Biography of rich and successful people. The history of successful people in the world

IN modern world there are many billionaires, and there is nothing surprising here, but exactly how they achieved their financial excellence is truly amazing. Not all of them are the flashy waste-seekers that we see them in Hollywood bulletins. In fact, many of them surround themselves with modest attributes of life. We've rounded up the best money-thinking tips from the world's richest people.

1. Michael Bloomberg

Personal net worth: 34.3 billion

Realize what is good for you and follow it.

Michael Bloomberg is well known as one of the most controversial mayors New York, and the majority shareholder of LP Bloomberg, a global information company for financial market participants. One of the facts that nobody knows about is that in the last 10 years, Michael has only bought two pairs of shoes. These are two pairs of black loafers that go perfectly with all the suits the billionaire feels most comfortable in.

He realized what was good for him and was investing the fortune that could have been spent on an unnecessary pair of shoes in really useful things.

2. Bill Gates

Personal capital: 79 billion

Making mistakes in finances is a common occurrence in life. We all do this, with the difference that those who reach financial heights in life not only make mistakes, but also learn from them. Bill Gates, well known as one of the richest people in the world, once said.

It's good to enjoy your success, but it's much more important to remember mistakes..

3. Ingvar Kamprad

Personal capital: 53 billion

Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, believes that a lot of spending is absolutely useless, even if money burns your pocket. Like many other super wealthy people, he chooses economy class flights instead of his private jet. In his memoirs, Kamprad writes:

We don't need flashy cars that inspire titles, uniforms, or other status symbols. We really rely on our own strength and will.

4. Warren Buffett

Personal net worth: 66.1 billion

Buy a home that suits your needs.

Warren Buffett - classic example the golden rule. He still lives in Omaha, Nebraska, in a home he bought in 1958 for $ 31,500. Despite a fortune of billions of dollars in the account, Buffett sees no point in living in an incredible mansion. He feels happy in his modest 5-room home in the heart of America.

5. Oprah Winfrey

Personal Capital: 2.9 billion

This simple piece of advice was instrumental in Oprah's life. Now this advice has become an aphorism

You become what you believe in. Where you are in your life is based on what you believed before.

The realization that it really brings you joy and then helps you achieve the highest results.

6. Richard Branson

Personal net worth: 5.1 billion

Set goals and do everything to achieve them.

British billionaire and founder of VirginGroup, Richard Branson started out with a list of goals. The goals on this list were not even realistic, but he set them and did everything to achieve them. He knew that goal-setting is the foundation of success.

7. Carlos Slim Hel

Personal net worth: 78.5 billion

Put it aside from your youth.

Carlos Slim, a Mexican businessman who, like Bill Gates, was named the richest man on the planet, shares the most important tips for financial success. Start saving money as early as possible! The sooner you start saving money and managing it wisely, the better it will be for you in the future, regardless of the position you hold and will hold.

8. John Codwell

Personal net worth: 2.6 billion

Don't neglect public transport.

A businessman from England has achieved his success in the mobile communications industry, but this does not mean that he uses an expensive car and flaunts his fortune. In fact, he enjoys walking, riding his bike and using public transport.

9. David Cheriton

Personal net worth: 1.7 billion

Learn to do things yourself.

David Cheriton was an early investor in Google and is enjoying the results of his $ 100,000 investment in 1998. He nevertheless turns his hair down and cuts his own hair. Even such a seemingly insignificant amount can be useful in other areas of life. Just think about how much money you give to other people, while you can do the same things yourself.

10. Mark Zuckerberg

Personal capital: 30 billion

Be humble.

Even the founder of Facebook lives frugally in many aspects of his life. One example is his auto, the $ 30,000 Acura sedan. He can afford absolutely any car or even a whole ship, but instead he chooses a modest and practical car.

11. John Donald MacArthur

Personal Capital: 3.7 billion

Make a budget and stick to it.

MacArthur was the sole shareholder of Bankers Life and Casualty Company. Despite living in the era of Hollywood glitz and glamor, MacArthur gave up expensive purchases and lived very modestly. He never owned luxury goods, had no press agents, and had an annual budget of $ 25,000.

12. Rose Kennedy

The financial condition at the time of death is unknown.

Be creative and look for cost alternatives.

Rose Kennedy is better known as the infamous matriarch famous family... But her money-saving tactics were amazing. Especially when you consider the wealth accumulated by the family. Instead of buying packs of waste paper, she preferred to wait until the end of the year and bought old desk calendars that were no longer relevant. As a rule, it was cheaper than waste paper. it good example saving even in small things.

13.Thomas Boone Pickens

Personal Capital: 1 billion

Make a shopping list and don't take more cash than you need.

Oil tycoon and billionaire Pickens always practices alone the right way saving money. He never carries in his wallet more moneythan he needs. He makes a shopping list before going to the store. And he buys only what is on this list. And the amount of money in his wallet will not allow him to break this rule. You can't spend money that you don't have, can you?

14. Jim Walton

Personal net worth: 34.7 billion

You don't need the latest and greatest.

Jim Walton, the youngest son of WalMart founder Sam Walton, lives a humble lifestyle. This is how his father always taught him. Despite his financial success, he still drives a pickup truck that is over 15 years old. He understands that you need to get everything from your vehicle without a trace. Instead of driving around in the most luxurious and expensive car you can buy.

15. Donald Trump

Personal Capital: 3.9 billion

Donald Trump has earned his success with his hard work. Many losers think Trump is just lucky in the world of finance. But Trump says luck comes after hard work.

If your work is paying off, then most likely people will say that you are just lucky. Maybe it’s because you’re lucky enough to have brains to work with.!

16.Robert Kuok

Personal Capital: 11.5 billion

Use all the opportunities that you have.

Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia, lives by the rules he learned from his mother. Never be greedy, don't take advantage of others, and always have high moral standards when it comes to your relationship with money. Robert says that in order to be financially successful, you must be courageous and always take every opportunity that comes your way. Even when others question your ability.

17. Lee Kashin

Personal Capital: 31 billion

Live modestly.

Lee is the richest man in Asia and is one of the ten richest people in the world. Lee owns an empire that is represented in 52 countries with 270,000 employees. He believes his incredible success lies in a simple and humble life. When you start your journey, you must train yourself to live modestly and not be proud of your fortune.

18. Jack Ma

Personal Capital: 10 billion

The customer always comes first.

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group and billionaire, believes that customers should always be number one priority. They are followed by workers, and the last in this chain should be shareholders. Ma believes that a person's attitude towards how they live their life is more important than their ability.

19. Howard Schultz

Personal Capital: 2.2 billion

I never wanted to be one of the billionaire list. I have never defined myself by my wealth. I always try to define myself and my values.

Howard Schultz, chairman of the board of directors of Starbucks, said that a person's values \u200b\u200bare much more important than his capital.

Do you want to become a coach in your field, make big money and influence society? You can learn this live "". Come!

