Effective meditation techniques for anxiety, stress and fear. Why do you need to learn to meditate? Where does fear come from

Each of us is constantly faced with stress: at work, at leisure, in everyday life, and even at home, alone with yourself. Stressors cannot be avoided, and negative emotions negatively affect the physical condition, the psychological background.

What do we do first of all when we are stressed, nervous? Of course, we run to the pharmacy in the hope of buying stress pills. They really urgently relieve symptoms. But the problem will go deep into the subconscious, and you will still worry, accumulate tension in yourself. In addition, unauthorized use of medications without a doctor's prescription can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is so important to be able to properly relax, as well as learn how to manage stress. Only this knowledge will help to effectively deal with stress, leveling its negative consequences. The following techniques, techniques and exercises will help you learn how to deal with stress and how to relax properly after dealing with stressors.

Meditation is a versatile method of relaxation and stress management

Meditation has been a proven method of maximum relaxation for centuries. It perfectly helps to reduce anxiety, eliminate internal stress. With its help, since ancient times, they achieved peace of mind, abstracted themselves from all "earthly vanities" - experiences, negative emotions, stresses. Any person can master the technique of meditation: this does not require unique abilities. You just need to create an atmosphere conducive to meditation and suitable conditions. A meditative technique performed correctly gives great results. Observing the following rules will help make your meditation as effective as possible:

  • Practice meditation techniques in a cozy, secluded area. It should be quiet and comfortable for you. Meditations can be carried out both in special, quiet rooms and in nature.
  • Meditate alone or with like-minded people. There should be no strangers around.
  • Choose the most comfortable and most comfortable position for your body so that every muscle is relaxed.
  • Attention should be completely focused on the process. Therefore, abstract from the outside world: turn off cellular telephone, close windows, eliminate any distractions.
  • Special music (sounds of nature, ethnic) and aromatherapy have a beneficial effect on the body and spirit during meditation. You can use incense, aromatic oils, scented candles.

An example of a meditation technique:

Get into the most comfortable position: you can sit on a chair, sofa, or take the lotus position on the rug. If in this position you still could not relax, you can lie on the floor completely, in a free position. Listen to music or sounds of nature, inhale the pleasant aroma of incense and try to relax your body as much as possible, turn off your mind, internal dialogue, eliminate any thoughts. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to stop the flow of thought. To do this, imagine a void or white endless light in your imagination, and begin to breathe slowly, fully and deeply, counting in and out. Do the exercise for 5-10 minutes. When you feel that you are as relaxed as possible, smoothly turn on your mind. Then sit down slowly, start moving.

With the daily practice of this technique, you will notice that your emotional background has returned to normal, you are calm and relaxed.

How to deal with stress and anxiety with yoga

Yoga is a healing practice that is used not only to treat many diseases, but also to relieve stress. The human body is designed in such a way that it already has mechanisms psychological protection, internal reserves for self-healing, full recovery health and peace of mind... However, constant nervous stress blocks these unique abilities. Yoga, having a beneficial effect on all body systems, successfully helps to cope with stress and depression, relieves the effects of a panic crisis. Yoga classes include a set of breathing and physical exercises, as well as meditation.

For nerves and stress, an easy-to-follow yoga technique is recommended, which everyone can do. It can be used in combination with other exercises or used as independent way relaxation. So, squatting, take the embryo position: sit on your knees, your stomach is pressed against them, your arms are bent, palms are pressed to the floor, your forehead rests on back sides palms. In this position, begin to breathe slowly and deeply, while breathing should involve the abdominal muscles. Deep breathing will help you achieve a state of maximum relaxation. Continue this exercise for 3-5 minutes. Then slowly get up off the floor. Now you can continue your business. Such a simple and short technique helps to quickly relax and relieve nervous tension, gives a state of calm, peace. It is absolutely safe, and will be useful to everyone, regardless of resistance to stress and exposure to stress.

Breathing exercises to combat stress

To be always healthy, cheerful and full of energy, you need to be able to breathe correctly. After all, supplying cells with oxygen is the most important process in our body. Proper ventilation the lungs provide sufficient nutrition for the brain, and this, in turn, gives a person a good mood and well-being. Performing breathing exercises daily, you get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day and completely relax.

How to relieve stress with correct breathing? To do this, you can perform this set of exercises:

  1. Inhale deeply, continue to inhale as you count to 4. Then we hold our breath and count to 5. After that we exhale slowly to the end. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. Do this before going to bed to help you fall asleep quickly. The dream will be complete.
  2. Breathe in and out fully, alternately pinching the right and then the left nostril with your finger.
  3. Begin to inhale first with the diaphragm, and then draw in the air completely into the lungs with your chest. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale sequentially, first with your chest, and then with your diaphragm. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

The following exercises are ideal for those who urgently need to relieve stress at work. It will also benefit those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who have to spend the whole day sitting at their workplace.

