As you understand the continuous ecological environmental education. System and continuity of environmental education

In modern, complex, diverse, dynamic, complete contradictory trends of the world, environmental problems (environmental problems) have acquired a global scale, this is:

first, dangerous pollution of water, air, soil planet;

secondly, malicious effects on animal and vegetable life; Third, extinct countless species,

fourth, violations in the ecosystem of the entire planet.

Currently, human economic activity is increasingly becoming the main source of pollution of the biosphere. In the natural medium, everything in large quantities fall gaseous, liquid and solid production waste. Various chemicals in waste falling into the soil. Air or water, go to ecological links from one chain to another, falling, in the end, in the human body.

Waste production is not a unique feature of a person.

All life necessarily includes the metabolism, during which waste is inevitably allocated to the external environment. They are not only not needed by the body, but also, as a rule, harmful to him: few people can successfully exist among their own metabolic products.

Environmental education and upbringing, continuous, comprehensive and mandatory, formation on the basis of environmental ethics and cultures represent a condition and the path to humanization of relations between society and nature, reflect the need and need to study and knowing their habitat environment, protection and preservation. This should be formed in a person from the earliest years - the ability and vital need to perceive the nature and its creation as a great and no replaceable heritage and essence of our life. They should be the basis for the training and education of each person, the younger generation in particular.

The problems of developing environmental education in the last third of the 20th century were objectively nominated among the most priorities. It was associated with an ecological threat. As a result of the increasing negative consequences of the immune use in the process of practical social activities of natural resources and consumer attitudes towards the environment, humanity was before the threat of an environmental catastrophe, which demanded an urgent search for ways on the basis of fundamentally different ideological landmarks and values.

Due to the sharp deterioration of the environmental situation, there was a need for a targeted formation of a new mentality of environmentally friendly and sustainable development. However, the population of Russia, for the most part, is not aware of the approach of the ecological catastrophe, it became indifferent to the preservation of nature and environmental protection. This emergencyness, according to the majority of researchers, arose due to the maximum low level of environmental education.

Environmental education is a continuous process of learning, education and personal development, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, value orientations, behavior and activities that provide a responsible attitude of a person to the surrounding social environment. Environmental education is a holistic system covering the whole life of a person. It also aims to form a worldview based on the idea of \u200b\u200bunity with nature.

In many areas, the regions and republics of the Russian Federation, municipal education authorities and educational institutions nominate environmental education as a priority direction in their activities. The main work in this direction is carried out with the younger generation in institutions of general secondary and primary vocational education.

On June 5, 1995, the resolution of the All-Russian Congress for Nature Conservation was adopted. As one of the most important conditions for a successful environmental policy, the creation of a system of universal continuous and mandatory environmental education, covering the entire process of preschool, school and out-of-school education.

A new worldview cannot be born by itself. The ecological consciousness of each citizen can continue to be indifferent to the life of nature, simply, even if he (a citizen) does not become the leader who receives responsible decisions, but will become a teacher, a farmer, an engineer or a doctor. In modern society, there has been an opinion that with the help of the right organization of economy and high-performance equipment, all economic and social problems can be solved. However, even the most perfect technique, if it confesses with the laws of nature development, inevitably causes damage to the environment, and, consequently, human health.

Comprehensive understanding of environmental problems has a large pedagogical significance, as it makes it possible to understand the laws of stability of life, assess the essence and degree of anthropogenic impact on nature, to find out the nature of contradictions in the development of relations between society and nature. For the preparedness of the body to adapt and efficiency in its implementation, factors that strengthen the body play a significant role. These include rational food, reasonable regime, some medication, physical training, hardening.

In general, the strategic task of UNESCO considers the creation of a "global education network". It is necessary that all school systems include familiarity with global problems, the dangers who threaten humanity, formed an understanding of the relationship between man, society and nature on a planetary scale.

In matters of environmental education strategy there is a problem of its methodological organization. Some specialists consider it necessary to develop a separate item "Ecology", which should be introduced into the content of education at various levels, since environmental education is not equivalent to biological, geographical, etc., although it is in close relationship. Others argue that more effective is "environmentalization" of all training items, since environmental problems are global, interdisciplinary.

It is necessary to identify the tendency of environmental education in highly industrialized and economically developed countries. So, young people in England, Holland, Germany and other countries of Europe practically do not represent life outside the cities: Nature as such takes very little space in their lives. Accordingly, specific programs involved in studying in nature began to be created, where children learn how the grass smells and that under the hemp there is a specific life of insects and the simplest. Here the emphasis goes more on feeling and feeling than on specific biological, geographical or environmental knowledge. This does not concern the training of specialists. Here is a big emphasis on knowledge and practical work.

Another component of the Ecopolitan, where managers of different levels teach to make environmentally balanced solutions that take into account the environmental risk system. In some countries, the West of the Environment Science includes not only the concepts of nature conservation, but also about the protection of historical heritage (Hysterical Preservation). Another feature of environmental education in the US and European countries is the existence of scientific laboratories on the basis of universities, the availability of mechanisms for the implementation of scientific ideas and their development. On the basis of working environmental legislation, attracting students to research and modern achievements of environmental science. In the Netherlands, for example, special environmental programs have been developed, providing for informing, training and joint environmental protection activities of such groups of the population as consumers, manufacturers, policies, civil servants, researchers who are aimed at improving the environmental situation.


