Is it possible to plant peas and beans next to each other. Compatibility of vegetable crops when planting

Choosing the right companions on the site, combining several crops when planting so that each of them benefits is a difficult part, but interesting work gardener. The article answers the question of whether it is possible to plant carrots next to beets.

What to plant next to the beets, you need to plan in the fall, taking into account the predecessors in the garden, the illumination and the exactingness of the soil.

Interesting. There is a science of allelopathy, which studies the mutual influence of plants on each other, both positive and negative, as a result of their release into the environment of various organic matter, exchange products. plays important role in the soil-forming process.

Landing planning

Get good harvest You can, if you comply with all the requirements for planting this vegetable. Beetroot is a fairly unpretentious crop, and it does not have many unfavorable neighbors.

Compatibility of beets with other crops

To figure out what to plant beets in one garden, you need to understand the agricultural technology of this crop.

Important! Agricultural technology is aimed at finding and creating conditions for best development cultivated crops, is applied in accordance with local conditions and the requirements of plant care on different stages vegetation.

Beets are a light-loving plant, the sun's rays give color and taste to the root crop, and the lack of the required amount of light forms small fruits with thick tops, so you should not plant it in the shade of a tall neighbor. And vice versa, when the beets grow, they will be able to shade lower plantings with their tops. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a combination with early varieties of other vegetables and plant in high ridges. On such high garden root system plants will not experience a lack of oxygen, and mixed fit will become successful.

Beet cultivation

When germinating and rooting, beets require soil moisture, and excessive watering is not suitable for all neighbors in the garden. It should be borne in mind that this root crop is able to take a large amount of nitrates from the soil; it should not be planted next to the bed into which chemical fertilizers were applied.

Which site culture prefers is where it is located good drainage. In such soil, the root system develops well and does not rot. The beds located in the lowland, and the neighborhood with vegetables in such a place, will not work.

Good soil drainage is essential

Favorable neighbors

The most suitable partner is kohlrabi cabbage. Considering that beets like to grow along the edges, a good combination would be to plant them in the ground on the sides, and in the middle of the ridge - kohlrabi cabbage. These vegetables complement each other very well. Kohlrabi is an early ripening cabbage and is removed from the garden during the summer, leaving free space for the beets to grow. Also good for:

  • lettuce;
  • parsley,
  • radish,
  • asparagus;
  • such types of cabbage as: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, but cauliflower does not need such a neighborhood.

Neighbors of beets in the garden will safely become a healthy and friendly leafy vegetable - spinach, root celery - in the shade of beets, it will grow even more fragrant.

What you can plant beets next to, except for vegetables, is with some berries that favorably relate to such a partnership. If the beets do not get their own ridge, but only the edge of the strawberry or the area between vines, she will tolerate it perfectly, because it is acceptable for her to coexist with strawberries and grapes, and such a mixed garden is also very useful for vines.

Joint plantings

Beet neighbors such as onions and garlic can be used as an additional crop for planting and compacting row spacings, and planting onions along the edges of the beds is also suitable.

On the question of whether it is possible to plant carrots and beets together on the same bed, there is no unequivocal opinion, there is an assumption that beetroot root secretions have a healing effect, but at the same time, carrots can be shaded by the thick tops of a neighbor, if planted, then at a distance from each other.

Note! Both of these vegetables have a similar principle of obtaining from the soil. nutrients, therefore, is it possible to plant carrots and beets together on the same ridge, a matter of experiment.

But classic combination carrot-onions are still the best for these crops, because they mutually help each other to protect themselves from pests. Like the carrot neighbor, the potato planted next to it is ambiguous, the opinions about the growth of which next to the beets also have opposite meanings.

Bush beans from the legume family are the friendliest vegetable for most plants, including beets. The exception is curly beans. It must be said that the culture feels great near zucchini and cucumbers. But corn, which is not recommended to be planted with beets, would be more suitable for cucumbers in terms of soil and interaction.

Beets and onions

Mixed and compacted landings in open ground, reasonable selection of companions in the garden have become popular in recent times how very rational methods solving garden problems such as small cultivated spaces, weed control and plant diseases.

