Effective ways to combat dust in the house. How to get rid of dust in the apartment how to effectively deal with dust

Many hostesses face such a problem as a cluster of dust in the apartment. Small particles fall on clothes, furniture, household appliances. It seems like just yesterday rubbed dust, but it appeared again.

Where does dust come from in the apartment, and is it possible to get rid of it?

Methods of struggle

It is very difficult to deal with the formation of dust microparticles. This process takes a lot of time, although everyone understands that it will not be possible to get rid of it.

If the hostess loves purity, she will have to completely abandon dust collectors - dust loves to accumulate on the soft surfaces of toys, sofas, mattresses, carpets and curtains.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time? In order for at least half the time to free your time and extend the cleanliness of the room, the specialists offer to install built-in furniture, put the floor coverings without a pile, replace the curtains on the blinds.

Dust does not absorb rigid coatings, while easily removed with a rag.

If there are dust collectors in the house, then you need to learn how to clean the harvesting:

  1. Fighting dust begins with the opening of all windows. People believe that even more dirt with the wind is flown from the street. But this opinion is wrong. On the contrary, during air ventilation is updated. If the space is closed, then microparticles settles even more.
  2. How to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment? Release space. Spread all things, toys and shoes on the shelves.
  3. Examine all carpets from home. Hang them on the rope and take away. If the street is cold, then thoroughly spend them.
  4. How to deal with dust in the house? Wholesale to process indoor plants with water. If there are trees with large leaves in the house, then wipe them using a wet woven disk or a cloth.
  5. Let the soft furniture, and then wipe all the surfaces with a clean damp cloth.
  6. How to deal with home dust? Check the mop. Mood forms dirt hard to reach places. Therefore, regularly rub them. Usually all dust rises from the floors up and again settles on home objects.
  7. Treat all other surfaces with a wet rag.
  8. At the end, wash the floor with water with the addition of detergent.

Flag cleaning agents

What is better to remove dust from furniture and other surfaces? For each type of product there are their own household chemicals.

For the cleaning of dust in the apartment will need:

  • chemistry for cleansing windows;
  • cleaning agent for the bathroom and toilet;
  • means for cleaning dust from floors;
  • powders and gels for processing carpet and upholstered furniture;
  • air freshener;
  • gel for washing dishes.

On the shopping counters you can see a large selection of various means. They are sold in the form of powders, gels, solutions, creams.

By price category, they are also different. There are expensive and cheap. But remember, not always the quality depends on the price. There are inexpensive means that perfectly cope with various contaminants.

How to choose a means against dust? When selecting household chemicals, pay attention to the composition, there are components that can harm the person when entering the air.

The composition should not be:

  • chlorine, phosphates and ammonium. These are toxic substances. With their frequent use, they may cause oncological diseases;
  • triklozanov and triklobanov. These components reduce immunity;
  • flavors. They are considered strong allergens.

Regardless of what is included in the composition, any household chemicals leads to irritation of the skin and respiratory tract. Therefore, do not forget to handle the gloves and mask on the face before processing the room.

Folk remedies

A few more than a few years ago there was no such abundance of chemicals. Therefore, the hostesses used breeding agents to combat purity in housing.

How to quickly cope with dust in the apartment at home, if there is nothing at hand:

  • dishes soap the mustard powder;
  • glass surfaces were treated with a solution of vinegar;
  • stains from furniture were taken by food soda;
  • toilet and bathroom cleaned acetic solution;
  • the tile in the bathroom was washed with raw potatoes;
  • wiping dust and washing the floors were carried out with water with vinegar.

Folk remedies for cleaning allow not only, but also to defeat even the most persistent unpleasant odors.

Where does dust come from? Most of all it accumulates in the house where there are many things.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment forever? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to fully cope with it.