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2. Abdrakhimov Vz. Issues of ecology and utilization of man-made deposits in the production of ceramic composite materials. Samara: Samara Academy of State and Municipal Administration, 2010. 160 p.

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5. Patevkova G.A. Environmental education in the context of the problems of forming an ecological worldview. - N.Novgorod: Volzhsky State Engineering and Pedagogical Institute, 2001. - 132c.

6. Perfilova O.E. Development of the socio-environmental competence of a teacher in vocational education: dis. Cand. Ped. Science-m., 2007.-186c.

S.A. Fomenko MOU DOD CEVD, Strezheva
At each new stage in the development of mankind, it is necessary to educate an environmentally friendly citizen who knows the general patterns of the development of nature and society that understands that the history of society is continuously connected with the history of nature, which knows all types of activities to subordinate to the requirements of rational environmental management.
Environmental education should be a continuous process of learning, education and development of the individual, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, the abilities ensuring responsible attitude towards the environment and health.
A special role in the implementation of continuous environmental education is owned by additional education institutions, since it is they who have a flexible system that responds to changes in the individual and educational needs of children. It is possible to create conditions for the manifestation and development of individual abilities of students when knowledge gained in school becomes personal-significant: to assist in social self-determination, in the practical training of schoolchildren to life and professional career in conditions of social change.
In the center of the environmental education of children of Strezhevoy, a model of continuous environmental education of the younger generation was created, the implementation of which stages to form the environmental culture of a child, including: - pre-school environmental education of pupils of kindergartens;
ecological education of students of 1-4 grades, the so-called "school of early development";
ecological education of students of the 5-8 grades - "School of choice";
environmental education of students in 9-11 classes - "Creative Laboratory".
The purpose of the system of continuous environmental education and education is the formation of a responsible relationship of each person to the environment and learning the skills of the competent acceptance of solutions in the process of environmental management.
Pedagogical problems of environmental education:
teaching knowledge about the relationship of the nature of society and man;
the formation of practical skills in the resolution of environmental problems;
education and development of value orientation, motifs, needs and habits, active environmental activities;
the development of the ability to analyze environmental situations and evaluate the state of the environment.
It is the systematic and targeted research activities of students expanding their horizons, forms practical skills and develops creative skills, helps to better understand the practical significance of acquired knowledge, causes steady interest in classes, as well as significantly improves cognitive activities.
Preschool and younger school age is considered as a period of accumulation of knowledge about
the rusing world on the basis of the emotional perception of nature.
For this purpose, such educational programs are being implemented as: "Our Nature House", "Nature with the eyes of the soul", "Young Naturalists", "Young Ecologists", "Valeology", WCD "Raisin".
In preschool age and in elementary school, excursions, games, creative tasks associated with modeling, drawing, crafts, reading fairy tales, writing fairy tales and stories on the ecological theme contribute to the emotional development of children.
In environmental education and education of children of this age, the unity of study, games and labor is carried out. This contributes to the work out of students to express its point of view, to defend it in the discussion. In the process of implementing these programs, great attention is paid to the work of students with special literature under the guidance of teachers, the development of various research techniques, the experience of the speech before the audience is acquired.
There is an urban environmental conference of research projects "First Steps to the World of Science" oriented on students of the younger and middle of schools of the city and pupils of the center. The subject of the work is characterized by a large variety: "The influence of detergents and cleaning agents for cleaning dishes", "features of the atmospheric respiration of aquarium fish", "Berezkina tears", "The influence of the soil composition on the growth of plants", "container compositions in the interior of the school corridor", " different styles of music on animals ", etc.
For mid-level students (5-8th classes) Programs have been developed: "Flower growing - crop production", "Floriculture", "Landscaping Architecture", "Fitodesign Interior", "Fenologists", "Cactusov", "Ornithologists", "Microbiologists" , Zoologists, "Aquaristers", "Help yourself", "Wonders of Nature", "Valeology", "An hour of entertaining biology", "An hour of entertaining zoology", Press Club "Ecological Bulletin", Fairy Flower Theater.
Students are engaged in various associations of the environmental destination for interests, deepening and expanding their knowledge in specific areas: flower growing, vegetable growing, arrangement and phytodizain, microbiology, zoology, aquarium, local history, human health, etc.
Classes of association are conducted on the basis of greenhouses of the plant of the plant, in which a collection of exotic plants is collected, an arboretum with acclimatized trees and shrubs of 39 species is located on the invention.
The Zoological Division has exhibition halls: "Aquarium fish farming" (more than 60 species of fish), "Terrarium" (34 animal species), "decorative poultry farming" (20 species of birds), as well as rich gerburnal material and entomological collections.
Programs, according to the authors, are designed not only to develop knowledge about the interaction of man and nature, but also contribute to the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of the child. This uses the tasks focused on the personality of the student and causing it empathy, admiration, anxiety feelings associated with the state of the environment.
The formation of an ecological culture in senior schools (9-11-e-e classes) is carried out based on the fact that in high schools there is a generalization of environmental knowledge about the subjects of historical and social science and natural-scientific cycles. It is important to correlate the knowledge about the environmental problems of the area with national and global problems, to identify their common features and features, compare universal values \u200b\u200bwith value orientations of students.
At the third stage of environmental education are implemented: the program "School of Environmental Knowledge" and individual consultations with members of the scientific society of students.
The main task of these programs is to upbringing environmental responsibility among students. The connection of man with nature and its impact on the surrounding world is revealed using such concepts as the "value of nature", "anthropogenic factor", "Mo-Nitoring", "Environmental Problem".
The advantage is given to comprehensive environmental expeditions, raids, hikes, because One of the conditions for implementing continuous environmental education is the relationship of theoretical and practical work on the study of the environment.
It should be noted that at all levels of environmental education, an integral component is an incentive and research work as a major means of enhancing the cognitive activities of students and the formation of environmental thinking.
Students of the 9-11 classes in the "Scientific Society of Pupils" are increasingly and more often when writing research work to the social problems of their city, developing topics: "Problems of landscaping of Strezhevoy", "Environment and health of residents Strezhevoy, "City Wednesday - as a Human Habitat", etc.
Simultaneously with this, practical focus projects are drawn up for work on the training and sector. So for 5 recent years, the project "Growing Lilac Virginsky from seeds in the conditions of the Far North" has been implemented. More than a thousand seedlings were transferred to residents of the city and organizations.
In August 2005, together with the city station of tourists, we were organized an exit summer ecological camp at the mouth of the sterling river (the inflow of the river. Ob, Aleksandrovsky district), and in July 2006 an exit expedition to the lake was organized in July 2006. According to the results of the expeditions, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the diseases of woody breeds, species composition, number and projective coating of grassy plants and lichens was carried out. Herbral specimens of plants were collected, the passport of water bodies was drawn up, the instruments of the anthills were conducted, the coastal territory was purified from garbage. Practical skills and knowledge gained by students in the process of preparing and holding field environmental expeditions, as it is impossible to best meet the goals of school and additional education.
The introduction of experimental development into the organization of the educational process demanded from the teachers of the Center to revise the content of educational programs and focus on practical activities, as a result of this, from 30 to 50% of the study time is given to practical exercises, observations, internical work.

