How to develop a right-handed left arm. How to learn to write with your left hand? We write with the left hand - develop intuition

Gaining the ability to write with the left hand for a right-handed person allows you to develop abilities in to a greater extent inherent in left-handers, and coordinate the work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

By learning to write with your left hand, you can develop your intuition, creative skills and a sense of humor.

Follow our instructions and you can quickly learn to write with your left hand.

  • We place the sheet of paper correctly. Before starting to write, place the sheet of paper accordingly: the upper left corner of the sheet should be slightly higher than the right one. This is necessary so that the hands are positioned correctly while writing and less stress.
  • Choosing the right training tool. The length of the pencil or pen should be slightly longer than usual, since it is more convenient for left-handers to hold the tool slightly higher: the distance from the sheet of paper to the grip point of the pencil should be 3-4 cm.
  • We write with the left hand. It is best to start learning on a lined sheet, since it is desirable that the lines are already straight from the beginning. Try to print large enough block letters first, and then capital letters. Practice mirror writing with your left hand: writing words, phrases and sentences from right to left, while the letters must be rotated 180 degrees. This is not only an effective workout, but also an entertaining hobby. Leonardo da Vinci himself entertained himself with such a letter. Try not to limit yourself to calligraphy lessons, but in any case, write down phone numbers, addresses, titles of films and books with your left hand.

  • We draw with the left hand. Drawing is necessary for the full development of motor skills of the left hand and in order to quickly learn how to write well with the left hand. First, mark the points-contours of your future drawing, and then connect them together. Another tip is to try drawing something in sync with both hands, and then smoothly move to drawing with your left hand.
  • Habitual actions with the left hand. For greater development of the left hand, it is necessary to "entrust" it with performing various usual actions: brushing teeth with the left hand, dialing a phone number, holding cutlery, using a computer mouse, etc. At first, such actions can be awkward and cause a lot of inconvenience, but over time all this will become a habit and you will perform any actions equally well with your right and left hand.
  • We catch objects. Prepare a small ball and do the following exercise: throw the ball against the wall and try to catch it with your left hand, without helping your right. You can do this exercise with a partner. Also, throwing the ball upwards perfectly develops coordination of movements, while it is necessary to try to catch it first with two hands, and then with one left.

In order for the result not to be long in coming, classes must be carried out regularly, while it is better to devote a small amount of time to exercise, but daily, in order to develop muscle memory, than for several hours in a row, overloading the undeveloped arm, but twice a month or once a week ...

Section: Self-improvement,
  • Did you know that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere "controls" the left side? The natural development and improvement of the actions of any side of the body (when writing, performing basic actions, etc.), in turn, leads to the development of the opposite hemisphere. This is how the leading "hand", "leg", etc. are formed. and the leading hemisphere (opposite).

    We write with the left hand - develop intuition

    Did you know that the left hemisphere is responsible for analysis and logic, and the right (the leading hemisphere of the "left-handed") is responsible for the creative sphere, imagination, intuition? And if you decide to develop your creative abilities, and maybe even increase your intuition, then think about how to learn how to write with your left hand (of course, if you are right-handed)!

    Learning to write with your left hand

    Organizational moments

    Step 1. Determine the goal

    Before you get into action, give yourself an answer, why do you want to learn to write with your left hand? As a rule, the absence of a clear goal threatens with a lack of result.

    Step 2. Prepare the tools

    Remember how pleasant it was as a child to write in beautiful notebooks? Or your favorite pen? Do not think that these are trifles! It is very important to choose good quality paper. It's good if it's a ruled or squared notebook. It cannot be said unequivocally that the sheets should be white or gray. Choose what you like. It's the same with a fountain pen. Write to the one you like. But. Here is a nuance. A pen that you like to write with your right hand (your presenter) may just be awkward to write with your left hand. It is better to have several pens and, as you learn, choose the most convenient one.