Unwanted Neighborhood

Beets are undemanding crops, but they have undesirable neighbors. For example, mustard. Excellent green manure, but not in this case, because it depresses the root crop, growing next to or in the field before planting beets.

Pepper will not interfere with the growth of the root crop, but will not grow on its own, so it is better to avoid such a neighborhood.

Due to the height and density of the tops, corn will not allow you to grow a high-quality beet crop that requires a lot of light.

Beets on the ridge

Beets are not combined with their subspecies - herbaceous plant chard and varieties: sugar beet and other types of dining. Mutual suffering causes a connection with rye.

Important! It is known that fennel and wormwood oppress all plants without exception.

Beet rotation rules

When using joint plantings when planning the location of the beds, it is important to take into account such a farming technique as crop rotation. It helps to achieve a high-quality and plentiful harvest in any garden plot. If you regularly change the place of sowing of various crops, you can ensure that each plant receives the necessary and proper amount of nutrients from the soil.

If the soil constantly consumes the same nutrients, its composition ceases to be balanced, and the level of fertility drops. Therefore, beets will give a good harvest if spices and herbs, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, any kind of cabbage, peppers, carrots, onions, melons, legumes, tomatoes were the predecessors in the beds.

The root crop develops well after green manure (except mustard). In addition, after such a change in layout, a decrease in the growth of weeds is noted.

Crop rotation

Do not plant one after another in one place and plants belonging to the same family. Important Rule crop rotation involves the alternation of crops according to their needs for soil fertility. Therefore, after beets, as a less demanding crop, you can plant any more demanding ones. Legumes are suitable: peas and beans, besides, they are able to restore the balance of trace elements in the soil. Grow well after beets and crops such as:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • cucumber;
  • pumpkin.

Beets are an ancient vegetable, without which no real garden can do. Both root crops and tops are used as food. Farming, taking into account the compatibility of beets with other vegetables
will give excellent results.


Every gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the compatibility of vegetables and herbs in the beds is.


You should not turn your beds into a communal apartment and plant strawberries, garlic, cabbage together, and parsley in the corners. Still, each culture needs its own conditions for growth.

The gardener's golden rule is to never plant crops from the same family next to each other. Well, let's say tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. Because they have common pests and diseases. And if some kind of worm appears in the tomatoes, then he will immediately go for a walk throughout the seedlings. And if the beds are different, then you will have time to take some kind of chemical measures to prevent the pest from moving to healthy crops.

For example, a powerful root system corn sucks all the nutrients out of the soil with great force, and plants with a weak root system, such as onion, next to her just wither away.

Bad neighbors - cabbage and strawberries . The white one has too big leaves, which simply hide the heat-loving berry from the sun.

Cucumbers and tomatoes also don't get along very well. The thing is that the first thing you need is nutritious soil and high humidity, and the second, on the contrary, dry air is useful and moderately fertile land. Therefore, for tomatoes and cucumbers, it is recommended to install two separate greenhouses, and not one common one. But since this pleasure is not cheap, summer residents stubbornly bypass this rule. And in vain, the harvest would be much better.

The right combination of several types of vegetables promotes full growth, reduces the likelihood of disease, creates favorable environment habitat for beneficial insects and repels various pests.


Diversification of vegetables according to nutrient requirements


Nutrient Requirements certain types vegetables varies greatly.

Regarding the need for nitrogen, vegetables can be divided into strong, medium and weak consumers. These needs must be taken into account when preparing beds and fertilizing.

  • Strong Consumers (high nitrogen requirement): green, white and red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, broccoli, celery, onions, chard, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Average consumers (average nitrogen requirement): carrots, red beets, radishes, scorzonera, kohlrabi, onions, potatoes, fennel, eggplant, spinach, field lettuce, head lettuce, chicory.
  • Weak consumers (low nitrogen requirement): peas, beans, radishes, nasturtium (bugbug), herbs and spices.

We discussed a little general issues, now let's go directly to the types of garden plants.



What goes with what!




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What to plant peas next to? Gardeners do not like this plant for its creep. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds - and the disadvantage turns into a virtue.

