Department of education of the administration of the Shpakovsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory. Department of Education of the Administration of the Shpakovsky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory Presidential Decree 596 of 07.05

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 596 dated 07.05.12

  1. The situation in the world in the field of socio-economic development management
  2. We have already noted in the community of CEOs in our online conference "The main cause of weak economic development and crises": -specialists will not find radical and major innovative ideas for the development and implementation of goals and strategies for economic growth and development in the new conditions of the 21st century.
    And only the use of such ideas with the use of strategic planning methods that provide a systematic and situational approach to organizing economic development, and not “patching individual holes” with ineffective, and often just aimless, “gag reforms”, can break the negative and ineffective trends of modern socio-economic development and organize responses to major challenges to humanity, with which it is still did not come across."
    “And in the global competitiveness race, the first will be those countries that can develop and use the most effective systems for managing the strategic development of the economy, adequate to global and national challenges.”
    These elementary truths of managing the development of the economy today, unfortunately, have not become the practice of management in the world.
    The IMF offers its obsolete and often erroneous recommendations on budget cuts and inflation reduction wherever it benefits it (for example, Greece, etc.) and its inefficient and often aimless "reforms" (See D. Stiglitz. "Globalization: dangerous tendencies”, 2003); the decisions of the "20s" to eliminate the causes of the crisis were also ineffective 2008 Proof the failure of the decisions of the 20 summits to overcome the 2008 crisis - a statement by French President Sarkozy on French television on January 29 this year.
  3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. No. 596 dated 07.05.12

Therefore, the Decree of the new President of Russia, Putin V.V., became all the more unexpected and truly breakthrough. No. 596 dated 07. 05. 12 "On the long-term state policy of the country's economic development." Without listing all its positive aspects, we note only some of the main ones. Here and below, bold text is ours.
2.1. Three general strategic goals of the country's economic development are formulated:
increasing the pace and ensuring the sustainability of economic growth;
increase in real incomes of citizens of the Russian Federation;
achievement of technological leadership of the Russian economy.
And then a list of specific instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation.
2.2. Five specific targets to achieve these overall goals.
This setting of common goals and specific tasks to achieve them is the main, decisive moment of the entire Decree. Finally, there was a political leader in the world who made an extremely popular and competent, but difficult innovative strategic decision to manage the long-term development of the country's economy. The main thing is economic growth, the quality of life of the people and technological development, and not accounting the position of the IMF and its adherent Kudrin, leading the country far from these goals. Finances and financial markets, the budget and inflation are not the main goals, but only providing tools to achieve the main goal - the growth and development of the economy. The President of Russia set an example for all countries on how to correctly formulate the main goals and objectives of the country today. (Hereinafter, our comments are in italics.)
2.2. "To ensure the achievement of specific goals."
2.3. “Prepare and submit before 01.10. 12 to the State Duma draft federal law about the state strategic planning".
This will be the first in world history the most important innovative law for managing the economic development of the country, based on strategic planning (although there may be something similar somewhere). This is the second most important paragraph of the Decree, as it creates a fundamentally new innovative system for planning the development of the economy and other areas of the country's development: the social sphere and culture, industry and science, security and foreign policy, leisure and sports, and others.
2.4. “In the field of strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the country: to approve before 01.12.12. The main areas of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation until 2018 and until 12.12 to approve the main state programs of the Russian Federation, in particular, six specific programs are listed.
Those. The government of the Russian Federation should plan its work on the basis of strategic planning, not deal with solving private, albeit important, tasks, because The development of the country is a systemic task that can be solved only on the basis of a systematic approach and systemic solutions. They are provided structure and methods of strategic planning with its proper use. It includes 7-10 stages, each of which contains several management methods, in particular, a set of methods for determining and selecting the main systemic goals of economic development and developing projects and programs, i.e. strategies to achieve these overarching goals.
A fragmentary choice of individual particular tasks, which may be important, leads, as numerous world practice, including Russia after 1991, leads to serious strategic mistakes, large imbalances in the economy. due to lack systemic approach and devastation.
2.5. "Ensure before 01. 03. 13 an analysis of the effectiveness of the "consolidated" state companies in order to prepare proposals for improving their management."
Management is singled out as the main tool that determines the results of work.
2.6. "To submit before 01.09.12 a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation, providing for the introduction of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of heads of federal executive bodies and constituent entities of the Russian Federation."
This is a very important decision, because introduces into the practice of management in Russia summarizing the activities of the leaders of the country and regions. This widespread control technology in the world is called "debriefing" and its regular competent use will allow Russia to stop "stepping on the rake twice."
2.7. “To approve before 01.12.12 a set of measures aimed at preparing and retraining management personnel in the social sphere.
Cadres of managers, adequate to the situation and goals and objectives, decide everything. This will ensure the systematic work on the implementation of the Decree. But you need to understand what is required today not administrators, and managerial leaders and creators.
2.8. "In the field of modernization and innovative economic development. Approve. 13 state programs of the Russian Federation”, in particular: “Development of industry and increase its competitiveness.
This is a key Program as increasing the competitiveness of the industry of the Russian Federation in the global market, which both legally and actually became the Russian market after Russia's accession to the WTO, is a matter of "life and death" of the country.

