Zeroing is a reboot process. No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally.

You can't put water in a glass full. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to drastically change life and rewrite history if you act on the basis of the unexamined baggage of experience.

Your puzzle of life will always come together in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times do not mix them at the start.

It is necessary to begin the conscious creation of oneself and one's new experience with zeroing.

Not with a search for goals, not with a declaration of a vision of oneself in 5 years, not with questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about the old ideas, which also take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energy and mental levels.

The uncontrolled accumulation of the past leads to two things:

1. Endless replay of your past.

Life becomes like déjà vu.

2. Slowing down the speed of life.

This is when you look at those who do three times more, and do not understand how they do it. Life success and realization in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

Stop living like you have 500 years left

Bill Gates

By the way, sometimes a person sincerely tries to accelerate his rhythm with early rises, sports, rigid self-discipline, but nothing happens. Energy jumps from heady ups to sharp falls, when there is nothing but devastation inside. The reasons may be different, here you have to look at the situation and ask yourself - "why is this happening?", But one of them may be precisely the desire to go on normal speedwithout unhooking the van of your years of junk.

We all have "cars" designed for full-fledged movement, the question is in the driver and his approach to the whole process. It is not enough to reap only the gas, just as it is not enough just to choose the direction, if you are strongly attached to something or there is no gasoline.

General cleaning of life for those who prefer speed and completely new horizons

It makes sense to clean up life in all three dimensions: the past, the present and, don't be surprised, the future. Yes, in your future, too, there is a lot of shit in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so direct, but it also needs to be cleared.

I suggest starting with the present. It is the most substantive, here and now. Complete cleansing of the current moment from trash will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything that is possible, and even a bit more... The bottom line is to put an end to each open question: either complete the case, or cancel, if its necessity is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all hanging questions from the to-do list.

I want to note that here it is not proposed to immediately polish your present, like Cinderella (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the "hangings", even by zeroing them. You need to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they hang there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect in the next weekend do new picture my experience:

1. Throwing out the trash

We get rid of all the trash. For starters, from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to the shelter. But not according to the principle "I will put it in a box, somehow I will bring it to the church." And we take it straight away. We do not leave anything on the waiting list.

What is trash?

That's all you don't use. Let's do it this way: everything that you have not used during the year (this is very loyal) must be removed-distributed-sold-thrown away:

- clothes that you do not wear;

- most of the souvenirs, except for those that really create comfort in the interior (in fact, this is the smallest part of what you have);

- unusable or outdated dishes, appliances.


The more you "dig up", the better it is for you. Understand that every thing, literally every one is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you need there and will delight you. Approach all things with a question - "Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?"

You can't pour water into a full glass

You empty your glass yourself. How much you pour, so much will pour in. If you are greedy, do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.

It is difficult for me to advise here in detail, since I have no such problem at all. Due to the frequent travel and change of place of residence, I literally learned to weed out the unnecessary and part with seemingly beloved, but in fact stupid souvenirs. But seeing the apartments of some of my friends who have lived in one place for years or even decades is just a museum of rubbish from the past. What changes can we talk about?

In general, general cleaning of the house is a game called "How ready I am to let new experiences into my life."

How much you throw away, so you are ready.

By the way, this applies to all your spaces including workplace in the office, dacha, car, private jet and whatever else you have. Surprise your coworkers - really clean your desk, start the real uncovering process.

2. We throw out the files

Throwing out the trash is a flower, it's time to throw out the files. How much time do you spend on the computer and on the net? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also a part of your energy.

We are used to storing everything on a computer. Why throw it out? Hard disk enough for everything.

Here the principle is the same: purification is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and dear. Why keep a movie you don't like? Why keep some old goofy files? It's all a piece of you. We carry it with us, realizing that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we make room for a new one?

Debriefing requires not only your personal, but also your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. Putting things in order, giving things their place, organizing files

It is not enough to throw out the trash, it is necessary to put things in order in what is.

I have never been on the side of strict purity, even cultivated for a long time creative messhiding behind his penchant for art.

