From which you can assemble an electric generator with your own hands. How to make a homemade generator How to make an electricity generator at home

Electric generator source of alternative energy

It is worth clarifying the definition of “ electric generator". Most have associations with gasoline or diesel generators built on the basis of an internal combustion engine. Of course, a do-it-yourself electric generator, an indispensable component of a car, and household power plants based on an internal combustion engine are the most common industrial designs. By definition, an electric generator is a device that converts different kinds energy into electrical.

The energy of the atom at home cannot be used (not on the same scale). The energy of the sun, wind, moving water and thermal energy(ICE) to use on forces.

Electric generator and solar energy

Solar battery- an alternative source of energy, not very powerful, but as an auxiliary (backup) system is already quite widespread.

It generates electricity directly, which is used to charge the battery. Of course, the power plant operates during the day and the power depends on the length of the daylight hours. If you look at the map of insolation of Russia, you can see that the duration of "sunshine" in half of the territory is from 1700 to 2000 hours per year, and in the southern regions (surprisingly, in Yakutsk) more than 2000 hours.

The efficiency of such batteries ranges from 9% to 25% of the declared power (depending on the type of element), the most common are models with an efficiency of 14-19%. If you do not go into distinctive features batteries, in most cases, to get 1 kW of electricity, a panel with an area of ​​7 to 10 square meters is needed. m. And now you can multiply by the number sundial and get a good number of annual savings ...

Another good thing about solar panels is their ease of installation. If you do not mount the system according to the "sunflower" principle, with a rotation relative to the position of the sun, then the scheme of a solar generator is very simple.

Electric generator and solar battery

DIY electric generator: the location of the stationary battery

for year-round operation it should be + 15 ° to latitude, for summer months it should be subtracted 15 ° from latitude. Although for small systems, you can increase the power up to 50% by tracking the azimuth of the sun, since the deviation of the battery from the perpendicular to the sun beam by no more than 15 ° gives 99% solar radiation. The height of the sun does not need to be tracked, as it generally falls within a 30 ° range. The main thing is to take all this into account when installing the battery, for example, on a pitched roof.

Solar panels

In addition to stationary systems, you can buy or make a portable solar power plant, the power of which will be quite enough to recharge your phone or tablet somewhere in nature.

Electric generator mobile

Electric generator and wind power

Wind is another environmentally friendly form of energy. But if solar energy it is simple (from the point of view of the end user) converted into electricity using photocells, then a wind power generator is a complex engineering structure, requiring a whole range of works. Essentially, at home, it is necessary to repeat the industrial installation.

Wind power generator

Main components: engine - multiplier (gearbox) - generator direct current- battery charge controller - battery - voltage converter.

A wind turbine, or wind wheel, can be with a horizontally oriented axis and a vertical one. In the first case, this is the familiar (and most common) propeller design.

Horizontal wind generator

The vertical axis is a wind turbine based on a Darrieus or Savonius rotor. Of the two of them, making an electric generator with your own hands is easier according to the second option.

Wind generator vertical

DIY electric generator: each scheme has its own advantages.

Vertical-axial ones have an efficiency of no more than 15%, but they also have a much lower noise level, and the Savonius rotor is quite simple from the point of view of a wind turbine. In addition, this type is less dependent on the strength of the wind and does not require orientation relative to the direction of the air flow.

Horizontally axial modifications have a higher efficiency, but require orientation relative to the direction of the air flow (with a weather vane, or a shovel) and protection from strong winds. In addition, they are quite noisy, not only due to aerodynamic noise, but mechanical ones are also added (after all, the support bearing is "noisy"). Plus, you need a big propeller to generate decent power. But nevertheless, it is this type that is used in almost all industrial designs.

Now about the propeller, its size and the number of blades. There is already a strictly verified, including empirically, a table of the dependence of the power of the installation on the wind speed, the size of the blades and their number.

In order not to be confused with fractions, it is worth giving a simple alignment at a wind speed of 4 m (the efficiency of the horizontal "windmill" is 0.35, the efficiency of the generator is 0.9, the gearbox is 0.8):

  • diameter 2 m: 2 blades - 10 watts, 3 blades - 15 watts, 4 blades - 20 watts, 6 blades - 30 watts, 8 blades - 40 watts;
  • diameter 4 m: 2 blades - 40 watts, 3 blades - 60 watts, 4 blades - 80 watts, 6 blades - about 120 watts.

