Cool short rhyme about cherry. Funny poems about cherry

Competition "Workout".

By supporting words, the work of N.Nosov is called. If the team does not know, another team responds.

Competition "Bureau of Finds".

(Things lie on the table covered)

1. Hat ("Live Hat")

3. Pan (Mishkin Porridge)

4. Scarecrow ("Garders")

8. Doggy - "Friendly";

Competition "You writing a letter"

1. .


(Bear "Friendly")

(Bear "Friendly")

For each correct answer, 1 point.

Competition "Erudite"

Competition "Erudite" KEY

Who scared wolf under the bed? Specify the name of the hero and the story.

but) Valya "Zanyaby" b) Ira "Fantasy" c) Tuk "Tuk - Tuk - Tuk"

How did Volodya in a hat in the story "Live Hat"?

a) stick b) toy c) Potato

What was the name of the heroes in the story "Funny Family"?

a) Kostya and Bear b) Bear and Bobka c) Cotka and Pavlik

Competition "Erudite"

Literary game - Quiz on works by N.Nosov

Competition "Workout".

Conditions of the game: Teams are in turn answering tasks in the presentation.

1. Electric train, suitcase, letter, ad. ("Friend") (slide 10)

2. Circus, Arithmetic, Lobzik, Glass. ("Vitya Maleev at school and at home") (slide11)

3. Bench, jam, Africa, sea. ("Fantasy" (slide 12)

4. Since the pig, blanket, table. ("Customers") (slide13)

5. Bucket, mug, samovar, Pescari. (Mishkin Poros) (Slide 14)

6. Tube, Call, Morse, Pathereon. ("Phone") (slide 15)

7. Banner, stump, plot, scarecrow. ("Garders") (slide 16)

8. Hat, kitten, potatoes, sofa. ("Live Hat") (Slide 17)

9. Chemistry, saucepan, tree, friend. ("Bengal lights") (slide 18)

10.Concert, problem book, diamonds, flour bags. ("Fedin Task") (Slide 19)

11. Topor, Rowan, Samovar. ("Tuk - Tuk - Tuk") (slide 20)

12. Bumper, hood, letter, pants. ("Car") (slide)

Competition "Bureau of Finds".

On the table there are objects mentioned in the books of N.Nosov. You must determine which story these things. The right answer is 2 points.

(Things lie on the table covered)

1. Hat ("Live Hat")

2. Toy machine ("car")

3. Pan (Mishkin Porridge)

4. Scarecrow ("Garders")

5. The book "Three Piglets" ("Casting")

6. Rowan twig ("Tuk-Tuk-Tuk")

7. Children's phone ("Phone")

8. Doggy - "Friendly";

9. Tutorial in mathematics (N. N. Fedin's Task)

Competition "You writing a letter"

1. "Dear Comrade Militizer! You incorrectly recorded the number. That is, you recorded the number correctly, only it is wrong that the driver is to blame. The driver is not to blame: We are to blame with a bear. We clung, but he did not know. The driver is good and goes correctly.


2. "Cute mommy! Allow me to keep a little puppy. He is very beautiful, the whole redhead, and the ear is black, and I love him very much. For that, I will always be obeying you, and I will learn well, and the puppy will teach it from him Growing a good, big dog. "

(Bear "Friendly")

3. "Who found a puppy in the suitcase, is very pleased to return Mishe Kozlov or write to the address: Sandy street, No. 8, sq.3.

(Bear "Friendly")

Competition "Complete Captains". For each correct answer, 1 point.

1. What was the name of the kitten in the story "Live Hat"? (Vaska)

2. Who pounded on the roof and scared the guys in the story "Tuk - Tuk"? (Crow)

3. What will the boys build an incubator and remove chickens? (Funny family)

4. In which magazine N.Nosov printed his first story? ("Murzilka")

5. Name the items that the heroes of the story of Mishkin Porza pushed water from the well. (Bucket, kettle, mug)

6. What number of the site was the heroes of the story "Ogorodniki"?

7. What is the name of the story, in which Mishutka and Stasik are composed of non-residents? ("Fantasy")

8. Heroes of which work violated the rules of the road? ("Car")

9. What product is this illustration? ("Fedin Task")

10. Who sat under hat frightening boys? (Kitty)

11. What was at first drowned in the well Bear in the story "Mishkin Porosh"? (Bucket)

12. Who was a friend of Viti Maleeva? (Kostya Shishkin)

13. What did Bear from the broken phone do in the "Phone" story? (Electric Call)

14. What did Statasik fly to us the moon in the story of "Fantasy"? (On rocket)

15. What was the name of the fish, which a bear fried in a pan in the story "Mishkin Porosh"? (gudgeon)

16. In which story, Mishka turned an aluminum pan into a frying pan? ("Bengal Lights")

Competition "Erudite"Test with questions about N. Nosov's stories. Each question is offered 3 options for answers. You need to choose from them the only correct and highlight the answer letter. For each correct answer, 1 point.

