Who is the first to wake up in the spring from insects. What insects are the first to wake up in spring

Almost all gardeners know that spraying trees in spring is a good thing. But what exactly does garden processing give? What pests and diseases does spraying help fight? How and when to spray trees in April and May? How to make pest control safe for beneficial insects? In detail - about the spring protection of the garden.

Pest control: where they spend the winter and what they eat

There are a great many insects-pests - only apple and black currant have more than 200 of them. But you need to fight only with those that really cause significant damage. According to the method of feeding and the device of the oral apparatus, pests are divided into two main groups: leaf-sucking and leaf-eating.

TO leaf-bearing include aphids, suckers, bedbugs, thrips, scale insects, whitefly, and ticks that are not insects. These pests pierce the leaf plate or bark and suck the juice through the puncture. Therefore, they cannot be destroyed otherwise than by a contact method, the drug must destroy the integument of the body, as a result of which the pests die, or must cause paralysis of the respiratory systems.

But in the arsenal of modern remedies, new generation drugs have appeared that penetrate the cell sap of the plant and become destructive for leaf-sucking pests, but at the same time do not accumulate in the plant itself, since after 2-3 weeks they completely decompose into harmless elements.

One of these drugs is the chemical poison Phosbecid. Plants treated with it should not be eaten for 20 days. But there are also biological products "Iskra-bio" ("Agravertin") and "Fitoverm", after processing which fruits and greens can be eaten after 48 hours.

TO leaf-eating insects include beetles and their larvae, butterfly caterpillars. In addition to insects, there are also mollusks: slugs, snails, crustaceans. All of them feed directly on leaves, so it is easy to poison them through the gastric tract, it is enough just to moisten the aerial part of the host plant with a poisonous preparation for them.

First pest control

This is spraying trees and bushes in early spring before the start of sap flow, in late March - early April. Insect larvae and eggs die from contact with the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to very carefully spray the entire tree (the entire bush) on all branches and the near-trunk circle in order to moisten the pests. When processing a garden, at least 10 liters of solution are consumed per adult tree, for a young one - 5-6 liters, for each bush - at least 1.5-2 liters.

It is best to use a concentrated solution of any mineral fertilizer listed below (per 10 liters of water) for spraying:

500-600 g nitroammophoska,
or 600-700 g of azofoska,
or 400 g of potassium chloride,
or 500 g of potassium carbonate,
or 600-700 g of urea
or just 1 kg of table salt.

It is imperative to spray well the ends of the branches on which the eggs of aphids are laid, skeletal branches, in the forks of which part of the pests hibernate, and the soil in the near-trunk circles. With such spraying, salt metabolism is disturbed in the cells of pests, which causes their death.

If such treatment is not done in the spring, then at the very beginning of sap flow from eggs and larvae insect pests will be born, but at this time our assistants - useful insects that feed on pests - are still sleeping and will come to the surface only during flowering, so protect garden from pests except us there is no one.

Second garden treatment

If you did not process the garden in early spring and did not destroy the pest masonry, then a second treatment will be required. It is often recommended to be carried out using one of the following drugs: "Inta-vir", "Decis", "Karate", "Fury", karbofos or its analogue "Fufanon".

The first four drugs are highly toxic, therefore very effective, but at the same time they kill beneficial insects, bees and earthworms, since they decompose for about three weeks and destroy beneficial insects coming out of their hiding places. And they cannot be used at all from the moment of flowering, not only of the garden, but also of the mother-and-stepmother, since at this time bumblebees appear and worms crawl out.

Karbofos and "Fufanon" are preferable to these drugs primarily because they quickly, within 5-7 days, decompose even before the appearance of beneficial insects, but are less effective, therefore, with a large number of pests, they should not be used.

All of these drugs kill pests, getting into their intestines along with food and causing poisoning. Part of the pests will begin to feed at the moment the buds open (green cone), while the other will begin at the time of budding (separation and extension of the buds). It is at these moments that we must have time to process the garden.

At this time, there are already early green crops. When processing a garden, they must be covered with foil.

Instead of the chemicals described above, you can use the same mineral fertilizers, but only their concentration should be 7-10 times lower, otherwise you can cause a severe burn of the opening buds and buds. It is possible to recommend spraying on a green cone with a 0.7% urea solution - this is 70 g (3 tablespoons) of urea per 10 liters of water.

Effective spraying with infusions and decoctions of tobacco dust, citrus peels, onion husks or dry tansy, marigold seeds, garlic, pine needles.

  1. Tobacco dust. To prepare a solution, 400 g of tobacco dust is infused in 10 liters of water for a day, then boiled for half an hour, then cooled and filtered. For spraying, for every 10 liters of water, you need to take 100 g of the solution, adding 40 g of soap to it for better adhesion.
  2. Onion peel. Pour half a bucket of onion husks with a bucket of hot water, cover, leave for two days, strain and spray.
  3. Dry tansy. 1 kg of dried tansy collected during flowering pour 10 liters of water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, drain. For spraying, for every 10 liters of water, take 100 g of solution, add 40 g of soap and spray.
  4. Infusion of garlic. Chop 100 g of garlic, pour 10 liters of water for a day, strain and spray.
  5. Infusion of coniferous needles. 2.5 kg of needles of any coniferous species pour 10 liters of water, stirring from time to time, leave for a week, strain, add another 20 liters of water and spray.
  6. Citrus peel infusion. Soak 1 kg of citrus peels, mince, pour 3 liters of water, close tightly and leave for 5 days in the dark, strain, squeeze, bottle, cork. Consume as needed, 100 g of solution per 10 liters of water.