Someone turns over millions and billions, but this is not you yet? To be honest, what do you think when you hear success stories about Her or about Him, which are all fantastically successful: the first million years like this at 25, the most expensive car, a luxurious house, several operating businesses that inspire assets .... The success stories of wealthy people are, in fact, too motley to be "combed" with the same brush and taken stereotyped.

It can often seem that rich people have become rich without touching a finger - after all, behind such a successful person there were already mountains of gold, green rustling bills donated by parents, and not to take advantage of all this is a sin.

So that nothing seems to happen, and finally understand the reality for yourself - that you can sit in the soft leather interior of a car, or open a bottle of the most expensive wine on your own terrace, and all this without reference to the already prepared soil, we will simply demonstrate 10 real stories of formation the richest people in the world for virtually nothing. From scratch, no support and no gold diapers.

By the way, not all the biographies of the world's wealthy people, about whom we will now tell, are familiar to you. If you were guided only by Forbes ratings - there will be an opening. Isn't there a reason to expand your own boundaries?

10. Michael Rubin opens the ten richest people on the planet. The future billionaire and founder of Kynetic sold seeds to neighbors as a child. At the age of 10, an enterprising boy already hired 5 children to remove snow from neighbors' lawns for payment. At the age of 14, Michael already had his own store, and at 23, he led a company with a turnover of $ 50 million. Michael's fortune is estimated at $ 2.3 billion. Almost always strong personalities begin this way: with the manifestation of an entrepreneurial vein since early years.

9. Oprah Winfrey will be the only woman in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Yes, not in the first place, but if it were a rating of hard work and dedication, she could safely give the championship. She is now 62 years old and her path to success has nothing to do with the story of Cinderella. She can answer questions about how rich people became rich based on personal experience: she plowed and achieved everything herself. Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor family. Mother was a maid and father was a miner.

For the first 6 years of her life, Oprah lived with her grandmother in the wilderness. The American TV presenter herself admitted in an interview that she was raped at 9 years old and became pregnant at 14. The child died shortly after birth. At the age of 17, Oprah began working as a reporter, and in 1986 she created her own program - The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 2011 she launched her own television channel OWN. The TV presenter's fortune is estimated at $ 3.2 billion.

8. This guy doesn't turn over tens of billions, as some of the rating representatives, but he has something in stock: almost 10 billion dollars of his own earned capital. He owns 7.6% of the shares of Facebook. Dustin Moskowitz was born into a Jewish family in Washington. His father worked as a psychiatrist, but more information about Dustin's family was not disclosed.

7. In the honorable seventh place of our TOP-10 richest people Canadian-American engineer Elon Musk. He is 12 years older than Dustin Moskowitz. Elon Musk's capital is $ 12.3 billion. He founded SpaceX and The latter, after merging with Confinity, was named PayPal and was sold for $ 1.5 billion. Musk was born in South Africa. True, the father was a businessman, and the mother was a famous model, so it is difficult to call the family poor. But there is a downside to the coin - at school Elon was often beaten, and this, of course, left a considerable mark on the level of self-esteem.

At 12, Elon made his first video game and sold it for $ 500. It was the first self-employment on the road to billions. If you look at what these children do from an early age, you can predict future success for them. And success "overtook" Elon.

6. Meet Li Kashin - the richest and most influential person in Hong Kong and Asia. While Forbes estimated the capital of Hong Kong "Superman" and counted 25.5 billion dollars, it grew to 34. And this is the data for 2015. We think Lee has done well for 2016. In narrow circles, this enterprising Hong Konger is called "Superman" and is now 87 years old.

Li Kashin is the chairman of the board of Cheung Kong Group and Hutchison Whampoa, which capitalize about 15% of the Hong Kong stock market. Among the stories of rich people who started from scratch, his is one of the most difficult. For understanding: Lee was born in the family of an ordinary teacher.

From the fifth grade, Kashin began selling watch straps, and a little later he got a job at a factory producing plastic watches. 16 hours of work at the factory and after attending evening school - this is how the Hong Kong guy Li Kashin began his journey to the first million. Having gained experience in the factory, he began to sell plastic flowers himself, and soon became the head of his own company.

5. The stories of rich people who started from scratch are not the same. Like the story of Sergei Brin, who also falls into our ranking of the richest people in the world in fifth place. Sergey is nothing at all - 42 years old and he is the co-founder of Google. Sergei was born into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States in 1979, and the future billionaire was only 5 years old. In 2016, according to Forbes magazine, the fortune of an American entrepreneur with Russian roots was estimated at almost $ 35 billion.

4. You've probably heard about this guy too. Larry Page is an American billionaire who, together with Sergey Brin, made the first search engine, which eventually grew into the most powerful tool for finding any information - Google. Larry was born into a family of professors, and while studying at the prestigious Stanford University, he met Brin. The joint launch of Google, as we see, has become a gold mine for the guys. Now the fortune of Larry Page is estimated at $ 32.3 billion, and this is 17th place in the Forbes ranking, however, in 2014. We dare to assume that in 2 years a couple of billions have increased.

Biographies of the world's richest people: TOP-3. Who are the leaders?

3. Another example of crazy success without any, it would seem, chances of it from birth - American businessman Sheldon Adelson. Sheldon is one of the twenty richest people according to Forbes magazine. Adelson proves once again: the richest people on the planet are not those who were born and immediately fell into golden swaddling clothes. The son of a taxi driver, a 12-year-old newspaper salesman, a court reporter and even a toiletry salesman. Sheldon got a lot. The future American billionaire was born into a Jewish family. And by the way, he is recognized as the richest Jew.

According to the most recent data, which were announced, Sheldon Adelson's fortune is $ 38 billion. Not bad, right? The billionaire receives his main income from his investments in real estate: the construction of casinos, hotels, shops, expo centers, etc.

2. We only write "Mark", and you already understand who in question... And yes, you are not mistaken. The founder of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is also in the TOP-10 of the richest people in the world. In May, the information on the status of Mark (talking about money) was updated, and the capital was $ 51.6 billion. But the guy is only 32 years old! By the way, like many on the list, it is of Jewish origin. Father is a dentist, mother is a psychiatrist. Mark has 3 sisters. How much do you think the doctors could provide for 4 children? While still a schoolboy, Mark developed a network version of the game "Risk", and while studying at Harvard - an internal social network, which he himself did not bring to mind, but the guys came to the rescue: Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and others.

1. The ex-president of Inditex could not be out of our list of the TOP 10 richest people in the world. And, you know, we put it first. While many are multiplying their incomes several times, Amancio Ortega, we are sure, is not "lost". It was he who in October last year received the title of the richest man on the planet according to Forbes magazine. But in May 2016, his fortune was estimated at $ 72.9 billion. If the name of the Indetex company does not tell you anything, then you have heard about the Zara brand. Here Amancio is the founder of this brand as well.

Amancio's father was a railroad worker, and his mother, even "better", was a servant. The family was so poor that the guy did not even graduate from high school, and from the age of 13 he began working as a messenger in a shirt store. Yes, did the 13-year-old guy then think that in 2015 he would lead the ranking of the richest people on the planet? Doubt. Today, the billionaire invests considerable amounts in real estate in Florida, Madrid, London, as well as in banks and tourism.

