people on the map of desire. When you ask for a new car, try to stick your photo next to her. Only in the marriage sector appropriately sharing you and your groom.
  2. Ask so many things as you need. If this is yours, it will come to you.
  3. The maps of desires have no time. It can be done for a year, two, for five years and even on 10. It all depends on you.
  4. What to do with a map of desires when all the desires come true? Thank you and just dispose of it.
  5. The map of desires is done on Watman on the sheet of format A4. You can simply write down the desires in a notebook or notebook. The map of desires can be electronic. If you speak Paint or Photoshop, then boldly create a new project of your future.
  6. Map of desires can be done simply in the notes of your smartphone or download a special application. Make a map of desires on the phone with the help of these applications:

Video equipment execution of desires "Glass of water"

Execution of desires for the power of thought. How to fulfill the desire for the power of thought

Perform the desires of one strength of thought really. You just need to know certain rules, and then everything will be obtained. The power of desire can turn into reality any desire.

In fact, the possibility of one strength of thought to fulfill desires is a completely feasible task. But, as in any other case, here you need to know certain techniques and constantly practicing. Of course, from the first time you can do nothing, but do not be upset. The more you work on yourself, the faster learn to get the desired, just thinking about it.

Practical rules for the fulfillment of desires for the power of thought

The most important rule in all practices is your true desire. When you clearly know what you want, the corresponding signal will already go into the universe: the action plan is ready. Higher forces do not like blurred wording and hidden meaning, they simply perform what you want. Therefore, before you make a desire, decide whether you really want it and only after that clearly formulate it. It is better to even do it on paper - so it will be easier for you to understand what to strive for, and make the desired goal.

It often happens that as soon as we think about something bad, it immediately comes true. But with positive changes have to try much more. Experts in the field of bioenergy know what is the matter - in the emotions that we experience during our thoughts.

Psychics argue that fear is one of the strongest emotions. Because of him, our negative thoughts come true more often than what we dream about. Therefore, in order for our desire to come true, we should want this very much and imagine how it will be good when all this is fulfilled. Having understood in their own fears, it becomes easier to live and much easier.

The following condition is one of the difficulty. The fact is that now the Internet is just a shot of information about positive thinking and that your cherished desire There must always be in your thoughts. However, this is not quite true.

For this principle, you must let your desire. To say it is easier to do what to do, because, guessing the desire, we begin to wait very much when it comes to, worry about it, constantly nervous and count the minute before his execution. And then doubts and fears appear. It is them as a result and block even the most favorable changes in life.

If you think negatively, it will be very difficult to achieve the goal. The meaning is that you have to make what you want, and continue to live further as if nothing has happened. In such conditions, the Universe itself will make you a gift, it is pleasant to surprise once that it turns out that the dream was not so impossible.

The power of thought is everywhere, it is not tied to anything, there is no barriers for her, there is no time nor distances. Our thoughts are the greatest tool for the fulfillment of desires, the main thing is to learn how to use them. To do this, read affirmations, train your mind, let go of the desires, enjoy life and certainly do not forget to press the buttons and

Remember how in childhood did you look at life with genuine delight? Life was magical and exciting, and even everyday little things perceived as something completely amazing. Your heart overwhelmed joy, your imagination did not know borders, and you believed: Life - she's magic! But the years went, you are growing up. Immediately joyful waiting for miracles was replaced by a sense of responsibility, there were problems and difficulties somewhere. The growing destroyed children's illusions, and the magic in which you once believed, faded and disappeared.

I want to inform you: the magic in which you believed, being children, exists now. She is real. But a look at the life inherent in disappointed adults - he is completely unreal and even false.

From this article you will learn what about Need to do, in order to return the magic and ease of life.

Reality is managed by unknown (higher) forces, earth religions are approved. Reality exists regardless of us, tells us science. As long as you agree with this, adds transfing.

In this article I tried to collect and summarize 12 effective technician Reality management.

Expansion of energy channels

Complexity: Easy

The energy of the cosmos passes through the human body in two directions. The first stream, which goes upwards, is 2.5 cm in front of the spine. The second stream comes from top to bottom and is located almost close to the spine. The magnitude of the free energy of a person, so necessary for us to implement our intention and maintaining our health in a tone depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels, the higher the energy.

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine.
Healthy energy can be developed and maintained, regularly performing special gymnastics. It is very simple and takes a little time. Stand right as you are comfortable, not straining. Do inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum area, moves along the spine (approximately on the above distance), comes out of the head and goes into the sky. Now do an exhale and imagine that the energy flow is high, it goes to mind, moves along the spine and goes to the ground. You do not have to physically feel these streams. It is enough just to imagine it. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to feel them.