Aim to get to the underside of the opened leaves, as pests are usually found there.

It is useful to put on apple trees and pears trapping belts made of corrugated cardboard, into which the caterpillars crawl, moving up the trunk. The upper edge of the cardboard must be folded back like a roof, the tracks do not crawl over such an edge. Fishing belts are changed a couple of times per season and burned along with the pests lurking there.

A fishing belt can be made of plastic wrap. The bottom edge is tied around the trunk like a skirt, and the top edge is folded back like an umbrella. You can leave such a belt all summer long. Pests will not be able to crawl over the folded top edge.

author Galina Kizima gardener-enthusiast with 50 years of experience, author of original techniques

Comment on the article "Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, April and May"

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. Gardening and vegetable gardening in spring. With the arrival of spring, a hot period begins for gardeners and gardeners in summer cottages and other plots, you need to have time to complete all the work and prepare the ground for obtaining ...

Girls, than in the spring you process trees and shrubs?) Processing the garden in the spring. Teach. Good afternoon everyone. First pest control. This is spraying trees and bushes in early spring until currants and gooseberries are spilled with boiling water when the snow melts a little, even ...

Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Spraying trees and shrubs: combating diseases and pests.

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. In the gardens and summer cottages near Moscow, lilacs are blooming, and soon their scent will be replaced by jasmine. How to properly cut lilacs after flowering?

So in April, the leaves begin to open and only in May, but how to shed them? 02/20/2015 1:16:40 PM, Hare. In April it is already late, the buds start to grow and they can be damaged. How and when to spray trees. Disease and pest control: spraying in spring.

Second treatment of the garden. Almost all gardeners know that spraying trees in spring is a good thing. From fungal diseases and pests - two different prophylaxis. Must be done every spring. First you need to figure out how the leaves curl?

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. When processing a garden, at least 10 liters of solution is consumed per adult tree, for a young tree - 5–6 liters, for each bush - at least 1.5–2 liters. how to get rid of pests. Whitewashing trees in autumn and spring.

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. First pest control. This is spraying trees and bushes in early spring until currants and gooseberries are spilled with boiling water when the snow melts a little, it does not even melt, but ...

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. There is also a whole group of pests hibernating inside plants: gall midges, glass, bud currant mite processing apple trees in spring. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Kizima Galina.

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. But there are also biological products "Iskra -bio" ("Agravertin") and "Fitoverm", after processing which fruits and greens can be eaten after 48 hours. processing apple trees in the spring. ... I find it difficult to choose ...

a lot of pests. in the spring it is necessary to save fruit and shrubs, which sprayer to choose? one uncle from the village was torn apart by such a thing lying in the hospital .... which one to choose? Diseases and pests of the garden: processing in the spring, in April and May.

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Treated with inta-vir from pests, and copper sulfate. painted with whitewash, having previously cleaned from the old bark and various inhabitants under it.

If you do not make a diagnosis, then mix 2 drugs - one for pests (for example fitoverm), the second for diseases (for example, copper sulfate) and spray according to the instructions on the packages in dry weather twice with Strawberries: diseases and pests. Processing the garden in the spring.

Strawberries: diseases and pests. Processing the garden in the spring. Then - when the buds on raspberries began to separate (early June for Raspberries: fight against diseases and pests. How to process bushes with berries. Raspberries in their summer cottages now bloom profusely and drive from ...

Diseases and pests of the garden: processing in the spring, in April and May. Black currant: fighting disease. Processing the garden in the spring. Our jasmine is more than 10 years old, sits in full sun, did not notice such a problem from the sun.

Diseases and pests of the garden: processing in the spring, in April and May. Diseases and pests: nematode, spider mite, weevil. Chemical or biological means of combating these diseases do not yet exist, so diseased plants should be immediately dug up together with ...

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. Leaf-sucking plants include aphids, suckers, bedbugs, thrips, scale insects, whiteflies, and ticks that are not insects. The rest hibernate partly in the forks of branches or in cracks in the bark ...

Section: Plant Diseases. (Bordeaux liquid leaves blue marks when can be washed off with water). Does the Bordeaux mixture burn the leaves? Sobsno, subject :) I want to prophylactically spray my runners, including those with soft leaves such as violets, and nearby plants ...

Strawberries: diseases and pests. Processing the garden in the spring. Than to spray the garden in spring. On the site now it is no longer possible to spray the garden with concentrated mineral fertilizer or Lilies in general systematically all summer, at least once a month, you should ...

Diseases and pests of the garden: treatment in spring, in April and May. I bred a whitefly with fuchsia with a three-way treatment with actelik (after 7-10 days, paying more attention to the back of the leaves.

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There are over a million different types of insects. They live everywhere, except in the depths of the sea. Many have six legs, a pair of antennae, one or two pairs of wings, and a three-piece body.

