Replacing the cartridge in the mixer: detailed instructions for repair in photos and videos. Cartridge: what it looks like and where it is

Plumbing in the house is always a kind of fetish that becomes the pride of the owners and the object of good envy of guests, friends who have no worse at home, but here, some kind of dry thing is not so fashionable, not so shiny, not so ... And only very few know that happiness in the house is not from curlicues, but from vital important element construction, which is not visible at all, but which is precisely the mixer. And this node is called a cartridge, which means "cartridge, charge", or simply - "I'm in charge here." Cap-cap, but not on the street, but in the bathroom, sometimes becomes a reason to find out from whom, what and where it grows ... But in fact, everything is very simple - the cartridge is to blame.

Types of mixers

Water enters the apartment almost everywhere, cold and hot, even if a home heater is involved. But for use, it is mixed in different proportions, and at the outlet of the mixer in the kitchen or in the bathroom, we use water that is warm at will. Plumbing kits, which include all these faucets-spouts-regulators-gaskets and twist-screws, have only a little more than half a century of history and call them very accurately - mixers. But the most important unit of the mixer is the mechanism for the adjustable supply of water flows for mixing. Three designs of mixers are known:

The most widespread are single-lever mixers with a cartridge - outwardly very simple, attractive design and convenient to use. They are available in the range of all manufacturers - both branded and not so.

Cartridge - design and disadvantages

By its very existence, the cartridge is designed to mix water from two lines, which means it is the main unit of the device. There are two designs: ball cartridge And with ceramic discs. Ball joints are less common due to their higher price and lack of clear advantages. Let's take a closer look at the disk cartridge device.

  • Structurally, it is plastic barrel, in which a set of discs with holes is assembled.
  • The rod of the control lever protrudes from the top of the barrel, on which the mixer handle is put on. It has two degrees of freedom - rotation and vertical movement up and down. With its lower end, the rod enters the groove of the upper ceramic disc. If the handle is displaced, then this also leads to the movement of the disk.
  • The two ceramic water regulating discs have very smooth mating surfaces. In this case, the upper disk slides over the fixed, motionless lower one, which has holes for water flow: two inputs and one output. This disk is connected through gasket rings to the bottom of the cartridge. In this case, the water supply holes of the lower disk are blocked by the upper disk to a different extent, which depends on the turn of the handle, and thus the flow of passing water is regulated. Before entering the discharge channel, these flows are mixed. For normal operation disks, any gaps between the disks and the bottom should be excluded - only in this case water leakage is excluded.
  • Bottom of cartridge bottom closed, in which there are three holes - two for inlet lines and one for the outlet stream, which is brought out. Each hole has a polyurethane foam gasket.
  • The outer body of the keg and the bottom fastened together with clips in tension.

Faucet cartridges differ in size and are classified by diameter- d 40 and d 35. Depending on this external dimensions cartridges also differ in stem size and pin configuration, so you should always have a comparison sample with you when replacing a cartridge in a mixer.

The cartridge itself has simple design, is easily disassembled, but cannot be repaired, since the main reason for failure is wear of parts from friction. Such a defect is manifested only by the fact that water begins to seep, but it is not possible to determine specifically because of which part, in any place, the “weakness” has formed. Another reason is the hit fine dust, grains of sand, rust in friction pairs. Cartridge contains few details, but they are not on sale, because it is believed that it is easier to replace it entirely, which most craftsmen do. A certain contribution to this is made by the difference in designs in small things, but nevertheless ...

How to replace the faucet cartridge with your own hands

To start repairing the faucet by replacing the cartridge, you should only be sure that the cause of the leaks is in the cartridge, and not in a corny loose nut on the water supply pipes.

It is very easy to verify this: the “guilty” cartridge passes water from under the control lever. The final diagnosis can be made if the circumference of the cartridge socket is clasped with a large and index finger- even the smallest trickle from under the lever will immediately make itself felt.

In addition to primitive leaks, other malfunctions are possible:

  1. The lever moves with great force.
  2. Adjustment water is not running - the pressure and / or temperature of the water does not depend on the position of the lever.
  3. Doesn't turn on only cold or only hot water in the extreme positions of the mixer lever.
  4. There is no complete shutdown of water.
  • small flathead screwdriver or a hex key (also from a set of small ones);
  • adjustable, up to 40 mm, or open end wrench;
  • pliers(just in case);
  • liquid WD-40 for "sticky thread".