The principles and objectives of the continuous

Ecological education

A. A. Verbitsky

Under environmental education (hereinafter referred to as EO), you can understand the process of inheritance and expanded reproduction by a man of environmental culture through training, upbringing and self-education, as well as within the framework of labor and household activities. Under continuous environmental education (Neo) - enrichment of its environmental culture throughout life. The essence of NEO can be understood through the characteristics of its main objectives: the development of environmental consciousness and thinking; environmental culture of personality and society; responsible attitude of each person to nature; Formation of practical experience in environmental management and competent decision-making (each at its level), which will contribute to a healthy lifestyle of people, sustainable socio-economic development and environmental safety of the country and the world.

Environmental culture acts as a set of experience in the interaction of people with nature, ensuring the survival and development of a person and expressed in the form of theoretical knowledge and methods of practical actions in nature and society, moral norms, values \u200b\u200band cultural traditions. Environmental consciousness - as an adequate reflection by a person of this experience, including its moral and value and responsible attitude towards nature. Environmental thinking - as a process of anticipation at the conceptual level of practical implementation of environmentally appropriate activities. Environmental education becomes genuinely continuous subject to an organic combination of actually pedagogical methods of training and education with political, economic, moral and practical (through production technology and everyday life) by means and methods of impact on the environmental consciousness and behavior of people.

The effectiveness of NEO depends not only on the presence of a sufficient number and availability of relevant educational programs and standards, diversity and quality of educational services, an explanatory education management system. Much is determined by the developed psychological support of the educational process, the creation of incentives, motivating human to be environmentally friendly, taking into account its age, cultural, life and professional experience, living conditions.

Principles of creating a system of continuous environmental education. In continuous environmental education, the following system of principles can be implemented, which must be guided by designing and implementing a holistic educational process. The principle of democratism and universality means the availability and diversity of content, species and forms of providing a person of any age, the official and social status of ecological and educational services of any kind, anywhere, at any time, of any level in accordance with

The claims, interests and capabilities of this person and at the same time, the obligation of environmental training for all, especially for managers and workers of environmentally harmful industries. The principle of humanization of environmental education involves the creation of such a lifestyle of the educational institution, in which joint creative activities, mutual education, mutual enrichment and dialogue communication of the subjects of the educational process are being created for the manifestation and development of the creative individuality of each. The principle of vertical integration of ecological education levels, the implementation of which will ensure the continuous growth of the environmental culture of the individual. The principle of horizontal coordination of the activities of the main, additional, state, non-governmental and public educational institutions creates the prerequisites for agreed educational policy in the NEO system, relieves problematic issues on the "joints" of various educational programs and pedagogical technologies. The principle of communication of environmental education with the needs of practically convertible activities of a person and society involves a refusal of abstract enlightenment in the field of environmental and environmental protection and the transition to an activity model of the educational process of contextual type, which uses real environmental data, the conditions for the use of ecological information in the context of problems and objectives of real life and professional activity of people. This principle means, in fact, the requirement of pedagogically justified integration of environmental education, science, production and human life itself. The principle of flexibility, variability, problemability, systemics and interdisciplinary content of environmental education. Flexibility requires periodic revision of the content in accordance with the changing needs of man and society in environmental education; A variety of educational programs developed by "under the consumer". Problem is a necessary condition for the development of environmental thinking and cognitive motivation in the process of learning and education; Systemity and interdisciplinary reflect the uniqueness of ecology as science, its ability to integrate various areas of theoretical knowledge and practical activity of a person, personify the unity of the ecosystem. The principle of the continuity of educational programs and pedagogical technologies ensures the continuity of the development of environmental culture, the ease of human transition to the subsequent steps of environmental education. Continuity is based on the fundamental content of environmental education defined in state educational standards. Owning the "core" of content, a person can independently choose species, pace and deadlines of training, its own program for obtaining environmental education. The principle of accounting for the environmental education of national cultural traditions, demographic, natural and socio-economic conditions of people's life concerns both the selection of the detention of training and education and the provision of the necessary environmental information for educational institutions, real for the region, city, village, as well as organizations