Then imagine how both streams are simultaneously moving towards each other without crossing, each in its row. At first, do it on the breath and exhale, but over time try to abandon the binding of streams to breathing. You can strengthen the streams (intent) strengths, give them power. Now imagine that the ascending flow comes out and pours over the head of the fountain. Similarly, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under the legs. You have two fountains from above and below. Mentally connect the splashes of both so to be inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the skin surface, and then stretch this feeling into the sphere, just as the balloon expands when it is inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the area of \u200b\u200bclosed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without tension. No need to try to feel like everyone else. Camping streams on each other into the sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. Stretching the surface energy of the body into the ball, you fasten this shell in a stable condition. The benefit of such gymnastics is difficult to overestimate. First, the shell protects you from the defeat. Secondly, training its energy, you can read thin channels. Corks that prevent energy movement are flying out, and holes in the shell through which it is spent is delayed.

Guardian angel

Complexity: Easy

Many people believe that her guardian angel helps his soul. Well, if you do not believe in it, there is no bad thing in this too. If you are so comfortable, then everything is in order. In the end, what do you believe, then you get.

Although I would believe in your place. And what if he still exists regardless of faith in him, loves you, cares how can you, and you forgot him and threw it. He lacks your love, which means he is weak, lacking energy and cannot help his ward. At the same time, you distribute our energy to the right and left destructive pendulum. They can also help you, but only within our interests. Someone's personal well-being for them does not mean anything. And your guardian angel cares only about you.

If you are pleased with your own successes, then you praise yourself, proud of yourself. It's good. It is better to intercept yourself than to scold. It is only a bad thing that it is created at least a small but excessive potential. So the equilibrium forces will spoil your holiday soul. You praise yourself, and after this make a mistake or get an annoying trouble.

Dedote your progress to the Angel Keeper and your excessive potential of pride resolves. And at the same time, you are without fears, leave a place for the holiday of the soul. Rejoice on health. Joy leave yourself, and give pride to angel. After all, it is clear that no one takes your merit. Do not forget only about your angel. Constantly remind him that you are grateful and love him. He will become stronger and repay you with a storm.


Complexity: Easy

Affirmations are allegations that describe the desired state, repeated several times in order to convince the subconscious and cause positive results. For greater efficiency, affirmations are repeated with great attention, confidence, interest and desire.

Affirmations work like visualization. A repeated repetition of words focuses your attention to goals and automatically builds the corresponding images of consciousness, which, in turn, affects the subconscious. Thus, first, the statement is perceived consciously, and then the subconscious takes him to its responsibility. Using this conscious process, you you can influence the subconscious part of the mind, and thereby transforming your habits, behavior, attitude, reaction, and even change your appearance and attitude around others.

Affirmations (approval) should be built in the present time, in affirmative form (without a particle is not). Write down in advance what you intend to get or experience. Try affinities daily (or several times every day), better in front of the mirror, loud (at first you can read with a piece of paper). Pronounce them expressive, fill yourself at this time with positive pleasant emotions. They must be imprinted in your mind, and then in the subconscious, gradually pusing negative beliefs and implementing positive.

The speed with which affirmation gives results varies in wide limits. Depending on the magnitude of your goal, the results may appear immediately, in a few days, weeks, months or even more. Effects on the rate of appearance of results have such factors as the frequency of understanding affirmations, attention and concentration, the feelings with which you repeat the statements, the strength of your intention, the level of your energy.

Glass of water

Complexity: Easy

"A glass of water" is one of the most simple and at the same time powerful techniques for the performance of desire, V. Zeland describes it like this:

Write a thought form on a paper sheet. For example: "I am a very charming person. From me there is an inner light of charm, love and sex. I am luminous creature. I attract men to himself. My man finds me. " Put a glass of water on this sheet. Watch your palms, move them by the harmonica, imagine between the palms a dense cloth like a balloon. This is your energy. Place the glass between the palms without touching it. Speak consciously and convinced this thought, if possible, presenting its meaning in imagination. Then drink water. Take this procedure in the morning, after waking, and in the evening before bedtime. Your intention will be implemented. "

To perform this technique, try to use talu or key water.


Difficulty: Middle

A much more efficient reality management technique rather than affirmation is a visualization technique.
"Creative visualization" - one of the tools for achieving success, thanks to which you can receive almost everything from life that you can imagine. The imagination is of great importance for visualization of desires, the more brighter and accurate images you can submit, the more effective the process of implementing your desire will occur.

Applying the concentration of thoughts and inserting all feelings into our imaginary pictures, we turn them into great creative energy that can change our reality.

Representing events, situations, cars, houses, furniture and other material goods, we attract all this in your life. We imagine what we want, and it comes to us the most amazing way. It looks like dreams, it looks like magic, but there is nothing magical in it. This is a natural process.

