Water resources of land.

Starting a story O. natural sources Water, it is worth explaining why in the title of the article we made the definition "conditionally". The fact is that the truly clean drinking water on Earth remains extremely small, and the number of such sources is steadily reduced every year. But we will leave our annexious entry for humanity, and let's go directly to the very topic of our conversation, noting an approximate amount of drinking water on our planet. According to the estimates of environmental scientists, the share of fresh water on Earth is only 3%, most of which are mountain and coating glaciers, found in the North and South Poles, as well as in a number northern Regions, in particular, in Greenland, which is considered one of the largest places in the location of pure drinking water on the planet. The rest, conditionally suitable for drinking water concentrated in rivers and lakes, as well as in surface and underground waters, which is mined with. Also, a slight share of fresh water falls on atmospheric precipitation. However, whatever large water reserves have rivers and lakes, in the overall mass, it is impossible to use it for drinking without preliminary cleaning, because the economic activity of man has come so far that almost all similar sources of drinking water on Earth have long been polluted not just harmful , and even dangerous to the health of people substances. Therefore, in most cases, superficial and the groundwaterWe will talk about in detail in detail, toutering in the conclusion of the article for the production of fresh water from icebergs and the desalination of the salted marine and ocean water.

Surface sources

Surface sources are called rivers and lakes, which accounts for only 0.01% of the volume of all fresh water on Earth. At the same time, most of it is in rivers, and only 1.47% falls on the lakes. Most rivers on the planet have such a flow that it is not possible to provide water from them in a natural way possible. Therefore, many of them are blocked by dams forming artificial open reservoirs for storing fresh water, which in some cases are used to produce electricity, which is produced when the water is dropped from storage facilities. There are not so many rivers in the world that can provide relief of large volumes of water per unit of time. These include: in Russia - Yenisei, in South America - Amazon, in the USA - Missouri and Mississippi, in South Asia - Brahmaputra and Gang, in China - Yangtze, in Africa - Congo (Zaire). In second place in importance, as sources of drinking water, after rivers and reservoirs, there are lakes that are totaling up to 125 thousand cubic kilometers of water. In addition to supplying water from them directly to domestic needs, some of the fresh water from the lakes goes to ensure the economic activity of a person - this irrigation of agricultural land, growing fish, industrial, and most often - food, production, etc. sometimes, uncontrolled fresh water fence From the lakes, which as quickly as rivers cannot fill its margin leads to a complete drying of the lakes. A bright example serves as the Aral Sea, which is essentially lake, and has almost disappeared from the ground. Also, there are situations where new fresh lakes are formed, for example, as a result of seismic activity, such cases are quite rare.

Unlike rivers, a large part of which nourish many small streams and springs, even in the "prosperous" lakes during the year, significant fluctuations in the water level are possible. This is due to various factors, the main of which are: an increase in the natural reset of water through the flowing rivers flowing from the water bodies, evaporation of water and seep it into the ground. However, if the lake is "healthy", then, as a rule, the water level does not fall to critical marks, and the reservoir is replenished due to atmospheric precipitation, as well as rivers and springs flowing into it. This process lasts millennia, and a number of rather old lakes on Earth will soon lose their potential as natural reservoirs of fresh water. The fact is that as a result of evaporation of water, salts are gradually accumulated in such water bodies, the percentage of which at a certain point becomes so high that fresh lake turns into a salty, and therefore it is impossible to use water from it for drinking. Of course, it is possible when the water is fenced from such water bodies to skip it through special plasticity plants. But as practice shows, the introduction of such equipment makes the resulting fresh water so expensive that its desalination is not profitable. As for the swamps with fresh water, which in essence are the closest relatives of the lakes, their potential, as sources of fresh water, is very weak. Scientists believe that in the near future, the problem of fresh water will become so acute that the swamps, the conservation of which needs to be thought today will be one of the sources of drinking water.

Underground sources

According to the most approximate estimates, about 98% of all fresh water on Earth is in its depths. Moreover, almost half of its volume occurs at depths exceeding 800 meters, which makes it extremely expensive, and in some cases impossible at all. And those 50% that are available, so thoughtlessly selected that if they do not fundamentally correct the situation, then after 40-50 years, humanity will have to drill wells in a depth of a more kilometer to ensure themselves drinking water. An example is the underground water of the Sahara desert, the volume of which, according to the latest estimates, is up to 625 thousand cubic kilometers. But the trouble is that the area of \u200b\u200btheir location is such that the replenishment of the underground tank naturally does not occur, and the pumping is very intense. In addition, the recent geological process in this area led to the fact that groundwater began to go to the surface in the form of springs, only a small part of which falls on the place of compact residence of people. The rest of the water, literally goes into the sand. As scientists explain, this is because a huge fresh reservoir under sugar is a few large lakes, the surface of which, after the movement of the earth's crust, crossed in some places with the surface of the Earth. Spring and even artesian sources were formed from and even where the water was under significant hydrostatic pressure. When the water in the depths of the Sahara will not become at all, it is impossible to say exactly, but that this moment is not far from around the corner, the environmentalists say for sure. Everything else, would not prevent such water to pass through, but it is not always possible.

The extraction of underground freshwater is far in large rates than it was possible for another 20-30 years ago. And this is due to the advent of high-tech drilling rig and powerful pumps for lifting water from large depths, which allows you to obtain significant amounts of water per unit of time. However, in some regions of the planet, the growing water consumption brings with them negative consequences. The fact is that underground tanks are practically not replenished with water naturally, and its pumping leads to a decrease in water levels, which entails an increase in costs for its production. Moreover, in places where underground tanks are completely exhausted, there is a seating of the earth's surface, which makes it impossible to further exploit its operation, for example, as agricultural land. In coastal areas, the situation develops even dramatic. Deleted aquifers, even those, water from which can be extracted during several years, mixed with salted marine or ocean water, which leads to salinization of the soil, and that small amount of fresh water, which has remained in the coastal region. The problem of salting fresh water has another cause associated with human economic activity. After all, the source of salt can be not only sea and oceans, and fertilizers or water with a high salt content, which is used for watering fields and gardens. Such processes of salinization of groundwater and soil are called anthropogenic, and faced with them more and more civilized countries.

