How to solder a plastic pipe without a soldering iron. Soldering polypropylene pipes: rules for work and analysis of possible errors

Standard in the past metal pipes Today, they are increasingly being replaced by plastic, or rather, polypropylene (as well as PVC). And if a welding machine is usually used to mount the former, then polymer analogues are mounted using a special soldering iron. However, the latter may not be at hand at the moment when it will be necessary to solder one of these pipes. Is there a way out of this situation? Actually - yes. In addition, here we will consider the soldering of wires.

  • Installation of water supply, sanitation and heating systems;
  • Repair work on heating and water supply systems;
  • The need to connect two wires;
  • Repairing the awning - sealing holes.

Is there an alternative to a professional soldering iron for polypropylene pipes?

Before dismantling the soldering of wires and awnings, let's dwell on the pipes. The apparatus for their welding costs several thousand rubles. Mostly professionals buy it for themselves, but for an ordinary person this device simply will not pay off. In this regard, it is necessary to look for an alternative option, which can become much more common in ordinary houses gas-burner.

Such a burner perfectly shows itself both in repair and in installation. At the same time, it can be soldered as pipes of small diameter, as well as rather large analogues. It is used not only for connecting pipes, but also as a means of installing plastic taps to control the flow of water into the pipeline.

Tips for connecting polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron

  • The quality of the connection largely depends on the cleanliness and absence of grease on the pipes themselves. Therefore, before work, it is recommended to degrease and clean them from dirt;
  • All pipes, as well as fittings and other parts must be from the same manufacturer. So you will be sure that the same temperature effect must be applied to connect them. In addition, you should not save on quality. Its absence can manifest itself both during the soldering process and during subsequent operation;
  • Do not solder in cold conditions. If, for some reason, the temperature in the room has dropped by less than +5 degrees, the connection may be fragile;
  • It is recommended to practice on unnecessary pipe sections.

Alternative - PVC pipes

There are plastic pipes that do not need to be soldered, as they can be glued together. In addition, they have all-plastic pipe threads located on the inner and outer sides.

In addition, for PVC and CPVC pipes, there is a special solvent-based cement. After treatment with such cement, the surface becomes soft and can be quickly glued.

The procedure for soldering polypropylene pipes

  • Drafting detailed diagram, marking the places of turns, the location of cranes, corners and other elements of the system;
  • Pipe cutting. It is best to take with a margin of 25 millimeters, which will be fused onto the fitting;
  • The pipe and fitting are heated with a burner. The temperature at the same time is approximately 280 degrees Celsius;
  • The fused elements are held together until they cool.

A universal way to solder an awning

With the advent of the warm season, the need for tents increases. By putting on your local area or taking a small tent for a picnic, you can find an unpleasant surprise- a hole. Is it worth it to buy a new awning after that or can I somehow fix the situation?

For soldering we need building hair dryer, which will have a special crevice nozzle, as well as a patch with a roller. After preliminary cleaning of the place of damage and patching of dust and grease, it is necessary to lay the awning on a flat surface. Having attached a patch to it, we begin to heat up both surfaces with the help of a crevice nozzle, simultaneously fastening it with a roller. The better you heat the surfaces, the better they stick to each other. But here it is extremely important not to overdo it and not burn a hole.

Soldering wires without a soldering iron using a soldering tape

Though regular soldering iron found in our homes much more often than its analogue for plastic pipes, it still may not be at hand in right moment when you need to connect two wires. Of course, you can try to twist them and wrap them with “blue electrical tape”, but this option is only temporary. At the same time, you can connect the wires “forever” without a soldering iron.

A special soldering tape will help us with this, which allows you to create a strong polymer layer around the wire, providing a complete connection and insulation. problem area. The steps for working with this tape are as follows:

  • Stripping the wires that we will connect and their subsequent twisting;
  • Removing the protective layer from the tape and wrapping around the place of twisting;
  • Heating the tape with an open flame until it melts and evenly covers the problem area. For this, ordinary matches are suitable;
  • After the tape has cooled, remove the excess flux. The wire is fully connected and ready for further use.