You can reduce the number of dust appearance, for this follow the tips:

  1. To appear dirt less, remove excessive clothes. Look, maybe there are things that it's time to throw out. If you feel sorry to get rid of them, then give to the needy people.
  2. Put several indoor plants in the room, they help in cleaning the air.
  3. If there is pets in the house, then we regularly comb your wool.
  4. Optimize the apartment. Get rid of old upholstered furniture. If possible, install the built-in wardrobes. Replace products with solid coating. An excellent option will be the skin or its substitutes.
  5. Feather pillows are a source of dust tick. Therefore, change them better on the Sintepon.
  6. Mattresses get from the modern filler.
  7. The cause of the large accumulation of dust particles is. Clean them is very difficult and long. Therefore, roll and remove them. If you are afraid of cold floors, there are soft coatings in stores that are easily processed. It is enough to wipe them with a brush with the addition of soda.
  8. To get rid of a large amount of dirt bed in the hallway rubber rug. It is easy to wash it. It is enough to rinse the water and put in place again.
  9. In order to get rid of dust for a long time, collect all the soft toys in the bag and put in the freezer for several hours. This method will remove all dust ticks and give them freshness.
  10. Dirt begins to form when the room is a little ventilated. Therefore, open the window regularly.

Use a special antistatic for furniture. It can be purchased in the store or make at home yourself using folk methods.

Acetic solution and citric acid can be attributed to antistatic means from dust. Make them easy. A spoon of vinegar or lemon powder takes and stirred with water. After that, wipe the purified surfaces with the finished solution. This is a good way to remove stains and cope with the accumulation of dirt.

Health dust harm

At first glance, dust seems harmless, but experts identify several factors, why it is important to deal with dust in the room:

  1. Dust particles cause allergies in newborns and small children, the elderly.
  2. Parties include organic and inorganic components, including dust pliers, which cause the development of many diseases.
  3. With a large cluster of dirt, the food spill gradually occurs, because of this, there are diseases of digestive organs, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

If there are asthmatics in the house, then it is necessary to clean the cleaning much more often.

There are many effective methods for cleansing to get rid of dust from wallpaper and other surfaces, after which the decanted apartment will shine cleanliness. But the result will be short. Dust microparticles will appear in the house, because they are in the air.

Dust not only spoils the aesthetic view of the house, but also causes the deterioration of the well-being of residents. The problem is that it is impossible to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time. Even a person himself is the reason for the appearance of these microscopic particles, not to mention other factors. We have to constantly spend time and strength, but the cleaning process can be simplified by following several recommendations.

Some. Even if you do not open the windows so that the apartment does not get dust from the street, in the long run it will not help, because microscopic particles of the skin, hair and animal hair, pile of carpets and upholstered furniture, paint and plain pieces and dirt on shoes are also sources Problems. During the year in the apartment of 65 square meters, 40 kg of dust accumulates.

The dust itself is not too dangerous for a person, but with its help, bacteria and viruses are applied, which cause allergies, asthma and other health problems.

Dust pliers - Powerful allergen

Methods remove dust in the apartment

1. Wet cleaning. For thousands of years of existence, humanity did not invent a more effective way to combat dust. Surface wiping with a damp cloth and a thorough washing of floors at least once every 3-4 days will reduce the amount of dust in the room to a minimum.

You can add special dust referring tools into water or on a fabric for wiping, which for several days will not give particles to settle on the surface.

The periodicity of cleaning depends on several factors: the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, its technical condition, the degree of air pollution, the number of residents and animals. When dust becomes a noticeable naked eye, you need to start a wet cleaning. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.

Carefully wipe the decorative elements of upholstered furniture (buttons hanging the pieces of fabric), on which the dust tick is usually living - saprophit.

2. Elimination of dust collectors. Many household items accumulate dust, although they do not bring a tangible benefit, simply being an interior decoration.

  • refuse carpets on the walls, if not ready to vacuum or knock them out at least once in 7 days;
  • remove the stuff in the closet that you do not use daily, for example, old bags;
  • books and soft toys hide in a glass servant, they will collect less dust, but comfort in the house will continue;
  • artificial flowers and figurines also accumulate on the surface a lot of dust, do not forget to wipe them during cleaning;
  • instead of massive curtains, Shirm, Baldahin, use light curtains or blinds;
  • bedspreads, pillows and carpets made of natural fabrics (especially silk) replace synthetic analogues that are smaller less;
  • more often erase all the fabrics that are not stored in closed cabinets;
  • do not forget to periodically wash the windows and wipe the blinds;
  • timely remove the old trummer foam rubber from the upholstered furniture and close the cracks in the plinths;
  • remove dust under heating batteries;
  • cool hair only in the bathroom, scattered around the apartment. Long curls collect even more dust on themselves;
  • after walking my paws with pet.

3. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. With proper use, the vacuum cleaner is the best tool for cleaning, but during operation a lot of dust rises into the air, at this point there should be no children and people with allergies to dust. After turning on the device, open the doors and windows for drafts.

