Trails lexical and syntaxes Table. Basic language funds in Russian

Probably, you have repeatedly heard that Russian is one of the most difficult. Why? It's all about the registration of speech. Means of expressive make our words richer, poems - expressive, prose - more interesting. It is impossible to clearly convey the thoughts without using special lexical figures, because it will sound poorly and ugly.

We will understand which means of expressiveness of the Russian language and where to find them.

Perhaps, in school, you poorly wrote writings: the text "didn't walk", the words were selected with creak, and finish the presentation with a clear thought - it was not unrealistic. The fact is that the necessary syntactic means Stand in the head with reading books. However, only they are not enough to write interesting, colorfully and easily. It is necessary to develop your skill in practice.

Simply compare the following two speakers. Left - text without means of expressiveness or with their minimum amount. Right - saturated text. Such are often found in the literature.

It would seem that three banal offers, but how interesting they can be painted! Expressive tongues help the viewer to see the picture you are trying to describe. Use them is a whole art, but it is easy to master it. It is enough to read a lot and pay attention to interesting techniques used by the author.

For example, epithets were used in the text paragraph on the right, thanks to which the item is instantly presented brightly and unusual. What does the reader remember better - the usual cat or a thick cat-commander? Be sure that the second option will certainly be more likely. Yes, and there will be no such confusion that in the middle of the text the cat will suddenly be white, and after all, his reader has long been gray for a long time!

So, syntactic agents are special techniques artistic expressivenessthat prove, justify, draw information and use the imagination of the reader or listener. This is extremely important not only for writing, but also for oral speech. Especially if speech or text is drawn up in. However, there, and there, the means of expressiveness in Russian should be in moderation. Do not overstat the reader or listener with them, otherwise it will quickly get tired of wading through such "jungle."

Existing expressive means

There are a lot of such special techniques, and you can hardly know everything about them. To begin with, all the means of expressiveness cannot be immediately used - it makes speech heavy. You need to use them in moderation, but do not bother. Then you will achieve the desired effect.

Traditionally, they are divided into several groups:

Let's try to deal with them in order. And so that you were more convenient, after explanation all expressive means Language is served in convenient signs - you can print and hang on the wall to reread from time to time. So you can learn them unobtrusively.

Phonetic techniques

Among the phonetic techniques most often meet two - alliteration and associate. They differ only in the fact that in the first case consonants are repeated, in the second - vowels.

This technique is very convenient to use in poems when words are not enough, and you need to pass the atmosphere. Yes, and the poetry is most often reading out loud, and the association or alliteration helps to "see" a picture.

Suppose we need to describe the swamp. Rocks grow in the swamp, which are rustling. The start of the line is ready - the rustle of the root. We can already hear this sound, but this is not enough for a complete picture.

Hear, as if silently rustle and hissing the reasons? Now we can feel this atmosphere. This reception is called allituration - consonant letters are repeated.

Similarly, with Assonance, repetition of vowels. This is a little simpler. For example: I hear the thunderstorms of the spring, then silent, then I sing. This author transfers lyrical mood and spring sadness. The effect is achieved by the skillful consumption of vowels. In an explanation, what is Assonance will help the table.

Lexical techniques (trails)

Lexical techniques are used much more often than other means of expressiveness. The fact is that often people use them unconsciously. For example, we can say that our heart is lonely. But the heart actually cannot be lonely, it is just an epithet, a means of expressiveness. However, such expressions help to emphasize deep meaning said.

The main lexical techniques include the following trails:

  • epithet;
  • comparison as a means of expressive speech;
  • metaphor;
  • metonymy;
  • irony;
  • hyperbole and litt.

Sometimes we use these lexical units unconsciously. For example, the comparison slipches in the speech of each - this means of expressiveness firmly entered into daily life, Therefore, it is necessary to use it with the mind.

