What you need to eat during pregnancy. Proper nutrition for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a period that requires careful monitoring of your health status. The expectant mother should remember that the development of the child primarily depends on her well-being. It is very important to get adequate rest and eat right.

Why is nutrition given so much attention? And are there any diets for pregnant women?

Restrictions during pregnancy

Until recently, strict nutritional requirements were imposed during pregnancy. Gynecologists closely monitored weight gain and urged not to feed the child, for some reason allergists forbade eating honey and citrus fruits. With even minor edema, pregnant women were not allowed to drink more than 1 liter of any liquid per day.

But are there any justification for these strict restrictions? And is it worth adhering to such recommendations?

Modern nutritional requirements for pregnant women

To date, it has been proven that there is no direct relationship between the nutrition of the mother and the weight of the child. The kid in any situation will assimilate exactly as much nutrients as he needs at the moment. And even if the expectant mother for some reason restricts herself in food, first of all, the child will be provided with food. His development will not be affected, in contrast to the health of a woman.

The baby's weight gain depends on various factors, including diseases of the mother's endocrine system. That is why, with an increase in sugar levels (diabetes mellitus of pregnant women), children weighing 4–5 kg are born, regardless of the constitution and nutrition of the mother.

Diet in case of weight gain

Do you need a diet with a significant increase? What if the weight is growing rapidly? There is no definite answer to this question. Previously, a normal increase was considered 11-15 kg throughout pregnancy. Today these boundaries have expanded.

It is assumed that the body of a pregnant woman is able to control its own needs. But sometimes it's better to listen to common sense. A constant desire to eat is a normal condition during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. But you need to eat not buns and cakes, but full-fledged snacks.

It is advisable to eat not 2-3 times a day, but 4-6 and do it in small portions. Such fractional nutrition is useful not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth.

In the case of significant weight gain, the main emphasis should be on plant foods - vegetables and fruits, meat, cottage cheese. And reduce the amount of carbohydrate food in your diet. This is especially true for easily digestible carbohydrates - potatoes, bread, chocolate, sweets and sugary drinks.

You need to know that sometimes the usual desire to drink can be hidden under the guise of hunger. And a glass of plain water will help get rid of annoying sucking in the spoon.

Balanced diet

In order for food to be digested normally, it is necessary to properly distribute their intake throughout the day.

The most high-calorie should be lunch. At this time, you can eat whatever you want. If possible, the menu includes the first course - soup or puree soup. They are well absorbed and do not overload the digestive system. If the desire to eat persists, lunch is complemented by a second course - boiled, stewed, baked meat with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Breakfast in terms of calorie content and volume is usually inferior to the lunchtime meal. In the early stages of pregnancy, many women do not eat breakfast at all due to severe toxicosis - nausea or vomiting. To relieve the condition, you can drink a glass of water in the morning with a few drops of lemon juice. Some people are helped by orange juice. And sometimes it is enough to nibble on a raw carrot or unleavened crouton.

By the evening, toxicosis usually decreases. Although there are opposite cases. One should strive to have supper not too late, 3-4 hours before bedtime. Usually at this time you can eat porridge or other side dishes, with meat or fish. Cottage cheese dishes are perfect for an evening menu.

Since hunger sometimes haunts pregnant women throughout the day, snacks are encouraged. They will be appropriate in between meals. As a second breakfast, you can make a vegetable salad or protein omelet, eat fruits, cottage cheese, mild cheese. For an afternoon snack, kefir or yogurt with cookies are usually used.

For the normal development of the baby and the well-being of the mother, nutrition must be balanced and varied. During pregnancy, the following foods are recommended:

  1. Lean meats (beef, veal, turkey, quail, chicken, lean pork).
  2. By-products - liver. It is consumed in limited quantities, no more than one or two times a week to prevent excess vitamin A.
  3. Porridge made from different cereals. Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal are especially recommended. Wheat and semolina can interfere with iron absorption.

  4. Durum wheat pasta.
  5. Vegetables in any form other than fried. Raw vegetables in salads and steamed vegetables are especially useful.
  6. Fruits. Seasonal - in any quantity, citrus and exotic - very moderate.
  7. Dill, parsley, celery are allowed in the preparation of various dishes.
  8. Dairy and fermented milk products. Pregnant women can consume milk, kefir, yogurt, butter, sour cream, low-fat cheese at will.

It is important that the diet contains foods rich in folic acid, vitamin E, iron, calcium.

Foods containing folic acid and vitamin E

Folic acid is needed for the proper formation of the child's nervous system. It is usually prescribed in pill form. But do not forget that it is also present in ordinary products. Folic acid is rich in:

  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • legumes;
  • citrus.

Vitamin E is also essential during pregnancy. It is found in eggs, wheat germ, soybeans, various vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, peanut).

Iron rich foods

Pregnancy is a time of increased iron consumption. A woman should not only maintain her reserves, but also provide the baby with this microelement. So that the level of hemoglobin does not decrease, and anemia does not develop, foods rich in iron are definitely needed in the diet. However, it is not only the percentage of this element in food that matters, but also the degree of its assimilation.

Iron is best absorbed from meat, fish, and other seafood. The diet of a pregnant woman must include:

  • beef tongue;
  • beef;
  • turkey meat;
  • liver;
  • a fish.

Meat and fish can be used to make casseroles, stew or boiled. Among plant foods, legumes are considered leaders in iron content - lentils, peas, beans. From cereals, it is better to give preference to buckwheat and rice.

Vitamin C, which is found in vegetables and fruits, helps to absorb iron from food. For this purpose, it is better to drink meat dishes with orange or tomato juice. Contrary to popular belief that pomegranates and apples are high in iron, there is not much of it.

Calcium-containing foods

During pregnancy, a woman should take care of the increased intake of calcium into the body. After all, it is spent on building the baby's skeletal system. With insufficient intake of calcium from food, the expectant mother develops brittle nails, dull hair, and deteriorate teeth. Best of all, this trace element is absorbed from dairy products, although it is inferior in calcium content to some plants.

During pregnancy, you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheeses or feta cheese every day, drink milk and kefir. You can make cottage cheese on your own, and you must heat-treat one bought in a store.

From plant foods, preference is given to spinach, cabbage, parsley. The sources of calcium include canned fish.

Prohibited foods

Are there foods that are prohibited during pregnancy? Since pregnancy is not a disease, there can be no absolute prohibition on certain foods. But there is a list of products, the use of which is highly discouraged while carrying a baby.

First of all, this applies to such unhealthy food as chips, spicy crackers and similar snacks. They contain many chemical flavors and additives that can harm the baby and mom. During pregnancy, sugar substitutes such as aspartame, sucraltose, neotame should not be used.

You can not overly lean on sweets. This leads to rapid weight gain and creates a feeling of fullness at the expense of other foods the body needs. You should not eat large quantities of foods that cause fermentation in the intestines - legumes, cabbage dishes. This can cause severe abdominal pain during pregnancy.

Since constipation during this period is not uncommon, the problem cannot be aggravated. It is worth giving up bread and flour products and eating more vegetables and fruits.

It is categorically impossible to eat mushrooms bought from hand - dry or pickled. However, during pregnancy it is better to give up any mushrooms, their protein is too hard to digest. Also, you can not eat raw eggs, sushi, steaks with blood.

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to eat fried and fatty foods, rich broths, use a large amount of spices and seasonings.

Drinking regimen

You can drink during pregnancy without restrictions, if you do not forget about common sense. During this period, the woman's circulatory system works with a vengeance to ensure normal nutrition for the mother and child. If not enough fluid enters the body, it begins to function idle.

Swelling in a pregnant woman is not a reason to forbid her to drink. They are almost always associated with other reasons:

  1. Increased vascular permeability.
  2. Poor kidney function.
  3. Decreased blood protein levels.

Restricting drinking does not in any way affect the solution of this problem - the liquid will be lost in the same volume. But in the body it will remain less, which means that dystrophic processes will begin to develop in the placenta, the health and development of the child will suffer.

The expectant mother should be wary if the desire to drink becomes constant and obsessive, and the thirst is practically not quenched by anything. This condition is called polydipsia and indicates the onset of diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).

The situation when a woman drinks much more often and more than urinates also requires close observation. If at the same time the body weight increases sharply, we are talking about the onset of gestosis - a dangerous complication of the second half of pregnancy.

Drinks during pregnancy

What can and cannot be drunk during pregnancy? Are there any beverage requirements? During this period, it is better to drink green tea, compotes, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks. At home, you can make your own yoghurts, cook jelly.

Herbal teas should not be drunk without the permission of the attending physician. Certain herbs can cause the uterus to contract or harm the development of the baby. A decoction of chamomile is considered safe, it can be freely consumed as a regular drink. Drinking black tea and coffee is not recommended because of its tonic effect.

During pregnancy, you should not take alcohol, even in small quantities. Alcohol has a negative effect on the child and takes a long time to be removed from the mother's blood. Also, at this time, energy drinks should not be abused, since their effect on the development of the baby has not been studied by anyone.

In general, the diet during pregnancy is not very different from the balanced diet in everyday life. But the expectant mother must remember that the health of the child now depends on the quality of her food, and not allow gross errors in the diet.