Even the most modern device is not able to pick up all the dust from the surface in one pass. For each square meter of the square, spend 1.5-2 minutes. Especially carefully handle the corners of the apartment and the plinth. If possible, walk the vacuum cleaner on the walls. Use a special nozzle to clean the open shelves. Sleeping, make a wet cleaning.

4. Care for household appliances. Clean air conditioners and humidifier filters in a timely manner, change the bags in the vacuum cleaner with the frequency that the manufacturer recommends. Wipe the screens of TVs and monitors with special napkins. Purchase computers and laptops into cleaning, the static electricity of which attracts a lot of dust.

Algorithm cleaning the apartment from dust

  1. Remove all unnecessary things into closed cabinets or under the glass.
  2. Let the soft furniture or cover it with thin, slightly damp cloth, then choose dust.
  3. Wipe, process the steamer or post the curtains.
  4. Indoor plants spray with a spray and wipe the soft napkin. Slide pets, especially with long hair.
  5. Select or spend the carpets.
  6. Wash the floors.
  7. Wipe all surfaces from dust: furniture, cabinets, eaves, household appliances, walls, batteries.

Funds from dust in the apartment

Window membranes (grids) - not only protect against insects, but also prevent dust from the street even with open windows, this cheap tool must be in every home.

Air humidifier - with high humidity, dust quickly settles on the surface and becomes noticeable. But the air can not be moistened, otherwise mold may appear, which is even more dangerous than dust.

Chlorophyteum is a noncain and simple plant that reduces the amount of dust in the area of \u200b\u200bits habitat.

Chlorophytum - Plant Colding Dust

Air purifiers - devices transmitting air through special filters. Recommended for installation in new and newly renovated rooms where a lot of dust. May have the function of ionization and ultraviolet lamp to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Vacuum cleaner with aqua filter - unlike the usual, it purifies not only the treated surface, but also the air is recommended to people with respiratory diseases.

Dust-repellent means (polyroli, aerosols, oils) - do not eliminate dust, but only protect smooth surfaces due to antistatic effect, without giving dust to settle for some time, but the particles are still accumulated elsewhere.

The conscientious mistress, probably, at least once a week thinks about how much dust accumulates in the house. This is not speaking of those unfortunate, who has allergies to dust, sensitive light or small children - in this case cleaning Apartments have to arrange at least once a couple of days. But there are several ways to reduce the amount of dust as one-time solutions and good constant habits. Let's talk about them.

In the houses of convinced minimalists of dust usually turn out to be the least, because they know how to refuse unnecessary things in their lives. Small useless trash like brought from the travels of souvenirs, dubious elements of the decor and the collection statuette of elephants leads not only to the fact that cleaning occupies a whole eternity, but also to the accumulation of dust on such subjects. It is better to get rid of all that does not represent values, and if things are still very expensive as a memory, then at least remove them into the box or put in the glazed cabinet.

Moisturize air

Start with small - install the humidity sensor in the apartment, there are such in systems of smart homes. Most likely, you quickly make sure that the air in the apartment is much landed or wetter than it should be, and therefore it is worth thinking about buying an air humidifier.

"The optimal air humidity in the apartment should be no more than 50-60%. Especially this parameter is important for premises in which the child is constantly being located. However, the humidity of the air in our apartments is imperfect: in the summer it increases, and in winter it is in the heating season. Humidity is hard Determine the "on the eye", so now there are more and more popular with humidity sensors. Set them easily - just connect to the home internet and follow the air condition in the mobile application. Air humidity sensors can be tested in a set "smart home", which is not necessary to buy - equipment Located for rent, "says Oleg Burdelev, Head of the Department for the Implementation of MGTS Services.

By itself, the humidifier itself, of course, does not reduce the amount of dust, but affects its "behavior". The fact is that in the dry air, dust particles are freely flying around the room and literally "easy to rise" - from the slightest impulse when you just go past, rise into the air. This increases the risk that small dust can get into the lungs and lead to various diseases. Under the influence of moisture, dust particles become heavier, and therefore quickly settle on the surface. And remove the dust with a wet cloth from the surfaces is much easier than from the air.

Mouse over to the closet

90% of dust in the house are dead cells of our own skin and textile microfiber. Accordingly, the less textiles hang in the closet, the less dust will accumulate. Spend a wardrobe parsing, get rid of things that you will never put on, remove things in the boxes not for the season. Do not forget to wash the floor in the closet or dressing room at least in the whole house.