Metaphor - more interesting form Compare, because we do not compare slow death with cigarettes using the word "as if". We so understand that slow death is a cigarette. Or, for example, the expression "dry clouds". Most likely, it means that it has not been raining for a long time. The epithet and metaphor often echoes, so when analyzing the text it is important not to confuse them.

Hyperbole and litts - exaggeration and accuracy, respectively. For example, the expression "The sun has absorbed the strength of a hundred bonfires" - an explicit hyperbole. And "quietly, quiet stream" - litt. These phenomena also firmly entered everyday life.

Metonimia and periprase - interesting phenomena. Metonimia is a reduction of said. For example, there is no need to talk about Chekhov's books as "Books that Chekhov wrote." You can use the expression "book Chekhov", and it will be metonimia.

And periprase is a deliberate substitution of concepts synonymous to avoid tautology in the text.

Although with proper ability, Tavtology can also be a means of expressiveness!

Also to lexical means of expressiveness in speech include:

  • archaisms (outdated vocabulary);
  • historians (lexicu, with attitude to a specific historical period);
  • neologisms (new vocabulary);
  • phraseologisms;
  • dialectisms, jargonisms, aphorisms.
Means of expressivenessDefinitionExample and explanation
EpithetDefinition that helps add paints image. Frequently used in a figurative value.Bloody sky. (Says about the sunrise).
Comparison as a means of expressive speechComparison of objects with each other. May not be related, but on the contrary.Means of expressiveness, as if expensive decorations, exalted our speech.
Metaphor"Hidden comparison" or figurative. More complex than a simple comparison, comparative unions are not used.Boiling anger. (A man is angry).
Sleepy city. (Morning city, which has not yet woken up).
MetonymyReplacing words in order to reduce a clear offer or avoid tautology.I read Chekhov's books (and not "I read the books of the authorship of Chekhov").
IronyExpression with the opposite meaning. Hidden mockery.Here you are a genius, of course!
(The irony is that here "genius" is used in the meaning of "stupid").
HyperbolaIntentional exaggeration of said.Brighter thousands of fiery lightning. (Dazzling, bright show).
LitotesIntentional reducing said.Weak like a mosquito.
PerifrazReplacing words in order to avoid tautology. Replacement can only be a related word.The house is the hut on the couch legs, the lion is the king of beasts, etc.
AllegoryAbstract concept helping to reveal the image. Most often - well-established designation.Fox in the meaning of tricks, the wolf in the meaning of strength and rudeness, the turtle in the meaning of slowness or wisdom.
EliminationTransfer of properties and feelings of a live object on inanimate.The lantern seemed to be swayed on a long thin leg - he reminded me of a boxer who was preparing to a rapid attack.

Stylistic figures

Stylistic figures often contain special grammatical designs. To the most commonly used belongs:

  • anaphor and epiphara;
  • composite bog;
  • antithesis;
  • oxymoron or paradox;
  • inversion;
  • parcel;
  • ellipsis;
  • rhetorical questions, exclamations, circulation;
  • asyndeton.

Anaphor and epiphora often refer to phonetic techniques, but this is an erroneous judgment. Such techniques of artistic expressiveness are clean stylistics. Anaphora is the same beginning of several lines, epiphers - the same endings. Most often apply in poetry, sometimes in prose to emphasize drama and increasing anxiety, or to strengthen the poetry of the moment.

Composite joint - intentional "buildup" of conflict. The word is used at the end of one sentence and at the beginning of the following. It gave me everything, the word. The word helped me to become the way I am. Here is such a reception and calls for a composite joint.

Antiteza is the opposition of two concepts-antipodes: yesterday and today, at night and day, death and life. From interesting techniques, you can note the parcel that is used to build a conflict and the change of the pattern of the narrative, as well as the ellipsis - the message of a member of the sentence. Often used in exclamations, calls.

