The sofa creaks what can be done. Get rid of the unpleasant sound from the sofa

It often happens when a newly purchased new beautiful sofa begins to squeak piercingly and unpleasantly. The irritation of the hosts is understandable: it is uncomfortable in front of guests, at night it disturbs during sleep, in the morning this creak can wake up other family members.

What is the real reason for the appearance of this disgusting squeak?

  1. Since the frame of furniture is usually made of wood and metal, after drying, the sofa may begin to creak, due to the fact that the component parts of the frame were subject to deformation. In this case, even stretching the sofa will not help. The squeakiest furniture is furniture with a plywood frame. Such a structure looses and breaks very quickly, not to mention the appearance of an unpleasant squeak.
  2. Less often, but still quite often, the cause of a squeak can be the fastening points where the parts are connected. It is advisable that the joints of the parts of the new sofa were not only fastened with bolts or screws, but also additionally glued (connections fastened with bolts are more reliable than connections with screws).

The spring block in the mechanism of the sofa is most often the cause of squeaks. If the springs are in separate cells, then the quality of the spring block will be much higher.

How to get rid of the annoying squeak of the sofa?

Squeak, as is already known, appears in those places where there is no tight connection in the fastening mechanism.

  • To correct the situation a little, you can check the tenacity of all connections and tighten the bolts.
  • Iron parts can be tried to be oiled or rubbed with wax candles.
  • If there are broken slats in the sofa frame or slats with an abundance of knots, they must be replaced.
  • If it is not possible to glue the joints between the slats, rubber gaskets can help.
  • Connections with springs, if any, can be shifted with loose foam rubber.

In a word, you need to try to eliminate the causes of the squeak on your own, or contact the manufacturer.

Repair or replace?

Naturally, manufacturers themselves must deal with these problems. Based on customer feedback and the concerns they handle, the manufacturer should make adjustments to the sofas. Even sofas in the economy class should be of high quality and should not start creaking in a month.

If you do everything correctly (tighten the bolts, lubricate the springs, glue the joints wooden joints), then in 90-95% of cases the unpleasant squeak should disappear. If this did not help, then you can safely engage in the choice of a new sofa.

An old sofa has the right to creak over time, even if it is of high quality. The new one should not creak. Eternal furniture materials does not exist, however, if the sofa is made in compliance with all the rules and regulations, its owners deserve five years of "creakless" life in any case. The only exception to this rule is keeping furniture in conditions that are generally not very favorable for life. For example, in rooms with large fluctuations in humidity or in excessively dry rooms, where a year of life for a tree takes two. If you have just such conditions, then only a sofa with a frame made of expensive solid wood (oak, walnut, beech) or metal is guaranteed to withstand them. Any compromise option - even a good birch beam, not to mention chipboard or plywood - can not only creak after two years, but also crack.

The nature of the squeak and how to deal with it

A squeak in a sofa can occur when homogeneous materials - wood or metal - rub against each other. The difference is easy enough to catch by ear.

If the creak comes from metal transformation mechanism, its rubbing parts are usually sufficient to lubricate with machine oil. Actually, such a preventive lubrication should be done from time to time and without a squeak.

If springs creak, then you need to understand what kind of springs they are. Independent springs do not touch each other - therefore, they can creak only when they are completely ancient, or when they are initially of poor quality, which is extremely rare. Independent springs cannot be restored, they can only be replaced by a specialized company. This is a fairly expensive renovation, but if you want to keep your sofa in working order, you have to go for it.

Dependent spring blocks are more vulnerable and may begin to squeak even when they are still able to serve for five to ten years. When such a creak appears, it is often easier to change the sofa, because a professional replacement of a block with a banner will cost about 35-40% of the cost of a similar new model. Or you need to tune in to the painstaking independent work which takes a layman about 7-9 hours.

  • fabric and filling are neatly removed from the seat (2 hours)
  • between the springs and the base is made of foam or batting (0.5 hours)
  • if any springs are deformed, they are given their initial shape using pliers (1 hour)
  • if the ties between the springs are deformed, they are tightened in the same way and brought to their original state (1.5 hours)
  • all spring cups are filled with pieces of foam rubber - entirely, but not end-to-end (1.5 hours)
  • if there is a suspicion of friction of the cups against horizontal springs, pieces of fabric are additionally laid in these places (0.5 hours)
  • the filler is returned with gluing in place, the fabric is fixed back with staples (2 hours)

If during the repair it turns out that one of the springs is broken, you cannot replace it. However, the probability of such an unpleasant discovery is about 1: 3, so that zealous owners may well try to deal with the creaky springs on their own. Only this should be done at an early stage, otherwise the deformations risk becoming irreversible.