Getting fresh water from icebergs

In the conclusion of an article on natural conditionally clean sources of fresh water, we, as promised, would pay attention to the extraction of drinking water from icebergs. Scientists argue that only in the glaciers of the mainland Antarctica is up to 93% of all freshwater reels on Earth, which is about two thousand square kilometers of moisture frozen. And since, in a short time, surface and underground source of drinking water on the planet practically will not remain, then such a moment will come when humanity will be forced to pay their attention to Icebergs. The idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining drinking water from glaciers was first expressed in the 18th century, the English navigator and the discoverer James Cook, better known by the fact that the aborigine was eaten. And although it is just a legend, remember him not for the revolutionary idea for those times - to produce water from the glaciers of Antarctica, and for ridiculous death in the boiler of cannibals, which was actually not there. Why Cook drew attention to Icebergs, both on sources of fresh water, is not known for certain. But the fact that the navigator first suggested using pieces of ice in distant marine campaigns as natural warehouses of water stocks, we know for sure of a number of written sources that have come down to this day. Modern followers of Cook went even further, and offer tremendous slices of ice from glaciers to deliver them to the regions where drinking water deficiency is observed. At first glance, the idea is brilliant, but in the implementation of such a project, difficulties may arise, to overcome which is impossible, even with the modern development of technology.

  1. Out from the iceberg glacier big size Pretty problematic, and traditional mechanical instruments, as well as a directed explosion, are not suitable here, for Iceberg can split.
  2. Deliver Iceberg to the destination, without losing a significant part of it, which simply melts in warm waters and under the scorching sun, is simply impossible.
  3. Even if it is invented an effective way "Conservation" of Aisberg, excluding his melting, you will need several powerful ships whose work is needed as coordinated as much as possible.
  4. Process in fresh water such a huge amount of ice without significant losses is unlikely to succeed.
    1. As we see, even if it is invented effective method Development of a glacier and delivery of its parts to the destination, these works will be so costly that the cost of one liter of fresh water will be astronomical. However, scientists believe that whatever difficulties are accompanied by ice mining in Antarctica, and its delivery to consumers, in the near future we will witness the embodiment of James Cook's ideas in reality. Moreover, countries such as Australia, Egypt, have already been expressing great interest in this issue. Saudi Arabia, France and the USA.

Sources (water)