Minimize textiles in the house

As already mentioned, the smaller in the House of Textiles, the less dusty will be in it. Home textiles becomes not only the cause of dust, but also a "dust collector" - hitting textiles, dust tightly settles in the fibers. Therefore, get rid of all the continuous textiles in the house - for example, from tablecloths, napkins, unnecessary tracks on the floor, ornamental pillows. Even the curtains are better replaced by the blinds or rolled curtains - which are less in volume and more reliably protected from sunlight and curious eyes.

Try to wash home textiles at least once every 3-4 months, especially for decorative pillows. More massive elements like carpets need to be hit at least once a year, and better - once every six months.

Store books and magazines correctly

Books, magazines and other paper products - a serious source of dust. In addition to the fact that dust will inevitably settle on them and it is quite problematic to remove with each cleaning, dilapidated paper is also destroyed, gradually turning into small dust. Specialists advise to keep the minimum number of books and magazines in the house. If you can't do without them, it is better to store them in the room where you are less likely. An option for excellent students - wrap every book in a cellophane package so that the environmental factors have less influenced and so that the particle of the paper does not fall into the air.

Use the right cloth with a wet cleaning

Contrary to tradition, the old stretched summer t-shirt is badly suitable for the role of a rag for dust. Buy a special rag from the microfiber - its features allow the maximum to collect all the dust from the surface, along the way also "dewinning" it - rolling into the wet microde.

Few people know that after each cleaning, a rag for dust is better to wash in a washing machine. Just do not use air conditioners and gels for washing, softening the structure of the fabric - softening, a rag from the microfiber begins to collect dust worse and deprived of its magic properties.

In fact, the origin of dust is not only homemade. No less harmful particles fall from the street in the apartment: soot, smoke, pollen and mold spores. "PM2.5 is including solid particles of dust, ash, soot, as well as sulfates and nitrates, less than 2.5 microns. It is mostly able to consist of major cities. Cars - the main source of these pollution. These are exhausts, Particles of broken pavement, brake pads and tires, "says Mikhail Amelkin, an expert on a microclimate.

Therefore, you should carefully consider how you ventive the rooms. To air the apartment is recommended after rain or using ventilation instruments with high-quality filters. This is especially important for residents of houses located near large car highways.

Moisturize the skin

Perhaps the most non-obvious council to reduce dust in the house is to follow your own hygiene. We already found out that most of the dust are particles of dead skin. Therefore, the more often you and your homework use a scrub, rough washcloth and moisturizing body cream, the less dust will produce your body. By the way, a moisturizer of the air will be maintained in a large extent to support the level of moisturizer.

Have you ever seen terrible pictures, what does dust look like under a microscope?

In the home dust contains particles of dead skin, hair, flower pollen, pet wool, if the latter live in the house.

In the inhabitants of the lower floors in dust there may be even particles of rubber car tires. Well, the most unpleasant is tick-saprophytes. By the way, it is almost forty percent of dust.

Of course, I would like to get rid of dust once and forever, but this is unfortunately fantastic. To reduce the layers of dust, you need to conduct a regular, better daily war with an invisible opponent.

Wet and dry cleaning is the simplest and most effective means. Unfortunately, the miracle of cleaning money is not yet invented, so you need to take a rag daily in my hands and destroy dust.

Dust after harvesting quickly sends to items, so use the principle of "top down", i.e. Start cleaning from the ceiling to the floor. At first, the corners in the room so that the web did not form, then go to the cabinets, then the tables-chairs, and at the end of the floor.

A lot of dust settles on the curtains, so they need to be freck. Books remove into the closet or put on the closed shelves. Do not put soft toys, pillows, napkins, etc. on open spaces.

Check the window seals maybe they skip the dirt from the street. A lot of dust in carpets. Or clean them constantly, or remove.

Your jewelry made of silver blackened? Find out at home.

Classic boots have many advantages: the convenience of socks, heat, low price ... But they are easily polluted into wet weather. Read what bright felt boots from different types of pollution.

Facility cleaning agents

Ragges can be bought in the store, but you can use old unnecessary clothing or sheets. Well, if the rag will be cotton. Cotton absorbs water well and leaves scratches on the surfaces.