  1. Stand up, straighten your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale while gently raising your arms. Then stretch sweetly as you wake up, stretching and arching each joint. Exhale sharply, "dropping" your arms down and slightly bend your back.
  2. Stand straight with your face looking straight up (at the ceiling), stretch your arms forward and bend at the elbows. Arch your back slightly, stretching the muscles of your shoulders and neck, and then straighten up and sharply lower your arms. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

So, after completing this simple complex in 7-10 minutes, you will relax enough to calm down and return to work in a good mood.

Reducing stress with exercise and imagination

The following exercises are simple and easy - anyone can master them. They are remarkable in that when they are performed, not only muscles are actively involved, but also the imagination. With its help it is possible to relax faster and more fully. Exercise is great for relaxing all muscle groups. And this, in turn, allows you to effectively relieve nervous tension.

  1. Inflate balloonhic.

Try to imagine that you are a bright and large balloon. Inhale the air slowly, filling the entire volume of the lungs. As you inhale, you expand, swell, flaunting bright color and shape. Now let's imagine that a small puncture has formed in our ball, from which air comes out very slowly. The ball is deflated, becomes soft, pliable, elastic. Thus, you should exhale, relaxing all muscles as much as possible.

  1. Spring jumping.

Imagine that there are elastic and comfortable springs attached to your shoes, and you only have to move on them. Jump in place, contracting your leg muscles more and more each time. When the tension becomes maximum, jump for the last time and, having landed, sharply relax the whole body, make a sharp exhalation. Perform up to 20 jumps. This exercise is great for emergencies. Have experienced stress, encountered an object that causes negative emotions - just “jump on the springs”!

  1. Weightlifter.

This exercise can be performed using only one imagination, and a real, light, barbell. Imagine you are lifting a heavy barbell. It is difficult for you, and this process requires a lot of effort, tension of the whole body. We strain all the muscles, raise the bar as high as possible. The goal is achieved! Abruptly throw an imaginary barbell, exhale, tilt down, relax.

How to deal with stress and depression with color therapy?

Researchers all over the world agree that each color has a definite effect on the human psyche. Colors can adjust chemical processesoccurring in the body, affecting the pituitary gland, which controls the entire endocrine system. Analyzing individual characteristics your personality, a color therapist can create an individual spectrum of colors that will have a beneficial effect on your psychological and physical condition. To improve the emotional background, maintain positive mood you can also stick to certain colors in clothes, interiors, in food. Consider what colors are best used and what for.

Blue - this calming color reduces pressure, normalizes the emotional background, neutralizes irritability, anger, intense emotions.

Blue - helps to relieve pain syndrome of various localization.

It is best to avoid purple if you are often prone to blues, depressions.

Green is the color of life. Best of all, it promotes recovery from nervous breakdowns, relieves fatigue, heart pain, migraines.

Yellow - improves mood, positive thinking and optimism.

But orange - the best choice for those who, due to experiences, have lost interest in food. It will quickly restore your appetite!

So, in this article on relaxation techniques, we introduced our readers to the main ways to deal with stressors. We also tried to collect for you practical techniques and exercise to relieve stress. The practices described above are specially selected so that everyone can perform them. If the article turned out to be useful to you, share it with your friends and subscribers on the social network or leave a review. We hope that our recommendations will help you, as well as many other people, effectively deal with stress.

Text: Karina Sembe

Katy Perry and Lena Dunham, Anna Dello Russo and even David Lynch and Jeff Bridges do it. You don't need special clothes or high-tech shoes for this, you don't need a designated place and, in fact, you don't even need a coach. Moreover, no side effects... They say that meditation is the new yoga (and maybe even more). Having migrated to our postmodernity from ancient religious practices, concentration techniques have proven their potential for training consciousness.

Meditation teaches the brain to concentrate, cope with stress and anxiety, and helps to return a sober view of the world around us. You can be skeptical about meditation and suspect practitioners of sectarianism, or you can, following thousands of scientists, recognize an effective brain trainer in the new trend and use it to learn how to distract yourself from painful thoughts about the deadline.

What is meditation

The word "meditation" comes from the Latin meditari, which in different contexts means "ponder", "mentally contemplate", "generate ideas." The term "meditation" was also used as a translation of the name of Eastern spiritual practices (in Hinduism it is dhyana, and in Buddhism it is Zen). These concepts have the same meanings: "mentally contemplate", "reflect".

