The main idea in the flow of words is rhetoric. Definition of the topic and main idea of ​​the text

Many works are considered classics of literature. High appreciation and popularity, apparently, does not depend at all on either the genre, or the volume, or the popularity of the writer.

The first impression from the analysis of literature makes it clear that the success of a novel (tale, saga or fairy tale) is determined by chance - and nothing more. But it is not so.

High appreciation of the work, first of all, is a matter of socio-cultural prerequisites.

What should be the idea, the meaning of any work or the main idea of ​​the work?

To engage the reader and make them think?

Perhaps, in the behavior of each of the characters, it is supposed to put some motives that will be understandable to society at this stage of development? But then the fate of works elevated to the rank of "immortal" is not entirely clear.

On the other hand, no motives and theses will be clear to absolutely any reader - due to ethnic, cultural or social differences. Moreover, in a few centuries or even decades, the actions of the heroes of the work may seem to the reader devoid of logic and meaning.

And what if we try to look at art (including literature) from a different angle, defining its function as purely entertaining?

With this approach, there are no contradictions described above. Reading a book or watching a play becomes a pleasure without being a duty in principle, and the popularity of one or two generations logically fits into the theory.

At the same time, the gradation of "complexity" and "depth" of works is also quite justified: someone loves women's novels and melodramas, and someone loves philosophical treatises and performance. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that philosophy will be more useful - it is just a kind of literature designed to give pleasure to narcissism in the search for meaning and consistency.

Perhaps the latter sounded too categorical, but, in fact, as Alexander Gordon noted, the feeling of understanding what is happening is akin to sexual satisfaction.

But that's not all. To define the function of works of art as purely entertaining seems almost blasphemous, doesn't it?

Why not try to go a little further?

Probably, each person has a book that made him think for a long time. It could be the works of Jack London, the Strugatskys, Bulgakov, Pelevin, Mitchell, Machiavelli... It could be absolutely anything.

Have you felt touches to the invisible strings of your soul? Probably not. No metaphor is able to express the extraordinary feeling of agreement or, conversely, the burning denial and the intense excitement associated with it.

Based on this, it can be assumed that the main meaning of each work is associated with reflection. This is a qualitatively different state than reflections on the logic and appearance of the characters. The work, in fact, becomes a psychotherapist who cannot and should not suggest a solution to the problem. The psychotherapist listens to the patient - and this helps to systematize information and find a solution to the problem or take a fresh look at others. The works trigger a slightly different mechanism: they seem to drag the reader into a character who tells his story.

Therefore, even very close people may not like the same work - in such a process either the principle of complementarity (mutual complementarity) operates - which causes denial, or the principle of incomplete coincidence - which leads to reflections on the likelihood of similar actions. Both denial and agreement make you think about your own motives.

A work whose main idea can be put into words once, and not in quantity according to the number of readers, will not find such a response among people as a work in which the story is told without clearly and clearly defined theses.

A good author can make the success of a work improbable and fleeting in only one way: to express in the work his attitude to certain actions of the characters.

You can close your eyes technical details, missed by the same Belyaev, but the author’s assessment of the heroes is too striking, of course, not very relevant now. Such works can only be counted among the monuments of a bygone era.

At the same time, it does not mean at all that the novel (story, play) should describe modern society. The work should be such that the reader can form his own opinion and evaluate what is happening. Then it will be possible to search for a point of view with which the reader (viewer) will agree. In this and the main idea of any work - in the search and change that the reader's worldview undergoes.

The point is to get the person to move on.

Working with text is something that needs to be learned, gradually gaining experience and the ability to quickly and correctly navigate other people's thoughts set out on paper. Before you start working with the text, you need to find out what the text is, what the topic of the text is, the idea, how to highlight micro-topics in it and divide it into meanings.

and criteria

In linguistics, to this day, there has not been a unified and exact definition the concept of "text". Attempts to determine it were made by M. V. Lomonosov.

Such well-known linguists and literary critics as I. R. Galperin, M. M. Bakhtin, in their work tried to identify the basic laws of text construction. Researchers argue about certain signs of it. The simplest concept is the following: a text is a series of sentences that are interconnected in meaning and united by a common idea. The text is also defined as a certain structural and thematic integrity. The form of the text causes particular controversy. Some scholars point out that formally the text can consist of one sentence. Others refute this idea. One way or another, there are a number of signs by which we can determine this phenomenon.

Text features

The first and most basic is the single theme and thought of the text. This is what it says. A thought can be identified with an idea. The idea is what the work is created for, what the author wants to say. Fables or poems can serve as a striking example. For example, I. Krylov's fable "The Monkey and Glasses". This fable is about how the monkey could not find a use for glasses because of his ignorance. However, the idea of ​​the text is deeper: people sometimes do not appreciate what they have, because they simply do not know something or do not want to know. The idea of ​​a fable is always expressed in morality (what is written at the very end of the work). In poetry and most often the general is shown through the particular. For example, when talking about the fate of an individual hero, writers have in mind the misfortune or guilt of the whole society. Do not confuse theme and idea. For example, if the topic of the text can be the life of a writer, actor or politician, then the idea will definitely be to demonstrate its positive or negative qualities or a call to become like him. An idea always has a purpose.