In principle, as the diameter increases, the dependence is not entirely linear, but general idea gives. To get 500 watts at a wind speed of 4 m per second, the diameter of the wind wheel for 2 blades is 14 m, 3 blades - 11.48 m, 4 blades - 9.94.

  • Why were 4 meters per second chosen for the calculation?

Typically for middle lane In Russia, this indicator is the ceiling for average monthly values. For example, for Moscow and the region, the average monthly wind speed during 2012 generally fluctuates around 2.5 m / s. So when choosing a wind power generator, you should first inquire about the statistics in the region, and then calculate whether it is worth exerting yourself, but if there are available materials and components, then why not make such a device.

Now about the blades - the most crucial moment. Sailing blades (like those of old windmills) have low efficiency, so aerodynamic ones are needed, like an airplane wing.

You can even carve them out of wood, although many craftsmen cut plastic pipe... But here there are some nuances.
With a small number of blades, it is more difficult to balance them and vibration is also possible. A wind wheel with 2-3 blades refers to high-speed, linear speed at strong wind at the end of the blade it can reach up to 200 m / s (the bullet of the Makarov pistol is 400 m / s, and the bullet speed of the Saint-Etienne dueling pistol of the 1835 model is 168 m / s).

Plastic is a fragile material, it can crack at high speed in the presence of vibration. Therefore, it is best to use more "slow-moving" wind wheels with 6 blades and a diameter of 2-3 meters for making a wind generator with your own hands.

Wind generator

And to make them take PVC pipe for pressure water supply with a wall thickness of 4 mm. We cut out the blades, grind their edges and grind them to obtain the required aerodynamic characteristics.

  • Then a "star" is made from sheet steel to assemble the propeller.

After installing the blades, the propeller must be balanced. To do this, it is installed in closed room on a vertical support with the axis level strictly horizontally and ensure that the wheel does not turn arbitrarily at any position of the blades, otherwise vibrations will occur.

Simultaneously with balancing, the position of the blades in space relative to the vertical is checked. For this, a fixed reference point is used at the lower (or upper) point, determining the distance from this point to each blade when it is opposite it.

Unfortunately, without the use of a factory electric generator or DC motor, it will not work to make a wind generator.

Theoretically, it can be made, but why ... You can always find and buy a low-speed DC electric motor with permanent magnets and a voltage of up to 100 V. You can also install a car motor, but it requires high speed, and therefore a gearbox. You can choose a bicycle motor that has a maximum power of 250 watts at 200 rps, at 24 V (enough with a margin).

After the propeller and the choice of the generator, it is necessary to make a frame with reliable design(after all, the "plane" is on a leash).
Then make a swivel unit attached to the frame and carrying the wind wheel and generator, with a brush collector (if it is possible to pick up a factory one, then it is better to use it).

And to protect from the hurricane wind, install a movable side shovel with a spring tie on the hinge. In strong winds, there will be insufficient spring force to level the shovel perpendicular to the blades. And the force of the wind will simply turn the blades along the direction of the wind. At normal speed flow, the spring will rotate the blades perpendicular to the shovel.

It remains to assemble the structure: the propeller to the generator, the generator to the frame, the frame to the frame, a shovel is attached to it on a stretch, the frame to swivel mechanism, the generator to the current collector, and already from it there are wires to the electrical part.

This whole structure is mounted on a mast.

The electrical part of the wind generator is the simplest: the diode bridge is connected to the battery through the fuses and the voltage controller, and the voltage is distributed further from it. Constant - for powering devices with the appropriate type of power supply. And to get alternating current use a voltage converter.

An electric generator is the main element of an autonomous power plant. If electricity is not supplied in your private house or dacha, you are wondering how you can fix this problem on your own?

Perhaps, a great solution there will be an acquisition of an electric generator in the retail network. But the cost of even low-power models starts at 15,000 rubles, so you need to look for another way out. It turns out that he is. It is quite possible to assemble an electric generator with your own hands and connect it.