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- Did you know that: a dragonfly eats food several times more than its weight; the smallest insect is a bug, which is only 1/3 mm long; the beetle beetle bears the name of the month in which it appears; the largest insect is a butterfly living in the Solomon Islands, its wingspan reaches 30 cm!

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The largest insect is a butterfly from the Solomon Islands. Its wingspan is about 30 cm.

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And the smallest insect is the trichopteryx beetle. Its length is only one third of a millimeter. And such a baby has a brain, heart, respiratory organs, intestines!

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As soon as it starts to warm in March, you can see the earliest insects near the water - stoneflies. Snow still lies around, and these creatures with transparent wings and thin antennae on their heads are already running and flying next to water bodies. Adults hibernate on the shore, and the larvae of stoneflies live in the water.

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A little later, with the melting of the snow, one of the main workers of the forest, ants, wake up. As soon as the snow disappears from the anthill, these insects climb to its surface to bask in the sun. And sod ants wake up only after the soil warms up a little.

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Immediately after the snow melts, if there is no frost, the first butterflies wake up. The bright and variegated urticaria is the first to fly into the air. It can be recognized by its brick-red wings, along which there are yellow and black spots along the front, and blue triangles on the sides. It got its name because only its caterpillars can feed on stinging nettles. It is believed that urticaria can predict the weather - if on a warm day it hides in a secluded place, it means that there will be a cold snap or it will rain.

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A week after the urticaria, lemongrass wake up. Lemongrass with folded wings is difficult to notice: it looks like a yellow leaf. And this butterfly also has an interesting feature: if you suddenly disturb it, then it falls to the ground, folding its wings, and presses its legs. Try it, mind you!

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The rest of the butterflies appear much later, because they hibernate eggs, caterpillars and pupae, which need time to turn into a butterfly. And in lemongrass and urticaria, adults already winter.

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In early spring, you can hear a characteristic buzzing in the air - these are large bumblebees in search of the first flowers. The bumblebee has a black body with a red fluffy collar, a furry abdomen and bright yellow pollen on its hind legs (a bumblebee has a special device on its legs - baskets for collecting pollen). Due to the rapid contraction of the pectoral muscles, which causes a loud buzzing, these insects maintain an optimal body temperature of +40 C, even if it is not more than 10 C outside. The ability to maintain a high body temperature allowed bumblebees to settle in the North, where other insects simply could not survive. The bumblebee is the best plant pollinator of all insects. It flies around thousands of flowers per day. The value of these insects to humans is great. In order to preserve as many bumblebees as possible, we even created a special reserve "Bumblebee Hills"! After all, every ruined nest is the loss of millions of seeds of clover and other field and meadow grasses.

Lesson: On a visit to spring. Insects and birds in spring.

General didactic purpose of the lesson:

    create conditions for understanding and comprehending the block of new educational information;

    application of knowledge and skills in a familiar and new learning situation through the general class, group and individual forms of organizing cognitive activity;

Educational purpose:

    to acquaint with the characteristic signs of spring in living and inanimate nature;

    the formation of a holistic image of spring by means of objects of the surrounding world, literary reading, music.

    teach to observe the signs of spring throughout its course, to determine the sequence of events in nature and their connections;

    show the connection of the studied subjects with life;

    enrich and expand vocabulary;

Developmental goals:

    develop control and self-control skills, skills of practical work in groups;

    educate the aesthetic taste of children;

    develop a sense of beauty;

    the feeling of joy from observing the life of plants and animals;

    develop the cognitive activity of children, the ability to observe, compare, generalize and draw conclusions;

    stimulate interest in the knowledge of the world of wildlife;

    foster love and respect for nature;

    to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the subject;

Educational purposes:

to form communication skills: to listen to the opinions of others and correctly evaluate them in the process of the work performed;

Teaching methods:

    verbal (conversation, story, explanation);


    practical (work with the manual, cards);

    partial search;

Form of work:





    means of education:


    printout of texts;

    illustrations of birds;

    task cards for group work;

    multimedia disc "Lessons of Cyril and Methodius"

    audio recording "Spring noise";

    creative works of children with folk signs about spring;

    technical means:


    multimedia projector;

    interactive whiteboard;

    music Center;

Homework for the open lesson:

    Children prepared creative work. (Folk signs about spring and birds)

    Preparing for the lesson a message about migratory birds, primroses.

    Excerpts from verses about spring.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment:

2. Actualization of students' knowledge.

1) Phenological minute:

2) Repetition.

3) Frontal work. Poetic moment.

3. Message of the topic of the lesson

5. Fidget.

6. The problematic question.

7. Problem situation.

8. Exercise for a minute.

11. Reflection

12. Homework: briefing .

During the classes:

    Organizing time:

Teacher: We have a lot of guests today, and you and I are very worried, so we close our eyes, mentally wish each other good luck and good, and send the excitement to the basket.

Formed UUD - preparing children, creating an emotional background of perception, revitalizing personal experience.

Slide 3

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And runs in the fields, sparkling.

It means that… (spring) has come to us.

If the snow has melted everywhere,

And the grass in the forest is visible,

And a flock of birds sings,

It means that… (spring) has come to us.

So, we are going to visit Spring. Or rather, it was she who came to us in our region. Spring is a great time of the year! This is awakening!