    Step 3. Place

    Where you write is also important in teaching. Find a place that's comfortable for you. The left side of the table should be free of unnecessary items (remember, your elbow will now be there). The light should fall from the top right.


    • Sit down as you like. Make sure the place is well lit (remember, on the right). Now the tilt of the notebook, which is familiar to you (as "right-handed"), will most likely be uncomfortable. Rotate the notebook so that it is comfortable for your left hand. Perhaps in the course of learning you will change the slope of the notebook.
    • Take a pen. Do not be guided by how to hold it properly or how you hold the pen with your right hand. Take the handle as it suits you. The comfort of the handle will also change during training.
    • Then the question arises: what to write? Many sites with a similar theme will broadcast to you about school recipes (or offer to make them yourself). Write one letter and one number line by line. Our position insists on not doing this. Why? The monotonous spelling of one symbol will surely develop the technique. If you do it constantly. Monotonous, day after day. Would you like to do this?

    Write what you are interested in! Then the desire will not disappear, and you will master all the letters and their connections at once. Rewrite your favorite book (yes, even if it is "War and Peace"), write a letter to a friend or loved one, rewrite your favorite recipes from the Internet. But you never know what, fantasize, because you start to develop your creative sphere!

    Writing with your left hand: important additions

    1. Consistency. To learn to write with your left hand (and indeed to learn something), it is important to do it regularly. Better 15-20 minutes every day than 5 hours in a row, but once a week. The explanation is simple. In 5 hours you will only get worn out and get negative emotions, and this will lead to an unwillingness to continue. Systematic classes will have a result every time (you will see this and rejoice). At the same time, the technique will be improved every day (handwriting will improve, the speed of writing will increase). Whereas a break of several days will lead to the fact that every time you will write as the first time (the hand will not master).
    2. Perseverance and faith in victory. Don't be discouraged looking at gnarled letters that don't fit into the lines. Yes, it is normal! Regular training will 100% lead to the expected results. Remember how you learned to write with your right hand. When was your "ideal" handwriting formed? Yes, it will take time, perhaps a lot. Remember your goal!
    3. Constant training. Try doing any other action with your left hand that you did with your right. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, sweep, etc. - train your arm and brain. Just be careful! Your left hand does not yet have the proper skill, now you are like a child, so actions that can somehow harm you or others should be done with your usual hand for now (pouring hot tea, ironing, handling a knife, etc.)

    How to learn to write with your left hand? This question is often asked by people who want to constantly improve, learn something new. Lefties make up about 15 percent of the total population. In Russia, the number of such people is about 17 million inhabitants. And gradually the number of left-handers is increasing. And all thanks to the fact that public education has ceased to retrain them. However, there are still more right-handers. And some of them are wondering how to learn to write with the left hand? Some want to get such a skill just out of curiosity, others know that in this way it is possible to develop the right and, accordingly, thinking, memory, and so on, while others believe that it will be useful for them in everyday life.

    It doesn't matter why you are wondering how to learn to write with your left hand. The main thing is to do it. And not everything is as simple as it might seem to the ignorant. So, observe the one who used to write with his left hand from birth. Note that the person's hand is likely to bend a lot at the wrist while writing. The whole problem is that right-handers see what they represent on paper. But for left-handers, such a review is very problematic. And since childhood, no one taught them to write in such a way that it was convenient, so they have to be sophisticated in every way. But you can follow some advice.

    Pay attention to the position of the paper on the table. Imagine that a center line passes through it, dividing it into two halves in accordance with your position. Moreover, this line should be divided into equal parts and your body. For writing with your left hand, the half will be intended, which is, respectively, on your left side.

    What else is so important about paper layout? The top left corner of the sheet should be positioned above the right. As a result, your hands will not get too tired. In addition, everything written will be in your field of vision. Because of this, the writing process will go where easier.