This is how the ranking of the richest people in the world looks like, who started the path to their success from scratch. Are there no borders? They really don't exist. Just act and any goal will be achieved. Who knows, maybe you will find yourself in the Forbes ranking in a couple of years.

Probably, everyone was once interested in learning about the 10 richest people in the world.

This article examines in detail the richest people in the world, indicates the sources of their condition and changes in it in comparison with the last year.

The first place is occupied by Bill Gates, who has been the leader for the second year, the second place is taken by Carlos Slim Elu and the third is taken by Warren Buffett.

1st place went to William Henry Gates III

Bill Gates has been a planet for 12 years now. In the photographs, Bill is always wearing glasses, because due to prolonged work at the computer, his eyesight deteriorated. Looks good for his 54 years old. His fortune is estimated at $ 53 billion.

Almost everyone knows his occupation. Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft and is also the non-executive chairman of the board of directors. Keeping in the first place of the richest people in the world, in 2008 he lost it to Warren Buffett, after which, in 2009, he again took first place. And still vying for leadership in the list of "richest people in the world" with Carlos Slim Elu.

Second place goes to Carlos Slim Elu

For 71, looking at the pictures, Carlos looks pretty good. And this is not surprising, because according to the latest data, his fortune is estimated at more than 74 billion dollars.

In 2012, Carlos managed to outstrip Gates by $ 18 billion. Carlos Slim Elu was able to push Bill Gates out of first place thanks to the tremendous growth in the shares of his American Mobile corporation by almost 27%, which greatly helped him in this leap - after all, he owns 67% of the shares of this company.

The entrepreneur began his activities in Mexico, owns many television channels in this city, as well as some shares in large Mexican and american companies... Carlos Slim Elu is a Mexican citizen, but he also has Arabic roots, since his parents are from Lebanon.

Warren Edward Buffett took third

Probably, almost all the inhabitants of the planet know this American investor now. In 2008, he was able to take first place in the ranking of "the richest people in the world", but soon had to give way first to Gates and then to Carlos Al. His fortune has reached 50 billion US dollars as a result of successful investments in various industries.

He has been nicknamed "The Oracle of Omaha" for his amazing ability to anticipate investment success. Owns shares for over 10 years, and this indicates the correctness of the position of long-term investments.

The fourth place is given to Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault is one of the most successful people in the world. The fortune of the French businessman is estimated at $ 41 billion. Owns 47% of shares in LVMH, a leading luxury goods company. Owner of the famous trade marks Louis Vuitton, Kenzo, Chaumet, Givenchy, Guerlain, TAG Heuer, Moët & Chandon, Hennessy. In 1999, he wanted to buy the Gucci Group. Unfortunately, the $ 6.15 billion deal fell through.

Fifth place went to Lawrence Joseph Ellison

His fortune reached $ 39.5 billion. Lawrence is the founder of the well-known company "Oracle", an investor in the largest company NetSuite Inc.

Increases its income through investments in some companies and has achieved good results in this. In 1990, Oracle struggled with branch layoffs and layoffs, but Larry proved to be a successful leader and reinstated the firm.

Sixth place is taken by Lakshmi Nivas Mittal

The fortune is estimated at $ 31.1 billion. Due to her persistence in achieving her goals, Lakshmi calls herself the "Bill Gates of India".

He is the owner of the world's largest metallurgical company, Arcelor Mittal, with branches in all countries. In Ukraine, he has a plant "Arcelor Mittal Kryvyi Rih", the purchase of which he negotiated with Yulia Tymoshenko.

When communicating with people, Lakshmi is more focused on personality than on official contacts. Can find compromises, and tolerate people. The richest people in the world are people too, oddly enough.

Seventh place went to Amancio Ortega

In 2014, his fortune is estimated at $ 31 billion. Owns a large Spanish brand "Zara", the profit from which is constantly increasing.

The production, distribution and sale of clothing takes place without intermediaries, which allows the prices of a popular brand to be reduced by 25%. The company quickly picks up the latest fashion trends and therefore known all over the world.

8th place - Eyck Batista

He is ranked 8th on the list of "richest people in the world" thanks to his $ 30 billion in cash savings. He earned this amount while working in the mining industry in his home country of Brazil.

He remained faithful to his country and does not leave it, which cannot but please the tax authorities. He began his career with gold mining, and later took up other types of iron ores. At 51, he has 2 children and was married to a Playboy cover girl.

Ninth place is given to Mukesh Ambani

Has a fortune of $ 27 billion thanks to oil company Reliance Industries. The company, together with his brother, was inherited from his father, but the brothers quarreled and divided it among themselves.

His income is growing steadily, and he may soon take the first place on the list of "richest people in the world."

Tenth place went to Christy Walton

We find Christy Walton among the most successful people in the world. The world famous trade corporation Wal-Mart Christie inherited from her husband who crashed in a car accident. Initially, the widow received $ 25 billion, but by 2012 she increased her capital to 28.5 billion, making it the 10th position on the list of billionaires in the world.

Wal-Mart is a major retail chain of stores around the world. The company employs more than 6,500 stores with 2 million employees serving nearly 180 million customers worldwide.


The richest people in the world are always interesting, as they can be charged with motivation and adopt the necessary beliefs. This list of the richest people in the world proves once again that we always have something to strive for. Good luck with everything.

The Rockefeller name has become a symbol of wealth.

John Rockefeller was the second child of six children.

He recalled that his father from an early age told him about the enterprises in which he participated, explained the principles of doing business.

Rockefeller wrote about his father: “He often bargained with me and bought various services from me. He taught me how to buy and sell. My father just 'coached' me to get rich! "

When John was seven years old, he began to feed turkeys for the sale, moonlighted, digging potatoes for neighbors.

He recorded all the results of commercial activities in his little book. He invested all the money he earned in a porcelain piggy bank, and at the age of 13 he lent a friend to a farmer $ 50 at the rate of 7.5% per annum.

His father's upbringing was continued by his mother, from whom he learned hard work and discipline. Since the family was large, and her father's businesses did not always end well, she often had to save.

At 13, John went to school in Richford. In his autobiography, he wrote that it was difficult for him to study and had to study hard to complete his lessons.

As John Rockefeller was one of the oldest children in the family, then at the age of 16 he went to look for work.

This goes on six days a week for six weeks. The job search was difficult, but Rockefeller did not want to return to the farm. With great difficulty, he got a job as an assistant accountant, and this was a turning point in his life, because he entered the world of business and became a part of it.

He was quickly able to establish himself as a competent professional, and as soon as the company's accountant left his post, Rockefeller was immediately appointed to his place. At the same time, the salary was set at $ 600, while his predecessor received $ 2000, because of this, Rockefeller left the company, and this was his only employment in his biography.

Rockefeller was only 19 years old, but he already had a certain start-up capital, earned in 3 years of work. He also borrowed some money from his father. This was done in order to organize a small business selling flour, grain, pork and other products.