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Problematic situation.

Formed UUD - self-selection of the cognitive goal... Self-determination to activity: conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activity (“I want”); the content area is highlighted ("can")

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. And its name is wonderful "On a visit to spring" And we will work in groups.

I would very much like you to define its theme yourself. Be careful. Listen to the sound of nature.

Audio recording "Spring noise"

What sounds have you heard in this music? (Streams run, birds sing)

So what are we going to talk about in the lesson? (About living and inanimate nature, about spring changes in nature)

4. Work on new material. Conversation about inanimate nature.

4. Interdisciplinary connection with reading lessons.

Russian poets devote a great place in their work to the beauty of spring.

Who can tell what poems about spring we recently studied?

Which ones did you like the most?

Let's remember one of them.

(One student reads a favorite poem.)

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Water, foliage, earth - everything:

A fire in the forest and a pair of birds,

To my eyes and my heart.

It all started with a simple drop

And now the snow is flowing

And they rumbled, rang

Trees, air and meadows.

There is a splash from the forest bends,

In the ravine, the wind breaks the strings,

The whole world is awakened and voiced

And the conductor looks into the mouth.

    Updating students' knowledge.

1) Phenological minute:

How did the cloud cover change during the week?

What is the highest and lowest air temperature of the week?

What types of precipitation have you observed?

What was the weather like during the week?

What weather did you celebrate today?

2) Working in groups

... Changes in inanimate nature.

Now we will talk about changes in inanimate nature with the arrival of spring.

What changes have occurred in inanimate nature? ( A picture is created on the board.)

1) - What can be said about Sun?(it shines brighter than in winter, every day it warms more and more, rises much higher above the horizon, the days are getting longer.)

2) - What kind of spring sky? Clouds? (Blue, high. Light clouds float across the sky, cumulus, similar to puffs of smoke, move quickly during the day, and disappear in the evening. When the cumulus clouds become dark, thunderstorms should be expected soon.

3) - What precipitation fall out in the spring? (In March - snow, in April - snow and rain, in May - rain.)

4) - What happens in the spring with soil?(The soil thaws. Much moisture accumulates in it from the melting snow. Gradually, the soil on the surface dries up, but in the depths it remains moist.)

5) - What happens to snow?(The snow melts, in March there are thawed patches, and in April there are more and more of them, in May there is no more snow.)

6) - What happens to reservoirs? (The ice on the reservoirs darkens, becomes covered with cracks, melts. At the end of April, ice begins on the rivers.)

At this time, it is dangerous to walk on melted ice, as it can break. In May, the river overflows with water from melted snow and ice, the river overflows, which is called ... ( flood).water floods meadows, forests and fields along the river.

Local history material.

And now a few words about the spring of our region. Spring is the shortest season of the year, starting in mid-March. The average duration is 50 days. From April 1 t the air usually does not drop below + 5 degrees. But there are also exceptions. A characteristic feature of the Astrakhan spring is the presence of dry periods. Warm and dry winds often blow. April is mid-spring, warm and cool.

Let's draw a conclusion about changes in inanimate nature.

The sun shines brighter, rises higher above the horizon

The days are longer.

Sky is blue.

It got warmer.

High water.

The soil thawed.

Precipitation in the form of rain. Thunderstorm.

(textbook, p.87, last paragraph.)

Let's remember what changes in inanimate nature we talked about in the last lesson.

2 people work at the board.

Establish a connection between the phenomena that we see in the spring.

3) Frontal work. Poetic moment.

Listen to these verse lines. What changes in nature does spring announce about its arrival?

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Tell me, what did we observe in inanimate nature?

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March is the spring of light

April is the spring of water.

What do you think influenced these changes in nature?

Children share their impressions.

Now the sun is shining more often and brighter.

The day has become longer than the night - an increase in daylight hours.

The air temperature during the day is above 0 o C.

Thawed patches appeared.

(The teacher writes on the blackboard: warming.)

What happens in nature?


Some trees bloom, for example: alder; the first insects appear on the thawed earth, the first spring birds arrive.

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(The word is hung on the board Ice drift)

Teacher: What is ice drift? (Ice breaks, ice floes float on the river, collide, break) Guys, can someone remember a poem that talks about spring?

(On the board is a card: thawed patch).

What is a thawed patch?

Thawed patch is a place in a field, garden, forest, on the road, where the snow has melted and the ground or grass is visible.(Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov)

It gets warmer every day. The once fluffy snow is thickening, it paints roads and paths with gray ink. During the day, spring drives away winter more and more persistently, at night it hides somewhere, as if afraid of the last frost. Resinous fragrant buds swell on trees and shrubs, early flowering plants appear, the ground will be covered with young green grass. Changes in inanimate nature and plant life have influenced the life of animals in the spring.

3. Message of the topic of the lesson

You will name the topic of the lesson yourself, having solved the riddles.

    Flies to us with warmth,

The path is long.

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay.


    In the summer he follows a plowman,

And before winter, he leaves with a cry.


    The flower slept and suddenly woke up -

I didn't want to sleep anymore,

Moved, roused,

Soared up and flew away.


    Spring jumps -

Green back -

From grass to blade

From branch to path.