Summing up, we can state that Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 596 means a transition to a fundamentally new planning for the economic development of Russia based on a systematic improvement in the management of this development and the use of strategic planning.
This innovative decision of the President of the Russian Federation is unique in the world practice of political leaders of countries and makes him the first among world leaders who competently, from the point of view of modern management, set the goals and objectives of modern economic growth and development .... It is qualitatively higher than the numerous ineffective decisions of the G8 and G20, some of which we wrote about in the conference “The Main Cause of Weak Economic Development and Crises”, which, as a rule, are engaged in providing and secondary tasks, such as managing financial markets.
Of course, one can find shortcomings in Decree No. 596, but given the scale and complexity of this issue and its significant novelty, this is apparently irrelevant today. The main thing is to fulfill the Decree of the President.

  1. On ways to implement the goals and objectives of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 596 and some other issues.
    3.1. The first question that arises after reading the Decree: will the Government of the Russian Federation cope with these instructions of the President of the Russian Federation?
    There are two qualitatively different groups of tasks in the Decree for the Government: a) general and specific long-term development goals and the foundations of the strategy for achieving them: a set of state programs and other measures that must be implemented, and b) the work of the Government of the Russian Federation based on strategic planning, which is fundamentally different from the long term.
    As for the first group of tasks, with a responsible and competent attitude to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation and governors, the complex and difficult goals of the Decree can be achieved, but under one condition: only competent managers, specialists and practitioners can manage the planning and implementation of the programs of the Decree , but not economists or financiers (see "The Main Cause of Weak Economic Development and Crises"). They need to be attracted from outside, because. it seems that among the members of the Government of the Russian Federation there are no people with the necessary experience and knowledge to develop and implement the major strategic programs proposed in the Decree. As for individual measures of the Decree, if the ministers are responsible for their implementation, there should be no serious difficulties.
    With regard to the second group of tasks related with strategic planning, the situation here is more complex and difficult, since in the country there are literally isolated cases of the use of strategic planning in medium-sized businesses; all "Strategies 2020" are examples not strategic and unsuccessful long-term planning; large Russian business also does not use strategic planning. Apparently, for the implementation of the second group of tasks, serious additional education in the field of strategic planning is necessary for all responsible executors associated with its use.
    The extreme importance of strategic planning is also explained by the fact that its application at the federal level opens the way to the use in Russia of indicative planning, which has long been used by a number of countries: France, Japan, China, Taiwan; elements of it are used by other countries. Indicative planning - an alternative to the methods of liberal economics, which its adherents hush up - is the model of managing socio-economic growth and development that Russia needs today. Of course, given the uniqueness of her situation. Indicative planning, when properly applied, does not kill or even reduce private initiative, but, on the contrary, expands the possibilities of private business in the form of a strategic partnership with the government.

3.2. The second question is the attitude in the country to the Decree.
It is difficult to get rid of the impression that media leaders and journalists simply "did not notice" the Decree. Neither state TV channels, nor newspapers and magazines paid him due attention. The parties are also silent; and the opposition, and this decree brings death to it, but it has not yet understood this, being engaged in the "overthrow" of the President of the Russian Federation; there are no serious comments from economists and financiers.
But for the first time in the new Russia, a large systematic well-thought-out Program for the long-term economic development of the country has been proposed, moreover using modern, most effective management methods. It offers a radical transformation of the country's socio-economic development management model and opens up the possibility of a transition in the future to a qualitatively new model for managing the country's socio-economic development based on indicative planning.
The reasons for this silence are as follows.
First. The low level of managerial knowledge of economists and financiers, media workers and the middle class and the population as a whole, who are simply not able to understand the relevance of many provisions of the Decree and appreciate its importance for the country.
Second. Unbelief that something useful will be done, and this Decree for various reasons will remain on paper.
Third. Conscious suppression of the Decree. Some do this because of their lack of education, others work off "their thirty pieces of silver"; among these groups are our unfortunate reformers, who represent the main opposition force to the implementation of this Decree. There are also people among them who act according to their convictions that Russia in the main should follow either the experience of the United States or the West. Europe. This belief is a consequence of the lack of education in management, where it has long been understood that a reliable development strategy for any structure must be built on its unique strengths that competitors do not have and which are difficult or impossible for them to repeat, and Russia is in many respects a very unique country. It will either have its own unique path of development, or there will be no development, but there will be a gradual slide into the marginal positions of a dependent country.