It takes a little for this. Skills in handling the tool and knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering. The main driver of the process will be your desire, which is a laborious and responsible procedure. An additional incentive will be the possibility of saving a large amount of money.

Do-it-yourself electric generators for home: ways of implementation

A bit of theory. The basis for the occurrence of an electric current in a conductor is the electromotive force. Its appearance occurs as a result of exposure to the conductor, a changing magnetic field. The magnitude of the electromotive force depends on the rate of change in the flux of magnetic waves. This effect underlies the creation of synchronous and asynchronous electric cars... Therefore, it is not difficult to convert a current generator into an electric motor and vice versa.

For country house or suburban area a direct current generator is rarely used. It can be used in a special design for welding machine... Basically, the scope of its application extends to industry. An alternating current generator is designed to generate electricity in huge quantities, therefore, in the country or in country cottage it will be an excellent alternative to central power supply. Therefore, to create an alternator at home with our own hands, we will deal with the transformation of an induction motor. The principle of operation of an alternator is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. An example of an elementary electric generator can be seen in the video.

Such unique way getting light is very interesting. Having slightly improved it, we get the opportunity to provide ourselves with lighting during a hike or in nature. The only condition is that you will have to ride a bike, taking a small but necessary device.

In this case, to obtain a rotating electromagnetic field of the conductor, we start the engine. An internal combustion engine is often used. The fuel being burned in the combustion chamber gives a reciprocating motion to the piston, which, through the connecting rod, makes the crankshaft rotate. It, in turn, transmits rotary motion to the rotor of the generator, which, moving in the magnetic field of the stator, generates at the output electricity.

The alternator consists of the following parts:

  • a body part made of steel or cast iron, which serves as a frame for attaching the stator and rotor bearing assemblies, a casing to protect the entire internal filling from mechanical damage;
  • ferromagnetic stator with magnetic flux excitation winding;
  • a moving part (rotor) with a self-excitation winding, the shaft of which is set in motion by the action of an external force;
  • switching unit used to remove electricity from a moving rotor using graphite current-collecting contacts.

The fundamental components of an alternator, regardless of the amount of fuel consumed and the power of the engine, are the rotor and stator. The first creates a magnetic field, and the second generates it.

Unlike synchronous generators, which have a complex design and lower productivity, the asynchronous analog has a whole list of significant advantages:

  1. Higher efficiency, losses are 2 times lower than that of synchronous generators.
  2. The simplicity of the case does not diminish its functionality. It reliably protects the stator and rotor from moisture and waste oil, which increases the overhaul period.
  3. Resistant to voltage surges, in addition, the rectifier installed at the output protects electrical appliances from damage.
  4. It is possible to supply power to devices of increased sensitivity with an ohmic load.
  5. Long lasting. The service life is calculated in tens of years.

The main components of an electric generator are a coil system and an electromagnet system (or other magnetic system).

The principle of operation of an electric generator is to convert rotational mechanical energy into electrical energy.

A system of magnets creates a magnetic field, and a system of coils rotates in it, turning it into an electric field.

In addition, the generator system includes a voltage tap system that connects the generator itself to the current drawers.

One of the most simple ways is the use of an asynchronous generator.

To create an electric generator, we need two main elements: an induction generator and a 2-cylinder gasoline engine.

The gasoline engine must have air cooling, 8 horsepower and a speed of 3000 rpm.

An asynchronous generator will be an ordinary electric motor with a power of up to 15 kW and a speed of 750 to 1500 rpm.

Asynchronous rotation frequency for normal work must be 10 percent higher than the synchronous speed of the electric motor being used.

That's why asynchronous motor you need to spin up to revolutions 5-10 percent higher than nominal. How can this be done?

We proceed as follows: we turn on the electric motor in the network, after which we measure the idle speed with a tachometer.

What is meant? Consider an example of an engine whose rated speed is 900 rpm.

Such an engine, when idling, will produce 1230 rpm.

Thus, in the case of the given data, the belt drive must be designed to provide the generator speed, and equal 1353 rpm.