Prepare for embossed surfaces. For the floor, nothing better is invented than the mop. Fortunately, you can now buy from various materials yourself unscrewed and moving head to remove in hard-to-reach places.

You can buy napkins to remove dust. Good in that they are impregnated with a special tool that not only removes dust, but also disinfect.

To remove dirt and dust from textile products, use sticky brush rollers. Electromethal with static electricity will remove dust from electrical appliances, such as a TV and a computer.

Effective means:

  • Polyrol-Antipl acts as an antistatic. Do not save from dust for a long time, but will slightly extend the purity in the house.
  • Carrying. It must be done daily, at least twice. Wet cleaning, spend just at a time when the windows are open. In the warm season, the minimum time of ventilation is twenty minutes. In the cold time - two minutes, but it is better to arrange drafts at these moments.
  • A vacuum cleaner. Evalently - washing or not - the main time in two days vacuuming the apartment. In some models of detergent vacuum cleaners there is a "air purification" function. If a large amount of dust has already accumulated in the house, the universal vacuum cleaner will help.

These devices purify the air, also kill bacteria, sometimes ionized air and flavory it. It all depends on the model you choose.

The principle of operation of the cleaner: dust and dirt settles on the filters. Well, if the cleaner model provides the presence of a HEPA filter - a dust filter.

Initially, such filters were developed for use in medical institutions, so the HEPA filter is able to keep even very fine dust.


A comfortable level of humidity of air for a person is forty percent, but hardly in our apartments this mark will rise above twenty percent.

If earlier it was possible only to spend wet rags on the batteries, now everything is much easier: you can buy an air humidifier.

In the dry air, the dust is very slowly lowered on the surface. You make cleaning, and after fifteen minutes, a new portion of dust will fall out of the air. With wet air, dust wet and quickly falls, so it can be easily removed from the floor.

Folk Methods Cleaning Apartments

Get the plant called chlorophytum - rather common and unpretentious in care. Spray it daily with water. Dust will become much smaller. Other plants also help to cope with dust, but chlorophytum especially.

Moisten a rag for dust with aqueous solution, in which add a bit of detergent. Do not overdo it with the means, otherwise the divorces will remain on the furniture.

Do not abuse brooms. After all, a broom just marches dust, and does not remove it.

Wear a winter bunch of genuine leather? When contamination, these products are quite difficult to clean. Learn how correctly and home conditions.

Modern thermal underwear is made from special synthetic fabrics. In, you can find out how to wash the thermal underwear.

And if a fat stain appeared on any clothes, first it is desirable to sprinkle with salt. Read how to wash the old fat stain from different types of fabrics.

Remove from the dust tick using the washing of things at high temperatures, if it allows the material of the product.

Fully dust cannot be defeated, but it can be reduced by its amount. It is necessary to fight her constantly. It is not easy, but modern technologies greatly facilitate the work of the owners.

Dust on household appliances in the house, furniture and in the corners of the rooms may not annoy only the most untidy hostess. The rest of the women, and many men, try to always eliminate the accumulations of dust.

The process of dust formation is impossible to completely interrupt, because it involves particles of our skin, fibers of clothing, bed linen, fluff with blankets and pillows.

The greatest danger from dust is a negative impact on the respiratory organs: allergenic particles in the air and on all surfaces lead to the development of rhinitis, bronchitis, worsen the condition of patients with bronchial asthma.

The volume of dust directly depends on the ecology of the settlement and even from what items from furniture and accessories you use to create an individual interior and comfort. The cleanliness of the house will help to support both innovative technologies, and your perseverance, as well as several small, but facilitating the cleaning of tricks.

Dust Control Methods

If you are tired and do not want several times a week to spend your strength on wiping all furniture, technicians and floors, and the dust does not want to leave your home, then it is necessary to revise not only your approach to cleaning, but also what your apartment is filled . Maintaining cleanliness is the easiest possible in the room where there are no dense, thick carpets, thin curtains are used on the windows, and at the entrance to the apartment there is a rug that collects all street dirt. In order to effectively and quickly deal with dust, it is necessary to know where it is formed primarily and on the basis of this prevent the mud accumulation in these places.

Sources of dust

The main sources of dust in the house are dense clothing, street shoes, floor mats. In order to minimize the amount of dirt in the house, cleaning must begin with the most important places of propagation of dust particles.