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Now that pregnancy has arrived, it's time to take serious nutritional care. During pregnancy, the food eaten affects both the pregnant woman and her baby. However, there is no need to “eat for two”, you just need to choose foods that are more enriched with useful nutrients. For development, the fetus receives everything it needs from the mother's body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The mother, in turn, receives them with food. Therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, there is an increased need for vitamins. Poor nutrition can lead to miscarriages, short stature, perinatal health problems, and impairs the vitality of the fetus.

It should be remembered that pregnancy is not the time to lose weight by using special diets! Alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated in any form and quantity (even red wine)!

For the normal course of pregnancy, one should not, especially in the last months, consume fat and flour products. This leads to an enlarged fetus, which can make labor difficult.

The first half should be four times a day.
In the second, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, preferably dairy products, and limit meat and fish dishes. The menu must include: porridge, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, eggs, vegetables, fruits.

Salty, spicy and smoked exclude (can lead to severe toxicosis). Limit fluid intake to 1 liter per day (including soups).

With the right choice of foods from the four groups below, you and your child are guaranteed a varied and balanced diet.

In the daily diet, 50-60% should be proteins of animal origin (25-30% fish and meat, 20-25% - dairy products, 5% - eggs).

1. Dairy products- contain proteins necessary for the growth of a child and replenishment of the needs of the mother's body, as well as trace elements (calcium) necessary to strengthen bones and teeth.

In this regard, it is advisable to consume up to 0.5 liters of milk per day both in whole form and in the form of dairy products (kefir, yogurt, dairy desserts, yoghurts), as well as cottage cheese. It is beneficial to include hard cheeses such as cheddar, processed cheese, pasteurized cheese in the diet.

2. Meat products- contain proteins, iron and B vitamins, which are also necessary both to meet the needs of the mother's body and for the development of the child.

This group includes products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish. It is advisable to consume products from this group twice a day. It is more advisable to give preference to poultry and fish. Try to eat only lean meats, removing areas of fat during cooking.

    All meat, poultry and fish products should be eaten boiled or baked, avoiding fried and smoked foods.

Always remove the skin from poultry before cooking.

White meat is always leaner than red meat.

The loin of beef, pork and lamb is the leanest.

All sausages and sausages are high in fat.

Eggs deserve special attention, which must be boiled, and only use protein for food.

3. Bread products, cereals, potatoes- contain carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

Products in this group include bread, preferably with whole grains or wholemeal flour, potato dishes, pasta, rice, cereals from various types of cereals, muesli or cereals. Meals from products of this group should be included in the diet at every meal.

4. Fruits and vegetables- contain various vitamins and minerals necessary to support various functions of the body, and fiber to improve digestion.

A number of crops such as peas, beans, beans, lentils, cabbage, and dried fruits are rich in iron. However, assimilation during their use is less active than from meat products. To improve this process, you should use foods rich in vitamin "C" at the same time.

Vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet at least four times a day. Try to eat vegetables and fruits with peels where possible.

Correct distribution of food for each meal is important. So meat, fish, cereals should be part of breakfast and lunch dishes, since protein-rich foods increase metabolism and stay in the stomach for a long time. In the afternoon, in the late afternoon, preference should be given to dairy foods. A plentiful intake of food in the evening has a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman, contributes to the disruption of normal rest and sleep.

It is advisable to eat food during the day in 5-7 meals.

As an example, the following approximate menu for the day can be offered:

Fruit or fruit juice.
Oatmeal or bran flakes with milk.
Wholemeal bread, toast with low-fat butter.
Tea or coffee. Lunch
Tea, coffee or milk.
Fruit or biscuits. Dinner
Sandwich with lettuce, cheese, fish, cold boiled meat.
Fresh fruit or yogurt.
Tea, coffee or fruit juice. Afternoon snack
Tea or coffee with cookies. Early supper
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs, or legumes.
Potatoes, rice or pasta.
Vegetables or salad.
Milk pudding, or fruit, or biscuits.
Tea. Late supper
Milk with wholemeal bread or biscuits.

The total amount of fluid consumed in the 1-2 trimester should be 1.2-1.5 liters per day, including water, tea, coffee, juices, soups.

The intake of table salt is limited in the second half of pregnancy to 8 g per day, since a larger amount of it contributes to water retention in the body and the development of edema.

The general principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy are as follows:

    Food should be taken often 5-7 times a day in small portions.

Eat slowly, without rushing.

Drink plenty of plain drinking water. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will allow you to feel full faster and for a longer time.

If you know that you cannot limit yourself from any product, it is better to give it up altogether.

Eat more fish, poultry, and less red meat.

Food should be boiled, baked, or stewed, but not fried.

Give preference to eating vegetables, fruits and cereals, vegetable oil.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, a woman's diet does not differ significantly from her menu before pregnancy, the tastes of a pregnant woman can only change. But now you need to start adhering to the principles of proper nutrition in order to avoid toxicosis and lay the foundation for the correct development of the embryo.

Try to include green salads with vegetable oil and sea fish on the menu every day. It is important to start taking folic acid, iodine and vitamin E supplements throughout pregnancy.

Due to the increased work of the liver and kidneys, it is advisable at the very beginning of pregnancy to significantly limit the number of spicy dishes and spices such as pepper, mustard, and vinegar in the diet. To reduce the load on the liver, try to replace fried and fatty ones with boiled and stewed ones, limit the use of butter, high fat sour cream, cream, vegetable oil. Use low-fat cottage cheese.

Along with vegetables and fruits, eat wholemeal bread, as it contains fiber and B vitamins.
Particular attention in the diet of a pregnant woman should be paid to table salt. It plays an important role in water exchange. Excessive consumption of it contributes to the development of edema and supports inflammatory processes. Normal daily intake
salt is 12-15 g. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is already possible to recommend restricting the diet of pickles and smoked meats.

Coffee should be completely excluded from the diet of the expectant mother, even if it was a woman's favorite drink before pregnancy. A pregnant woman who drinks at least 3-4 cups of black coffee a day is more likely to give birth to a premature baby with low birth weight. Substances contained in tea and coffee (

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the key to the health of the unborn child. It is very important that protein is present in the diet, because it is he who is the basis for the rapidly growing baby's body. A number of products that can cause serious harm should be discarded altogether.

When planning meals for pregnant women, nutritionists start from the gestational age, because at each stage, the female body needs different nutrients. Therefore, during each of the periods of pregnancy, the menu of the expectant mother must be adjusted.

  1. The diet of a mother who is at the initial stage of pregnancy does not actually differ from the usual diet. Of course, the menu should be complete and enriched with the necessary nutrients. This approach to nutrition is explained by the fact that, despite the formation of all the most important organs of the baby, he is still too small for him and his future mother, the usual amount of food is enough for full development. The only feature should be the emphasis on consuming as many foods as possible, which contain the right amount of calcium.
  2. With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby begins to grow rapidly and you cannot do without food with a high protein content. It is extremely important not only to increase the amount of food consumed, but to choose exactly those foods that contain an increased amount of nutrients for the child.
  3. With the onset of the third trimester, the child has the formation of the skeleton, all internal organs and the development of the nervous system. It is during this period that it is necessary to focus on food with a high content of calcium, minerals and vitamins.

Based on all of the above, the conclusion follows - the proper nutrition of the mother should depend on the duration of her pregnancy and satisfy all the physiological needs of the unborn child.

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman may not change her usual diet, which includes 3 to 4 meals a day. The only point to which you need to pay attention should be the balance of calories. You need to distribute it as follows:

  • Your first meal can be about 30 percent of your daily calorie intake.
  • Second breakfast can contain up to 15 percent of your daily calorie intake
  • Lunch should be the densest meal of the day. Its calorie content can be as high as 35 percent of the daily value.
  • Dinner should be lighter. Its calorie content should not exceed 25 percent of the daily value.

Starting from the 4th - 5th month, meals should be more frequent, about 6 times a day, but the weight of each serving should be slightly reduced. This change in diet is due to the fact that an overly full mother's stomach can put pressure on the developing fetus. For this reason, it is highly undesirable to pass it on to future mothers.

The products that the expectant mother consumes during the day also need to be properly distributed. Protein-rich foods should be selected during breakfast and lunch. This includes various types of fish, eggs and not too fatty meat. These foods have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and take longer to be absorbed. Dinner should consist of lighter foods such as dairy products or vegetables.

A woman in a position should take it as a rule to have supper no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Eating too much before bed is extremely harmful. If hunger seems completely unbearable, you can afford a glass of warmed milk or kefir, or eat a small pear or apple.

Another important feature of nutrition is the inclusion in the diet of foods that have a positive effect on intestinal motility. Systematic bowel cleansing is very important for maintaining the health of the mother and her unborn child. Such products include:

  • Apples and various types of dried fruits
  • Fresh carrots
  • All kinds of cereals
  • Bread baked from wholemeal flour with the addition of bran.

Regular use of fruit juices, always with pulp, will help to achieve a positive effect. Adequate fiber helps the body to cleanse itself.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy to avoid gaining excess weight?