    On a daisy at the gate

The helicopter went down -

Golden eyes

Who is this?


- So what does the topic of the lesson call?

Insects and birds in the spring.

4. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

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What changes have occurred in the life of insects in the spring?

Where did you see them?

They began to appear from cracks in the bark, from under fallen leaves.

Who comes first: insects or birds? Why?

Insects appear first because they serve as food for birds.

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1 student: -As soon as the snow melts in sunny weather on the plants you can see the lemongrass butterfly, as well as motley butterflies - urticaria.


2 student: Ants, waking up, open their entrances to the anthill. A little later flies, mosquitoes, dragonflies appear, wasps, bumblebees, and bees wake up and fly out. May beetles and ladybugs appear in May.


3 student: - There are a lot of insects in nature, and they are found literally at every step. There are insects - pests of agriculture, carriers of pathogens of serious diseases. When scientists calculated how many species really cause harm to the economy and human health, it turned out that there are not so many of them. And most of them are useful.

(Demonstration of insects from the collection).

Tell us about one of the insects.


Butterfly: All colored butterflies are useful as plant pollinators. They help to increase the yield.


Ant: Don't ruin anthills. Ants destroy mainly forest pests. Ants from one nest destroy 15-20 thousand insects per day. To get such a number of insects, the variegated woodpecker has to work for 20 days, and the great tit - 2 months. By destroying an anthill, you are destroying the house of friends.

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Among insects, there are many species that do not bring much harm and at the same time serve as an adornment of nature. Their beautiful appearance, graceful flight caress the eyes of a person, giving him joy. These are grasshoppers, filly, various butterflies, dragonflies.

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Dragonfly: The graceful appearance of these insects, their fast flight and bright color of the abdomen attract attention. When a dragonfly sits on a branch of a bush or a stalk of grass, the tenacity of its legs is noticeable. With them, the dragonfly clings very tightly to the plants. Catching a dragonfly is not easy: it is very careful and immediately notices the approach of a hand. Dragonflies fly in different directions in search of food and manage to destroy many pests (especially mosquitoes and midges) in a day.

5. Fidget. Singing of birds turns on.

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6. The problematic question.

Changes in wildlife.

It's time to talk about what changes are taking place in wildlife with the arrival of spring.

What happens to trees and shrubs in spring? (On deciduous trees and shrubs, buds swell; catkins, silvery lambs, flowers appear, then leaves appear. In conifers, the color of the bark and needles changes).

What happens to herbaceous plants? (The ground is covered with young grass, many plants are starting to bloom).

- What are the first herbaceous plants to bloom? (Primroses: liverwort, crested, anemone, lungwort, coltsfoot).

Usually, early flowering herbaceous plants are called snowdrops. Why? (As soon as the snow melts, they begin to bloom).

- Why do snowdrops bloom so early? (Snowdrops get their nourishment from their thickened underground parts, which have stored nutrient reserves since last year. They need a lot of light and moisture, which is plenty at this time. They need little heat).

What flowers bloom in late spring, in May? (Lilies of the valley, dandelions, violets.)

Many people collect bouquets of spring plants in the spring. Is it good: (No).

V.Changes in the life of birds.

- Spring brings changes to the life of animals as well. How does the life of birds change with the arrival of spring? (Migratory birds return to their native lands. Birds build or repair nests, lay eggs, hatch chicks).

- Why were such changes in the life of birds possible? (There is more food. Many birds feed on insects, and with the arrival of heat, insects get out of their shelters).

- Each migratory bird returns to its native land at a specific time

- Why did the migratory birds fly away from us in the fall?

It got cold, no food.

As soon as the first signs of spring appear: the air becomes warmer, the snow begins to melt, insects swirl in a swarm, and the arrival of birds begins.

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With the arrival of which birds does spring begin?

Rooks open spring.

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Painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived".

Why were they the first to arrive in early spring?

The return of migratory birds is associated with the appearance of food: for example, insects.

These birds feed on thawed roads and thawed patches where the first insects wake up.

March is the time of arrival of rooks to their native lands.

Slide 22

All migratory birds are blacker
Cleans arable land from worms.
Run up and down the arable land.
And the bird is called ... (rook)

Rooks one of the first to arrive. They are not afraid of cold weather. And until the fields are free of snow, the rooks, along with the crows, search for grain and food remnants from human dwellings. Then they start building nests. The rook brings twigs, and the rook builds a nest. Then they change, but do not leave the nest unattended, otherwise another pair will occupy it.

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Body rook 46 cm long, black with a blue metallic sheen. The beak is thinner than that of crows, and in adult birds with a base and white skin around the beak. The wings are somewhat narrower than those of a crow, the plumage of the legs is slightly elongated and, as it were, disheveled

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Riddle: There is a palace on a pole, a singer in a palace, and his name is a starling

Common starlings are one of the first heralds of spring. They arrive in flocks in February or March, when there is snow. As soon as it gets warmer, males appear next to birdhouses and hollows and begin to sing, opening their beak and spreading their wings. Common starlings live wherever voids can be found.

A good spring song of a starling!

The starling is a mockingbird. With a striking resemblance, he knows how to convey everything he hears. In his concerts, you can hear not only the voices of other birds, but also the croaking of a frog, the growl of a dog, and the meow of a cat.