Some people use this power every day, and often simply unconsciously. They do not even know that they use this power. They present their goals in a positive key and achieve success. Almost everyone successful peopleAnyway, they represented what they want to achieve.

Thought contains great powerwhich can affect the material world. Thought has its own energy. Focusing on something, you send this energy into one narrow stream, which becomes only stronger from it. It creates pressure on the energy field around us, forcing them to move and act. Thoughts change natural, sometimes chaotic, the balance of energy around us, leading to changes in the environment.

By changing our thoughts and imaginary pictures, we change our "reality". You use visualization strength, even if you do not accept what it works, even if it is difficult for you to understand this and you consider it a complete nonsense, the visualization works. So why not change your thoughts and begin to embody your dreams into reality.

Basic rules for effective visualization: imagine the desired as already accomplished fact, look at it in the imagination not from the side, but from the inside, as if living in this reality. Feel your emotions, imbued with joy, pleasure and happiness from the fact that the conceived feared (even if only in your imagination). Add more different pleasant details and clarifications to your dream. Visualization should bring pleasant emotions of anticipation and joy. If the visualization has become a routine and boring, perhaps the desire to get the conceived is not from the inside, but is imposed on the outside world or pendulum.

Coordination of intent

Difficulty: Middle

Coordination of intent effective method Movement in space options. You meet every event as positive and thereby always go to a favorable branch, increasingly meets with a wave of good luck. But do not twist in the clouds, because they are intentionally and consciously. Thus, you balancing on the wave of good luck. This is the main essence of the transfing.

Guided by this principle, you can achieve the same success in the positive, which negatives are achieved in their worst expectations. And he sounds like that. If you get to consider the apparent negative change in the scenario as positive, then everything will be fine. It is necessary to change the negative orientation to the positive.

Each event on the line of life also has two branches - to a favorable and unfavorable side. Whenever, facing this or that event, you make a choice how to treat it. If you consider the event as positive, fall on a favorable branch of the line of life. However, the tendency to negativism makes people express discontent and choose an adverse branch.

Inversion of reality

Difficulty: Middle

Inversion of reality is very similar to the principle of coordination of intent. The only difference is that inversion is more radical and filled with humor.

This is an technique-game involving our sense of humor. The essence of the game was to turn the attitude towards the head of the head, that is, to do a kind of inversion. If a person is bad, the pendulum's rule makes him suffer, worry, bent under the cargo of the problems, go into all the grave. And the rules of our game argued that it was necessary to do quite on the contrary. For example:

"I experienced a very joyful disappointment! The fact is that the unusually happy trouble happened! " "There was something irreparable, from which my affairs immediately went uphill!" "A kind of pretty gentleman on my car charmingly poured me mud!" "All my attempts were in vain, and it was the key to success!" "She does not love me! No, it's too good to be true! Infection is skillfully pretending! " "He left me! I rusted like a Budyonnovskaya horse! " Well, so on, in the same style, with all sorts of sophistication.

What happens from the point of view of transfing, you understand yourself. Firstly, every importance is immediately reset and redundant potentials. Secondly, the parameters of the radiation of the mental energy of delight, albeit idiot, in no way correspond to the sad lines of life, so the transition is carried out immediately. The mirror reacts quickly, because the soul and the mind finally sighed with relief. As a result, reality is straightened.

Quenching and failure pendulum

Difficulty: Middle

We all live in society, and then we are surrounded by thousands of pendulums (Egregors), both harmless and destructive, who try to fix our attention in every way to their wave, translate us to the negative sectors of space of options and pick up our free energy. If you are annoying something, then you got into the loop of the capture, the pendulum hooked you, hooked for living, and in order to get rid of it to get rid of indifference, but it is not always so easy to do. Transserting offers two universal variants of action that allow you to quickly jump off the pendulum hooks:

1) Failure pendulum. Imagine how a hefty kids wade into you with a sledgehammer, and it's struggling to hit. You do not have anything against, do not protect and do not attack. At this point, you just calmly retreat aside, and the children together with a sledgehammer flies into the emptiness. This means that the pendulum cannot catch and fall for you. This principle underlies the struggle of Aikido. There literally happens next. The attackers take under the hand, go along with him, as if accompanied, and then easily released and send to fly to the other side where his energy was sent. The whole secret is that the defending has nothing to attack. He agrees with the line of the striker, goes with him together for a while, and then let go. The energy of the striker falls into the emptiness, because if the defendant is "empty", then it is not for it to hook. The technique of such a soft care is that the first fallout of the pendulum you meet consent, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively send the movement to the direction you need.

2) Pendulum quenching. There are cases when the ribbed pendulum fails. That is, nor ignore, neither to get away from it can help the pendulum clearing.