3.3. Some "thinking out loud" in connection with the need maximum use of the Decree's potential.
Some of the actions that seem appropriate for the implementation of the Decree are proposed below.
It is clear that the inertia of the previous activities of ministers and governors is very strong, and it is not easy for them to switch to solving fundamentally new complex and difficult tasks, the experience of solving which they have little or even no experience. Therefore, it is advisable to create in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and / or in the Government of the Russian Federation target Working Groups with the inclusion of specialists in modern management, primarily in strategic management, and practitioners medium-sized businesses that have created their business from scratch.
The purposes of these groups: an organization to help the responsible executors of the Decree

  • development of specific recommendations for the implementation of the Decree and methods for their implementation;
  • monitoring (permanent monitoring) of the implementation of the Decree to determine and specify the most effective measures for its implementation and identify bottlenecks in its implementation;
  • developing recommendations for supplementing, detailing and correcting the Decree, the need for which will come to light in the process of its implementation.

In addition, it seems appropriate:
introduction of a system for monitoring the implementation of this Decree;
instructions to the heads of regional administrations and municipalities put the solution of the same five specific tasks that the President of the Russian Federation set for the Government of the country at the head of his activity; the results of this work should be the main in evaluating the effectiveness their activities;
the United Russia party to hold round tables and conferences in all regions and most municipalities to explain the importance of the content of the Decree and ways to implement it; This will also be a good exercise for the party to develop it and strengthen its relations with the population and regional and municipal the authorities;
on official TV channels and in the media, organize regular columns dedicated to the implementation of the Decree at all levels of government, paying special attention to disseminating positive experience and summing up the work;
organize high-quality training of responsible executors at all levels of government in matters of strategic development planning; The importance of this event is also explained by the fact that the country, moving to the path of development based on strategic and indicative planning, significantly reduces the influence of chaotic market forces on its economic development and, to a large extent, begins to determine its own destiny.
Of course, given the innovativeness and scale of the Decree, other measures are also needed in order to effectively concentrate the efforts of all structures and forces responsible for economic development of the country, for its implementation.
Of course, this cannot please the IMF and supporters of a liberal economy and the elements of the market, who stubbornly put the "cart before the horse": first, budget cuts, government debt, inflation, and only then economic growth and development, and wonder why the cart does not go?. But it should be the other way around: first, the goals and strategy of economic growth and development, as prescribed in the Decree, and only then the determination of the necessary finances for the implementation of the strategy and, if there are not enough own funds, raising the missing funds. It is necessary to realize a simple idea, but hidden by the adherents of market chaos, that finance is only one of the factors, and not the main one, ensuring the achievement of the goals of economic growth and development, taking into account, of course, other costs.

3.4. Decree and the fate of the opposition.
The decree largely "knocks out the chair" from under both the opposition parties, existing and future, and the noisy opposition.
Indeed, the serious goals formulated and the strategy for achieving them put the country on a real path of becoming one of the leading industrial countries in the world. As the population successfully moves along this path, the population will begin to realize the true value of the slogans and appeals of the leaders of Bolotnaya and Sakharov. The above proposal about propaganda the work of the United Russia party can also greatly accelerate the moment of this epiphany.
As for the opposition parties, existing and future, we do not yet see those personalities and forces that, in their managerial and intellectual level of development is able to develop something similar to the economic development strategy in Decree 596. Apparently, if the work on the implementation of the Decree is successful, then in the coming years, smart, competent use of the potential of this Decree will significantly weaken the influence of opposition parties among the population.
Opposition to this Decree in Russia in the form of supporters of a liberal economy and the elements of the market, relying on the support of the IMF and global financial institutions that are not interested in the industrial development of Russia, will also not be able to seriously interfere with the implementation of the Decree and is doomed to defeat if the political leadership of the country shows the necessary political will, and the ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation and the governors will responsibly treat its implementation




In order to increase the pace and ensure the sustainability of economic growth, increase the real incomes of citizens of the Russian Federation, achieve technological leadership in the Russian economy, I decide:

1. The Government of the Russian Federation to take measures aimed at achieving the following indicators:

a) creation and modernization of 25 million high-performance jobs by 2020;

b) an increase in the volume of investments to at least 25 percent of the gross domestic product by 2015 and up to 27 percent by 2018;

c) an increase in the share of products of high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy in the gross domestic product by 2018 by 1.3 times compared to the level of 2011;

d) an increase in labor productivity by 1.5 times by 2018 compared to the level of 2011;

e) increasing the position of the Russian Federation in the World Bank's ranking on the conditions of doing business from 120th in 2011 to 50th in 2015 and to 20th in 2018.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) in the field of strategic planning of socio-economic development:

to approve before December 1, 2012 the Main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018 and the forecast for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, ensuring the achievement of the targets provided for in paragraph 1 of this Decree;

prepare and submit before October 1, 2012 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on state strategic planning, which provides for the coordination of strategic management and budgetary policy measures;

approve by December 31, 2012 the main state programs of the Russian Federation, including such as "Development of health care", "Development of education", "Culture of Russia", "Social support for citizens", "Development of science and technology" and "Development of the transport system ";

b) in the field of improving the budgetary, tax policy, increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures and public procurement:

prepare and submit before October 1, 2012 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law that provides for the definition of a mechanism for the use of oil and gas revenues of the federal budget, as well as the formation, use and management of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund;

by November 1, 2012, implement measures to simplify accounting (financial) reporting for certain categories of economic entities;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before June 1, 2012, a report on the implementation of measures to ensure mandatory preliminary public discussion of placed orders for the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services) for state and municipal needs in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles, including the formation of the initial price of contracts ;

ensure by the end of December 2012 the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the transparency of the financial activities of business entities, including combating tax evasion in the Russian Federation with the help of offshore companies and shell companies;

c) in the field of privatization and improvement of state property management:

before November 1, 2012, amend the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property and the main directions for the privatization of federal property for 2011-2013 and approve the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property and the main directions for the privatization of federal property for 2014-2016, providing for the completion by 2016 of the withdrawal of the state from the capital of companies in the "non-resource sector" that are not related to subjects of natural monopolies and organizations of the defense complex;

by November 1, 2012, introduce amendments to regulatory legal acts aimed at restricting the acquisition by state-owned companies in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50 percent of shares, state unitary enterprises, as well as organizations controlled by these companies and enterprises, shares and shares business companies;

ensure, by December 1, 2012, the development and implementation of programs for the alienation of non-core assets by companies with state participation, in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50 percent of the shares;

ensure by March 1, 2013, an analysis of the performance of state-consolidated companies, including the United Aircraft Corporation open joint stock company, the United Shipbuilding Corporation open joint stock company and the Russian Technologies State Corporation for the Promotion of the Development, Production and Export of High-Technological Industrial Products ", in order to prepare proposals for improving their management, ensuring the consistency of their development strategies with state programs for the development of relevant sectors of the economy, gaining leading positions in certain segments of the global aviation, shipbuilding, information and communication and space technology markets;

d) in the field of improving the conditions for doing business:

ensure, by January 1, 2015, a significant reduction in the time required for business entities to complete procedures and the cost of these procedures in the following areas of state regulation: construction, connection to networks, tax incentives and tax administration, customs administration, including when implementing roadmaps to improve business climate developed as part of the national entrepreneurial initiative to improve the investment climate in the Russian Federation;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before September 1, 2012, a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which provides for the introduction of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of federal executive bodies and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on qualitative and quantitative indicators of improving the investment climate;

to approve by December 1, 2012 a set of measures aimed at training and retraining managerial personnel in the social sphere, technical specialists and engineers, and attracting foreign highly qualified specialists;

to create before December 1, 2012 the institution of the commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, carrying out activities at the federal and regional levels;

ensure the organization, starting from 2013, of a mandatory public technological and price audit of all major investment projects with state participation;

to ensure by November 1, 2012 the creation of a mechanism for the provision of state guarantees in the implementation of investment projects in the Russian Federation, focused primarily on medium-sized businesses operating in the field not related to the extraction and processing of minerals;

by December 1, 2012, ensure the creation of a mechanism for attracting foreign organizations with modern technologies and managerial competencies to participate in tenders and auctions for the construction of federal and regional highways;

to ensure, before December 1, 2012, the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to exclude the possibility of resolving an economic dispute through criminal prosecution, including by clarifying the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts in economic cases;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before October 1, 2012, proposals aimed at ensuring the implementation of the principle of independence and objectivity in the issuance of judicial decisions;

e) in the field of modernization and innovative development of the economy:

to provide before July 1, 2013 as part of the state programs of the Russian Federation under development, measures to develop the national innovation system in accordance with the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, as well as the formation of a technological forecasting system focused on meeting the long-term needs of the manufacturing sector of the economy, taking into account the development of key production technologies;

approve by January 1, 2013 the state programs of the Russian Federation, including such as "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness", "Development of the aviation industry", "Space activities of Russia", "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry", "Development of shipbuilding", " Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry", as well as the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets and, if necessary, adjust strategies aimed at modernizing and developing the leading sectors of the economy, providing for the linkage of these programs and sectoral strategies with emerging priority technological platforms and pilot projects of innovative territorial clusters;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before July 1, 2012, proposals for accelerating the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East, providing for the provision of transport links for hard-to-reach territories.