The windings of our asynchronous are connected by a "star". They generate a three-phase voltage with a power of 380 V.

To maintain the rated voltage in the asynchronous box, you need to correctly select the capacitance of the capacitors between the phases.

The containers, there are only three of them, are the same.

If heat is felt, it means that the connected capacity is too large.

To select the required capacity for each phase, you can use the following data, based on the power of the generator:

  • 2 kW - capacity 60 μF
  • 3.5 kW - capacity 100 μF
  • 5 kW - 138 μF
  • 7 kW - 182 μF
  • 10 kW - 245 μF
  • 15 kW - 342 μF

For operation, you can use capacitors with an operating voltage of at least 400 V. When you turn off the generator, an electric charge remains on its capacitors.

Obviously, this means a certain degree of danger of the work being carried out. Be sure to take precautions to avoid electric shock.

The generator allows you to work with a hand-held power tool.

To do this, you will need a transformer from 380 V to 220 V. When a 3-phase motor is connected to a power plant, it may come out so that the generator cannot start it the first time.

It is not scary - it is enough to make a series of short-term engine starts.

They need to be produced until the engine picks up speed.

Another option is to manually spin it.

The second option to independently make an electric generator 220/380 V is to use a walk-behind tractor as a base.

The walk-behind tractor is very widely used for plowing and harvesting. summer cottages- but this is far from the limit of the options for its useful use.

As it turned out, and was confirmed by the experience of a huge number of people, it helps to solve the problem with electricity in houses and outbuildings where it is not supplied.

We need a walk-behind tractor and an asynchronous electric motor, the speed of which will be from 800 to 1600 rpm, and power - up to 15 kW.

The motor-block engine and the asynchronous unit must be connected. This is done using 2 pulleys and a drive belt.

The diameter of the pulleys is important. Namely, it should be such as to ensure that the generator speed is 10-15% higher than the rated speed in the electric motor.

In parallel to each pair of windings, we include capacitors. Thus, they will form a triangle.

The voltage must be removed between the end of the winding and its midpoint. As a result, we get a voltage of 380 V - between the windings, and a voltage of 220 V - between the middle and the end of the winding.

After that, you need to select capacitors that will ensure the correct start-up and operation of the generator.

Remember that all three generators have the same capacity.

The relationship between the generator power and the required capacity is as follows:

  • 2 kW - capacity 60 μF
  • 3.5 kW - capacity 100 μF
  • 5 kW - 140 μF
  • 7 kW - 180 μF
  • 10 kW - 250 μF
  • 15 kW - 350 μF

You may need to use just one capacitor for the required loads. Other conditions need to be selected in practice independently.

A self-made electric generator can be used, among other things, for heating a private house or summer cottage.

In this case, you will need a more powerful Gas engine for example from passenger car, which can be bought for disassembly.

Connecting an electric generator to a private house how to produce?

  1. turn off the power supply in the house;
  2. start and warm up the electric generator;
  3. connect the generator to the network;
  4. watch for the appearance of a normal power supply;
  5. disconnect the generator from the backup network and turn it off (before that, turn off all working electrical appliances in the house).

Be careful: if these actions are performed in the wrong order, the generator may turn on in the opposite direction, from which a breakdown will occur.

Choosing an electric generator for the home

To determine which generator power you should choose, you need to evaluate the entire active type of loads.

All light bulbs, electric kettle, microwave ovens, heaters, power tools are taken into account here. That is, all the appliances that you plan to use.

For example, if you are going to use a couple of appliances and a few more bulbs, you should add up the total power they consume.

So, for a situation when you need to make 6 100 W light bulbs shine, an oil heater with a power of 1.5 kilowatts and a microwave oven with the same power work, the calculation is as follows: 1.5x2 + 600 (100 W for 6 lamps) = 3.6 kilowatts.

It is this power (or a little more) of the generator that you need.

And also you can watch a video of a do-it-yourself electric generator

Selected for you:

Electric generators are additional source energy for the home. If the main power grids are far away, it may well replace them. Frequent power outages force the installation of alternators.

They are not cheap, does it make sense to spend more than 10,000 rubles? for the device, if you can make a generator from an electric motor yourself? Of course, some electrical engineering skills and tools will come in handy for this. The main thing is not to spend money.