the educational process, organically combining the best traditions of universal and national culture. The principle of unity of general, professional and environmental education involves both the meaningful environmentalization of all existing educational programs and government educational standards of general and vocational education and the use of special environmental programs. In the aggregate, this will ensure the formation of an environmental worldview of the individual as an organic component of its total world view. An independent task is to expand educational programs for the preparation and advanced training of environmentalists and ecologists and teachers. The implementation of the latter principle means that it is not about the introduction of autonomous educational and environmental programs and the creation of a special network of specialized educational institutions (although in the necessary cases and this should take place), but on the meaningful integration of environmental, general and vocational education into the NEO system. The transition to continuous environmental education involves the systematic implementation of the set of above principles, each of which is specified in relation to one or another levels and the orientation of environmental education.

Objectives of continuous environmental education. The purpose of preschool education is to upbringing in the initial forms of the environmental culture of children, understanding the elementary relationships in nature and the characteristics of the interaction of a person with it, the scenosis of the living, the development of the initial practical skills of humane and creative and emotional interaction with the natural objects of the nearest environment. The goal of environmental education in a general education school is a responsible relationship of young people to the environment and human health based on the education of environmental consciousness and an environmentally competent attitude towards nature. The main goal of environmental education in a professional elementary school is the formation of professionalism, providing rational and environmentally friendly environmental management in accordance with the subject of its labor. The main goal of environmental education in higher education is the expansion and deepening of environmental culture in the process of training specialists (bachelors, masters); The assimilation of general and special knowledge of the essence of natural phenomena, interdependence and interaction of society, humans and nature. The main goal of environmental education in graduate school, doctoral studies - vocational education of environmentalists and environmentalization of the content of other types of professional postgraduate education, the development of the project environmental culture of the researcher. The main goal of additional environmental education of children and adults is to comprehensively satisfying the needs of people in environmental knowledge and experience, their recess and expansion. The main task is to continuously increase the ecological culture and environmental competence of students; Retraining of personnel specialists, teachers and teachers. The main goal of the activities of the structures of non-formal environmental education, education and self-education

all layers of the population (media, lecturer, museums, cultural, physical culture and sports, nature reserves, zoos, national parks, recreation and tourism zones, etc.) - the realization of citizens' rights to obtain reliable environmental information, the inclusion of each man to ensure the environmental safety of the country. Achieving this goal is associated with the provision of reliable environmental information to the population; creating conditions for continuous increase in environmental literacy; Environmental community. The main goal of the activities of the structures of environmental education is to ensure the necessary minimum of environmental literacy of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, executive and executive bodies, employees of any level management. The main tasks consist in creating conditions for obtaining without separation from the production of environmental knowledge and practical skills of environmental management and environmental protection by all employees; Preventing on this basis or note to a minimum of its pollution, stimulating the creation of environmentally friendly industries and technologies.

The conditions for the implementation of the objectives of continuous environmental education are included; recruitment of all levels and directions of environmental education; preparation of the scientific and methodological base; environmentalization of the content of all academic disciplines; Organization of an active training environment, the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, the development of psychologicopedagogical support of the educational process; financial and material and technical support of the creation, functioning and development of a system of continuous environmental education; Organization of environmental community with the help of media, cultural facilities, physical culture, sports and recreation.

sovetsky, Khmao-Ugra



Activation and socialization of the individual

In the system of continuous ecological education

Chashchechina E.E., teacher of additional education

Mau to Wed "Center" Constellation ". Hero of the Soviet Union Grishina I. T.,

sovetsky, Khmao-Ugra

The desire of each teacher to raise a competent, responsible personality, this requirement of time supported by law. The formation of a person is carried out at least by twoprocesses: Socialization and Creative Self-Development. Developing, personality becomes a subject of social relations.

My pedagogical task: the upbringing of an ecologically competent citizen who knows the general patterns of the development of nature and society that understands that the history of society is continuously connected with the history of nature, which knows all types of its activities to subjugate the requirements of rational environmental management.

As part of my activities, the model of continuous environmental education (hereinafter NEO) the younger generation has three steps.

The first stage is represented by a one-year program "Game Ecology" designed for children of preschool age and implemented on the basis of the "Popolek" kindergarten. The purpose of the program is: the creation of conditions for the formation of the child's personality, which has an ecological worldview.

The second step is the implementation of the Program "Guys on Tribes", aimed at the development of young children, designed for 3 years and implemented on the basis of a mini-zoo of the Center "Constellation". The purpose of the program: the formation of the ecological culture of children by communicating with animals of a mini-zoo.

The third stage is represented by the three-year program "Forest Patrol", designed for children of middle and older school age, is implemented on the basis of Soviet forestry. The purpose of this program: the creation of conditions for education in children of a careful, environmentally sound, socially active attitude towards nature, deepening knowledge in the field of ecology and forestry, the ability to exercise activities to save and multiply forest wealth.

The process of activating and socializing a person can be traced from acquaintance with the child and his parent to the professional self-determination of the union graduate.