The first way is rough. If you have fallen into a situation where the standard event development scenario is known to you, do something - it does not matter what - not stacked in this scenario. Those. The boldless non-familiar behavior for which does not fit into the framework of the ordinary average man. Either answer the rough force on the provocation, no matter the physical or power of the spirit, but this should be used carefully when the threat to health and life is minimal. The pendulum will be repaid. The fact is that while you act according to the script, you play the game of the pendulum and give your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you get into the dissonance with the pendulum, and thereby knock him down from the rhythm.

The second way is loyal. A sense of humor and imagination can help in the gass. Pay your irritation in the game. Of course, this may seem difficult when you want to break and throw it on the contrary. But if you put yourself a goal to have a habit of constantly remembering the inner caretaker, you eventually develop immunity on the provocations of pendulum.

Frame insert in the space window of options

Difficulty: very high

Freame definition. Imagine what would you feel when there would be conceived? Scroll into the head slide to achieve the goal several times, and then take one integral lock from the entire slide - FRAME. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfaction. Or successfully pass the exam, and the teacher will hinder your hand. Or come to the finish line first and tear the tape. This cast and will be the formula that you need to insert into the open window. Freame can be entitled with one word, for example: "Victory!", "There!", "It turned out!" Or how do you like more. This title will serve as a reference point of the Freim.

According to the transfing, there are so-called "windows" in space options, allowing you to quickly move from one sector of reality to another. These "windows" open at the time of brief immersion of the mind into sleep (when the internal monologue stops and the mind turns off its control or at least weakens its vigilance). At that moment, the "frigate" of our soul raises his sail and we get the opportunity to instantly and freely move in the space of options, it is only the wind of the external intention to start blowing in the right direction. It is worth inserting us into this "window" slide (frame) and impulse of the external intention will shift the implementation of the sector for a considerable distance.

The efficiency of the window lies in the fact that the unity of the soul and reason in this state is manifested in the highest degree. A dormant mind releases his control and imparts an unreal in his pattern of perception, just as it happens in a dream. The sail acquires significant sizes, and the external intention acts with the greatest force.

Complexity this method The fact is that the stop of the inner monologue occurs only in a dream or in a state of deep meditation. There is however a loophole that allows you to use the internal monologue stop and in conscious state. This happens to the spontaneous way when the control of the mind gives the slack and the consciousness breaks intuitive feelings of the soul.

This technique is quite complicated, but you can try. You should start with the fact that constantly pay attention to intuitive premonitions, observe yourself. Then you will realize that during the day the window opens quite often. Mind from time to time tired of his control and chatter and loses his watchful for a few moments. At this moment you can intentionally insert the feelings about the event you want to induce. It is feelings, and not verbal wording.

It is difficult to catch the window, because it makes your mind, although a dormant, and therefore he wakes up, and the window is immediately slammed. Skills will come with time. It is necessary to have a solid intention and patience. First, it is necessary to develop a frame of the feeling of the implementation of the event using the mind. Let him actively participate in this development. Then, not trying to catch the window, scroll through this frightener, to understand how to understand for yourself what is the final feeling. Create a hook, integral sensation. And then it will be possible at the time of the open window instantly insert it to frimes.

You should have it so that the dormant mind suddenly realizes his sleepy state and immediately lifts the frimes in the window, without having wake up. This is the work of external intention when stopping the inner monologue.


Difficulty: above average

Freiling is a very charming technology of human relationships. Freiling offers to abandon the pressure on the world around the world in the desire to achieve its goals. The world will go to you towards you with open arms if:
You give up the intention to get and replace it with the intention to give. In this case, you will receive what they refused.

What moves people? Internal intention. Use the internal intention of people to achieve their goals. Despite the mercenary tint of the sound of this phrase, you do not use people, but simply do not prevent them from doing what they want. After all, all problems, one way or another, are born as a result of the emergence of contradictions between the internal intentions of people.

So, at the heart of the internal intention of man lies his sense of self-esteem.

In order to attract attention, just just to take interest to others. Speak with people not about what interests you, but about what interests them and including themselves. In this case, your inner intention is transformed into external. Refusing internal intention and switting attention to other people, you will without effort, get a welcome result from them. The external intention will make it for you.

In everyday communication, it is important not how interesting you are, but how much you come this person For relationship. This is what he appreciates. You will suit the person in all respects if you deliver a person to satisfy its significance. If he gets it, he will close his eyes to your obvious flaws and forgive your weaknesses.

Do you want to achieve recognition and respect from a person? Do not demand respect. Respect a person yourself, seek him to feel significant in your eyes. Do you need sympathy and thanks? Do not look for them. Take sincere care and participation in human problems. Strive to achieve sympathy? You will not get it for beautiful eyes. Show sympathy for a person yourself, then you will be pretty by definition. Need help and support? Help yourself. Thus, you will increase your importance, and a person does not want to be less significant and will not remain in debt. Finally, do you want to achieve mutual love? Refuse the right to possess and relationships. You will succeed, if you just love, not counting on anything. Such love is very rare, and no one will stand in front of it. In all these cases, you will certainly get what they refused.