Now I will say this - a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized - when a thing has its place) is a guarantee of a good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if the time has come to accelerate. You will not be able to switch your life to a new speed, with complete chaos on your desktop and in your apartment.

4. Filtering incoming information

Tidying up and cleaning also requires the flow of your incoming information. In general, it is food for the mind, and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to put it.

Information intoxication, have you heard? This is a common ailment that many people are infected with now. They read everything on the web, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.

Information has the ability to accumulate, it does not leave our subconsciousness anywhere, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating a powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes on the Path due to the inability to hear the voice of your soul.

1. Clean your friend feed

Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate or inspire you.

2. Brush your walls.

It is necessary to remove or hide those people whose news annoys. Especially those who post negative from world events.

3. Decide on the set of blogs and sites that you intend to read.

My main principle on how to personally determine the value of a resource for myself is a response in my soul. When you read something and feel the return inside, this is a quite distinguishable feeling of awareness and a desire for action.

And in no case should it be a tape according to the principle "I was added - I will add and will read." No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be regularly cleaned and replenished with new resources.

I have a rss-feed for reading, which includes sites, blogs and people who I want to follow, as well as a list of "read" on Twitter. There is a separate mailing folder in the mail, where letters come from those to whom I am subscribed. And I read them! If any author ceases to satisfy me, I unsubscribe. But I never get emails just like that. And I don't read tapes social networks, with rare exceptions. All canals are subject to general cleaning on a regular basis.

5. We finish unfinished business or reset them

It is important to complete all cases from the "pending" list: either transfer them to the "in progress" status and actually do and do, or reset them. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I no longer do it, than to “carry” this burden with me. You should feel from the inside that all your affairs are done, the current processes are in the schedule, there are no pending questions left. This is the "first gear" in order to approach the question: "What do I want from this life?" and move towards conscious change.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize. The process of general cleaning of your present consists of two key points - getting rid of trash at all levels, as well as ordering things, including the incoming information flow.

Customize your channels so that only high-quality comes to you useful information in moderation and you will see your world transform. What difference does it make how all your friends and acquaintances are doing? You can meet them in person when there is time, but using their "news" on a daily basis is practically a guarantee that there will be no drastic changes. Unless all your friends live the life you dream about.

It is possible to re-create yourself if you understand that old experience you are not an advisor in this.

Now for the cleaning!

Our problem is that we do not know the fundamentals of work human consciousness... His multidimensional work does not fit into our scientific theories and postulates. For scientists, our life with you is, in all, a product of brain neurons.

On the other hand on modern esotericists there is a strong influence of the new trend, which teaches that man is a deity, to whom everything is available, one has only to wish ... to declare his intention. We hear from various channels that a person can live in joy and wealth if we strive for this. Masters say: if you want to be happy, be happy. It's simple. But everyone wants this, not only spiritually "advanced" people. And for some reason it is not possible to find complete and universal happiness, as they write in books, or teach at esoteric seminars. Even if it turns out to feel happiness, then it lasts only a moment, after which the gray everyday life begins again. The horoscope for 2012 compiled by the best astrologers will tell you what he has prepared new Year each of us, and will help to avoid wrong decisions and unpleasant mistakes.

Consciousness is not a linear, but a cyclical manifestation, which means that it cannot move in only one direction, for example, to joy. Our consciousness expands like "up" in higher spheresand “down”, where the fear of the unconscious dwells. Also, our consciousness has a horizontal expansion, where it receives experience through the form, in this moment through physical body... In addition to the expansion of consciousness, it is immersed and compressed into the microcosm. This is not a metaphor about the expansion of consciousness into the macrocosm and contraction into the microcosm, but a reality that we cannot ignore. This means that consciousness after takeoff must necessarily fall, and after expansion it must necessarily shrink. Our consciousness at the energy level is constantly pulsating - expanding and contracting, as the entire Universe pulsates. This breath of Brahma is a cyclical universe. Therefore, all the conversations that if we want, we can reach such a peak in perception on earth, when we live only in perfect joy, are groundless. Such reasoning is more like religion, which requires faith from people, but not knowledge. From here comes the idealization of the mind, which presses on the rest of us, which further increases the chaos in consciousness. We begin to split into those who want to be in light and joy, and those who do not want to do anything for this, being content with gray everyday life.