Welding wires with a special paste

Paste is used to connect various metals such as steel, nickel, copper and others. The reason for this versatility is that this material is produced on the basis of silver. In general, the paste contains flux, solder and binders ground to a state of powder. In the vast majority of cases, this method is used for soldering small wires. So, if your favorite headphones are out of order, and there is no soldering iron at hand, then ideal solution it will be pasta. The way to use it is very simple:

  • We clean the wires and twist them together;
  • We apply the paste to the place of twisting as evenly as possible;
  • With help ordinary lighter the paste is heated until it melts and turns into a full-fledged soldering;
  • After this place it is necessary to isolate all bare parts of the wire. The ideal remedy for this is a heat shrink sleeve. We put it on the place of soldering, after which we warm it up and get reliable insulation.

Soldering polypropylene pipes is an operation that sometimes has to be done in own house with your own hands. It is not at all advisable to buy a welding machine specifically for this. Therefore, many are trying to find such instructions, such methods that would save them from an expensive acquisition. Today we intend to offer a method that is quite applicable at home and does not require any special equipment at all.

You can get the maximum information about polypropylene pipes and how to weld them.

Do-it-yourself soldering of small-diameter propylene pipes

We will talk about such pipes, which are most often used for wiring inside the house, i.e. about pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. Suppose we need to solder a pipe and an angle fitting adjacent to it.

Soldering propylene pipes of this diameter can be easily done if there is some kind of safe source of fire at hand, which, for example, can be such a miniature gas burner.

According to existing regulations and to ensure required quality connection, the pipe must protrude into the fitting by 14 mm. In order to avoid violation of this standard, it is advisable to measure this distance from the edge of the pipe in advance and put a mark with a pencil.

Having done this, you can proceed to the deep heating of the elements to be soldered. The fitting, of course, must be warmed up from the inside.

The end of the pipe is heated from the outside.

When both parts are well heated, they can be inserted into each other.

When inserting the pipe, you should be guided by the previously applied pencil mark, which should be exactly along the edge of the fitting.

After that, the completed connection should be cooled without exposing it to any external influences. The cooled soldering point will be very strong and in no way inferior in strength to those joints that are usually made using special welding machines,. This can be verified by cutting the just completed soldering site.

As can be seen in the photo above, the junction of the pipe and fitting is completely monolithic, and such a pipe can be included without the slightest fear in the home water supply system.

So, if you need to solder polypropylene pipes, you can easily do this work on your own, without purchasing any special tools for this. To do this, just take note of our recommendation.

To independently install a water supply system from plastic pipes, you do not need a lot of knowledge and experience, since this process is not difficult. However, in order to improve the quality of the work performed, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology and some of the nuances of connecting this type of pipe elements. It is also important to learn a few lessons about how to connect different types plastic pipe and the highlights of this process.

Methods for connecting plastic pipes

First, it is worth noting that plastic pipes include products from the following materials:

  • Polypropylene.
  • Metal-plastic.
  • Polyethylene.
  • Polyvinyl chloride.

Each material has certain properties, therefore, the connection of products is carried out different ways, including soldering polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron (read also: ""). For greater awareness, it is worth knowing how to connect water pipes from the named materials.

Polypropylene products

Polypropylene pipe is the most popular material for plumbing. This is due to the presence of some advantages: acceptable price, high strength and long service life. Therefore, the study of methods for connecting all types of plastic pipes should begin with this type.

Polypropylene pipes are connected by welding with the obligatory use of couplings, angles, tees and other fittings. When connecting polypropylene pipes for plumbing, you need to purchase pipes and fittings from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, even strict adherence to welding technology cannot guarantee complete tightness and quality.

To do-it-yourself connect plumbing polypropylene pipes you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • Special soldering iron. This is simply the name of a welding device with a set of special nozzles that allow you to connect pipes of various sections. At the same time, the nozzle is selected individually for each pipe in accordance with its cross section.
  • Cleanup. This tool cuts off the reinforcing layer at the ends of the pipes. Stripping is used only for multilayer reinforced tubular products.
  • Pipe cutter. By name, you can determine that the device helps to cut polypropylene pipes.
  • A tape measure, pencil or marker may also be needed in the process of joining polypropylene tubular products.