In dictionaries, meditation is defined as deep reflection on an object or idea, with distraction from external circumstances, elimination of all factors that scatter attention - both external (sound, light) and internal (physical, emotional, intellectual tension). You can also find meanings that are closer to the everyday understanding of meditation - for example, the state of inner concentration or various actions to achieve it.

Meditation techniques are drawn from the arsenal of Eastern religious culture, where concentration techniques were used to transcend the outside world. Some of the first mentions of meditation go back to the Vedas, ancient Indian scriptures of a religious and philosophical nature, which were created from about the 16th to the 5th century BC. e. IN ancient tradition the practice of meditation was ritualized, involving the repetition of phrases, often of a rhythmic nature, and the adoption of certain postures. Scientists distinguish not only Buddhist and Hindu, but also Christian, Islamic and Taoist traditions of meditation.

Regular meditation has been proven tohelps combat stress, improves sleep and develops empathy.

How did the phenomenon take root
in the West

Meditation as an element of Buddhist practices received discussion in the West already in the Enlightenment, and since the end of the 19th century, meditation techniques have been actively promoted in the West by popular gurus like Swami Vivekananda, friend and associate of Nikola Tesla. Secular meditation as a western form of Hindu meditation techniques emerged in India in the 1950s and almost immediately made its way into the United States and Europe. By the beginning of the 70s, only english language there have been over a thousand studies on meditation.

Secular meditation involves a variety of techniques and instead of focusing on spiritual growth, it offers an emphasis on reducing stress, controlling attention, and achieving emotional stability. Currently, meditation is actively used for psychotherapy and psychological trainingand also as complementary medicine.

There is a stereotype that meditating is sitting and doing nothing. In fact, it is solid and painstaking work with your own psyche and physiology - the same training, only not for muscles, but for the brain. In the West, two main types of meditation have taken root: transcendental meditation with concentration on a mantra, that is, a word, sound or phrase repeated aloud or mentally, and mindfulness editation, during which concentration occurs on the breath.

Where did skepticism come from?
about meditation

Any culture, let alone a mass one, is formed from trends generated by it, and it is no secret that these trends are not always friendly with logic. One cannot step on the Internet without stumbling upon articles with headlines such as "The influence of the phases of the moon on the fate of a person", "How to cleanse the house of negative energy”,“ Top 10 best natural antibiotics ”. A Fair Skeptical Look at Deep YouTube Recovery Tutorials female energy with the help of love meditation it is often extended to the perception of meditation techniques as such. Of course, everyone has a right to their toys - whether it's PlayStation or chakra opening. On the other hand, it is worth learning that meditation does not necessarily come with Buddhism, yoga, veganism - and further down the list.

The creator of the Headspace meditation app and former Buddhist monk Andy Paddicomb never perceived meditation as a religious practice: "I did it, rather, in order to understand my own consciousness, to find a state in which consciousness becomes more calm and pure." Useful and sound conclusions can be reached in different ways, including through religious and philosophical practices. But in the arsenal of mankind there is also a scientific method, as well as the ability to reason logically. There is nothing mystical about closing your eyes and breathing deeply, but a couple of minutes of such simple exercises will allow you to calm down and get away from obsessive thoughts.

Why meditation is considered a salvation from anxiety

Doctors are increasingly using meditation techniques to treat anxiety. Anxiety disorder, which often affects the successful and active, is spoken about today everywhere - from scientific conferences and medical publications to fashion blogs and TV shows. Lizabeth Roemer, professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, believes that meditation has great therapeutic potential in this direction: “If people learn to perceive what is happening at the moment with acceptance and kindness and if they manage to apply this skill in life in such a way as to maintain interest in important things for them it can help solve the anxiety problem. "

Anxiety can be tricky to recognize. It can be easily identified by abdominal cramps or characteristic chest pressure, but often anxiety takes on less obvious forms, hiding behind procrastination, perfectionism, or increased cravings for isolation. And if these are nothing more than ways to escape from reality, then meditation is precisely aimed at accepting this reality and coming to terms with it. There are fewer cases of depression, panic attacks, and anxiety among people who meditate.

What effect to expect
from meditation

During and immediately after meditation

“Meditation instantly activates areas of the brain associated with regions such as the lateral prefrontal cortex. These zones are responsible for controlling feelings of anxiety, excitement and fear, ”explains Rebecca Gladding, MD, a clinical psychiatrist at the University of California, in her book You Are Not Your Brain. And according to research from the Institute of Medical Sciences in India, after 15 minutes of meditation, there is a decrease in heart rate and stabilization of the reactions of the nervous system.