Why is this happening? As it seems to me, we oppose our idea of \u200b\u200bmoving towards light and joy to the very essence of life, which does not run away from anything. On the one hand, we want to be better, on the other, our seemingly divine desire begins to sabotage reality itself. We want to be cleaner, brighter, spiritual, finally, but for some reason it turns out, as always, only a feeling of longing and dissatisfaction with ourselves. And the more misunderstanding grows in us, the more we get irritated with ourselves and with the whole the world... It would seem that with each of our progress towards the light, we should be brighter, more joyful, but for some reason this does not happen. I just felt the joy of being, how it immediately runs away under the onslaught of everyday perception, leaving us alone with our joylessness. And all because we do not accept our microcosm, where the keys to our joy are hidden. We do not want to accept ourselves with all the flaws and dark spots in our consciousness. Therefore, it is easier for us to cover them with beautiful shreds from the ideal, building with our mind what we should be, and not accepting ourselves as we are.

If we look at this moment from the point of view of energy, then we only want to expand spherically towards the light in the macrocosm, without compressing consciousness into the microcosm. It is the same as taking only inhalation, not wanting to exhale, considering it to be something defective and undesirable.

Immersion in the microcosm (exhalation of consciousness) gives us a condensation of light, which in turn creates a nucleus for consciousness. This core saves us from the ocean of energies, it does not allow us to get lost and finally dissolve in the Spirit. As soon as a drop of consciousness separates from the Ocean, an unknown Power instantly gives it a shape. A form for consciousness, be it a sphere of light, outlines its boundaries, creating individuality. Therefore, when we only press on the light, then we try to expand without ballast, which gives us stability in consciousness. Hence, without sufficient ballast under the onslaught of external forces, we can lose our individuality, which means that we will dissolve in other consciousnesses, like ordinary information.

We, as developing beings, are in a rigid program. Now the physics of the body influences us, then the physics of another world will influence us when it is lost. And so everywhere and always. We are constantly influenced by some huge Power that is beyond our control. Even if we become gods and control entire universes, we will still be exposed to this tremendous Power. This means that we must be humble in the face of this powerful Force, and not oppose it, like a cell against the whole organism. This is a very important aspect in consciousness - humility. Humility is a pause between the "breath" of consciousness - the zero zone. I would say that humility is the road to emptiness.

What's on top is below ... ..

We cannot live only in the head or in the heart, we must fill the whole body with ourselves. If we try to be smart, we automatically shift our attention to the head, thereby taking away most of the energy from the body. If we want to be loving, then, collecting attention in the heart, we again ignore the mind and body. ... If we live only by instincts, then, accordingly, we do not need a head and a heart.

Our whole problem is that our attention jumps, then up to the head, then in the heart, then down to the genitals, when it should fill all parts of us at the same time (here and now). When we fill the whole body with our attention, we automatically find ourselves in the zero zone of perception. If you take our consciousness as a circle, it will be a point in the center of the circle.

Only from this point can we cover the entire circle. And when we are in the zero zone, we have access to all states of consciousness, all levels of feelings: from human to divine. Emotions are in silence, but they are "visible" - you just have to stretch your "hand". The mind somewhere on the periphery of consciousness manifests thought-forms that do not grasp us. In the depths of us, feelings vibrate like a huge ocean on which our consciousness floats. At this time, we do not feel irritation, feelings of inferiority, loneliness, but complete calmness and tranquility. Also, there are no sharp bursts of joy and momentary tides of happiness, only a serene pacified state of weightlessness of consciousness. As if you are inside a transparent sphere and around on its walls you see states from various emotions and thought forms. And as soon as you show your intention, emotions are immediately attracted and experienced by you. From this center there is always a conscious choice of which emotion or thought form to manifest. For example, in communication, you can laugh out loud and immediately enter into seriousness. And this is not a pretense, but an instant natural reaction to the situation. Attention in the zero zone is more flexible and mobile, it is not captured by any one state or dogma. At this time, our attention does not drown inside one emotion or thought-form, when it pulls consciousness into one perception of the world, but is outside, floating freely on the vibrational waves of emotions.