His business successfully developed and flourished, and at some point John Rockefeller thought about investing in the real sector of the economy. And then he was faced with the question of finding an effective investment object.

One late evening he was walking down the street and noticed that there was a light in every house - people were lighting kerosene lamps. "So what?" - any other person would say.

After all, what was oil at that time? It was something new that was used to make industrial kerosene. There was not even a talk about gasoline.

But Rockefeller understood: the world does not stand still, cities are growing and the need for lighting is growing, so the oil from which kerosene is produced will soon become the main commodity that will be valued no less than gold.

John Rockefeller became systematically invest into oil, and this tactic was crowned with success: he caught a good macroeconomic trend, because “black gold” became one of the most needed commodities.

His company Standard Oil was established in 1870.

At the beginning of his career, the future billionaire noticed that the entire oil business is a kind of chaotic machine. He understood that only by putting things in order at work, it would be possible to think about some kind of commercial success.

The business began to generate income, and Rockefeller began to gradually buy up other oil firms one by one, small businesses that were not too expensive.

By 1880, thanks to numerous small and medium mergers, Rockefeller had 95% of America's oil production.

Rockefeller children were to inherit a huge fortune, and that was a big responsibility.

Rockefeller knew that God's gift cannot be let down the wind, and with all his might he taught children to work, modesty and unpretentiousness.

John Rockefeller Jr. later said that in childhood money seemed to him a mysterious substance: “They were ubiquitous and invisible. We knew that there was a lot of money, but we also knew that it was not available. " For the one who was dressed in girls' dresses until the age of eight (the Rockefellers were wearing old things one after another, and they did not have a second boy), the future billionaire put it extremely softly.

John Rockefeller Sr. created a model of the market economy at home: he appointed his daughter Laura " director general”And told the children to keep detailed accounting books.

Each child received two cents for a killed fly, ten cents for sharpening one pencil, and five for an hour of music lessons.

A day of abstaining from sweets was worth two cents, each subsequent day was estimated at ten cents. Each of the children had their own bed in the garden - ten weeds pulled out cost one penny.

Rockefeller Jr. earned fifteen cents an hour for chopping wood, one of the daughters received money for going around the house in the evenings and turning off the lights.

For being late for breakfast, the little Rockefellers were fined one cent, they received one piece of cheese a day, and on Sundays they were not allowed to read anything but the Bible.

The wife was in no way inferior to her husband: the generous Rockefeller was about to buy a bicycle for the children, but she said that extra bicycles were not needed in the house: "Having one bicycle for four, they will learn to share with each other ..."

The results of such upbringing were quite contradictory.

John Rockefeller was one of the greatest philanthropists in American history.

Throughout his life, he will pay church tithes - 10% of his monthly income.

In addition, he will build the University of Chicago, Spelman College, Rockefeller University, Museum of Modern Art, monasteries and the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

In 1917, John Rockefeller will transfer all his affairs to his eldest son. And 20 years later, the oil tycoon will die.

And his charitable foundation still exists, bringing benefits to people.

Now listen to the story of one slave.

His name was Telumzhin, he was an illiterate person.

There was nothing on top of his resources. On the second bowl are huge, powerful states: China, India, Iran and many others, smaller.

By that time, China had not only an innumerable human resource, but paper, gunpowder had already been invented, and the Great Wall of China was built.

On the side of Iraq, Iran - an army of 250 thousand people and a rich financial resource.

Imagine this historical scale: on the one hand, gigantic territories, advanced science, troops and wealth, on the other, one illiterate beggar.

Not even a state, not a principality, because the Mongols at that time lived in ulus, families, tribal communities, but only one person. His father headed the family, but his neighbors ruined his ulus, killed his father, and sold him into slavery.

The first thing he did was to escape from slavery, to find freedom.

Returning to his native land, he gathered in his own ulus relatives scattered throughout the steppe. The struggle between the ulus reached its climax by that time. The Mongols killed each other and therefore were easy prey for the invaders.

The former slave set a goal for himself - to unite the uluses and stop the massacre.

As a result of a fierce struggle, Telumzhin managed to unite the Mongol families. By the time he was proclaimed the head of all uluses at the big Khural, he was already 51 years old.

From this moment the story of the great khan - Genghis Khan begins.

Over the next 35 years, he conquered half the world.

All countries, wherever he went, fell. They could not oppose this man with either their troops, or inventions, or wealth.

The illiterate slave became the ruler of Eurasia. But even more surprising, he created an empire that lasted for centuries.

He created one of the most perfect tax collection systems, the most perfect road system for its time, uninterrupted mail, a system of law and order - robberies and violence were stopped inside this great empire.

In practice, he created a new economic space, which gave impetus to the rapid development of the conquered lands.

According to the code of laws created by Genghis Khan, his descendants ruled these endless territories for centuries.

What did the illiterate slave manage to create?

An empire that lasted for centuries after his death.

Good luck on closer inspection turns out to be the result of a lot of work and careful preparation.
Bodo Schaefer

Is a man who has made many ingenious discoveries, the most famous of which is the light bulb.

In addition, he created Jenеral Electric, a business empire worth several hundred billion dollars.

When this outstanding scientist and businessman was a little boy, he, like all of us, went to school, but he studied there for only 2.5 months.

After that, the headmaster called his mother and said: “Your son is a mediocrity! He is a dumbass and cannot study with normal children! Take him out of school! "

To which this great woman replied: “My son is the most brilliant child in the world! You idiots and dullards! "

Little Thomas really lagged behind his peers, and school program it was not given to him, but his mother, with her attitude, in her own words, gave him such a powerful impetus in development that she changed his future. She made his future great!

Today we simply cannot imagine our life without electric light.

But, habitually pressing the switch, few people think about the history of this invention.

To create an electric light bulb, Thomas Edison did more than ten thousand (!) Experiments.

All his colleagues have long lost faith in the possibility of creating a working model.

Edison said: “Yes. Every failure we endure is the only path to truth. Every failure brings us closer to the right decision... Each time we learn that this path will not lead to success, but we immediately choose new way and doing a new experiment. "

Only for the 1016th time thomas Edison bulb lit up and changed the course of our civilization.

An everlasting monument to perseverance and the right attitude to failure.

When this first light bulb flickered on his laboratory table, Edison already saw "huge cities illuminated by substations, a complex system of cars and wires carrying light to city streets, shops, offices and homes."

Many thought it was a wild dream, but lived to see the day when his dream came true.

Two young guys started a small pizzeria near the University of Michigan.

They didn’t have the money to set up a seating restaurant, so they used an old Volkswagen to deliver pizza to the dorms.

They came up with a brilliant idea: a pizza home delivery business.

But at the start, the business did not flourish, so the partners sat down to discuss the current situation. It seemed that the business would never be able to feed two.

Therefore, one of the partners said: “I am leaving and leaving you my half of the enterprise. But I want to get a Volkswagen. "

(Tom Monaghan), the second partner, agreed to this deal. He did not want to quit the business he had started.

