What is the name of the balloon with the basket? How it works: a passenger balloon.

A balloon is a hot air balloon that flies due to the lift of heated air. There are gas-filled balloons in which the lift is created by gas, but we fly on thermal ones.

More than 200 years have passed since the first manned balloon flight, but the concept of the balloon has not undergone significant changes.

How does a balloon work?

The hot air balloon consists of a shell, a nacelle and a burner (thermal installation).

The figure shows the most common balloon design.

The envelope of the balloon under the dome has a device for bleeding hot air, it is also called an exhaust valve.

This valve is opened with the help of a halyard, the other end of which is in the basket of the balloon. To reduce the efforts on the control halyard and evenly transfer the load to the valve, the halyard is passed through the block, which, in turn, is attached to the lower ends of the lines.

In the normal position, the valve is held by the pressure of hot air in the shell, and the vertical bands prevent the valve from bulging outward. A dome halyard is attached to the ring, which is used to fill the balloon.

The weight of the gondola, passengers and additional equipment is absorbed by the shell itself and the vertical belts. Horizontal belts have an auxiliary function and limit the rupture of the shell in case of unforeseen situations.

The hot-air balloon gondola (balloon basket) is made of vine or reed, covered with leather from the bottom. Capable of withstanding significant impacts during landings.

The thermal installation, depending on the class of the balloon, consists of one or more burners connected to gas cylinders. The maximum power of each burner is high and amounts to several million watts.

As a rule, manufacturers offer customers various configurations of balloons with basic elements. As for one type of shell, various variants of nacelles can be offered, so the baskets of the balloon can be completed with different shells. Depending on the type and volume of the shell and burners, they can be single, double, triple, and for large balloons, they can include four burners.

For flight safety, instrumentation is also required, which includes: an altimeter, a variometer (vertical speed indicator), a temperature indicator in the shell, and fuel level indicators in cylinders. In addition, a radio station is needed to communicate with the flight control center, aviation services and the escort vehicle.

An event that you will remember for a lifetime. We are ready to help you with this.

Everyone rests differently. Someone spends their free time with a book in their hands, and someone likes to get thrills - for example, scuba diving or skydiving. A hot air balloon ride is also an unusual and exciting form of recreation. One has only to imagine flying at the behest of the wind at an altitude of three hundred meters, and it is already breathtaking. Traveling in a hot air balloon is not the cheapest entertainment, but even one flight will be remembered for many years!

Who among us has not dreamed of flying in a hot air balloon, being in the basket of a balloon, testing our courage and admiring the city from above ... Someone was stopped by fear, someone was stopped by the price. Many people simply did not think that it was that simple.

The balloon is the very first aeronautics invented by man. The most surprising thing is that it continues to enjoy great popularity in recent years. And this is understandable. It is difficult to describe the feelings of a person flying in a wicker basket three hundred meters above the ground. It seems that there is no basket, and only the wind carries you, and an amazingly beautiful view opens up below.

Progress has given us many different types of transport. But this does not mean that the old ones cease to be used forever. Of course, on a modern airliner you can get to the right place in a matter of hours, but in a hot air balloon you can take a romantic ride, test your courage and admire the beautiful views. Today it is quite possible. You just need to remember that ascending into the sky in a balloon is a rather serious adventure, and in order to minimize the risk, you must carefully choose the company that organizes your flight.

Videos and photos of such flights can be easily found on the Internet. But it is one thing to look at photographs, and quite another to find yourself in the basket of a balloon and experience the amazing sensations of flying. Not everyone decides on this, and even risky parachute jumps are much more popular.

Every person wants to do something special at least once in their life, to test their courage, willpower, to get new impressions. Traveling in a hot air balloon is romance, delightful emotions, and of course, a dose of adrenaline, when you feel the balloon is rapidly gaining height, and three hundred meters of air separates you from the ground under the deceptively thin bottom of the basket. But, at the same time, hot air balloon rides are one of the safest types of recreation. The design of the balloon practically excludes the possibility of an accident.