We can say that being in the zero zone is also a joy, but quiet, dissolved in all the cells of our being. We become more sensitive and open to the whole world, without attachment to any one truth. Zero zone creates potential here and now, which simultaneously contains all the manifestations of this world.

But if we do not accept the energy of contraction of consciousness inward, then we can easily enter into depression, since a person does not realize this, because he is used to external emotional slides ... It seems to him that he has fallen away from something important, for example, a power source, which is society. The energy of consciousness at this time does not go into expansion, but only into contraction. Attention dwells on one thing, not seeing the whole, as if it happened short circuit in the chain. Therefore, after a strong compression of energy, we feel heaviness in the whole body, and the mind, meanwhile, is autonomous. Our breathing becomes shallow, barely audible. When we are depressed, it seems that the whole world has betrayed us. We feel like outcasts. In general, this is so, since our attention has collapsed into one point, rejecting the whole circle. In this heavy energy, only heavy emotions and thought forms can manifest in us. And at this moment it is simply pointless to squeeze joy out of yourself. As a rule, it knocks us out of this state external environment, especially when we are already tired of shrinking and becoming discouraged (the cycle is over), and we have a tendency to expand consciousness. And, as soon as we have an impulse to expand (inhale) consciousness, circumstances immediately arise, for example, we met someone who shared their joy, came across an inspiring book for life, or received a good shake from life, from which we have to quickly and move a lot.

Now many "graduates" are at zero point, but most believe that this is wrong, thinking that this is chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. Of course, everyone wants to live in joy, and they are trying to squeeze this joy out with old life techniques - looking for stimuli from outside. ... I have acquaintances who have everything for a joyful life: home, family, children, prosperity, career, but in their hearts there is zero, only emptiness and longing. So what's the deal? Maybe that's not how they live? Moreover, they attend various positive trainings, which call to live in joy and harmony with the whole world. And how to squeeze this joy out of yourself, not for a moment - but for the rest of your life?

It seems to me that at this point of freezing of consciousness one should not try to squeeze out what is not, but accept and use the cyclical energy of zero to release. And there is something to let go, for example, fear of the same zero zone, because before everything was clear; when he lived like a human being (a full package of pleasures from ordinary life), and now such a life does not bring any more joy. This is the gray zero zone, when you cannot live as you used to, and you still don't know the new. This is a natural period of consciousness - falling into zero cycle... If we realize it, then peace will come in the soul, and not the ordeal of the soul. Sadness comes to us due to the fact that we do not accept this state, hence the internal struggle. And any struggle with oneself is exhausting.

It must be accepted as an axiom - consciousness never moves linearly, but always in leaps and bounds with a phase of zeroing. We need this period in order to let go of the old experience and move on lightly. And do not believe that a person can experience only joy and harmony every minute throughout his life. When you read or hear someone talking about joy, you are naturally charged with this energy, and it seems to you that you are doing something wrong, living in a gray everyday life. After meeting with "someone else's" joy, usually there is a recession and again self-digging. Question: is there something wrong with me?

This is the old system of perception of the world, when the mind builds an ideal, and makes other parts of the consciousness complex because of the inconsistency with this ideal. The ideal is an illusion, not supported by experience.

The zero phase in consciousness makes it possible to level all our parts. And if we, being in the zero zone, accept ourselves as we are: without feelings, without joy, whining, then we will see how discontent gradually disappears in us, and we find ourselves in a real zero zone, where there is a complete calm of feelings, mind and emotions ... And when we learn to live in this silence, without trying to escape back to the familiar world of emotional roller coasters, then gradually, day after day, we will notice how some mighty Power awakens in us. This Power will not give us temporary joy, and will not sparkle with emotional disco lamps, but will buzz like a huge ocean of feelings. Our consciousness will switch from the external old source of the matrix, for which we had to constantly pay with our energy, to the internal source. This is the true source in the zero zone, which is hidden behind the barrier of depression.

