Night beauty growing from seeds. Mirabilis: about growing from seeds, photo of a night beauty

The night beauty is a flower that is quite rare, although even a novice florist can handle its cultivation. This plant with a very exotic appearance is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family, which has about 60 species. Mirabilis is also surprising in that it can be represented by a variety of colors and is capable of pollination. The diameter of one flower is small - 3-3.5 cm. We will talk about how to decorate your garden with this beautiful flower and how to grow mirabilis correctly in this article.

Did you know?Mirabilis got its name for the unusual opportunity for flowers to open the petals not during the day, but in the late afternoon, and in the morning "close" the bud.

When to sow mirabilis

Mirabilis most often requires proper cultivation especially from seeds. Before you begin the process of "feeding" the plant, you need to know when is the best time to plant a flower. There are two favorable periods for landing.

If you decide grow mirabilis in a greenhouse, then it is necessary to sow seeds in early April in a semi-warm room of a greenhouse / greenhouse. If you have decided planting mirabilis seeds simply in open soil, it is necessary to plant them already in early May, when the soil is warmed up.

Important!Planting mirabilis immediately in open ground is recommended only to residents of the southern regions.

For seed way you can use both store-bought seeds and seeds collected with your own hands after mirabilis has bloomed.

How to prepare the substrate for sowing

Before you talk about planting mirabilis and how to plant this plant with seeds, you need to know what soil is best to plant it in.

If you decide to grow mirabilis in open field, then it is recommended to prepare the soil for planting in the fall, namely, lime and add a little ash just before planting. This will speed up the growth process.

The best mixture for sowing mirabilis will be a mixture of peat, humus / compost, soddy soil and sand. These components should be used in the following ratio: 2 parts of garden (turf land) must be mixed with 2 parts of peat, one part of humus and 0.5 parts of washed dried sand. Mirabilis is unpretentious, so for some gardeners it grows even in loamy soils.

Important!Mirabilis does not tolerate too acidic environment of the substrate!

Favorable conditions for seedlings

If the night beauty, when grown from seeds, was already planted in the right soil when planted at the first stage, now you need to take care that the seedlings sprout well and give a quality planting material.

Seedlings are best grown when room temperature(18-22 degrees). When you notice the first signs of seedlings, they must be rearranged in a well-lit place. When there are more seedlings, the weakest of them are removed and swooped down.

Did you know?The root system of Mirabilis grows in length and the best capacity for seedlings will be oblong, deep containers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing mirabilis for seedlings is a responsible first step in growing a plant. This must be done clearly and correctly in order to get a healthy plant.

How to prepare seeds

Planting mirabilis for seedlings begins with the preparation of mirabilis seeds before planting. The seeds are quite large, hidden under a rough shell. For speedy germination, they are prepared by soaking. Before proceeding with the germination of seeds, they must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed with water and, preventing drying, put on wet discs and cover. It is best to store these seeds in a washed food container in the refrigerator. They will germinate quite quickly, the main thing is to ensure that the seeds are always in a humid environment.

Important!Germination can be replaced by the process of scarification: it is enough to rub the seed coat with a nail file or soft emery, this must be done very carefully, without damaging the seed itself.

Planting seeds

Mirabilis is an unpretentious plant, and the process of planting seeds is quite simple.

  1. The selected containers must be filled with three-quarters of the substrate for planting and rammed;
  2. Moisten the soil with a fungicide ("Fundazol", "Maxim", "Vitaros");
  3. Two seeds should be put in each container, they do not need to be buried;
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top;
  5. Seeds are watered from the edge and do it in such a way that they do not float to the surface;
  6. Cover the containers with plastic or polyethylene and put in a warm place.

As you can see, the process is quite simple and interesting. If you happen to be planting several varieties, it is better to sign each container.

How to care for Mirabilis seedlings

Mirabilis seedlings should be stored in a warm, well-lit place and watered when the earth in the container is dry. The first top dressing is carried out even before planting in open ground with mineral fertilizers for seedlings containing elements that dissolve easily in water. Mirabilis seedlings must be placed in a bright place at room temperature.

Mirabilis is a truly unique plant, originally from America, proudly bearing the title of "night beauty". Flowers have a variety of colors, based on separate species. Night beauty can attract attention and give an incredible fragrance in dark time days. There is nothing difficult in planting and caring for Mirabilis in the open field, which is why the plant is ideal for beginner gardeners.