We take out the case, which is called the “first aid kit for repairs”, all the indicated tools are there, of course, and ... let's get started. What do we have to do?

Step 1 Remove the faucet arm

Under the lever we find decorative cap with "combat" coloring - cold / mountains. It is not difficult to “knock off” it with a flat screwdriver or a knife.

The hole under the plug gives access to the locking screw that secures the lever. 3-4 turns of a screwdriver or wrench - and the lever is removed from the cartridge pin. But this is not always the case: if the lever does not want to be removed “for good”, then it break out, and if the stem is metal, then only a cutting machine, popularly called "grinder", will cope with it.

Step 2: Remove the cartridge nut

Under the handle is decorative nut. You need to unscrew it very carefully - usually it does not sit tight and twists by hand, and if it doesn’t work out, you can pick it up with pliers by the very edge and unscrew it. Next is clamping nut. Its size depends on the type of cartridge, but we select it wrench and twist it out. If it didn’t work out and the nut began to break in parts - it’s just broken and replaced with a new one- they are on sale.

Step 3: Replace the cartridge

Having an old cartridge on hand, we go to the store. When choosing, pay attention to landing pins in the bottom- they may differ in diameter and shape of sealing rings. When installing a new cartridge, we combine the pins in the bottom with the mounting sockets in the mixer. A small play during installation allows you to "feel" the landing site without much effort.

How much does it cost to replace a ceramic cartridge? The answer is quite ambiguous. Brand-name bathroom or kitchen faucets costing several hundred dollars have cartridges priced up to a hundred greens and a guarantee of up to 10 years.

Replacing such an expensive "client" is also a match - 30-50 dollars V best case. At the same time, cheap "Chinese" rarely cost more than 3 bucks, and calling the master will cost another 10-15. And how long will a Chinese consumer product last? It happens that 3-4 months, but mostly enough for 2-3 years.

The only advice for extending the life of the cartridge is water filtration, but often this will help not only the cartridge, so the advice is useful. Of course, firms hold on to their market with their teeth, which is called “to death”, therefore, “Chinese” are not suitable for their mixers, although there is no fundamental difference in design between them. Therefore, if you don’t load money with a shovel, then it’s better do it yourself repair and there will always be a chance to prove that the hands are in place and no leakage of cartridges in this apartment is terrible.

Cartridge replacement video

The cartridge serves to adjust the water supply in the tap and its temperature. The first impression is that it is a cylinder with holes and many plastic plates. It is located inside the faucet. So it turns out that the faucet cartridge is a vital element.

If the repair comes down to replacing the cartridge in the tap, then it is not necessary to call a specialist. The procedure itself takes only half an hour. With your own hands, you can carry out the simplest repair by changing the device in the bathroom faucet:

  1. The dismantling of the tap begins with the stop of the water supply.
  2. The dot indicating the supply of hot and cold water is removed. The work is done with a screwdriver.
  3. After the plug on the mixer has been removed, a screw immediately catches your eye. It is necessary to hold the crane lever. The screw is unscrewed and after that you can remove the cover without sudden movements.
  4. When the handle is removed, the clamping nut will be visible. It is removed by hand.
    Actions must be careful not to strip the thread. Under it, a ring and a standard nut will be found in the tap.
  5. After completing all the manipulations, you need to remove the cartridge from the mixer and examine the damage. Its replacement on the mixer is mandatory in the presence of cracks.

Cartridge change rule

It is necessary to consult how to replace the cartridge in the mixer, if its models do not always match. The size of the replaced part must match the previous one. As well as the material of its manufacture and shape.

Take a closer look at how the holes for the stem are located. For example, at different devices One company Blanco TALOS-S locking devices can be located in different ways.

There are generic models. And they may not fit all faucets. It is necessary to select a cartridge for the mixer of the same model and the same brand as the previous one.

cartridge removal mechanism

When the handle is unscrewed, it is possible to remove the faucet cartridge by moving your hand upwards and to the side. How to get it out of the faucet body if the faucet lever cannot be removed is another question.

Problems removing sticky handle

All initial steps for disassembling the faucet are carried out boldly, until the faucet handle itself is removed.