Means of expressivenessDefinitionExample and explanation
AnaphoraThe same start of several lines.Take your hands, brothers. We take hands and connect our hearts. Take the swords to put the end of the war.
EpiphoraThe same end of several lines.Wash not so! I stroke is wrong! All wrong!
Composite styOne sentence ends at this word, and the second offer begins on it.I did not know what to do. Do in order to survive in this bora.
AntithesisContrastI came to life with every second, but after that I died every evening.
(Used to demonstrate drama).
OxymoronThe use of concepts that contradict each other.Hot ice, peaceful war.
ParadoxAn expression that does not have a direct meaning, but bearing aesthetic meaning.Hot arms of the dead man were alive all others. Hurry up as slowly as possible.
InversionIntentently permutation of words in the sentence.I was so night, I was afraid of everything in the world.
ParcelationBreakdown words for individual offers.He waited. Again. Stunned, cried.
EllipsisDelivered word skip.Forward, for business! (Missed the word "take").
GraduationExpression extension, use of synonyms for increasing degree.His eyes, cold, insensible, dead, did not express anything.
(Used to demonstrate drama).

Features of applying means of expressiveness

We should not forget that in the oral Russian speech are also used gestures. Sometimes they are erecting the usual means of expressiveness, but in the skillful connection of these figures. Then the role will be alive, rich and bright.

Do not try to insert as many stylistic or lexical figures as possible. It will not make the word richer, but the feeling that you "put on" are too many jewelry, which is why they became uninteresting. Means of expressiveness - how skillfully selected accessory. It happens, even you will not notice immediately, he intertwined so harmoniously in a sentence with in other words.

Means of expressiveness of speech



The same beginning of several neighboring offers

Beregite each other,
Goodness warming.
Beregite each other,
Do not take offense. (O.Vysotskaya)


Suiting sharply contrast or opposite concepts and images to enhance the impression

"Sleep and Death" A.A. Feta, "Crime and Punishment" F.M.Dostoevsky.



One of the types of sound survey, repetition in the text of the same vowels

M.e. lo, M.e. lo on sune. y ze. mle.
In Sun
e. etce. d.e. lies
e. cha Mountainse. la on the tablee. ,
e. cha Mountainse. la ... (B. Pasternak)


Art exaggeration

sharovar width with Black Sea (N.Gogol)



The location of words, expressions by increasing (ascending) or decreasing (descending) significance

Overwhelmed, soldered, took off under the sky stone
And the whole quarry smoke. (N.Zabolotsky)

Maldly themes


A special type of calling proposals, calls the topic of statements, which is disclosed in subsequent proposals

Bread!.. What could be more important than bread?!



Violation of the speech

Rhines forest crimson
Srebark Moroz fading the field ... (A. Pushkin)



Thin mockery, use in the sense opposite to direct

Count tails
Poet, loved by heaven,
Pelimmortal verse
Unhappiness of Nevsky Beasts ... (A. Pushkin)

Composite sty


Repetition at the beginning of a new sentence of words from the previous proposal, usually ending it

At the dawn Zoryanka Pope. Popped and miraculously connected all the rustles in the song, rustles ... (N.Slakov)

Lexical repeat


Repetition in the text of the same word, phrase

Around the city at low hills spread outthe woods , mighty, untouched. INforest There were big meadow and deaf lakes with hugeposses on the shores.Pines All the time quietly noisy. (Yu.Dasakov)



Artistic understatement

"Tom Thumb"


The figurative meaning of the word based on similarity

Sleepy Lake of the city (A.blok). SUGLES White calves (B.Asmadulin)


Replacement of one word to others based on the arrangement of two concepts

Here on new waves
All flags will visit us. (A.S. Pushkin)



Intentional use of a repeating union

There are coal, and uranium, and rye, and grapes.
(V. Engine)



In our medium, some stunning absurdities began to roighten, the fruits of Novorusskayaeducation . (Sirnov)


Combination of opposite words

Tourists B. hometown. (TEFFI)


Transferring human properties to inanimate objects

Silent sadness comforts,
And the joy will think about ... (A.S. Pushkin)



Intentional separation of proposals for meaningful segments in semantic attitude

He loved everything beautiful. And understood the sense of this. Beautiful song, poems, beautiful people. And smart.


