Diagram of a micro-earphone made of a magnet. Is it possible to make a micro-earphone with your own hands? What do we need

Making a micro-earphone with your own hands is the dream of every student

Currently, the micro-earphone is gaining popularity in its practical use by students when taking a test or exam. But for some people, purchasing this device may be expensive. In this case, you can make a micro-earphone with your own hands.

What is this thing?

A micro-earphone is a device for transmitting sound signals using the induction method. In the traditional order, it should consist of a pair of necessary circuits - a transmitter and a receiver. According to its intended purpose, the receiver should usually be located in the ear. It is desirable that its size be small, which will ensure its invisibility - so it will be difficult to detect. In turn, the transmitter can be worn, for example, around the neck - you can place it at your discretion. The radio signal can be transmitted using a voice recorder or mobile phone. There are cases when the transmitter is connected to a radio receiver tuned to the required range and located outside the FM zone.

So how to make a micro-earphone with your own hands?

Now let’s look at the process of making such equipment yourself at home. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. To build a micro-earphone with your own hands, you should purchase all the parts necessary for it. This can be done in a specialty store or online. It should be remembered that the invisibility of a device depends on the size of its elements. To assemble the headphone, you will need Sot23 transistors of the VS847V, VS847S, KT3130B9 brand, capacitors with a nominal value of 0.1 μF, and CHIP resistors with a nominal value of 10 kOhm, 43 kOhm, 560 kOhm. To provide a sound source, you can take a miniature electromagnetic telephone, for example, TEM-1956.

What will serve as an example for us?

Initially, you should take the micro-earphone circuit. Then you need to study it carefully and check for the presence of the necessary elements. After this, a board of a suitable size is selected and all elements are soldered, adhering to the general rules of SMD elements. After soldering is completed, the board is washed from the flux, and then using a multimeter, the correctness of the work and the absence of a short circuit between the soldered elements is checked.

Let's figure out the wiring

The next step will be to make a receiving coil from enameled wire (PEV-2) and wind turns on the existing microcircuit, the number of which should be from 70 to 100. The ends of the wire are soldered to the board, following all the recommendations for the micro-earphone circuit.

Mounting the power supply

Then you need to make a fasung, the purpose of which is to install a battery in it that powers the micro-earphone. It can be made from any hard metal material, and then you need to solder it to the board and wash it of flux. After this, you need to check with a multimeter to ensure there is no short circuit.

Final Steps

After all this has been done, you need to insert the battery into the fasun and check the system for sound. To do this, you need to touch the base of the transistors with tweezers or a screwdriver: if a hissing noise occurs, this will mean that the assembly of this device has been completed correctly. Next, you should assemble the micro-earphone with your own hands into a self-made piece case or wrap it with electrical tape.


Strictly follow the above instructions - and you will no longer think about how to make a micro-earphone with your own hands.

Modern engineering developments never cease to amaze. Russian developers have created magnetic micro-earphones that are invisible to others, provide high-quality sound, and at the same time allow you to hear everything around you.

Initially, the device was developed as hearing equipment, but later it began to be widely used in other areas. Reviews of magnetic earphones indicate their enormous popularity where a person needs to receive information without other people noticing:

  • Actors, TV show hosts, politicians and students have long been familiar with this invention.
  • Businessmen, gamblers and detective agencies often use it in cases of undercover work.
  • This makes it easier for students to pass the exam. This allows you to reduce the time spent preparing for the exam and get an excellent result. If the exam takes too long, just take a replacement battery with you and change it in your pocket.

No wired or wireless headset can boast such a list of advantages. It is the absence of wires that makes them indispensable during exams, business negotiations and speeches. The device is inexpensive, so anyone can buy a magnetic earphone.


  1. Mobile phone.
  2. Headset with microphone.
  3. Battery crown.
  4. Antenna located on the neck.
  5. Mini speakers.
  6. Speaker extractor.

Scheme of work

The set of micro-earphones includes a headset and a miniature micro-speaker. The earphone is a thin round-shaped magnetic plate that provides mechanical sound vibrations as a result of converting the energy flow of an external magnetic field. In other words, the signals transmitted by the induction loop are transmitted to a person by microvibrations, which he mistakes for normal sound.

Job microdynamics does not require additional power and microcircuits. The main shell is the ear, and the human eardrum is used as a membrane. To use it, the earphone must be placed in the ear canal using a special injector. Basically, the equipment operates for up to 2 hours, but some models operate for about 5 hours.

Reinforcing loop is the link between the microspeaker and the phone. It consists of a coil, as well as a microphone and an amplifier. Through it, the mobile phone signal enters the antenna, and from there the sound enters the microspeaker. With the help of a reinforcing loop, opponents can communicate with each other. Modern technologies completely eliminate extraneous external noise.

The magnet transmits sound to the eardrum and vibrates it. Therefore, outsiders will never be able to recognize the carrier of the magnetic microdynamics, even if they are nearby. The charger is connected separately, is small in size, and easily fits in your pocket. Expensive device models have a longer operating period and a more sensitive microphone.