This is how the company was born “ Domino's Pizza».

Continuing to develop the enterprise, he created a network, which now costs about 1 billion dollars.

The second partner received a heavily used Volkswagen.

Monaghan created the world's largest pizza home delivery company based on the principles of simplicity and efficiency.

His strategy worked, and statistics from 1989 showed that Domino branches produced more than half of all pizza in America.

It was the absolute guarantee of delivery within thirty minutes that made him the market leader.

In the early 80s, Monagen had five hundred stores, and by the end of the decade, more than five thousand.

His pioneering spirit made him the ‘king of pizza’ home delivery.

“Traditional education encourages you to learn facts and then emotionally teaches you to fear making mistakes. And it is holding you back physically.

Living and being afraid is bad for health, mind, emotions, physical and financial situation.

As stated earlier, I have a lot of money, not because I am stronger in academic knowledge, but because I did large quantity mistakes, recognized the right to make mistakes and learned from them.

I went to make more mistakes ... and look forward to new ones ... while most people work hard not to make mistakes in the future ... that's why we have a different future.

You cannot improve your future if you do not have the desire to try new things, take risks, make mistakes and learn from them .. "

Robert Kiyosaki
Honda brand

Soichiro Honda was the firstborn in a very poor family, the son of a poor blacksmith who fixed bicycles.

His family was so poor that five of the children starved to death in infancy.

An illiterate locksmith from a small Japanese village dreamed of opening his own business.

Collecting all the money, even selling his wife's jewelry, he set up the production of piston rings for the Toyota automobile company.

His fellow villagers were puzzled and surprised - how could an illiterate person open a business?

In addition to making piston rings, Honda constantly worked on its technical inventions. For a long time he did not succeed.

Colleagues laughed at him, they believed that you just need to continue to release these rings and not invent anything new, otherwise he will soon go broke.

They mocked him, and this always happens, because little people who are afraid to take a risk, are afraid to take a step, in general to do something themselves, enthusiastically accept any of your defeat.

They are glad that you also failed. This is an excuse for their gray, boring, beggarly life. This is an internal guarantee that they live correctly, do not protrude, do not take risks and do not suffer.

Imagine how you felt Soichiro Honda, when I heard these ridicule.

But it was at this moment that a miracle happened. Soichiro figured out how to ride a bike without wasting energy. He attached a small motor to his wife's bicycle and made his first moped.

If at that moment he had listened to the "well-wishers" and refused to continue to invent, perhaps he would have been just one of thousands of Toyota suppliers all his life. Not known to anyone, but quite a wealthy person.

It was from failure that was born great empire Honda, which is now one of the five largest automotive giants and produces 75% of all motorcycles in the world and a huge amount of necessary household appliances.

Here soichiro Honda's formula for success: “Success comes only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success is only 1% of your work, and the remaining 99% is failure. "

Honda did for motorcycles what Henry Ford did for cars. He took a dormant stagnant market and made it active and dynamic.

His relentless pursuit of the dream of a superior car was embodied in elegant cars.

"Honda" was a consistent trendsetter in motorcycle design around the world from the mid-fifties to the early nineties.

Honda's Akyura became the world's best-selling car in 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992, according to Car & Track magazine (Automobile and Road).

In 1991, they also created the hugely popular NSX sports car.

In 1993, they again won accolades from J.D. Power - "Akyura" was again named the most popular model in the United States.

Honda is Japan's largest post-World War II company.

This recognition and success is the merit of a man who came out of the poverty-stricken environment of a small Japanese town with a modern mindset and a willingness to take risks in search of something new, which the Americans liked.

In Japan, a country where public loyalty is paramount, Honda was a real nonconformist. His nickname, ‘Mr. Thunder 'did not seem to match the small size and incomprehensible behavior of a typical Japanese leader.

He is an example of perseverance, modesty, pleasant demeanor and the ability to take mistakes as a valuable asset.

Stallone dreamed of acting in films.

He went to screen tests, participated in extras, but no one took him.

A couple of times he was filmed in extras, where in the background someone punched him in the face - that was all that he achieved in several years of knocking over the thresholds of studios, directors and film producers.

At twenty-five, he was still unknown to anyone. He didn't even have acting experience!

Who needed him in Hollywood, where from morning till night 250 thousand talented, already established actors are waiting for invitations and are ready to fly out like a bullet to any meeting that presents a chance?

The likelihood that Stallone would be invited to the lead role was not just zero, it was negative.

Only in delirium can a person imagine that he will have a career with such competition, insignificant personal data and lack of a track record in the cinema!

He annoyed absolutely everyone with his dream of acting in films. He ran out of money. His wife told him many times: “Listen, get down to real business. Stop raving, stop living with illusions! We already have nothing to live on. "

Indeed, by that time they had to sell all things worthwhile from the house. Soon the wife herself slammed the door and left this "madman".

Stallone has only one dog left and empty apartment without heating and electricity, because in America gas, electricity and water are cut off very quickly for debts.

He turned into a beggar, he was terribly poor - there was no money even for food. But this dreamer really wanted to act in films. All his friends and family told him: “What are you doing? Stop! You have no chance! "

Sylvester Stallone still lived his dream. When it got cold and it was impossible to be in the house, he went to bask in public libraries, leafed through magazines and read books.

And then one day he said to himself: "I will write a script, I will achieve the main role through this script, and my dream of becoming an actor will come true!"

He began to write one script after another, but no one accepted these scripts, he received rejection after rejection.

When it became very bad and there was nothing to eat, he was forced to sell his only friend - his dog. When he was selling it, he told the buyer: “I will definitely find you. I don't sell my friends, I don't sell my dog \u200b\u200b- I just have nothing to feed it. When I have the money, I will definitely find you, and I will definitely buy you out. "

But there was no money, and neither was the chance.

Complete impasse, complete loneliness, complete poverty.

What to do? Maybe refuse? Oh no! I will play a movie! I will achieve my goal.

And then one day, when he saw the fight of Muhammad Ali on TV, it dawned on him!

He felt such inspiration, such a trembling in his body, he was literally “sausage”. He took pen and paper and wrote the screenplay for Rocky.

Inspired by his work, he walked for the thousandth time in an endless circle from producers to directors, from directors to producers.

But nobody wanted to take his script. Everyone refused to even pay attention to him.

This went on for several weeks until two young producers read the script. They told him, “Great, boy. Nice script. Here's 15 thousand dollars for you. We buy it, and be happy! "

To which they received an unexpected answer: “No! I will not give the script away for nothing. I have to star in the lead role. " They were amazed at his impudence and sent Sylvester Stallone to hell.

But after a while they called him again and offered already 100 thousand dollars. He again disagreed.