Installation of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on and warm up the welding machine. The device must go through three phases: heating to a certain temperature, switching off, reheating. The operating mode can be tracked by the indicator light (read also: "").
  2. During the heating of the soldering iron, the reinforcing layer is stripped in the place where the fitting will be welded.
  3. Dust and dirt are cleaned from the surface of the connected elements and wet places are wiped well. Please note that failure to follow these steps may result in a loose connection.
  4. The end of one pipe and the connecting element are inserted into the heating nozzle and kept for a certain period of time. The heating time must be strictly controlled, since long holding leads to deformation of the elements, and if the heating is insufficient, the strength of the connection of plastic water pipes is reduced. Therefore, each welding machine is accompanied by a special table, which indicates the heating time for parts with a certain diameter.
  5. The heated elements are pulled out of the nozzles and quickly connected. The strength of the connection also depends on the speed of action at this stage, so the process must be carried out quickly, but carefully. The pipe is inserted into the fitting until it stops, but it must not be deformed. The connected parts should be held until the plastic has completely cooled.
  6. In a similar way, all elements of the water supply are connected. To avoid damage to the material, you need to perform actions on unnecessary pipe cuts. The process of welding polypropylene pipes is quite complicated, but after a few trial steps, you can proceed to independent work. From the remnants of the material, you can make various homemade products from polypropylene pipes, which look quite original.

Docking of pipes made of metal-plastic

Compound metal-plastic pipes You can also make handmade products using one of three methods:

  1. Connection using compression fittings involves the following steps: the end of the pipe is put on the collet, secured with a compression ring and squeezed with a clamping nut.
  2. The connection with crimp type fittings involves compressing the ring at the end of the fitting with a special press.
  3. Docking with push fittings is a new connection method that does not require any tools. This method may be the answer to the question of how to connect plastic pipes without soldering.

Regardless of the chosen method of connecting metal-plastic pipes, tools are still worth preparing. In particular, you will need a pipe cutter, which can be replaced with a conventional mounting knife, and a calibrator, which can be any cylindrical object of a certain diameter.

The most popular is the connection of metal-plastic pipes using compression fittings, which involves the following steps:

  • First, the pipes are cut with a knife or pipe cutter, ensuring a right angle of the cut line.
  • Before connecting the pipes, the cut ends are processed, that is, the diameter is calibrated and chamfered, using a calibrator in both cases.
  • A nut is removed from the fitting and put on the end of the pipe, followed by a compression ring.
  • Now the collet is inserted into the end of the pipe, after checking for the presence of rubber o-rings.
  • Push the clamping ring onto the collet and tighten the nut on the fitting. In this case, do not allow strong tightening of the nut, as this leads to damage rubber seals(read also: "").

In a similar way, connect all the elements of the water supply system. Such an installation is characterized by one advantage: minimum set tools for work, which is at hand for any owner. In addition, this is the only option that allows you to get a detachable connection, which is necessary in some situations.

The connection with compression fittings is carried out in the same order, only the compression ring and nut are replaced with a compression ring. To squeeze it, a manual or electric press is used.

Push fittings make it possible to get a connection of metal-plastic pipes much faster than previous methods. To perform the work, it is enough to insert the prepared end of the pipe into connecting piece, and all actions are performed without much effort.

Push fittings can be used to connect pipes made of metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene.

The connection by any of the listed methods is tight and reliable, so you need to choose depending on the available tools and financial capabilities.

Polyethylene pipes can be connected using one of the following options:

  • With compression fittings.
  • Welding by electrofusion.

The connection with compression fittings is carried out by analogy with metal-plastic pipes, but in a certain sequence:

  • The pipe is cut and chamfered.
  • A clamp nut is put on the pipe.
  • It is followed by a collet.
  • Next, in turn, put on the thrust and sealing ring.
  • The pipe is inserted into the fitting body, all parts are shifted to the edge and the nut is tightened.

This method is most often used when assembling domestic irrigation systems in country houses or in a summer cottage.

The connection of metal-plastic pipes in household water pipes is carried out by welding with an electrofusion coupling. Therefore, to perform the work, it is necessary to have a special welding device and an electric coupling having a diameter in accordance with the cross section of the elements to be connected.