The relevance of my activity is that:

1. In additional education, there are more opportunities for a continuous approach to a rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application to solve specific problems.

2. In the formation and increase in the level of ecological culture of pupils are carried out through NEO through the use of modern pedagogical technologies, improved methods and forms of training;

3. The development of a continuous system of environmental knowledge and skills, emotional-value orientations of pupils proceeding through the continuous improvement of the program-methodical support of the activities of children.

Activation and socialization of the individual as well as the model of the NEO three-step. At each stage, the pupil should have its own characteristic signs of socialization.

At the first stage, the activation and socialization of the individual is carried out through form-emotional training. On the second stage through project training. On the third stage through problem learning. Training in collaboration covered all the steps.

The main indicators of the level of personality socialization are activities (educational, socially significant), communication and self-awareness.

Consider the socialization of the person at each stage more.

Preschool and junior school age is considered as a period of accumulation of knowledge about the world around the world's emotional perception of nature. In the field of the first stage, more time is given to various types of activities, fewer time for self-consciousness. Priority technologies in educational activities for junior pupils are technologies such as game, training for zoom, ICT and cooperation technology. At this stage, I organize excursions, games, creative tasks associated with modeling, drawing, making crafts, writing fairy tales and stories on the ecological theme. Communication at this stage of intragroup, i.e. interpersonal. The development of self-consciousness is implemented through the simplest form of reflection. At this stage, the implementation of cooperation technology is carried out: the guys show activity with participation in mass events (including environmental action), and their parents help them in this. The following technology used is a game. As you know, games are different: active and passive. More often for this age I use active games. The technology of technology is implemented not only through active forms of activity, but also through practice. For example, in the subject of "medicinal plants" discloses health benefits when consumed. At the first stage, role-playing technology is also used, where the guys are trying on various social roles, for example, the role of the teacher. Children with parents prepare certain information, and then represent it to other guys.

At the second stage, the means of activating personality is the technology of educational training. The basis for the activation of the identity of the child is the ability to learn - to know the world in collaboration with other pupils. The use of the methods of projects at a given stage can significantly increase the independent activity of children, develop creative thinking, the ability of children on their own, in various ways to find information about the subject or phenomenon and use these knowledge to create new objects of reality. And also makes the educational system of unification open to active participation of parents. At this stage, I not only form knowledge of the interaction of man and nature, but also the contributing to the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of the child. Pupils of this step are consolidating their knowledge in practice and are the first assistants of the Zoo staff. By the end of the second year of study, each pupil knows how to find an approach to each animal, what his mood has and the delicious can be treated. On changes and in their free time, most pupils visits their favorites. Against the background of such communication, the guys are born mini projects about their pets. The game technology at this stage is preserved, but the form and content of the games is changing. The characteristic of the socialization of pupils at this stage is: the statement by children of his ideas; manifestation of goodwill in the assessments of the works of others; awareness of the importance of visiting children's association; The desire to correct the specified errors. The advantage of educational technology with a personal-oriented approach is the development of individual qualities. The guys learn to perform and protect their point of view. Which entails personal self-realization. When preparing events, I use the integration of educational training and project activities. Guys perform simple projects. For example, the participation of pupils with the project "Features of the room plant" in the erasability "Flowers - the beginning of all the beauty".

It should be noted that in the third stage of environmental education an integral component is problematic training as a major means of enhancing the cognitive activity of pupils and the formation of environmental and critical thinking. The introduction of problem learning, design work in the organization of educational activities required the revision of the content of the educational program and the emphasis was made on practical activity, as a result of this, more time is paid to practical exercises, observations, project work. Classes on the environmental trail deliver a lot of emotions to pupils, at the same time part of the topics for research projects is associated with an ecological path. It is the systematic and targeted research activities of pupils expanding their horizons, forms practical skills and develops creative skills, helps to better understand the practical significance of acquired knowledge, causes steady interest in classes, as well as significantly improves cognitive activities. In environmental education and education of children of this age, the unity of study, games (business, role) and labor is carried out. This contributes to the work out of the pupils of the ability to express its point of view, to defend it in the discussion, the experience of the speech before the various audience is acquired. At this stage, communication with social partners is expanding, training specialists and environmental enterprises are involved in classes. Pupils of the senior group are independently developing theatrical performances for kindergartens and elementary schools and advocate this audience. In the project "EKOTATER" involved all pupils of the older stage. Each has its own role (screenwriter, actor, designer, etc.). In preparation for significant environmental events, we use the debate, brainstorming method with adolescents.

Through NEO, such competences are formed in program participants as:

The ability to plan an association activity in various mass events;

Possession of ways to systematize and obtain information;

Manifestation of a creative approach to business;

Ability to analyze their achievements in the process of activity;

The assumption of the prospects for the use of knowledge gained in its livelihoods;

Understanding the significance of your work;

Demonstrate the skills of cooperation acquired in association and transfer them to other social groups; This is especially pronounced during the circumferential flights, where the guys have to interact not only among themselves, but also with representatives of school forestry from various cities.

Exercise results is an

- an increase in the number of pupils;

- Increasing the number of participants in contests that have occupied prizes. We especially proud that for three years in a row, the team of students of the older group is the winners of the district network simulation game "Global Question", I would like to note that last year the guys were able to circumvocate from such cities like Khanty-Mansiysk, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, showing His knowledge, cohesion and resourcefulness. This year, out of 70 teams of Russia, the guys occupied the honorable 4th place;

Increasing the number of students who participated in the activities of institutions, city, district, such as: Ecomaphone, district and district school forestry, international youth ecoforum, environmental action "Kedrosad", "Feeding", "Christmas tree". Socially significant cases in which the pupils are involved include labor entities, subbotniks, shares "Pure Forest".