keys or spring, - are water directly overlooking the middle of the earth on the day surface; They are distinguished by wells, artificial structures, with which or find soil water, or adopt the underground movement of key waters. The underground movement of key water can be expressed extremely varied: this is a real underground river, current on the surface of the waterproof layer, then this is a barely moving stream, then a water jet, knocking out of the state of the fountain (griffin), then these are separate water drops, gradually accumulating in the pool key Keys can go out not only on the surface of the earth, but also at the bottom of the lakes, seas and oceans. Cases of the last kind of keys outputs have long been known. Relatively lakes can be noted that the accumulation of some mineral precipitation (lake iron ores) at the bottom of Ladoga. and Finnish hall. Makes allowing the exit to the bottom of these keys, mineralized by known substances. In the Mediterranean Sea, an anavolo key is wonderful, in the hall. Argos, where from the bottom of the sea beats a post of fresh water up to 15 m in diameter. The same keys are known in the Tartage hall., In San Remo, between Monaco and Menton. In the Indian Ocean, there is a rich wicked waters keying among the sea within the distance of 200 km from the city of Chittagonte and 150 km from the nearest shore. Of course, such cases of the exit of fresh water in the form of keys from the bottom of the seas and oceans - the phenomenon is more rare than on land, as we need a significant strength of the belling fresh water to show it on the surface of the sea; In most cases, such jets are mixed with sea water And disappear for observations without a trace. But some ocean precipitation (finding manganese ores) are also able to imagine that at the bottom of the oceans can also be founded by I. Since the underground water movement is dependent on a meeting at the depths of the waterproof layers and from tilt and benting these latter, and equal And from the presence of cracks in rocks that change the direction of water movement, it is originally for acquaintance with the keys it is necessary to make out the question of their origin. Already at the very form of the key of the key to the day surface, you can distinguish: whether it is descending or ascending. In the first case, the direction of the water movement goes down the book, in the second, the jet beats up, the fountain. True, sometimes the upstream key, meeting an obstacle to its immediate exit to the day surface, for example. In the overlying waterproof layers, can go on the slope of aquifer and expound somewhere below in the form of a downward key. In such cases, they can be mixed with each other if the immediate place of exit is disguised. In view of the opinions above, when familiar with I. can be introduced as a classifying principle, the most method of their origin. In this last, all the well-known I. can be broken into several categories: 1) I., feeding on water of rivers. Such case is observed when the river flows among the valley formed by loose, it is easy for water permeable material. It is clear that the water of the river will penetrate into this loose breed and if it is laid, somewhere in a known distance from the river, the well, it will find river water at a well-known depth. To have full confidence that the water found, indeed, the water of the river, it is necessary to produce a number of observations on changing the water level in the well and in the neighboring river; If these changes are the same, then it is possible to conclude that the water of the river was found well. It is best for such observations to choose moments when the increase in the water level in the river was caused by the rain in the ridge of the river somewhere. And if at this time there was an increase in the water level in the well, then you can get. firm confidence that the water found by the well is river. 2) I., originating from the hiding rivers from the surface of the Earth. For their education, you can imagine, theoretically, a dual possibility. Creek or river can meet on the path of their current or crack, or loose rock rocks, where they will hide their waters, which can be somewhere further, in places of larger, again nude to the surface of the Earth in the form I. The first of these cases has The place where rocks are developed on the surface of the Earth, broken by cracks. If such rocks are easily soluble in water, or, if they are easily blurred, the water prepares an underground bed and somewhere, in places of larger, expose in the form I. Such cases represent a significant surface of the coast of Estland, o-in Ezel and DR . terrain. For example, you can point out the stream of Ers, the influx of p. Izengof, which is initially a stream, abundant water, but, as Erras, he approached the Mode, he gradually disappears and, finally, it has to see the water free from the water, filled only in the flood. At the bottom of this free, the beds are preserved in the limestone of the hole, with which you can make sure that water is moved under the ground, which is again exposed on the day surface to the bank of the r. Izengof - a powerful source. The same example represents the collar of Oshtias on the O-vesale, originally being a rather long stream, which, not reaching 3 km to the shores of the sea, is hidden in a crack and already on the seashore of the sea is exposed to centime I. Carinthia is the extremely interesting country in this regard where, thanks to numerous cracks and finding in the rocks of extensive cavities, the oscillation of the level of surface waters is amazingly diverse. For example, you can point to a zirknitsky lake, which has up to 8 km of length and about 4 km width; It often completely runs out, that is, all the water goes into the holes located at its bottom. But only falling in the neighboring mountains to rain so that the water again spoke out of the holes and filled the lake. Here, obviously, the lake's bed is connected by holes with extensive underground tanks, in the event of overflowing which water again performs on the ground surface. The same concealment of streams and rivers may be caused by the meetings of significant clusters of loose, easily produced, rocks, among which the whole stock of water can be seen and in this way will hide from the surface of the Earth. As an example of the last kind of key formation, you can specify some Altai keys. Here, often on the shore of a salt lake, you can find a knocking or in the shore, or sometimes at the shore, but from the bottom of the salted lake, a rich water-key. It is easy to see that from the side where I. is exposed, to the lake open from the mountains of the valley, to the mouth of which it has to climb on a wide wedge-shaped embankment and only rising to it you can see a number of individual jets, heading to the lake and losing in loose material, obviously The river inflicted by the River and who walked his mouth. Next, up the valley is already visible a real and often multi-water stream. 3) I., feeding on the water of Gületters. Gletcher, dropping below the snow line, is influenced by more high temperatures, and his french or ice, gradually becoming the beginning, gives rise to numerous I. Such L. Sometimes they run out from under the Gletcher in the form of real rivers; As an example of this can be specified on PP. Ron, Rhine, some rivers running down from Elbrus, like Malka, Kuban, Rion, Baksan and friend. four) Mountain I. served for a long time the subject of disputes. Some scientists put them in an exceptional dependence on volcanic forces, others - from special enormous cavities inside the ground, from where, under the influence of pressure, water is delivered to the surface of the Earth. The first of these opinions was held for a long time in science, thanks to the authority of Humboldt, who observed at the top of the Tenerife Peak I., which occurred from water vapors, escaping from two peak holes; Due to the rather low air temperature on the top of the mountain, these couples turn into water and nourish I. Studies Arago in the Alps quite clearly proved that there is not a single I. on the most vertices, and there are always higher than them or a reserve of snow, or generally significant surfaces Atmospheric water in sufficient quantities I. Dependence I. From the overlying lakes represents Dauben Lake in Switzerland, lying at an altitude of about 2150 m and the setting of I., emerging in the underlying valleys. If it is to imagine that the massif of rocks on which the lake lies, is broken by cracks, reaching under the underlying valleys and exciting bottom or shores of the lake, then on these cracks water can leak down and nourish it. Maybe another case: when this array is formed by breeds layered, among which there are both rocks for water permeable. When such a water-permeable reservoir lies obliquely and comes into contact with the bottom or with the shores of the lake, then it is a complete opportunity to seid water and feed the underlying keys. Similarly, it is easy to explain and frequency in the activities of mountain keys that feed on overlaid lakes. Cracks or water permeable reservoir can come into contact with the water of the lake somewhere near its level and in the case of a decrease in the latter, for example. From drought, the diet of the underlying keys is temporarily stopped. In case of rain or snow falls on the mountains, the water level in the lake is raised and the ability to power the underlying keys opens. Sometimes you can observe the exits I. On the mountains from under the snow cover - as a direct result of melting of snow reserves. But there are especially interesting cases when there are no snow reserves on the mountains, but where they run by the foot of these mountains I. are obliged to their nutrition in every case with snow clusters. This case is represented by I. South Coast of Crimea. The chain of the Crimean or Tauridian Mountains is all complicated by layered rocks that have an inclined position falling with Yu on C. This position of the layers makes the underground water to drain in the same direction. However, South. The coast of the Crimea is up to the foot of the chain of the mountains, rising to 1400 m, to the shore of the sea, you can observe numerous I. Some of them run right from the sheer cliff, which the chain of the mountains opens towards the Black Sea. Such I. is sometimes in the form of a waterfall, like I. Stude-Su, near Yalta, eating the river of the same name. The temperature of various I. Various and ranges from 5 ° - 14 ° C. It was noticed that the closer I. is exposed to the chain of the mountains, the more colder. Similarly, observations were made over the amount of water delivered by various I. at different times of the year. It was found that the higher the air temperature, the amount of water given by the key, more, and vice versa, the temperature below - the water is less. Both of these observations clearly show that meals I. Yuzhn. The coast of Crimea is required to reserves overlying snow. However, the above height of the chain of the Tauride Mountains does not reach the snow line and, indeed, if climbing their pla on top, called eggs, then no snow reserves are observed here. Only with attentive acquaintance with eggs you can see the failed pits in some places, then those engaged in small lakes, they are stuffed with snow. Often, the depth of such holes reaches up to 40 m. During winter, snow is stuck in these holes, and it gradually melts in spring, in summer and autumn and, of course, the melting of it is stronger in warmth, therefore I give more water; Therefore, the constant temperature of the water I. is lower as they approaches their outputs to the reserves of the melting snow. This conclusion finds a confirmation also in another circumstance. Most water I. Yuzhn. The coast of the Crimea is tough, i.e. limes, even though they are sometimes exposed from clay shale. Such content in them is the explanation that the snow tanks lie in limestones, of which water and borrow lime. five) Ascending or baking, keys They require well-defined conditions for their formation: it is necessary for them a ham-blowing bent of rocks and the interrogation of the waterproof layers with the water permeable. Atmospheric water will penetrate the naked wings of aquifer and climb on the bottom of the bottom of the pressure. If cracks are formed in the upper waterproof layers, then water will beat the fountain from them. Based on the study of the ascending I. ARTESIAN HOUSES (see acc. Article).