You can assemble a simple generator with your own hands, it will be relevant if you need to cover a temporary lack of electricity. It is not suitable for more serious cases, since it does not have sufficient functionality and reliability.

Naturally, there are many difficulties in the manual assembly process. Required parts and tools may not be available. Lack of experience and skills in such jobs can be fearsome. But a strong desire will be the main incentive, and will help to overcome all laborious procedures.

Generator implementation and how it works

Electromagnetic induction generates an electric current in the generator. This is because the winding is moving in an artificially created magnetic field. This is the principle of operation of an electric generator.

The generator is driven by the internal combustion engine. low power... It can run on petrol, gas or diesel.

The generator device has a rotor and a stator. The magnetic field is generated by the rotor. Magnets are attached to it. The stator is the fixed part of the generator and consists of special steel plates and a coil. There is a small gap between the rotor and stator.

There are two types of power generator. The first has a synchronous rotor rotation. Him complex construction, and low efficiency. In the second type, the rotor rotates asynchronously. According to the principle of operation, it is simple.

Asynchronous motors lose a minimum of energy, while in synchronous generators the loss rate reaches 11%. Therefore, electric motors with asynchronous rotor rotation are very popular in household appliances, and in various factories.

During operation, voltage drops may occur, they have a detrimental effect on household appliances. For this, a rectifier is installed at the output ends.

An asynchronous generator is simple to maintenance... Its body is reliable and sealed. There is no need to worry about household appliances that have an ohmic load and are sensitive to voltage surges. High efficiency, and a long period of operation, make the device in demand, moreover, it can be assembled by yourself.

What do you need to build a generator? First, you need to find the right electric motor. It can be taken from washing machine... It is not worth making the stator yourself, it is better to use ready-made solution where there are windings.

It is worth immediately stocking up on a sufficient amount copper wires, and insulating materials. Since any generator will produce voltage surges, a rectifier is needed.

According to the instructions for the generator with your own hands, you need to make a power calculation. For the future device to issue required power, he needs to give the number of revolutions a little more than the rated power.

We will use a tachometer and turn on the engine to the network, so you can find out the rotor speed. You need to add 10% to the resulting value, this will prevent the engine from overheating.

Capacitors will help maintain the required voltage level. They are selected depending on the generator. For example, for a power of 2 kW, a capacitor capacity of 60 μF is required. You need 3 such parts with the same capacity. For the device to be safe, it must be grounded.

Build process

Everything is simple here! Capacitors are connected to the electric motor according to the "triangle" scheme. During operation, periodically you need to check the temperature of the case. Its heating can occur due to improperly selected capacitor capacitors.

A home-made generator that does not have automation must be constantly monitored. Over time, heating will reduce efficiency. Then the device must be given time to cool down. From time to time, you should measure the voltage, number of revolutions, and amperage.

Incorrectly calculated specifications will not be able to give the equipment the required power. Therefore, before starting the assembly, you should carry out drawing work, and stock up on diagrams.

It is possible that homemade device will accompany frequent breakdowns... You should not be surprised at this, since it is practically impossible to obtain a hermetic installation of all elements of an electric generator at home.

So, how to make a generator from an electric motor is now, I hope, clear. If there is a desire to design an apparatus, the power of which should be sufficient for simultaneous operation household appliances and lighting lamps, or a construction tool, then you need to add up their power and select the right engine. It is desirable that it has a small power reserve.

If at hand-assembled the generator has failed, do not despair. There are many modern models that do not need constant supervision. They can be of various capacities, and are quite economical. There are photos of generators on the Internet, they will help to assess the dimensions of the device. The only negative is their high cost.

Photo of generators with your own hands

In these turbulent times, power outages sometimes occur. Solar panels a good option, but not on the eve of a cloudy and snowy winter - something better and more powerful is required here. Diesel generator also not a bad option, only noisy and requiring maintenance costs. Then why not reinvent ... the bicycle? Using easily available parts, it is possible to build a sufficiently powerful generator of current that will charge a phone, laptop, or a powerful battery for emergency lighting at home. The bike itself without wheels will stand on wooden base, and the pedaling will be transferred to the electric motor of the generator.