To gain this power, we must accept our darkness, because there is more light in darkness than in all the stars combined. If we take phase zero as one of important points our life and we will not try to escape from it, then slowly we will master it. The paradox is that by running away we are creating a depressive state of consciousness. If we do not run away from ourselves, but accept our inaction, both external and internal, then we are open to this experience, which means that our consciousness not only contracts, but also expands simultaneously. At this moment, we understand the importance of immersion in ourselves and do not consider this to be something wrong. We must realize that we get into the zero zone not because of our weakness and lack of will, but thanks to the Force that pushes us. Depression is when external energy is compressed, and we, not accepting, begin to fight it, wanting only to expand, for example, into joy. And against this powerful force of compression we cannot resist (this is the exhalation of the universe), we can only accept. Not accepting, we are like small children who are huddled with resentment in some far corner of the apartment, because their parents did not buy the desired toy. Hence, if we resist the Force, then we contract even more under its pressure. We push, and she is even stronger ... we resist, she is even more ... And who will win this exhausting battle? Depression, of course.

You need to trust the condescension of the flow (compression) and follow it. Then we will not have a leak of energy and depression, and a conscious adventure - immersion in the microcosm, i.e. into yourself. At this moment, we can feel that we no longer have a desire for external manifestations: work, creativity, family, but simply there is a desire to be ourselves, as we are. We must allow ourselves to be weak, discouraged, irritated, and other manifestations of "unhappy" emotions, not considering them to be something that we should be ashamed of and hide ... At the moment of energy compression, heavy emotions manifest themselves as best as possible, crawling out of all the cracks of consciousness. So they must first be accepted, then released. Don't beat yourself up. To be natural, the immersion and experiences of heavy energies will happen quickly, in a couple of days. If you fight, it can take months.

When, at the moment of contraction and immersion of consciousness, we pass the barrier (depression) of heavy, joyless emotions, then we will definitely get into the zero zone. We will finally realize that fear has kept us on the edge of the void, creating a barrier from rejection of our joyless emotions. This great emptiness that contains everything…. rejecting nothing.

How can we get out of the state of depression if we are already there? Psychology invites us to enter joy through external manifestations, for example: go shopping or go on a trip. All this is good if our depression is associated with an inferiority complex, and we are still fascinated by this world. And if we are tired of this reality in all its manifestations, and external habitual stimulants no longer please us and at this time our loved ones or “masters” of joy are still pressing on us so that we can enjoy life, then we can shrink even more in our depression because they do not understand us, offering stimuli to life that we have already outlived. At this time, we periodically begin to “die” for this life (loss of human form) And when another attachment dies in us, then we can feel a deep longing for something that has gone forever. For the most part, this happens on a subconscious level, so we do not understand what is happening to us. it good time in order to truly enter the zero zone. After all, when you joyfully "ride" along the emotional curve of life, then you do not care about emptiness, at this moment you are interested in the daily vanity from which you are charged. This is the main reason why a neophyte can become depressed. He can no longer live in the old way, but he does not know how in the new way. AND new life is already knocking on his consciousness with might and main, offering to draw strength not from the usual external source of the majority, but from the internal source hidden in the zero zone, in the center of the circle of our consciousness. This is the point (microcosm) where an inexhaustible source of vacuum energy is hidden in a compressed state. This is much more than in the external manifestation of light with its momentary joy and its fleeting rays, with which the light draws holograms-illusions for our consciousness.

Life in the void (zero zone) is the new kind consciousness, and hence another source of nutrition. If earlier we were nourished by the external world of forms, now energy directly without intermediaries comes to us from internal source... And for this we must have another breathing, not frequent and superficial as before, but deep with long pauses between them. This breathing allows the consciousness to draw deeper energy from the microcosm, directing it into the macrocosm.