Avoid how the plague, attempts to hurt a sense of significance of people. Let it be a kind of taboo. Thus, you will relieve yourself from the mass of problems and trouble, the reasons for which will not be understood due to the hidden nature of the strike on someone else's significance.

Send Love

Difficulty: above average

One of the most powerful and effective techniques of reality management is the message of love.

Love is not just a word or feeling. This is the source of energy and energy itself. You can call her, accumulate, store, send and focus for a variety of applications. It is always available and will never let you down. You are endowed with the ability of co-creation, for you are a conductor of the divine energy of love that you draw from your highest "I".

Sending love to other people or subjects you can repeatedly strengthen your abilities of co-creation and significantly improve your life. Love has a very strong positive impact on the events in your destiny, on relationships with people with whom you interact.

Sending love to another person, you have a huge impact on his attitude towards you, to perceive you. With the help of love, you can dispel the energy of the conflict, hatred. Sending love to another you can if you don't fall in love with this person in yourself, then you certainly make it your good friend and comrade. By sending the energy of love with a sick person, you contribute to his recovery and spiritual cleansing.

Filling the premises in which you live and work, you amazingly remove the entire accumulated negative energy and make the room cozy and enjoyable to stay in it. People will tell you about his special inspiring atmosphere.

Sending love, supported by your intention and desire, on certain events and situations you contribute to their positive permission.

Sending love, the most important point is the need to definitely focus on your desires and how you can see what you want to do with the help of love.

In our body are located energy centers, Some call them chakras. Imagine that all your chakras has a valve for opening love, and this is exactly what you need to work with. You can open love in all your chakras and direct the flow of love for certain places, events, people, while investing in this message their desire, intention, purpose.

When you start emit love with all the energy centers, you will notice that something special happens. If you do not know where energy centers are located, I advise you to go to any library and read the appropriate literature about the chakras.


Difficulty: Middle

Who has gratitude, will be given and will enhance. And who is not gratitude, is taking away and what has it.

Gratitude obeys a certain universal law regulating all your life: the law of attraction. He says: "Similar attracts the like". This law affects our entire life. Our thoughts and feelings are the energy that we radiate to the outside world. Consequently, what are your thoughts and feelings, they attract your life.

If you think about your life with gratitude and your gratitude sincerely, according to the law of attraction, you will definitely get more of these life products and pleasant sensations. To get, first need to give. This is the law. Expressing gratitude, you give. Forgetting about gratitude, you cut yourself from what would like to get in your life.

In order to live in gratitude to feel magic in his life, I thank the word I should become a word, uttering and felt more often than any other. He needs to become your second nature. The more consciously, you say the word thanks, the more gratitude you are experiencing. And the more gratitude you are experiencing, the more abundance you get.

The main thing in the practice of expressing gratitude is consciously, with the most affordable intensity, feel it, because the power of magic is directly proportional to the gratefulness you have.


Tatyana Samarina, founder and lead trainer "TransSerphing Center":

"I will teach business how to hack reality and get the desired result"November 26, 2013.

In the film "Matrix", a citizen of harsh reality, Morpheus offered neo on the choice of two tablets: blue operated on the principle " the less you know the better you sleep", And the other - Red - opened a hero new knowledge and opportunities. Fantasy to the brain of bones. Transching postulates, which implies the possibility of choosing his own reality, also seemingly sound not very believable. However, learning how to manage" chances "and to achieve goals can Each of us, and for this you do not need tablets. Details - in conversation with the leading trainer "Transserting Center" Tatiana Samarina.

- Tatiana, what is transching and who came up with him?

- The author of this system Vadim Zeland. The first publication about the transfing appeared on the Internet in 2002, and two years later the first book was released, which was translated into 20 languages \u200b\u200band is still on the list of bestsellers. Transserting is a certain technique that allows you to manage events in your life. As a rule, if something does not work, we explain to some external circumstances, accidents. And the theory of Zealand proves that every person is able to manage reality, just need to know how. For this, there is a transfing - unique technologywhich, by the way, has been successfully used by millions of people.

- But some accidents are inevitable, right? For example, a flood, because of which a person could not get from point A to the point ...

- Of course, we are not talking about that a person can learn entirely, control what is happening, it is unreal. ( Smiles.) But as for the life of a person, his inner world, you can build its actions and thoughts in such a way that the events in his life become natural. Transfing, if you can put it, hacks the locks of outdated stereotypes, and this is not psychology, and not esoteric teaching, but in principle new way Think and act so to get the desired. It is to receive, and not to achieve.