Mineral sources. There are no waters in nature that would not contain some or a variety of gases in solution, or various mineral substances, or organic compounds. In water, rain is sometimes found to 0.11 g per liter of water of mineral substances. Such finding is made quite understandable if you remember that there are many minerals in the air, easily soluble in water. Numerous chemical water tests of various keys show that, apparently, even in the purest key waters, there is a small amount of mineral substances. For example, it is possible to point on the keys of the bar, where 0.11 g of mineral substances was found on a liter of water, or on the water of the seal, where they were found 0.3 g. Of course, the amount of this varies in different waters: there are key waters containing in solution Some mineral substances in quantity close to saturation. The determination of the amount of mineral substances dissolved in water is very great interest in scientific attitude, as it indicates which substances can be dissolved with water and transferred from one places to others. Of particular importance, such definitions were obtained by applying spectral analysis to sediments dropping out of the key waters at the place of their exit to the surface of the Earth; Such an analysis made it possible to detect various amounts of mineral substances in solutions of various keys. This technique was found that most of the well-known mineral substances are in solution of key water; In the water of Lyusha, Gotry and Gisgyubel even found gold. A higher temperature contributes to greater dissolution, and it is known that in nature there are warm keys, the water of which can be further enriched with minerals. The fluctuations in the water temperature of various keys are extremely significant: there are key waters, the temperature of which is close to the point of melting of snow, there are water - with a temperature that is superior to the boiling point of water and even - in overheated state - like water geysers. On the water temperature, all the keys are divided: on cold and warm or thermals. Among the cold are distinguished: normal keys and hypotherms; In the first, the temperature corresponds to the average annual temperature of this place, the second is lower. Among the warm keys, local warm keys or terms and absolute terms are also distinguished among the warm keys; To the first include such keys, the temperature of the water of which is slightly higher than the average annual temperature Areas, in the second - at least 30 ° C. Finding absolute term in volcanic regions gives an explanation and their high temperature. In Italy, near volcanoes, jets of water vapor, called Staffa, are often broken. If there will be a meeting of an ordinary key with such jets of the water vapor, it can be heated in a very various degrees. Explain the origin of a higher temperature of local terms can be different chemical reactions occurring inside the Earth and the temperature raised temperature caused by them. For example, it is possible to indicate the relative ease of decomposition of the sulfur solemnation, at which it is found on so much a significant selection of heat that it can be quite enough to raise the water temperature of the key. In addition to the high temperature, the pressure should also have a strong influence of the dissolution. Water keys, moving at depths where pressure is much more, should dissolve in more quantities both various minerals and gases. What, indeed, this way is to enhance the dissolution, is proved by the fallout of precipitation from the waters of the keys in the places of their outputs to the day surface, where the key is exposed at a pressure of one atmosphere. This is also confirmed by the keys containing gases in a solution, sometimes even in the amount of water superior in volume (for example in carbon dioxide). Waters saturated under pressure are even stronger solvent. In water containing carbon dioxide, the average salt of lime is extremely easily dissolved. Taking into account that in the nearest surroundings of both the current and extinct volcanoes of some localities, sometimes quite abundant release of various acids, for example, carbon dioxide, salt, etc., is not difficult to imagine that if a meeting occurs with such disclosures The jets of key water, it can dissolve a more or less significant amount of released: gas (when the above pressure is assumed, it is necessary to recognize extremely strong solvents for such water). In any case, the strongest mineral keys must meet more often in the neighborhood with current or extinct volcanoes, and often a significant mineralized and a warm key serves as the last pointer of the non-volcanic activity in this area. Indeed, the strongest and warm keys are confined to the neighboring rocks of typical volcanic. The classification of mineral keys is of great difficulty, as it is difficult to imagine in the nature of water containing in the solution only any one chemical compound. On the other hand, the same difficulty in classification represents the uninstality of the chemists themselves and the grouping of components dissolved in the water in water, and the fraction of arbitrariness is significant. Nevertheless, in practice, for the convenience of overviewing the mineral keys, they are accepted to group them in a well-known way, which will be. Next further. A detailed consideration of all mineral keys would bring us from the limits of this article, and therefore we will dwell on some of the most common.

Lime keys or keys of hard water. Under this name, such key waters understand, in the solution of which is acidic carbonate lime. The name of the hard waters, they received from the fact that soap blooms with great difficulty. Carbonic lime in water dissolves extremely small, and therefore some favorable conditions are needed for its dissolution. Such a condition represents the presence in the solution in water free carbon dioxide: in its presence, the average salt goes into acid and in this state is made in water soluble. Nature two ways contribute to the borrowing of carbon dioxide. In the atmosphere there is always free carbon dioxide, and therefore rain, falling out of the atmosphere, will dissolve it; This is confirmed by air analyzes before and after the rain: in the latter case, carbon dioxide is always less. Another stock of carbon dioxide rainwater is found in a vegetable layer, which is nothing but a product of weathering of rocks in which introduced organic substances - product decomposition of plant roots. Chemical soil air tests have always discovered the presence of free carbon dioxide in them, and therefore the water passed through the air and the soil must certainly contain a more or less significant amount of carbon dioxide. Such water, encountered limestones, consisting, as you know, from the middle salt of carbon dioxide, will translate it into the acidic salt and dissolve. In this way, cold limestone keys occur in nature. Their activity in the gesture of the exit to the day surface is found to form a peculiar sediment, called lime tuff and consisting of porous mass, in which the pores are extremely incorrect; This mass consists of medium carbon alcohol salt. The fallout of this precipitate is due to the release of graspted carbon dioxide from the rigid waters and the translating of acidic salt into the middle. The deposits of the lime tuff represent the phenomenon of common, because limestones are a very common breed. The lime tuff goes on the burning and making of lime caustic, as well as directly use it with boulders on the decoration of stairs, aquariums, etc. Several different character takes a precipitate from rigid water if it is deposited somewhere in the cavities of the Earth or in the caves. The process of sediment deposition and here is the same as in the above case, but its character is somewhat different: in this latter case, it is crystalline, dense and solid. If the hard water is seeping on the ceiling of the cave, it is formed by the cobwebs, descending from the ceiling down the cave down - such masses in geological literature give name stalactitis, A those who are deposited on the bottom of the cave, due to the lingering of hard water from the ceiling down, - stalagmites. In Russian literature they are sometimes called them, drippers. In the expanding of stalactites and stalagmites, they can merge between themselves and thus inside the cave may appear as if artificial columns. Such a precipitate, by virtue of its density, represents a wonderful material to preserve all items that can get into it. It lists these items with a continuous and continuous cover that protects them from the destructive effect of the atmosphere. Due to the staplegic layer, it was possible to preserve the bones of various animals, in the form of bone breccia, human products, once, during prehistoric antiquity, inhabited in these caves. Taking into account that both the population of the cave and the deposition of the stalagmitic layer was gradually, it should be expected that the caves should open in a consistent layering of the cave, an extremely interesting picture of the past should be opened. Indeed, the excavations of the caves were delivered to high degree Important material, both to explore a prehistoric person and ancient fauna. If the cold source of rigid waters, at its outlet to the surface of the Earth, will have to fall out in the form of a waterfall, then the average carbon alcohol salt will fall out of the water and put out the bed of the waterfall. Such education reminds like a frozen waterfall, or even whole line them. Potannan, in his journey to China, describes a very interesting number of such waterfalls, where it was possible to count to 15 separate terraces, from which the water flows with cascades, forming a row of basins compiled by carbon dioxide of lime. More energetic deposit the average carbon alcohol salt hot keys. Such keys as mentioned earlier are confined to volcanic countries. As an example, it is possible to point to Italy, in which many places of outputs of such keys: in this regard, especially energetic deposition of carbon dioxide is observed near San Filippo, in Tuscany; Here the key is deposited in four months a layer of sediment in one foot thick. In the campaign, between Rome and Tivoli, is Oz. Solfataro, from which carbon dioxide is being selected with such an energy that the water of the lake seems boiling, although the water temperature does not reach the boiling point. In parallel, carbon dioxide is also a loss of carbon dioxide carbon dioxide; For a short time, stick under the level of water the stick so that it is in a short time covered with a thick layer of the sediment, decaying under such conditions the precipitate is much densely tuff, although it contains the pores, but these latter are located parallel to each other with rows. This sediment in Italy gave name travertine. It serves as a good building stone and where there is a lot of it - it is laughing in it and lead it to work out. From such a stone, many buildings of Rome were erected and, by the way, the Cathedral of St. Peter. The abundance of leaving travertine in the vicinity of Rome indicates that in the hollow, in which Rome is currently worth and where the r. Tiber, once there was an energetic activity of warm limestone keys. Even more original is the deposition of the same composition of the sediment from hot limestone keys, if they are in the form of ascending or driving keys, i.e. in the form of a fountain. Under these conditions, under the influence of a vertically beating jet of water, small foreign objects can mechanically get carried away with water and swim in it. Carbon dioxide is emitted energetically from the surface of solids. In a short time on a floating particle, carbonic lime will begin around it and in a short time there is a floating ball in water, consisting of concentric-shell-heavily sediments of carbon dioxide and supported in water vertically beating a water jet. Of course, such a ball will float until the weight increases and it will not fall at the bottom of the key. This way is a cluster of the so-called pea stone. In the Karlsbad keeper. Bohemia The accumulation of pea stone occupies a very significant area.