The nutrition of a woman waiting for a little miracle should be based on the following rules:

Proper nutrition in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The main purpose of feeding pregnant women in the first few weeks of fetal formation is to provide the baby with the necessary amount of calcium. In this regard, the menu should contain such products as:

  1. Green vegetables. Broccoli cabbage will be the most useful.
  2. Milk and dairy products.
  3. Fresh juices.

Another important element for the body of a future mother is manganese, since it is on it that the correct formation of the fetal membrane and placenta depends. The following products will help replenish manganese reserves:

  1. Pork
  2. Spinach
  3. Turkey
  4. Bananas
  5. Oatmeal

Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, many women develop toxicosis. To reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, a woman should eat a not too sweet cracker or a small crouton and wash it down with several small sips of water. A prerequisite is that you should eat without getting out of bed.

During the day, instead of eating heavy foods, a woman suffering from toxicosis should choose lighter foods, which include vegetables and fruits. You can add soy, nuts, legumes, yoghurts (preferably homemade) and various types of cheeses to the diet.

In addition, during the period of toxicosis, you can make an exception and eat a small amount of pickled cucumbers, pickled apples, or sauerkraut. These foods help to awaken the appetite.

To stimulate intestinal motility and obtain a sufficient amount of fiber, you should diversify the diet of the expectant mother with products such as:

  1. Fresh kefir
  2. Beet
  3. Porridge and whole grain bread
  4. Dried apricots and prunes.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to listen carefully to the body's prompts. The well-known "whims" of pregnant women are nothing more than a signal from the body about the lack of certain substances. Satisfying whims (within reasonable limits) will not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and her unborn child.

When going outside, a woman suffering from toxicosis should take water, an apple, or a lemon with her. All this can help to cope with the next bout of nausea.

Proper nutrition in the 2nd trimester

With the onset of the second trimester, the daily amount of calories should increase. The increase in calories is due to the rapid growth of the child, who desperately needs an impressive amount of protein. If the expectant mother suffered from toxicosis, then at the new stage of pregnancy she will most likely experience a constant feeling of hunger, which threatens to gain excess weight. In such a situation, overeating should be avoided. It is necessary to monitor your own weight not only for beauty, but also for the prevention of the onset of diabetes in pregnant women.

Another nutritional feature should be the replenishment of iron stores. For this purpose, the diet should include:

  • Tomato juice
  • Buckwheat
  • Liver
  • Meat.

For an easy pregnancy, the body must contain a sufficient amount of vitamin B9, which are rich in:

  • Asparagus and green beans
  • Parsley, lettuce, spinach
  • Avocado and citrus
  • Fresh green peas.

At the end of the second trimester, the unborn child develops the organs of sight and hearing. For the proper development of these organs, you need to choose foods with a high content of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These substances are in:

  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • The pepper is yellow.

Proper nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

A correctly composed diet at the last stage of pregnancy can save a woman from the development of late toxicosis. This condition is extremely dangerous and is characterized by a decrease in the performance of the kidneys, which entails the appearance of severe edema and surges in blood pressure. To avoid edema, salt should be practically abandoned in the last trimester.

Mommies' nutrition should be extremely healthy. The diet can include:

  • Whole grain cereals.

You will have to forget about your favorite pasta and all kinds of buns for a while. In addition, you should completely abandon fried, salted, smoked, canned and spicy foods. It is strictly forbidden to eat peanuts, all types of citrus fruits and chocolate (except white). The use of these products can provoke the development of allergies in a baby.

To avoid such a problem as constipation, you should include dried fruits and figs in the menu. You can also drink a glass of kefir a day.

To protect yourself from heartburn, which often appears during this period, it is advisable to eat:

  • Boiled poultry
  • Lean meat
  • Fruits and vegetables (previously heat-treated)
  • Cottage cheese (the main thing is not fatty)
  • Dried bread
  • Eggs (preferably soft-boiled).

Starting from the eighth month, the diet should be dominated by foods that contain a large amount of calcium and fatty acids. The change in diet is due to the fact that the child is actively forming bones and developing the brain. The expectant mother is recommended to pay attention to:

  • Red meat
  • Various nuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Green vegetables.

In the last few weeks, the expectant mother should begin preparing the body for the childbirth process. At this stage of pregnancy, cereals and vegetables become the main food of a woman.

Proper nutrition of the expectant mother with pyelonephritis

Unfortunately, pyelonephritis is a very common ailment among pregnant women. With pyelonephritis, a pathogenic microflora penetrates the kidneys. During treatment, you must adhere to the strictest diet.

  • The nutrition of a woman diagnosed with pyelonephritis should consist of pasta, various cereals and uncomfortable pastries.
  1. Not fatty meat, fish and poultry
  2. Fresh vegetables or cooked or baked vegetables. The most useful are zucchini and eggplant.
  3. Sour cream, cottage cheese or yogurt, with a low percentage of fat.

If pyelonephritis is detected, it is advisable to completely abandon smoked meats, fatty or pickled foods, it is categorically impossible to eat baked goods, fresh bread, puff pastry and all types of cakes. Meat, mushrooms, fish and various types of cheeses should also be strictly prohibited.

  • Apples, gooseberries, pears, grapes, and also plums will be most useful for expectant mothers who have been diagnosed with pyelonephritis.
  • The most optimal cooking methods during the treatment period are boiling or steaming.
  • If the expectant mother is diagnosed with pyelonephritis, but there is no swelling at all, the diet should not be changed.

Nutrition during pregnancy should be "healthy", ie. contain healthy natural products in the diet that are necessary to keep a woman's body in good shape.

Nutrition at 1 week of pregnancy implies the use of conventional foods that do not contain harmful components. Usually, a woman learns about the onset of pregnancy only starting from the 3rd obstetric week, however, such an important event should be planned in advance, taking care of good nutrition. So, at the planning stage of conception, you need to increase the consumption of folic acid. In its natural form, it is found in almost any greenery, grain crops, fresh lettuce. In many cases, the gynecologist prescribes the intake of folic acid in the form of capsules.

It should be remembered about the benefits of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, but it is advisable to refuse sweets, fatty foods and canned foods. This will help get rid of early toxicosis and possible obesity problems. For the expectant mother, bright yellow fruits will be useful: melon, bananas, mangoes, peaches, as well as yogurt with natural berries, toast with cereals and cheese, etc.

Nutrition at 2 weeks gestation

Nutrition during pregnancy in the first 14 days should be varied and complete, because during this period a new life is born in the female body. First of all, the expectant mother should give up harmful products that do not bring any benefit, for example, fast foods (french fries, pizza, hot dogs). You should eat more dairy products, cheeses, yoghurts and cereal salads.

Food at 2 weeks of gestation should be fortified. The expectant mother is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, especially yellow ones: peaches, mangoes, pumpkins, etc. In order to avoid the development of early toxicosis, it is necessary to give up fried and fatty foods. Also during this period, folic acid should be taken, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Such a drug can be bought in advance at a pharmacy and start taking already during the planning period for conception. Many products contain folic acid in its natural form - these are fruits, dried fruits, as well as freshly frozen and mashed berries and fruits: kiwi, bananas, figs, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, etc. Among vegetables with a high content of folic acid, all types of cabbage are in the lead and eggplant. A lot of this useful substance is found in greens: parsley, lettuce, as well as spinach and beans. In addition, vitamin B9 is found in porcini mushrooms, yeast, hazelnuts and walnuts.

The main need of the expectant mother for vitamins is provided by taking products of plant and animal origin: products made from wholemeal flour, potatoes, legumes, liver, meat, milk, butter, cottage cheese, etc.

In the second week of pregnancy, it is recommended to limit the intake of sweets (jams, cakes, candies and other confectionery), as they can lead to rapid weight gain. It is worth completely eliminating the consumption of sugar in its pure form. It is strictly forbidden: alcoholic beverages, medicines (without a doctor's prescription), hot spices and canned food (they contain toxic preservatives).

Nutrition at the 3rd week of pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy is a very serious issue that needs to be approached responsibly. It is especially important to take into account the correct diet of a pregnant woman in the first weeks after conception, when all the internal organs of the unborn baby are laid. First of all, you need to take care of your daily intake of vitamins. In this regard, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries are ideal. In winter, it is useful to consume dried fruits and freshly frozen fruits and berries, which retain the entire range of useful vitamins.

Nutrition at the 3rd week of pregnancy should consist in the intake of calcium-containing foods: milk and various dairy products, fruit juices in their natural form, green vegetables and broccoli. Calcium takes part in the formation of the baby's skeletal system. Trace elements such as zinc and manganese, which are found in sufficient quantities in eggs, lean beef, pork and turkey meat, oatmeal, bananas, almonds, and walnuts, are no less important for the proper construction of the child's body. During this period, it is useful for a pregnant woman to eat carrots, spinach, raisins - these products should be taken, combining and alternating with each other. It is necessary to ensure that in the third week of pregnancy, the above products are always present in the diet of the expectant mother.

Nutrition at 4 weeks of gestation

The question of rational nutrition of the expectant mother is relevant not only during this period, but also at the initial stage of pregnancy planning. Harmful toxic substances can have a negative impact on the development of the embryo, therefore, a woman must necessarily monitor the diet even before conception.

Starting from the fourth week, the rapid development of the ovum occurs, which gradually takes the form of an embryo that looks like a flat disc. In the 4-week period, the active growth of the embryo begins, vital organs and small tissues are formed in it.

Nutrition at the 4th week of pregnancy is reduced not only to the use of extremely healthy foods, but also to the rejection of harmful ones. For example, it is recommended to give up coffee during this period. The diet of the expectant mother should be as balanced as possible and combine vitamins and minerals, since their lack can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. In the menu of a pregnant woman, natural products should be introduced: for example, instead of sausages and smoked meats, use boiled meat. The expectant mother will benefit from the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals and whole grain breads.