Plumbing experts advise how to disassemble the faucet:

  • the lever is covered with a piece of fabric and an adjustable wrench, which is installed on top of the fabric to try to turn it;
  • in case of an unsuccessful attempt to remove the device from the mixer, use a warming liquid like WD-40. At the junction it is necessary to drip it.

Cartridge replacement algorithm

Replacing a device in a mixer is a process that is carried out in reverse.

  1. The new faucet cartridge is installed in the housing so that it Bottom part protruding parts became in the grooves of the body. The click sound will be a sign of its proper installation.
  2. Next, the retaining nut and ring are installed in place.
  3. The lever is installed last.
  4. The lever locks into place.
  5. The twisted screw that hides under the decorative dot will be the last step.

Cartridge Standards

The most common sizes (according to GOST) of cartridges that fit the mixer:

  • shower cabins - 32 mm,
  • washbasin - 28 mm,
  • sinks - 35 mm
  • for the bathroom - range 40-46 mm.

A large model of cartridges required for faucets is made in China. There is a pattern that a large single-lever mixer (with a large spout diameter) is of better quality. For other manufacturing countries, this rule is not suitable.

The cartridge for the mixer is selected taking into account:

  • diameter indicator;
  • measurements of height with a leg;
  • high accuracy of its height without stem.

Cartridge classification

The variety of models is explained by the differences in their structure and the difference in the algorithm of the workflow.

By internal device known varieties:

  1. The mechanism of the device is in the form of a ball. Controlled like temperature regime water, and the power of the pressure of the water supply. Therefore, if the crane breaks down, it is for him to replace it. The mechanism is a ball with one hole or two. A moving lever forces the holes to close from the water inlets. Water is mixed. The ball mechanism is installed only in the single-lever mixer.
  2. The disc mechanism works on the same principle. A special disk can also be in two-valve taps.

For mixers, cartridges are distinguished by the material from which they were made:

  • metal;
  • ceramics.

The principle of operation of the crane is based on the classification:

  • cartridge for single-lever mixers;

  • faucet with a cartridge, the mechanism of which is two-lever.

Among themselves, all types differ in the number of protruding elements that must coincide with the grooves in the mixer body and the number of holes for the nozzles.

Single lever mechanism

In a single-lever mixer, a disk model or a ball mixer is used. The mixer complies with GOST 25809-96. Water is supplied by turning the lever in different sides, the position of the locking device changes. The use of the model has also spread to kitchen faucets and shower cubicles. Until recently, it was used only in bathroom devices.

Description of ceramic cartridge

The difference of the ceramic faucet cartridge is that important details- these are 2 plates tightly lying to each other. They are involved in adjusting the power of water pressure and in raising or lowering its temperature. The locking device is lubricated to reduce friction between ceramic plates.

A leak with a closed tap indicates that this breakdown is eliminated only by replacing the device.

A model of this type is used in the kitchen, in the bathroom and in the shower faucet. In the number of device models, it is difficult to figure out how to choose the right manufacturer. Hansgrohe and Grohe are in demand for sale.

Features of the shower cartridge

Diverter is the name of the device. This is a cartridge with three to six water mixing positions. The number of positions is proportional to the number of devices connected (hydrobox needs a diverter cartridge with 5 positions).

Knowing this feature of the model, you need to figure out how to choose it for the mixer. The basis of the crane operation algorithm is the rotation of the brass rod by 360g around its axis.
This rotation provides 6 lever positions.

Ball valve mechanism and its cartridge

By changing the position of the shut-off ball of single-lever taps, the cartridge changes the power of the water flow or stops it completely. There are 2 identical holes and one large one on the bottom of the device. The holes all completely overlap or some of them, which regulates the pressure power in a single-lever mixer.

Mixer with thermostat

The faucet is equipped with a scale where the required temperature is set. The lock is set to a predetermined position and does not change. The cartridge device regulates the pressure and temperature of the water supply.

The crane model is used in public places.

The thermostatic model is installed in washbasins, bidets.

Possibility of cartridge repair

Experts give advice on how to repair the cartridge, if working surface clogged, worn out thrust rings. They also claim that it is impossible to carry out repairs if the plates (balls) are worn out. A cracked cartridge cannot be repaired.

This type of damage cannot be repaired. The device is being replaced.