What does a balloon consist of and how does it fly?

The balloon consists of a basket and a shell that is filled with hot air - everyone knows that. Naturally, the ball flies only in the direction of the wind, and the pilot during the flight can only control the burner by adjusting the air temperature, that is, by decreasing or increasing the altitude. But what about the route? It is, of course, there, but it is planned even before take-off, based on meteorological conditions - primarily the wind direction. Naturally, the wind can change during the flight, but the balloon does not rise into the air without an escort vehicle, which follows the balloon and picks up passengers at the landing site.

The balloon has neither motors, nor the steering wheel we are used to. From the entire technological arsenal - only burners, sandbags and a special valve at the top of the dome for etching air. How do you fly this aircraft?

From the history of aeronautics

The birth of balloons was the first real embodiment of the age-old dream of mankind to conquer the fifth ocean. In 1306, the French missionary Bassu first described how, while in China, he witnessed the flight of a balloon when Emperor Fo Kien ascended the throne.

However, the birthplace of aeronautics is considered the French town of Annonay, where on June 5, 1783, the brothers Etienne and Joseph Montgolfier lifted a spherical balloon, which they had created, filled with heated air, into the sky.

The flight of the aircraft weighing about 155 kg and a diameter of 3.5 meters lasted only 10 minutes. During this time, he covered about a kilometer at a height of 300 meters, which was an outstanding event for his time. Later, balloons in honor of the creators began to be called hot air balloons.

The Montgolfier brothers' balloon consisted of a linen shell pasted over with paper. To fill it with hot air, a fire was made of finely chopped straw. And 3 months later, an addition was made to the design of the aircraft in the form of a special basket for passengers.

Modern balloons are undoubtedly more perfect, but they are made in almost the same way. A special thin and durable polyester material is used to make the spherical shell of the ball. The air heating system has changed. The function of the fire is an adjustable propane gas burner installed in a basket directly under the dome.

Despite the great dependence on the wind, modern balloons are controllable. The flight height is adjusted by the outlet at the top of the canopy using a break cord. A side valve is provided to change course. There are also more complex structures, where another one filled with helium can be placed inside the main dome.

How to control a balloon with a basket

Balloon control is an occupation that requires serious preparation and considerable financial costs. Suffice it to say that a training course for a balloon pilot costs about 200 thousand rubles today. The price of the balloon itself (depending on the model) is commensurate with the price of a car.


The flight is preceded by careful preparation. First of all, it is necessary to study the meteorological conditions - cloudiness, visibility and wind speed. The flight route is planned in accordance with the data received. Due to unforeseen changes in meteorological conditions, exactly such a route is chosen where there are enough places on the way for safe landings.


For the balloon to take off, the efforts of the entire crew are required. The best place to start is a flat area of \u200b\u200b50 x 50 meters in an open field, where there are no foreign objects nearby - poles, trees, power lines.

Then the assembly of the ball begins: burners are attached to the basket, which are connected with special hoses with gas cylinders. After a test run of the burner, the crew proceeds to stretch the dome (always in the direction of the wind) Then the stretched canopy is fastened to the basket with special carabiners.

The next step is to fill the dome with cold air using a fan, after which the burner starts up to heat the air. The heated air lifts the dome off the ground, and the crew (with passengers) takes their places. To prevent the balloon from flying away, it is first tied to the car.


Despite the lack of a motor and wings, the balloon is controllable, which requires certain skills. The main controls are burners and an exhaust valve. To climb, the burner turns on and the air heats up additionally, and to lower it, the valve opens slightly. Horizontal flight occurs due to the tailwind. This is where the pilot's skill comes in. So, in order to fly faster, it can increase the flight altitude where the wind speed is stronger.


The landing site is selected in advance. It must be large and secure. The ideal option is a football field next to the road. The crew reports the landing site to the ground by radio. The pilot then releases air from the canopy using a valve. The ball drops smoothly to the ground.