3. Recommend to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to interact with the relevant federal state authorities in order to implement this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

The president

Russian Federation


Moscow Kremlin

№ 596

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 596
"On long-term state economic policy"

In order to increase the pace and ensure the sustainability of economic growth, increase the real incomes of citizens of the Russian Federation, achieve technological leadership in the Russian economy, I decide:

1. The Government of the Russian Federation to take measures aimed at achieving the following indicators:

a) creation and modernization of 25 million high-performance jobs by 2020;

b) an increase in the volume of investments to at least 25 percent of the gross domestic product by 2015 and up to 27 percent by 2018;

c) an increase in the share of products of high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy in the gross domestic product by 2018 by 1.3 times compared to the level of 2011;

d) an increase in labor productivity by 1.5 times by 2018 compared to the level of 2011;

e) increasing the position of the Russian Federation in the World Bank's ranking on the conditions of doing business from 120th in 2011 to 50th in 2015 and to 20th in 2018.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) in the field of strategic planning of socio-economic development:

to approve before December 1, 2012 the Main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018 and the forecast for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, ensuring the achievement of the targets provided for in paragraph 1 of this Decree;

prepare and submit before October 1, 2012 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on state strategic planning, which provides for the coordination of strategic management and budgetary policy measures;

approve by December 31, 2012 the main state programs of the Russian Federation, including such as "Development of health care", "Development of education", "Culture of Russia", "Social support for citizens", "Development of science and technology" and "Development of the transport system ";

b) in the field of improving the budgetary, tax policy, increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures and public procurement:

prepare and submit before October 1, 2012 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law that provides for the definition of a mechanism for the use of oil and gas revenues of the federal budget, as well as the formation, use and management of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund;

by November 1, 2012, implement measures to simplify accounting (financial) reporting for certain categories of economic entities;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before June 1, 2012, a report on the implementation of measures to ensure mandatory preliminary public discussion of placed orders for the supply of goods (performance of works, provision of services) for state and municipal needs in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles, including the formation of the initial price of contracts;

ensure by the end of December 2012 the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the transparency of the financial activities of business entities, including combating tax evasion in the Russian Federation with the help of offshore companies and shell companies;

c) in the field of privatization and improvement of state property management:

before November 1, 2012, amend the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property and the main directions for the privatization of federal property for 2011-2013 and approve the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property and the main directions for the privatization of federal property for 2014-2016, providing for the completion by 2016 of the withdrawal of the state from the capital of companies in the "non-resource sector" that are not related to subjects of natural monopolies and organizations of the defense complex;

by November 1, 2012, introduce amendments to regulatory legal acts aimed at restricting the acquisition by state-owned companies in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50 percent of shares, state unitary enterprises, as well as organizations controlled by these companies and enterprises, shares and shares business companies;

ensure, by December 1, 2012, the development and implementation of programs for the alienation of non-core assets by companies with state participation, in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50 percent of the shares;

ensure by March 1, 2013, an analysis of the performance of state-consolidated companies, including the United Aircraft Corporation open joint stock company, the United Shipbuilding Corporation open joint stock company and the Russian Technologies State Corporation for the Promotion of the Development, Production and Export of High-Technological Industrial Products ", in order to prepare proposals for improving their management, ensuring the consistency of their development strategies with state programs for the development of relevant sectors of the economy, gaining leading positions in certain segments of the global aviation, shipbuilding, information and communication and space technology markets;

d) in the field of improving the conditions for doing business:

ensure, by January 1, 2015, a significant reduction in the time required for business entities to complete procedures and the cost of these procedures in the following areas of state regulation: construction, connection to networks, tax incentives and tax administration, customs administration, including when implementing roadmaps to improve business climate developed as part of the national entrepreneurial initiative to improve the investment climate in the Russian Federation;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before September 1, 2012, a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which provides for the introduction of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of federal executive bodies and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on qualitative and quantitative indicators of improving the investment climate;

to approve by December 1, 2012 a set of measures aimed at training and retraining managerial personnel in the social sphere, technical specialists and engineers, and attracting foreign highly qualified specialists;