The welding procedure involves the following steps:

  • Preparation of the surface of the connected elements. To do this, remove with a special scraper upper layer pipe products and degrease the cleaned area.
  • The ends of the elements to be connected are inserted into the electric coupling, while the joint should be located exactly in its middle.
  • The electrical coupling is connected to welding machine and the spirals inside it begin to heat up. As a result, polyethylene begins to melt and welding of the edges of the pipe elements occurs.

The device for this type of welding has a very high price, therefore, if it is not intended to be used further, it is better to rent the device for a few days than to spend a large amount for its one-time use.

Pipe products made of polyvinyl chloride are connected using a special adhesive composition. However, it is very difficult to call it glue, since when the surfaces to be joined are treated with this substance, the plastic is melted, and the edges are welded, not glued. In other words, pipes are soldered without a soldering iron.

The process of connecting pipes of their polyvinyl chloride is as follows:

  • First, the edges of the pipes to be joined are cleaned of dust and dirt and dried well.
  • Then the chamfer is removed from the ends. This action must be performed without fail so that the adhesive does not scrape off when connecting the elements.
  • then one end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting to measure its depth. Make an appropriate mark on the pipe with a pencil or marker.
  • The end of the pipe is treated with an adhesive to the mark using a brush. In this case, we should not forget that you can not leave glue on the surface for more than 25 seconds.
  • The elements are connected and rotated slightly to evenly distribute the composition over the entire surface. The glue should dry naturally without any external influences. The drying time of the adhesive composition can be affected by air temperature and other factors.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in most cases, the connection of plastic pipes can be done by hand, without special devices at hand and without special knowledge and skills. The main condition is strict adherence to technology. It is also important to listen to the advice of professionals. This will help to complete the installation of water supply without unnecessary material costs.

Pipelines made of polypropylene, with their high-quality assembly, can last up to half a century without repair. The popularity of plastic communications in construction individual houses explained, among other things, by the fact that the installation polypropylene pipelines available for independent execution.

The choice of method for connecting plastic pipes depends on the availability special tool, the nature of the materials being joined, the purpose of communications.

All methods of installing polypropylene pipes can be divided into two large categories. One involves welding materials by heating an organic polymer to a melting temperature. The second includes all "cold" methods of connection, with the exception of cold welding.

  1. Welded joints are called one-piece. Diffusion processes are involved here. Homogeneous polymers are mixed at the molecular level, forming a monolith. Such a docking is the most durable, but requires a special tool or glue (for cold welding). The second disadvantage is the impossibility of temporary dismantling of communications without destroying part of the structure.
  2. Detachable (threaded) connections are made using special fittings. They are used when joining thin-walled pipes of small diameter, when making structures from different materials, joining polypropylene with polyethylene, with metal elements.

Diffusion welding

There are butt welding (pipe to pipe) and with the use of additional fittings (coupling). These are technologies based on the melting of polypropylene, which differ in the nuances of the work.

Diffusion sleeve welding is carried out on polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 16 to 40 mm.

Here the fitting serves to supply additional amount polypropylene to make the connection secure.

For thicker-walled materials, butt welding is carried out, connecting the pipe parts directly, without the use of additional parts. Manufacturers of polypropylene materials offer fittings made entirely of polymer materials, combined, with the transition to a thread for metal elements.

The fitting configuration is selected based on the characteristics of the pipeline. Manufacturers offer the following types of connecting elements:

  • corners, tees, couplings;
  • fittings for connecting elements of one diameter, with a transition to another diameter;
  • fully polymer or polymer-metal combinations;
  • with internal, external thread.

That is most often used for this, the so-called cold welding. This technology involves the use of adhesive composition special purpose and fittings.

Benefits of using pipe joints without hot soldering

If you are thinking about how to connect a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene one, then you can use a method that involves the use of special fittings. This technique has many advantages, among them it is especially possible to single out an increase in the efficiency of installation of water disposal and water supply systems, a decrease in the possibility of leaks that may occur during butt welding or during chemical compound. Among other things, the described technology is less labor-intensive, and also involves less power consumption. Among other things, it is associated with less material consumption. are quite cheap. With the help of fittings and glue, pipes of various diameters can be connected, which range from 6 to 400 millimeters.