The producers popularly explained to him, “Look at you. You are small, unsightly, you have no talent, you are not a professional. What the hell is the main role. Take the money! We'll hire a good actor and make even more money, and we'll give you a percentage of the box office. "

In the most distressing situation, in dire need, Sylvester Stallone replied: “No! I disagree. I have to play the main role! "

Again he was sent to hell, time passed again, and again the conversation took place: “250 thousand dollars, a very good, profitable percentage of the box office - and all your problems will end. Why do you need this main role? Why are you missing, perhaps, your only chance in life? "

"Not! - said Stallone. "I will only sign the documents on the condition that I play the lead role."

More time passed. Since these producers really liked the script, they spat and agreed.

Naturally, they only gave him 15 thousand dollars and a percentage of the box office receipts. By the way, he gave these 15 thousand to get his dog back. the buyer, who heard of his luck, agreed to return the dog, bought for only $ 50, only after Stallone laid out his entire fee - $ 15,000 - to him.

Today Sylvester Stallone is a cult actor.

His scripts, his films, his roles have become classics of world cinema.

He achieved his dream, he achieved his goal.

Judge for yourself how true he was to his dream, and through how many trials he had to carry his dream of becoming an actor!

There is nothing easier than being busy, and there is nothing more difficult than being Productive. "
Alain McKenzie

How Napoleon worked

Listen to the story.

A young man hailing from the city of Kryzhopol without any connections, only with his own mind and efforts, at the age of thirty he becomes the president of Russia (how old are you now?), And in just ten years, through his efforts, Russia, lying in ruin, becomes one of the strongest European powers ...

Fantastic? Didn't guess: it was.

One young man, just like you, only in France, actually did it. He was originally from the province of Corsica, and his name was Napoleon.

So, again: he was no different from you. Well, maybe only by my ability to work.

About this short fragment from the book Ben Weider's "The Brilliant Bonaparte".

He seeks to foresee everything that should happen, since you cannot rely on chance, you should always be ready for everything, act without delay.

Such superhuman activity strikes even the least enthusiastic of all people, the pessimist philosopher Schopenhauer, who exclaims in ecstasy: "Bonaparte is the most excellent embodiment of human will."

In him there is nothing of the ideologue, for his spirit in the highest degree three great qualities of a statesman are inherent: realism, common sense and imagination.

A realist, he directs his immense genius to solve the most commonplace issues.

- Each day has its own black work, each circumstance has its own law, each creature has its own nature.

A realist, he knows how to get the most out of the people he assesses at a glance.

“Come to me,” he suggests to the young royalist leaders who are fighting against him in the Vendée, “my government will be a government of youth and intelligence.

He draws his employees, both civilian and military, into a vortex of work.

After eight hours of conferences, at nightfall, the ministers collapse with fatigue; he walks behind the chairs, shaking them by the shoulders:

- Well, well, citizens ... Only two o'clock in the morning ... We must properly work off the money that France pays us.

He often says, as if convincing his surroundings:

- Day - what a century!

A realist, he puts the interest of the state in the first place, both by necessity and by inner conviction, exercising power not only with unremitting energy, but also with unrelenting meticulousness. Technical organization working days of the emperor - a vivid evidence of his zeal in this area.

Rising at dawn, in a dressing gown, he looks through personal correspondence and newspapers, receiving a doctor, architects or his librarian during the morning toilet; while he is in the bathtub, urgent dispatches are read to him.

He gets dressed, leaves his apartment at 9 o'clock, receives officers, family members or dignitaries. This protocol upsurge is at the same time part of the working day, since it summons those civilians and military persons to whom I would like to ask certain questions or from whom I intend to demand explanations.

This is followed by short audiences, since he, like Goethe, knows the secret of time, and often his blue eyes darken to blackness when some talkative visitor tries his patience for too long.

He has breakfast at 9.30, but not always, since protracted audiences often allow him to go to the table only at 11 o'clock.

It is a pity for him to waste time on food, and he gets rid of this unpleasant duty in 7-8 minutes. But he uses this short pause in order to receive artists or scientists and return them a bunch of questions.

After a short rest in the Empress's apartments, he goes to his office and plunges into work, that is, in the management of an empire that occupies half of Europe and has 83 million inhabitants.

In the next topographic office, maps, plans, diagrams and statistical tables are distributed, they are always at hand in case of need.

He throws his hat and sword on a chair and, pacing up and down, dictates to the secretary. His texts bear the imprint of this nervous gait: the phrase is beautifully constructed, but simple, since only ideas occupy his attention.

From time to time he stops to flip through a report or letter: all the themes of his dictations fit - interspersed - in the storerooms of his memory. While the secretary completely rewrites this stream of words to turn it into the text of the dispatches, Napoleon opens the ministerial files sent to him and reads them without missing a single detail, constantly demanding comments, streaking almost all documents with marks.

Then follows the signing of orders, diplomas, dispatches, which will inform the whole of Europe of the will of the emperor or express his displeasure.

What other monarch has studied so many details with such thoroughness! Nothing escapes him.

He is scrupulous about the imperial ... “Received 44,800, spent 39,800, the remainder of 5,000, plus 15,000 receipts in March, which ends, a total of 20,000. March 30. N. "

He finds time to write articles for the official newspaper Monitor, preside over the Council of State, and write with his own hand to kings or members of his family.

The clock in his office strikes six times - dinner time, and the empress, charming, with a natural haircut, dizzyingly flirtatious, calms the guests.

It happens that the clock strikes seven, eight, nine, sometimes eleven ... The emperor, who has gone headlong into work, forgot about dinner. When he finally sits down at the table for a short quarter of an hour, he has time to give instructions to the knight marshal, read urgent dispatches or listen to excerpts from the press.

After coffee, he returns to the study, leaving Josephine to take care of the guests, and again starts dictation or reading.

Having settled down at 10 o'clock, he gets up in the middle of the night, reads reports, and most importantly - studies army affairs in detail, postponing in his memory the movement of regiments, the stages of a difficult march, the number of batteries, monitors the daily state of the treasury and finances.

He often wakes up the secretary and the dictations are resumed.

The same activity is also during military campaigns, between two battles, at any bivouac. After Eylau, based in Fimkenstein Castle, thousands of kilometers from his ministers, he continues to rule with the same confidence, calmness and punctuality as from his office in the Tuileries: 310 letters will be included in his Correspondence in these five weeks.

If you took part in the work of one of the companies and were disappointed without earning the money that the leaders of these companies earned, if you lost faith in opening your website and did not receive the profit you expected, listen to the stories of people who were not disappointed in business because of initial failures.

Perhaps their experience will be useful to you.

“Too many people break down without even knowing that
how close to success they were at the moment when they lost heart "

Today, few people remember how they shaved a few decades ago.

For daily shaving, men used a so-called "straight razor", similar to a sharp, sharp penknife. The razor had to be sharpened periodically using a special leather belt.

In 1900 King Gillette was a traveling salesman.

One morning, on a road in the Midwest, King dropped his straight razor. She split in half.

If you are on the road and cannot shave in the morning, this is a big problem.

However, the shattered blade gave King the idea. He glued the two pieces together, giving his razor two cutting edges. He sent a telegram to his wife. It said: “Hurray! We are rich! "

When King returned to Boston a month later, he found a company that could make him a prototype of this reversible razor.