How to use

Let's look at how to insert a device point by point:

  1. To use the device, the earpiece must be place in the injector, then, holding it with your fingers, carefully insert the tube into the ear approximately 2/3 of the way.
  2. Then you need to tilt your head to the side and release the earpiece. The microspeaker should lie gently on the eardrum.
  3. If the device is inserted correctly, a sound signal will be heard immediately after the microspeaker touches the eardrum. If it is not there, then the installation procedure should be repeated again.
  4. After installing the micro-earphone in the ear, it is attached to the neck antenna with connected battery. The antenna is hidden under clothing, and the mobile phone can be placed in your pocket. To avoid damaging your eardrum, you need to check the volume settings on your phone before connecting the device.
  5. The speaker is removed using a special extractor stick, which is included in the standard kit of the device. Magnetic extractor powerful enough to pull the device out. But before inserting the micro-earphone, you should thoroughly clean the ear canals from any dirt so that no difficulties arise.

Standard models of micro-earphones are 1 cm long and are placed in the ear cavity so that they are completely invisible to others. But, due to the fact that each person’s ears have individual characteristics, the headphones are located inside the ear differently.

After installation, you need to make sure that the tail of the fishing line is not visible and is in the ear canal. For girls and guys with long hair, hiding the presence of a magnetic earpiece is quite simple and does not pose any particular problems.

The bluetooth adapter located on the neck is easier to hide under clothing. Therefore, you should give preference to shirts and blouses with high collars.

Advantages . Charging and connection procedure.

We will tell you in the next section what types of devices are used to take exams. How do they differ in their operating principle?

Advantages of micro headphones:

  • The device is discreet and impossible to recognize, even after a thorough examination of the ear.
  • Thanks to innovative technologies, sound signals are sent directly to the eardrum, eliminating any extraneous sounds that interfere with normal conversation.
  • The battery easily fits in your pocket.
  • The functional features of the device make it very durable, so it is almost impossible to break.
  • When using two headphones at the same time, the audibility of surrounding sounds does not deteriorate.
  • The ultra-sensitive microphone allows you to clearly hear people located at a distance of several meters.
  • The crown battery is found on sale quite often and is inexpensive.
  • Manufacturers working on the creation of micro-earphone models use different dimensions. The weight of one micro-earphone is only 0.7 grams, with dimensions starting from 5 mm.

The dimensions of the magnetic earphones are clearly shown in the photo.

Disadvantages of micro-earphones

The device should not be used every day, otherwise it may cause hearing loss or perforation of the eardrum. Before use, the ear canal must be perfectly clean, and only one person should use the device, since using a micro-earphone by several people can cause infection or fungus.

In case of use sound muffler which tries to introduce any device into the resonance mode of its sound waves, ear injury may occur.

People often wonder if their hearing gets worse after using a device. But, if you follow the instructions for working with magnetic earphones, then any health problems can be easily avoided.

Bluetooth and hands-free headsets create a fairly powerful magnetic effect, which can reach 12 volts. Sound vibrations occur directly on the eardrum, which is why headaches may occur after using them. Experienced otolaryngologists recommend using magnetic earphones for no more than 2 hours, otherwise it may cause hearing problems.

For instructions on using a magnetic earphone, watch the video:

Pay attention to this kit:

Contraindications for use

  • The presence of chronic hearing diseases in the acute stage.
  • Hearing problems.
  • Violations of the structure of the eardrum.

Such a micro-earphone was made the other day at the end of the session. There are a lot of exams, and it’s somehow not realistic to study and work at the same time, so please understand correctly - I’m not lazy, I just didn’t have time to study. Over the weekend, a compact micro-earphone was made. The device is very compact, since SMD components were used, their soldering was done with an ordinary 30-watt amateur radio soldering iron (under a microscope). The micro-earphone circuit is quite simple; it is a low-power low-frequency amplifier.

The amplifier is assembled with only three transistors and does not contain scarce components. You can also use microcircuits with low-voltage power supply (TDA7050), only the supply voltage needs to be doubled.

The micro-earphone is powered by only one battery with a voltage of 1.2 volts. The circuit was assembled by surface mounting; using a printed circuit board would increase the dimensions. Any miniature head with a resistance from 32 to 120 Ohms can serve as a headphone.

The receiver circuit contains 70-100 turns of thin enameled wire (diameter around 0.06-0.08 mm), the amplification part is wound, and the amplifier is pre-insulated.

The wire is wound in bulk. For reliability, the micro-earphone can be placed in a heat-shrinkable tube or coated with silicone. This solution provides stability during falls, etc.

The transmitting part consists of a magnetic antenna. This is, in fact, a contour, has a diameter of 30 cm, and is worn around the neck. The circuit consists of 50 turns of wire 0.3-0.6 mm. After winding, it is advisable to isolate it for comfortable and discreet wearing. From the outside, such a contour should look like a necklace, otherwise there is a danger of being noticed, you yourself know the consequences very well...

The ends (leads) of the transmitting coil can be directly connected to the phone's headphone jack. During a conversation, sound will be transmitted by induction directly to the ear, without any wires!

