Clothes steamer repair. Do-it-yourself repair of a clothes steamer: how to clean the steam generator from scale, what water to fill in for clothes Sauber steamer button does not turn on

Clothes steamers appeared on the household appliances market relatively recently. For some housewives, such a device still seems like an unnecessary luxury, since a regular iron can cope with some of the functions of this unit. However, this relatively small unit makes life much easier for those who are used to wearing clothes made from materials that require complex care. Like all electrical devices, the device sometimes breaks down. Do-it-yourself repair of a clothes steamer - is it possible? This will be discussed in the article.

What is a steamer?

As the name suggests, this unit is designed to process things using steam. In catalogs you can find another name - steamer. It comes from the English “steam”, that is, “steam”.

A steamer does roughly the same thing as an iron, that is, it smooths out creases and folds with water vapor. Using this device, you can quite easily deal with problems that an iron usually cannot cope with - for example, miniature but unpleasant wrinkles under buttons, near buttons, under sleeves, along seams, etc.

Important! Some models have a tip that looks like a small iron - specifically for smoothing out small but difficult wrinkles. In this case, mechanical action is added to the action of steam.

The water is boiled by a heating element. Then the steam flows through the pipe system through the atomizer to the outside. The steamer does not come into direct contact with the fabric, and this is its main difference from a regular iron. No mechanical impact, only steam. And since there is no contact, there will be no scorch marks, crumpled pile, shiny spots and other troubles.

Important! Most cheap models release steam due to expansion in the nozzle, but expensive household and industrial steamers have a special compressor that provides greater pressure, that is, increases efficiency.

Advantages of the steamer

This assistant can do a lot:

  1. Disinfects products as long as the temperature of 98°C allows it.
  2. Removes some stains.
  3. Quickly and effortlessly removes creases and folds from any fabric.
  4. Does not deform the fibers, but makes them more elastic.
  5. Irons knitwear perfectly and does not stretch it.
  6. Removes almost all odors - tobacco, perfume, sweat and many others.
  7. You can steam within 40 seconds after turning on the device.
  8. Does without an ironing board.
  9. Does not damage items decorated with beads, sequins, embroidery, etc.
  10. Perfectly irons lace products.
  11. Easily copes with complexly cut items, as well as multi-layered ones.

Important! This device is indispensable in a studio or store. With its help you can put any thing in order, even if it is on a mannequin or hanger. Such units are especially readily used by workers in consignment stores - even a worn product after processing looks like new.

What types of steamers are there?

Not so long ago, steamers were used almost exclusively in clothing factories and ateliers. They were very large, and they were not cheap, like any industrial equipment. Accordingly, there was no question at all as to whether it was possible to repair a clothes steamer at home.

Nowadays you can find a variety of steamers on sale, but they are divided into two classes:

  • floor;
  • manual.

Most often, the manual version is used at home. It is precisely when operating such devices that steamers sometimes require repair.

Having figured out how useful such a device is at home, you can understand whether it is worth repairing the steamer yourself or whether it is better to take it to a specialist.

Device structure

Despite the fact that a handheld steamer primarily performs the functions of an iron, its design is more similar to a coffee maker. The design is quite simple, although there may be slight differences between models.

Is it possible to repair a clothes steamer yourself? Some problems can be easily dealt with at home, but you need to know how the device works.

Any steamer consists of:

  • boiler;
  • water tank;
  • water pipe systems;
  • electrical systems;
  • piston with pump;
  • sprayer.

Important! The main part is the boiler, where the heating element, thermostat, and safety valve are installed. Through special tubes, water comes from the tank and turns into steam. Then it goes to the sprayer, and the piston and pump provide the necessary pressure. All this works using electricity, that is, the device cannot exist without wires, resistances and fuses. Each of these parts can break down, resulting in the need for repair of the clothing steamer.

Steamer repair

Problems that owners of steamers most often encounter and which can most often be eliminated without the involvement of a specialist:

  • no steam comes out.
  • steam comes out in the wrong place;
  • the water does not heat well;
  • The water doesn't heat up at all.

Let's look at each problem and reasons separately, and find out whether it is possible to repair the clothes steamer in one case or another.