Wooden sofa parts can creak for three reasons:

  • cracked or cracked frame parts - due to the presence of knots, changes in humidity, unsuccessful sofa design or excessive stress on it
  • loose joints between the frame parts or between the frame and the base of the sofa - from time to time or due to poor assembly
  • the base itself bent or moved - due to rare bridges or insufficient quality material

In all cases, repairs can be done on their own in a few hours, but you need to stock up on materials in advance.

Frame restored with birch plywood strips (6-10 mm thick, width and length - according to the part to be reinforced). The strips are planted on a part sanded with sandpaper on Moment-Joiner or PVA-Super glue, after the glue has dried, they are screwed on with self-tapping screws. It is better to reinforce the problematic part with two or three sides... The corners of the frame are reinforced with metal perforated corners of the maximum possible length

Loose articulation parts tighten, if necessary, the screws are changed to bolts. If at first glance nothing is loose, but there is still a creak, you can lay between wooden parts thin felt pads or carefully coat the joints with wax.

With a small number of jumpers at the bottom additional ones are put (wooden or from thick birch plywood). Jumpers are attached to metal corners with self-tapping screws. If the base is swollen, a hole is made in the middle of the problem area and an additional jumper is attached under it.

Eliminating a squeak in a sofa with a metal frame:

To do this, remove the mattress from the sofa and lubricate all riveted joints (highlighted in red) suitable lubricant, for example WD-40, fold and unfold the sofa several times, the grease will penetrate into the moving joints. Then wipe off the remaining grease with a dry cloth or paper towel and put on the mattress. The lack of lubrication in the joints, in addition to squeaking, also causes premature wear of the mechanisms. This is especially true for in-bed folding beds and click-gag mechanisms. We recommend repeating this procedure twice a year and you will increase the life of the sofa mechanism.

Example: click-clack sofa mechanisms and French clamshell

Eliminating the squeak in the couch with timber frame:

A creak in a sofa with a wooden frame appears due to the fact that the frame parts loosen during operation, from this the nails or staples with which they are fastened begin to crawl out and at the place of friction wooden elements the frame of the sofa on a nail or a bracket and a creak occurs. This is the problem with almost all upholstered furniture. Eliminating this drawback is a laborious process, but quite realizable. To do this, you will need: a small slotted screwdriver, pliers or side cutters, wood glue, self-tapping screws, a furniture stapler. It is necessary to completely disassemble problem place, remove the sofa upholstery, filler, separate the elements of the sofa frame. The sofa upholstery is removed in two steps: 1) pry off all the staples with a screwdriver, 2) pull out the staples using side cutters or pliers. The sofa upholstery has been removed. The inner filling is taken out - the spring block (mark with a marker on the frame the place where it stood so as not to move it back during installation), foam rubber, etc. We disassemble the sofa frame, you need to carefully separate all the elements of the sofa frame from each other, removing all the nails and staples. We start assembling: we glue all the elements of the sofa frame with wood glue and connect them with self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are much more difficult to pull out of wood, due to this, the creak disappears. Between the spring block and the base, it is necessary to place a batting or other soft pad to prevent the springs from scraping against the base. Then we collect everything in reverse order. Advice - before disassembling, remember, write down or photograph the original position of all elements so that during assembly everything can be put in place.

The sofa is the most popular furniture in city apartments, therefore its important normal performance characteristics... The sound emitted by furniture under load can be very annoying for owners. Sometimes a squeak is inherent in a new product when the connections are poorly fitted, sometimes it appears after prolonged use. Each individual case has its own reason for the "musicality" of the subject.

When you decide to figure out why a sofa squeaks, you need to gain some knowledge of the structure you are dealing with. The reason may be a spring block rusted from moisture, and a tree that has dried up from time to time, and much more.

The sound emitted by furniture under load can be very annoying for owners.

If an old wooden sofa creaks, there may be several reasons.

Each individual case has its own reason for the "musicality" of the subject.

When it creaks upholstered furniture(sofa), wooden or metal, you need to arm yourself with tools.

The most likely ones are:

  • drying out of any part and the appearance of cracks;
  • the spring block is deformed or one of the springs is bent (broken).

When you decide to figure out why a sofa squeaks, you need to gain some knowledge of the structure you are dealing with.

The tree loses its elasticity over time. Its structure is changing. While certain tree species are resistant to moisture (for example, aspen), others can be quite fragile and quickly fail. Much also depends on the correct use and care of the product. One panel or all wooden parts can dry out if the mode was not observed during operation normal humidity or the furniture was in direct sunlight.

Sometimes a squeak is inherent in a new product when the connections are poorly fitted, sometimes it appears after prolonged use.

The sofa must be disassembled before work.