After weeks of meditation

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University claim: the more often you practice meditation, the more actively you "pump" the corresponding areas of the brain - as a result, your emotional condition stabilizes. The fact is that in most cases, stress arises from worrying about trifles and thinking about something that has not happened, but it can happen - from the prospect of a missed deadline to the risk of being late for an important meeting. Such anxiety triggers a number of mechanisms in the brain to "fight at any cost", including stimulating the release of cortisol, which is called the stress hormone. It turns out that regular meditation can lead to a decrease in the level of cortisol secretion. It is also scientifically proven that meditation-based exercise can help improve sleep and even develop empathy, which literally makes us more compassionate.

Long term

Regular practice of meditation can have beneficial effects on changes in the physical structure of the brain. The claim sounds incredible, but is based on convincing results. scientific research... In the framework of the TEDxCambridge innovation development project, the neuroscientist Sarah Lazar spoke about them, in particular, and gained almost 700 thousand views on YouTube ... The brain is capable of neuroplasticity, that is, the construction of new cells and connections. When we meditate, the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that makes us take things personally relaxes, and the area that is responsible for empathy activates its work. Even two months of regular meditation lowers the gray matter of the amygdala, the focus of fear and anxiety, and increases the density of the gray matter of the hippocampus, which is responsible for the formation of emotions and the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory.

How to start

Professionals say that the most important thing for beginners is comfortable timing, and they advise you to determine a convenient time for meditation. It is desirable that it was the same time, in the morning or in the evening. Most experts recommend starting with 5-10 minutes of meditation, while coach, yogi and entrepreneur Gabriel Bernstein recommends trying just 1 minute to get started. The simplest and efficient technique is to simply follow the breath. You shouldn't try to forcefully drive all thoughts away - it's better to just try not to develop them, letting them come and go.

For those who find it difficult to concentrate on their own or want interactivity, there are a lot of applications to help. Market leader Headspace can be a complete beginner's guide to meditation. True, only a ten-minute program exists in the public domain, and you have to pay for the variety of exercises. Calm leads the free app with dozens of meditation exercises of varying duration, meditation programs from 7 to 21 days, and sleep improvement programs.

Feeling nervous, tired, stressed, frustrated? Meditation is an ancient mind and body practice that promotes relaxation and overall well-being. Research shows that meditation can help relieve stress and benefit mental and physical health by lowering blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and depression. In addition, meditation has been found to reduce the incidence of colds or flu and reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. You might think that the learning process effective meditation hard or takes too long, but you really only need to carve out a few minutes out of your day to practice these simple exercises and feel refreshed.


Basic meditation techniques

    Find a quiet place. The world is full of all kinds of distractions, so this can seem like a daunting request. However, a quiet place where you can meditate without being disturbed will be extremely valuable when teaching stress relief meditation. As you become more experienced with meditation, external distractions will bother you less and less.

    • There will probably be a lot of distractions at first. You will hear the noise of cars passing by, birds singing and people talking. It is better to turn off all electronic devices, for example, mobile phone and television to minimize factors that can distract you from your meditation practice.
    • Usually, just closing the door is sufficient, but ear plugs can also be used if necessary.
    • As you develop your meditation skills, you will find that you can meditate anywhere, even in high stress situations, such as in traffic, at work, or in a crowded store.
  1. Find a comfortable position. You can meditate while lying down, sitting, walking, in general in any position. The main thing is that you feel comfortable so that discomfort does not distract you.

    Control your breathing. Different kinds meditations use breath control. Deep breathing helps relax your mind and body. In fact, simply focusing on the breath can be effective meditation.

    • Breathe in and out through your nose. During breathing, the mouth should be closed but relaxed. Listen to the sounds of your breathing.
    • Use your diaphragm to expand your lungs. Place your hand on your stomach. It should rise when you breathe in and fall when you breathe out. Breathe in and out at regular intervals.
    • Breathing control allows you to slow down your breathing rate and fill your lungs big amount oxygen in one breath.
    • Deep breaths relax the muscles in your upper torso, such as your shoulders, neck, and chest. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing is much more effective than shallow upper chest breathing.
  2. Focus on something. Focusing on one thing, or even nothing at all, is an essential component of effective meditation. The goal is to free your mind of the distractions that cause stress in order to rest your mind and body. Some people prefer to focus on an object, image, mantra, or each breath, but you can also focus on a black screen, for example, or something else.

    Pray. Prayer is also a type of meditation that is practiced around the world in many different religious and non-religious practices. Let your prayer match your needs, personal beliefs, and meditation goals.

