A bed with a lifting mechanism creaks what to do. Removing bed squeak

Any material changes its shape and characteristics over time, respectively - defects may appear in coatings and objects made from it. The bed creaks - how to eliminate this unpleasant, ear-piercing sound? This phenomenon brings households a lot of inconvenience, due to the fact that it is impossible to turn around at night without disturbing someone's sleep. When finances do not allow you to update the sleeping place, the question arises of what to do to remove these unpleasant sounds.

We determine the cause of the creak:

  • The first step is to remove the mattress with an orthopedic base from the bed structure, put them on the floor.

Important! An orthopedic base is a special base made of wooden planks - it is located under the mattress.

  • Check if the mattress creaks. You need to make sure that this mattress is not the source of an unpleasant squeak before you move on to checking the frame itself. bed. You need to climb onto the mattress and move around a bit. If creaking is heard, then its cause is the mattress.
  • Check the orthopedic base for creaking. It is necessary to press on it from above and try to shake it. If you hear a creak, most likely it is it that creates all the problems.
  • Shake the legs of the structure and listen carefully. An unpleasant sound often appears where there are butt joints between the legs and the rest of the frame.

Important! It is necessary to try to find the exact place where the creaking comes from.

  • Shake the support bars from below on the inside of the structure frame. Support bars are usually made of wood or metal. They are always located at a certain distance from each other and stretch from one side of the frame to the second. On the slats, an orthopedic base with a mattress is later laid. You need to press down on each support bar to see if they make an annoying sound.

Important! Very often, the cause of a creak is caused by the friction of one piece of wood against another.

Eliminate the creak

So, now you can answer the question of what to do if the bed creaks. To save your bed from creaking, you must perform this algorithm:

  1. take it all the right tools for further work with part of the bed that turned out to be faulty. You need to look at exactly how the butt joint of the bed frame is arranged, and where the sound comes from. If in your case the mount is screwed, you need to take a screwdriver right size. If bolted - arm yourself with a wrench.
  2. Tighten the butt joint that makes an extraneous sound. Often the main cause of bed creaking is weak fastenings in butt joints. Before disassembling the frame, you need to tighten the screws and bolts in those places where an unpleasant sound is made.
  3. Use a washer if there is any difficulty with the bolt not being fully tightened.
  4. Completely disassemble the butt joint if the bed still creaks. Use your toolbox to unscrew and remove any bolts or screws that hold the parts together. Put shots done in separate place so you don't accidentally lose them. Separate the frame parts that are included in the problematic butt joint.
  5. Lubricate all elements butt joint. Apply grease to the surfaces of the two parts of the butt joint that touch each other. Next will be listed the best views lubricants for this purpose:
    • Paraffin is a waxy substance that comes in the form of bars. They are easy to rub the parts you need.
    • WD-40 is an aerosol lubricant suitable for treating beds with metal carcass. The only negative is that it can dry out over time.
    • Candle wax can be used to remove bed squeak. They need to rub the workpieces.
    • Silicone Grease. It can be purchased at a hardware store, and then treated with it all the problematic elements of the butt joint - this way you will get rid of the squeak for a long time.
  6. Reassemble the bed frame. Return to their places all the parts that were unscrewed, screw in all the bolts and screws.

Important! It must be ensured that all fasteners have been tightened tightly so that later they can not make even more noise.

  1. Check if the screeching has stopped. Try rocking your bed to check for annoying sounds.

We fix problems quickly

creaks wooden bed What if you can't repair it yourself? Below are a few useful tips to solve this problem:

  1. Lay the support bars of the frame with unnecessary clothing. The fabric will prevent the orthopedic base or mattress from creating friction with the bed frame.
  2. Use cork sealant to fill excess gaps in wood framed bed construction.
  3. Slip a towel or other cloth under the uneven legs of the bed so that it cannot sway and make unnecessary sounds.
  4. Place a book under the mattress near the source of the squeak. If the annoying sound comes from the support bars, it is necessary to remove the mattress with an orthopedic base from the sleeping place, and then lay the book on the creaking bar. After that, you need to return the orthopedic base and mattress to their place.

05/30/2018 0 6 639 views

Why can a bed creak, and what should its owner do in this situation? How to eliminate an unpleasant sound and identify the main causes of creaking?

Sound sleep is the key to a productive day. During rest, strength is restored, assimilated nutrients and accumulate energy. However, some circumstances can interfere with the quality of sleep. One of the negative influencing factors can be a malfunction of the bed. The poor quality of the mattress or the furniture itself not only affects sleep, but also leads to health problems.