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The thing is, he gets along really well. with corn , and its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. Thus, you will collect two crops from one bed and save yourself the trouble of tying up tender peas.

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Peas can be planted among cucumbers, such a neighborhood would benefit both cultures.

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love peas eggplant and melons.

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If you grow in your garden potato, then be sure to scatter peas over the planting, its roots will enrich the earth with essential trace elements.

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And here onion and garlic you need to plant away from the peas, such a neighborhood is useless at all.

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It is better to plant carrots along the edge of the garden with tomatoes and peas.

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This root crop goes very well with various herbs. This is sage and lettuce, onion and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with fragrant leafy greens and plant them with carrots. Or vice versa.

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And here dill and parsley it is necessary to move away from the carrots, such a neighborhood leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root crop.

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green onion

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The list of plants with which the onion is "friends" is quite large. These are almost all the most important garden crops: beets and bell pepper, tomatoes and carrots, lettuce and broccoli.

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Onions are very well compatible with spinach, potatoes and cabbage .

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However, in order to please you with landing, avoid its neighborhood with beans, sage and peas .

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bell pepper




A capricious culture that does not grow as well in our climate zone as in more southern areas. However, this can be slightly corrected by choosing the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it cannot be planted on one bed. with beans .

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Here is the neighborhood with tomatoes on the contrary, it is very well tolerated.

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Don't forget to plant greens and fragrant herbs, to make the most of the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Pairs well with peppers. basil and coriander, onion and spinach .

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Experienced gardeners recommend planting lettuce together with white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and corn, cucumbers. Given that lettuce grows in a low, curly carpet, it helps conserve moisture by preventing the liquid from evaporating so quickly. Cucumbers love this neighborhood very much.

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Often it is this crop that occupies a significant part of the garden, which means that you need to carefully consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Photos of garden plots by professional gardeners very often show the classic combination of potatoes and legumes. Really, beans and peas perfectly weave along a potato planting, primarily benefiting by enriching the earth. Although the harvest of legumes will also not be superfluous.



Potatoes go well with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplant, garlic, lettuce and onion.

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Its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden is fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements well practically any culture.

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However, if we talk about the health and quality of growth of the eggplant itself, then experts advise planting it next to potatoes and legumes, in particular with beans and peas .

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Excellent neighbors for eggplant will be leafy vegetables. Experienced gardeners recommend planting next to blue basil and lettuce, spinach.

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This culture is exotic in our beds and is very rarely grown in the garden, but in vain. After all, agricultural technology is no more difficult than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product.

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The compatibility of peanuts in the garden with vegetables is due to its high nutrient requirements. He gets along well with cucumbers, who also love high, warm and fertilized beds.

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In addition, you can plant with it any legumes .

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A useful culture that is often undeservedly forgotten.



However, it can serve as a natural support for weaving cucumbers in addition, aphids do not like corn, which means that your cucumbers will be under natural protection.

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curly legumes also perfectly compatible with corn, they can be planted around the entire perimeter of the garden. This is beans and peas.

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She's doing great with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflower .

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And here tomatoes better to stay away.

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A bed of tomatoes is not so conducive to the neighborhood, since voluminous bushes tend to capture all the free space. But you can use different ways plantings, for example, arrange a high embankment in the center of the beds, on which to plant asparagus and basil, dill, lettuce, onion, parsley, spinach and thyme.



Tomatoes love the neighborhood legumes, so beans can be planted between rows.

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An excellent option for planting in the nearest garden will be carrots and melon.

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And here cabbage and corn should occupy another part of the garden.

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As you already know, there are a lot of varieties of this plant, while at least white cabbage and cauliflower grow in every garden. It would seem that they can be easily planted on one bed, since you will remove the color one much earlier than its neighbor ripens. But in fact, they do not tolerate each other well, therefore, planning common garden better give preference beans and celery, cucumbers.



Get along well with cabbage and fragrant herbs they help repel insects. This is sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onion . If the planting of white cabbage is not made too dense, then enough greenery can be grown between the rows, as well as radish.

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She does not grow well next to her closest relative - white cabbage.

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But perfectly complements the beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme .

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Does not love tomatoes and strawberries .

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It goes well with all the listed plants, but does not tolerate at all cauliflower, so you have to form several beds for cabbage of different types.

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Brussels sprouts


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One of the most tolerant, it blends best in beds with other species. The only enemy is tomatoes so the tomatoes and cruciferous under no circumstances should they be planted next to each other.



And here dill and lettuce - please, you can add to the garden radishes and sage, spinach and turnips.

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When planting this crop, make sure that there are no potatoes, melons and fragrant herbs, it is better to plant all the greens along with cabbage.

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Cucumber loves a high warm bed, on which they will grow well with him. peas and beans, corn and lettuce, radishes. As in the case of the previous example of a universal bed, we highlight the central strip under corn. It will become a support for cucumber, beans and peas, which can be sown not only mixed, but also together, in one hole. Along the edge of the garden bed can be planted with lettuce and radish, which will be harvested quickly enough.


Plants that should not be planted nearby


The root or leaf secretions of some plants have a specific inhibitory effect on one or two other species, for example:

  • sage does not get along with bow
  • turnip suffering from the neighborhood walker and highlander bird (knotweed)
  • marigold bad effect on beans
  • wormwood - on the peas and beans
  • tansy- on the leafy cabbage
  • quinoa- on the potato

There are plant species that secrete substances that are poorly tolerated by most other species.

An example would be black walnut, substance-releasing juglone that inhibits growth most vegetables, azaleas, rhododendrons, blackberries, peonies, apple trees.

close neighborhood wormwood also undesirable for most vegetables.

Among vegetable plants there is also a quarrelsome, or, as they say, "asocial" species, which has a bad effect on many cultivated plants. This is fennel. He hurts tomatoes, bush beans, cumin, peas, beans and spinach.

Some weeds in field crops not only compete with them for water and food, but also oppress them with their secretions.

Wheat oppresses a large number poppy and chamomile plants
Rapegulyavnik and field mustard
Rye, on the contrary, it inhibits growth weeds and if it is sown two years in a row in one place, then this field will disappear wheatgrass


Cultivated plants can also inhibit the growth of weeds.



A striking example of a negative interaction is the relationship between clover and all plants from the buttercup family. The substance ranunculin is formed in their roots, which, even in extremely low concentrations, inhibits the growth of nodule bacteria and therefore makes the soil unsuitable for clover. If a ranunculus appeared on a field of perennial grasses, then the clover here will soon completely disappear.

In the kingdom of trees spruce is distinguished by an aggressive character . It is hostile to all other trees, the unfavorable influence of spruce is manifested in the soil within 15 years after its felling.

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There are many examples of such relationships, when in large quantities plants act depressingly on some culture, and in small ones they are favorable for its growth. Such plants are recommended to be planted along the edges of beds with vegetable crops, but only in small quantities.

It refers to white yasnotka (deaf nettle), sainfoin, valerian, yarrow .
Chamomile in large quantities harmful to wheat, and in a ratio of 1:100 contributes to better grain performance.


aromatic herbs



Aromatic herbs, whose leaves emit a large amount of volatile substances, are good companions for many garden plants. Their volatile secretions have a beneficial effect on vegetables growing nearby: they make them healthier, and in some cases significantly affect the taste.

For example, fragrant basil improves the taste of tomatoes , a dill- cabbage.

known to all dandelion releases a large amount of ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening of fruits. Therefore, its neighborhood is favorable for apple trees and many vegetable crops.

Most aromatic herbs lavender, borage, sage, hyssop, parsley, dill, savory, marjoram, chamomile, krevel - works well on almost all vegetables.

Planted along the edges of beds or plots white nettle (deaf nettle), valerian, yarrow make vegetable plants healthier and disease resistant.


dynamic plants - those that have a good effect on everyone and everything, maintaining a general tone: nettle, chamomile, valerian, dandelion, yarrow.

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"Tyrants", oppressing all "neighbors" without exception: fennel and wormwood . Around fennel, indeed, everything is suffering. Him - to the fence.

"Helpers" for everyone - lettuce and spinach. They secrete substances that enhance the activity of roots and plants and shade the soil. So everyone is fed!