Iron or ferrunts, keys It contains iron in the solution of its waters, and therefore it requires the presence of iron or conditions in rocks or the finished zaksi of iron or conditions under which the iron oxide can move. In some breeds there are really ready to rise iron, for example. In rocks containing magnetic ironc, and therefore, water containing in, solution of free carbon dioxide will be used to such a rock, then iron can be easily borrowed from magnetic ironing. In this way carbon dioxide waters occur. In rocks, it is quite often a sulfur pecheredan, or a pyrite representing the connection of one solution of iron with two sulfur pays; This last mineral, undergoing oxidation, gives the sulfuric acidity of iron, is quite easy to soluble in water. In this way, sulfur-acid iron keys are formed, and as an example of such can be indicated on the cumberous mineral waters of Olonetsk lips. Finally, there may be cases when not in the breed of finished ironing of iron, and there is an oxide: it turns out that here nature is capable of practicing famous wayat which iron oxide will go to rise. This method was observed on red-color sandstones, the top surface of which came the roots of plants; It turned out that where the roots were in contact with sandstone, he discouraged, that is, under the influence of decomposition of the roots without air access and at the expense of the carbohydrates, iron oxide was restored. In any case, the content of carbon dioxide iron in iron keys is very small: it varies from 0.196 to 0.016 grams per liter of water, and in mixed watersAs in the iron-alkaline waters of Zheleznovodsk - only 0.0097. Iron keys are easy to learn from the appearance on the surface of their water, at the place of exit, the hidden-drone film, consisting of an aqueous oxide of iron, which is the result of oxidation of iron oxygen oxygen in oxide. This way goes in nature a variety of. Iron ores, called brownie transes, whose species are: Dernovye, marsh and lake ores. Of course, in the preceding geological times, nature practiced the same way the accumulation of brownie zhemes in ancient sediments.

Sulfur keys contain hydrogen sulfide in solution recognized by unpleasant; In its distribution on the surface of the Earth, sulfur keys are confined to localities where plaster or anhydrides are developed, that is, aqueous or anhydrous sulfur salt of lime. Such a close neighborhood of sulfur keys with the above rocks involuntarily suggests that there are some processes in nature, with which the sulneoli is restored to the sulfur compound. Explain this process has helped the case former in one of the laboratories. In a jar filled with iron vitriol solution. or sulfur zaksi iron, accidentally hit the mouse; After a fairly long time, the corpse of the mouse was covered with crystallines with a metal, brass-yellow brilliance of sulfuric chemged. The latter mineral could occur in the solution only by recovery, that is, the oxygen is taken from the sulnity of oxygen, and this could only happen from the decomposition of the mouse's corpse in the solution and without air access. At the same time, carbohydrates develop, which act as a reductive way to SERNOSOL, take away oxygen from it and transferred to the sulfur compound. In all likelihood, the same process is also performed with plaster or with an anhydride with the assistance of carbohydrates; At the same time, the sulnest lime is translated into sulfur calcium, which, in the presence of water, is quickly decomposed and gives hydrogen sulfide, this way can be explained why the water of some wells sometimes begin to make the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide), wherever before these waters were without the smell of plaster Represents the mineral very common, and therefore, it should also be found in the solution of various waters. Imagine that there are plaster well in the water and that he drove the woven of the well: when the tree rotes without air access, and carbohydrates develop here, which act as a reductive method on plaster, take away oxygen from it and translated into the sulfur compound. Since this process occurs in the presence of water, now decomposition is made and hydrogen sulfide is formed. It is worth only to change the rotten log cabins of the well and the opposite smell will disappear. Such a process of education of sulfur keys finds itself a confirmation in finding in their waters in the solution of some sulfur compounds, as well as the neighborhood of oil sources. However, the content of hydrogen sulfide in water sulfur keys is not particularly significant - it ranges from the bare trails, up to 45 kb. See on a liter (i.e. per 1000 Kb. cm) water. In Europe. Russia sulfur keys are known in the Ostsey Territory, in Lithuania, in the Orenburg lips. And in the Caucasus.