Nutrition at 5 weeks pregnant

Nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy is most often complicated by early toxicosis. In this case, you should try to replace protein products of animal origin (eggs, meat, etc.) with vegetable proteins - soy, legumes or nuts. It is recommended to increase the consumption of carrots, apricots, mangoes, and if you do not accept milk, you should replace it with cheese or yogurt. If food does not bring pleasure, you should not torture yourself and eat by force - foods that cause disgust should be completely excluded from the diet.

If toxicosis and other unpleasant symptoms exhaust a pregnant woman, causing rejection of food, it is recommended to start an additional intake of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which has a positive effect on the absorption of proteins, and, therefore, facilitates the manifestations of toxicosis. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, fractional nutrition helps: you should eat often and little by little, this will help to avoid unpleasant bouts of nausea. If no recommendations help, and the body rejects everything eaten, the expectant mother should go to the hospital. In such a difficult period, she will need injections of vitamin preparations, as well as intravenous glucose.

Nutrition at 6 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at the 6th week of pregnancy has a certain innovation: the expectant mother is recommended to start the day with a cup of tea, crackers or crackers even before getting out of bed. This will reduce the manifestations of early toxicosis. You should also eat a little before going to bed. For this purpose, for example, a handful of raisins are suitable. During this period, it is recommended to drink more (at least 8 glasses of pure water per day), as well as refuse any dishes containing fatty, smoked, canned foods.

For a period of 6 weeks or more, it is necessary to adjust the diet, since the development of the fetus during this period is very active, and the future baby needs nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. So, for the normal formation of the nervous and circulatory systems, as well as internal organs, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, vitamins of group B, E are very important. In this case, it will be beneficial to take vitamin and mineral preparations, the appointment of which must be entrusted to a gynecologist. Among the products, which contain vitamins and nutrients in their pure form, one can note fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat and fish, nuts, and dairy products.

Nutrition at 7 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at the 7th week of pregnancy should be aimed at reducing the manifestations of toxicosis, which often torments women precisely in the first 10 weeks of bearing a child. In order to prevent nausea and vomiting, doctors recommend that pregnant women take small snacks in the morning right in bed. Dry biscuits, salted pretzels, crackers, and cereal bread are suitable as products for such a breakfast.

At week 7, it is important to include calcium-containing foods in the diet, since during this period the embryo begins to lay milk teeth. Of course, calcium abuse should not be allowed - this can lead to toning of the uterus.

In order to prevent increased gas formation, it is better to avoid eating legumes, fried potatoes and cabbage. Preference should be given to plant foods, healthy fats and carbohydrates, which will give the expectant mother the same energy, and the baby - strength for active growth: fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy products, nuts.

Nutrition at 8 weeks of gestation

Nutrition during pregnancy, starting from the 8th week, should be even more balanced and contain a full range of vitamins and minerals to fully provide the growing embryo with all the necessary substances.

Nutrition at 8 weeks of gestation comes down to a variety of healthy foods. If the pregnant woman continues to suffer from toxicosis, you need to eat nuts, dry biscuits, and drink ginger tea in the morning. During this period, it is still important to eat protein foods, including lean meats, boiled or steamed. The expectant mother will benefit from various variations of cooking meat dishes: steamed cutlets, meatballs, oven-baked meat, etc.

Fish and seafood are very useful for maintaining the balance of nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation. The mother-to-be should remember about such a source of calcium and protein as milk and dairy products. You can safely eat cereals and dried fruits.

Among the foods that should be excluded from the diet, it is necessary to note legumes, cabbage, baked goods made from yeast dough, as well as fresh bread. Such foods contribute to flatulence and gas formation, generally making it difficult for the intestines to function. During this period, a pregnant woman is also advised to limit the use of coffee and strong tea, which stimulate the nervous system.

Do not overload the stomach and liver with "forbidden" foods: fried, spicy, fatty foods, as well as pickles. Their use often leads to heartburn. In addition, salty food contributes to fluid retention in the body, which is fraught with the development of edema.

Nutrition at the 9th week of pregnancy

Food during pregnancy should be fortified, and also contain useful trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in its entirety. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of the expectant mother those products that can adversely affect the fetus (black coffee and strong tea, carbonated and any alcoholic drinks).

During the 9th week of pregnancy, active hormonal changes take place in the female body, including at the level of metabolic processes. For this reason, the preparation of the menu for the expectant mother must be approached with all responsibility. In this case, a balanced diet is the best option. According to the conclusion of medical studies, insufficient nutrition and starvation of a pregnant woman can provoke a miscarriage, as well as lead to a lack of weight or growth of the fetus, and a deterioration in its vitality. But an overabundance of food can lead to a significant metabolic disorder and a sharp increase in the body weight of the expectant mother. This is due to the increased energy value of the consumed products, as a result of which the formation of adipose tissue increases.

Nutrition at the 9th week of pregnancy should be not only varied, but also fractional. Pregnant women are recommended 4-5 times a day. Particular attention should be paid to the sufficient content of vitamins and useful microelements (iron, iodine, cobalt, etc.) in food, since they regulate the processes of biochemical reactions (metabolism) occurring at the cellular level. In addition, their beneficial effect on the immunological functions of the body has been proven.

An important role is given to the replenishment of fluid in the body of the expectant mother. Every day, a pregnant woman should receive at least 1-1.5 liters of "free" liquid along with water, tea, compote, juices, soup and other products.

Nutrition at 10 weeks of gestation

In the 10th week, the expectant mother may want something unusual, her taste preferences often change. In such cases, you need to listen to your desires and eat what your soul is in, only in moderation. It is believed that in this way the woman's instinct tells what the fetus needs at this stage of its development.

Nutrition at the 10th week of pregnancy must be healthy and balanced in order to fully provide the expectant mother and her baby with all the necessary substances. Fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, dairy products are still important in the diet. Spicy, salty, fatty foods should be discarded, as well as marinades, which can provoke heartburn. Sweets are also prohibited foods, as they can increase the risk of developing diabetes. It is better to replace pasta and white bread with products made from wholemeal flour, white rice - unpeeled.

Nutrition at 11 weeks of gestation

Many experts advise expectant mothers to strictly monitor the diet and the amount of food consumed, since the development of the fetus depends on these factors.

Nutrition at 11 weeks of gestation should be as balanced as possible. Insufficiency of the female body in nutrients and the associated negative factor, weight loss of a pregnant woman affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. For example, protein-energy deficiency can lead to premature birth, congenital malformations of the fetus, or low birth weight of the newborn. Conversely, an excess of protein in the diet of the expectant mother increases the risk of weight gain in the newborn and the development of encephalopathy.

During this period of pregnancy, it is important to supply the body with essential fatty acids, vitamins B1, B6, E, C, A and D, folic acid, fluorine, calcium, iodine. All these nutrients should be optimally combined with each other.

At the onset of the 11th week of pregnancy, toxicosis is no longer so noticeable, so it will be easier for the expectant mother to cope with morning nausea and take foods that have been rejected by the body due to toxicosis. At this stage, it is recommended to consume large quantities of vegetables and fruits, which are natural sources of vitamins.

Nutrition at 12 weeks of gestation

Expectant mothers are strictly contraindicated in semi-finished products, smoked meats, salty, fatty foods, as well as dry food.

One of the main recommendations of nutritionists regarding the diet during the 12-week gestation period is the intake of large quantities of fruits and vegetables, in the cold season - dried fruits, fresh frozen berries. Healthy food for the expectant mother will be cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The way food is prepared also affects the “healthiness” of the food. So, fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw, and all other products (meat, fish) are best cooked or baked.

Nutrition at 12 weeks of gestation, again, should be as fortified as possible. During this period, the internal organs and systems of the child were practically formed, the active development and growth of the fetus continues, and this requires the use of a sufficient amount of vitamins - important catalysts of metabolism.

Particular attention should be paid to breakfast. It should be complete and nutritious. Eat frequently throughout the day, but do not overeat. There is no need to "stuff" into yourself those products that cause disgust. It is advisable to spend more time outdoors during this important period, as well as allow moderate exercise.

Nutrition at 13 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 13 weeks of gestation, as before, should be reduced to eating healthy food. First of all, this applies to fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products. Food must be fresh and healthy. It is strongly not recommended to eat smoked meats, fatty, spicy foods, as well as products that contain synthetic substances.

A pregnant woman needs to keep track of her weight gain. Overeating can provoke the development of obesity, which, in turn, has an adverse effect on the intrauterine development of the baby. Often at the 13th week, the first edema appears in pregnant women, so it is important to monitor fluid intake.

At the 13th week, the construction of the fetal skeleton is completed, a period of enhanced growth of the baby begins. The expectant mother should enrich her daily diet with about 300 kcal. This means the additional use of apples, toast from wholemeal flour, as well as a glass of milk or kefir between main meals. If you want to eat something sweet, preference should be given to dried fruits or chocolate. Naturally, measure is needed in everything, and even more so in nutrition. Therefore, the main condition for a favorable course of pregnancy at any stage is compliance with the rules of balanced nutrition and adherence to the doctor's recommendations.