    • You can pray out loud, you can silently, or you can write your prayer on paper. It can consist of your words, or maybe someone else's.
    • Prayer can be dedicated to God or something everyday. Decide what works best for you, your belief system, and your prayer expectations. You can pray to God, the universe, yourself, or nothing in particular. It all depends only on your preferences.
  3. Know that not “ the right way”Meditation. If you worry about how you breathe, what you think about (or not think about), and whether you are meditating correctly, you are only exacerbating the problem. Meditation needs to be adapted to your lifestyle and your situation. This is a practice where you simply take a few minutes to relax in your own way in this hectic, stressful world.

    Enjoy the process. Meditation can be of short and long term benefits, but it should also be a pleasant experience. Some resistance to clearing the mind and relaxing is normal, because we are so used to being constantly tense, but you don't need to force yourself to meditate in a certain way if you don't like it.

    • The point is to find a sense of peace in the moment. Don't ignore the opportunity to meditate in your daily activities. Everyday mundane activities such as washing dishes, folding laundry, or fixing your car are great opportunities to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
    • Remember that creative, relaxing activities are also great for meditation. Listen to music, draw, read, replant a flower, write in a diary, or watch the fire in the fireplace. These activities focus the mind, reduce stress levels, and put brain waves into a meditative state.
  4. Concentrating meditation. In concentration meditation, you focus your attention on an image, object, sound, or positive mantra. You can focus on a quiet beach, a bright apple, or a soothing word or phrase. The point is that what you choose to focus on helps you block out distracting thoughts.

    Practice mindfulness meditation. This meditation focuses your attention on the present moment. You are trying to feel and become aware of what is happening right now and what you are feeling during meditation, for example, your breath. You are aware of your feelings, thoughts and what is happening around you without actively trying to change it.

    Practice moving meditation. Yoga and tai chi are well known meditation practices for stress relief, which use movement and breathing to maintain well-being. Research shows that they are effective ways meditation and health maintenance.

Practice meditation

    Find a quiet place with a relaxing atmosphere. It could be anything. You can sit outside under a tree, in a quiet bedroom with the lights off, or even in the living room. Any place where you feel comfortable will do. Make sure there are no and no distractions in the area you choose. You should only focus on the here and now.

    Find a position that is comfortable for you. You can sit, lie or stand - the decision depends only on you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. When you find a suitable position, close your eyes.

    • If you are sitting, you need to maintain good posture so you can breathe better. Your back should be straight, your chest slightly raised, and your shoulders pulled back. Raise your chin slightly, but do not strain your neck. The hands should lie calmly on the knees with open palms up.
  1. Take a deep breath. With your eyes closed, take a slow deep breath and relax. Relax your shoulders and neck, wiggle your fingers and toes. Inhale slowly, and as you exhale, imagine all your stress and all anxiety leaving your body with each exhalation.

  2. Try to clear your mind and not get distracted if you can. Put aside any business that might wait until the moment when you finish your meditation. As you breathe in and out, let go of all your worries. Stop worrying or thinking about things, appointments, and responsibilities. Leave that for later. Now come to a state of self-awareness. Pay attention to your breathing, your relaxation. Be fully present in the present and benefit from it.

    • Of course, if the phone rings or you need to complete some important task, then do it. You can always come back to this meditation later.
    • Don't feel like you have to finish a meditation exercise after a specific amount of time. Practice at your own pace, stop meditation when you need to, and start or finish again when you want.

It is not for nothing that the 21st century is called the time of depression and anxiety disorders. The pace of life is increasing, people are constantly striving to have time to do everything in the world, to achieve results in their careers. High competition, constant stress lead to chronic anxiety. This condition often interferes with a person's life - making decisions and even going about daily activities. Meditation helps to reduce nervous tension, allowing you to effectively deal with stress and anxiety.

Meditation as a method of relaxation

People have been familiar with relaxation techniques for a long time. This process allows a person to remain alone with himself, disconnect from problems and worries. Meditation from anxiety and fear helps to feel your body, organize thoughts and feelings, and better understand emotions. Correctly performed relaxation helps to relieve mental stress, as a result of which a person's sleep improves, strength appears and anxiety disappears. After getting rid of stress and anxiety, the body directs all its energy to restore health.

A study from Johns Hopkins University found that the effects of meditation on fear and anxiety were comparable to those of antidepressants. Thus, you can achieve tranquility and harmony even without medication.

Practicing meditation helps people:

  • stop being nervous for no reason;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • find peace of mind;
  • get rid of insomnia, normalize sleep;
  • improve mood, experience more often positive emotionsfill the spiritual void;
  • lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation;
  • get rid of chronic fatigue and loss of strength;
  • improve concentration and memory.

Usually, people first encounter such techniques when they see a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor talks about the essence of meditations, techniques for performing and possible outcomes... Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a specialist, but the plus of relaxation is that it can be practiced at home without outside help.