Salted keys They are found where there is in rocks or deposits of a salt salt, or where the latter forms in their splashes. The cooking or stone salt belongs to substances easily soluble in water, and therefore, if the water flows through such rocks, it can be largely saturated with salt; That is why in nature they find such a variety of salts keys. There are keys close to saturation, there are - detectable only with a weak salty taste. To some salt keys, a chloride of calcium or chloride of magnesium is mixed, sometimes in the amounts so significant that this way the mineral keys of a completely new composition are formed; The last variety of keys is recognized as rather important in medical attitude and this category is owned by Duskienik mineral waters (see acc. Article). The most pure salted keys are found in Europe. Russia in the provinces of the Vologda, Perm, Kharkov and in Poland. In the field of salt key distribution, drilling is recently used, with the help of which or detect at the depths of the presence of rock salt deposits, or more strong salt brines are produced. In this way, the famous Stasfurt deposit was discovered, near Magdeburg, or our Bryantsovskaya salt deposit in Ekaterinoslav lips. Drilling, as described above, you can produce stronger solutions. Rising natural with depths The key can meet on its path of fresh water, which will dilute it to a large extent. Laying the drilling well and accompanying it with a pipe, you can take the stronger solutions in depths; The well tube protects the rising water from mixing it with fresh water. But it is necessary to use drilling in order to enhance the concentration of water of mineral keys with great care, it is necessary to first examine this key, to accurately learn the rocks through which it makes it easy to the surface of the Earth and, finally, to accurately determine the value of the mineral key. If you wish to exploit the key with the goals of commercial, eg. Salted key for welding salt from it, can be recommended by drilling to strengthen its concentration. Many mineral keys are operated with medical goals for which their significant fortress is often not as important as their particular composition. In this latter case, it is often better to completely abandon the desire to increase the key concentration by drilling, because otherwise its mineral composition can be spoiled. In fact, in medicine, especially in balneology, as part of mineral waters play a significant role, the minimum quantities of any substance (as an example of this was indicated above a minor content in the iron waters of iron water), and there are some water, as, for example ., Iodisty, which sometimes contain only the traces of iodine and despite this not only are considered useful, but in reality help sick. Any key, making a natural way to the surface of the Earth, should go through a wide variety of rocks, and its solution can enter into an exchange decomposition with constituent parts of rocks; In this way, the key, originally very simple, can get a significant variety of mineral compound parts. Laying the drilling well and accompanying it with a pipe, you can get stronger solutions, but not the composition that before.

Carbonic I. Already above it was stated that in volcanic countries there is a discrepancies of carbon dioxide and other gases; If the waters of the key will meet in their way such gases, they can dissolve them in more or less significant quantities, which, of course, largely depends on the depth on which such a meeting occurred. At large depths, where great and pressure, the waters of the key can dissolve a lot of carbon dioxide under a large partial pressure. For example, you can specify Marienbad carbon dioxide, where 1514 Kb dissolved in the water liter. See, or on Narzan Kislovodsk, where 1062 Kb dissolved in the same amount of water. cm gas. Such sources are easily recognized on the surface of the earth with plenty of gas out of water, and sometimes water seems like boiling.

Petroleum I. Oil represents a mixture of liquid carbohydrates, among which the limit varieties with a specific weight, less water prevail, and therefore oil will pop up on it as oily spots. Waters that endure oil and got the name of oil keys. Such I. Known in Italy, in Parma and Modena, very strong by p. Iruvadi, in the Burmese Empire, in the vicinity of Baku and on the Absheron Pena, at the bottom and o-wham of the Caspian Sea. On one O-ve Chalenen, in the Caspian Sea, there are up to 3,500 oil keys. Especially remarkable famous oil district r. Allegans, in North. America. It is commonly places of natural outputs of oil keys choose to embed in these points of drilling wells, in order to get a greater supply of oil at high depths. Drilling in oil areas has delivered quite a lot of interesting data. It discovered in the ground sometimes significant cavities filled under pressure from carbohydrates, which, when they reach the borehole, are reached, sometimes broken with such force that the drilling tool is emitted. In general, it should be noted that the areas of oil sources are outputs and gaseous carbohydrates themselves are detected. Thus, in the vicinity of the city of Baku, there are abundant outlets of such gases in two places; One of the exits is on the mainland, where the fireplongs remained above the place of exit, and now the Kokorev plant; If this gas is lit, protecting it from the wind, it will be constantly burning. Another output of the same gases is detected from the bottom of the sea, in a fairly significant distance from the shore and also in quiet weather you can make it burn. The same drilling has found that oil keys in their distribution are subject to a well-known law. When drilling in the valley p. Allegans have been proven that oil I. is located with strips parallel to the chains of Allegian mountains. The same, apparently, is found in our Caucasus, both in the Baku district and in North. The slope, in the vicinity of Grozny. In any case, when the brown of oil-bearing layers is reached, water together with oil appears in the form of a often grand fountain; At the same time, the appearance is usually observed a very strong splashing of his jet. The last phenomenon for a long time did not find itself explanations, but now, apparently, it is quite satisfactoryly explained by the Schogren, according to which this spraying of the fountain's water depends on the fact that in depths, under high pressure, oil condensed a large amount of carbohydrate gaseous gas and in the arrival of such material on the surface of the Earth, under the pressure of one atmosphere, gaseous products Release with significant energy, causing it splashing a water jet. Indeed, it is distinguished by very many gaseous carbohydrates, which causes oil fishery to take, during the appearance of a fountain, a number of precautions, in case of a mighty fire. Together with water and oil, the fountain sometimes throws a very large amount of sand and even large stones. For a long time they paid little attention to the nature of the water that reduces oil. Thanks to the works of Pyotlishin, it was proved that these waters are quite considerably mineralized: in the liter of water he found from 19.5 to 40.9 g of mineral substances; The main component is a cook salt, but its particular interest is to find in these waters of bromide and iodide sodium. In nature, there is a significant variety of Mineral I., and therefore it is not possible to consider them here everyone here, but it can be noted that in general and others occur in ways like the above described above. Always circulating in rock water can meet in them various substances soluble in water and or directly, or by exchanged decomposition, or oxidation, or restoration, mineralized to their account. Finding mixed I., as indicated above, significantly complicates their classification; However, for the convenience of the review, mineral I. is divided into several categories, meaning mainly clean keys: 1) chloride keys (sodium, calcium and magnesium), 2) chloride hydrogen keys, 3) sulfur or hydrogen sulfide keys, 4) sulfate (sodium, lime, magnesia, alumina, iron and mixed), 5) carbon dioxide (sodium, lime, iron and mixed) and 6) silicate, i.e., containing solid salts of flintic acid in solution; The last category represents a wide variety. To obtain some concept about the composition of the keys, give a table of analyzes of the most well-known mineral keys.

Fresh water.

Water is the basis of life on Earth. Our body consists of 75% water, the brain is 85%, blood is 94%. The caloric content of water is 0 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Water that does not have a negative impact on human health is called drinking water or unpolluted water. Water must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, it is purified using water treatment plants.

Fresh water.

The main source of fresh water is rivers and lakes. Lake Baikal is considered the largest reservoir. The water of this lake is considered the cleanest. Fresh water is divided into 2 types of chemical composition:

Actually fresh - Fresh water is absolutely clean in nature. It always contains a small percentage of minerals and pollution.