Loose (or too tight fasteners) may also be the cause. At the same time, the sofa emits a characteristic grinding sound. Thinning of padded batting or other soft material upholstery and other deformations.

The reason may be a spring block rusted from moisture, and a tree that has dried up from time to time, and much more.

Need to investigate internal state furniture and determine the place of the emitted squeak.

If the old creaks wooden furniture, then you will need to replace the spring block or its parts. The first is preferable because it comes about the wear of the material as a whole, and further breakdown of another spring or section is possible. In this case, the connection of individual links is a rather laborious work.

The tree loses its elasticity over time.

Wear and tear on the soft liner may be one reason. Over time, from moisture, they could rot and turn into dust, creating access to the connecting elements to each other, which is why there was a creak.

Much also depends on the correct use and care of the product.

Prepare the tools to correct the deficiency that has arisen.

A product that is too old is a little more difficult to tidy up. To establish the exact cause, the sofa should be carefully disassembled. Changing elements or lubrication is likely to be sufficient. Otherwise, you may need to buy new furniture.

Loose (or too tight fasteners) may also be the cause.

Creaking sounds of metal structures

If the sofa has metal structure, then most often any of the connection sections squeaks. The spring block or one of its link rings may have broken. Ordinary subsidence is also possible. The reason is often the lack of fastening - rusted or loose bolts.

If you find your sofa squeaks a lot, you can fix it at home.

Remove dust and grease from surfaces before adding grease.

When metal furniture creaks, check the lubricant level as well. The sofa may make an unpleasant sound if it is not level.

The sofa can have side parts or corners bent from long loads.

The deformation of the supporting structure is also the reason for the disadvantage. The sofa can have side parts or corners bent from long loads.

The deformation of the supporting structure is also the reason for the disadvantage.

Sometimes squeaking occurs due to friction between metal parts.

Necessary materials

If you find your sofa squeaks a lot, you can fix it at home. Useful for repair:

  • upholstery material;
  • batting or other soft cushioning base;
  • springs (or a whole block);
  • PVA glue;
  • plywood board;
  • metal corners, etc .;
  • bolts and other types of suitable fasteners;
  • staples.

The reason is often the lack of fastening - rusted or loose bolts.

The sofa can be repaired with various materials not listed as each model is different.

Changing elements or lubrication is likely to be sufficient.

Required tools

When upholstered furniture (sofa), wood or metal creaks, you need to arm yourself with tools. The main aids will be:

  • a set of screwdrivers (screwdriver with replaceable nozzles);
  • construction stapler;
  • pliers.

Over time, from moisture, they could rot and turn into dust, creating access to the connecting elements to each other, which is why there was a creak.

The sofa must be disassembled before work. It is necessary to investigate the internal state of the furniture and determine the place of the squeak being emitted.

Wear and tear on the soft liner may be one reason.

Repair process: step by step instructions

Prepare the tools to correct the deficiency that has arisen. Be prepared for the fact that it is necessary to change the seat upholstery with a new one, as the edges of the old one under the staples or nails will “fray” from time to time. When replacing the spring block, take care of its size in advance.

  1. Unscrew the fasteners, assess their condition: whether there is rust or worn threads, whether they are well fitted and tightened. If you find any damage to the integrity of the bolts and other elements of the fasteners that are out of order, replace them with new ones. A corroded block must definitely be replaced, since rust has already broken the structure of the metal, making it brittle. If the sound still remains, then look for the reason in another.
  2. Correct the deformed spring block if not broken or corroded using pliers by gently squeezing the rings and tightening the fasteners on the side panels.
  3. Refresh the sofa that has sagged and therefore creaks. If the batting, foam rubber or other cushioning material has become thinner, then replace it - due to the absence of friction, the sound will not be reproduced under load. The layer should be made thick enough so that the iron parts do not touch. A plywood layer placed under the spring block will give greater stability. After making the top cushion of foam or batting, carefully pull the upholstery material and secure it with staples using a stapler.
  4. If the reason that the furniture creaks is a dry and cracked tree, then it is necessary to replace the part (panel or side board, backrest, armrests). Of course, you can take advantage of the persistent adhesive composition but there is no guarantee that the cracks will not go further. Wooden sofa it is better to fully inspect for gaps due to drying out. Sometimes it is easier not to renew a worn-out material, but to buy a modern product instead of an old one.
  5. When repairing folding sofa it is necessary to assess the state of the transformation mechanism - the matter may be in its malfunction. There are two ways to fix this - by fixing the elements or by completely replacing them.
  6. If a creak occurs due to unevenly standing supports, then they should be adjusted in height. To do this, you can use plastic plugs or other persistent material at hand.