Let's start with a mini-excursion into history. Initially, micro-earphones appeared on the market in the form of homemade devices manufactured in relatively homemade conditions. These crafts did not give the impression of being a reliable thing, were not distinguished by high quality workmanship, were quite large in size and were correspondingly reliable.
And sometimes they looked something like this:

For some reason, looking at this work of engineering, the words appear in my head “hell monstrosity”, or something similar (may the one who did this forgive us). Agree, the sample looks unpresentable, and it’s hardly at all convenient to use.

After some time, a certain amount of experience regarding the element base was accumulated on the network, the issue with the micro-earphone housing was also partially resolved, all this was heatedly discussed on technical forums and can be easily Googled if desired.

Well, can you do it yourself or not?

The bottom line is that making a micro-earphone with your own hands is possible and is not even as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And this homemade micro-earphone will even work, but will you be sure of its reliability? Soldering small elements is painstaking work that requires skills and dexterity.

If you are interested in radio electronics and like to make different things, then it may make sense to go the difficult route and make a micro-earphone yourself, buy all the necessary parts, solder, assemble, heat-shrink, or whatever the housing is made from. Yes, this is also a good and useful experience, in addition to saving money on purchasing a ready-made sample.

Although the savings will be relative, because you will waste your own time and effort, and you will still have to buy a bluetooth headset, you can’t do without it...

If you can buy a reliable micro-earphone from us for ~3.5 thousand rubles, then perhaps it’s worth choosing this option? Instead of the hassle of searching for elements and soldering them, you will receive a ready-made micro-earphone with a guarantee, it’s convenient and simple.

And if you can definitely make a classic version of a micro-earphone with an inductor loop with your own hands, then it’s unlikely to be possible to assemble wireless glasses for a micro-earphone, the design is too complex, and it will be very difficult to give a homemade product a natural look.

To summarize, we can say that homemade products have a right to life, moreover, doing something with your own hands is interesting and cool, but there are nuances, as in any business. It’s up to you to choose the simple or difficult path, but we, for our part, are always ready to support your easy path and sell you a ready-made micro-earphone at a reasonable price.

How to make a micro-earphone yourself!?

From an electrical engineering point of view, the device looks something like this:

If you still decide to try to make the device yourself and the electrical diagram above tells you something, here is the link to these

Microphones are becoming increasingly popular among students, so it is not surprising that there are craftsmen who are trying to make the device with their own hands.

In this article we will look at what materials will be needed for the work and in what sequence the components for a homemade micro-earphone are assembled.

Design and principle of operation

Strictly speaking, micro earphone is just one of the elements of the hidden communication kit. It cannot function without a mobile phone and a headset equipped with a special antenna and microphone.

There are two main types of receivers - capsule and magnetic.

A feature of the latter is the absence of electronic “filling” in their composition and, as a result, there is no need for a battery.

Using the device is not very difficult even for inexperienced users:

  • you need to install the device in the ear canal,
  • then connect the headset to the phone using a wire or Bluetooth,
  • establish a connection via mobile phone with an assistant.

When all this is done, the phone will transmit the signal to the headset, and it, in turn, will transmit the signal to the earphone. Thus, the transmitted information remains completely inaccessible to others.

Principle of operation . Design features and operating rules.

Amplifier assembly

To complete the second point, you will need a Chinese radio without a speaker:

  • Its case must be opened, after which you should find the contacts suitable for the headphone plug.
  • The connector is carefully removed, and the wire coming from the induction antenna is soldered to its contacts.
  • After this, you can assemble the amplifier housing.

To connect the amplifier to a mobile phone, you will need a regular wired headset.

The only improvement What needs to be done is to cut off her headphones, and in their place solder the amplifier contacts.

If you need an external microphone, you can remove it from the headset on a wire of the required length. To do this, you will have to disassemble the device case and find the contacts with which the microphone is connected to the headset circuit.

Receiver soldering

The most difficult part of the work for the production of a hidden communication kit is the soldering of the electrical circuit of the micro-earphone.

The diagram itself, as well as the elements included in its composition, can be easily found on the Internet. N You need to carefully solder all the elements of the circuit, and then use a tester to check that there are no short circuits between them.

To manufacture the micro-earphone receiver, a wire is used that is wound around the TEM body.

The electromagnetic telephone itself is quite difficult to find, Typically such devices are used in hearing aids.

Ideal for receiver suitable wire that is used in automobile ignition coils.

When winding, you must be very careful to ensure that the turns lie evenly, and not allow them to overlap or twist. In total, you need to wind from 70 to 100 turns.

After connecting all the structural elements of the micro-earphone, you need to make a slot for the battery and place the entire structure in a plastic case, which can be a tube used to isolate electrical connections.

When performing all work on assembling parts of a micro-earphone, especially using a soldering iron or automotive plasticine, extreme caution must be observed.

For a final check of the board's functionality, The resistance of all elements must be tested using a multimeter for short circuits between each other and the device body.

For more details on the process of assembling a micro-earphone with your own hands for dummies, watch the video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that, with all the advantages of self-assembling a micro-earphone, factory-made models still have better characteristics, not to mention ease of use.

Therefore, you should resort to constructing these devices yourself only in exceptional cases.