"Barrel" with each other all umbrella plants except carrots : parsley, celery, parsnip, lovage, dill, cilantro. These are best planted apart.

It is useful to plant around the beds with greenery marigold: they will be an excellent protection against pests.

To get rid of the wireworm (larva of the nut beetle), plant next to carrots beans. No matter what part of your site you plant your favorite root crops, carrots are never spoiled by this pest.


How to combine incompatible

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This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, however, a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it is occupied by a variety of fruit plants.

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To separate poorly compatible plant species, film canopies are used, which divide the greenhouse into certain sections. This helps to create a kind of microclimate.

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In what order should vegetables be planted so that the garden bed is as efficient as possible?


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We offer a scheme that is used by German farmers. They arrange a bed for planting root crops very wide, about 1 meter.

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Wherein potatoes are in the center (early varieties can be planted in two rows, and later - in one). On the one hand, they are planted in a line eggplant, and on the other - head lettuce, kohlrabi and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternated in one row.


Sown along the edge of the garden two rows of spinach and the distance between them and other crops is sown with leaf lettuce and radish.

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Harvesting will take place as crops mature.


The green umbel of lettuce appears first, it shade other slowly growing crops and save them from the scorching sun.


Lettuce ripens first, then spinach, then radishes.


About a month later, it's time for the head lettuce and cauliflower.


Thus, the bed is gradually emptying, leaving room for the growth and development of eggplant and potatoes.



Now it’s clear how to use the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. How to plant correctly - will tell you personal experience, and for the first time you can use the finished scheme.

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The benefits of mixed beds


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Summing up all that has been said, I would like to note that planning mixed beds helps a lot save space and significantly improves crop quality . soil resources are used more evenly, and the plants themselves serve as a natural protection for each other from diseases and pests .

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It should be borne in mind that the planting pattern can be changed to suit the needs of your garden, we have given only general templates. But be sure to observe the compatibility of vegetables. This simple rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs and investments.



From one garden experienced gardeners remove 11-15 kg of a variety of vegetables. Correct location plants in the garden also helps save resources as required less water and fertilizers.

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That, perhaps, is all regarding what the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is. List of plants that are "friends" and "not friends" with each other, look at the table. Use it - and a good harvest is guaranteed to you!


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Pollution environment there is a result not of chemicalization in general, but of the imperfections of the preparations used, the violation of the rules for their use, the insufficient development of methods of agricultural technology, and the culture of agriculture. With each harvest, a huge amount of nutrients is extracted from the soil, and if the deficit is not made up artificially, the earth will be completely barren.

Fertilizers for the crop

Compost, which is often "voted" by conservationists, is not a fertilizer, but a soil improver. It is not able to make up for the lack of nutrients on its own. Therefore, we can talk about high yields only in the case of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers. The same applies to pesticides. Despite the active fight against pests and diseases of agricultural crops, crop losses due to these reasons sometimes reach 30%. Denial of funds chemical protection plants will cause much greater losses.

Garden castling and fertilizer.

How to plant vegetables

A significant drawback is that, relying on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the modern farmer completely neglects the possibilities that the plant organism is fraught with. Any plant, to one degree or another, forms an excretion (into the soil, air) that attracts or repels insects, oppresses or promotes the development of neighboring crops; some plants need some elements, others need others, and so on. This is how plant communities are formed in nature, where the regulation of nutrient intake, mutual protection from pests and diseases. Unfortunately, most cultivated plants largely lost the ability to self-sustain.

Vegetable Compatibility Chart.

And yet, skillfully selecting cohabitants on the same plot, you can achieve the effect when the need for fertilizers and pesticides drops sharply. So, for example, potatoes at an early stage of development need nitrogen compounds, and the soil is depleted of them. If you plant legumes nearby that enrich the soil with nitrogen, the balance will be restored to some extent. Moreover, if beans become a neighbor of potatoes, the benefits will be mutual: the tubers will not suffer from the wireworm and the mole, as well as the worst enemy - the Colorado potato beetle.

Vegetable compatibility.