Mirabilis varieties

The “Night Beauty” has one feature - from time to time, buds of not one, but a wide variety of shades grow on one stem. The growth of such a plant can reach up to 80 centimeters. Mirabilis is good to propagate, because the seeds retain their quality for three years.

It is worth highlighting the following varieties of mirabilis:

Each type has its own characteristics. Based on the type you have chosen, properly plant and care for Mirabilis in the open field.

Rules for planting and caring for mirabilis in the open field

Before landing, it is worth remembering about the features of our climate. Unfortunately we don't have comfortable conditions for growing this flower, so it can only be used as an annual.

The Jalapa species is the only one that can grow comfortably in our climate.

The plant comes from warm regions, so it needs enough heat and sunlight. Requires maintenance of moisture, will not tolerate its absence. "Night Beauty" is ideal for people who have their own greenhouse. Pots with mirabilis you can put there.

Planting methods

In the presence of an adult plant, the most practical way plantings are seeds. The ideal time for planting and leaving Mirabilis in the open ground is summer. At this time, the plant independently begins to accelerate its growth, and the fertilizer will make it stronger. If your area has a mild climate, planting mirabilis with seeds - the best way. In addition to seeds, cuttings and tubers can be used.

The period from the end of March to the beginning of April is suitable for planting the "night beauty". Landing is carried out in special boxes. It is necessary to germinate in. Observe temperature regime around 18-20 degrees above zero.

There is perfect way to accelerate growth. It helps to see significant results in just 15 days. You need to take the seeds and put them in a damp cloth. Leave them for 6 hours. After that, you can engage in landing. The result will not keep you waiting.

You can use growth promoters. We take a container with a growth stimulator, put the seeds and leave for several hours. After that, we take out the seeds and plant them. The whole process helps to accelerate growth within 14 days.

Planting and leaving mirabilis in open ground with roots is practiced immediately, the period from May to June is best suited for this.

Reproduction by tubers is carried out using planting material. This method is common in stores for quickly obtaining beautiful seedlings. Therefore, buying a copy you like is almost always possible and will not take you much time. Prices are a little high, but there is an alternative option - buying roots or seedlings in the market. Storage is carried out at a temperature of 5 and above degrees. It is imperative to observe the temperature regime, otherwise the plant will not last long. If planting in the spring, be sure to germinate the tubers. However, this method of planting and leaving mirabilis in the open field with a tuber is extremely rare due to its drying out in winter.

Planting by cuttings is the most time-consuming and effort-consuming method. At the same time, the process practically does not bring any effect; as a result, it will have to be supplemented by the methods described above. Be sure to dry the cut immediately after preparing the shoots.

night beauty care

The plant requires minimal care, because it is not capricious at all. To begin with, it is worth choosing the right landing site, after which it is already necessary to fertilize, timely and dosed, remove weeds. The flower is not suitable for the urban climate, so planting and leaving mirabilis in the ground must be done in the suburbs.

"Night Beauty" is fertilizer friendly, so you can use it 3-4 times a season. Complex fertilizer is best for plant strengthening and growth. The watering process is easy, it is enough to do it regularly, but do not overfill.

Planting and care of Mirabilis in the open field is simple, without taking much time. Despite a minimum of effort, in a short period of time you will get a fabulous night plant with a pleasant aroma.

Mirabilis planting video

The simplest and reliable way mirabilis reproduction is cultivation through. So that by the time of planting in the garden to get enough developed plants, start sowing in early April.

How to prepare seeds, photo

Mirabilis seeds are large, covered with a dense thick shell. Therefore, planting with germinated seeds is more effective. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for several days before the pecking appears.

Before germinating seeds, treat them in a thick pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with water, put on wet cotton pads or cloth and cover.

Make sure the seeds don't dry out. Moisten them with a spray bottle from time to time.

For germinating Mirabilis seeds, it is convenient to use food containers from the supermarket. First, wash the container thoroughly with dishwashing detergent and dry well, otherwise mold may form on the walls of the container and on the seeds.