Replacing the word (phrase) descriptive circulation

"People in white coats" (doctors), "red-haired jacket" (fox)

Rhetorical question, exclamation, appeal


Expression of approval in the question of
to attract attention;
strengthening emotional impact

About Volga! My cradle!
Did anyone love you like me? (N.Nekrasov)

Rows, pair of homogeneous members


The use of homogeneous members for greater artistic expressiveness of the text

Amazing combinationyou just anddifficulties , transparency anddepths in Pushkinskyverse andprose . (S. Marshak)



Caustic, stinging, one of the receptions of satire

Sarcasm is saturated with the works of Swift, Voltaire, Saltykov-Shchedrin.


Replacing quantitative relationships, the use of a single number instead of multiple

Swede, Russian Cool, rubit, cuts ... (A. Pushkin)

Syntactic parallelism


Similar, parallel building phrases, strings

To be able to speak - art. To be able to listen - culture. (D. Likhachev)



Comparison of two items, concepts or states having general feature

Yes, there are words that harness,as a flame. (A.Vardovsky)



Interrupted statement, giving an opportunity to advise, reflect

You can explain this fable - yes, it's not to annoy geese ... (I.A. Krylov)



Reduction, "skipping" of words, easily restored in meaning, which contributes to the dynamic and compression of speech.

We sat down - in ashes, hail - in the dust,
In swords - sickles and plows. (V.A. Zhukovsky)


Figurative definition characterizing property, quality, concept, phenomenon

But I love I, Springgolden ,
Your solid
wonderful mixed noise...


The same ending of several offers

Spring Scroll,winter Vista .
Early, early
winter wishes.

Tools of speech expressiveness - These are speech turnover, the main function of which is to give the tongue of beauty and expressiveness, versatility and emotionality.
Fonetic (sound), lexical (associated with the word), syntactic (associated with the phrase and proposal) of the means are distinguished.
Phonetic means of expressiveness
1. Alliteration - Repeat in the text of consonant or identical consonant sounds.
For example: G.about roD G. rabile, G. reB, G. rabstal.
2. Assonance - Repeating vowels. For example:
M. e.lo, M. e.lo on sun e.y z e.mL.
In Sun e. Limits.
St. e.cha Mountains on the table e.,
St. e.cha burned ... (B. Pasternak)

3. Onomatopoeia - Reproduction of natural sound, imitation of sound. For example:
How do droplets lead about ride
And at all night, everything is zokay yes ride
Stucha under one nail
That's where, then there, then in that entrance, then in this one.

Lexical means of expressiveness (trails)
1. Epitheet - figurative definition characterizing property, quality, concept, phenomenon
For example: golden Grove, Cheerful Wind
2. Comparison - comparison of two items, concepts or states that have a general feature.
For example: And birch stands as big candles.
3. Metaphor - The figurative meaning of a word based on similarity.
For example: Blue sky site.
4. Elimination - Transferring human properties to inanimate objects.
For example: Sleeping a cushion in a white cape.
5. Metonimia - replacement of one word to others based on the arrangement of two concepts.
For example: I ate three plates.
6. Synekdokha - Replacement multiple number The only one, the whole, the whole instead of the part (and on the contrary).
For example: Swede, Russian Cool, Rubit, cuts ...