Cosmetic cartridge repair

A ceramic cartridge for a mixer will serve for a long time if the friction of its plates is eliminated or softened by lubricating them. Lubrication is carried out with any oil products. It is quite possible to do such a repair of the device with your own hands.

Breakdown of the thermostatic device - the accumulation of various microparticles of water on the kitchen faucet, which leads to the idea of ​​repairing it. Settings keep resetting.

Faucet cartridge repair is the cleaning of the working part of the constipation. Prepare an old toothbrush, vinegar.

How to "hear" the failure of the mixer

Cartridge failure cannot be ignored. A water leak with a closed tap can result in a complete flood in an apartment or house, a large bill for paying for the use of water.
Wear of the locking mechanism or a crack in the body of the device leads to leakage of the valve in the closed position.

Mixers with one rotary knob are increasingly replacing traditional two-valve designs from bathrooms and kitchens. The main arguments in favor of a single-lever faucet are convenience and durability. But sooner or later, such a mixer also fails.

Faucets with a single rotary handle are increasingly replacing traditional two-valve designs in bathrooms and kitchens.

If the faucet starts to leak, the reason is most likely in the cartridge. It is unlikely to be repaired, but it can be replaced. The device is inexpensive, and the installation process is simple and does not require special skills.

Cartridge: what it looks like and where it is

The cartridge is the core of a single-lever faucet. Thanks to it, the streams of hot and cold water are mixed in a given proportion and, under a certain pressure, rush into the spout (spout) of the tap. The working elements of the disk cartridge are enclosed in a plastic case.

The disk cartridge is encased in a plastic case

There are three holes in its bottom part. At the top is a rod - a rod connecting the mixer lever and the upper ceramic disc, hidden inside the body. This disc is set in motion by turning the mixer handle. The second disk is always motionless and fits snugly against the first. Both plates have special holes through which water enters and pours out.

When the faucet handle is lifted and turned, the stem is actuated, which in turn shifts and rotates the top disc. Its displacement regulates the power of the water pressure. And when the upper disk rotates, its slots are partially aligned with the holes in the lower disk, as a result of which cold and hot water are mixed.

Single-lever faucet device: 1– lever; 2 - spout; 3 - ceramic cartridge; 4 - body; 5 - fixing bracket; 6 - flexible hoses for water supply

When to change

As a rule, disk cartridges fail due to wear of moving parts. plastic parts. Ceramic plates wear out much less frequently. But on by and large, it doesn't matter what caused the cartridge failure. In any case, it will have to be replaced, because it is a disposable part that cannot be repaired.

Signs of a failed cartridge:

  • water does not mix properly (only cold or only hot flows from the tap);
  • the water supply is disturbed (when the lever is turned to one of the extreme positions, nothing comes);
  • at a fixed position of the lever, the water temperature changes every time;
  • it is not possible to turn on the water at full pressure;
  • it is impossible to completely shut off the water;
  • water leaks from under the handle;
  • it takes effort to turn the lever.

The service life of the mixer is significantly reduced due to the harmful impurities contained in the water: rust, lime, sand and other insoluble fine particles. Mechanical filters and water softeners will help solve the problem. However, nothing lasts forever, and any cartridge will have to be changed sooner or later.

How to change with your own hands: instructions

It is not necessary to call a plumber to replace the cartridge in the faucet. Its installation will not cause any special difficulties. The complexity of the task is only to choose the right new cartridge. And this is easier to do, having an old one on hand, which will need to be shown to the seller as a sample. But first, the broken part must be removed from the mixer.

Tools you will need:

  • flat screwdriver or hexagon (depending on the type of lock screw);
  • wrench or gas wrench.

Before disassembling the faucet, shut off cold and hot water at the inlet. Raise the lever and release the remaining water.

  1. With a flat screwdriver, the tip of a knife or just a fingernail, they pry and remove the decorative cap on the lever, under which there is a locking screw.

    The decorative cap has blue and red markings.

  2. Depending on the type of screw, loosen it with a hexagon or a flat screwdriver.

    To unscrew the lever, you will need a flat screwdriver or hex

    Pull the handle upwards. If the lever is stuck to the body and cannot be removed, it is sprayed with a “liquid key” WD-40. Or apply folk method: water the tap with boiling water. Under the influence of heat, the metal will expand, and the lever will be removed.

    After loosening the latch, remove the lever

  3. The decorative spherical nut located under the handle is manually unscrewed. Use force, let alone use wrench, is not recommended as this part is quite fragile and may break.