Competition "Erudite" KEY

Cherry - the berry ripe
Oh, how in time I slept,
In the garden today we will go,
And the whole cherry will collect.
On compote and on jam,
There will be kids treat.

Teslenko A.

Cherries, cherries tease an eye,
Yes grow high.
Hands to cherries will not reach
Can not get ripe.

- Oh, cherry cherry,
You poured juice,
Why are you growing
On a bitch high?

- Kaby grew down down,
We would not sleep,
Kaby grew closer
We would have ate long ago!

Marshak S.

Cherry delicious always,
We love in spite of the year.
You can add it in compote,
Or cook the jam from it.
So many properties are very useful,
We love the cherry that is.
Color it always learn
Again in the palm they gain it.

Cherry Red Seelings
in the branches milked,
and, like in the mirror, in the windows
looks like. I am fun
she scream: - Well, a girlfriend!
Give me a couple of ear
i poured, how much I want,
and then you swallow!
I stand under the tree,
cherries ripe people
here is already cherry juice
on the tummy flowing -
i am recruiting vitamins
i'm under the Cherry

Konayeva O.

Cherry in the summer assembling
On compote and on jam
In winter and frosty day
It will be an arrangement ...
Pies, dumplings
Mom cooks
Cherry from summer
The whole family feeds.

Krupinsky I.

Cherry, berry, cute girl
In a white dress shining;
Our beauty, our gorot,
Mauda's maiden!
Blue sky leans to you
To kiss you in a cheek!
The sky and then our cherry like it -
All in snow-white flowers!

Cherry is too much
The plate remained
Why? Yes, because
Cherry - House Worm!
I'll take another cherry
And it is clear from the bone,
And then welcome jam,
Here is a pleasure!

Shalimova O.

Cherries juicy ripe
We in our garden - not read,
We ate them yesterday! ..
And today we will eat!
Our belly - does not rest!
Pleasoned with a juice mouth! ..
Well, if the strength does not become,
Mom will make compote!

Breasts E.

Cherry from the branches we tear
And we gain bucket.
Mom rather we give him
Together we are compoted with the compote.
Cherries delicious, we know it
To eat together we adore them together.
Bones to spool, in the pot stuck,
New tree will grow in it.

Kush Handsome, most magnificent,
Call France - Cherry.
Storeroom juicy berries,
Will all jam for a year!

Siberians V.

The face of the cheating tanned,
It is observed by a sortshet,
And dark brown eyes
Light shine lights.

On the sun berries aleu
And cast, and bright, -
And also seem beautiful,
How is this dark-minded child.

And, there is a heart, in this similarity -
Ham on the path of her earthly ...
- Buy cherries! And Plutovka
In my eyes laughing at me!

Ice K.

How about Cherry-baby
They know everything does not first.
Love the berry such
Both girls and boys.
Will be a cherry to collect,
Cherry box filling
And palms will be too
Cherry color reminded.

Bogdarin A.

I am a cherry! And I! And I!
We live like a friendly family,
On motley branches
Sabers and neighbors.
Duet and trio, and quartet
On the cutters we, - like a bouquet
And beads - on branches,
Sabers and neighbors.
We are raining and the sun is only in the future -
All brighter, brighter round side.
Working, growing on branches,
Sabers and neighbors.
Hurry up to us a smart sparrow,
And you taste more, -
We tried so hard, kids,
For all mature on branches.

Kvitas O.

Ravy on Cherry Cherry
For him,
For Misha.
Three in buckets
Ten in the mouth ...
It would be necessary on the contrary,
Yes with me
Do not coop
And in the bucket comed out.
What a punishment!
I would know in advance
Did not take Under Cherry
Teddy Misha.

Gloss G.

And we cherries sisters
Although the growth is small
But in the compote Ile in jam
We are enjoyed!
On, try, well, closer
Tasty, your fingers are license!

Kozitsyn A.

In a clear noon, on the outcome of summer,
It was an old man of dear field;
Pulled the cherry young somewhere
And, pleased, carried her home.

He looked at fun eyes
On the fields, on the far between
And thought: "Let me in memory
The road has a cherry.

Let him grow big-predict
Let it go and wrench and height
And, our way to decorate,
Every year bathes in bloom.