7. Allegory - allegory; An image of a specific concept in artistic images (in fairy tales, bass, proverbs, epics).
For example: A fox - allegory of tricks, hare - Cowards
8. Hyperbol - Exaggeration.
For example: Two hundred years have not seen you.
9. Lithota - Understanding.
For example: wait 5 seconds.
10. Perifraza - retelling, descriptive turnover, comprising an assessment.
For example: Tsar Beasts (Lion).
11. Kalambar. - The game of words, humorous use of the meaningfulness of words or homonymy.
For example:
Sitting in a taxi, asked the dachshund:
"For travel what a dachshund?"
And the driver: "Money with dachshund
Do not take at all. So-s! "
12. Oxymoron - The combination of opposite words.
For example: write silence, hot snow
13. Phraseology - Sustainable combinations of words.
For example: easy talent in the ground.
14. Ironya - Thin mockery, consumption in the sense, opposite to the straight.
For example: Did you sing everything? This is the case: so look, babes.
Syntactic means of expressiveness (stylistic figures)
1. Inversion - violation of the direct order of words
For example: We were waiting for you for a long time.
2. Ellipsis - Skipping a member of a sentence, often faithful.
For example: We sat down - in the ashes, hails - in the dust, in swords - sickles and plows.
3. Mistot - Interrupted statement, giving an opportunity to speculate, reflect.
For example: I suffered ... I wanted a response ... I did not wait ... I left ...
4. Question Proposal - Syntactic organization of speech, which creates a manner of conversation.
For example: How to earn a million?
5. Rhetorical question - The question containing a statement.
For example: Who can not catch it up?

6. Rtoric appeal - Allocation of important semantic positions.
For example: About the sea! How I missed!
7. Syntax parallelism - similar, parallel building phrases, lines.
For example: Be able to ask for forgiveness is an indicator of power. Be able to forgive - the indicator of nobility.
8. Graduation - The location of synonyms according to the degree of increment or weakening of the trait.
For example: Silence covered, silent, absorbed.
9. Antiteza - Stylistic figure of contrast, comparison, contrasting opposite concepts.
For example: Long hair - the mind is short.
10. Anafora - Unity.
For example:
Take care of each other,
Goodness warming.
Take care of each other,
Do not take offense.

11. Epiphara - Repeat end words.
For example:
Forest is not that!
The bush is not that!
Drozd is not that!

12. Parcelation - separation of sentences to parts.
For example: Man came. IN leather jacket. Dirty. Smiled.

Task 25 offers to find in the text and determine the means of language expressiveness.

To successfully fulfill the task of 25 EGE in Russian, we recommend:

1. Read the task carefully. In the wording of the task are tips.

2. Often in the task is written, lexical or syntax you need to find. Lexical tools are synonyms, antonyms, etc. The syntaxes are associated with members of the sentence, the order of words. The phonetic means are Assonance, alliteration or sound resistance, and trails are words or expressions used in a figurative sense.

3. If in the phrase one word is in italic, then this is in most cases epithet. In case of parcelion and parallelism, the guest numbers in the task are written through "-". Uniform members - through ",". Spoken, spaticrous, books, outdated words Listed in brackets.

4. Learn the theory. If you do not know what a certain term means, the exclusion method you cannot solve this task.

List of terms:

Anaphora (\u003d Unity) - Repeat words or revolutions at the beginning of one or more offers:

August - Astra,
August - Stars,
August - Brozdy
Grapes and rowan ...
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Antithesis - Comparison of the opposite:

I'm stupid, and you are smart
Live, and I am dumbfounded.
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Question-response formation - Presentation in the form of a sequence: Question-answer:

My phone rang.
- Who speaks?
- Elephant.
- From where?
- from camel.
(K.I. Chukovsky)

Exclamatory sentence - proposal expressing expressiveness, emotionality, speech assessment speaking. An exclamation mark is put on the letter in the exclamation proposals. How many apples! Apple!

Hyperbola- Exaggeration, for example: I have not seen one hundred years!

Graduation - The location of homogeneous members in ascending order of the intensity of the feature, actions, state, quantity, etc., reinforcing the effect of the listing:

In the corner there was a basket with fragrant, large, ripe, pouring sweet juice apples.

Dialectism - a dialective word, the use of which is limited geographically, and therefore not included in the general layer literary language. Examples: Vixture (protein), borook (swarm), snacks (hlev), butter (rooster), cats (lapties), novel (severe canvas).