    Unscrew the decorative nut by hand

  4. Under the spherical nut is another one that presses the cartridge to the body. It is unscrewed with an adjustable or gas wrench.

    The wrench unscrews the clamping ring

    With an upward movement, they take out the faulty cartridge and go with it to the store to buy exactly the same new one.

    After removing the fixing washer, take out the core of the mixer

    Before putting in a serviceable cartridge, the faucet is cleaned inside from accumulated during operation lime deposits, dirt, rust, sand, otherwise the newly acquired part will not fall into place.

    Installing a new cartridge is easy and effortless

    When installing the cartridge, make sure that the holes on it and on the mixer body exactly match. Special marks in the form of protrusions on the cartridge are designed to facilitate this task.

    It is important that the holes on the cartridge and on the mixer seat match exactly.

    Assemble the crane reverse order: tighten the clamping nut with a wrench, screw in the decorative spherical washer by hand, put the lever in place, tighten the locking screw and close it with a plug.

    Assemble the mixer in reverse order

    Open the inlet water and check the mixer for leaks.

    Check the quality of work by running water

Video: Cartridge device and its replacement

Features of replacement on different mixers

IN different models disc cartridge mixers may differ from each other in diameter, seating part and stem length. The most common diameter is 40 mm (marked as d40). But often there are cartridges with a diameter of 35 mm. Outwardly, they are no different, except for the size.

As for the landing part, when buying a new cartridge, it is better to have an old one with you for comparison. The length and thickness of the rod, as a rule, is standard, but there are exceptions.

It is advisable to purchase a spare cartridge at the same time as a new faucet. The purchase will not cost much more, but in the future it will be possible to avoid a long search for the desired part.

IN Lately many manufacturers use separate disc cartridges in dual valve mixing taps. In such a tap, unlike a mixer with one handle, the cartridge is located directly under the valve and is attached to the body with a threaded connection.

Mixer with separate disc cartridges

Unscrew the cartridge with an adjustable wrench. Otherwise, the procedure is the same as when repairing a single-lever mixer.

In addition to disk cartridges, sometimes there are spherical cartridges. They are a stainless steel ball with several holes. When the mixer lever is lifted and turned, the holes in the ball are displaced relative to the holes in the faucet body through which water is supplied from the pipelines. Thus, the flow strength and the amount of incoming cold and hot water that mixes inside.

Ball cartridge replacement

Theoretically, the design is quite reliable, but in practice, the cartridge gradually fails due to lime deposits and solid particles of sand settling on the parts of the ball. For this reason, and because special permission is required for the production of ball cartridge valves, such faucets are almost not produced today. The procedure for replacing a ball cartridge does not differ from installing a disk cartridge.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, the replacement of the cartridge must be approached responsibly. The main thing in this business is consistency and patience, so that you do not have to buy a new mixer due to an inadvertently crumbled part or a broken thread. But if the replacement cartridge is correctly selected and installed, the faucet will serve properly for more than one year.

Most common cause failure of faucets in plumbing is a failure of the cartridge. You need to know how to change the cartridge in the bathroom faucet yourself and what types of this part exist. Of course, the easiest way is to call a specialist to perform this work, but there are cases when this is impossible or difficult.

The cartridge is the main part in the mixer, but at the same time it is also its weakest point. The faucet stops working, starts to leak or makes noise - all these are signs that it is necessary to replace the main part. In fact, replacing a cartridge in a tap is not so difficult, you need to know its device and have everything with you. necessary tools for work.

But first you need to figure out what type of cartridge you should purchase, because even if you call a plumber to replace it, you often need to purchase parts yourself. Therefore, you need to know the characteristics of the old cartridge, and even better - remove it and take it with you to the store as an example. This will definitely protect you from possible errors and difficulty in choosing.

Varieties of cartridges

There are 2 main types of this part:

  1. Disk with cermet elements.
  2. Ball.

Both are used for the internal mechanism of a single lever faucet.

The disc cartridge has a fairly simple device, it is equipped with 2 ceramic-metal plates, which are placed parallel to each other in a horizontal plane. Water, getting inside the tank, mixes and flows out into the spout. The temperature of the water and its pressure are regulated by the position of the lever on the mixer, it is he who brings the upper disk to a certain position.