Knowing what the topic of the text is is not enough. It must be remembered that the second sign of the text is connectedness. All sentences and paragraphs are linked logically or chronologically. Therefore, creating own composition, do not forget about the sequence and logic of presentation. Any text consists of an introduction, main body and conclusion. As a rule, these parts are separated formally (that is, arranged in separate paragraphs). However, this rule is not a law.

The third sign is semantic unity and completeness. Any text must be complete, even if it is a small passage. The theme and thought should be fully disclosed in it.

In the text, you can highlight the main topic and micro topics (subtopics). So what is main topic text? It should include all text. As a rule, it is indicated in the title or can be formulated at the beginning of the work. Subtopics, on the other hand, usually correspond to paragraphs. How many paragraphs - so many micro-themes.

with text?

To understand the text correctly, you need to read it carefully. Try to immediately determine what the main theme of the text is: is it a person, nature, work, study, knowledge, war, love, etc. Next, highlight keywords and key motives. Only then can you understand the author's opinion. If the author created the text, it means that he wanted to express his point of view about this or that phenomenon. Pay special attention to the specific direct speech of the characters in the text (if any). Be sure to divide the text into microtopics. Make a plan by numbering all the subtopics.

Why is it necessary to highlight themes and micro-themes?

If you analyze the text or write a presentation on it, then you must strictly observe the sequence and train of thought of the author. That is why it is necessary to find all the subtopics and skillfully combine them into a single whole. This is especially important when writing Special attention pay attention to links between paragraphs, so that finished presentation was coherent and logical. Having lost at least one micro-theme, you can completely miss the idea of ​​the text and not convey what the author wanted to say.

Main variants of text topics

So text? This is what the author is talking about. Most often, the authors touch on the so-called eternal themes - for example, the theme of war and peace. The ideas that the authors want to implement can be different: the need to pay back the debt to the Motherland, the patriotism of people as the basis of character, the unnaturalness and horror of war, etc.

Another common theme is love. What ideas can be implemented in texts with such a theme? For example, love knows no social boundaries, love is always a disappointment (as in the poems of M. Yu. Lermontov, for example, "The Beggar"), love is the brightest feeling in a person's life, etc.

Among the frequently encountered topics are the following: fathers and children, friendship, the search for the meaning of life, nature, the movement of time, human feelings, betrayal, duty and many others. Similar topics are covered in reasoning texts. But in the narrative genres, the themes are more specific: some specific case, an incident, the fate of an individual.

It is possible to understand what the topic of the text is only after several attempts of independent analysis. Competent text analysis requires thoughtful reading and painstaking analysis.

To the question what is the main theme and the main idea of ​​the text given by the author BEKA______ the best answer is In linguistics, there is still no generally accepted definition of the concept of "text". The reason for this is that scholars, as a rule, single out those aspects of the text that, in their opinion, are the main ones, without pretending to be complete in definitions.
The question of the relationship between text and sentence is of great importance. Most scholars believe that some texts may consist of one sentence (simple or complex). These cases are quite rare and exist only in such sentences where it is possible to detect signs of the text itself.
So, a text is a group of sentences related in meaning and grammatically.
A topic is what (or about whom) the text is talking about: a range of events, phenomena, problems, concepts, etc. Each text is created on a specific topic. All his proposals are united by a common theme. The unity of the theme ensures the integrity of the text, regardless of the number of parts into which it is divided. The topic determines the content of the text. The general theme is divided into a number of micro-themes that are subordinate to it, reveal it. The theme of a text can be expressed in its heading.
The main idea, the idea - this is the main thing that the author of the text wanted to say. Topic and main idea are related. In addition, the main idea also determines the content of the text. It can be formulated in one of his sentences. But more often than not, you need to formulate the main idea yourself, having thoughtfully read the text. The main idea (like the topic) can be expressed in the title of the text.
Text structure
The external structure of the text, as a rule, can be characterized by three parts: introduction, main part, conclusion. Its internal structure is often much more complicated, since it represents the deployment of the composition. In addition, when creating a text, its stylistic affiliation is also taken into account. For example, it is clear that the official text of the statement and artistic text stories are not the same internal organization. Thus, there are texts compiled according to a predetermined scheme, and texts characterized by relative freedom of construction, depending on the individual style of presentation of the author.
Paragraph. The structure of the text is characterized by the fact that it is divided into units larger than sentences - paragraphs.
Each paragraph has its own micro-theme, which plays the role of the main connecting beginning in the named segment of the text. Not all paragraphs are solid. Sometimes they are multi-disciplinary.
The main sign that signals the boundary between paragraphs is the transition from one micro-topic to another. In addition, paragraphs are characterized by intonation of the beginning and end: its completion is marked, as a rule, by a significant decrease in tone and a final long pause; the beginning of the next paragraph is determined by the rise in tone.
Sentences not included in paragraphs. Not all sentences of the text are included in the paragraph. Most often they are the first and last sentences of a speech work (which do not refer to any one paragraph, but to the text as a whole), as well as author's digressions. Such sentences are relatively independent in terms of meaning.