Lack of steam

The reason that steam does not come out is most often scale. As a result, the heater begins to transmit heat poorly and the steam channels become clogged. There is no need to overhaul the steamer here. In this case, the most effective method is cleaning, and this is quite accessible to any housewife.

There are two ways to clean it:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical

Option 1

The steamer needs to be disassembled - this can be done quite easily using a very ordinary screwdriver:

  1. Disconnect the electrical wiring and water supply system.
  2. It is advisable to sketch or photograph everything first so that there are no unnecessary parts left during assembly.
  3. Take out the heating element and remove the scale.
  4. Wash the tank with water and vinegar diluted in it, but it is better to use Descaler, which is designed specifically for steamers.

Option 2

In this case, there is no need to disassemble anything or even disconnect it from the network:

  1. Fill the tank with water with 3% vinegar diluted in it in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Heat the steamer until it steams and wait until all the water has evaporated.
  3. Not only the heating element will be cleaned, but also the tubes and nozzle holes, on which scale sometimes also appears

Important! If the heating element, conductive tubes and atomizer are clean, but steam still does not flow, you cannot do without a specialist. It is better to contact a company that services devices of the exact brand you have to find out how long it will take and how much it will cost to repair the steamer.

water pump

The reason that the steam does not flow and the clothes steamer needs to be repaired may be a faulty pump. It is best, of course, to contact a service center, but situations may arise that you will have to do this yourself. It is not difficult to open the device, but you will have to turn it on disassembled, and this is dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the precautions common to working with all electrical appliances.

The pump is connected in parallel to the heating element, so to repair the steamer, we proceed as follows:

  1. Open the case.
  2. Plug in the device.
  3. Check the voltage at the pump contacts - it must correspond to that stated in the product documents (usually 220 V).
  4. If the contacts are OK and there is voltage, unplug the plug from the socket.
  5. Unplug the terminals near the boiler so that the tester rings not the heating element, but the pump.
  6. Ring all elements.
  7. If there is no signal, the pump’s motor has failed. It’s better to simply replace it, although an experienced owner can wind new windings himself.

Water doesn't flow

The reason most often lies in a pump malfunction. If it is in order, most likely the supply valve is clogged (it is located at the entrance to the boiler). Its design resembles a bicycle nipple, so repairing the steamer will be very simple:

  1. Unscrew the part.
  2. Immerse it in citric acid or a special detergent for cleaning washing machines and dishwashers (the second option is better).

Important! Descalers for kettles are not suitable for cleaning the nipple.

The steam does not come out through the nozzle

Quite often, when used too intensively, fistulas appear on the steam hose. They can be very small, but small enough for the steam to escape through them rather than through the atomizer. Needless to say, if the situation is not dealt with in time, the holes will increase.

It is better to simply replace the hose rather than repair the steamer. You can do this yourself or at the service center of the company that manufactured the device. Since you still have to go there for the part, it’s better to deliver it at the same time.

Important! What you definitely shouldn't do is try to tape or tape the holes. Neither electrical tape nor tape can withstand exposure to hot steam, so the element will still have to be replaced. Repairing the steamer like this would be simply pointless.

The water doesn't heat up

If the water does not heat up at all, there may be several reasons, but all of them must be looked for in the boiler. The following may fail:

  • thermostat;
  • fuse.

Important! To understand whether the heater is not working due to scale or has burned out altogether, the device must be disassembled in the same way as you did to clean the heating element.

The heater must be ringed with a tester. There is no point in repairing it at home - the procedure is complicated, and most likely there will be no result. In this case you need to replace:

  • detail;
  • the entire device.

The required spiral can be ordered at the service center and replaced there.


The fuse is attached to the boiler body using a special bracket. This element fails most often, but replacing it will not be difficult. To repair a clothes steamer, you will need a tester:

  1. Remove the plug from the socket.
  2. Ring the wire on both sides.
  3. The absence of a signal indicates that the fuse has blown.


The thermostat is a relay. It is most often a bimetallic plate. Its function is to stop the flow of current when the temperature reaches a certain value. A failed thermostat simply needs to be replaced.