Supporting the idea of \u200b\u200ba multivariate world, Vadim Zeland describes the doctrine as a technique of moving from one branch of reality to another due to the energy of human thoughts aimed at materializing one or another version of the development of events. The meaning is that a person, having established a conscious control over his thoughts and his attitude to the world, can choose a variant of reality at will.

- It's hard to learn to manage reality?

- Not very, just need practice. In general, experience with people suggests that the complexity is actually alone - the usual laziness. Suppose a person has some problems, and he does not represent how to cope with them. Beating, beating, and no sense. Well, we show him that there is a way out, inspire a person to work, and he seems to be starting to act. But then it turns out that he is just too lazy to do something. Yes, transching is a unique technique, and anyone can use it, but it does not mean that you need to sit, folded your hands waiting for the result.

- Is there any recommendations for the fight against laziness in the transfing concept?

- The way to combat laziness is only one - to do. ( Laughs.) And practical actions must be supported by the desire and clear understanding of the goal. If a person has both both, he will be ready to change something in his life for this purpose.

- And what are the goals most often voiced by future transferra?

- Several years ago most often had to deal with personal questions, for example, "I want to find a loved one". BUT B. lately People most often inclined to financial well-being. Here is such a tendency. Often I come across with those cases when people - usually for years to forty - no longer get any satisfaction from what they do. Even money does not bring joy. In such cases it is important to clearly decide on and to find it precisely its implementation. If a person wants his activities to bring both moral and material satisfaction, transfing orienses it in the right direction and, in the end, leads to this goal. In general, this technique is applicable in any sphere. And the results are impressive. We support feedback with the participants, and they confirm that they could find themselves in this life after our programs.

- What personally did this topic interest you?

- I have always been interested in solving tasks in the present time. By education I am a psychologist, but psychology studies the factors of the past, and, pushing out of these knowledge, we change something in your life. This is an effective way, but ... I can change something, despite the past - that's what I was interested. And the transrefing gave me answers to these questions. At the same time, I achieved the goal that was spoken about - combining moral and financial satisfaction. I think this is my greatest self-realization today.

"Transching is a method that really works. The only thing that can prevent a person from this result is too lazy. I have practiced something similar since childhood, but I did not know that it was so called".

Ivan Okhlobystin

- Surely there will be skeptical moods of the type "Why should I go for money for some programs, if I want to learn the transsert, then buy a book and read" ... what do you say?

- We get a huge number of letters from people who have read the books of Vadim Zeland, and everyone is interested in the question: how to apply in practice? The book is wonderful, but there is a theory in it. And the task of our center is to shift this theory into a practical plane, draw up step-by-step instructions.

- Setting on transfing does not imply some soulful shocks for the client? People do not begin to cry and worry, how does it happen in some trainings?

- you are talking about trainings with active use psychological techniques, there is no such transfing. This technique, though he implies deep working individual questions, But the approach is completely different - no one will dig in the past man. Some "wave" man passes, but without such serious immersions. Actually, transfing with this and close to a wide audience.

- You said that the transfing technique can be used in any field. How does this happen in a business environment?

- For example, in one company there was a problem with the involvement of lawyers. Well, I could not find a person who would come up with them for all the requirements! We worked directly with this task and literally after a month found four specialists, one of the other better.

- And what was the snag?

Tatyana Samarina is the founder of the Transvesting Center, a presenter coach and author of more than 50 transfing programs, practical psychologist With 18 years of experience, a business coach, a family consultant, leading women's rituals and practices. In the "transfering center" since 2006. For seven years, her trainings have passed and learned how to manage their reality more than 5,000 people.

- expressed by the language of transching, the problem was in excessive potential. Well, it's like in the saying " You want a lot - get little"When a person is looked at some purpose and begins to waste a large amount of energy begins, around this topic formed an excessive potential, which prevents the result to achieve the result. In such cases, we change the attitude of a person to this issue, we make it more constructive. And when it appears Clear setting, the problem is solved. In fact, there are many ways to create proper configuration to the result.

Now "Transching Center" is developing a special program for business people who will answer the question: how to build a transfing business? We see growing interest in this technique from business representatives. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, many executives have already enjoyed it, and not only for personal purposes - the technique can be used both for the development of individual business areas and for the entire company. This is a completely different approach to the practical application of technology. Perhaps, one of the main values \u200b\u200bof the corporate transfing is that employees begin to treat the instructions of the leaders in different ways and do their job because the chief said that, but because they realize how important their role is in this process. That the result depends not from the director or some external circumstances, but from him itself ... This setting is especially important in activities related to sales and attracting new customers.

- And if the head sent a sales department to the TransSerfing program, and does not really represent what they can teach them - it is interested in sales progress, and nothing else. Is it possible to hope for some improvements then?