The ball cartridge also has a simple device. The main detail in it is a ball with internal voids. It has 2 holes, which are located on the top and bottom. Water enters directly into the ball, where it mixes. The ball itself is mounted on 2 rubber elements, the so-called “saddles”, each of them has its own holes for the passage of water.

The ball, under the influence of water pressure, fits snugly against the rubber elements, and water is supplied. The ball is actuated by the lever, depending on the change of its position, the cartridge begins to rotate and align with the holes in the “saddle”. With a complete coincidence, the water flow is strong, with a smaller combination, the water pressure is weak.

On mixers with 2 valves, as a rule, a disk-type cartridge made of ceramics is installed. It is believed that it is the disk element that is the most common, but this does not mean that the ball element is less efficient in operation.

It's just that most faucet mechanisms are made with a disk cartridge. It is worth saying that the service life and warranty periods for these parts are the same, but not all companies have a license for the production of ball parts.

If we talk about the reasons for the breakdown of cartridges, then the most important and common is the ingress of small litter, limescale and other elements from the water supply. That is why an integral part of the service life and quality of the cartridge is the installation of cleaning systems in the form of filters directly on the pipes.

Modern faucets are almost all equipped with an elementary filtration system, but, unfortunately, it does not always cope with hard water and other factors leading to clogging.

Cartridge replacement

Before replacing the cartridge yourself, you need to make sure that the water supply, both hot and cold, is turned off. Any remaining water that may be in the pipes should also be drained.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • hexagon;
  • pliers;
  • oil.
  1. The faucet has a special plug in front, it must be removed with a screwdriver, gently prying along the edges, trying not to damage its integrity.
  2. Using a hexagon, unscrew the screw, which is located at the base of the handle. After removing it, you can proceed to the analysis of the mixer.
  3. The cartridge itself is located directly below the lever, so the control mechanism must be removed from the mixer. Quite often there are problems with removing the lever, as it can boil or be pressed tightly. limescale. In order to remove it, you can use boiling water, pour it over the parts, and while the metal is in a state of heating, they try to remove it.
  4. The cartridge is tightly held by a special nut, which is located on top of it. It is she who presses him tightly to the body and does not give the opportunity to balance. You can remove it with pliers.
  5. Next, you need to remove the old, faulty part and replace it with a new one. The main thing is that all the grooves match and the new cartridge sits correctly. It is necessary to carefully check whether all the details of the mixer and the cartridge matched, and only then proceed to attach it.
  6. After planting a new part, attach it with a nut and tighten it tightly.
  7. The faucet handle is installed in its original place, and the locking screw is carefully tightened. After that, a cap is put on.

In general, changing the cartridge is not so difficult, the main thing is to know how the faucet itself works and have the necessary parts and tools at hand.

It all depends on the mixer.

There is a wide variety of different taps, each manufacturer has its own subtleties and nuances in creating plumbing. But it is the cartridges that differ little in their internal structure, their quality and service life are affected by the material from which they are made.

For the disk type, it is important that the strength of the disks be at a high level, which is why many famous brands trying to improve their quality by carbon-crystalline sputtering. It allows you to improve the performance of the cartridge, its discs have a higher strength and a specific, smooth surface.

When choosing a mixer, it is necessary to pay Special attention his device. Important role play ways to install and fasten the lever and handle. When purchasing a branded faucet, you should ask in advance where and how you can order parts for replacement in case of need and whether parts from other companies can be suitable for repairing a faucet. Of course, it is better to purchase a mixer from a well-known brand or trademark, as these manufacturers have proven themselves in the world market and have a high reputation.

Of course, the cost of such a product is quite high, but it should be understood that high-quality and solid plumbing can last for quite a long time without replacing parts and repairs, while economy-class faucets require, if not complete, then partial replacement almost every year or two.

Often manufacturers of plumbing famous brands produce different series of products, there are luxury goods, and there are budget options. The main thing is that the manufacturer, in both cases, uses quality material And modern technology to produce your product.

The most famous global brands in the plumbing market are considered to be German manufacturers, as well as Swiss, Bulgarian and Spanish.

  1. Grohe.
  2. Hansgrohe.
  3. Axor.
  4. Roca.
  5. Iddis.
  6. Gustavsberg.

Expensive products are usually equipped with high level protective water filters and made of high quality material. So if you have to make repairs, then in the most extreme and rare cases.