To avoid breakdowns

Some parts of the steamer may age, this is typical for almost all devices. However, scale is the cause of many problems, and it is very important to try to avoid it. How? One way is proper water preparation.

Important! In general, for such devices it is best to use distilled water, which can be purchased at automobile stores and pharmacies. True, this pleasure is expensive.

The distillate can also be prepared at home. For this you will need:

  • kettle;
  • heat-resistant container;
  • water filter.

The process won't take too long.

  1. Pour water into the kettle.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the water into a heat-resistant container.
  4. Let it sit.
  5. Filter the precipitate.

Important! To filter water, it is best to use a vessel with a carbon cartridge.

Should you use bottled water?

On sale you can find bottled water labeled “for irons.” It seems that a solution has been found; the manufacturers have taken care in advance to ensure that your steamer lives happily ever after. However, everything is not quite like that:

  • Practice shows that when using such water, no less scale is formed than from ordinary tap water, and the difference in price is considerable.
  • In addition, flavorings are often added to bottled water for ironing, which is not always good for clothes.

Important! As for bottled drinking water, it should absolutely not be poured into steam devices. It is quite often supplemented with mineral additives, which are beneficial for humans, but detrimental to the steam generator.


Like any device, the steamer needs attention and care. It must be serviced in a timely manner so that repairs to the steamer are required as rarely as possible. Service happens:

  • regular;
  • service.


Regular maintenance, which helps to repair the steamer 2-3 times less often, is carried out by the owner. The procedure is simple but necessary:

  1. After 50 hours of operation, rinse the boiler with running water.
  2. Also wash the water pipes that lead from the tank to the boiler.
  3. Clean the pipes.
  4. Clean the tank.
  5. Dry the body, reservoir and everything else.

Important! It is better to wash off a small deposit than to remove a thick layer of scale later. It is necessary to wipe the elements with a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well.

Service maintenance

To do this, you will have to take the device to a workshop, where specialists will disassemble the steamer, replace parts that are about to fail, and clean all the rest.

This type of maintenance is useful because the heating elements and fittings are washed in a special solution, which is not always available at home. Industrial steamers require servicing because they are used intensively. As for household steamers, it all depends on the specific conditions. If you only have a few items that you iron with a steamer, service can be carried out every few years.

Why is repair at a service center preferable?

It may turn out that you will not be able to independently determine the cause of the problem. In addition, during work, defects periodically arise that are simply impossible for an inexperienced person to cope with.

What to do? The answer is clear - contact a service center, preferably from the company from which you purchased the device.

The advantages of this repair option are obvious:

  • there are parts necessary to repair devices of your particular brand;
  • there are specialists who have been trained according to the company’s programs;
  • In addition, reputable companies provide a guarantee for repairs. It is also important that repairs in a company salon can be cheaper than in a random workshop.

The structure of most devices that work with steam is similar. The portal VashTekhnik posted a description of the functioning of the iron - the similarity of our current objects of discussion with espresso coffee makers is striking. The devices are clearly relatives; repairing a clothes steamer with your own hands is easy for those who carefully read the reviews. Today it was decided to collect grains of useful information in the specified context, avoiding unnecessary digressions. A steamer... needs to be ironed while hanging, they are used to clean furniture - even if the packaging box, in the words of the marketing department managers, gives preference to linen - there is a boiler inside. The loud name is wrong - it has been emphasized many times: the device of a trivial water heater. In relation to ironing, we call it a boiler - a device for generating steam.

The device of a typical steamer

The master encounters the greatest difficulties when trying to disassemble the case. Manufacturers of household appliances protect their products from self-taught craftsmen. It is expected that when the internals are dismantled, the case will receive irreparable damage, which can be easily detected by technical services.

The similarity with a coffee maker is revealed by a characteristic detail - the presence of a pump. It is customary to brew coffee at a pressure of 15 atm - clothes are content with three. A typical indicator of mobile models that resemble vacuum cleaners in appearance. Regarding manual technology, the parameter is much lower. The volume of water is more modest. Inside a typical Shark Mop steam mop are:

  1. The power cord terminal is often devoid of a block.
  2. A pump that pushes a piston. The portal discussed the design of a steam iron, where the steam boost uses an equivalent circuit, the drive is predominantly mechanical, using the physical strength of the finger. The technique under discussion contains a servomotor that is activated by pressing the appropriate button. Irons with an electric auxiliary pump are rarely used.
  3. A separate branch of the electrical circuit serves the boiler. We can clearly distinguish the similarities with a coffee maker. We started talking about Shark Mop, but a hand-held steamer for clothes and furniture is similar in structure to a boiler. This is something, so let’s look at the design in more detail.