- If such a manager comes, then, of course, we, first of all, will work with it. Find out what he is wondering what goals he pursues. So that he does not just send employees to study in the hope that they would return other people, and he himself experienced this technique. That's the effect will be guaranteed. But it is necessary to take into account that this is not a one-time program on which you received the instructions and went further - it is assumed phased workin which we take certain obligations and work on the result together with the head of the enterprise.

- And if the result is not?

- Well, this has not happened. If there is a desire to solve problems and a clear understanding of the goal - the result will be. As I said, after trainings and master classes, people do not remain one on one with the received information, we support the connection with everyone. The participant can always contact us with questions if it has difficulty at some stage. We provide maximum support at all stages of learning.

The new book of Vadim Zelanda "Apocryphic Transching" was published.
All about what will be speaking in this book will seem unusual, uncharacteristic for esoteric, and not even having a relationship to transfin, as a technique of reality management. But perhaps, it will allow you to finally wake up in a dream that you can see and see who you are, where are you and why are you here. This information, despite its seeming simplicity, is even more closed for the general public than any secret knowledge. Therefore, this direction in transfing can be considered esoteric in esoteric. If you make a decisive step from general building, you will find yourself outside the matrix. You will begin to do a lot at all like everyone else, and you will have what others do not have. First, what you will do you will surprise you. Then you will start to surprise, discourage and even annoy others. And then others, looking at what happens to you, will take an example with you.

I bring to your attention to familiarize one of the chapters of the book "Glass of Water", which describes one very interesting and effective technique.

"Recent issues about sex are very surprised. I hooked on sensations from sex, life teaches me to reduce significance, and I have little sex lately, which bothered. And I just don't like sex, I have emptiness after that, I don't know why, probably because the entities leave, I am awakening, and I have a question: and then what? Therefore, I want with the fact that trust, good relationship, mutual acceptance, proximity, but it does not always work. "

I can offer one powerful technique. Write a thought form on a paper sheet:
"I am a very charming person. From me there is an inner light of charm, love and sex. I am a luminous creature. I attract the men to myself. My man finds me."
Put a glass of water on this sheet. Watch your palms, move them by the harmonica, imagine between the palms a dense cloth like a balloon. This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass, without touching it. Let's say out loud or about ourselves, consciously and convinced, this thought, if possible, presenting its meaning in imagination. Then drink water. Take this procedure in the morning after awakening and in the evening before bedtime. Your intention will be implemented.

I checked this technique repeatedly with various thoughtforms. Works very much. Men should rewrite the text in their own way. Like that:
"I am a very charming person. The inner light of charm, love and sex comes from me. I am luminous creature. I like women, they want me. I find my half."
And of course, any thoughtforms can be applied. Make them on what you especially strive for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace "I draw to myself ..." on "People experience sympathy to me" or "I have a pleasant appearance, I look attractive, and every day is better and better." You will be very surprised how quickly reacts reality.
Can not use the "not" particle. The thought form should be a life-affirming. And no abstract and verbal wishes. Everything should be specifically, concisely and directed to one goal. If you have a few goals, it is desirable for each glass of water to set only one. For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow on the other. Or in the morning with one, in the evening on the other.

Why does this technique work? Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure, its molecules are combined into clusters - particle conglomerates that change their form depending on external influence. That is why it can be recorded on the water as a magnetic tape, "to talk" it. Oddly enough, the scientists learned about clusters much later than the first ships were launched into space. And grandmothers were aware of this long ago and successfully applied in practice.
Normal urban water, including bottles, cannot be used, it has absorbed a lot of destructive information. You can erase information only with evaporation or thawing, boiling will not help. Therefore, the water should be taken either distilled (cooked not somewhere, and at your home), or Talu. The latter is easy to get ice. (Simply melting ice - this is not exactly what you need. The technology of preparation of melt water is described in the book "The Tipper of Reality".) In addition, such water is very useful to drink after awakening and before bedtime, only no earlier than in an hour and a half after Food. And if the thought form is aimed at rehabilitation, the water becomes healing, it acquires the properties of a medicine from the disease that you intend to heal, and is directed straight to the desired address. The origin of the holy water is similar.

A sheet of paper also has its own functions. Firstly, when you do not just pronounce a tolerant, and write it down, it acquires extra force. Secondly, even one word pasted on water capacity charges water with information laid in the sense of the word. Clusters that are formed, can be seen under the microscope after freezing. Famous experiments have shown that such words as "love you", "Thank you", "Hello", give rise to the snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly lambrants. Why so it turns out, it remains only to be surprised. Otherwise, like the fishery of God, you won't call it. Of course, the main role is played by the intention of a person who realizes the Word when he writes and sticks it to the container.
Finally, the energy of your hands enhances and localizes the intention, as a result of which the water will be charged quickly and efficiently. The information recorded in water will be separated throughout the body and will configure the morphological biofield on the radiation of the specified intention. Do not worry if you do not feel a dense bunch of energy. It does not work now - it will turn out after the week of training. In addition, it is not necessarily a strong impact for water. It is enough that you just put the glass between the palms.