The reasons

Before you start to deal with the problem, study the possible causes of its occurrence. Many of them are associated with a long period of use of the bed. Over time, the tree from which the frame and base are made begins to dry out. The mattress also becomes faulty, loses its former quality.

However, even a new bed can cause rattles. This indicates its incorrect assembly or poor quality materials. To more accurately determine the source of an annoying sound, you should take a closer look at the following things:

  • Mattress. In most cases, the springs creak when they are not isolated from each other. But not only spring mattresses can be a source of unpleasant sound. Poor-quality polymer in an all-polymer model leads to grinding.
  • lifting mechanism. The reason may be weak fasteners (weight and sudden movements of people on the bed are the reasons for loosening the fastening), a malfunction of the spring block.
  • High legs. Occurs at the junction of the bed frame and legs. And the higher the legs, the greater the risk of creaking.
  • Support bars. They are lamellas that form the base of the frame. They have an orthopedic base and a mattress. One of possible causes rattle - touching details.
  • Rack base. Wooden slats attached to the frame. Most often, an unpleasant sound comes from the place where the support bars are attached. In addition, wood parts tend to dry out.

Determining the source of an unpleasant sound

  1. Pull out the mattress. Place it on the floor, sit on it, then walk around. If you hear a sound, then you can safely assume that the matter is a malfunction of the mattress.
  2. Rock a bed without a mattress. If no sound comes out, then the cause of the creak is the mattress. However, there may be more than one source of sound.
  3. Check the rack bottom. Click on each wooden lamella and listen to which one is making the sound.
  4. Rock the bed frame. The rattle indicates poor fastening or malfunction of the frame materials.
  5. Check lifting mechanism. If it is the sound source, it is recommended to check the connection to the frame. For wooden devices There is also a drying problem.
  6. If you still have not identified the cause, and the bed still creaks terribly, contact a specialist.

What to do if the frame creaks?

The creak is typical for wooden frame, the details of which dry out over time. And if the problem is not eliminated from the very beginning of its appearance, then the gaps that form due to dryness will become even larger. Consequently, the creak will begin to annoy even more and more often.

Therefore, you can simply tighten the fasteners. After twisting, the use of silicone grease is recommended. It will reduce friction between parts. If there is no special lubricant at home, an ordinary paraffin candle will do.

Mattress squeak removal

First, check that the mattress is level. Even such a stupid reason can cause a rattle.

For inexpensive mattresses with spring filling, the problem of contact between the springs is typical. Friction causes an unpleasant sound.

The reason for the sound in an all-polymer mattress is the poor quality of the materials. A defective mattress should be replaced immediately.

Provided there is no big money check out famous shops inexpensive furniture. Ikea is famous for its affordability and originality. design solutions. If the purchase was made recently, contact the manufacturer with a guarantee. In this case, they are obliged to return the money or replace the defective product with a serviceable one.

What to do so that the frame and lamellas do not creak?

If you find a problem in the frame, start the inspection with the slats. They need to be checked for chips, cracks and other integrity violations. If damaged, they should be replaced.

by the most fast way get rid of the creaking support bars is the backing of the book. If this method does not help, overlay the lamellas old clothes, thanks to the fabric there will be no friction between the frame and the base.

If you are convinced that the lamellas are intact and the lats are in good order, you should pay attention to the screws. After tightening the screws, lubricate the creaking bases with silicone grease.

Video: how to get rid of bed squeak?


If you were lucky enough not to encounter a similar situation, this does not mean that you do not need to do anything. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it.

  1. Of course, the quality of the bed itself and the mattress directly affect the appearance of creaking. Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to the quality certificate. An unsuitable mattress or a broken bed leads not only to annoying grinding, but also to health problems. It should be noted that polymer mattresses have a lower risk of malfunction. When choosing, you should pay attention to ventilation, because it can become moldy.
  2. The frame material is better to choose wood or metal. They last longer and cost less. The density of the chipboard frame is lower, therefore, there is a greater likelihood of deformation under high gravity. If the bed is wooden, then varnish its frame to avoid drying out of the wood. Regarding the type of wood: it is worth looking at durable species such as oak, mahogany or rosewood.
  3. Pay attention to each lamella, it should not stagger and hang out, all screws and screws must be in place.
  4. At self installation bed, pay attention to the evenness of the surface. If the distortions are strong, then it will become unusable ahead of time. Uneven pressure on the frame leads to distortion of the parts.

How to get rid of the annoying creaking of the bed yourself?

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The bed creaks - what to do, how to get rid of unpleasant and unnecessary sound effects? After all, this brings a lot of inconvenience, since it is impossible to roll over at night without disturbing your sleep and the sleep of the household.