Nutrition at 14 weeks of gestation

Nutrition during pregnancy at each week of intrauterine development of the fetus has certain recommendations of nutritionists, but there is one general rule that applies to the entire period of gestation: the nutrition of the expectant mother should be healthy and balanced. A pregnant woman needs to be careful with foods that can trigger allergies, such as honey or citrus fruits. It is necessary to remove canned food, fried food, smoked meats and semi-finished products from the table.

Eating at the 14th week of pregnancy requires restrictions on the use of foods that provoke increased gas formation, primarily cabbage, pears and legumes. To avoid constipation, the expectant mother needs to constantly enrich her diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, as well as foods rich in fiber. Fatty meats should be replaced with dietary ones (beef, rabbit, chicken). In addition, the diet of the expectant mother should include fresh fish dishes in order to provide the body with unsaturated fatty acids and phosphorus.

First of all, the nutrition of a pregnant woman at 14-15 weeks should be exclusively dietary. However, do not forget to provide the child with all the necessary nutrients through nutrition and taking vitamins. An unbalanced diet, frequent overeating and excessive consumption of fatty foods, canned foods, sweets can lead to consequences such as obesity, late toxicosis or allergies.

Nutrition at 15 weeks of gestation

At the 15th week, the expectant mother should diversify her diet with healthy foods. To this end, it is recommended to include fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, eggs, all kinds of cereals, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir in the daily menu, as well as vegetable fats rich in vitamin E and necessary to strengthen the walls of the placenta. It is useful for the expectant mother to use various vegetable oils that need to be added to ready-made meals.

Nutrition at the 15th week of pregnancy is, first of all, protein nutrition, since it is protein that serves as a kind of "building material" for the proper development of the child's body. Proteins are found in eggs and dairy products, so the expectant mother should eat at least once a day 100 grams of cheese and cottage cheese, one egg, and also drink a glass of kefir. In a 15-week period, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, the expectant mother needs to eat 200 g of meat per day, replacing it with fish twice a week, moreover, with exclusively low-fat varieties.

It should be borne in mind that the use of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the entire period of gestation will provide useful vitamins and carbohydrates not only to the body of the expectant mother, but also to the fetus itself. Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women consume 600 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of raw fruits daily. In the cold season, they can be replaced with raisins, prunes, dried apricots and figs, as well as dried fruits.

Nutrition at 16 weeks of gestation

During this period, the baby develops vision, hearing, smell, and also begins to actively move the fetus. The expectant mother should carefully monitor the quality and quantity of the food consumed. As always, vitamins are very important at this stage. It is recommended to include cabbage, yellow peppers and carrots in the diet, which are natural sources of vitamin A.

Nutrition at 16 weeks of gestation should be as complete as possible, observing the correct ratio of substances beneficial to the body. Six meals a day in small portions of healthy, natural, nutritious food is the optimal regimen during this period of bearing a baby. In this case, breakfast must be nutritious, just like the first courses for lunch, it is better to use "light" dishes for dinner. It is best to avoid snacking during this period as it has an adverse effect on the weight gain of a pregnant woman.

As before, fatty foods, smoked meats and pickles are contraindicated for the expectant mother, since salt contributes to the development of edema. Pastry in large quantities, as well as sweets, are highly undesirable. It is recommended to follow the preparation of dishes: food must always be boiled well, and milk must be boiled.

At the 16th week, the female body's need for vitamins and useful microelements increases significantly, so it is necessary to take care of the additional intake of vitamin complexes, especially vitamin D and calcium. Of course, this step should be discussed with your doctor.

Nutrition at 17 weeks of gestation

The 17th week of pregnancy is very important for the growth and development of the fetus - during this period, the nutrition of the expectant mother must be planned, making up the daily menu. The fact is that at this stage the child is growing rapidly, he is actively gaining weight, so a small body needs the required amount of nutrients.

It should be noted that at the 17th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother often experiences discomfort due to a decrease in motor activity and relaxation of the gastrointestinal tract muscles. The latter factor provokes a slow movement of the food consumed, as a result of which the pregnant woman may experience problems such as constipation or heartburn. To avoid such troubles, she is recommended to eat small meals 6 times a day. The best food options are pureed soups, various cereals, and vegetable dishes. It is good to eat a serving of oatmeal per day, as it gently envelops the stomach and retains excess fluid.

Nutrition at the 17th week of pregnancy, first of all, should be fortified. A pregnant woman should also remember about iron-containing foods - beef, prunes, raisins, dried apricots, as well as apple-plum and pomegranate juice. Starting in the fifth month, pregnant women need to take their diet even more seriously and completely eliminate raw seafood, as well as unpasteurized cheese and milk. The meat should be boiled well, and it is recommended to eat fish only stewed or boiled no more than twice a week. The mom-to-be needs to quit caffeine and stop drinking coffee. If this is difficult to do, then you need to try to reduce its consumption gradually. The fact is that caffeine in large doses often leads to miscarriage, low birth weight, and prematurity.

A pregnant woman should exclude hot chocolate, cocoa, strong tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol and energy drinks, as well as salty and fatty foods, sour berries, and canned vegetables from the diet. If at the 17th week the expectant mother suffers from heartburn, it is recommended to use alkaline non-carbonated mineral water, boiled milk, as well as freshly squeezed potato juice. One of the options for such liquids should be drunk on an empty stomach to avoid evening heartburn. You should not use baking soda, as it can increase the amount of gas in the stomach, which will make heartburn even more intense.

Nutrition at 18 weeks pregnant

The question of choosing a menu for a pregnant woman must be approached with all responsibility during the entire period of bearing a child.

Nutrition at 18 weeks of gestation should be as balanced, rational and fortified as possible. In order to prevent excessive weight gain, as well as the development of diabetes mellitus, the expectant mother should completely exclude pure sugar, all kinds of sweets and foods high in fat from her diet. To replenish the calcium deficiency in the body, a pregnant woman must constantly include dairy and fermented milk products in the diet: pasteurized milk, low-fat kefir, cheeses and cottage cheese. In order for the intrauterine development of the child to take place at a full-fledged level, the mother's body must receive a sufficient amount of "building material" - protein. For this purpose, dishes made from lean meats and fish are suitable.

To prevent constipation and ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract, a pregnant woman's diet should include raw vegetables, berries and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber, which will be very useful for a small organism that is rapidly developing in the womb. In addition, care should be taken to provide the child with vitamin C and folic acid. In this regard, apple juice and celery are especially valuable products. For the full development of the child's hematopoietic system, a young mother is recommended to regularly consume iron-containing products: apples, beef liver, as well as buckwheat porridge and tomato juice.

Such an urgent problem as the occurrence of edema is especially "acute" manifests itself just in time for the 18th week of pregnancy, so the expectant mother should balance her regimen in such a way as to prevent the development of edema. To do this, you need to significantly limit the consumption of salt and, if necessary, liquid.

Nutrition at the 19th week of pregnancy

By regularly visiting the doctor, the expectant mother will receive valuable advice and advice on proper nutrition. It is important to formulate a diet and strictly follow its rules. Since in the middle of pregnancy, the female body begins to gradually prepare for childbirth, at the 19th week, the expectant mother can rapidly gain weight, so she should pay maximum attention to balanced nutrition, because this is not only about the state of her health, but also about the full development of the baby. During this period, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex to a pregnant woman with an increased content of those elements that, according to the results of medical tests, she lacks.

Meals at the 19th week of pregnancy must necessarily include calcium-containing foods, as well as foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and iron. During this period, you should not get too carried away with foods that contain large quantities of carbohydrates and fiber. It is useful to include boiled meat in the diet, as well as raw fruits and vegetables. Many people are mistaken, believing that for the normal growth of the fetus, one should consume as many vitamins as possible. It is necessary to rationally approach this issue, since "extra" vitamins do not bring any benefit and are simply excreted from the body.

A pregnant woman constantly needs energy, so to replenish it, you need to eat well and eat a daily portion of low-fat beef, as well as legumes, dried fruits, and nuts. It is necessary to exclude artificial food from the diet and certainly introduce beef, cereals, eggs, dried apricots, persimmons, tomato juice, and rabbit meat into the menu. The main recommendations of dietitians are to eat fractionally and not to starve. It is also important not to overeat, as excessive consumption of food threatens the development of many problems, in particular obesity.

Nutrition at 20 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 20 weeks of gestation, as before, should be as healthy as possible. It is advisable to eat little and often so as not to feel hungry. A full breakfast and lunch play an important role, but dinner should be light. A pregnant woman's diet should contain large quantities of vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals, fish, lean meat, milk and dairy products. It is best to replace sweets with "healthy" carbohydrates found in bran, fruits, cereals.

The expectant mother should take boiled, stewed, baked food; fried and smoked foods should be completely abandoned. When cooking, it is recommended to limit the use of salt, as it provokes water retention in the body and can cause swelling. In the 20th week of pregnancy, it is advisable to limit the intake of fat. Care should be taken to eat citrus fruits, exotic fruits, strawberries, since such foods can cause allergies.

To avoid calcium deficiency, the expectant mother needs to constantly consume milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir. If necessary, you should take calcium supplements prescribed by your doctor. Meals at the 20th week of pregnancy should include the intake of foods containing vitamins A, B, C, E, D, iron, phosphorus. Fish oil, vegetable salads, fresh carrots, natural juices - these products will definitely benefit a pregnant woman and ensure her well-being, as well as have a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the fetus.

Nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation most often comes down to the irresistible desire of a pregnant woman to eat "something tasty", during this period she has an irresistible craving for certain foods. This factor may indicate a lack of some vitamins or minerals in the body. In this case, it is important to listen to your needs, and if a woman is constantly "drawn" to sweets and foods that do not contain nutrients, then you should not submit to such deceptive desires. It is best to consult a doctor for prescribing a vitamin and mineral complex and coordinating a regimen.

At the 21st week, a pregnant woman's nutrition should be regular, complete and fractional. It is important to monitor fluid intake - this is of great importance for the renewal of amniotic fluid. At this stage, eggs, dairy products, seaweed, beef and lean pork, chicken, nuts, and beans will be useful. Sugar and salt should be limited, instead of fried and smoked foods, cooked food should be used. From fruits, you should give preference to apricots, pears, apples, peaches, grapes, from vegetables - lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes. Fresh berries, herbs, dried apricots, legumes, honey are also useful.

In the diet of a pregnant woman at the 21st week, fish (crucian carp, salmon, trout, pike perch) and unrefined carbons, a large amount of which are found in potatoes, black bread, buckwheat porridge, rice, and boiled peas, must be present. It is recommended to consume about 40 grams of vegetable and butter daily. Food should be varied, free of harmful products.

Nutrition at 22 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 22 weeks of gestation is reduced to the use of iron-containing foods, since during this period there is an increased need for this trace element due to an increase in the weight of the fetus and, accordingly, the uterus. As a result, the consumption of iron for the formation of hemoglobin increases. Among the foods that contain large amounts of iron, one can distinguish whole grain bread, quail eggs, red meat, oatmeal, dried fruits, green vegetables, soy cheese, apples, beans.

Eating on the 22nd week, as before, should be 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is advisable to include an additional breakfast in the diet (for example, porridge with fruit, an omelet, a glass of milk with biscuit biscuits, etc.), as well as an afternoon snack (berries and fruits, curd mass, rosehip broth, natural juice).

To avoid edema, you should reduce your fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. Of the juices, preference should be given only to natural, freshly squeezed ones, in which there are no preservatives. Drinks such as strong tea, coffee, cocoa, soda should be excluded from the diet.

A pregnant woman needs to be aware of the need for constant replenishment of calcium in the body. This essential trace element is necessary for building a strong skeletal system in a child. It is recommended to replenish calcium reserves by eating beans, almonds, persimmons, spinach, broccoli, apricots, and dairy products. It is recommended to eat fish constantly, as it is a source of useful polyunsaturated amino acids, which are very important for the development of brain cells, as well as the visual acuity of the child.

With a 22-week pregnancy, the diet of the expectant mother should include a sufficient amount of fiber, which prevents the development of constipation, and also effectively cleanses the body of toxins and metabolic products. During this period, it is advisable to take vitamins, the choice of which is best left to the doctor.

Nutrition at 23 weeks gestation

The expectant mother's body needs for nutrients will be provided by seasonal fruits, berries, vegetables, fresh herbs, natural juices.

Nutrition at 23 weeks of gestation should be, as before, as balanced as possible. You should keep the intake of calcium and iron under control, refuse salt, marinades, smoked meats and other "harmful" delicacies. At this stage, the increasing weight of the pregnant woman is already noticeable, which can cause a lot of trouble in the form of shortness of breath, sleep disturbances, and leg aches. Weight gain should correspond to the norm (no more than 5-7 kg for a 23-week period), therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors in order to avoid complications associated with excessive obesity. You can control your weight by daily weighing.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, natural products should still be present, from liquids it is best to give preference to clean water, fresh fresh juices, compotes without sugar, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices. From foods containing protein, you need to select low-fat varieties of fish and meat. Pastries and sweets should be limited to the maximum level, since such foods are very high in calories.

Nutrition at 24 weeks of gestation

At the 24th week, due to the enlarged uterus pressing on the stomach, the expectant mother may experience various unpleasant symptoms, including heartburn. This is why it is so important to stick to the rules of a balanced diet and eat little by little. In addition, you should give up spicy and fatty foods, coffee, carbonated drinks. The main rule during this period is not to overeat!

Nutrition at 24 weeks of gestation comes down to controlling the weight of the expectant mother. If her weight exceeds the norm, you need to think about a diet. In such a matter, you must strictly follow the advice and recommendations of the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to exhaust yourself with hunger, since the baby must, as before, receive all the necessary nutrients for full development.

Very often, a salt-free diet is prescribed for pregnant women at 24 weeks, which is aimed at preventing the development of edema. At this stage of pregnancy, the question of taking vitamins remains equally important. In addition to natural vitamins contained in fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, if necessary, you should take a vitamin-mineral complex prescribed by your doctor (depending on the situation).

The ban is the use of sugar, flour and confectionery products. In order to avoid the development of anemia in a pregnant woman, nutrition at the 24th week of pregnancy must be built in such a way that iron-containing foods are present in the diet: persimmons, pomegranates, cod liver, beef, buckwheat. The better absorption of iron is facilitated by foods that contain ascorbic acid: seaweed, bell peppers, cherries, currants.

Nutrition at 25 weeks of gestation

Many experts believe that the expectant mother, first of all, should eat little and often, taking into account all the nuances of a balanced, balanced diet.

Nutrition at 25 weeks of gestation should be comprehensive so that the body growing in the womb receives all the necessary nutrients. As before, the pregnant woman's diet should include fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. You need to constantly monitor your weight in order to avoid problems associated with its excessive increase.

Food should be tasty, varied, healthy, rich in useful microelements. It is imperative to include dairy products and a variety of cereals in the diet, and, if necessary, take vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor. To avoid problems with puffiness, you should take care of the rational intake of fluids.

It is recommended to eat at home for a pregnant woman, avoiding fast foods and adhering to a meal schedule. With symptoms of anemia, more iron-containing foods should be added to the diet, and in case of constipation, foods containing fiber should be added. From liquids, preference should be given to natural juices, herbal teas, compotes, still mineral water.

Nutrition at 26 weeks of gestation

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus grows rapidly, and certain difficulties arise that a pregnant woman faces as a result of an improper regimen and a sedentary lifestyle.

Nutrition at 26 weeks of gestation, first of all, should remain complete and balanced, i.e. contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and the whole complex of vitamins. The expectant mother should give preference to protein foods: lean meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts. During this period, it may be necessary to take additional multivitamin preparations.

As for the products, the use of which at the 26th week of pregnancy is highly undesirable, coffee, black tea, cocoa, chocolate, sweets, as well as salted, smoked, canned foods should be noted. The body of the expectant mother has absolutely no need for dyes, flavors and preservatives, which are literally stuffed with various semi-finished products, chips, sausages, smoked meats and sweets. It is recommended to increase the intake of dried fruits, fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, natural juices.

The 26-week pregnancy diet dictates the minimum intake of sugar and salt, and preferably a complete elimination of these ingredients. You should drink fresh water reasonably so that excessive fluid intake does not lead to swelling.

Some pregnant women at the 26th week have bouts of nausea, which may be associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the diaphragm, improper diet, fatigue of the expectant mother, etc. If the reason is improper nutrition, you should try to change your food intake - you should eat regularly, often, in small portions, without haste. Another important nuance is the calm atmosphere and the comfortable position of the woman while eating.

Nutrition at 27 weeks pregnant

In the diet of the expectant mother, almost everything is important: the quality and quantity of products, the time of their use, the method of preparation - all these factors affect the well-being of a pregnant woman and the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Nutrition at 27 weeks of gestation must necessarily comply with the most important principle - eating food in fractional portions up to 7 times a day. During this period, it is important for the expectant mother to give up flour, sweet, fried, spicy, fatty, and also stop or reduce to a minimum the consumption of salt, sugar and all kinds of spices.

At the 27th week, a pregnant woman should remember the importance of saturating the body with calcium. This is due to the intensive growth of the fetal skeleton at this stage of its development. Calcium is found in various fermented milk products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, sourdough, kefir. For breakfast, it is best to use food rich in carbohydrates: cereals, muesli, rice, boiled legumes, in particular, peas and beans. Lunch should consist of protein dishes that are quickly absorbed by the body and do not burden the digestive system. It is important not to overeat in the evening, before going to bed; in case of severe hunger, it is allowed to use low-fat yogurt or fruits. The expectant mother should monitor her fluid intake - there should not be too much of it. It is best to quench your thirst with plain clean water; for this purpose, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, still mineral water and unsweetened compotes are also suitable.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, food should be as balanced as possible. It is important to consider that certain foods, as well as excessive food intake, can provoke heartburn. It is for this reason that experts recommend fractional meals for expectant mothers.

Nutrition at 28 weeks gestation

Thus, a pregnant woman will get rid of many of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany her throughout her pregnancy. You should build your diet so that the small organism growing in the mother's womb is supplied with the necessary vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. In solving this issue, a special diet will help, created taking into account all the needs of the expectant mother and the development of the baby.

Nutrition at 28 weeks of gestation, first of all, should come from the needs of the growing fetus and be varied. It is important to take into account that during this period, the activity of the fetus increases, therefore, a full stomach reduces the space in which the fetus is located, which causes discomfort in the mother. Based on this, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should still be balanced and fractional. It is necessary to find the "golden mean" of the amount of food consumed.