MINERAL WATER - drinking water which includes trace elements and mineral salts. because of unique properties Mineral waters, it is used in the treatment of various diseases and prevention. Mineral water Can support the health of the body. Mineral water is divided into 4 groups in the content of mineral components. Mineralic healing water with mineralization of over 8 g / l, such water should be taken to appoint a doctor. Mineral healing and dining water with mineralization from 2 to 8 g / l. They can be used as a drink, but not in large quantities. Among the popular you can allocate Narzan and Borjomi. Mineral table water containing 1 - 2 g / l of mineral elements. Cutlery with mineralization less grams.

Mineral waters can be qualified based on chemical composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium and mixed composition;

On gas composition and separate elements: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, bromine, arsenic, fermented, silicon, radon:

Depending on the acidity of the medium: neutral, weakly acidic, sour, strongly acidic, weakly alkaline, alkaline. "Mineral water" on labels means that it is spilled in bottles directly from the source and has not been subjected to no additional processing. Drinking water is water enriched with minerals with artificial way.

The bottle label should be studied carefully, it should be indicated:

  • Well well or source name.
  • The name and location of the manufacturer, the address of the organization authorized to take complaints.
  • The ion composition of water (indicates the content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonates, chlorides)
  • GOST or technical conditions.
  • Volume, date of filling, shelf life and storage conditions.

GOST guarantees standards for the safe presence of such pollutants, like mercury, cadmium or lead, radionuclides in water are not exceeded, there is no bacterial contamination.

"Mineral water" on labels means that it is spilled in bottles directly from the source and has not been subjected to no additional processing. For water intake, artesian sources are used. They are well protected from the effects of industrial, agricultural and bacterial contaminants. This water is checked on chemical composition, clean, apply industrial and household filters. Spring water also use.

Drinking water is water enriched with minerals with artificial way.

Actually fresh water

This is a natural solvent, it contains a particle of substances around it. It has accuracy of acidity and rigidity. Water can also possess taste, odor, color and transparency. Its indicators depend on the location, environmental situation, from the composition of the reservoir. Freshwater It is customary to be water that contains no more than 0.1% of the salt. It can be in a diverse state: in the form of liquid, steam, ice. The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is an important indicator of its quality. Oxygen is necessary for the lives of fish, biochemical processes, aerobic bacteria. The pH is associated with the concentration of hydrogen ions and gives us the concept of acidity or alkaline properties of water, as a solvent. PH< 7 – кислая среда; рН=7 – нейтральная среда; рН>7 – alkaline environment. The rigidity is called the property of water due to the content of calcium and magnesium ions in it. There are several types of hardness - general, carbonate, non-commissioned, disposable and dismissed; But most often they talk about overall rigidity. The lower the rigidity of water, the smaller damage the liquid causes our body.

Water smell

Due to the presence of volatile smelling substances in it, which fall into the water naturally, or with wastewater. The smell by nature is divided into 2 groups, describing it subjectively in its feelings. Natural origin (from living and dead organisms, from the influence of soils, water vegetation, etc.) Earthy, putrid, mold, peat, herbaceous, etc. and artificial origin - such odors are usually significantly changed when water treatment; petroleum products (gasoline, etc.), chlorine, acetic, phenolic, etc. Rate the smell on a five-point scale (zero corresponds to the total absence of smell):

  • Very weak, almost imperceptible smell;
  • The smell is weak, noticeable if you pay attention to it;
  • The smell is easily noticed and causes no approving review about water;
  • The smell is clear, draws attention and makes it refrain from drinking;
  • The smell is so much so much that makes water not suitable for use.

For drinking water, no more than 2 points are allowed.

The taste of water.

It was previously thought that a person can distinguish between 4 tastes: sour, sweet, salty, bitter. Later, the minds were added to them - "meat" taste, taste of high-protein substances ... responding to light, these receptors caused sensations similar to the taste of water. Scientists called the taste of water with 6 taste - the newspaper. Ru / News. A new study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience specialists from the California Institute of Technology can put a point in perennial disputes. It turned out that the same receptors react to the water as on sour taste. Scientists plan to continue the study. First of all, they have to find out which mechanisms underlie the work of "acid" receptors in determining the presence of water.

Water color

Perceived by eye color. Although small volumes of water seem transparent, with an increase in the thickness of the sample, water acquires a blue shade. This is due to the internal properties of water by selective absorption and light dissipation. River water - allocate the following types:

  • Transparent (without color) - at mountain and high mountain rivers;
  • Yellow (yellow-red) - at the plain and especially desert rivers;
  • Dark or black, which is especially characteristic of rivers flowing in the jungle;
  • White (white-gray) - white color The water give air bubbles when water foams on the thresholds and waterfalls.
  • Sea water - the color of the sea depends on the color of the sky, the number and nature of the clouds, the height of the sun over the horizon, as well as other reasons.
  • Ice - the perfect ice is transparent, but any inhomogeneities lead to the absorption and scattering of light and, accordingly, a change in color.
Be healthy!

The main source of fresh water is atmospheric precipitation, but two other sources can also be used for consumer needs: underground and surface water.

Underground sources

Approximately 37.5 million km 3, or 98% of all fresh water in a liquid state fall on groundwater, and about 350% of them locate at depths of no more than 800 m. However, the volume of available groundwater is determined by the properties of the aquifer and the power of the pumping water pumps. Underground water reserves in sugar are estimated at about 625 thousand km 3. In modern conditions, they are not replenished at the expense of surface freshwater, and when pumping is depleted. Some of the most deeply occurring underground waters are never included in the overall cycle of water, and only in areas of active volcanism, such water are erupted in the form of steam. However, a significant mass of groundwater nevertheless penetrates the earth's surface: under the action of gravity, these waters, moving along waterproof rigorous rocks of rocks, come out at the foot of the slopes in the form of sources and streams. In addition, they pumped out pumps, and also extracted by plant roots and then in the transpiration process entered the atmosphere.

Fig.1. Output of an underground source on the surface

Groundwater mirror is the upper limit of affordable groundwater. In the presence of slopes, the groundwater mirror intersects with the earth's surface, and source is formed. If underground water is under great hydrostatic pressure, then artesian sources are formed in the fields of their access to the surface. With the advent of powerful pumps and the development of modern drilling equipment, the extraction of groundwater was facilitated. To ensure water supply to small wells installed on aquifers, pumps are used. However, in wells drilled on a greater depth, to the level of pressure artesian water, the latter rise and satisfy the overlying groundwater, and sometimes go to the surface. Groundwater moves slowly, with a speed of several meters per day or even for the year. They are usually saturated with porous pebble or sandy horizons or relatively waterproof layers of clay shale, and only occasionally they are concentrated in underground cavities or in underground flows. For right choice Drilling Places The well is usually required information about the geological structure of the territory.