Comparison of cold soldering with mechanical and welded joints

Before connecting a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe, you should consider all the advantages of the cold soldering method. Thus, this technique, with an insignificant material consumption, speed and quality of the work performed, is not inferior to traditional welding. This gluing technology does not involve the use of special equipment, which greatly simplifies manipulation. You do not have to use a special apparatus designed for welding, which consumes quite an impressive amount of electricity during operation. This makes it possible to reduce the cost installation work. If you are faced with the task of how to connect a polypropylene pipe with a polypropylene one, then it is worth comparing with the help of fittings and the mechanical interface of the elements. The latter technology is not so energy-intensive, but more material-intensive. This is due to the need to purchase additional fittings, which leads to an increase in the cost of work.

Connection features with fittings and glue

If you do not know how to connect a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene one, then it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology. To do this, you have to use glue, which is intended for connecting pipes with fittings. The latter are most often made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. Glue after application begins to dissolve the surface of the parts by 1/3 of the thickness. This makes it possible to implement diffusion cold welding. On the this process influenced by temperature and humidity. Before connecting polypropylene pipes using cold welding and fittings, you must make sure that the temperature environment is in the range from 5 to 35 degrees. If there is a need for installation work at temperatures below zero, then frost-resistant glue should be purchased, which can be applied until the thermometer mark drops to -18 degrees. If the work is carried out in hot weather, then gluing must be done in a much shorter time, which will eliminate the possibility of the composition drying out before the manipulations are completed. Before connecting polypropylene pipes using the described technology, it is necessary to make sure that the adhesive has a uniform consistency, sufficient fluidity and does not have foreign inclusions.

During breaks between work, containers with adhesive composition it is necessary to close as tightly as possible, which will prevent the evaporation of volatile active components.

Pipe connection technology using fittings and glue

If you decide to use the cold connection method, then you need to use the technology described below. At the first stage, you need to cut off a part of the pipe so that you can get an element of the required length. For which it is recommended to use a pipe cutter, special scissors or a hacksaw for metal, the latter of which has fairly small teeth.

If you are thinking about the question of how to properly connect polypropylene pipes, then at the next stage, a chamfer is removed at the end of the product, while it is important to observe an angle of 15 degrees. In the process of carrying out these manipulations, a beveler is used, it is important to exclude the formation of burrs. The next step will be a thorough cleaning of the fitting socket, as well as the pipe from dust, dirt and moisture.

In order to achieve effective cleaning of the connected elements, it is necessary to use cleaners intended for pipes made of CPVC. With the help of this composition, it will be possible to prepare the surfaces well enough for further gluing.

The nuances of the work

If you are faced with the task of how to connect polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron, then at the next stage you can apply glue. In this case, you need to use a brush, carefully distributing the composition over the surface of the socket and pipe. Elements are inserted into each other, for uniform distribution composition, you need to rotate the fitting 90 degrees relative to the pipe. The parts are fixed for 30 seconds, during which you should not re-rotate. It is important to complete the entire process within 1 minute. If you are thinking about how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering, then after gluing, you need to check for the presence of a roller, which is a uniform adhesive layer located around the circumference. You may need to get rid of excess glue using a soft cloth.

Why you should use the cold method of connecting plastic pipes

Before connecting polypropylene pipes with fittings, you need to weigh all the positive negative sides other technologies. If we are talking about the adhesive joint, which was described above, it is worth highlighting the advantages, which consist in the possibility of high-quality pipe installation even in those places that are especially difficult to access. The master does not have to use additional expensive equipment that can consume a large amount of electricity during operation. The whole process can be carried out independently, without resorting to the help of professional companies. In the process of gluing parts, a structure is formed monolithic type, which ensures the tightness of the joint. If you decide to use adhesive cold welding, then, unlike the usual one, there will be no sagging on the inner surface of the product that can narrow the gap and contribute to the settling of solid particles.


If you observe the connection of polypropylene pipes to each other, observing the simple rules and recommendations described above, then leaks and sagging of the pipeline will be excluded. The service life of the pipeline, mounted according to a similar technique, can reach 50 years.