Bike generator

The installation of the bike is as follows: the rear wheel of the bike will drive the DC motor through the fan belt, this motor is connected to the charge controller, the charge controller charges the lead acid batteries, and the battery is connected to the inverter. And then you can connect any 220V device to the output of the inverter.

Main generator materials

  • Flat board base
  • Bicycle frame with rear wheel
  • 12V lead acid battery
  • DC-AC inverter
  • DC-DC charger
  • 24 V DC electric motor
  • Fan belt
  • Wires, screws, and metal bar

First, attach the bike to a piece of thick plywood. Make sure you have enough space and attach the motor to the rear wheel through a pulley.

After installing the bike stand, the front wheel should sit firmly on the blocks. Next, remove the tire from the rear wheel. Attach the motor pulley. Attach the belt to the wheel and pulley. Make sure the motor is providing maximum fan belt tension.

The engine is used here at 2800 rpm, while driving at 30 kilometers per hour will give only 250 rpm on the rear wheel. Thus, we choose a pulley with a diameter about ten times smaller than the wheel, so even slow pedaling can give us the desired rpm (10x increase). For practical purposes, we chose the thickest belts that could fit into the wheel rim. Depending on which length you are using, the motor can be mounted on different distances from the rear wheel.


The charge controller regulates the current flowing into the battery and prevents overcharging and discharging of the battery. We will not give a diagram - firstly, the site is full of them, and secondly, it all depends on your capabilities and preferences.

Add a Zener diode

It is important not to exceed the level of the input charging voltage more than the limit (in our case, 24 V). You can add a powerful 24V breakdown Zener diode, so if the voltage gets higher the Zener diode will not allow excess voltage to go to the charger.


If we use a 12 V battery, then a charge controller for a voltage of 12 V. The battery in the photo with a capacity of 18 A / h works great in this generator circuit and has a maximum charging current of 5 A.


The current that comes out of the outlet is alternating current (AC). The inverter converts the low DC voltage of the battery into a boost of 220 VAC, so you can plug in ordinary electrical appliances. When choosing an inverter, make sure it is capable of supplying the output current and voltage for the required power. The inverter recommended in this project has a power of 500 watts.

Thus, it becomes possible without the slightest additional costs get a sufficiently powerful, environmentally friendly source of electricity at least 12, at least 220 volts, which will help in case of accidents on power lines during a storm or other natural disasters. And in combination, the generator works like a regular exercise bike!

The majority of people are convinced that energy for existence can only be obtained from gas, coal or oil. The atom is quite dangerous, the construction of hydroelectric power plants is a very laborious and costly process. Scientists around the world say fossil fuels may soon run out. What to do, where is the exit? Are the days of humanity numbered?

All from nothing

Recently, research into the types of "green energy" is being conducted more and more intensively, as this is the way to the future. Our planet initially has everything for the life of mankind. You just need to be able to take it and use it for the good. Do many scientists and just amateurs create such devices? as a free energy generator. With their own hands, following the laws of physics and their own logic, they do what will benefit all of humanity.

So about what phenomena in question? Here are a few of them:

  • static or radiant natural electricity;
  • the use of permanent and neodymium magnets;
  • heat recovery from mechanical heaters;
  • transformation of earth energy and;
  • implosion vortex motors;
  • thermal solar pumps.

Each of these technologies uses a minimal initial impulse to release more energy.

Free energy with your own hands? To do this, you need to have a strong desire to change your life, a lot of patience, diligence, a little knowledge and, of course, necessary tools and accessories.

Water instead of gasoline? What nonsense!

An alcohol-fueled engine will probably find more understanding than the idea of ​​decomposing water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. After all, even in school textbooks it is said that this is a completely unprofitable way of obtaining energy. However, there are already installations for the extraction of hydrogen by the method of ultra-efficient electrolysis. Moreover, the cost of the obtained gas is equal to the cost of cubic meters of water used in this process. It is equally important that electricity costs are also minimal.