If old wooden furniture creaks, then the spring block or parts of it will need to be replaced.

Sometimes squeaking occurs due to friction between metal parts. In iron structures, the situation is saved by lubricating the elements with machine oil. Gently drip it over the joints of the fasteners, being careful not to touch the wood or upholstery. Remove dust and grease from surfaces before adding grease.

Thinning of padded batting or other soft upholstery material and other deformations are also possible.

VIDEO: Eliminating the squeak of the "accordion" mechanism during the operation of the sofa

50 photo ideas on how to fix a creaky sofa

Sofas are used for completely different purposes - adults rest and sleep on them, children play, noisy groups of guests gather on them. Frequent use and heavy workload do their job - sooner or later, almost any sofa begins to creak when you try to sit or lie on it. But unpleasant sounds are not yet a reason to replace this piece of furniture with a new one, because their cause can, in most cases, be eliminated on your own. To do this, you need to find out why the sofa creaks.

Of course, if a loud squeak arose unexpectedly abruptly, the warranty period has not yet expired, and the operating conditions have not been violated, it is better to call a specialist - most likely, this is a warranty case that requires replacement of one of the low-quality parts. Such work will be carried out at the expense of the manufacturer and will not require material costs from you.

To begin with, try to listen and determine the nature of the squeaks: whether they are emitted by springs (then the sound will be metallic) or the wooden parts of the frame. And also try to localize the area of ​​its appearance.

Defect in the timber frame

The two main reasons for the squeak are the friction of the springs against each other, which occurs due to the weakening of the block fasteners and the loosening of the frame parts, which can be caused by the use of low-quality chipboard or the lack of jumpers.

Defective springs

Eliminating any of these causes begins with disassembling the furniture. To do this, you need to carefully remove the sides and back of the sofa, and then, using a staple remover or a flat screwdriver, carefully remove the metal brackets that attach the seat upholstery. Do this slowly so as not to damage the fabric, because it will most likely need to be returned to its place later.

Elimination of metal squeaks

The easiest way to eliminate the creak of the sofa if this sound is emitted by the springs is to lubricate them with machine oil and put a folded piece of fabric or foam rubber strips between the touching parts. But this method is suitable only if the springs themselves are not damaged, and only the staples that hold them loosened. To make sure that the spring block does not creak, if it is broken, only replacement will help. Yes, you can try to fix a broken spring. But think about the fact that the springs produced according to the same technology also have approximately the same service life, which means that if several of them fail, most likely the rest will soon follow.

By the way, the springs of the new sofa can also creak. This is usually due to the fact that the manufacturer did not put a sufficient amount of cushioning material - foam rubber strips - into the spring cups. You can add them yourself.

The same goes for the transformation mechanism. If it squeaks when you try to fold it, then the mechanism needs lubrication. To prevent extraneous sounds, after completely disassembling the furniture, lubricate all other metal parts of the frame at the same time, tighten the bolts and nuts more tightly. This will help keep them in working order longer. After that, you need to fold and unfold the sofa several times so that the oil penetrates into all parts of the mechanism, removing the excess with a paper napkin. The mattress and upholstery can now be replaced.

All these methods are good if the springs in the sofa creak, and the transformation mechanism is also poorly designed. But what if the sound is clearly emitted by wooden structures?

Dealing with frame faults

The creaky sofa will still have to be completely disassembled. Carefully remove the upholstery, remove the internal components to get to the frame.

Parts made of wood can crack. This is due to the use of low-quality wood - knotty or damp beams. Once you find a cracked part, you need to decide how to remove the squeak: try to fix it yourself by adding strips of plywood or metal over the crack and gluing for strength. Or you can simply replace wooden bar new, better quality.

The sound may be due to a bending plywood sheet under the seat. This is the case when the manufacturer did not provide for a sufficient number of jumpers and they are located too rarely. This means that you will have to make the missing jumpers with your own hands - the bottom will stop rubbing against the frame and the sounds will disappear.

A universal way to repair and prevent squeaks

If, while figuring out why the sofa creaks, you could not find the exact place of origin of the sound, try to do all the operations in turn:

  • after disassembling, check all parts of the frame by tightening the bolts, replacing or gluing all parts on which cracks are outlined;
  • add a cloth or a thin layer of foam rubber under the spring block, placing it on the plywood bottom;
  • lubricate the spring blocks and the mechanism, not forgetting to add, if necessary, cloth or foam rubber between the springs;
  • reassemble the entire structure.

This is a serious undertaking, which eliminates 99% of the causes of all extraneous sounds in the home, and will also help to extend the life of the furniture. And if, after its completion, the sofa did not start working silently, most likely you will have to get rid of it, replacing it with a better one.