And personal life will now be known not only to all the inhabitants of an apartment or house, but also to neighbors. When the financial situation does not allow you to update the bed, the question becomes what to do to eliminate these terrible sounds if a new bed is not affordable.

The reasons

There are two main reasons why the bed begins to "groan" and "groan".

These include: dried wood, which occurs due to natural factors, and weakened bed fasteners.

But the owners iron models may also suffer from this problem. .

Take into account: the details of the bed are subject to wear, due to their friction against each other, a creak is obtained.

You can try tightening the mounts tighter, but this rarely helps.

Creak in different places

Unpleasant sounds may come from different parts sleeping place:

  1. In the corner. During rocking, sounds very often begin to come from the corner of the berth, where two sides are connected ( wooden planks). After all, if the whole bed sways, then the legs with it. Because of this, wood parts begin to rub against one another.
  2. lifting mechanism. It is the wear of the rocker mechanisms that serve to lift that can cause the bed to become creaky. If there is a wardrobe bed, then a spring block or frame can become a source of creaking.
  3. Around the head. Sounds of a gas lift or lifting mechanism are heard. Many in this case are trying to get rid of the problem with the help of oil and an ordinary candle. But just lubricating is not enough, for a short period, of course, it will help, but it will not work to completely get rid of the creak.
  4. Leg. It is not at all surprising that the higher it is, the more sounds it will make. Accordingly, in "legless" models, there will be no such problem. It can be eliminated by adding metal corners to the structure or replacing the old legs with new ones.
  5. Lamels. Skrip can produce bent-glued planks, the basis of which is wood. They form the basis of many beds. They can be lubricated or put gaskets in the attachment points to the frame.

Master's note: determining the location of the creak will allow you to quickly fix the problem.

But the sound can be heard in several places at once. It is necessary to take a number of actions to get rid of them. It is not so difficult to do this without the help of masters.

It is worth noting: if the bed creaks at certain times of the year, then this is due to climatic conditions. And if this phenomenon occurs all year round, then it must be removed.

Checking the frame and mattress

You need to remove it and put it on the floor.

There is an opinion that it is the frame that emits an unpleasant creak.

To fix the problem, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Lubricate the places where the rear / front backrest is connected together with the side beams, as well as where the rails come into contact with the frame. This can be done with wax, soap, or any lubricant that does not have a strong and characteristic odor. For a frame with a metal base, lithium or silicon grease can be used. If such actions do not help, then you should re-lubricate the parts at their junctions.
  2. Wax and soap did not help, then we insert gaskets between the parts that rub.
  3. You also need to check correct location mattress, because this can also cause squeaking. It must be placed exactly on the bottom in the middle of the bed.
  4. Flip the mattress. Manufacturers advise to periodically perform such a turning over in order to avoid wear and tear, as well as breaks.

Frame repair work

The frame repair process depends on the material from which the bed is made:

  1. If the base of the bed or the entire bed is metal structure, then tighten the fastener. You need to find out what size nuts and bolts are, choose a specific key, and tightening them is not difficult. In parallel, it is worth lubricating with a special lubricant, you can also use Vaseline.
  2. For wood, such tightening is not suitable. After all, the old models are not fastened with bolts at all, but with nails, and the boards that cause the creak are very difficult to pull up, but you should not refuse to lubricate.

Take note: for tightening it is necessary to use a wrench of the right size, because you can damage the edge of the nut or bolt, and then unscrew them without special tools fail.

Radical Methods

If the tips above did not help, then you should disassemble the entire bed.

Allow time to dry slightly, but not completely dry. Then glue all the parts and, of course, fasten them the way they were originally connected. Now we are waiting for complete drying.

If additional reinforcement is needed from the inside, metal corners and additional screws can also be attached. When processing the wooden parts of the bed, if there is no glue, then instead of it you can take a special spray, which is based on silicone.

Note: strengthening the bed with metal parts will help not only remove the creak, but also make the design of the bed stronger.

Very often, the cause of unpleasant sounds is the slatted base of the wooden frame.

The boards can wobble or succumb to deformation, you can try to turn them over, swap them or replace them.

For work, you should prepare so that it is at hand:

  • work gloves or mittens;
  • prepare soap, wax or an ordinary candle;
  • graphite, silicon or lithium grease;
  • rubber glue;
  • spray, which is based on silicone;
  • tools that can tighten nuts and bolts.

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Your bed began to creak, and the choice of a new one is not included in the plans? Let's try to figure out why the bed creaks and think about what to do when this happens.

There are two main reasons for any squeak: drying out of wood and loosening of fasteners. The creak comes from the friction of the two parts of the bed. Since such wood is often produced, and their parts are connected using self-tapping screws or special fasteners, then over time, the details of the bed begin to gradually shift one relative to the other, and a creak occurs. Moreover, it is quite difficult to press the rubbing parts harder if the bed is wooden or made of chipboard.