to create before December 1, 2012 the institution of the commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, operating at the federal and regional levels;

ensure the organization, starting from 2013, of a mandatory public technological and price audit of all major investment projects with state participation;

to ensure by November 1, 2012 the creation of a mechanism for the provision of state guarantees in the implementation of investment projects in the Russian Federation, focused primarily on medium-sized businesses operating in the field not related to the extraction and processing of minerals;

by December 1, 2012, ensure the creation of a mechanism for attracting foreign organizations with modern technologies and managerial competencies to participate in tenders and auctions for the construction of federal and regional highways;

to ensure, before December 1, 2012, the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to exclude the possibility of resolving an economic dispute through criminal prosecution, including by clarifying the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts in economic cases;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before October 1, 2012, proposals aimed at ensuring the implementation of the principle of independence and objectivity in the issuance of judicial decisions;

e) in the field of modernization and innovative development of the economy:

to provide until July 1, 2013 as part of the state programs of the Russian Federation being developed measures to develop the national innovation system in accordance with the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, as well as the formation of a technological forecasting system focused on meeting the long-term needs of the manufacturing sector of the economy, taking into account the development of key production technologies;

approve by January 1, 2013 the state programs of the Russian Federation, including such as "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness", "Development of the aviation industry", "Space activities of Russia", "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry", "Development of shipbuilding", " Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry", as well as the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets and, if necessary, adjust strategies aimed at modernizing and developing the leading sectors of the economy, providing for the linkage of these programs and sectoral strategies with emerging priority technological platforms and pilot projects of innovative territorial clusters;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, before July 1, 2012, proposals for accelerating the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East, providing for the provision of transport links for hard-to-reach territories.

President of Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Dear friends! Fellow parents!

The coronavirus epidemic has put everyone in an unexpected situation: our children have become much more at home, learning remotely, and many new responsibilities and worries have fallen on us.

It is important to make the most of this time period.

As parents, we just need to convey confidence and positiveness to our children, because they copy us now and in the future.

Scientists from the Russian Academy of Education and officials from the Russian Ministry of Education are preparing detailed and evidence-based recommendations for us. These tips are folk, parental! I hope that our good advice will help you to live the quarantine with dignity and profit. After all, trials, with the right attitude towards them, make us stronger!

  1. Be positive! It is important for us, parents, to overcome panic moods, negativity in relation to the school, the country, and even life in general. We have the right to an opinion, but we should not poison the lives of our children with negativity.
  2. The mode of work and rest is the basis of life! Make a schedule for life in quarantine, discuss it at the family council, and follow it with the whole family. Difficult at first, then get involved, it helps a lot to bring the system into the multitasking of the day.
  3. Practice digital hygiene...and ethics! Online learning, of course, increases the stay in the network, but this does not mean that the child should be deprived of gadgets for all other occasions and topics. Such a sharp change in the information field of the child can harm him. Try to harmonize the load in the dialogue.
  4. Take care of the minds of children! Increasing time spent online increases the risk of children being drawn into negative content. Take an interest in the online life of your children, especially if they are left at home alone.
  5. Safety above all! This applies not only to health care. It is important to warn our children, especially regarding children left at home alone, against delinquency, fraud. Take care of the safety of valuables, bank cards stored in the apartment.
  6. Movement is life! Do not forget about the physical activity of children. There are many different exercises, sets of exercises on the network. Do it together!!!
  7. Don't forget about proper nutrition! Three main meals and three healthy snacks a day are the foundation of a healthy diet. Many of us have not cooked at home for a long time, it is very desirable to revive this useful skill.
  8. Seek and find! There are many wonderful materials on the net that can be used for creativity, knowledge and development of us and our children. Set aside half an hour a day to actively search for interesting things. Discoveries are guaranteed!
  9. Parenting is worth learning! Use the time that has appeared to improve your parenting competencies, expand psychological and pedagogical knowledge and abilities, and strengthen parent-child dialogue. Moreover, the space for practice is huge!!!
  10. Quarantine strengthens the family! Communicate with each other, use the time that has appeared to maintain and / or establish family traditions. Read, watch and discuss films together, play computer games, create a family play or family album, study the biography of ancestors or the history of their native places.

Information for thought. I. Newton made his main discoveries in his native provincial Woolsthorpe, where he escaped from the Great Plague that raged in London from 1665 to 1667. And in the fall of 1830, due to the cholera epidemic, Pushkin was very late in the village of Boldino. During this time, work has been completed on

“On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”, which establishes the legal framework for strategic planning in the Russian Federation, coordination of state and municipal strategic management and budgetary policy, powers of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and the procedure for their interaction with public, scientific and other organizations in the field of strategic planning. As part of the implementation of this federal law, a Decree and a decision of the President of the Russian Federation, 14 resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation were adopted that determine the procedures for the development, monitoring and control of the implementation of strategic planning documents, information support for strategic planning is being carried out, and a federal state register of strategic planning documents has been created.