Inversion - Changing the order of words to attract attention to the phrase or the word:

On, it seems, cut rope
I am a little dancer.
(M. Tsvetaeva)

And in this underwent perturbation "Pop Star", its civil immaturity is manifested, her human " peroxide».

Irony- The use of words, statements with the attachment of the opposite meaning in them: Smart what!(in meaning: stupid, fool).

Contextual antonyms, contextual synonyms - Words that serve as antonyms or synonyms only in this context, and in other contexts they are not.

The hut was not cold, but discovered to such an extent that it seemed even colder than on the street.

Cold - discovered- Are not antonyms, but in this sentence due to opposition they are used as antonyms.

Lexical repeat - Repeat words:

Wind, wind -
For all God's light!
(A. Block)

Litotes - Dummy: peasant with marigolds, boy-finger .

Metaphor - Migration of the value in similarity: golden autumn, gloomy sky, cold look .

august - Brozdy
Grapes and Ryabina
Rusty - August!
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Metonymy- Transfer by adjacency: Win gold, the hall applauded, put Chekhov .

Record offers - Proposals with one main member - subject: noon. Frying terrible .

Incomplete sentences- Frequency in colloquial and artistic speech offers, in which one of the main members is omitted, clear from the context.

She came to me yesterday (1). Came and says ... (2).

In the second sentence omitted subject to she isTo avoid repeat and make a story more dynamic. But to be easily restored from context.

Elimination- Employment of inanimate objects with human features and qualities: the sky above him shuddered. Sky frowned .

Parallelism (\u003d Using parallel structures) - similar syntactic design of adjacent proposals:

That is not the wind branch clone,
Not a whisper is noise.
Then my heart is moaning,
As an autumn leaf tremble.
(Russian folk song)

I like that you are not sick with me,
I like that I am not sick.
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Parcelation- The division of the phrase on the part is possible and on words decorated as independent incomplete sentences. Is often used to create the effect of dynamic unfolding events or their drama

She turned sharply. Departed to the window. I cried.

Perifraza - Replacing the word on the descriptive expression: the capital of our Motherland, the city on the Neva.

Proverb - figurative finished saying, which has an outdative meaning. Usually proverbs are characterized by special rhythm intonation design, they can have a poetic size, sound repeats, rhyme, etc. Features, as well as parallelism of construction. Examples: There is no taste and color of comrades. Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Spacious- Words, combination of words, forms of word formation and word, which go beyond the literary standards and give speeches of simplistic, reduceability, coarseness. Widely used in artistic literature As an expressive elements: Live, Framever, Tama, Zdly, Zabuldiga, Dahletina, whitewashed, smile, they do not hum.

Contrast- comparison, comparison of something in order to attract attention to nursing, the opposites of signs, states, actions, etc. Opposition underlies antithesis.. An example (from the Bank's instructions bank):

When, under Poltava, the army of the Swedish king Charles Xii, who kept the Army of the Swedish King of Charles Xii, who kept in Jedis, it seemed to many that now there was nothing impossible for Russian weapons. wonder-heroes only whistled - and the Turks will immediately throw off the white flag.

Conversational words- Stylist painted words, used in conversational speech: electric train, Rastroup, Nudnotina . Many such words expressedly painted.

A rhetorical question- A statement that is not aimed at getting a response, clarification of information, but an expression of emotions, feelings, evaluation, expression: when will it end? Where to take patience?

Rhetorical appeal Often precedes a rhetorical question or exclamation:

Bored live in this light, gentlemen! (N.V. Gogol)

Cute satellites who divided the night with us! (M. Tsvetaeva)

Rows of homogeneous members

Who knows what glory is!
What price he bought the right,
Opportunity or grace
Over all so wisely and slyly
Joking mysteriously silent
And the leg is called the leg? ..
(A. Akhmatova)

Comparison - Comparison of the subject, feature, state, etc. with another having common hell or the line of similarity: showcases like mirrors flashed like lightning (\u003d lightning, would straw).