It is on this symbiosis of different cultures that the meaning of specially developed seed maps lies. Understanding the patterns that determine active growth and fruiting helps to model crop compositions that are resistant to pests and even out nutrient intake from the soil. This increases the coefficient useful action the use of land and the assimilation of nutrients from it, the cost of fertilizers and pesticides is reduced, and the ecological culture of management is increased. Below is the following example.

Example of joint planting of vegetables

Carrots - parsley - onion sets - radishes. In a joint planting, these crops grow and bear fruit better. Such a landing scheme allows you to get high yields even on marginal lands and under adverse weather conditions.

Five furrows are carried out along the ridge, in which onions are planted at intervals of 30-40 cm. Between the bulbs - radishes. Between the furrows, two rows of parsley and two carrots are sown, alternating with each other. There are nine rows in total. After harvesting, radishes, then onions, carrots and parsley occupy the entire area and produce large root crops by the end of the season.

Vegetable compatibility table.

  • Carrots and parsley can be planted, but they are not “friends” with dill. Carrots get better nutrients together with their neighbors: peas, lettuce (Chinese cabbage) and tomatoes (tomatoes).

  • Onions and garlic are best planted with beets, lettuce and tomatoes. Peas and beans and any other legumes they do not like.

  • Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots are friends with beans.

  • An excellent combination in obtaining nutrients is organized by cucumbers: radishes, sunflowers, corn, beans and peas.

  • The beetroot receives the most prosperous neighborhood from onions.

  • Tomatoes (tomatoes) prefer to grow with onions and parsley, but they should not be planted with potatoes.

  • Corn will serve as an ideal support for peas and beans. Plant cucumbers along with corn, it will safely hide them in the shade that they so much need. Corn is also planted between rows of pumpkins or potatoes.

  • It is not recommended to plant potatoes with pumpkin.

  • Radishes are best planted with peas, cucumbers or lettuce.

Studies have shown that a well-chosen combination of plants can grow in one place for up to 10 years. At good care even in conditions of poor soils, you can grow up to 8-9 kg of vegetables per 1 meter per square garden plot.

The special arrangement of nature has always surprised man. It is so arranged in it that nearby plants help each other or, on the contrary, start a “struggle” for a place in the sun. If you are seriously convinced that the danger to the garden lies solely in the weeds, then you are mistaken! Nearby beds with incompatible crops can cause a gardener to be in a bad mood.

So, what should not be planted close to each other? For example, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers next to lettuce, as these vegetables will not be able to live "in harmony" with many herbs, including aromatic ones. Dill is no exception. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties in this matter. We will try to deal with them in this article when we give an answer to the question - what to plant next to the carrot?

Carrots are a vegetable that every hostess always needs! All year round they add it to all sorts of dishes, both hot and raw. Salads with carrots are especially tasty. What neighborhood with carrots will be the most favorable?

Onions and carrots

Onions and carrots are "eternal" cohabitants. Of course, you have already heard many stories about carrot flies, which liked this root crop no less than people. If you plant carrots and onions on the same bed, then this pest will be able to drive away. The reason is that such flies cannot tolerate the aroma of onions. The benefit of a nearby onion also lies in the fact that it prevents root mites from damaging carrots.

As they say, a carrot does not remain in debt. She protects the bow from onion fly and a moth. It is worth noting that this root crop is an excellent cohabitant for all varieties of onions, and even for garlic.

There are separate methods for sowing onions and carrots. The essence of one of these methods is that it is necessary to scatter onion seeds in the garden fourteen days before the start of sowing carrots. It is not necessary to sprinkle the onion seeds immediately, but after the carrots are sown. This is not only convenient for the gardener - he does not have to do one job several times, but also useful, because crops will be sown at a time convenient for them.

The situation is different if you decide to plant carrots next to onion sets (). First you need to plant carrots, and after a few weeks, start planting sevka. It is recommended that carrots and onions grow through a row or even two rows.

When planting carrots and onions together, be aware that the first crop is compatible with tomatoes, while they cannot be planted next to onions!

Carrot and celery

It is not recommended to grow carrots and celery in the same garden. These cultures don't mix well with each other. Celery does not protect the onion from the onion fly, on the contrary, it attracts insects that are dangerous for it.