On January 1, 2014, the “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” came into force, in accordance with which the Government of the Russian Federation establishes cases for a mandatory public discussion of procurement and its procedure.

In order to implement these norms, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the “On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Mandatory Public Discussions on the Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services to Meet State and Municipal Needs” (came into force on January 1, 2017), according to which a mandatory public discussion is held in the event of procurement at an initial (maximum) contract price of more than 1 billion rubles, using competitive methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers). These measures will improve the efficiency of spending budgetary funds, as well as have a positive impact on the development of competition in the state and municipal procurement market.

In order to improve the efficiency of investment activities, a regulatory legal framework has been formed for conducting an independent public technological and price audit (hereinafter referred to as TPA) of large investment projects with various forms of state participation (hereinafter referred to as investment projects) - the “On conducting a public technological and price audit of large investment projects” was adopted with state participation and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”, “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”, in accordance with which TPA is carried out for the most significant investment projects with state participation at various stages of their implementation.

In order to implement the provisions of Part 16 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, “On determining the cases of concluding a life cycle contract” was adopted.

In 2016, 40 investment projects were audited, including those implemented by: Rosmorrechflot - 2, the Ministry of Health of Russia - 2, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - 2, the Ministry of Sports of Russia - 2, the Ministry of Transport of Russia - 5, Rosavtodor - 20, the Ministry of Culture of Russia - 1 , the Federal Tax Service of Russia - 1, the Federal Air Transport Agency - 2, the Ministry of Energy of Russia - 3.

Joint-stock companies with state participation continue to work on the audit in accordance with the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2016, 42 investment projects implemented by joint-stock companies with state participation were audited, including: PJSC RusHydro - 4, PJSC Rosseti - 24, PJSC FGC UES - 9, PJSC AK Transneft - 2, Russian Railways JSC - 3 (including 39 TPA facilities within these 3 integrated investment projects). In 2013–2015, Russian Railways audited 38 facilities with identified savings potential in the amount of more than 50 billion rubles. Based on the results of the audit of investment projects of PJSC FGC UES and PJSC Rosseti, it was decided to abandon the construction of the high-voltage power line Milkovo - Ust-Kamchatsk worth more than 36 billion rubles and the Sunzha substation worth more than 2.7 billion rubles, for a number of projects it was proposed optimization in the amount of 3.4 billion rubles (more than 10% of the cost of their implementation).

In order to increase the efficiency of investment activities of the phased introduction of TPA investment projects of natural monopoly entities and regulated organizations in the electric power industry, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma draft federal law No. Law "On Electricity".

In order to stimulate the inflow of investments into the Russian economy, the Government of the Russian Federation: provides subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions and the state corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank); tools are used to reduce the cost of attracting financing, in particular, the mechanism of project financing; the Plan for Assistance to Import Substitution in Industry is being implemented; measures are being taken to stimulate technology transfer and localization of production in the Russian Federation; the development of foreign economic relations and investment cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and, first of all, with China, has been strengthened.

88 federal laws and over 470 legal acts. The position of the Russian Federation in the World Bank ranking on the conditions for doing business has increased from 112th position in 2012 to 40th in 2017. The Russian Federation ranks among the top 30 countries in the areas of property registration (9th place), contract enforcement (12th place), business registration (26th place), "(30th place). Improvement of indicators occurred in 5 out of 10 areas of the rating.

In order to improve the business environment at the regional level, 12 target models were approved for key investment climate factors, developed on the basis of best regional practices. Roadmaps for the implementation of these target models by the end of 2017 have been approved in all regions of the Federation.

As a result of the work carried out to simplify accounting for certain categories of economic entities, the volume of reporting indicators submitted to the tax authorities decreased by at least 50%. In addition, the number of indicators in the forms of accounting (financial) statements of small businesses has been reduced by more than 80%.

In order to coordinate state support measures for small businesses, in 2015 a single development institution was created - the Corporation for the Support of Small and Medium Enterprises. According to the corporation, as of December 31, 2016, more than 10,000 guarantees and sureties were issued for a total amount of more than 100 billion rubles, which allowed small and medium-sized businesses to attract loans in a total amount of more than 172 billion rubles.