Every year I am monitored by the pupils acquired by pupils, the map of participation in various events and the achievements of pupils are filled.

In conclusion, I will summarize - socialization is one of the ways to solve the problem of human responsibility in front of nature, society and every specific person. The NEO system and the introduction of innovative forms: project activities, debate, joint activities, training for social skills, allow you to solve the problems of socialization of pupils faster.

And I would like to say that the activation and socialization of the individual can be carried out only in the NEO system with the involvement of social partners.

Improving socialization indicators such as: "Activity", "Communication", "Self-Awareness" Pupils acquire a certain value structure, the ability to communicate, which means it is easily integrated into society.


To consult this topic forced every day the exacerbating situation with the position of the Botanical Gardens of Russia. And here, continuous ecological education (NEO) may ask many. This is the whole problem and the education itself and the actual botanical gardens. And together with them, field bases of educational practice of universities, field bosses, polygons, timbering, etc. etc. The problem is that the cornerstone of it fell out of the NEO system, an unfulfilled element of the entire methodology for teaching natural knowledge is practicing experiment, research. And this topic currently can have very significant negative consequences due to a national call to all municipal, regional bodies of local authorities on the urgent development of NEO concepts with the level of local legislation. With appropriate financing and relevant organizational and administrative actions.

Shine and poverty of continuous environmental education in Russia

All, without exception, the authors emphasizes the presence of outdated technologies and worn equipment of many industries, the low level of environmental culture and literacy of employees, professional unpreparedness of specialists and workers for servicing the processes of environmental control, monitoring, cleaning and processing (disposal) of waste disposal, which are also a factor worsening the environmental situation. The majority of people recalls ecology between other affairs, paying attention to some blatant fact (pollution of the water and soil with oil and oil products due to the accident on the oil pipeline, reset the untreated wastewater in the water and other), which is an expression of the surface attitude towards The problem is not only individuals, but also in the whole society. The reason for this is the low standard of living of the majority of the population, the increase in which the priority plan puts forward the intensive exploitation of natural resources without taking into account the damage and practical non-compliance with environmental standards by industrial enterprises. The main contradiction is revealed: on the one hand, the intensive exploitation of natural resources leads to an increase in the country's national income, on the other hand, the worsening of the environmental quality leads to a decrease in the quality of life of the population, an increase in occupational diseases and the weakening of public health. Even at the first professional view, the main misconception is visible: in the foreground, a purely material problem. It is completely eliminated so important in the sociology of large systems aspect, which are both intangible environmental resources, intangible aspects of ecology and, accordingly, environmental education and education. But with such a one-sided approach, it is impossible to achieve the main objectives of NEO: rational nature management and harmonious development of human society and the environment. There is a blatant ignoring the basic principles of sustainable development, providing for the interaction of all elements of the Triad "People-Society-Nature".

In the field of environmental education over the past 10-15 years, a lot of work has emerged. In connection with the problem under study, there are certain interests of the work carried out in the following areas: regional systems of ecological education (L.V. Moiseeva, MA Yakunchev, R.A. Mahabadarova, R.V. Oparin, N.G. Troitskaya, N.V. Rusakova, O.V. Popova, I.Yu. Kiseleva, etc.); Theoretical and methodological problems of environmental education (E.A. Kogai, L.P. Viktorova, N.Z. Smirnova, I.T. Gaysin et al.); Environmentalization disciplines and integrated training (V.A. Ignatova, V.I. Nikolina, Yu.V. Zheleznyakova, I.F. Tokareva, E.G. Maysh, N.F. Vinokurova, etc.); Ecological upbringing (I.F. Vinogradova, T.P. Yuzhakova, L.I. Burov, I.V. Tvetkova, I.A. Ryzhova, G.G. Parfilova, etc.); Environmental education and education at school (T.A. Babakov, B. C. Shilova, G.S. Kamenilova, O.N. Ponomareva, N.V. Scalon, O.Yu. Timofeeva, etc.); Formation of ecological culture (E.V. Nikonorova, S.N. Kohschev, V.V. Baharev, E.I. Efimova, O.G. Tovstuha et al.); Ecological training of teachers and teachers (A.V. Mironov, M.A. Ligai, A.G. Busygin, S.V. Alekseev, T.M. Nosova, V.Yu. Osipova, I.P. Ryabinina, L. V. Panfilova et al.); Environmental education (L.A. Kohanova); Environmental training (N.M. Alexandrov). In the area of \u200b\u200bcontinuous environmental education of the regional and federal levels there are publications of the authors: S.V. Alekseeva, I.D. Zverev, s.m. Chernova, E.L. Kriksunova, I.T. Gaisina, L.B. Streltsova, L. Borkova, N.G. Calegina, I.T. Summer, L.L. Pleshakov, L.V. Mironova, O.G. Kozmina, N.S. Pavlova, B.M. Mirkin, L.G. Naumova, V.M. Nazarenko, S.N. Kohcheva, M.L. Yakunchev, Ya.D. Vishnyakova, V.S. Belova, N.M. Alexandrova et al. The basics of their concepts are the biological aspects of ecology (the interaction of the plant and animal world with the environment and their mutual influence, the influence of harmful substances on the vegetable and animal world), the continuity of environmental education. Despite such an extensive intellectual supply, all authors recognize inaccessibility for students in general education institutions and universities in the environmental education system, industrial and regional aspects of ecology, including the study of the causes, conditions and sources of harmful emissions, their physicochemical and toxic properties, the effects of influence on Environment, possible ways to capture, with subsequent disposal, disposal or liquidation.