Planting onions on the same bed with carrots has a number of features. These crops are recommended to be sown earlier than carrots. If you sow a vegetable ahead of time, then its sprouts may fall under spring frosts, and then instead of a rich harvest, you will get a "flower bed". It is known that carrots bloom only in the second year, and she can "decide" that he has already come and it's time for her to bloom.

A plus for crops in close proximity to carrots is that, when blooming, it attracts various beneficial insects with its aroma.

Carrot is a vegetable that is present during the meal on almost every table. This root crop is rich in vitamins, trace elements and beneficial minerals. No wonder in Russia they said that this vegetable brings strength to people. Not only beneficial features, but a pleasant taste is distinguished by carrots. Even desserts are prepared with its use, and it is recommended to give young children delicious carrot juice.

But in order to get a good harvest of carrots, you need to know which crops are best placed next to them. The most optimal compatibility of carrots:

  • Beans;
  • Radish;
  • Sage;
  • Peas;
  • Salad;
  • Garlic.

What is incompatible with carrots?

Carrots are a common root vegetable. It is grown in almost every garden, but not always the harvest is as good as the gardener would like. It would seem that there is no drought, and in right time has been planted and is well cared for. What's wrong with carrots?

And the answer is not as complicated as it might seem. The disastrous neighborhood with other cultures is the main reason. The vegetable spends all its "strength" and "reserves" on the fight, and the carrot grows thin, weak and in small quantities.

The following crops are incompatible with carrots on the same bed:

  • Anise;
  • Beet;
  • Horseradish;
  • Parsley;
  • Fragrant greens.

Moreover, carrots are recommended to be planted as far as possible from apple trees. Otherwise, you may end up with bitter vegetables, and bitter apples. Of course, I want to grow sweet carrots, so it is best to refuse such a neighborhood.

Now you know what to plant next to carrots, and which crops should be avoided. The gardener must take this information seriously. Be sure that by planting carrots away from dill, you will get an excellent crop that your neighbors will envy! The main thing is the correct seating. Knowing which vegetables are in conflict with each other, you can protect them from losses, because in the first place it is beneficial for you! On the contrary, knowing which cultures are “friendly”, help each other and protect against insects, you will intentionally plant them next to each other.

This is such a unique nature! Growing a good crop of carrots in one garden is very difficult and almost impossible for many summer residents. Nearby beetroot and carrot beds can produce a quality crop with proper care.

When planting garlic, you need to follow many rules that relate to the selection of a place for planting, soil preparation and planting material. But it is equally important that all the crops on the site be planted in such a way that the garlic has the “right” neighbors. Many novice gardeners make an irreparable mistake by planting incompatible crops nearby. Let's try to give some tips to help you avoid unpleasant consequences, and figure out what can be planted next to garlic.

The correct crop rotation is great value in any horticultural sector. Experienced gardeners carefully plan where, which beds will be located, what will grow on them. It takes into account which crops grew in the garden in the previous year. Compatibility with other crops is important, if the combination is chosen correctly, berry, vegetable, green crops will not get sick, and in the fall they will delight in a healthy and rich harvest.

Unsuitable crops can inhibit plant growth. They will “reward” the plant with many diseases, fungal infections, which will adversely affect the crop, or lead to death. All this fully applies to garlic, the most popular vegetable in the garden.

precursors of garlic

You can’t just choose a place to plant and plant garlic. You need to know what plants grew in this place. Each crop has its own effect on the growth of garlic.

It is not recommended to plant garlic after garlic and onions. It is better to give preference to melons and cereals. These plants, as well as fodder grasses, legumes, saturate the soil with useful microelements, have a positive effect on mineral composition. This allows you to get a large harvest of healthy large bulbs.

Undesirable crops for garlic are radishes, carrots, turnips. Coriander, mint, basil, celery are also not suitable as predecessors. Lettuce is also not perceived by garlic as a previous crop, although it grows well next to it. Strong and fragrant heads of garlic can be harvested if you plant a vegetable after potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, squash or pumpkin. It is worth noting that garlic itself is a good predecessor for almost all crops.