Work continues to accelerate the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East. 16 territories of advanced social and economic development have been created (in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Amur and Sakhalin regions, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Jewish Autonomous Region) as part of the implementation of the Federal Law "On territories of advanced social and economic development in Russian Federation" . The free port regime is additionally distributed on the territory of the municipalities of the Kamchatka Territory (the urban district of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), the Khabarovsk Territory (Vaninsky municipal district), the Sakhalin Region (the urban district of Korsakovsky) and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (the urban district of Pevek).

The infrastructure support of investment projects implemented in these territories is carried out by JSC Far East Development Corporation, whose task is also to act as the managing company of the free port of Vladivostok and the territory of advanced socio-economic development. Autonomous non-profit organizations "Far East Investment Promotion and Export Support Agency" and "Human Capital Development Agency in the Far East" were established, the main tasks of which are to attract investors and provide investment projects with labor resources.

JSC "Fund for the Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region" participates in the implementation of investment projects approved by the subcommittee for the selection of investment projects in the Far East and the Baikal region of the Government Commission for the socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region.

Currently, 13 investment projects are being implemented in the Far East that receive state support.

In order to develop, among other things, high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, the Industrial Development Fund was established in 2014.

At a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects on March 21, 2017 (Minutes No. 1), a project proposal developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia together with interested federal executive authorities within the framework of the priority area "Labor Productivity" was considered. As a result of this meeting, a decision was made to approve by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects the passport of the priority program "Improving Labor Productivity and Supporting Employment".

The share of products of high-tech and science-intensive industries in the gross domestic product from 2011 to 2016 amounted to 19.6, 20.1, 21.0, 21.8, 21.5 and 22.4% of the gross domestic product, respectively (an increase of 1.14 times the level of 2011).

The most important task is to increase the output of high-tech civilian products in the defense industry, the share of which in the total volume of marketable products should increase from 16 to 30% by 2025.

Defense industry organizations have achieved sustainable development rates that exceed those of the Russian economy as a whole. Thus, the volume of industrial products produced by defense industry organizations in 2016 increased by 10.7%, including in the radio-electronic industry.

The growth rates of labor productivity in integrated structures average 8.8%. The most dynamically growing labor productivity is in JSC "Corporation "Tactical Missiles"" (29.2%), JSC "Concern VKO Almaz-Antey" (28%), JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" (23%), PJSC " United Aircraft Corporation (14.7%) and Okeanpribor Concern JSC (14.6%).

The main growth factors for this indicator are an increase in capacity utilization due to an increase in the volume of orders for military products, as well as the technical re-equipment of production facilities.

In accordance with paragraph 4, subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the President in the field of privatization and improving the management of state property, it is necessary to ensure, by December 1, 2012, the development and implementation of programs for the alienation of non-core assets by state-owned companies in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50% of shares .

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in accordance with the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, continues to monitor the implementation of programs for the alienation of non-core assets in joint-stock companies in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50% of the shares.

In order to exclude the possibility of resolving an economic dispute through criminal prosecution, including by clarifying the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts in economic cases, as well as ensuring the implementation of the principle of independence and objectivity when making court decisions, federal laws of November 29, 2012 No. 207- Federal Law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, dated December 30, 2012 No. 317-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 29 and 194 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation”, dated July 2, 2013 No. 166 -FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, dated July 2, 2013 No. 179-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation””, as well as “On the Federal Target Program “Development of the judicial system of Russia for 2013–2020””.

To ensure an objective fixation of the course of the trial, the “On Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation” was adopted. The said law provides that persons present at an open court session have the right to make an audio recording and a written recording. Photographing, video recording and (or) filming, as well as broadcasting an open court session on radio, television or in the Internet information and telecommunication network is allowed with the permission of the chairperson of the court session.

To improve the conditions for doing business, an institution for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs was created, legal provisions, main tasks, and competencies of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Russian Federation were defined, the basic principles of the activities of the Commissioners for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the constituent entities of the Federation (hereinafter referred to as business ombudsmen) were fixed . During the functioning of the business ombudsman institution, over 27 thousand applications were received from entrepreneurs, of which more than 24 thousand (86%) were resolved. With the active participation of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation, an amnesty for economic crimes was carried out in relation to 2,466 citizens.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of federal executive bodies and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) (hereinafter referred to as the heads) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in creating favorable conditions for doing business, a system for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of federal executive authorities and heads of subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of improving the investment climate, which defines assessment indicators with target values ​​until 2018 and a methodology for determining target values ​​and rating assessment of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the results achieved by improving the conditions for doing business ().

Currently, work is underway to optimize the number of ratings of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as reworking the performance assessment of the heads of federal executive bodies, taking into account the introduction of a project approach in the work of federal executive bodies in terms of achieving the results of the implementation of priority projects.