With all the visible manifold of the forms of school environmental education, their effectiveness, unfortunately, is low. The reasons for such a state of affairs are in a slight interest, professional unpreparedness of the leading and pedagogical personnel of the education system to develop educational environmental culture.

In the system of additional education, for example, the Samara region, employs more than 80% of students, but only 5% of this number is trained in environmental-biological orientation programs. The positive results of the development of environmental additional education of children of the region are confirmed by the results of interregional, all-Russian and international competitions, Olympiads, festivals, conferences, where students demonstrate a high level of achievements, protect the honor of the region and countries, receive diplomas and diplomas of the highest rank.

But, unfortunately, as noted by the direct participants of this process themselves, in additional environmental education more problems than success.

It is quite clear that the development of the concept and implementation of continuous environmental education, taking into account the industrial and regional aspects of ecology, can be carried out solely on the basis of systemic analysis, which allows to consider the structure and content of continuous environmental education as a holistic object, from the active knowledge of the environment in preschool institutions and The continuity of the knowledge gained, skills and skills in high school, in high school, in the areas of education to open environmental education with a mandatory study of separately or in the integrated form of industrial and regional aspects of ecology in the structure of the system, with the active connection of all layers and social groups of society. In this case, the structure means a combination of sustainable bonds of the system, providing its integrity and identity, i.e. Saving basic properties with various external and internal changes. Only within the framework of system analysis and approach is possible a logical organization of continuous environmental education, taking into account the biological, industrial and regional aspects of the ecology. The combination of these areas into a single continuous environmental educational technology is the basis for the formation and development of the ecological culture of the population of the region. What actually is declared by the concept of sustainable development in the "Agenda XXI century". But we are confronted with a completely Russian approach, departmental. Problems, systemic analysis of these problems are engaged in the bulk of two separate, often separated communities: the pedagogical community and researchers of problems and sustainable development issues. It is well known that the concept of sustainable development is a recommendatory nature and in relation to each particular country, the local community should have its own characteristics, their local priorities. Mechanical transfer of that successful experience that already exists, for example, in Brazil or Costa Rica is absolutely impossible to transfer to Russia without deep analysis and a deliberate, reasonable adaptation. Any attempts of such transfer are doomed not only to failure and discredit the foundations of sustainable development themselves, but they entail very serious socio-political problems. What can also be demonstrated on specific examples of Russian "environmental public movements", when their actions come into concrete contradictions with local development needs, including civil society development. It cannot be ruled out that such brought from the outside, eliminating local community requests, experience provokes and creates a negative attitude of the country's major public to participate in various "environmental initiatives". What is primarily reflected in the upbringing of the country's population of the already experiencing certain difficulties, feelings or open passivity, or a pronounced protest in relation to the authorities trying, any methods to cut down the adhesives of the mechanistic transfer of the "Western-style sustainable development". The formal, single-sided perception of environmental knowledge, without taking into account its participation in geopolitical issues by and large, is characterized by modern Russian education, which for a number of years has been experiencing a problem of the breaking of natural-scientific and humanitarian knowledge. And the results of this gap in directly affect the formation of not only NEO, but also on the formation of the country's environmental policy as a whole.

An important aspect of the NEO problem is reflected in the works of G.V. Mukhametzyanova, A. M. Novikova, N.N. Nechaeva, N.M. Talanchuk, N.Sh. Valeeva et al. In which the concept of continuous professional education is defined as the condition of its socialization and professionalization. However, this very significant issue is also very unilateral for modern Russian education and modern Russian society. Excluding the transition of the world and, accordingly, the countries are actively involved in the processes of globalization, to the post-industrial society. What in itself requires the transition to a conceptually different level of training of specialists. Today's and tomorrow's level is a system for preparing a pair and transproofessional, having skills and methodology solutions, respectively, both standard and unique tasks. And in the process of such training, issues of formation of environmental thinking occupy almost most important place. However, here are opinions, research, methodological developments are divided and not used as they need to implement, but in the fact of proximity to the system. Therefore, the situation in which scientific and practical conferences on NEO topics, education for sustainable development and education reform in the country / region takes nature not annecoticity, and a completely real event. In this case, respectively, solutions and resolutions can be diametrically opposed. If you add numerous similar activities for this background for the construction of civil society (in which ecology issues occupy one of the defining places), youth policy, territorial development of the country, conference and congresses of public organizations and movements, it becomes clear that diverse medium in which it becomes almost impossible to create something real and constructive. As a result, legal acts are prepared and implemented, federal laws that not only often contradict each other, but also contradict the basic goals and tasks for which they are actually developed. In the field of NEO, this concerns, for example, the laws "on the environment", "OOPT", "On Education", the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, not counting by subtitle, departmental acts, and the laws of local authorities. To date, Botanical gardens, biostanities and other structures, intended for studying the foundations of environmental knowledge in directly natural environment, have become the main ones that have already consisted of problem objects of a holistic ecological education system and enlightenment. Intended initially to conduct educational work among the widest masses of the population. Designed for the implementation of the most comprehensive analytical work on the study of the relationships and interaction of a human-society-society. Is it possible to talk about the effectiveness of any academic work if an experiment is excluded in its process? Study? After all, it was reliably proven that the effectiveness of the Soviet education system in certain blocks of knowledge was fully dependent on the availability and possibilities of one or another educational institution to ensure full-fledged practical work. It concerned the knowledge of the physical block, the chemical block, where the implementation of practical work was possible and was achieved by implementing specialized cabinets secured in one degree or another equipment, reagents necessary for infrastructure (gas supply, water to the parties). Modern Western Education is unthinkable without extremely branched networks of biostanosis and botanical gardens. Suffice it to say that the network of biostancies of US universities exceeds 400 territories. There are about 400 botanical gardens in Europe. And this is not counting national parks and other similar, purely reserved territories. Russia also find similar examples. Some of the Moscow State University recognized for the universities today, Kazan State University has a similar, powerful once, infrastructure. Is it not explained by this, among other things, and a recognized level of training of graduates of these universities?