If we do get stuck in depression on the way to the zero zone, then the best thing we can do is start breathing in a new way. There is no need to wait for a miracle when a magician will come and give the joy of life. At first it will be difficult to breathe and maybe we will not have the strength for this. Therefore, one must start by holding the breath while exhaling. And as soon as the body shows the instinct for a deep breath, we begin to breathe slowly and deeply. After a few minutes of breathing, we will feel the need to hold more pauses between inhalation and exhalation. In these pauses, the portal to the zero zone is hidden. It's simple ... to start breathing consciously. After all, this is what we really can "here and now", without any doping in the form of spiritual books and seminars.

Making our new breath everyday, we will gradually find ourselves in the center of consciousness, from where we will draw energy for a new life, for which society does not have to pay. This is not a scheduled meditation, but a way of life. We will have a different perception of the world: without the coarse emotional sinusoids of the matrix, luring us with fleeting joy and later mercilessly throwing us into the bitterness of being. In the new consciousness, we will feel ourselves in the very center of calm in the middle of an ocean of refined feelings, where any manifestation of life in everyday life will become the joy of being. It can be such a "trifle" as the feeling of one's own breath, which was not noticed before, carried away by an external source of pleasure.

Many people are afraid of the process of zeroing their state and regard this phenomenon often from a negative point of view. However, zeroing happens to us all the time, affecting many aspects of life, and if we stop being afraid of this process and look into its depth, touch in acceptance and silence to the changes taking place inside us, we will recognize what is happening as a natural reboot.

Time moves, events change, forms and manifestations are transformed. The entire universe is constantly undergoing a continuous process of transformation. We, as an amazing manifestation of the universe, go through the same transformations. The time comes and you realize that your interests have changed the course of development. Perhaps you have grown out of your business or work, your relationship has become cramped.

Our experience, with regard to any form, at one time passes the final stage of completion and an inner, deep need for further growth and development arises. Man naturally strives to go beyond his boundaries and sooner or later outgrow everything. Development never stops, even if we resist, life creates such conditions when we simply have no choice but to move on in our own knowledge. This is the natural law of all living things. Life events and situations continue to push us forward and look for more and more new forms for their creative manifestation.

Yes, during the transition process, the change in the form of our self-expression, we often feel in limbo, sometimes experiencing loss and uncertainty. In this state, we understand that it is already impossible to be as before, and how to be otherwise is not yet known.

A zeroing condition is almost always accompanied by a major shape change. This can relate to changing jobs, lifestyle, everything. Zeroing can last for a week, a month, and sometimes even several years, and if we try to avoid this process, not allowing it to go through natural cycles, then we inevitably face melancholy, low mood, inner melancholy, loss of energy, despondency, loss of faith in ourselves, into life, into people.

For most people, zeroing is accompanied by financial downturns, the elaboration of many complexes and fears, and various crises in relationships. But do not despair - this is a great time, a time of profound changes and preparation for a new bright future. In this difficult period, global and significant adjustments and transformations take place, the power of which you will feel and realize very soon. Having stopped fighting this process, you will be able to see the beauty and mystery of the birth of a new round of your life and yourself in it. Looking back later, you will appreciate the significance of this transition and feel grateful for your new birth.

During this important period for your development, there is a powerful cleansing from old attachments, thought forms, limitations, everything that no longer serves your well-being. Of course, the mind will periodically suggest that you return to the old, however, even if you decide to wrap time into sleep, you will understand that the old has turned into ash and you will only have to rush forward and continue your global journey.

Learn to hear yourself, give yourself time and support during this period, strengthen yourself in loving presence and wait quietly - this is the most important thing during this period. Do not be afraid of zeroing, it happens to us all the time. All processes in the universe are built on this principle. If you feel like the time has come for you to change shape and make the transition, do it with love for yourself.

The world will always support and help you in this endeavor ...

If you feel that you need help and support in your situation, I will be happy to help you with my programs and courses, as well as individual consultations. Your state, thoughts and sensations will radically change and transform. Anxiety and old agendas will be replaced by feelings of deep trust, love, and happiness.
You can get acquainted with the course schedule by following the link.