Clothes Steamer Boiler

Firstly, the housing contains a thermal fuse, traditional for most heating devices. Just find the element inside, pulled by a bracket to the metal body of the boiler. The water does not heat up - feel free to connect the wire on both sides (by removing the plug from the socket). The tester refuses to beep - the thermal fuse has burned out. Despite this protection of the integrity of the system, a thermostat is installed inside. If, in the absence of water, the thermal fuse burns every time, customers will quickly get tired of making a choice in favor of the product. The thermostat exploits the unique qualities of the bimetallic plate, forming a relay that cuts off the current supply when the temperature reaches a certain safe value.

What is the temperature inside? More than 100 degrees Celsius. Coffee makers use 135 degrees Celsius to froth milk (producing steam). We believe that the same thing happens in our case. Limescale has become a recognized problem with steamers. The heating element is cleaned periodically. With a slight difference versus a coffee maker. With drinks, the boiler design is made up of two halves, identical and equivalent, through a silicone gasket with twisted bolts. The heating tank of the steamer contains a base, heating elements forming a single whole, and a steel cap is placed on top. The assembly is secured with cross screws. There is a silicone gasket and body stiffening ribs. Read the section on steam irons, you will find a photo of the tank receiving steam. Surprisingly similar to a steamer.

The principle of operation of a clothing steamer is limited to producing steam under pressure. The boiler is regulated by a bypass or check valve. Those who remember Soviet bicycles will be surprised: the design of the device exactly repeats the nipple of the Salyut wheel. The rubber tube has been replaced with silicone. The polymer successfully withstands high temperatures. A threaded fitting cut by an axial channel that opens into a hole in the side of a steel probe surrounded by a silicone tube. The pump pumps tirelessly, water flows in when the pressure in the tank is below the limit. Makes it relatively easy to maintain specified conditions.

The boiler outlet pipe is devoid of any special differences. The tube is equipped with a spring that locks the movement against the flow of liquid drawn by the force of gravity. Most clothes steamers have a grounded tank. Without this, even a manual model can give you a serious electric shock, there are 230 volts inside (battery steamers are safe). The tubes and wires directly adjacent to the boiler of the clothes steamer are covered with thermal protection that protects against high temperatures. Now let's see how to make repairs!

Clothes steamer repair

The clothing steamer device leaves little room for imagination.

The boiler and pump may break. Less often, the breakdown concerns the switch.

Steam refuses to flow, we open the case:

  • If the heating element burns out, there is no way to repair it. Either buy a new device or order a spare part from a dealer (e-bay). That's why there are so many levels of protection, that's why the boiler is thoroughly cleaned periodically. If the coil burns out, it is impossible to repair the steamer yourself.

In some steamers, the boiler is protected by a dielectric jacket, which reduces heat loss. Feel free to carefully remove the polymer to access the tank body. The main types of breakdowns are listed, it is possible that the hoses will leak or the pump will wear out. Seal with waterproof, heat-resistant glue, extend the piston (irons, for example, have silicone gaskets that craftsmen make themselves from sealant). Disassemble the pump and look at the location. There are quite a few designs, so it is impossible to give uniform instructions on how to repair a clothes steamer with your own hands for all occasions. With that, we just have to say goodbye, until future reviews. The portal is the first on the RuNet to publish detailed descriptions of household appliances, read and tell others about clothing steamers. Professional technology in our home!