Civil aviation once began with balloons: before the planes and helicopters it was like walking to the moon, and people began to fly in balloons back in the 18th century. Today we will tell you how it happens in the 21st: I went to Cappadocia - a region in central Turkey - where mass flights are performed almost every day; balloons in the air - several dozen at a time, and passengers, respectively, several hundred.

A bit of physics. How the balloon flies

The modern passenger balloon is correctly called a hot air balloon, or hot air balloon - after the names of the Montgolfier brothers, who in 1783 made the first flight on an aircraft of this type. Within the framework of import substitution, a story has become popular that in fact the first hot air balloon was built half a century before by the Russian inventor Kryakutnaya, but this is just a hoax created after the flight of the French and promoted in Soviet times.

The principle of a hot air balloon flight is very simple: inside its envelope there is air, the temperature of which is higher than the temperature of the surrounding air. Since the density of warm air is lower, according to Archimedes' law, it tends upward under the action of a buoyant force. At the same time, the shell itself and the payload are attracted to the Earth (the shell measuring approximately 25x15 m with a basket and all equipment weighs 400-500 kg, plus passengers: there were twenty people in our basket). The equality of these forces allows the balloon to "hover" in the air at a certain height.

How a balloon is controlled

The main control of the hot air balloon is a gas burner located under the shell and directed upwards. A mixture of propane and butane burns in it, which is taken on board in cylinders similar to those that many summer residents have in the kitchen. With the help of fire, the air in the shell is heated; the temperature rises, the ball rises. Depending on the volume of the shell (2-5 thousand cubic meters of air), the useful load and the ambient temperature, the temperature inside is 50-130 degrees Celsius. The air in the shell is constantly cooling down and the ball begins to decline, so you need to periodically "give in to the heat" to maintain a constant height. In general, everything is simple: more fire - we go up, less fire - we keep the altitude, little, little, little, little, little fire - we go down.

However, in order to descend, you don't have to wait for the air to cool down: in the upper part of the shell there is a valve that can be opened and closed with ropes. If you open it, some of the warm air will escape and the ball will fly down.

They take with them at least two gas cylinders (one main, another spare) - this is enough for about one hour of flight, a variometer for measuring vertical speed and a walkie-talkie for communicating with the pilots of other balloons and escort vehicles (about them a little below). And, most importantly, there are no sandbags. They are used as ballast on gas balloons (with helium and other similar gases inside), and a hot air balloon is not needed.

The top valve is open and the balloon is deflated. Pay attention to the number. In Turkey, balls are registered as TC-Bxx, for example, TC-BUM. In Russia, they are registered in the general aviation register and have RA-xxxxG numbers. Each balloon has a certificate of airworthiness, everything is as it should be.

Where is the balloon flying?

We can only control the vertical speed of the balloon. Horizontally, it flies wherever the wind carries it. That is why the balloon is unsuitable as a full-fledged vehicle: it is still a pleasure aircraft. Despite this, balloon flights are regulated by the aviation authorities no less than by airplanes. Each balloon is registered in the aircraft register and the corresponding number on board, and the pilots (there are two) - a license. Flights are carried out according to the rules of visual flights, that is, with good visibility, the absence of strong wind is also a prerequisite. The problem is that you can fly only early in the morning at dawn or, conversely, at sunset: during the day, ascending air currents from the earth's surface heated by the sun make flights unsafe (and in the morning there are up and down currents, just not so strong). So you can easily face the situation when you arrived, but didn't fly anywhere - just plan a few days just in case!

Each balloon has its own escort vehicle: a jeep with a platform trailer the size of a basket. Jeep - because the ball will land, most likely, not on the road. Aerobatics is landing directly on the platform; much cooler than putting a fighter on an aircraft carrier.

If the balls collide with each other in the air, then ... nothing happens, they just repel each other and fly further. In general, it is quite difficult for the balls to collide: after all, the wind carries them in the same direction.