There are two ways to zero consciousness and switch to new level:

1 is long and difficult. You slowly get to know yourself by going through various practices and austerities. Getting to know the world of matter and spiritual bliss trying to find balance. Ups and downs mix. You work hard and at a certain moment you will become enlightened! How it visits you no longer understand, but life changes and everything in your universe merges into one. Illness is already perceived as a step in the transition to a new level of development. Your body is getting younger and more beautiful, your gaze becomes soft and everything around you begins to see in different colors. Money and abundance are just there. You see and understand everything much earlier than everyone else, but there is no longer a desire to teach and teach. You are just enjoying life. You love yourself and everyone around you. It is a long journey to connect to a universal server of love and abundance. From it we go out to it and strive through our whole life. And if your access to the universal server was authorized and all passwords-lessons were passed, please receive the energy of love and abundance. You can see such people. We all know them. Great spiritual leaders of the planet Earth. There are no poor or hungry among them. If his age is already great, you can’t tell about his numbers right away. They are cheerful and full of strength. Their eyes and speech are full of love for everything on earth and heaven. They bring us messages from the Almighty about love and care. We just need to follow the path of heart and love. Love brings joy and abundance.

Well, or way 2:

If a quick but short-term way of connecting to the flow of love and a person pays dearly for it, with his health. This alcohol and drugs, very quickly carries you to the top and you get a short pleasure, then a painful separation occurs and evil and aggression comes. The universal server of love does not accept you forever, there is only one way, through knowledge and acceptance of oneself beloved. And again and again attempts are made and in return the body is distorted, the flow of abundance and money is closed, nervous system completely out of order, but there are short connections and going into oblivion with attempts to get love.

Sometimes both paths intertwine and only you can choose your path.

Only you yourself can understand what is wrong with you and where you are, and what you really need.

Perhaps you should reset your consciousness and forgive yourself.

We know how to update and start all over again.

Every year on December 31st, with the striking of the clock, we attempt to reset our lives and start over. Almost all people carry out this ceremony, and most importantly, it works. The collective unconscious has tremendous power.

Live with love in your heart and remember you can always reset your life and start everything the way you want. No matter what pit you are in and to what heights your work has brought you, you are worthy of love and abundance. All people are worthy of love and abundance, and all this awaits them. All will be!

With love to you!

I decided to reset my life. I felt cramped among old things and memories. Of course, the past is important, without it there would be no present and all that ... but I don't want to think about it. I will throw away the suitcase with the past at the bus stop and calmly move on.

Old things and old thoughts are unnecessary energy, and when you start a new stage in life, zeroing is necessary.
I used to think that starting life from scratch is possible, but changing handwriting is not.
Now I disagree with that. You can change everything, let alone the handwriting.

But this requires full zeroing.
And now I do not agree with such a popular saying: the quieter you drive, the further you will be.
This is only true if you are driving.
But success in life and realization in all areas is possible only at fast speed!
To make the computer work faster - it needs to be "cleaned".
Therefore, a complete clearing of thoughts, at home, zeroing of all previously hung questions is necessary!

Here's a plan to zero out for those who really intend to paint a new picture of their lives:

1. Throwing out the trash
We get rid of all the trash. For a start - from your home. We throw it out, distribute it, take it to the shelter:

Clothes you don't wear.
- Unsuitable or obsolete dishes, equipment.

Approach all things with the question "Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?"
You can't put water in a glass full.
You empty your glass yourself. How much you pour, so much will pour in.
By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including a workplace in an office, a summer cottage, a car, a private jet and whatever else you have.
2. We throw out the files
Garbage disposal is just a flower. It's time to throw files away!
We are used to storing everything on a computer. Why throw it out? The hard drive is enough for everything.
Here the principle is the same: purification is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and dear.
You cannot switch your life to a new speed if chaos reigns on your desktop and in your apartment.

3. We finish unfinished business or reset them.

And now for cleaning!)


I decided to reset my life. I felt cramped among old things and memories. Of course, the past is important, without it there would be no present and all that ... but I don't want to think about it. I will throw away the suitcase with the past at the bus stop and calmly move on. Old things and old thoughts are unnecessary ...