The travelers in the shade will plunge her,
Rested in coolness, in silence,
And, dismissing juicy, ripe berries,
Maybe, remember me.

And will not remember - Eki Dosada, -
I am not a member at all:
Do not want - do not remember, do not, -
Anyway I will put a cherry! "

Isakovsky M.

Red beads on a branch,
Like bright candy.
So temptingly burning
Attracting birds in the garden.
Just a very sour taste
Such beautiful beads.
Not by moral cherry birds,
Do not want to acidify.
I love cherries,
I weld them with sugar.
Delicious jam -
Take a treat!

Lavrova T.

One, two, three, four, five,
We will collect cherries,
Verial Wedderko
Fully, with a flood.
Burgundy cherries
We will be healthy!
We collect with a bush,
Kushai, son and daughter!

Dulepina Yu

Here in a cherry plate
Round, ruddy,
Nothing in it is superfluous
All delicious and nice
Waiting for a visit to her will come
Misha boy,
Treat him soon
wants a cherry.

Look, I'm on cherry!
Above the dad, above the bears,
Above cats, above Svetka,
I sit on the top branch!
Near so many ripe berries!
Only very painful pa-a-a-give ...

Starachevskaya M.

Cherry blooms elegant
In our small garden,
See cherry glad to me
Snow white in color!
You grow to grow big
Rushing in heaven,
Our cherry native
Our pride and beauty!

White Used Earth -
Cherry petals.
And on the branch - two roses ...
Take a walk, what came out?
Do not scream, do not go,
Look surprised.
How to understand it?
Just sighs sleepy.
Why land Bela.
Heat in spring?
Blizzard did not chalk in the morning
The rain was not walking with the paint ...
Just the cherry blossomed:
Petals fell.
Distracted hairces in the morning.
Simply - they made.

Kapitonova S.

And jam and compote
From ripened cherry
Red Juice Izmazal Roth -
All questions are superfluous.

Cherry Cherry Cherry Jam
Cherry jam failed I am all summer
Cherry and delicious fruit bloomed garden.
Floral and cherry crazy I am glad.
At Vishnev's branch sat, combed
But my mother left, I have guessed everything.
And Mom welded compote and jam,
Cherry jam, from cherry jam.
Cherry jam - winter jacket,
For breakfast, for dinner - one pleasure.
How Carlson Jam I A Spoon Draw -
And I don't know more happiness in the world.


On the tree in Grisha
Hang two ripe cherries.
Hang and argue which of them
more and delicious.
"I would try Grizhenka,"
One said Cherry.
"Me, such a sweet
And would be fun! "
"No, I will like Grisha!"
The second argues Cherry.
"He immediately flies me
And quickly grow up. "
So argued two cherries,
Until they ate their griece,
And mommy exclaimed:
Well, Grisha! In gives! ".

Children's poems about the tree cherry, picking up cherries, cherry in bloom, cherry berries and cherry jam:

T. Lavrov

Red beads on a branch,
Like bright candy.
So temptingly burning
Attracting birds in the garden.

Just a very sour taste
Such beautiful beads.
Not by moral cherry birds,
Do not want to acidify.
And I cherry I love
I weld them with sugar.
Delicious jam -
Take a treat!

A. Teslenko

Cherry - the year matured,
Oh, how in time I slept,
In the garden today we will go,
And the whole cherry will collect.
On compote and on jam,
There will be kids treat.

E. Brezanov

Cherry juicy ripe
We in our garden - not read,
We ate them yesterday! ..
And today we will eat!
Our belly - does not rest!
Pleasoned with a juice mouth! ..
Well, if the strength does not become,
Mom will make compote!

V. Sibirtsev

Kush Handsome, most magnificent,
Call France - cherry.
Storeroom juicy berries,
Will all jam for a year!

I. Krupinsky

Vishni Summer collect
On compote and on jam
In winter and frosty day
It will be an arrangement ...
Pies, dumplings
Mom cooks
Cherry from summer
All family feed

I. Fink

And jam and compote
From risening cherry
Red Juice Izmazal Roth -
All questions are superfluous.

Jam is cherry cherry blossom
Cherry jam failed I am all summer
Cherry and delicious fruit bloomed garden.
Floral and cherry crazy I am glad.
At Vishnev's branch sat, combed
But my mother left, I have guessed everything.
And Mom welded compote and jam,
Cherry jam, from cherry jam.
Cherry jam - winter jacket,
For breakfast, for dinner - one pleasure.
How Carlson Jam I A Spoon Draw -
And I don't know more happiness in the world.