Video instruction

The popularity of comfortable and stylish single-lever faucets is steadily growing. They confidently replace the usual valve structures, decorating kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms. However, like any household device, they are not eternal. Sooner or later, the owners of this sanitary ware will need to replace the cartridge in the faucet, since this element most often fails.

How does a single lever mixer work?

The cartridge can be called the main part of a single-lever mixer. Thanks to him, you can control the flow of water with a single handle, which is much more convenient than turning two valves alternately with cold and hot water. In addition, the fixed position of the mixer handle eliminates the need to restore the ratio of the flow of hot and cold water every time.

Inside the cartridge are two ceramic plates that fit snugly together. Unfortunately, over time, extremely unpleasant phenomena may appear, for example, when you press the lever, it is not possible to completely block the flow of water, moisture leaks from below, etc. Obviously, the device is out of order. Finding out how to change the cartridge in your faucet can save you a lot of money.

Possible causes of cartridge failure

Industrial ceramic products are at the peak of popularity today, and faucet cartridges are no exception. They perfectly tolerate friction and are completely resistant to corrosion. This explains the rather high price of devices of this type, as well as a long warranty period.

In practice, it turns out that the mixer can fail much earlier than its owners expect. It can break for reasons such as:

  • the quality of the water entering the system that does not meet the manufacturer's requirements;
  • the presence of impurities in the water from the oxidation of the metal;
  • salt deposits;
  • frequent water hammer;
  • violation of the operating conditions of the mixer;
  • end of service life;
  • poor construction quality.

To extend the life of a single-lever mixer, these problems should be remembered already at the stage of purchasing the device. For example, you should give preference to an expensive branded model, rather than a cheap fake created by hardworking Chinese. A common household filter will help to significantly increase the life of the mixer, which will eliminate salts, pieces of rust and other impurities that can degrade the performance of durable ceramic plates.

Please note: Some manufacturers indicate availability household filter water purification as one of the guarantee conditions. The absence of such a filter may cause the device to be denied warranty service.

Finally, some of the breakdowns are due to the carelessness of the mixer owners themselves. Do not apply excessive force when pressing the lever, especially do not drop heavy objects on the device.

How to replace a cartridge

The problem of replacing the cartridge has a fairly simple solution. No complicated specialized tools are needed, just a couple of screwdrivers, a hex wrench and an adjustable wrench. The actual repair of a mixer cartridge is no more difficult than replacing a worn gasket in a traditional valve design. For this you need:

    • Turn off the water supply, both hot and cold.

Remove the decorative cap from the faucet, on which the hot and cold water. A thin screwdriver will work for this.

The decorative plug is carefully removed with a screwdriver.

    • Under the decorative cap is a fixing screw that holds the handle. It must be unscrewed using a hexagon or a suitable screwdriver.

Now you can carefully remove the faucet handle.

After unscrewing the lock, you need to remove the handle and the protective ring

  • A protective ring is fixed under the handle. It is easily unscrewed by hand.
    After the protective ring is removed, you should arm yourself with an adjustable wrench. It is needed to unscrew the clamping nut.

The clamping nut is carefully unscrewed with an adjustable wrench or wrench.

    • Now the defective cartridge can be easily removed from the faucet.

After that, you should carefully clean the mixer, removing accumulated salt deposits and other contaminants.

Having removed the faulty cartridge, you can go to the store to buy a suitable analogue

  • It remains to replace the serviceable cartridge and do all of the above operations in reverse order, i.e., install the clamping nut in place, screw the protective ring, fix the handle, and then insert the decorative plug in its original place.
  • Restore the water supply and check the operation of the device.

Tip: Cartridges may vary depending on the faucet model. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy a cartridge in advance, but to go to a plumbing store or to the market, grabbing a faulty cartridge in order to purchase exactly the same one.

The cartridge has two small protrusions.

You need to make sure that they line up with the holes that are made in the faucet body. If the cartridge model is not correct, or the element is installed incorrectly, the tabs and holes will not align. Water will flow into the gaps between them and the mixer will begin to leak.

Thus, changing the cartridge in the mixer can be carried out even by a novice master. Of course, all operations must be done so as not to damage decorative coating. After the repair is completed, the device will look and work like new, and family budget the consequences of the repair will practically not be felt.