Thirdly, during operation, the heating element gradually becomes overgrown with scale since the water that is poured into garment steamer, to put it mildly, does not meet even the minimum requirements for water that can be used in steam-producing apparatus. This leads to a decrease in water supply, therefore less steam is produced and uneven heating of the heating element, since scale is a heat insulator in its essence.
- then you can dwell on the quality of the heaters, which does not always correspond to the ideal. For example, we work with factory devices, so we don’t encounter such problems, steamersVAPOREEQUIPMENTVTO- It belong to such devices. But the market is filled with other brands Rovus, Grand Master, Family, etc. and in many manufacturing they use unreliable components, it is clear that because of this the devices themselves are cheaper.
- when further listing possible problems, we cannot ignore thermostats whose manufacturers are negligent in the manufacture of these important components. The fact is that the response (shutdown) threshold should not be higher than permissible (180 degrees C) (fuse rate 200 degrees C). If it is higher, this leads to frequent overheating of the heating element coil and ultimately to its failure. Sometimes, however, the manufacturers of steamers themselves do not stand on ceremony and install tablets that are less reliable and with a higher response threshold.
- well, in the end, sharp contrasts also do not contribute to the long-term operation of the heating element. I want to remind you of the moment when the water runs out and the heater is at maximum and at that moment cold water is poured into it with a hiss.
(H2) Now I would like to talk a little about problems with electronics! When repairing the steamer yourself.
Yes, you heard correctly everything that I said earlier, it was rather electrical nuances. So now to the electronics that some models of steamers are equipped with. And if such a device starts acting up, and over time this can happen. This is expressed in jumping operating modes, spontaneous switching on, switching off, blinking lights in the room, etc.
It is necessary first of all to find the reason and practice shows that in most cases this happens due to the fact that those who use a clothes steamer fundamentally do not pay attention to sealing the connections of the steam hose and the heating element, but in vain! The fact is that steam tends to rise upward, and the electronic components are located above the steam hose fitting. Therefore, if the silicone gaskets on the hose allow steam to pass through quite safely and unnoticed by the user (at first), it condenses on the electronic boards of the LCD display or the buttons of the control unit, eventually disabling them.
Further, one cannot fail to note a number of breakdowns that are classified as mechanical in repair circles. They are caused primarily by a careless attitude towards the device. They account for about 60% of all faults that our technicians encounter during repairs. This is a steam hose torn out with meat, as they say, from the fitting. Broken irons, holder stand. Cracked water tanks, although now, for example, a factory producing steamersVTO- It or VAPOREEQUIPMENT At our request, she began to cast them from special durable and heat-resistant ABC plastic, which can only be broken by throwing a tank filled with water onto a concrete floor.
Lost covers, gaskets, bolts and these are not fictions, but the realities of our lives—what we face when constantly repairing steamers. The worst thing, of course, is when you have to deal with devices operating in clothing stores, no matter how large the chain. The fact is that they are literally handed over to be torn to pieces, or this can be called the struggle for the survival of steam cleaners in the human environment. Survival of the fittest, steamers, as you already understood, do not belong to this category, although they are made in a factory, but even a good car from a popular manufacturer can easily be ruined in a few days if you constantly hit poles and walls, and instead of gasoline, fill the tank with diesel fuel.

Well, now, let’s summarize everything described above and figure out in what cases it is possible to carry out Do-it-yourself repair of steamers:
This can be done in the following cases:
- if you naively purchased a “unique model”, of which quite a lot began to appear. The uniqueness of these models is that they are only sold, without providing service and spare parts. It broke down safely, and the sellers simply sent you to the manufacturer’s factory in China.
- if more than 14 days have passed since the date of sale or you do not have a warranty card and a receipt confirming the purchase.
Then you can carefully unscrew the steamer body and, armed with the information described above, ring the electrical components. And if the device does not produce steam, then first of all check the resistance of the heating element by removing one terminal from the heating element contact. If it does not burn out, then you are incredibly lucky, since all you have to do is find and check all the fuses and thermostats. Next, replace the failed ones by selecting similar ones from us, for example (many spare parts are interchangeable) or in a radio store.
Next, everything is checked, if heating occurs (the main thing is not to overheat the heating elements without water, otherwise you can burn it during repairs) - assemble the device and put four plus in your life record on non-core skills and abilities.
But if the heater itself burns out, then you will have the difficult task of finding a company or workshop that repairs these models and try to purchase the failed element there. Namely branded service centers because, as a rule, it is not always possible to successfully replace them from other models. Spare parts in most cases are not interchangeable and are suitable from other models because each manufacturer develops something unique and not repeatable. If the required heating element is not found, there are two options left:

  1. Throw away the steamer and buy a new one.
  2. To be consistent in repairs - buy nichrome wire on the Moskvorets market, calculate the resistance and try to restore it in this way.