The weight gain of a pregnant woman at the 28th week is significantly accelerated, so she needs to take care to eat only fresh, high-quality food in small portions. It is desirable that the intake of the bulk of calories falls on the first half of the day. It is better to refrain from food after 7 pm, and with a strong feeling of hunger, you can refresh yourself with low-fat kefir, a glass of warm milk, apples or light vegetable salad.

Nutritionists recommend enriching your diet at 28 weeks gestation with foods containing complex carbohydrates. They take a long time to digest, cause a feeling of fullness and normalize the digestive processes. Foods that are high in complex carbohydrates include cereals, wholemeal breads, whole grains, and brown rice and corn. The expectant mother needs to eat vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. They promote rapid satiety, activate intestinal peristalsis and have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, salt intake should be limited, which can provoke fluid retention and, as a result, cause the development of edema. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods: white rice, potatoes, a variety of confectionery, chocolate and sweets, as well as refined flour products. The fact is that fast-digesting carbohydrates contribute to an increase in the weight of a pregnant woman and can provoke jumps in the level of glucose in her blood. This process threatens the development of diabetes, which often complicates the period of gestation and the process of childbirth.

Nutrition at 29 weeks gestation

In the second half of pregnancy, fetal activity increases. It grows and develops, which, in turn, affects the feeling of some kind of discomfort, which is most often associated with the pressure on the diaphragm of a pregnant woman, which is significantly enlarged in the size of the uterus. For this reason, doctors recommend that expectant mothers perform special physical exercises, get more rest and, of course, adhere to the correct regimen - first of all, eat often and little by little.

Nutrition at 29 weeks of gestation must be strictly controlled. The weight gain of a pregnant woman per day should be no more than 50 g, respectively, the optimal indicator of such an increase per week is 350 g. At this stage, the expectant mother should monitor fluid intake - its volume should not exceed 1.5 liters per day, taking into account other liquids (soups, compotes, etc.). With excessive fluid intake, the expectant mother may experience swelling. Salty foods and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet, flour products and sweets should be consumed in minimal quantities.

It should be borne in mind that at the 29th week of bearing a child, the properties of the placenta change: it loses its density and becomes more vulnerable, therefore, caffeine, alcoholic beverages must be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman, and also completely quit smoking. The most important functions of the dominant roles in the 29th week of pregnancy are performed by vitamins, on which, in general, the correct development and growth, as well as the activity of the baby, depend. Vitamin D and calcium are needed to build the baby's bone tissue, iron and vitamin K - for the hematopoietic system, vitamin E will strengthen the walls of the uterus and prevent the threat of premature birth, vitamin C is necessary to strengthen blood vessels, and iron and folic acid are important for the development of brain cells and cardiovascular system of the fetus.

Nutrition at 30 weeks of gestation

In such an important and responsible period, the expectant mother should completely abandon cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, sweets, fatty foods, salt and caffeine.

Nutrition at 30 weeks of gestation must be monitored. Foods that contain vitamins PP, B1, as well as fiber and iron will be of great benefit during this period. First of all, it is black bread, bran, porridge, rice, milk and dairy products. If a woman does not like milk, it is necessary to replace it with alternative options: cheese, yogurt, pudding. The daily diet of a pregnant woman should also contain meat products, lean poultry, eggs, boiled legumes. 150 grams of these foods per day is the required amount of protein. In addition, it is important to consume daily fruits and vegetables fortified with vitamin C, vegetable oil, meat, seafood, fish.

It is advisable to refuse confectionery and sweets, because they provoke an increase in blood glucose. The category of prohibited foods during this period should also include fresh bread, grapes, legumes, cabbage, because these products contribute to gassing. It is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of food. It is desirable that all food is thoroughly cooked or stewed; half-baked food should not be allowed. With extreme caution, you should eat foods that can trigger the development of allergies: eggs, caviar, honey, chocolate, red and orange exotic fruits.

Nutrition at 31 weeks pregnant

Nutrition at 31 weeks gestation involves the use of food rich in iron, and, if necessary, additional iron-containing preparations. This is due to an increase in blood volume in the body of a pregnant woman. The daily intake of iron is 27 mg. An important element for the proper development of the fetal skeleton is calcium, the daily rate of which should be 1,000 mg in the diet of the expectant mother. The constant replenishment of the body with vitamin D, fatty acids, proteins (100 g per day), as well as other vitamins and microelements should be monitored.

The daily intake of water should be 1.5 liters, but only if the pregnant woman does not have problems with swelling. The expectant mother needs to constantly monitor the weight gain, the maximum rate of which is 500 g per week with a woman's normal weight and 300 g - if the woman was overweight before pregnancy.

As before, sweets, flour, fried should be excluded from the diet. The main emphasis should be on boiled and stewed vegetables, vegetarian soups, fresh fruits, and herbs. It is recommended to use boiled fish and meat dishes. During this period, prunes, dried apricots, dried fruits, beets, watermelon are useful.

Nutrition at 32 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 32 weeks of gestation needs to be more strictly controlled in order to avoid the accumulation of excess weight in the expectant mother. It is recommended to eat often, but little by little, while the food should be varied. Due to the fact that during this period there is an active development of the fetus, it is necessary to introduce foods and dishes into the diet of the expectant mother, which should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins D and C, as well as magnesium, zinc, iron and many others. trace elements.

It is imperative to take lactic acid products, since they are a source of animal protein: kefir, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. For example, for breakfast, the expectant mother can eat a portion of cottage cheese, a sandwich with cheese, or milk porridge. It is necessary to take care of the variety of the menu, for example, prepare cheese cakes or curd casserole for breakfast with the addition of condensed milk or low-fat sour cream.

Meals at 32 weeks of gestation should be enriched with meat and fish dishes. For this purpose, lean fish, veal, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat are best suited. Dishes are recommended to be baked, stewed or boiled. It is advisable to combine meat and fish with fresh vegetables (both individually and in the form of salads).

Nutrition at 33 weeks of gestation

Given the active intrauterine development of the fetus in the third trimester, it is necessary to take care of supplying the small organism with extremely useful substances.

Nutrition at 33 weeks of gestation must be built based on the needs of the baby. At this stage, the fetal brain develops, so the expectant mother needs to eat foods that ensure the intake of fatty acids, iron and calcium into the baby's body. These components are primarily found in eggs and dairy products, as well as broccoli, red fish, and nuts.

Nutritionists recommend adhering to a moderate diet - this important rule applies to absolutely all pregnant women, even those who do not experience any digestive problems. Protein nutrition is very important, which energizes the body and gives strength. You need to remember about cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), dairy products, fresh vegetables, meat and fish (boiled or baked). At the 33rd week of a pregnant woman, steamed dishes are useful. As before, you should avoid fried and spicy foods, pastries, pastries, salty foods, semi-finished products.

Nutrition at 34 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 34 weeks of gestation plays an essential role, since the mother's body transfers to the baby everything necessary for its final stage of intrauterine development. Sometimes mom can feel exhausted and exhausted. That is why it is important to add red meat, fatty fish, dark green vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts, and natural yogurt to your regular diet. Try to eat foods that are as rich in vitamins and minerals as possible, as well as more high-calorie foods. This is due to a significant increase in the size of the fetus at 34 weeks, and, accordingly, the need for additional nutrients.

A balanced diet will help avoid the development of obesity; it is recommended to eat often and in small portions so as not to overeat. It is worth giving up the so-called "hidden fats", which are contained in pastries, sweets, cakes. When these foods are consumed, sugar is immediately converted to fat. An alternative to such a diet will be fresh fruits, raisins, nuts, dried fruits, boiled cereals.

Nutrition at 35 weeks of gestation

Each week, various processes take place in the intrauterine formation of the fetus, therefore it is so important to take into account the nutritional rules so that the body of an unborn child receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for its growth.

Nutrition at the 35th week of pregnancy consists in the use of exclusively natural products by the expectant mother that will benefit the body as much as possible. During this period, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional complex of vitamins to the pregnant woman. As before, a pregnant woman's diet should consist of healthy, properly prepared foods that do not contain harmful additives. Among the main products that must be included in the daily menu, it is necessary to note wholemeal bread, vegetables (raw and stewed), fresh fruits, dairy products (a source of calcium), cereals, fish dishes.

It is important not to overeat, it is especially harmful to eat at night. If you have a strong desire to eat something from the "forbidden" products (cakes or sweets), it is recommended to pick up some alternative options: dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins, nuts. Everything should be in moderation - it is important to remember this for every woman carrying a child.

Nutrition at 36 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 36 weeks of gestation is very important to build correctly, taking into account the physiological changes in the mother's body, because in the last weeks it is rapidly preparing for childbirth, the pelvic bones expand, the uterus gradually descends and puts even more pressure on the intestines. At this time, nutritionists recommend excluding animal protein (milk, fish, meat and butter). Only fermented milk products, plant foods, baked vegetables, cereals in water, fresh juices and herbal teas will benefit the mother and her child. As before, food intake is reduced to the frequent use of small portions 5-6 times a day, after 7 pm it is advisable not to eat.