Based on the foregoing, no longer becomes such a "innocent" substantiation of theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the "pedagogical vertical of the NEO in the form: Children's pre-school institutions - a school - college (technical school) - university - postgraduate education. It seems that the central link in this chain is a university, Especially, classical university. " At the same time, the main resources that, allegedly, should ensure the effective implementation of NEO, marked exclusively "educational and scientific laboratories, museums, computer classes of universities." But where is the place of field practice of schoolchildren, students? Where in this "vertical" the place to familiarize yourself with natural phenomena and objects for preschoolers or the older generation, right up to pensioners and people with physical health problems? Where is the educational work with the large masses of the population? In museums, with closed in limited space, stuffed and exhibits under glass? Or maybe we are talking about the growing recent "virtualization of natural-scientific education" recently, replacing a trip to the Botanical Garden or Zoological Park, to a particularly protected area of \u200b\u200bregional importance, acquaintances with real biological scientists working in the real field of conservation of biodiversity of this particular region virtual Tour behind the monitor screen in a stuffy class / audiences? So it floats a slightly modified classical phrase: "Well, how should I hate my students to, teaching and instilling the foundations of environmental knowledge, deprive them of direct acquaintance with nature?"

This aspect of this problem is important, which in recent years in the solution of environmental issues "rushed" a lot of amateurs (G.L. Rytov, 2007), which even proclaimed the slogan "Debiological" ecology! It is absolutely not permissible, because it is impossible only one ecological science ("social ecology") to equate to a more general concept of "ecology", which, unfortunately, is trying to do, including within one region, many public organizations of the environmental focus by virtue or financial, or political, or ambitious, or other reasons. What directly affected the leveling of the role and functions and perception by the population of botanical gardens and zoological parks exclusively as a place for picnics? And moreover, the issues of "efficiency of use" of these territories began to be widely discussed. It seems that the same technocratic principle, which currently prevailed at the country's industrial enterprises currently began to be applied to the country's industrial enterprises, in which the requirements of environmental protection come into conflict with the need to save funds.

Huge wines in this lies on regional media, where the issues of the environmental condition of the environment find very definite coverage, but it should be noted that they are often characterized by a low professional level of coverage of environmental and environmental problems. Due to the small attraction of ecologists of publications in newspapers and reports on television, a sensational, momentary character is more likely, than scientifically based. Often it generates an unhealthy excitement among the local population, which is traditionally accustomed to "believe" to journalists. What actually is observed in relation to the media to the problems of the same botanical gardens. Even in cases where the situation with one or another botanical garden or a dendrological park is already beyond the framework of the legal field, when the question arises on the existence of the most unique territory, the media is at all hurry with their analysis of the situation and reporting true, truthful information to the population . Often they fulfill the functions of informing from the standpoint of the side of the "stakeholders or groups", which created the original sharp problem, based on their completely utilitarian motives. As an example, you can bring the latest events around Utrish Dolphinarium or Botanical Garden of the Southern Federal University.

Surely the reader will have the eternal Russian question "What to do?" Do what our neighbors do. Again, with the reservation about adaptation in relation to local conditions. How to combine pious gusts of different ministries: education and science, natural resources, social development, etc.? It is possible to implement in the form that has been accepted and works, for example, in Kyrgyzstan, where, under the Ministry of Ecology and Emergencies, the Department of Ecology and Environmental Monitoring is operating the department of information and analytical support and environmental education. One of whose functions is to participate in the organization of an environmental education system. Given the importance of environmental education for the general population, the department coordinates work and supports close relationship with public and scientific organizations, general education institutions, in carrying out, in part of environmental education, a number of state and government programs, such as comprehensive foundations of development, the development of ecological tourism in Kyrgyzstan Deed to the Year of Tourism and the International Year of Mountains, etc. One of the important components of the environmental policy of the department is the training of specialists who can solve the ecological problems of the most of the most outskirts.

The word "ecology" was currently the most common not only among specialists from various profiles, and mostly among teachers of schools and higher educational institutions and extensive spoken speech. Environmental education forms personal social and psychological, attachment of active civil position in relation to the environment and to the whole society. And as a result, environmental education in a wide variety of forms is an important condition for the democratic development of our state. Botanical gardens, biostandations, zoological parks in the structure of environmental education, environmental education, the formation of an environmental consciousness is nothing more than the main, basic, determining the components of the entire process, defining its effectiveness in the end. And, therefore, the effectiveness of the development of society as a whole.