Main, main idea of ​​the work

Alternative descriptions

lofty thought

Main, main idea of ​​the work

Thought that does not dawn on everyone

thought, intention, plan

Defining concept underlying the theoretical system

The main idea of ​​a literary, artistic or scientific work

Concept, representation, reflecting the generalization of experience and expressing attitude to reality

Among the main works of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev there is also "Russian ..."

Something that cannot be explained to an idiot, and something that nothing can knock out of his head

What lies at the heart of any undertaking

Thinking, which, as history has shown, God forbid, if it takes hold of the masses

Good suggestion


Ripe among the convolutions

Thought that claims to be exclusive

Comes to mind, and before that - is in the air

Good idea and on time

A fruit ripened among the cerebral convolutions

Almighty Thought

She's fresh at the innovator


product of human thought

overshadowing thought

Thought ready for implementation

Female name

Main plot line



Innovative thought

fruit of thought


bright thought

product of thinking


super thought

What is a dominant?


. "Eureka!"


head visitor

Visit of inspiration

She comes on a whim

Sudden understanding of what to do

idea, vision, intention


Genius "thought"

ingenious proposal

Sometimes obsessive

Main idea, plan, insight

mental image

A sudden thought

Came to mind

obsessive constructive thought

Good idea

constructive thought

beautiful thought

Sudden constructive thought

the main idea

It comes with the prefix "fix"

great idea

bright idea

Mining "Brainstorm"

The concept of the work

Outstanding Thought

wonderful thought

Great idea

Great idea

brilliant idea

Initial Thought



Thought, intention, plan

thought, idea, intention

a mental image of something, a notion of something

. "Eureka!"

Genius "thought"

Mining "Brainstorm"

J. lat. concept of a thing; intellect, representation, imagination of an object; mental image. Thought, fiction, invention, fiction; intention, intention. Ideology thought, a part of metaphysics or psychology that talks about thinking and thought. An ideal is a mental model of the perfection of something, in some way; archetype, prototype, initial image; representative; dream sample. Ideal, referring to the ideal; ideal, imaginary, thoughtful, mental; primitive, archetypal, or primeval. Ideality is opposed to reality, the conceivable prototype of the essential. Idealist m. a thinker who is fond of unrealizable inventions in practice; dreamer, dreamer. Idealism is a philosophy based not on the phenomena of the material world, but on the spiritual or mental. Man's tendency to daydreaming of this kind

Thought is illumination

It comes with the prefix "fix"

Among the main works of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev there is also "Russian ..."

What is a dominant

Illumination of gray matter

Text are two or more sentences related in meaning.

Theme of the text is who or what the text is talking about. The sentences in the text are united by one theme.

“Goslings grow very fast. They don't need to be trained to eat porridge. You don't have to learn to swim. They are independent."

E. Shim

Let's check: what is the text talking about? - about goslings. All sentences are connected by one topic.

According to N. Sadkov

This text tells about streams: the first sentence says what streams are, the second - where they rush, the third - how to unravel the mystery of the stream.

We can see that all the sentences correspond to the theme "brooks".

“It was a hot day. In the garden, under a bench, the dog Beetle was sleeping. Lenya took a stick and began to tease the dog. The bug growled and rushed at the boy. Lenya ran, but the bug managed to bite him. Lenya cried.

Suggested topics:

1. It was a hot day.

2. Lenya.

3. Bug.

4. Lenya and the dog Zhuchka.

The variant "Lenya and the dog Zhuchka" more fully defines the topic, that is, it names what in question in the text.

4. Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text:

“The primer helps the first grader learn the letters quickly. Reading the primer, the children learn a lot of new and interesting things. After the primer, schoolchildren begin to read other books well.

The theme is a primer.

The main idea: "A primer is an important and necessary book."

Sometimes there is a sentence in the text that contains the main idea.

5. Determine the topic and the sentence that contains the main idea:

“Banana palms are grass. You don't dare to say it when you see huge leaves above your head. A whole forest with cool shade. But it's still grass. Giant grass, giant grass, but grass.

V. Abdulova

The theme is banana trees. The main idea is contained in the first sentence: it was about the fact that “banana palms are grass”, and the author wanted to tell.

“The starlings arrived in March. They settled down in the hollow of a birch. The birds worked all day. Starlings carried feathers, grass, dry moss to the nest. In the evening they sat on a branch and sang. Take care of the starlings, they are our friends.”

The theme is starlings, the main idea is take care of starlings, they are our friends.

7. Each text has a title, a heading that indicates what will be discussed in this text. The text can be titled.


“The chanterelle mouses in winter - it catches mice. She steps onto a stump so that she can see farther away, and listens and looks: where under the snow the mouse squeaks, where the snow moves a little. Hear, notice - rush. Done: a mouse was caught in the teeth of a red fluffy huntress!

E. Charushin

What does the text say? About how the fox hunts mice.


1. Fox.

2. Furry hunter.

3. Fox and mice.

Most good option- fluffy hunter.

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