Y. Dulepina

One, two, three, four, five,
We will cherrycollect,
Verial Wedderko
Fully, with a flood.
Burgundy cherries
We will be healthy!
We collect with a bush,
Kushai, son and daughter!

O. Kvitash

I - cherry! And I! And I!
We live like a friendly family,
On motley branches
Sabers and neighbors.
Duet and trio, and quartet
On the cutters we, - like a bouquet
And beads - on branches,
Sabers and neighbors.
We are raining and the sun is only in the future -
All brighter, brighter round side.
Working, growing on branches,
Sabers and neighbors.
Hurry up to us a smart sparrow,
And you taste more, -
We tried so hard, kids,
For all mature on branches.

M. Starchevskaya

Look, I'm on cherry!
Above the dad, above the bears,
Above cats, above Svetka,
I sit on the top branch!
Near so many ripe berries!
Only very painful pa-a-a-give ...

O. Konayeva

Cherry Red seventures
in the branches milked,
And, like in the mirror, in the windows
Looks like. I am fun
She scream: - Well, a girlfriend!
Give me a couple of ear
I poured, how much I want,
And then you swallow!
I stand under the tree,
Cherries ripe people
Here is already cherry juice
on the tummy flowing -
I am recruiting vitamins
I'm under the Cherry

L. Shkileva

Who is on the roof itself?
Branch bending chercere,
Berries scored in a wicker?
This is a girl Alenka.

Here in the plate cherry
Round, ruddy,
Nothing in it is superfluous
All delicious and nice
Waiting for a visit to her will come
Misha boy,
Treat him soon
Wants a cherry.

O. Shahamova

Cherry is too much
The plate remained
Why? Yes, because
Cherry - House Worm!
I'll take another cherry
And it is clear from the bone,
And then welcome jam,
Here is a pleasure!

A. Kozitsyn

And we cherry sister
Although the growth is small
But in the compote Ile in jam
We are enjoyed!
On, try, well, closer
Tasty, your fingers are license!

S. Kapitonova

White Used Earth -
Petals cherry.
And on the branch - two roses ...
Take a walk, what came out?
Do not scream, do not go,
Look surprised.
How to understand it?
Just sighs sleepy.
Why land Bela.
Heat in spring?
Blizzard did not chalk in the morning
The rain was not walking with the paint ...
Just the cherry blossomed:
Petals fell.
Distracted hairces in the morning.
Simply - they made.

On the tree in Grisha
Hang two ripes hang cherry.
Hang and argue which of them
More and delicious.
"It would try Grizhenka," -
One said Cherry. -
"Me, such sweet
And would be fun! "
"No, I will like the Grisha!" -
The second argues Cherry. -
"I immediately flies me
And quickly grow up. "
So argued two cherries,
Until they ate their griece,
And mommy exclaimed:
Well, Grisha! In gives! "

N. Nois

It would be not too superfluous
With the soul of the issue of the burden:
"Well, why inside cherry
Hide bones all the time? "
I sit, I spit them in a saucer ...
Outside the window in full swing summer ...
Birds laugh fun
From dawn to dawn.
Lyitude is not a burden ...
Will I am akin to metal!
I have from Cherry Puzo,
Like a globe, round has become.
But he only trust himself.
Let a changeable guise!
I stubbornly check
In the cherries of the bone cash.
"Once, two, three, ...", "I think stupidly ...
And at least the consequence is done,
The conclusion is made: "Hiding stupid
What will be spoiled! "

Stars crumbled across the sky.
Quiet New Year's Eve.
I'm with a glove dress to Nadnu,
The snow promised me to help.

Snowflakes will touch quietly
Of all branches, up to one.
And the wind dispels light
Diamond dust.

Will whisper to me:
- You are just wonderful!
But I remember you in the spring ...
In the colors of snow-white charming,
Only tenderness will compare with you.

The White Charming Cloud
Your branches will cover.
Love extending limits
You make your arms.

And youth ...

Well, my cute cherry!
My native, beloved!
You cost now, as if unnecessary,
Do you remember, were you smart?

Like white cloud gentle,
Tahila dreams and as before
You are thin branches not bold
Substrucking the sun in hope.

And juice filled berries
I walked me
And cargo of my thoughts and
I always divided with me

Is my pretty nice? Fall…
I'm also afraid of her, you know ...
Look, Won Heavenly Prosi.
Dream, you can. Dream?

Do not be afraid, I am next to you,
We can, you ...

Once you wake up in amazement,
You hear birds trills in the meadow.
And the heart creates in admiration -
Around everything in white and pink snow!