How to meditate properly

The main goal of meditation for depression and anxiety is to release nervous tension and fear through relaxation. It must be remembered that anyone can master her technique. At first, something may not work out and be distracting, this is normal. However, the more a person practices meditation, the easier it becomes each time.

First choose appropriate place... A quiet home environment in which no one can interfere is best. It is important to warn loved ones so that the person is not distracted at the time of meditation.

The ideal option is a room hidden from prying eyes and sounds. However, if there is no such room, then you can not refuse to try to relax. Even meditation in a noisy crowd can be effective if you set yourself up for a positive result.

The relaxation technique takes 15–20 minutes. At the initial stage, it is recommended to carry out it 2 times a day at a convenient time. The easiest way to do this is after waking up and before bed. Morning meditation will allow the brain to wake up and prepare for the beginning of the day, evening meditation will relax and relieve fatigue, tension and anxiety.

Take the correct posture to complete the task. The main requirement is a straight back, which should not lean over the back when sitting on a chair. Otherwise, each person chooses a position that is comfortable for him.

However, when assuming a lying position, there is a risk of relaxing to such an extent that you can fall asleep. At the initial stage, a position in which the person sits on a chair, but does not lean on anywhere, is best suited. This will reduce the stress on the back, and it will not get tired in 15 minutes.

The first step in meditation is to shut off your thoughts. Closing your eyes, all attention should be directed not to inner experiences, but to the breath or mantra.

If a person notices that he is starting to think about something again, then calmly return attention to his starting point. At first, thoughts will all the time try to fill the head, but over time, the brain will learn to drive them away. The easiest way to focus on breathing is to follow the slow breaths in and out without thinking about anything.

Tips for Initial Meditation:

  1. There is no need to wait for what will work out the first time - the effect will not frown immediately. If at first it seems that everything is useless, you cannot get upset and stop practicing. This is the stage of analyzing yourself and awareness.
  2. Don't think you should stop thinking. The basis of meditation is relaxation and turning off the consciousness, you should not blame yourself that sometimes some thoughts still slip through your head during practice. Try to get them back on track and not dwell on failure.
  3. Check your mood after class. You can create a notebook in which to write down feelings after completion practical assignment... Over time, it will be seen that meditation gives a good mood.

Jacobson relaxation

Another one efficient technique is Jacobson relaxation. It is suitable for those who experience anxiety and stress, feeling muscle tension. Its essence lies in the consistent tension of a muscle group and their subsequent relaxation.

The plus of this meditation technique consists in the fact that it will take only 5 minutes to complete it, and it can be done even in transport or in between work.

Within 20 seconds, it is necessary to consistently strain the muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, back, head and face, then relax the strained area for 30 seconds. Exercises to relieve neuromuscular tension:

  • clench your hands tightly into a fist;
  • spread your arms to the sides, bend them at the elbow and strain;
  • bring the shoulder blades together and lower;
  • raise your eyebrows high and join them together;
  • close your eyes and wrinkle your nose strongly;
  • strain your abdominal muscles;
  • press your feet into the floor;
  • straighten your legs and pull your feet towards you;
  • bend your toes.

All these exercises are performed sequentially for 20 seconds each, with all possible strength. This is followed by a 30-second relaxation, during which the muscles rest. After completing all the technique, the person should feel that his body is completely relaxed. If tension is still felt in some area, then repeat the technique with this muscle.

Meditation is a way to relieve fear, anxiety and stress that shows high efficiency along with medicines. There is no need to wait for a quick result and despair if at the initial stage something does not work out.

Over time, a person begins to recognize his body more, relax and get distracted from obsessive thoughts. With a good mood and correct technique fulfillment, the effect of meditation will not be long in coming.

Each of us would like to live easy interesting lifewhen all matters are in dispute, all troubles bypass the house. And the problems exist somewhere in another reality.

But, unfortunately, very few people can boast that there are no problems in his life that occasionally spoil his life. But, the ability to cope with emerging difficulties hardens us and gives us new experience. However, if the difficulties that arise are not resolved in a timely manner, then this can cause serious psychological discomfort, literally poisoning our lives.

Accumulating, they cause a state of anxiety and fear, which penetrate into us and restrain us, causing numbness.

In some cases, such anxiety conditions can be dealt with on their own. But sometimes you may need the help of a specialist.

Why does the appearance of anxiety in our life depend, and where do the fears that poison our existence come from?

Let's find out what psychologists advise.

Where does fear come from?

Fear is the reaction of the signaling system to a possible danger.

Fear can serve as a protective function, for example, warning us against walking at night in poorly lit back streets. But it can also act destructively. If the state of fear and anxiety persists for a long time, it can lead to the development of depression. Depression isn't easy to cope with. Sometimes, only contacting a qualified specialist can help you get out of a depression.