By the way, you can continue to do the same with all failed components of the device.
On this optimistic note, we will end the conversation, giving you the last piece of advice - if something goes wrong in the steamer, it is better to contact an accredited service center. Call the numbers listed below. For the rest, we wish you only good luck in comprehending this difficult matter. DIY steamer repair. I hope that we have covered the topic that interests you, if not completely, call us and we will answer your questions!

What is a clothes steamer? This is a specialized tool designed for steaming (smoothing) clothes using the dry or wet steam it produces. Like any other equipment, the steamer can break. In this article we will look at possible repairs of steamers with our own hands.

It is worth noting that the principle of operation of the steamer is based in steam production from the water filled into it, thanks to the heating element. This unit is most often prone to breakdowns. Typically, the heating element turns off automatically if the liquid inside the device runs out. However, it often burns out, similar to an empty electric kettle.

The heating element is usually made in the form of a tablet and is designed for a certain temperature regime.

When the temperature exceeds 170 degrees Celsius, the thermostat must open the contacts and de-energize the entire device. The steamer is disconnected from the network until its temperature drops to 50-55 degrees and the cycle begins again. Repeated repetitions of these cycles are what causes the thermostat to burn out.

Tip: Checking and then replacing the faulty safety device is the first step when repairing your clothes steamer.

More modern devices have special floats that control the presence and level of liquid in the unit. Such steamers are equipped with additional audio and visible indication devices to attract a person’s attention in an emergency situation.

Additionally, a special fuse, which is another protective circuit and is capable of opening contacts if necessary.

When making repairs yourself, you should check the serviceability of all protective circuits of the device.

The thermostat may burn out due to the following:

  1. The working life of the thermostat tablet has expired (difficult to calculate).
  2. Using contaminated water (scale forms on the fuse, resulting in poor contact).
  3. Poor quality clothes steamer .
  4. Sudden voltage drops in the network.

Steamer electronics malfunction

In some cases, the clothes steamer breaks down due to poor sealing of the tank with liquid. In this situation, steam can gradually settle on electronics boards, various buttons and displays. This trouble occurs due to human carelessness, because steam is lighter than water and always tends upward, bypassing the steam hose. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the device and make sure that the electronic parts are functional. Otherwise, they need to be replaced.

Mechanical damage

Mechanical damage accounts for the lion's share of all steamer malfunctions. These include:

  1. Broken steam hoses and fittings.
  2. Fractures of stand holders and irons.
  3. Cracks in fluid tanks (and as a result, seal failure).
  4. Worn gaskets and other spare parts.

Repair in this case is carried out after a visual inspection of the steamer. All connections must be securely fastened, the system must be sealed, and cracked or broken parts must be replaced with new ones.

Repair sequence

In what cases can you make repairs yourself? A similar procedure can be performed if:

  1. Your steamer was manufactured in China and does not have any warranty for the Russian market.
  2. More than 2 weeks have passed since the purchase of your device or the receipt for the product was lost.

If you still decide to repair the device yourself, then first of all carefully study technical documentation to him. Then you can move on to more active actions. You should disassemble the body of the device and test all electrical components. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the required resistance to electric current is present.

If the steamer does not burn out, then the next step is to check the functionality of the fuses and thermostats. If necessary, they must be replaced with new ones.

After carrying out all the above steps, the device can be checked by connecting to the network for a short period of time. This is done only to ensure that the device is heated. If it starts to warm up, then you can collect it.

In case thermostat burns out, repairs may take a while. You will need to find a company or workshop where you can purchase or repair burnt out parts. These steamer components are manufactured with minimal chance of interchangeability, so in most cases an original is required.

Repairs by handicraft methods are completely excluded in these conditions, as this can cause a short circuit, fire and all the ensuing unpleasant consequences.