The male's outfit in spring is bright. It is all black, with a yellow beak, and a metallic tint runs over the black color of the feather.

And the female with a yellow beak is black, but without a bright metallic sheen.

Dictionary work.

(On the board is a card: insectivorous birds).

Starlings are insectivorous birds that feed on the larvae of beetles and caterpillars.

What do the rook and starling have in common?

Rook and starling are insectivorous birds. These birds have small wings, as they do not fly in open space like storks or cranes.

Slide 25

Great tit is one of the most famous and popular birds. She lives in parks and gardens. When the first signs of spring appear in the forests and fields, a clear, beat-like sound “tsitsibe, tsitsibe" is heard, it is repeated for a long time. This is the song of the male great tit. It's time to meet and build nests. Females begin to build nests. They can build a nest in a hollow, in a wall hole, in an iron pipe, in a mailbox, in a birdhouse. During the winter, birds do not fly to warm countries.

Tits are very beneficial, eating as many insects per day as they weigh themselves.

Slide 26


The magpie has a nickname - white-sided. On the sides, the feathers are completely white, and the head, wings and tail are black, like a crow's. The magpie's tail is very beautiful - long, straight, like an arrow.

The magpie cannot be confused with any other bird. In nature, it can be identified by the voice and sounds "cha-cha-cha".

Nests are arranged high from the ground, in the crown of a tree, from dry twigs and twigs.

The forage for the forty is varied. She eats small animals, insects, and also eats berries, fruits, cereals with pleasure.

Slide 27, 28

For more safety magpies spend the night in flocks. Tibetan magpies even build common nests.

They hide excess food in holes that they dig in the ground.

Magpies are also renowned for their passion for shiny objects.

Magpies sit on the backs of large animals and collect ticks on them.

Slide 29

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants stretch.

Its both the song and the flight

We entered the poems! (lark)

Slide 30


Arriving next larks.

The larks arrive at the beginning of April. It is difficult to see the lark, but you can hear its silvery song over the fields and notice a small hovering point in the sky. It is a light sandy bird with dark speckles. In our middle lane, people have long defined the arrival of spring by the first song of a lark.

And what kind of birds fly when the reservoirs break open from the ice?

Slide 31

-Ducks, geese, seagulls.

These birds find their food in or near water. Ducks eat duckweed, small aquatic animals - frogs, worms. Geese eat only plant foods. The main food of seagulls is aquatic insects, small fish.

May is coming. This month the earth is covered with grass, plants are blooming, all insects come to life: butterflies, wasps, bumblebees, beetle, etc. At this time, birds of the third wave arrive.

Slide 32


Cranes are beautiful birds. Their body is rather long, the neck is also long and thin, and the head is small. The legs are long and very strong, the wings are large, and the beak is quite strong and laterally compressed

Cranes live in swamps. They feed on frogs, insects, small fish, as well as seeds, buds, tubers and roots.

Nests are made right on the ground.

Slide 33


Swallows arrive in mid-May. Killer whales nest under the roofs of village sheds and houses. They attach their mud-molded nests to wooden rafters, ledges of wooden walls and roofs. They feed only on insects. Over the summer, the swallow catches from half a million to a million midges, mosquitoes and aphids. Before the weather changes, the swallow flies low above the ground.

Slide 34


All owls have large eyes, they see well even at night.

These birds are predators. They feed on large insects, birds, fish, small animals. Most owls hunt at night, but some are active during the daytime.

A long-eared owl can eat up to 10 voles a day, and a booze owl eats about 1200 rodents a year.

Slide 35

Most birds build nests in the spring. Starlings will settle in birdhouses and start singing nasty songs.

Who prepared the birdhouses?

7. Problem situation.

Having made a birdhouse in the workshop, the schoolchildren nailed it to the tallest tree, a taphole on the sunny side. Did the guys do everything right?

You cannot nail the birdhouse to the tree with nails, as this can harm the tree.

Titmouse fly away into the woods, they look for their nest boxes and arrange nests. Their marvelous plumage amuses the eye. Their wonderful singing pleases the ear.

Larks build nests in the field, right on the ground.

Martin sculpts its nest from lumps of damp earth or silt, which it sticks together with its saliva, under the roof of houses, in places protected from the weather and predators.

Waterfowl build nests on the shore of the lake from dry stems and fluff directly on the ground, in a hole under a bush.

In built nests, birds lay eggs and hatch chicks.

Slide 36

Spring Birds Care... Make a choice.

Birds in spring:

hatch chicks

building huts

build nests

destroy harmful insects

stock up food

preparing for departure

lay eggs

teach chicks

go to sleep

8 physical culture .

Drops dripped loudly, ( jumping in place)
All the icicles were crying. ( shake our head with our hands to our cheeks)
The sun shines brightly, (hands up, stretching)
We, icicles, are hot. ( fan ourselves).
Water is already flowing from us, ( downward tilt)
We will melt forever ... (straighten up)

Birds in spring:

9. Environmental forecasting.

Slide 37.38

1. What happens if, for example, you pick up eggs from the nest?

It is dangerous to take eggs in hand, as after this the birds may not return to the nest at all.