In some parts of the globe, the growing consumption of groundwater has serious consequences. The pumping of a large amount of groundwater, incomparable exceeding their natural replenishment, leads to a lack of moisture, and lowering the level of these water requires high costs for expensive electricity used to extract them. In places of depletion of the aquifer, the earth's surface begins to see, and the restoration is complicated water resources Naturally.

In coastal areas, excessive groundwater fence leads to a replacement of fresh water in an aquifer sea, salty, and thus the degradation of local sources of fresh water occurs. A gradual deterioration in the quality of groundwater as a result of salts accumulation may have even more dangerous consequences. Salt sources are both natural (for example, dissolution and removal of minerals from soils) and anthropogenic (fertilizer's introduction or excessive watering with high salts water). Rivers that feed on the mountain glaciers usually contain less than 1 g / l of dissolved salts, but the mineralization of water in other rivers reaches 9 g / l due to the fact that they dragged the territories folded by solenous rocks at a high.

As a result of an erratic discharge or disposal of toxic chemicals, their seeping into aquifers, which are sources of drinking or irrigation water occurring. In some cases, just just a few years or decades, so that harmful chemicals fall into groundwater and have accumulated there in tangible quantities. However, if the aquifer was once contaminated, it will take from 200 to 10,000 years old for its natural self-purification.

Surface sources

Only 0.01% of the total amount of fresh water in a liquid state is concentrated in rivers and streams and 1.47% in lakes. For the accumulation of water and permanent provision of consumers, as well as to prevent unwanted floods and electricity production on many rivers, dams are constructed. The greatest average water costs, and therefore, the greatest energy potential are Amazon in South America, Congo (Zaire) in Africa, Ganges with Brahmaputer in South Asia, Yangtze in China, Yenisei in Russia and Mississi with Missouri in the United States.

Fig.2. Freshwater Lake Baikal

Natural freshwater lakes accompanying around.125 thousand km 3 of water, along with rivers and artificial reservoirs are an important source of drinking water for people and animals. They are also used for irrigation of agricultural land, navigation, recreation, fisheries and, unfortunately, for the discharge of household and industrial effluents. Sometimes due to the gradual filling of the lakes or salinization, they dry up, but in some places the evolution of the hydrosphere in some places new lakes are formed.

The water level even in the "healthy" lakes can decrease during the year as a result of water drain through the rivers and streams arising from them, due to the seeping of water into the ground and its evaporation. The restoration of their level usually occurs due to precipitation and the influx of fresh water flowing into them rivers and streams, as well as from the springs. However, as a result of evaporation, salts come with a river drain accumulate. Therefore, after millennia, some lakes can become very salty and unusable for habitat of many living organisms.

As you know, water is the source of life, and she has its own holiday. Each year on March 22, the planet celebrates World Water Day or World Water Day, designed to pay the public attention to the problems associated with water reserves. And there are problems.

So, in 2006, about 1.1 billion people did not have normal and safe drinking water, and more people died from flooding and drought than from other natural disasters.

Mindlessly pour drinking water in the kitchen and in the bathroom? These photos will make you think.
Let's see where people take water. This is how the water from the well in Zimbabwe is gaining. Compared to the options below, it is still quite clean water.

The turn of a huge well with water in the Indian state of Gujarat.

If you believe the World Health Organization, infection caused by the absence of pure water leads to the death of one person every minute somewhere in the world.

In the area in Kenya for drinking water go to the swamp.

In Mumbai, drinking water can be gained from the puddles. The main thing is that the train does not hit.

Picturesque column in the Northern Indian city of Allahabad.

Designer from in Caracas, Venezuela. Installation to collect rainwater.

Water from the reservoir in Dhaka seems pretty clean. Against the background of the next option ...

Collection of drinking water from puddles in Somalia.

Consider the process more closely.

Many scientists believe that the problem is not in water lack, but in its irrational use. One of the most sophisticated questions of modernity is excessive water consumption in the production of food.

So, a person drinks 2-3 liters of water a day, while 2000-5000 liters of water required for food for one person.
Sea in Karachi, Pakistan. Slightly dirty.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe slums in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta is the same channel with water.

Freshwater resources on our planet are distributed extremely unevenly. Arid or semi-sore regions of the world, constituting 40% of sushi, use only 2% of world water reserves.

The main source of all fresh water - oceans, of which approximately 500 thousand sqm annually evaporates. water. 80% of all sediments back to the oceans and fall out.
Reservoir in Manila.

The largest stocks of fresh water are in polar ice. The ratio of the amount of global fresh water stock to the volume of all water on Earth is only 3%.
Drive for water in Toblove, Philippines. It is difficult to drive around the garbage mountains.

Myanmar. Rainwater As a drinking - a relatively good option.

In this area of \u200b\u200bSana, Yemen everyone goes to a single column, trying to fill as much capacities as possible.

Crossing through the sewer canal in the slums of Mumbai.

Filling the barrels with water from tank truck, Lima, Peru.

Fact Pump in the province of Hibiber Pakhtunwa Pakistan.

Bridge over polluted canal in East Bangalore, India. Without stuck the nose, it is difficult to pass here.

Carrying water not far from the capital of South Sudan. And from the sun saves.

Drinking water from South Sudan.

When torments thirst.

Bath in slums in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Drinking water from the pit in the Baghdad area. Well, it smells very much.

Set of water doubtful quality with hand pump In the Indian state of Assam.

Washing in the Yamuna River in New Delhi. No, it's not snow, it is foam from pollution.

Some dubious reservoir with water in the south-west of China in the province of Sichuan.

According to international experts, the problem of the shortage of fresh water will become one of the most acute already by the middle of the twentieth century. So, by 2025, 3.2 billion inhabitants of our planet will suffer from lack of water.
Scored drinking water from pit, South Sudan.

Hike water on a bombed street in Aleppo, Syria.

On the bank of the River in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Never give up. The volunteer cleans the river from the garbage in Jakarta.

Washing on the banks of the luxurious canal in slums in Nairobi.

Hryuhi and completely contaminated canal in East Bangalore, India.

We still do not worry. Russia is leading in the world in freshwater reserves - more than 20% of world resources are concentrated.

On the territory of Russia there are 2.5 million rivers and 2.7 million lakes. In Lake Baikal, 20% of the world's fresh water reserves are contained. In addition, 2,290 large and medium reservoirs have been created in Russia.

No, this is not Baikal, this oil has spilled close to the resort town of the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel.

I could not. Sea of \u200b\u200bdead fish in Mexican Bay, Mexico.