  • TV and computer in working condition are well attracted by any particles that are in the air. And therefore it is recommended to include it, only if you are looking forward, and the dust is removed not only from the top panel, but also the screen itself.
  • Upper, winter clothes are a great place to accumulate microbes and home ticks. It is necessary to periodically dry in summer days, and in winter it is desirable to be frozen on the street.
  • Bed linen is recommended to be pressed once a week. The mattress needs to be carefully vacuuming no less than once a month. Pillows and blankets approximately once every two weeks put on the frost or under the hot sunny rays. Such events do not allow ticks in the laundry and eliminate many microbes.
  • If there is homemade pets in the dwelling, care must be always constant. Combining wool and periodic bathing reduce the amount of epithelium falling from the body, and therefore make air in the apartment cleaner. After walking animals, it is necessary to carefully wipe the paws.
  • Home plants are the source of dust, but at the same time they are considered and excellent air purifiers, so you should not refuse them. The main rule when leaving for plants is periodic cleaning of the leaves from dust, conducted by a wet cloth.
  • All microorganisms, dirt, sand, dust particles quickly accumulate in floor palaces and carpets. It is not always convenient to remove them from the apartment completely, so their cleaning needs to be paid to high attention.
  • The dust scattered on the room are well accumulated on the room, newspapers, open shelves in the walls, all sorts of baubles. If things in the room do not represent real value for you, it is best to get rid of them. It will not only make an apartment much cleaner, but also free the room by making it light and spacious.
  • Not used seasonal things always need to be removed into dense bags or special covers and boxes, it will also not allow dust to accumulate.

It is noticed that the least dust in those rooms where the furniture is predominantly wooden or leather, there is no large number of soft toys, and things are constantly in closed cabinets.

Stages of cleaning

Anyone, even decorated in the minimized style, the room needs a periodic cleaning that allows you to maintain cleanliness in the room. Cleaning in the apartment can be divided into current and general. The first type of cleaning is carried out one - twice a week. The frequency of general cleaning depends on the set of factors, but once every two months it is still necessary to make it. Current cleaning consists of:

  • Wiping dust from furniture, home appliances.
  • Cleaning plumbing rooms.
  • Washing gear.

To remove dust from carpets and floor it is best to use a vacuum cleaner, a broom raises dust and it inevitably settles on all surfaces. It is necessary to periodically clean the bag of vacuum cleaner from dirt, otherwise you will get the opposite result when cleaning. Wash the floors need necessarily and pushing the chairs, tables, sofas, in these places the dust quickly accumulates in the form of large clubs.

After using the vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to walk again with a cloth on all surfaces located in the room, this will allow you to collect the axial particles.

The general cleaning is different from the current large labor intensity, some of the services of different companies are resorted to services. It is easy to carry out general cleaning and yourself, the main thing is to allocate for this sufficient amount of time. Extensive guidance of order lies in several stages:

  • Dust must be removed not only from visible surfaces, but also from closed lockers, chandeliers, cornices. No need to forget about the top of the walls, cabinets.
  • During general cleaning, you need to wash the curtains and tulle.
  • Preferably carry carpets on the street and go well there. If it is impossible, it is necessary to absorb the top and lower surface of the palaces.
  • Big dust accumulation is always observed on the shelves with dishes and books. Glass dishes are washed and wipe carefully. Books are well vacuuming.
  • During general cleaning, it is necessary to control pillows and blankets.
  • Soft toys need to wrap and dry.
  • After wiping dust, ventilation and washing, you need to wash all the floors. If there are animals in the house, it is better to do it with disinfectants, but safe to cover floors and man with means.
  • Close attention during cleaning should be given to the kitchen. In the working area there are always fat deposits, and in the kitchen cabinets, there are beyond cereals, crumbs from baking and coffee. All surfaces and shelves need to rinse. If possible, you need to move the kitchenette and get out under it.

No need to forget that in a residential apartment you need to periodically make cosmetic repairs. Dust accumulates well in paper wallpaper, clogged under plinth and linoleum, attracted to the sea ceiling.

Help reduce the amount of dust in the house air purifiers, air conditioners with filters, ionizers. Refreshes the air in the apartment and an open window, but it is better to swallow it after the rain or in a windless.

It is difficult to cope with dust, but quite bye. The main thing is to maintain cleanliness in the apartment constantly, and not from the case of the case. It is necessary to attract children and a husband to cleaning, and then they will be much less spread their toys and clothes.