So, you own a powerful technique that works not worse than the "intention generator", which will be discussed further, where the morphological field is pumped up by the hands of the hands. Machinery "Glass of Water" is much easier and does not require skills to work with energy. I did not give it before, because I wanted to thoroughly check in practice. Now I have to wish you pleasant experiments!
"Thanks for the transfing, I finally began to notice that my world cares about me. But I can't find my door. Is it possible to use a glass of water for these searches? And what words should I write for this? I do not matter with visualization and slides, maybe it turns out with a glass. "
You probably wanted to say that you can't find your goal? The door - it opens when you are on the way to the goal. Of course, this technique can be used for any thought form. The tolerama must be made up. Listen to your soul, she will tell. But not only with a glass work. We must even more new information In order to let the soul can choose.
"Can not be charged not water, and fruits, for example, or other food?"
Of course, not only possible, but also need. However, the best information carrier is still pure waterThe molecules are free.

Prayer before meal is also charging food with positive energy. Only prayer should not be mechanical, but conscious, otherwise everything is meaningless. But it is better, of course, to devote food, but myself. God is in your heart. When you pray to God, it turns out that you make him pray to yourself. Or do you pray yourself yourself? He would probably like more fulfillment of your desires than indifferent and learned "thanksgiving" is not clear for what. So charge food with your intention.
Here it is necessary to make a reservation that this attitude towards God is not entirely obvious, and for many is rather unacceptable. Everyone is free to stay with his beliefs.
"Do I need to write a thought form every time or better use the same leaflet?"
If not too lazy, you can write every time. But you can use one piece. Do as it is convenient for you, just do not turn the ritual into a burdensome responsibility. You should want to do it. After all, you thus draw a layer of your world, implement your intention. This should at least passion.
If you really want to achieve something, you should not do one only by the technique of "glass of water". Nobody canceled work with the target slide. You must constantly carry installation on the target, get used to the role and live in the desired image, even if you are virtually yet. But the virtual will turn into a real faster.

"Is it possible to use holy water for the process or still better than Tluju?"
If you are not going to drive the devil, the holy water you will not need. It is better to take water purified from any information - a molding or distilled, cooked at your home.
"On the Internet almost immediately after your publishing" Glass of Water "in different places There were similar texts, practically a word for word. Is that a pendulum? "
No, when someone's texts are published without reference to the original source, it is called differently: plagiarism. Although it's nice, of course, when you quote so hastily, that they forget to specify where they got. This means that the technique is good, liked. And I referred to the original source - there is a grandmother. Of course, they knew that water could be titrated. But the uninitiated people always believed to such things unpervently. Because it looks like a act of university - the shamanism is some kind of superstitious ...

And in transfing in general, how do you think there is something new? The answer is obvious: no one. Then why is it needed? After all, everything is already said? Thoughts are material, thoughts affect the matter that in thoughts, then in reality ... The point is that everything is said, but the question is - how? You can read the mountain of esoteric literature, but nothing and not to learn. Think how many times it happened when you watched some movie or read the book, and then asked ourselves: Well, what should I follow? Did it need to read it or watch it? Yes, of course, there is such a phenomenon and such knowledge. But what to do with it? It seems everything is clear. White milk, the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea ... But it is not clear to the end, something is not realized, it does not grasp.
It turns out that simple truth that lies on the surface is not so easy to formulate and turn into a technique having practical value. Little to have awareness, you need to realize and feel. Not to mention the fact that our worldview is filled with stupid stamps and stereotypes that exhaust the essence of truth. Look, I just said: Thoughts are material. Yes, they are not material! These are ideas - virtual images that hover in the same virtual space. Objectively existing - yes, but not material. Thoughts affect the matter? No again. Mental energy is hardly enough to shift matchbox on the table. And he moves it, strictly speaking, not the "energy of thoughts", but a biopol.
When it comes to managing reality, it is meant that thoughts irradiate not matter, but an image, a prototype in the virtual space of options, just as the frame on the film is highlighted and projected onto the reality screen.
On a glass of water, the influence is not the thoughts (ideas, images), but some radiation, related to mental activities and carrier information. What is this radiation, we still do not know and measure the instruments, so it is also intangible for us. What is in thoughts, then in reality? Yes, but how exactly? This is all the transfing about this: there is knowledge explained there, meaningful and turned into technology. And when I "a glass of water" explained, concretized and wrote the instruction, it became a technology that has practical value. Do you understand?