    What else do you need to learn to write with your left hand? It is correct to hold a pencil or pen in your hand. Lefties should do this higher than right-handers, that is, at a distance of about 3 centimeters from the paper. In the process of writing, you do not need to over-strain your hands and fingers, so your strength will soon run out, and it will become difficult to study.

    You will have to buy such notebooks in the stationery store, in which primary school students usually write, that is, lined. After all, your lines should be straight. Please note that it is better to make letters large enough in the first weeks of training, thus, it will be more efficient to develop

    If you want to know how to learn to write with your left hand, you should know exactly why you need it. The main component of success in any business is motivation. If you are going to learn just for the sake of the process itself, then you are unlikely to achieve anything.

    If during the lesson you realize that your fingers ache, you do not need to be heroic. Give yourself some rest. Take breaks between workouts.

    In order to achieve results, it takes practice - regular and constant. Whenever possible, you should try to take notes with your left hand. But this does not mean that if you need to sign an important document, then you should experiment. But you can easily fill out your own diary with your left hand. Attention should also be paid to its general development. Try doing something with your left hand that is familiar to you, such as brushing your teeth or dusting. The movements will be awkward at first, but over time it will pass. With your left hand, you must try not only to write, but also to draw.

    As you can see, if you set a goal, you can achieve a lot. As a result, you can write equally well with your right and left hand.

    For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that the physical development of each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, a left-handed person has a more developed right side of the brain, while a right-handed person has a more developed left side.

    Now, briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

    Left hemisphere

    The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, language and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere takes information literally and processes it in stages, in order.

    Right hemisphere

    The main specialization of the right hemisphere is. It specializes in the processing of non-verbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right hemisphere also understands the figurative meaning of words. With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for the ability to music and the visual arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. Emotions are more associated with the right hemisphere. It is able to process a variety of information in parallel, consider the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

    Why should a right-hander learn to write with his left hand?

    The most important tool for brain development - By acting with two hands, a person develops both hemispheres. In a person who writes equally well with his right and left hand, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. Synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain is a great way for a right-handed person to develop creativity and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover talents hitherto uncharacteristic of him. In addition, the development fine motor skills through learning to write or making pictures from natural materials with both hands, it helps to develop coordination of movements.

    1. Play all exercises starting with the left hand (Invert the fingering). Most aspiring drummers, playing rudiments, neglect this rule. As a result, the muscles of the right arm remember more information than the left.

    2. Accentuate each strike with your left hand in the Stick Control book fingering. Combinations of left and right hand strikes, twos, etc. What could be better.

    3. Play the following exercises in bipartite, triplet quintoleum, quartet, sextuple, and speettole, emphasizing the first beat in each fingering. For what? So that the left hand gets used to different divisions of notes.


    4. Play phrases from Syncopation using only left hand... For what? So that any complex groove with an incredibly complex snare drum pattern will make you laugh. Try Benny Greb's alphabet accents.

    5. Accentuate Benny Greb's alphabet punches. Use combinations of accents of 2, 3 and 4 letters. And in general, download this book for yourself, if you haven't downloaded it. (p. 6-7)

    6. Make your left hand the lead on the kit (Open-Hand technique), that is, play the hi-hat with your left hand and the minor with your right. This will not only help develop your hand, but also open up a huge number of possibilities. Because of right hand is leading and tenses when playing on the set more often with the left, naturally and develops faster.

    7. Using exercise # 5, transfer each letter of the alphabet you play to a drum kit instrument. Example: The first 4 hits are done on the small tom, the second on the floor tom, the third on the hi-hat, etc. You can do the same with pictures from Syncopation. For what? To teach the left hand to move along the installation.

    8. Try playing light grooves and fills using only your left hand. Have a lot of fun.

    9. Use your left hand more often at home. I often hear this advice, but I don't think it really works. But why not give it a try?

    10. Well, increase the pace gradually.

    Don't look for any more left hand development materials and don't look at any stupid pyramids. This will be enough for you in full, but this is far from all that can be used, but only what I came up with or borrowed from somewhere.