How is a hot air balloon flight

First, you are brought to your hot air balloon. At this moment, it is still lying on the ground, the basket is on its side, and with the help of a powerful fan, the shell is filled with air, while heating it with a burner. At some point, the limp ball becomes elastic and soars upward. The basket is turned over, passengers sit in it, climbing over the side. Inside there are two-point belts, which, however, few people use, as well as ropes, which will need to be held on when landing. Pre-flight briefing, in fact, consists in the fact that when landing, you must definitely sit down and hold on to the ropes, since there is a high probability of the basket overturning: this will avoid injury.

Flight preparation

The pilot gives more fire, and ... the ball soars smoothly up and to the side. It feels like riding a Ferris wheel, only much higher. And at the same time there is no noise or vibration, so even seasoned aerophobes are not afraid. And even those who are afraid of heights (and the ball rises up to 1500 m with an average flight altitude of about 500), it is not scary: because of the high (about 1.5 meters) side of the basket, it is impossible to fall out of it, and the standing position provokes to look not down, but to the sides. Indescribable beauty! The real Tatooine! Turkish pilots try to fly so as to go closer to the rocks, "chimneys" and give an opportunity to see them, go down almost to the roofs of ancient villages - of course, everything can be photographed and filmed, the main thing is not to drop the camera.

Flight altitude reaches 1500 m

By the way, there is no wind at altitude - or rather, it is not felt, because you are flying with this very wind!

How to fly in a hot air balloon

Cappadocia, as you already understood, is a place where hot air ballooning is a developed and popular form of recreation. You will need to get to the city of Urgup, which is 70 km from Kayseri, where the nearest civil airport (ASR) is located. There are several daily flights to Kayseri from Istanbul (IST and SAW) by local airlines: Turkish Airlines, Anadolujet, Pegasus Airlines, etc. The flight takes about an hour and a half. Of course, many different airlines fly to Istanbul itself - from Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines to Onur Air and Pobeda. Buying two separate tickets to Istanbul and to Kayseri can help you save a lot (and at the same time spend a couple of days in Istanbul).

The low pass over the mountain is one of the hot air balloon aerobatics

There are more than ten airlines with balloons in Urgup; You can also purchase a flight through their Russian partners by simply typing the corresponding request into Google - it is convenient if you do not know Turkish and want to plan everything in advance, or you can directly at the hotel in Urgup, but everything depends on the hotel. Be guided by the fact that the cost of an hour flight is 13,000 rubles per person, including transfer from your hotel and back and a modest breakfast in the immediate vicinity of the starting point (tea, coffee, buns).

Video (pre-flight briefing, low-altitude passage, landing on an aircraft carrier, cleaning the balloon).

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Druzhinin Matvey Sergeevich

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MOU "Pechnikovskaya average

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I. Introduction._______________________________________ 3

Purpose of work ________________________________________ 3

Work tasks ______________________________________ 3

Formulation of the problem. Literature review. ______________ 3

II. Main part. Experiment. ___________________ 5

Making a balloon filled with hot air .____ 5

Making a balloon filled with hydrogen. __________ 7

III.Conclusions. _______________________________________ 8

References _________________________________ 9



Learn to build balloons. Find out what kind of load a hot air balloon and a hydrogen balloon can lift.

Work tasks:

· Build a balloon like a Chinese lantern.

· By changing the volume of the ball, determine the time of its flight and the mass of the load it lifts.

· Fill the balloon with hydrogen and determine the mass of the load it lifts.

· Compare the load capacities of a hot air balloon and a hydrogen balloon.

· Find out the volume of a balloon that can lift a person into the air.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/568/images/image002_50.gif "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 231 "height \u003d" 156 src \u003d "\u003e It is known that air balls fill warm air or the lightest gas - hydrogenwhich is 15 times lighter than air. But, as you know, hydrogen is very flammable. Because of this, for example, the German airship "Hindenburg" (lit. 4) caught fire and died in the forties of the last century.