Especially often, fear arises in men who, by nature, being defenders, subconsciously prepare for a meeting with some kind of enemy, from which he must protect himself, his wife and children.

Fear often arises when you are out of control. Fear that something might go wrong, or that you do not have the opportunity to somehow influence what is happening in your life, which could threaten you or cause some harm. When circumstances are stronger than you and you have no one to find help. Anxiety arises, developing into a feeling of fear.

Sometimes fear can arise from the fear of the unknown. This is how the fear of the dark arises, the fear of entering the water at night in order to bathe in the light of a fire, the fear of being alone in the house, especially when it gets dark outside the window, the shadows lengthen, and the visible area, which can be controlled by us, is noticeably narrowed.

If you are afraid to be alone, for example, in country house, in which, with the onset of darkness, something starts to crackle, creak, reminding someone's steps, you can turn on the light, music, radio. But you will not sleep with the lights on and the radio on. Therefore, fear must be overcome, get rid of it, so that it does not interfere with calm sleep, creating frightening pictures in our imagination.

Manifestations of fear and anxiety

Fear, anxiety states cause changes in the body, which affect not only the psychological state, but also the physical.

Heart palpitations occur, sweating intensifies. Breathing becomes more frequent.

The psychological state is also strongly affected. During anxiety and stress, attention is scattered, there is a feeling of unreality of what is happening, the mood undergoes rapid changes.

If you are afraid of public speaking and are sweating as you walk to the speaker's desk, you can use the trick of looking at yourself from the side. Try to see yourself, the people around you, as if you are looking from the outside.

When you see that there is nothing wrong with a person (you) planning to tell something to other people, fear will fade into the background, and you will just see yourself, as you saw the same from the side of another person who made a presentation before you.

Translating fear into grotesque

Reducing fear in your mind to some kind of ridiculous exaggeration can also be a useful technique that you can use in some situations.

To do this, you need to imagine something very ridiculous that can happen in a situation that causes fear. For example, walking to the podium for a performance, you can imagine how you walk, fall, break your nose, stuff a bump on your forehead, tear your trouser leg, and in this form rise to the podium. If you manage to create such an image that makes you smile, the fear will disappear by itself.

Children's fear of punishment

Many fears originate in our childhood, when our life was completely dependent on our parents and their moods. They could praise, but they could punish.

The fear of being punished for many people persists for many years, turning into a real problem.

Fear of this kind underlies the "excellent student's syndrome", when a person tries to be the first in everything, to do everything better than others, tries his best to be noted, singled out from the rest of the team, and praised.

If this does not happen, the person falls into depression, the reason for which may be completely incomprehensible to him. Life loses its meaning, he tries as best he can, takes on additional responsibilities, but does not see any praise from his superiors and even more so from colleagues who see in this only a desire to curry favor.

To get rid of this kind of experience, one should understand that it is possible to exist quite comfortably and not receive a letter for each holiday, that many live like this all their lives. And there is nothing wrong with that. And all experiences are only the result of an attitude from childhood, when strict parents, who often themselves have not reached any heights in this life, begin to bully the child, trying to compensate for their failures.

Fear of being worse than others

Also, quite often from childhood comes the fear of being worse than others. When parents, instead of praising, cite other children as examples - better achievers, more physically developed, etc.

This can take hold in the brain for a long time, interfering with life, preventing it from becoming successful. After all, the subconscious will constantly pull back - this is not for you, that it is for others, more worthy.

People, even being good specialists, well-read, erudite, possessing skills and a wide variety of skills, are constantly afraid to say something, do something, so as not to look stupid, funny or otherwise somehow prove themselves.

Not finding support and approval from parents in childhood, such a person feels insecure in adult life.

Fear prevents him from trying to change something. He is afraid that something might go wrong, and does not risk trying something new, changing something in his life, continuing to hope that a quiet, inconspicuous existence will help to avoid failures, aggression from other people, conflict situations at home and at work.

To get rid of this fear, it is enough to observe others and understand that “it is not the gods who burn the pots” and those who have achieved success in life are no smarter than you. They just were not afraid to do something in order to be realized in work, business. And if you do the same, then you will be successful. Do not be afraid to lean out from behind the backs of the people around you. Do not forget that life is one and so you can sit in the bushes until the very end.

Even if it doesn't work out, it's always best to try and regret. What didn't work out than to regret not even trying.

The morning is wiser than the evening

Everyone knows a saying from old Russian fairy tales - "the morning is wiser than the evening." And there is a lot of truth in it. Psychologists have found that anxiety increases towards night, with the onset of darkness and weakens with sunrise.