Most likely, in the near future, along with electric vehicles, cars powered by hydrogen fuel will drive around the world. An ultra-efficient electrolysis plant is not exactly a free energy generator. It is quite difficult to assemble it with your own hands. However, the method of continuous production of hydrogen using this technology can be combined with methods of obtaining green energy, which will increase the overall efficiency of the process.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Such devices do not require maintenance at all. They are completely silent and do not pollute the atmosphere. One of the most famous developments in the field of environmental technologies is the principle of obtaining current from the ether according to the theory of N. Tesla. The device, consisting of two resonantly tuned transformer coils, is a grounded oscillatory circuit. Initially, Tesla made a free energy generator with his own hands in order to transmit a radio signal over long distances.

If we consider the surface layers of the Earth as a huge capacitor, then we can imagine them as a single conductive plate. The ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet saturated with cosmic rays (the so-called ether) is used as the second element in this system. Through both these "plates" oppositely polarized electric charges are constantly flowing. To "collect" currents from near space, it is necessary to make a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 became one of the most productive years in this direction. Everyone wants to use free electricity.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The diagram of a single-phase resonant device N. Tesla consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two conventional 12V batteries.
  2. with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that sets the standard frequency of the current (50 Hz).
  4. A current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Low-voltage (12 V) to high-voltage (up to 3000 V) voltage converter.
  6. Conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1: 100.
  7. High voltage transformer with high voltage winding and ribbon core, up to 30 W.
  8. Coreless core transformer with double winding.
  9. A step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All units of the installation are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is configured empirically.

Is it all true?

It may seem that this is absurd, because another year, when they tried to create a free energy generator with their own hands, was 2014. The circuit described above simply uses the battery charge, according to many experimenters. The following can be objected to. Energy goes into closed loop systems from the electric field of the output coils, which receive it from a high-voltage transformer due to their mutual arrangement. And the battery charge creates and maintains tension electric field... All other energy comes from the environment.

Fuel-free device for getting free electricity

It is known that the occurrence magnetic field any engine is facilitated by conventional copper or aluminum wire... To compensate for the inevitable losses due to the resistance of these materials, the engine must operate continuously, using part of the generated energy to maintain its own field. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the device.

In a transformer powered by neodymium magnets, there are no self-induction coils, respectively, and there are no losses associated with resistance. When using a constant, they are generated by a rotor rotating in this field.

How to make a small free energy generator with your own hands

The scheme is used as follows:

  • take a cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils from it;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them in the original directions of the coils;
  • By changing the position of the magnets, you can control the speed of rotation of the motor, which works absolutely without electricity.

This almost retains its functionality until one of the magnets is removed from the circuit. By attaching a light bulb to the device, you can illuminate the room for free. If you take a more powerful engine and magnets, you can power not only a light bulb from the system, but also other household electrical appliances.

On the principle of operation of Tariel Kapanadze's installation

This famous DIY free energy generator (25kW, 100kW) is assembled according to the principle described by Nikola Tesla in the last century. This resonant system is capable of delivering a voltage that is many times greater than the initial impulse. It is important to understand that this is not a "perpetual motion machine", but a machine for generating electricity from natural sources freely available.

To obtain a current of 50 Hz, 2 rectangular pulse generators and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferrite rod is used, which, in fact, closes the Earth's surface to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). The coaxial cable is used to supply powerful output voltage to the load.

Speaking in simple words, a DIY free energy generator (2014, T. Kapanadze's scheme), receives only an initial impulse from a 12 V source. The device is capable of continuously supplying standard electrical appliances, heaters, lighting, and so on with normal voltage.

The assembled self-powered free energy generator is designed to close the circuit. Some craftsmen use this method to recharge the battery, which gives an initial impulse to the system. For your own safety, it is important to take into account the fact that the output voltage of the system is high. If you forget about caution, you can get a severe electric shock. Since a 25kW do-it-yourself free energy generator can bring both benefit and danger.

Who needs all this?

Almost any person familiar with the basics of the laws of physics from school curriculum... The power supply of your own home can be completely converted to ecological and affordable ether energy. With the use of such technologies, transportation and production costs will be reduced. The atmosphere of our planet will become cleaner, the process of the "greenhouse effect" will stop.