And they inflate balloons helium, which is slightly heavier than hydrogen, but it is completely safe, because it does not burn (lit. 5).

https://pandia.ru/text/78/568/images/image004_18.jpg "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 276 "height \u003d" 193 src \u003d "\u003e June 5" href \u003d "/ text / category / 5_iyunya / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e On June 5, 1783, another demonstration took place. The ball weighing 227 kilograms with a canvas shell and a rope net was able to rise to a height of two kilometers. The whole of France learned about this event, and balloons began to be called hot air balloons... On November 21, 1783, people flew in a balloon for the first time: the scientist Pilar de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arland,

A great contribution to the development of ballooning in balloons was made by the Parisian physics professor Jacques-Alexander Charles. He used a light silk fabric impregnated with rubber as a shell, and the ball itself filled hydrogen,which allowed to reduce its volume three times... Charles also developed methods of controlling a balloon, realized the need to take ballast with him to increase the flight range and an anchor for landing. Since then and to this day, the shape of the balloon has remained practically unchanged (lit. 3).

After the invention of balloons, they learned how to build airships.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/568/images/image007_14.jpg "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 145 "height \u003d" 346 src \u003d "\u003e left" style \u003d "border-collapse: collapse; border : none; margin-left: 6.75pt; margin-right: 6.75pt "\u003e

Ball mass (gr.)

Weight of cargo (gr.)

Flight time

Ball from 1 package

3 min13 sec

Ball of 2 packages

5 min 10 sec

The table shows that if the volume of the ball is increased by 2 times, the mass of the load lifted by him will increase only by 1,5 times. Probably because in the second balloon the air is already cooling down. And if you add fire, then the lower shell of the ball begins to melt.

These tables are presented in the form of a figure.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/568/images/image010_14.jpg "alt \u003d" (! LANG: F: \\ ball \\ IMG_2360.JPG" align="left" width="149" height="152 src=">!} Then we decided to fill a balloon with hydrogen. It took 25 grams to inflate the balloon with hydrogen. zinc. We poured zinc into the flask and filled it with sulfuric acid. A ball was attached to the tip. The ball began to inflate slowly. It was inflated for almost 2 hours. And when he pouted, we tied him on a string. The circumference of the ball was 78 cm, which means that its volume was 8 liters. and the shell weighed 7.6 grams. and he lifted a weight of 1.1 grams. We could inflate the balloon to 17 liters. and he would lift a weight of 13 grams.

Then we released the ball. He flew very high, and he did not become visible at all.


Unlike a balloon filled with warm air, a balloon filled with hydrogen can fly for a very long time and high until it puffs or bursts. Every 1,3 l. the hydrogen with which the ball is filled can raise 1 g. of the payload.


· I did manage to make balloons filled with both hot air and hydrogen.

· The disadvantage of a balloon filled with hot air is that it lifts 5 times less weight than a balloon filled with hydrogen. In addition, it is dangerous in terms of fire, and it must be launched when there is snow on the ground, or after rain. But it can be run many times and does not require hydrogen.

· In practice, hot air balloons can be used like Chinese lanterns, or you can pick up a mobile phone by a string on fifteen balloons and film your village from a bird's eye view.

· And as the results of the work have shown, the balloon cannot lift Winnie the Pooh into the air. This requires a very large ball. And what would lift a person weighing 70 kg into the air. It is necessary to inflate more than five thousand children's balloons with hydrogen!

List of references.

1.http: // ru. wikipedia. org / wiki /% C2% EE% E7% E4% F3% F8% ED% FB% E9_% F8% E0% F0% E8% EA Article Balloon

2.http: // dic. ***** / dic. nsf / brokgauz_efron / 23370 / Balloon Article Balloon.

3.http: // www. ballooning. lt / ru / vozdusnye_sary / istorija_vozdusnyh_sarov / Article History of balloons

4.http: // dic. ***** / dic. nsf / enc_tech / 380 / airship

5. Big children's illustrated encyclopedia. - Per. with French - M .: Egmont Russia Ltd, 2005

6. Handbook of physics: Per. with him. 2nd ed. - M .: Mir, 1985