Germination can be replaced by heating the seeds in hot water within half an hour. You can also apply the technique: lightly rub the shell of mirabilis seeds with a piece of sandpaper or make neat cuts with a nail file. Do this carefully to break the seed coat, but not damage the seed itself.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For sowing, use ready ground from the store or make the soil for mirabilis seedlings yourself. Mix 2 parts, 2 parts soddy or garden soil, 1 part well-rotted and 0.5 parts washed sand. Night beauty loves neutral or slightly alkaline soils, so add 2 tablespoons or 0.5 cups to the mixture for every 5 liters of mixture. Stir. Fill small pots ¾ full with mixture and compact. Pour until completely wet with a fungicide solution (Vitaros, Fundazol, Maxim). Place 2 seeds in each pot.

If you have several varieties of the same flower, then put labels. From above, cover the seeds with soil mixture with a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters.

Pour in a thin stream, starting from the edge of the pot - so that the seeds do not float to the surface.

Place in a greenhouse or in a clean plastic bag and place in a warm place.

Mirabilis from seeds: seedling care

At a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° С, the seeds of the nocturnal beauty sprout after 5-6 days. Prepared in a different way rise a little longer. After the emergence of shoots, put the pots with seedlings in a bright place. When the first true leaf begins to appear in the seedlings, it is necessary to remove the weaker shoots, leaving one of the most developed ones in the pot.

At the same time, make the first top dressing with a mineral solution (Krepysh, Fertika, Mortar), which dissolves well in water and, in addition to the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), contains all the necessary trace elements. Water the seedlings after the earthen coma has completely dried out, because mirabilis seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging.

As soon as the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm, transfer them to larger pots and feed them again.

Mirabilis flower: planting and care, photo

After the warm weather is established and the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in the garden on permanent place. 2 weeks before, gradually accustom her to fresh air and sunbeams.

Mirabilis bushes are quite large and spreading, so place the planting holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The soil he prefers clay and loamy with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then add 300-400 g for digging wood ash or 200 g dolomite flour per 1 sq. m. About 1/3 of a bucket of rotted compost and 1-2 tablespoons of full compost can be added to prepared holes.

This will be enough for the whole season, and you can not worry about top dressing, because with an excess of fertilizers, mirabilis begins to grow rapidly at the expense of flowering. Only after the night beauty blooms, you can make another top dressing with porcelain-potassium fertilizers. It is better to apply them to the soil in a dry form before watering.

Remove the seedlings from the pot, being careful not to destroy the earthen ball, place in the prepared hole.

Fill the voids around the roots with soil, compact a little, forming a small hole for watering. Mulch the soil with peat so that a crust does not form when watering.

Water well.

How to grow a night beauty flower in the garden

Regularly weed loosen the soil around the plant at a distance of 20 cm so as not to damage the juicy tuber. Mirabilis is watered only in dry weather, but it must be remembered that with an acute lack of moisture in extreme heat, the onset of flowering may be delayed.

Mirabilis is one of those flowers, all the beauty and sophistication of which you understand far from immediately. His unusual lifestyle surprises not only novice flower lovers, but also experienced gardeners. After all, his delicate flowers enjoy not the warm sun, but the cold moonlight. They bloom only closer to sunset, when the night luminary already appears in the summer sky. For this feature, Mirabilis is often called "night dawn" or "night beauty".

Another amazing feature of the sublunar beauty is a huge variety of colors of flowers. Her "gramophones" surprise with snow-white, pale pink, lilac and purple, carmine and golden hues. But the most interesting thing is that in some species and varieties, this entire palette can miraculously coexist together not only on one plant, but even on one flower. There are specimens with contrasting stripes, specks and spots. Sometimes only one calyx segment can be of a different shade.

A lush green bush, all strewn with bright flowers, with the onset of evening begins to emit a delicate tropical aroma that cannot leave nocturnal insects indifferent. At dusk, a real fluttering cloud of moths and night butterflies forms over Mirabilis.

This incredible plant comes from Mexico and the northern part of the South American continent, where its wild varieties can be found everywhere. In our latitudes, out of 50 cultivated varieties, the Mexican version of the night princess, mirabilis jalapa, has taken root best of all. Its interesting varieties begin to bloom already at the beginning of summer, delighting with their expressiveness and bright aroma until the first frost.

Selecting a landing site

Wild types of mirabilis growing in places with a warm climate are perennials. However, in our harsh winters root system nocturnal beauty can not stand low temperatures, That's why v middle lane In Russia, this flower is grown as an annual plant.