What happened overnight suddenly with nature?
Where so much light and heat?
Overcoming frost and bad weather
Fluffy foam cherry blossomed!

All the space flooded
Shooting flowers fountains in the embroidery!
Throwing the fragrant decoration
Welcomes Beauty Spring!

Smoking white flowers
Bride young to himself manit.
And he freezes the heart under the branches ...

lip cherries in spring
Rose Purple Sun.
We were involved in the evening guard
Dared to night copper
Snow-white fire revealed

Speak talk to me
so I heard a pulse ether
and river silver echo
and the bugger of the alley of autumn
And the Winted Rain Arf
and meadows gilded air

To birds fly to listen
And on the heart nests the azure
and in the eyes were cast by light

Speak with me silently
flesh of fiery touches
Honey with honey smile
Pearl thirst ...

Cherries ripe in our garden.
Feeling everywhere next to bloom.
Juicy paints, bright ecstasy.
Women's caress, tears of eyes.

Here the wind wakes up a new sheet.
Do not forget me a white handkerchief.
Life to remember will be the tenderness of yours.
You are my miracle, the best comfort.

Breaks are broken, not considering cherries.
We will not eat them together.
Delicious flesh let every year
Gives you a joy of sweet fruit.

Ripe such and fragrance
Just because it is not delicious,
Eating couples of lovers of people ...

Poems do not need a gift.
Wafence in them, beautifulness and pretense.
The eyes would have been a gentleman.
The soul did not become the crust of herself.

And he still looks aside.
On those who are noting, ponaivney.
It is unfortunately cheerful, then he is angry,
That is solar, then dark as Ruin.

Your birthday. In the house celebration.
But the mission will not raise the mirror.
Yes, and wine - it is as tart.
But children are copies of him ...

Poems to put out my lot
But I can't understand your feelings otherwise.
From the bitter words of your who got a little more
A lump in his chest and my heart crying.

He gave him to the passion of mimoletny
But you won't get affectionately "I love" in response,
For pleasure asks Mzda Mint,
And I loved without a korear, but there is no more.

Probably so inscribed in fate
What to be to you my sore wound.
Merciful and cruel you with me
And fill the soul bitterness to Pogan.
Now let's see ...

This should be studied
And not the rhymes to read everything.
In the folding line all the ease of the word
And the carelessness of being!
And I, as a truly snake,
I want everyone to think
Not over the stanza
That in the world of words we do without problems
Quoting Socrates wise
And about Shakespeare without a bore
We can talk for hours!
But why can't you
At the moment of life?!
Apply everything that we love to state
And the prevention is secured
Who are in the centuries,
Do not bring the day at night?!
Surely it is difficult to be in ...

Well, my cute cherry!
My native, beloved!
You cost now, as if unnecessary,
Do you remember, were you smart?

Like white cloud gentle,
Tahila dreams and as before
You are thin branches not bold
Substrucking the sun in hope.

And the juice filled ...

https: //www.Sype/poetry/149790.

From Japan and China. A shrubs tall up to 1.0-1.5 m, in appearance similar to c. Iron, blooms with 5-6 years of age at the same time as leaf is blown. Flowers numerous, pinkish; The fruits are bright red. Cherry Shrub (Cerasus fruticosa). It is found in Europe and Western Siberia. Shrub 1-1.5 meters high with extended, dark green shiny, lightening leaves up to 4 cm long. Flowers from the middle ...

https: //www.Syt/journal/18581.

Once you wake up in amazement,
You hear birds trills in the meadow.
And the heart creates in admiration -
Around everything in white and pink snow!

What happened overnight suddenly with nature?
Where so much light and heat?
Overcoming frost and bad weather
Fluffy ...

https: //www.Sype/poetry/143269.

In Tibet, this is one of the oldest traditions. Take a large mirror. Be in front of him naked, build faces, commit funny Things - and watch. Just doing it and watching for fifteen-twenty-thirty minutes, you will ... Hands, it is just something in your hands. You can play with him both both. Look for new ways to crush faces, do funny gestures, do everything you can, and it will give you a great release, and you will begin to look at yourself not as a body, ...

https: //www.Sype/Religion/11882.

Make meditation - in Tibet is one of the oldest traditions. Take a large mirror. Be in front of him naked, build faces, make funny Things - and watch. Just doing it and watching for 15-20-30 minutes, you will be surprised. You will begin ... It's just something in your hands. You can play with him both both. Look for new ways to crush faces, do funny gestures, make everything you can, and it will give you a great release, and you will begin to look at yourself not as a body ...