Therefore, in the evening before going to bed, do not wind yourself up, chasing different thoughts in your head, but try to let go of the problem until the next morning. As a rule, in the morning, yesterday's problem, which seemed so terrible, looks much less terrible, and the ways to solve it are much easier to find than tossing and turning under the covers at night.

Seek support from loved ones

If you feel that you cannot cope with anxiety on your own, seek help from your loved ones. If you live in different cities, take a couple of days off, go on a visit, chat, be together.

Imagine everything has already happened

Another good way to get rid of the fear that torments you is to imagine that what you are so afraid of has already happened. Are you infuriated by the intolerable situation at work, but are you afraid of losing your job? Imagine that you are no longer working. Life is not over? Of course not. And nobody was hurt.

You just need to spend a little time to find another job. Prepare a good resume and think about whether it is worth winding up your nerves at an unloved job if you can find a job you like?

The same applies to any other problems, the protracted solution of which literally exhausts all forces, and there is no end in sight. Just imagine that everything has already happened. At the same time, life will continue, but it will no longer have that fear that ate you from the inside every day.

Meditation to release fears

If the feeling of anxiety and unreasonable fear does not allow you to live, you can try such an effective tool as meditation.

To meditate means to detach from everything around you and allow your consciousness. Do not be "loaded" with awareness of what is happening around you and completely disconnect from all the problems, allowing yourself to experience a sense of harmony and peace, filling the body with calmness and inner strength, which allows us to overcome everything that happens to us in this life without negative emotions and experiences that weaken the spirit and lead only to mental disorders and diseases of the body.

To meditate, you need to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and completely stop thinking about anything. Meditation is "doing nothing" in its purest form. Focus your attention on your breathing.

To achieve a noticeable effect, it is enough to devote 15-20 minutes of time to meditation every morning and evening. After a while, you will notice that you have become much calmer about everything that surrounds you, you will be able to disconnect from experiences while sitting in office chairstanding in a traffic jam or sitting in line at the clinic.

Below you can listen to an example of meditation against fear:

Just close your eyes and visualize whatever the affirmation says.

To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to meditate, relaxing and freeing from oppressive thoughts, accompanied by special music.

Often used for meditations "Healing Reiki Music", the sound of which adjusts to the desired mood and allows you to quickly relax, detaching yourself from negative emotions.

You can listen to Reiki music in this video (to play, click on the triangle):

Affirmations against fear and anxiety

Also very useful tool the fight against uncontrollable attacks of anxiety and unreasonable fear are affirmations (auto-training).

Affirmations are positive statements made from one or more sentences. Their influence is based on the fact that repeated listening, reading or pronouncing these statements gradually forms our attitude to any phenomenon, object or situation.

To cope with inner anxiety, you can write affirmations yourself and then regularly say them to yourself, for example, before bed.

The main rule for composing affirmations is that they should not contain negative statements. Here's an example of a misspelled affirmation:
- I do not need money, I am not poor, I do not envy the rich.

And here's an example of a well-formed affirmation:
- I have enough money, I am well off, I am calm about those who have more money than me.

You can read more about these nuances in the article on composing affirmations, after which you can compose affirmations yourself and have a targeted effect on what worries you.

You can also use ready-made affirmations to improve your life. An example of such affirmations is shown in this video:

Just listen to them daily and repeat to yourself to achieve a positive result.

On the Internet, you can find many ready-made affirmations for getting rid of fear, attracting money and good luck, as well as improving relationships with people around you.

Exercises against anxiety

Going to the gym, exercising at home on the simulator, or just rhythmic movements with music can be a good way to distract from the momentary problems that cause mental discord.

Produced during physical activity endorphin is not called the "hormone of joy" for nothing. Just 15-20 minutes of exercise can drastically change your mood and improve your mental state.

Choose the type of workout that you like best and try to start regular workouts. Changes in mood will not be long in coming. Soon there will be no trace of fear and anxiety.

Yoga classes help relieve anxiety. An example of how to get out of depression is shown below:

As you can see, there are many different ways deal with anxiety and fears. Most importantly, do not try to hide from emerging problems. Believe me, difficulties happen in the life of every person. And only how you treat them will depend on how your meeting with them will end.

Do not give up, do not lose heart. Remember that most problems exist exclusively in our head and only how we treat this determines the degree of their negative impact.

Engage in meditation and exercise, communicate with loved ones, make new friends, expand your social circle and you simply will not have time for fears and anxieties. And you can always solve any difficulties with the help of old and new friends.

But, if you feel that you cannot get out of a state of fear or anxiety on your own, be sure to contact a specialist to get qualified help. Modern medicines can quickly revive you and help you forget about your fears and worries.