Then he started selling it.

He sold three in the first year. The next year, seven. Razors with two blades became his fix idea.

A year later, King Gillette sold eleven razors.

This went on for several years.

His obsession continued unabated. His friends made fun of him, “Hey King, how are you doing with the razors? He-he-he. "

But King did not give up.

He believed and continued to sell razors - ten, then two or three dozen a year.

The First World War interrupted his activities.

Gillette got on the train and went to Washington.

He offered his invention to the army for free.

The army loved free stuff. The razor was portable and no longer required a belt to sharpen it.

When the blade became dull, you simply had to insert a new blade into the razor.

A blade purchased from a young company Gillette Safety Razor Company.

Its sales exceeded a million units that year.

She spent a typical childhood of a girl from a small town without any troubles and shocks. Years later, she gave the date of her birth to her beloved hero Harry Potter.

As a child, Rowling, in her own words, was an insecure, chubby girl with horn-rimmed glasses, a crammer, and a nerd.

Few of the parents paid attention to this, but really, before Harry Potter, in most schools in Russia, Europe and the whole world, the heroes were strong, hooligan, cocky, bright children, but not "nerds".

This amazing writer, with the help of her books, introduced the fashion for knowledge.

After graduating from school, Joan enters the University of Exeter, where he chooses the specialization "Philology", deeply studying French, Latin and Ancient Greek.

Joan began writing her first book about Harry Potter back in 1990, when she was twenty-five years old and she worked as a secretary in one of the publishing houses in London.

She didn’t have a computer, she wrote her bestseller on pieces of paper and folded them in a shoebox.

Soon, in 1990, from multiple sclerosis at 45, her beloved mother dies, and Joan and her sister are left alone.

At the age of 26, Joan went to Portugal to teach English and soon met Jorge Arantes, a journalist and playboy, and married him a year later.

The ambitious spouse could not find a job for a long time, and therefore Joan, in order to support the family, had to teach English almost until the very birth of her daughter Jessica. And already in October Joan, family life which did not work out, with three-month-old Jessica in her arms, she went to the only loved one - to her sister in Edinburgh.

She became a half-impoverished single mother and lived on government benefits on the outskirts of the city in a gloomy slum. Rowling received only £ 70 a week, which was spent entirely on food and some clothes for Jesse. She was very embarrassed by her plight, literally turning into a beggar.

When Joan first went to the post office to receive cash benefits, she felt “like a neon arrow was burning over my head, pointing everyone at me. I quickly put my deposit book into my pocket so that no one in the queue could see what it was. "

Another episode that Rowling recalls with pain and sadness is the distribution of old toys in the form of humanitarian aid. Jessica got such a dirty bear that Joan refused to take it: "I felt that my previous humiliation was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw this bear."

The death of her beloved mother, the constant lack of money, the difficult parting with her husband, who literally pushed her out of the house with a small child in her arms, contributed to the development of severe depression.

Sometimes on rainy evenings, when her daughter was asleep, it seemed to Joan that this black streak of life would never end. Joan escaped the terrible reality only at her desk.

Joanne wrote her first book for almost five years. Joan sent the manuscript of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone retyped on an old typewriter to various publishers, from where standard replies came: “Too difficult for children. Children will not be interested in it. "

But in 1995, the streak of terrible setbacks finally ended - the manuscript ended up in the Bloombery publishing house, which specialized in the production of children's books.

The first professional to take notice of her books was literary agent Christopher Litel. He saw something unusual in the young writer and recommended that the publisher give the manuscript of the book to a special children's expert council, consisting of boys and girls of different ages, so that they could evaluate the manuscript. The children were delighted with the book, and it was decided to publish The Philosopher's Stone.

Then the literary agent of the writer Christopher Litel took the "Philosopher's Stone" to the largest book fair in Europe in Frankfurt.

Soon, Bloombery paid J.K. Rowling an advance of $ 2,250 - a fantastic amount for her.

For the first time in her life, Joan went to a jewelry store and chose an aquamarine ring to match her eye color.

From this moment in fate Joanne Rowling an amazing turn takes place - the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan.

The first book was published in July 1997, in the same year Joan received a grant of 12 thousand dollars and finally bought a computer.

Further more. The Americans bought the rights to the Philosopher's Stone from her for 110 thousand dollars, and by the summer of 2000 the first three books had sold thirty-five million copies and translated into 36 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Rowling was finally able to leave her job - she taught French - and concentrate entirely on creativity.

The Harry Potter books literally conquered the whole world. And Rowling herself became a superstar, a cult writer of our time.

The woman writer who made over a billion dollars!

Only in the United States in the two months since the publication of the sixth volume Harry potter, eleven million copies of the book were sold.

Sales of the sixth volume reached seven million copies within the first 24 hours after its publication.

This means that on average more than 250 thousand copies were sold per hour, which broke the record for the fifth book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", when five million books were sold in the first day.

It should be noted that, now famous and outstanding, the writer remained a sympathetic, modest, noble person.

  • The idea was simple. In the morning, for a few minutes, famous people had to tell the whole country how they had achieved success.

    Especially for this program, an amazing scenery was invented - I talked with people in a huge beautiful elevator that endlessly rises into the sky, like the embodiment of the ascent to the top.

    Due to our busyness, we managed to shoot only 64 programs, but it was very interesting experience in my life - I had the opportunity to directly ask sixty-four famous people Russia about their formula for success.

    And so my friend and teacher Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov came to one of the programs.

    His answer then surprised me, because I was young and did not think at all about many things that I understand and know today.

    When I asked Vladimir Yakovlevich: “What is your formula for success?” He replied unexpectedly: “This is a disaster. This is defeat. "

    I was taken aback. I was even speechless for a split second.

    Then I did not understand the deep meaning said by the master. When you endure blow after blow for perhaps decades, it is almost impossible to believe it.

    Defeat is the only way to start your life anew.

    Only after a few years did I realize great meaning words of Voroshilov. When I myself experienced a disaster and managed to get out of it.

    I will briefly tell you a few episodes from his life.

    The first defeat, the first blow of fate, he received back when he was just starting to work on television and was a small fry, in my opinion, a sound engineer.

    It is difficult for young people to understand this today, but earlier in the Soviet Union people were forbidden to criticize our system. And during the live broadcast about the bards, this criticism, of course, in Aesopian language, but sounded. The secretary of the Novosibirsk regional party committee calls the Central Committee and says: “Are you stunned there? We put them in jail, but you let them on television? "

    A terrible scandal erupted, someone must be punished. Voroshilov is being punished. They explain simply: "You are still non-partisan, you are still a Jew, so you will be a switchman." He is kicked out of television. Resentment, pain, disappointment, he is deprived of his favorite job.

    The next blow of fate. He creates a wonderful program "Come on, guys!" The older generation remembers her as well as I do.

    A guy accidentally dies on the set. The program is closed again, and again kicked out of television. Hard times are coming, Voroshilov has no money even for food. He is fed under various pretexts by his friends.