Comparative turn - Deployed comparison is introduced by comparative soylamps, as if, as if, like, in the wrong (simple), it seems.

Poems grow as stars and as roses,
How beauty ...
(M. Tsvetaeva)

As right I. left hand,
Your soul is close to my soul.
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Term - A word denoting the concept of any professional activity of either science and is due to this limited use: epithet, periphrase, anaphor, epiphara .

Citation- Use someone else's text as a quote. Examples (from the base of instructions of the FIPI):

The poet said: " We are all a little tie the sky" This is about the dignity of man, his place on earth, his responsibility for himself, for everyone and for everything.

And even true words: " Every person carries exactly as much as he really created, minus his vanity».

Emotional appraisal words: Daughter, little mine, my sunshine, enemy.

Epithet - Definition:

And he, rebelliouslooking for a storm

As if there are peace in the bora.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Epiphora - (General ending), the repetition of the word or phrase at the end of the neighboring proposals in order to attract special attention to them:

After all, the stars were larger,
After all, they smelled otherwise herbs,
Autumn herbs.
(A. Akhmatova. "Love conquers fraudulently")

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When we are talking about art, literary creativity, we are focused on the impressions that are created when reading. They are largely determined by the image form. In fiction and poetry, there are special techniques for enhancing expressiveness. A competent presentation, a public speech - they also need ways to build expressive speech.

For the first time, the concept of rhetorical figures, figures of speech, appeared from speakers ancient Greece. In particular, Aristotle and his followers were engaged in their research and classification. Delighted into details, scientists have highlighted up to 200 varieties enriched.

Means of expressiveness of speech are separated by language layout on:

  • phonetic;
  • lexical;
  • syntactic.

The use of phonetics is traditionally for poetry. The poem is often dominated by musical sounds that give poetic speech special observance. In the drawing of verse to enhance, emphasis, rhythm and rhythma, combinations of sounds are used.

Anaphora - Repetition of sounds, words or phrases at the beginning of proposals, poetic lines or stains. "Stars of golden stars ..." - Repetition of initial sounds, non-physician used phonetic anaphor.

But an example of lexical anifore in verses Pushkin:

One you carry on clear lazuries,
One you guide the dull shadow
One you peel the jamming day.

Epiphora - A similar technique, but it is much less likely, while words or phrases are repeated at the end of rows or proposals.

The use of lexic techniques associated with the word, lexema, as well as phrases and proposals, syntax, is considered as a tradition of literary creativity, although it is widely found in poetry too.

Conditionally, all means of expressiveness of the Russian language can be divided into trails and stylistic figures.


The trails are the use of words and phrases in a figurative value. The trails make it a more figurative, revitalize and enrich it. Some trails and their examples in literary work are listed below.

Epithet - Artistic definition. Using it, the author gives the Word an additional emotional coloring, its assessment. To understand what the epithet differs from everyday definition is different, you need to catch when reading, does the definition of a new word attaches? Here is a simple test. Compare: Late Autumn - Golden Autumn, early spring - young spring, quiet breeze - a gentle breeze.

Elimination - Transferring signs of living beings to inanimate objects, nature: "Gloomy rocks are sternly looked ...".

Comparison - Direct comparison of one object, phenomena with another. "Ground Night, like a beast ..." (Tyutchev).

Metaphor - transfer the value of one word, subject, phenomena to another. Detection of similarities implicit comparison.

"The wilderness of Ryabina Red is burning in the garden ..." (Yesenin). Ryabina's brushes resemble a poet of a fire flame.

Metonymy - renaming. Transferring properties, values \u200b\u200bfrom one item to another on the principle of adjacent. "Which is in fetras, let's on the dispute" (Vysotsky). In fetters (material) - in a felt hat.

Synecdoche - a kind of metonymy. Transferring the value of one word to another on the basis of quantitative communication: the only thing is the plural, part is an integer. "We are all looking at Napoleon" (Pushkin).