How to remove the creak of a wooden bed?

To determine which part of the wooden bed creaks, you need to disassemble it. Remove the mattress and, laying it on the floor, check it for creakiness. Perhaps not the whole bed creaks, but only the springs of the old mattress. In the bed itself, the legs, the attachment points, and the boards under the mattress can make creaking sounds.

Now you can try to eliminate the unpleasant creak. First of all, it is worth trying to tighten all the fasteners of the bed: screws, nuts, bolts, and smear these places with carpentry glue. After that, the glue should dry well and only then it will be possible to use the bed. If the fastening is old and cannot be tightened, install additional metal corners on the back of the bed base.

You can also lubricate all joints in which there is friction with any lubricant: rubber glue, soap, paraffin candle, salidol, or even baby powder. For lubrication, a special spray with graphite or silicone is suitable. After applying such a coating on the details of the bed, friction, and hence the creak, should disappear.

What to do if the base creaks in your bed, or rather the lamellas that it consists of? In this case, getting rid of the squeak can be the replacement of the rails of the bed base. Alternatively, you can swap them. If the bed continues to creak, then you have not yet found the reason for this.

Squeaking at the legs of the bed can be eliminated by fixing them more securely. But most often it will not be possible to remove the creak in this place in the bed. You can try to install new legs, but this is a rather complicated matter and not every owner can cope with it. Therefore, the easiest way is to remove or saw off the legs, and then your bed, with a creative approach, will turn into a modern floor bed.

12 Feb 2017 18 Mar 2017

Despite all its advantages, wooden furniture will sooner or later show its character ... It's about about the violin. And if the table in the living room or another piece of furniture that you don’t have to use very often began to creak, then it’s quite possible to pretend that everything is fine. But when the bed on which you have to sleep every night begins to creak, the problem becomes almost catastrophic: you can’t get enough sleep, romance doesn’t stick, and the rest of the household starts thinking about earplugs ... If your plans do not include buying a new bed, then it will be useful for you to learn how you can eliminate the annoying wooden creak.

Action plan

The first thing to do before proceeding directly to eliminate the squeak is to determine the cause of the unpleasant sound.

There are only two main reasons: the weakening of fasteners and the natural process of wood drying out. But still, the first reason is more common, unless, of course, we are talking about a bed made of wood, processed according to all the rules. A creak is the result of mechanical friction between two pieces of furniture. To determine which parts wooden furniture creak, the mattress should be removed from the bed. After that, you need to carefully shake those details that arouse suspicion: first of all, these are the legs, lamellas under the mattress and attachment points.

The simplest thing that can be done is to tighten all the fasteners well and after this manipulation, grease the joints of the two wooden parts with glue (preferably carpentry, but in extreme cases you can use any other). After sizing, it will be possible to use the bed for its intended purpose no earlier than a day later. But if the bed is no longer new and the fasteners have rusted, then it is unlikely that they will be tightened. Then it is recommended to install metal building corners on the back of the bed frame.

You can go the other way: grease all the joints in which friction was found. If you want to approach the issue of eliminating unpleasant sound professionally, then buy a special silicone or graphite glue at a hardware store in advance. But, as practice shows, as a lubricant with the same success as an expensive spray, you can use a paraffin candle, soap, salidol and even starch.

Creaking sounds that are "localized" in the legs of the bed are more difficult to eliminate: here you need to either try to fix them more securely on the floor (relevant here grandfather method- the use of a gasket between the floor covering and the leg), or replace it with new ones, which is very difficult to do on your own. If possible, you can pay for the service of replacing the legs to the master. Or you can, which is happening most often now, remove the “legs” of the bed altogether and turn it into a chic floor podium bed.

Now about under the mattress slats. These are transverse slats, which bear the main load of the body weight of the owner of the bed. If it is they who creak, then the solution may be to replace the lamellas with new ones, or, alternatively, the lamellas can be swapped. More tenacious (and therefore not creaking) are the slats located under the headboard and at the foot of the bed. They can be pulled out and swapped with those installed in the middle of the bed.

Such manipulations usually solve the problem of the creaking of a wooden bed. But if this did not help, then there is reason to think that it’s not the bed that can creak, but spring mattress(especially if it's not very new). And I also had a case in my practice when a client followed all my recommendations, even changed the mattress, and the bed continued to creak. Why? It turned out that it was not the furniture or the mattress that creaked at all, but ... the floor. Yes, the wooden floorboards on which the bed stood creaked. Therefore, in order not to do a bad job, just in case, check for creakiness flooring under your bed!