The right choice of a place for landing a heat-loving guest will be a guarantee good development plants, its abundant and long flowering. Considering the tropical nature of Mirabilis, choose a sunny and draft-protected place for it with fertile, water- and breathable soil. If a native of tropical countries is calm about the lack of moisture, then its excess has a detrimental effect on the plant, so when preparing a flower bed, do not choose places with a low level of the earth or provide good drainage.

In addition, the increased acidity of the soil also negatively affects the vegetation of the plant. If your site has just such a soil, it is necessary to carry out its liming.

Landing of the night beauty

Mirabilis can be grown in several ways: from seeds, tubers or cuttings. The simplest and therefore the most common option is planting a plant with seeds. This is the most affordable option also because in our latitudes, under the condition of a sufficiently dry and warm summer, the seeds of the princess of the night ripen remarkably, retaining their germination for several years. In addition, they are quite large and have a hard shell, so landing them does not present any problems.

If you want to get flowers already in June, then you should grow mirabilis through seedlings.

  • For this, the seeds are already in the first decade of April should be planted in pots filled with a light substrate with neutral acidity.
  • To speed up the germination of seeds, pre-soak them for a period of 12 hours to a day in a damp cloth.
  • Plant the seeds in prepared pots with a substrate, deepening no more than 2 cm.
  • Cover containers with seeds with a film or glass to create the effect of a greenhouse, which will also speed up the germination process.
  • Place the pots in a warm (+ 22–25 ° C) place for germination. At this stage, lighting does not play a role. Shoots usually appear a couple of weeks after planting.
  • When the first seedlings appear, move the containers to a window sill with sufficient sun or another location with similar conditions. Optimum temperature for the development of seedlings is in the range from + 18 ° C to + 20 ° C.
  • Seedlings require moderate watering, which is done after the soil has dried on the surface. Excess moisture can kill plants.

When there is no opportunity to grow mirabilis seedlings, you can plant the seeds of the night beauty directly into the ground.

  • Landing dates should be chosen not before the end of April when the soil warms up properly.
  • Pre-soaked seeds are planted on a prepared flower bed at intervals of 5–7 cm, taking into account subsequent thinning. Planting material is deepened by no more than 2 cm.
  • Plantings are watered abundantly warm water and cover with foil nonwoven fabric before the appearance of the first shoots.
  • If the threat of night frost has already passed, the mini-greenhouse can be removed.

Mirabilis seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May, after the weather becomes consistently warm. Do not forget that a place for a tropical beauty should be chosen in the sunniest and warmest corner of your garden. Leave the interval between seedlings from 30 cm to half a meter, depending on the future size of the plant. Usually the height of the bush reaches from 80 cm to 1 meter, but recently received dwarf varieties up to 40 cm high.

How to take care of the princess of the night

Mirabilis at all unpretentious flower, and if the soil and the landing site are correctly selected for it, then it will not cause you additional trouble. Like most cultivated plants, the night beauty requires regular watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.

  • Outdoors mirabilis loves plentiful, but not frequent watering. Stagnation of moisture should not be allowed, watering the plant on average once a week, depending on the amount of precipitation. The princess perfectly tolerates nights and dry periods, but then flowering may slow down, and its intensity will be somewhat lower. To prevent this from happening, in the complete absence of rain, water the plant once every two days.
  • Mirabilis responds well to top dressing, which he needs at least three per season: at the beginning of the growing season (before the first buds appear), in the middle and at the end of summer. Use mineral complexes for top dressing, and note that the second and third time the fertilizer should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as it inhibits flowering and promotes the growth of green mass.
  • The essential advantage of mirabilis is that it is very resistant to various pests and diseases and therefore does not require additional protection measures.
  • In order for your night beauty to please with its flowering appearance, do not forget not only to water and feed the plant, but also regularly loosen the ground under the bushes and remove weeds.
  • With the onset of frost, you can dig up mirabilis tubers and put them away until the next season in a cool, dark place, placing them in a container filled with sawdust or newspapers. If winters are mild enough in your area, you can leave the tubers for the winter in the ground under a thick layer of mulch or covered with spruce branches.

Mirabilis in landscape design

Among the many varieties of night beauty, there are both tall (up to 1 m) and dwarf (up to 40 cm) varieties. Depending on these features, they choose the role that the princess of the night can play in your garden.