2. What should you do if you find a bird's nest in the forest?

Immediately need to move away from him. When a person appears near the nest, the bird flies away from it and does not return until the person leaves.

3. What happens if you destroy an anthill?

Ants from one nest destroy 15-20 thousand insects and forest pests per day.

4. What happens if you take a dog with you to the forest in the spring?

She can catch badly flying chicks.

5. What happens if, for example, you collect bouquets in the forest or in the meadow?

There will be fewer bumblebees and butterflies that need flower nectar for food.

Remember " Friends of nature rules"!

Do not ruin the nests!

Do not touch bird's nests.

Do not take warm testicles.

You take care of us friends!

(Children are holding a poster "Take care of the birds!").

- What benefits do birds bring to humans?

Slide 39


I, following the plow,

Able to destroy

400 worms a day,

Plant pests.


A tit per day eats as many insects as it weighs itself.


A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars and beetles in 1 day.

There was a holiday in Russia - we met spring that day. They baked cookies in the shape of larks. They climbed onto the roofs of the huts and sang:

"You are larks, larks,

you will come to us,

bring us a warm summer,

red spring ".

And now every year we celebrate the Day of the Birds. We celebrate at the end of March - before the arrival of the starlings.

Fly like a bird, but know, love and protect nature as a person who, living in a city or village, lives in a common house - on planet Earth.

-What is the role of humans in the life of birds?

- Human - an outside observer or active assistant?

-What can a man do for birds and what should he not do?

Slide 40

Spring has come, and the birds have returned home from distant lands:
Blackbirds crackle, crossbills and titmice cry.
It's time to go to bed, and the birds are chattering.
They don't just shout - they build houses for themselves.


This incident was in April,
Birds came from the south.
The snow is melting, and the sparrow
Kicked out of the house.
- Get out, bully, -
A starling whistled at him.
- No way, my apartment,
I'm not a temporary tenant!
I'm here blizzards and frost
He endured it patiently.
And now, under this roof
I am preparing a nest for the family
And I will not move, for the life of me! -
A sparrow chirped.
- Don't be stubborn! I inherited
This house was inherited from childhood.
Fly out.
My beak is sharp
Otherwise ...
But here in the yard
Misha left the birdhouse,
Quickly climbed onto the roof with her,
Immediately tied tightly
And he said affably:
- I, friends, heartily glad
Protect the garden together.
Only Misha was down with tears,
Sparrow daring
Moved to a new home
And he made up with his neighbor.

10. Teamwork. Making an application "Arrival of Birds".

11. Reflection.

- Why do we need to protect insects and birds?

    What "Friends of Nature Rules" can you suggest?

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Only, mind you, don't forget

That one shouldn't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Do not break the branches of the oak,

Never forget

Remove garbage from the grass,

You shouldn't pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot from the slingshot:

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they interfering with?

You don't need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.

And then any animal-

Whether it's a weasel or a weasel,

Forest hedgehog, river fish-

Will say: “You are my friend! Thanks!"

12. Homework: briefing.

Write a mini-essay "If I were a bird ..."

Design and draw an ecological sign.


    “Red Data Book of the Novosibirsk Region. 2008 " Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, NSO.

    A.V. Kuznetsov "The native land of Novosibirsk". West - Siberian book publishing house, 1985

    “Everything about everything. Why is it ". "Astrel", 2004

    NA Kozlov "Birds of Novosibirsk". Publishing house "Science". 1988

Elena Koroleva
Abstract of the GCD "Insects in the spring" in the 2nd junior group

Software content:

Clarify children's knowledge about spring, the names of insects, primary colors; to form the ability to combine movement and speech.

Develop attention, logical thinking; articulation and intonational expressiveness of speech.

To bring up accuracy, respect for all living things.


bumblebee, fluttered, insects, pollen, buzz.

Preliminary work:

viewing illustrations about insects. Talking with children about the signs of the seasons, viewing illustrations, observing while walking.


pictures with signs of the seasons; a stump in which dummies of insects are placed; drawing of the sun; flowers made of cardboard of different colors; pictures of insects; pictures of beehives and bumblebee minks, sultans; leaf templates, circles of different diameters, glue, brushes, napkins.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, what time of year is it? That's right, spring. And what happens in the spring in nature?

(The snow melted, the birds flew in, the grass grew, the sun warms up hotter, the first flowers appear, the buds swell on the trees).

Let's play the Show and Tell game.

There are many different pictures about the seasons in front of you, you should select only those pictures that show the signs of spring and tell about them.

True, in spring, nature wakes up, the first flowers, grass appear, the first insects creep out.

Guys, here's the sorceress spring gave us a gift, let's see what it is?

Correct, but look in it someone hid. Who is this?

(Bee, bumblebee, ant, butterfly, grasshopper, ladybug,).

How can you name them all together?


Insects, to protect themselves from the winter cold, hid in the stumps and slept under the bark all winter until the warm spring. Come on, we'll take insects and put them closer to the spring sun.

(Children take out one insect from the stump, name it and put it in the sun).

How are all insects alike?

(They are small, they have six legs.)

What do insects eat?

(Grass, pollen).

See how many colorful spring flowers have blossomed. What color do you see flowers here?

(Red, yellow, blue, etc.)