You can always try to repair the device yourself, but the best option in such a situation would be to contact a specialized service . Repairing steamers is their professional activity and your guarantee against unnecessary consequences.

Most devices that work with steam are similar in structure. It is for this reason that steamer repair will not be difficult for anyone who is at least a little familiar with this technique. What is a steamer for? It is designed for hanging ironing; it is used not only for clothes, but also for furniture; for this purpose, there is a boiler inside it. The most common problem that users encounter is the formation of scale, which makes further work impossible. How to deal with it?

Before you start descaling, you need to understand what type of steam generator you have.

At the moment there are 2 types of these devices:

  • Gravity model;
  • Working under pressure.

Devices that operate under pressure are equipped with the function of supplying a strong stream of steam and the ability to effectively steam things. The main feature of this technique is that cleaning it yourself at home can render the steamer unusable. For example, repairing a Karcher or Philips brand will not be so easy. First, you must establish the reason why the equipment “spits” or does not produce steam, and try to eliminate the reasons why it does not work. If the device continues to display errors in operation, you need to contact a service center. You can learn more about the reasons for the breakdown, why cleaning is so necessary, how to clean the steamer and what to do if you can’t remove plaque from the video.

If water starts pouring out during ironing, then it is better to think about contacting a special repair center.

Therefore, if you decide to clean your steamer at home, be aware that only a gravity-fed model can undergo this process.

Anti-scale to help or how to clean the steam generator from scale

Antiscale is a popular product that is most often used to clean dishwashers, kettles, irons and washing machines from scale. It can be purchased in special stores not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a gel or powder.

In order to prepare the necessary cleaning solution, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions located on the packaging.

The cleaning process consists of filling the reservoir with liquid and using the steam generator in operating mode.

Instead of Antiscale, you can use citric acid or mineral water.

Once removed, scale that has become stuck can leave scratches and cracks on the walls of the tank, and after the first cleaning the sediment will accumulate even faster.

Since a steamer is considered an expensive piece of equipment, it is better to use special water for working with it to prevent the formation of sediment.

What kind of water should I put in my clothes steamer?

If you select the wrong water for a steam generator or steamer, the intensity of scale formation will be very high, and this will lead to the holes in the sole becoming clogged and efficiency will be reduced.

Let's consider several options for water that should not be used:

  1. Use of distilled water. This is water that is almost 100% purified from salts and other impurities included in the liquid. Since this water requires a higher temperature to evaporate, it is not recommended to use it in a steamer;
  2. Using tap water. If you know that the water in your area is too hard, then try to mix it in a 1:1 ratio with demineralized liquid.
  3. It is also not recommended to use boiled water because it contains sediment. This water can accelerate the appearance of plaque.
  4. It is not recommended to use bottled water or water from a cooler. This water has a high level of mineralization.
  5. Despite attractive proposals to use special liquids with aroma designed for irons, they should not be used either. Such liquid can not only ruin your clothes by leaving a stain on them, but also lead to damage to the iron.

As you can see, the list is quite large. Make sure you do not use such liquid.

Cleaning a steam generator at home

You need to clean the layers that have deposited on the device at least once a month. Otherwise, the performance of the steamer will decrease several times and the risk of breakdown will increase. If you notice white or brown stains appearing on your clothing, this indicates a need for cleaning or repair.

Cleaning a steamer at home is not always able to cope with a large layer of scale. Even folk remedies cannot help you. For this reason, carry out all procedures in a timely manner.

For example, the soleplate of an iron can be cleaned with candle wax. Housewives claim that this method is not just proven, but the most reliable. If you need to clean the tank, vinegar will help you. Well, it is advisable to remove scale inside only with the help of professional means that will not harm the equipment.

Also, do not forget that cleaning the steamer should only be done with the windows open and using a mask, especially if you use chemicals.

Repairing a clothes steamer with your own hands (video)

From this article, you were able to find out which steamers can be repaired and which ones need to be taken to a service center. If you are not sure that you are carrying out the cleaning procedures correctly, we advise you to read the instructions that come with the equipment. In basic cases, cleaning agents and the correct sequence of implementation are indicated there. If there is none, then you can always ask specialists for advice.