The diet at the 36th week should be made taking into account the reduction in energy consumption due to a significant decrease in the physical activity of the pregnant woman. Food should be less high-calorie, but in terms of the composition of nutrients and vitamins - complete and healthy. Fruits and vegetables are relevant, as before, you can cook vegetable purees, jelly, drink fresh juices and mineral water without gas.

Nutrition at 37 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 37 weeks of gestation should still be fortified and nutritious, versatile, but you should adhere to some rules: first of all, eat a little, but often, in small portions, avoiding overeating. It is not recommended to eat sugar and salt, as well as products containing them: pickles, marinades, sweets, etc. Fatty foods are not the best choice for a pregnant woman; it is best to steam or bake dishes. In the diet, as before, dairy products should be present, since they are a source of calcium.

Products from cereals and various grain crops are also a healthy option for the expectant mother. In particular, these are whole-grain cereals and bakery products. At the 37th week of a pregnant woman, it is useful to eat meat, cereals, fish, potatoes, cheese, and various vegetables. Of the trace elements during this period, fluoride, iron, calcium are especially important, and of vitamins - vitamin C.

Preparing for childbirth, the body of a pregnant woman should receive a maximum of nutrients. Therefore, harmful products containing preservatives, food additives, dyes and other ingredients that can harm health are contraindicated for the expectant mother.

Nutrition at 38 weeks of gestation

Meals at 38 weeks of gestation should include the most nutritious and balanced foods, since it is necessary for the woman's body to properly prepare for the responsible, difficult process of childbirth. The most useful foods should be introduced into the daily diet: lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits (in any form - raw, boiled, baked).

At the 38th week, the body of a pregnant woman will benefit from complex carbohydrates, because they are the best sources of energy. Products containing complex carbohydrates are products made from wholemeal flour and all kinds of cereals. It is also necessary to increase the consumption of protein foods, in particular, chicken and beef, as well as fish.

As in the previous weeks of pregnancy, you should continue to take dairy products, since they are a source of calcium, which is extremely important in the formation of the baby's skeleton. Among the products, the use of which must be limited to the maximum, it is necessary to note fatty foods, sweets, salt and sugar in its pure form. If the expectant mother has gained more than 13 kg of weight, it is necessary to arrange fasting days. During such days, you should eat at least 6 times, eating light food (low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, apples, porridge on the water, boiled vegetables). If necessary, at the 38th week, the doctor may prescribe the expectant mother an additional intake of vitamin complexes.

Nutrition at 39 weeks gestation

In the last weeks, the body of the expectant mother prepares for the upcoming birth, therefore it requires more nutrients and vitamins to replenish energy.

Nutrition at 39 weeks of gestation should be varied and include protein foods, which are "building blocks" for the full development of a small organism. It will not be superfluous to consume carbohydrates - a source of energy. For this purpose, instead of sweets and pasta, it is better to take vegetables, berries and fruits, which, in addition to the content of natural carbohydrates, are rich in vegetable fiber. The diet of a pregnant woman at the 39th week should contain such foods as meat and fish (low-fat varieties - 100 g per day), eggs, milk. It is necessary to take care of the intake of foods containing vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus. These are legumes and nuts, liver, all kinds of cereals.

To strengthen immunity before childbirth, the expectant mother needs vitamin C. Immune-strengthening products are green onions, rose hips, currants and sea buckthorn.

Nutrition at 40 weeks of gestation

The expectant mother should receive as much nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins as possible, which will give strength to the body, strengthen it and help to cope with the upcoming birth.

Meals at 40 weeks of gestation should consist of foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates. These are, first of all, products such as cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries. Of the vitamins, the most important at this stage of pregnancy are A, B, C and K. A significant amount is found in green leafy vegetables and dairy products. As before, a pregnant woman is advised to eat meat, fish and other natural products that contain calcium, proteins, and iron.

In the 40th week, labor can start at any time. Therefore, it is important not to overload the stomach with food, as overeating can be bad for a woman if she needs anesthesia during childbirth. When labor begins, in case of severe hunger, you can eat easily digestible foods such as jelly, chocolate, toast with jam, as well as clear liquids (mineral water, weak green tea, compote).

70% of pregnant women, according to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, have problems associated with malnutrition. This article will help you take another close look at your diet and perhaps better understand your needs during pregnancy.

Changing taste preferences

Nothing changes a woman as much as pregnancy and motherhood. This stage of life is not only organized differently "outside", but also radically changes it "from the inside". All vital systems of the body undergo changes, and last but not least, the nervous system. So, a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive to the signals of her body, more acutely experiencing discomfort and dissatisfaction. For some products and smells, a woman begins to uncontrollably pull, and for others, on the contrary, she may feel disgust. Some women during this period, perhaps for the first time, truly surrender to their food instincts.

Often women report that during pregnancy, their taste preferences become more conservative and more "vegetarian". Gourmand delights are less and less desirable, mother's concoction seems to be the most delicious, and meat causes a slight attack of nausea.

About good nutrition for expectant mothers

However, even changes in taste preferences and sensitivity to the body of a pregnant woman, unfortunately, are not always enough to guarantee her good nutrition. This is shown by numerous epidemiological studies that reveal a large percentage of poor and malnourished women in Russia.

An attempt to compensate for poor nutrition by uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements and vitamins can lead to sad consequences. The fact is that not only a lack, but also an excess of certain nutrients can be harmful to the health of the unborn child.

Folic acid is a simple example. Many women have heard about how important it is for the development of the fetal neural tube. Almost at every corner you can find information that a pregnant woman needs 400–600 mcg of this vitamin per day, but few people know that an excess of it can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B 12 and the development of anemia in the fetus.

There are other forms of hypervitaminosis that are harmful to the unborn child - an excess of vitamins A, C and D. They are fraught with impaired development of various life systems.

How maternal nutrition affects baby's health

When we talk about nutrition during pregnancy, we mean two important tasks - to ensure the correct development of the baby and to maintain the health of the expectant mother.

To begin with, let's look at how a mother's nutrition can, in principle, affect a child. It turns out that this influence is very large, and the consequences can be very distant. Scientists have established that there are so-called nutrient-regulated genes. These are genes, the expression (manifestation) of which is directly related to the type and nature of a person's diet. This process is influenced by two points in nutrition - calorie intake and vitamin and mineral composition of food.

Insufficient calorie content. Calorie deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman can "turn on" the child's mode of maximum assimilation of all incoming nutrients. When a child finds himself in a rich and varied food environment, this mechanism can play a cruel joke with him and lead to the development of obesity. A pregnant woman needs 140–300 additional calories to the main diet to ensure normal intrauterine development of the baby.

Lack of vitamins and minerals. In addition, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to DNA damage and rupture, which is fraught with consequences in the form of various congenital pathologies. We are talking primarily about vitamins B6, B12, C, PP, E and minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium.

B6 - 2.1 mg;
B12 - 4 mcg;
C - 90 mg;
PP - 16 mg;
E - 10 mg;
iron - 38 mg;
zinc - 20 mg;
selenium - 60 mcg.

In addition to the regulation of genes, other processes, for example, construction, play an important role in the healthy development of the fetus. A lack or excess of substances can lead to various kinds of health problems for a child - both in the first year of life and in subsequent years.

Deficiency and excess of protein. Deficiency of protein in the mother's diet is dangerous not only by problems of the total weight of the child, but also, mainly, by a decrease in his immunity. At the same time, an excess of protein is associated with intrauterine damage to the central nervous system, as well as a number of chronic diseases of the child at an older age.

PUFA deficiency. Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutritional component that is directly related to the development of the child's nervous system. According to the US National Institutes of Health, pregnant women need at least 1.4 grams of omega-3 per day. The main source of PUFA in the diet of Russians is fatty fish. At the same time, it is often said that pregnant women should beware of certain types of fish, in the meat of which mercury accumulates, such as tuna. However, recent research from Stanford University suggests that the mercury in fish is not nearly as toxic to humans as previously thought. However, so far this issue remains controversial.

How a pregnant woman can maintain her health

With various forms of nutritional deficiency, it is the mother who suffers first of all - after all, the body spends substances from its own reserves to ensure the development of the child. In particular, this applies to such a mineral as calcium (the norm for pregnant women is 1200 mg per day).

For the development of the skeleton of a child with a lack of calcium in the diet, a woman's body destroys its own bone tissue. As a result, not only the musculoskeletal system may suffer, but also teeth, nails, hair. Therefore, the expectant mother should monitor this nutrient very carefully.

To prevent bowel problems, constipation, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of fiber - about 30 g per day from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Recommendations for maintaining maternal health are generally in line with conventional wisdom for a healthy, balanced diet and are unlikely to come as a surprise. Fewer digestive irritants, more fresh and natural products, moderate portions - in a word, what everyone has known for a long time.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding coffee and alcohol, but most experts agree that in very, very moderate quantities, these drinks are acceptable during pregnancy. Except, of course, individual contraindications.


In my opinion, the most important thing in matters of nutrition for a pregnant woman is not so much accurate measurements and strict control, as providing yourself with such living conditions under which you can eat well and balanced.

Pregnancy is not the time for heroic deeds at work, drunken parties, or weight loss diets. This is the period when you need to be more attentive to yourself, your body, to the state of the unborn child and be able to take care of your body. And, of course, regular medical examinations will not hurt. Trust in the body is good, but an additional professional look will help to correctly adjust the diet, if necessary.

Maria Danina

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