Irony - Eating words or expressions in an inverted sense, mocking. For example, appeal to the donkey in the Krylov Basna: "Roll off, smart, you wrapped your head?"

Hyperbola - A figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration. It can concern the size, values, forces, other qualities. Lithot - on the contrary, exorbitant understatement. The hyperbole is often used by writers, journalists, and the limit is much less likely. Examples. Hyperbol: "One hundred forty suns sunset gruel" (V.V. Mamikovsky). Lithot: "peasant with marigolds."

Allegory - Concrete image, scene, image, item that is clearly represented by an abstract idea. The role of the allegoria is to bring to the subtext, force to look for hidden meaning when reading. Widely used in the bass.

Alogis - intentional violation of logical connections for irony. "The landowner was stupid, read the newspaper" Elementary "and body had a soft, white and crumbly." (Saltykov-Shchedrin). The author deliberately mixes in the listing logically heterogeneous concepts.

Grotesque - Special reception, connection of hyperboles and metaphors, a fantastic surreal description. An outstanding master of the Russian grotesque was N.Gogol. On the use of this reception built his story "Nose". A special impression when reading this product produces a combination of absurd with ordinary.

Figures of speech

Stylistic figures are also used in the literature. The main types of them displays the table:

Repeat At the beginning, late, at the junction of proposals This cry and strings,

These flocks, these birds

Antithesis Contrast. Antonyms are often used. Long hair - mind short
Graduation The location of synonyms in the order of increasing or weakening Smoke, burn, glow, explode
Oxymoron Connection of contradictions Living corpse, honest thief.
Inversion Changes in order words He came late (he came late).
Parallelism Comparison in the form of comparison The wind has photographed dark branches. Fear stirred in it again.
Ellipsis Pass implied words For the header and on the door (grabbed, came out).
Parcelation Separation of a single sentence for individual And I think again. About you.
Multi-allu Connection through repeated unions And me and you and all of us together
Asyndeton Exception of Unions You, I, he, she - together a whole country.
Rtoric exclamation, question, appeal. Used to enhance feelings What summer!

Who if not us?

Listen, country!

Default Interruption of speech based on guess, to reproduce strong excitement My poor brother ... execution ... tomorrow at dawn!
Emotional-estimated vocabulary Words expressing relationships as well as a direct score of the author Private connector, dove, balbes, lysoblyud.

Test "Tools of Art Expressiveness"

To test yourself to master the material, go through a small test.

Read the following passage:

"There, the war smelled of gasoline and soot, burned glands and gunpowder, she crossed the caterpillars, shouted from the machine guns and fell into the snow, and rose under fire again ..."

What are the means of artistic expressiveness used in the passage from Roman K. Sonmon?

Swede, Russian - Kolts, Rubit, cuts.

Fight drum, clicks, crosses,

Thunder cannons, Topot, Rzhanye, moan,

And death and hell on all sides.

A. Pushkin.

The answer to the test is given at the end of the article.

The expressive language is, first of all internal imagearising when reading a book, listening to oral presentation, presentation. To manage images, fine visual techniques are needed. In great and mighty Russian, their enough. Use them, and in your speech drawing a listener or reader will find its image.

Learn an expressive language, its laws. Determine for yourself what is missing in your speeches, in your drawing. Think, write, experiment, and your language will become an obedient tool and your weapon.

Test response

K. Simonov. Elimination of war in passage. Metonimia: Rolling soldiers, technique, the battlefield - the author Ideanly connects them into a generalized image of the war. Receptions used expressive language - multi-joint, syntactic repeat, parallelism. Through this combination of stylistic techniques when reading, a rustic, saturated image of the war is created.

A. Pushkin. There are no alliances in the poem in the first lines. In this way, the tension, saturation of the battle, is transmitted. In the phonetic pattern of the scene, the sound of "P" plays a special role of different combinations. When reading, there is a rocking-growing background, ideologically transmitting the noise of the battle.

If answering the test, you could not give correct answers, do not be mistaken. Just re-read the article.