What to plant next to garlic

What to plant garlic with? Are there plants that cannot grow next to this spice? In garlic, a high concentration of biologically active substances, in the garden, it plays the role of a suburban fungicide that successfully copes with any fungal infections. The plant also secretes phytoncides that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. These qualities of garlic affect most of the culture's neighbors beneficially, nourishing and strengthening the plants.

For example, potatoes and healthy garlic crops together help potatoes suffer less from late blight. When planting garlic between strawberry bushes, most insects that harm the crop can be scared away from garlic. If a bed of garlic is located next to a lettuce, carrots, this will help get rid of the psyllid or carrot fly, which often infect carrots.

Garlic becomes a good companion for vegetables and herbs. You can plant cloves between plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, any kind of salad.

What to plant next to garlic? Garlic is a real protector of flowers and berries. Especially favorable is the neighborhood with currants, raspberries, gladioli, roses and tulips.

Onions and garlic: together or separately

Can onions be planted with garlic? This question often worries gardeners. We have already found out that garlic should not be planted after onions, but how do these crops behave when they are located in the neighborhood? Growers have different opinions on this. Growing onions, garlic in neighboring beds is a bad choice. This is not strictly prohibited, but these cultures belong to the same family, the diseases are also the same.

These plants have a lot in common: they are planted at the same time, they also ripen almost at the same time, these crops feel good only in sunlight. Therefore, if the site is small, you need to save space, you can place plants nearby. It is still not recommended to plant onions and garlic close to each other on the same bed, the distance should be about 15 cm. You just need to carefully monitor that in planting material there were no pests or diseases.

Garlic and strawberries: better together

Strawberries (strawberries) with garlic are the most friendly neighbors. They can only benefit each other. From such combined (joint) plantings, everyone only benefits, both crops and the gardener. Garlic is a biological protector of strawberries from pests, as well as fungal, underground diseases of strawberries. This becomes possible due to the emitted phytoncides.

Garlic not only repels slugs, but also bears, larvae Maybug. Both plants are moisture-loving. Once every five to six days, it is necessary to water the beds. Some gardeners grow garlic in strawberry beds, but do not dig it up, but only cut the greens in the summer. Next year's garlic harvest will also be good. Strawberry-cabbage, strawberry-cucumber, strawberry-carrot are also excellent neighboring crops.

The combination of garlic and legumes

After legumes, garlic grows well, but peas do not want to see beans in their neighbors. These vegetables do not want to get along with each other. They get sick, their productivity decreases. Peas-cucumbers - good combination, but beans and peas also conflict with each other. Vegetables have complicated relationships, don't they?

Mixed landing: landing or harm

Mixed cultivation (allelopathy) is a special type of cultivation of several crops on the same bed, planted according to a certain pattern. Is such a landing valid? For what cultures is it needed and why?

The advantage of planting several crops is that each plant performs its function, protecting each other. Even the American Indians cultivated plants according to this principle. The most popular combination: corn, peas and pumpkin. Peas saturate the soil with nitrogen, pumpkin fights weeds, corn serves as a support. The main task is to choose the right culture. Some plants growing next to others can enhance their flavor. For example, celery, onions improve the taste of tomatoes. Cucumbers next to a sunflower will grow crispy and juicy.

But garlic rarely wins in any neighborhood, despite all its useful properties. It is impossible for a garden bed with garlic to be located next to peanuts, lentils. These crops cease to develop normally and bear fruit. Planting perennial onions next to garlic does not grow. But with raspberries, currants, garlic grows excellently, having a beneficial effect on berry crops.

When planting different crops on the same bed, it is necessary to strictly follow the planting pattern. Plants should not block sunlight from each other. It is necessary to take into account the height of each plant that will grow together, providing a tiered planting. The main crops should be taller than the compactors. This planting creates favorable conditions for the root system.

The disadvantages of the method include the fact that allelopathy is too in a complicated way landing. It requires deep knowledge of all crops, their properties, growing periods, and even more experience. It is better for beginner gardeners not to risk planting, because improper planting of at least one plant will lead to the death of the crop.