Well done, let's help the insects get to the flowers. In this task, riddles will help us. Listen to the first riddle:

Stirred by the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

- Let's put her on a blue flower (the child shows the desired flower and puts an insect on it).

Not a bird, but with wings.

Flies over the flowers

Medoc collects. (Bee)

- Her flower is red. Where do the bees live? (In the hive).

Plump, hairy,

Flies for sweets. (Bumblebee)

- Its flower is yellow. Where do bumblebees live? (In burrows underground).

We will now play the game "Bees and Bumblebees".

The girls will be bees, they will live in a hive, right here (picture of a hive). When we call them, they will fly around the flowers, collect honey in the flowers and hum: w - w - w. And the boys will be bumblebees, they will live in minks, right here (a picture of a mink). When we call them, they will fly too, collect honey and say: h - h - h. If it rains, you need to quickly hide in your house.

Well done, all were attentive bees and bumblebees.

Do you hear, it seems someone is crying? Oh, it's a caterpillar. Where does the caterpillar live?

(In the grass, on the leaves).

Let's make the caterpillar girlfriends and it won't be so bored! Take each green leaf on which we plant it, and sit down at the tables. Look, you need to smear circles from large to small and glue them on a piece of paper. If you understand everything, get to work.

Look, the caterpillar has cheered up, she really liked the new girlfriends. Well done boys!

At the end of March, when there is still snow, the first spring insects appear. Near the water, you can see many freckles - large insects with a delicate nondescript body, transparent wings pierced with veins, long thin antennae on the head. The spring's wings are folded like a peaked roof over its body. The larvae of this insect live in the water, and the adult stoneflies live on the shore. They fly badly and prefer to run - since their slender legs allow it.
Almost all butterflies usually hibernate eggs, caterpillars, or pupae, while hives and lemongrass have adults.

Therefore, as soon as the snow melts, we are the first to notice them. Urticaria is the first to wake up - a bright, motley butterfly. The wings are brick-red above, along the front of the wing there are large black and yellow spots, and on the sides of the wing there is a fringe of blue triangles with a black border. It is named urticaria because only its caterpillars can eat stinging nettles. It has been noticed that urticaria can predict the weather: if a butterfly hides in a shelter on a bright sunny day, it means that in two hours there will be rain and a thunderstorm.
Later, ten days after the urticaria, lemongrass wakes up. This butterfly has a male and female of different colors, although they are similar. The female is pale yellow-green, and the male is bright yellow. Lemongrass with folded wings is difficult to notice: it looks like a yellow leaf. And this butterfly also has an interesting feature: if you suddenly disturb it, then it falls to the ground, folding its wings, and presses its legs. Try it, mind you!
In early spring, large bumblebees appear in gardens and parks. The bumblebee has a black body with a red fluffy collar, a shaggy abdomen and bright yellow pollen on its hind legs (a bumblebee has a special device on its legs - baskets for collecting pollen). Serious, unhurried, he busily flies around flower after flower in search of nectar and pollen. Noteworthy is the bass hum of a bumblebee, which can be heard even when it does not move its wings. Where does this sound come from?

It turns out that the buzz is a very rapid contraction of the pectoral muscles of the bumblebee. By moving its muscles, the insect warms up. His body temperature is + 40 °, even if it's only + 10 ° outside. To warm the nest, bumblebees hum especially strongly at three to four o'clock in the morning - the coldest time. The ability to raise body temperature by such physical exercise allowed bumblebees to settle so far north, where there are no other plant pollinators besides them. Bumblebees live in Chukotka, Greenland, Alaska, the islands of Novaya Zemlya.
The bumblebee is the best plant pollinator of all insects. It flies around thousands of flowers per day. And you need to know that only pollinated plants will bear fruit. Some plants, due to the structure of their flower, can only be pollinated by bumblebees. The value of these insects to humans is great. In order to preserve as many bumblebees as possible, we even created a special reserve "Bumblebee Hills"! After all, every ruined nest is the loss of millions of seeds of clover and other field and meadow grasses.
Bumblebees arrange nests on the ground. In the spring, the overwintered female sits on the ground, crawls under the foliage or into the burrow and makes cells there from a mixture of wax and pollen for future offspring.

In the midst of spring, when many voracious lovers of greenery appear in the world of insects, ladybugs come to the aid of plants. The cow is a beetle with highly convex, bright, shiny wings with black dots. How does this beetle look like a cow? Why did you get such a name? The fact is that in case of danger, the beetle releases a droplet of poisonous white-yellowish liquid - "milk". For this he got his name. Ladybugs are one of the few insects that can completely destroy insect pests. They have already brought great benefits to people more than once, preserving plantations of tea bushes, tangerines, lemons and other crops. In our area, the ladybird destroys aphids - small but very harmful insects to plants.
In the evenings in May, a large black-brown beetle with a noticeable whisker bristle can be seen around deciduous trees. It’s funny to watch how, having opened its big rigid wings, it rises into the air with a buzz. This is the May beetle, or, as it is also called, the May beetle. The beetle flies for only twenty to forty days, and then lays eggs, from which the larvae emerge. The larvae live and develop underground for three to four years! Only in the fourth summer do they pupate, and already a beetle emerges from the pupa