    Injustice, resentment, pain. He comes up with and hosts the famous program “What? Where? When?".

    Most people of the older generation remember that no one has seen the face of the mysterious host for many long years. Why? This was not the artistic intent of the transmission.

    It's just that when the party bosses looked at the broadcast script, they said: “Well, okay. Let this program go on the air, but only on one condition - that this Jewish face is not on the screen. " Again humiliation, again pain.

    I have told only a few episodes of his difficult journey.

    And now, having gone this way, he really became a great master, really made one of the most interesting programs on our television, which has been living for the third decade.

Today these people are on the Forbes list, but the beginning of their life did not foreshadow such a development of events. Many billionaires have amassed their fortunes by overcoming social, political and psychological barriers. Inspirational examples of the richest people in the world.

Members of the Forbes list are considered to be darlings of fate who have drawn a lucky ticket and do not know the hardships of a simple life. However, many billionaires have made their fortunes out of poverty and overcoming incredible social, political and psychological barriers. The most inspiring stories from the 2015 world rankings in our selection.

Moed Altrad

  • Condition: $ 1 billion
  • Country: France

The story of the 67-year-old French billionaire, who entered the Forbes rating for the first time this year, is like a fairy tale. Born to a Bedouin family in the Syrian desert, Moed lost his mother at the age of four. His father regularly beat him, and in the end he completely abandoned his son. The orphaned child was raised by his grandmother. Out of superstition, she forbade Moed to attend school, so the boy actually had to do it in secret.

The craving for knowledge was so great that Altrad received a scholarship to study in France. He moved to his new homeland 46 years ago penniless and without knowing the language. At first, Moed ate no more than once a day on the most meager food. But his talent for physics and mathematics gradually helped him out of poverty. He received his degree in information technology and began his career with internships in technology and oil companies.

In 1985, Altrad decided to go into business himself, for which he bought a bankrupt construction plant in the south of France. Despite the lack of experience in the industry, the aspiring entrepreneur very quickly learned the basics of business, made his company profitable and engaged in an expansion that has not ended to this day.

Li Ka-shin

  • Status: $ 33.3 billion
  • Country: Hong Kong

The richest man in Asia, Li Ka-shin knows firsthand what life on the verge of poverty is. At the age of 12, he had to drop out of school and work in a watchband factory to support his family. By 1950, he had accumulated his first capital and started trading plastic toys and related products. Later, Li Ka-shin bought the factory himself - and things went uphill. Since then, the billionaire's business has grown into a diversified holding with assets in real estate, ports, technology and a host of other industries. Li Ka-shin employs 270,000 people in 52 countries.

Leonardo Del Vecchio

  • Condition: $ 20.4 billion
  • Country: Italy

The mother of the future billionaire sent her son to an orphanage when Leonardo was seven years old - the family did not have enough funds to raise a child. After going through a tough orphanage school, at 14, Del Vecchio got a job as an apprentice in a factory that was engaged in the production of spectacle frames and auto parts. Eleven years later, he founded his own company - Luxxotica. Today it is the world's largest manufacturer of sunglasses and prescription glasses, owning the Ray Ban and Oakley brands and manufacturing products for Burberry, Bulgari, Chanel, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Tiffany, Versache and many others. Del Vecchio is deservedly called the "king of glasses" in his homeland.

Roman Abramovich

  • Condition: $ 9.1 billion
  • Country Russia

The world's most famous billionaire from Russia 14 was orphaned when he was four and raised by relatives. Not having received higher education, went to serve in the army, and upon his return he took up his first business - selling toys from own apartment... Later, the entrepreneurial entrepreneur made a fortune in oil deals and in 1995 got the then-powerful Boris Berezovsky as a business partner. In tandem, for a more than modest price tag, they purchased Sibneft from the state, which became the basis of Abramovich's fortune.

David Murdock

  • Condition: $ 3.1 billion
  • Country: USA

Dyslexic David did not finish his studies at school and was forced from his teenage years to start earning money at a gas station until he went to serve in the army in 1943. Returning from the front, he borrowed $ 1,800 from friends and opened a diner restaurant. Since then, Murdoch's business has grown at an incredible pace. Today, he runs the world's largest producer and exporter of fruits and vegetables, Dole Food Corporation.

Sheldon Adelson

  • Status: $ 31.4 billion
  • Country: USA

The son of a taxi driver, Adelson grew up in a small apartment in a "social" house on the outskirts of Boston. He had to sleep on the floor, and his grandmother became the boy's main educator. At the age of 12, Sheldon borrowed $ 200 from his own uncle and started selling newspapers and magazines. Since then, the business has been growing. Over the decades of his entrepreneurial career, Adelson has experienced ups and downs - he sold vending machines, advertising publications, consulting services, services for organizing large conferences, etc. In the end, the businessman found his niche in the gambling business - he became the "king of Las Vegas" , the owner of the largest casino management company Las Vegas Sands, which has a representative office not only in the United States, but also in Macau, China.

John Paul Dejoria

  • Condition: $ 2.8 billion
  • Country: USA

In the early 1980s, Dejoria found himself homeless and slept in his car on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. A veteran of the Vietnam War, he was selling shampoo in a door-to-door format at the time. The businessman has since turned his $ 700 savings into one of the largest manufacturers of hair care products in the country, John Paul Mitchell Systems, which he founded together with Paul Mitchell. Today the company sells a wide range of products, from familiar shampoos to exotic product categories such as tequila (brand Patrón Spirits) and mobile phones (ROK Mobile).

Yang Kum

The iconic TV presenter, producer and women's rights activist was born when her mother was still a minor. Raised by her grandmother on a farm in Mississippi. Winfrey took her first steps on television in Nashville, Baltimore. She then moved to Chicago, where she forcibly turned the third-rate morning show into the number one federal talk show. Over time, Oprah left the frame, preparing for herself a real business empire, which today includes many businesses, from producing Hollywood films to publishing bestsellers.

Christos Lazari

  • Condition: $ 2.1 billion
  • Country: UK

Now one of the most influential investors in London real estate, Lazari came to the British capital at the age of 16 from his small village in Cyprus with £ 20 in his pocket. At first, he washed dishes and served guests in restaurants, thus saving money for training in design courses. Christos later created his own brand Drendie Girl, but the fashion industry did not work out - and in 1978 the aspiring entrepreneur switched to the real estate market. Today, his Lazari Investments owns 2.5 million square feet of office space in prime locations in London.

Miki Jagtiani

  • Status: $ 5.2 billion
  • Country: India

In his youth, Jagtiani dropped out of college and tried to gain a foothold in London, not hesitating to work as a hotel cleaner and taxi driver. He ended up leaving Britain for Bahrain to help the family run a children's store. Soon, within just one year, Miki lost all close relatives - mother, father and brother. Business management fell entirely on his shoulders. But Jagtiani did it - and turned the modest store into a $ 5 billion Landmark Group retail chain with 1900 points of sale in the Middle East, Africa and India.